Athletics safety briefing. Safety in athletics classes

1. General safety requirements
1.1. Children of preschool age and students from the 5th grade who have been instructed in labor protection, medical examination and have no contraindications for health reasons are allowed to take up athletics.
1.2. When conducting classes in athletics, observe the rules of conduct, the schedule of training sessions, the established regimes of classes and rest.
1.3. When conducting classes in athletics, the following hazardous factors may be influenced by students:
- injuries from falling on slippery ground or hard surfaces;
- injuries when being in the throwing zone during throwing lessons;
- doing exercises without warm-up.
1.4. When conducting athletics classes, there should be a first aid kit with a set of necessary medicines and dressings for first aid in case of injuries.
1.5. The victim or eyewitness of the accident is obliged to immediately inform the teacher (teacher, educator) about the accident, who informs the administration of the institution about it. In case of malfunction of sports equipment, stop classes and inform the teacher (teacher, educator) about it.
1.6. In the course of classes, students must observe the order of conducting training sessions and the rules of personal hygiene.
1.7. Students who have committed non-compliance or violation of the instructions on labor protection are held accountable, and all students are given unscheduled instructions on labor protection.

2. Safety requirements before starting classes
2.1. Wear a tracksuit and sports shoes with non-slip soles.
2.2. Thoroughly loosen the sand in the jump pit - the landing site, check that there are no foreign objects in the sand.
2.3. Wipe the throwing equipment dry (disc, cannonball, grenade, etc.).
2.4. Warm up.

3. Safety requirements during classes
3.1. In a group start for short distances, run only along your own path. The track must extend at least 15 m past the finish mark.
3.2. To avoid collisions, exclude an abrupt "stopping" stop.
3.3. Do not jump on uneven, loose and slippery ground, do not land when jumping on your hands.
3.4. Before doing throwing exercises, see if there are people in the throwing sector.
3.5. Do not throw without the permission of the teacher (teacher), do not leave sports equipment unattended.
3.6. Do not stand to the right of the thrower, do not be in the throwing zone, do not go for throwing equipment without the permission of the teacher (teacher).
3.7. Do not give the throwing apparatus to each other with a throw.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations
4.1. If you feel unwell, stop classes and inform the teacher (teacher) about it.
4.2. In case of injury, immediately provide first aid to the victim, inform the administration of the institution, if necessary, send the victim to the nearest medical institution.

5. Safety requirements at the end of classes
5.1. Place sports equipment in the designated storage area.
5.2. Take off tracksuit and sports shoes.
5.3. Shower or wash your face and hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Athletics lessons are usually held in the school stadium or school playground, less often in the gym. The factors that contribute to the growth of injuries and morbidity among students can act on the classes:

■ negative air temperature;

■ wet ground (floor);

■ strong wind;

■ foliage fallen from trees;

■ falling on slippery ground or hard surfaces;

■ being in the throwing zone while throwing a small ball or grenade;

■ doing exercises in running, jumping and throwing without warm-up.

Typical injuries

When performing athletics exercises, the following are possible:

  • sprains of the elbow, shoulder, ankle and knee joints;

  • strains and tears of the biceps and quadriceps muscles of the thigh;

  • inflammation of the tibial periosteum;

  • muscle pain;

  • weakening of the arch of the foot.
Sometimes there is a "gravitational shock" - a short-term loss of consciousness as a result of an abrupt stop of the practitioner after an intense run, when blood circulation slows down and, therefore, the flow of oxygen to the brain decreases.

Safety measures

1. Qualitatively and comprehensively carry out a warm-up. It should include two parts of the exercises: general preparatory(slow running for 2-3 minutes, a complex of general developmental exercises for 6-8 minutes) and special preparatory(running and jumping exercises, acceleration).

By doing warm-up exercises, it is necessary to adhere to the following methodological rules:

■ consistently target major muscle groups (stretching, arm and shoulder exercises, trunk and leg exercises, jumping, breathing and relaxation exercises);

■ Exercises by their nature and intensity should correspond to the forthcoming main activity in the lesson;

■ a general developmental complex should include at least 6-8 exercises of various orientations, with a repetition of each 6-8 times.

Special running exercises are performed to prepare the muscles and ligaments of the musculoskeletal system for intensive work. Enough 3-5 exercises at a distance of 30-40 m, 2-3 repetitions.

2. When conducting running classes:

■ inspect and clear the track from foreign objects;

■ run in one direction only;

■ at short distances, run only on your own path;

■ beyond the finish line, the track must continue for at least 15 m;

■ do not make an abrupt "stopping" stop after running.

3. When conducting long jump lessons.

■ the landing site must be flat, loose, without foreign objects;

■ during jumps, you should periodically dig up sand to avoid a hard landing;

■ ancillary equipment (rakes, shovels) must be at least 1 m from the jump pit. Place the rake on the ground with the tines down;

■ the runway must be level, firm and free of potholes, especially at the take-off point;

■ it is necessary to maintain a safe distance when streaming jumps;

■ Parallel takeoff and jumps on the same pit are possible only if there is a safe distance between the runways.

4. When conducting high jump classes:

■ in the gymnasium, the mats must be laid tightly and evenly at the landing site;

■ places of take-off and take-off must be level and dry;

■ in the case of using a takeoff run from different sides, more attention should be paid to the regulation of the order of performing jumps: allow students to jump first, scattering from one side (jogging leg - left), and then - on the other (jogging leg - right);

■ avoid haste with raising the bar to its maximum height;

■ do not use high jump techniques in the lesson that are not provided for by the curriculum and competition rules.

4. On throwing lessons:

■ do not conduct counter throwing;

■ strictly establish the sequence of throwing a projectile (grenade, ball);

■ the command to “collect shells” is given only after all students have completed throwing;

■ before doing the exercises, make sure that there is no one in the throwing sector;

■ do not throw without the teacher's permission;

■ do not leave sports equipment (small balls, grenades) unattended;

■ it is impossible to stand to the right of the thrower and be in the throwing zone;

■ do not go for throwing equipment without the teacher's permission;

■ do not pass the throwing projectile to each other.

In order to avoid injuries to the joint, it is necessary to ensure that during the throw, the hand with the projectile (ball, grenade) sweeps over the shoulder, and not over the side.

  1. Safety in gymnastics lessons
The performance of individual exercises by students (especially on gymnastic apparatus and vaults) is associated with a certain risk. Failure to observe safety precautions and awkward movement may lead to breakdowns from the shells (crossbar, parallel bars, log, gymnastic ladder, etc.) and falls, and as a result, injuries.

Typical injuries:

■ abrasions, abrasions and breakdowns of corns;

■ bruises and sprains of the ligamentous apparatus of the wrist, elbow, shoulder, knee and ankle joints;

■ ruptures of the Achilles tendon and triceps muscle of the lower leg;

■ head bruises are not excluded.

Security measures

1. Choose the right places for training and place the shells in the hall, place them at a sufficient distance from the walls and from each other. Do not place the apparatus so that the students perform the exercise facing a bright light. Students should have a good view of the projectile and the dismount location. The equipment must be covered with gymnastic mats, taking into account the landing sites after dismounts and possible breakdowns and falls. It is advisable to lay two layers of mats in the landing areas. Lay gym mats like this. so that there are no gaps between them, and the landing falls in the middle of one of them.

2. When preparing for exercises on the uneven bars, first of all, it is necessary to check the height of the uneven bars. To do this, support the handrail with one hand (and not the inserts), and with the other, unscrew the locking screw, press the latch spring. If you do this together, then one student should hold the poles and change their height, and the other should unscrew and tighten the locking screws. The height of the poles is usually set simultaneously from both ends, while it is forbidden to stand under them.

3. When installing the crossbar and bars of different heights, special attention should be paid to the vertical position of the struts and the uniform tension of the cables at the bar neck or at the bars of the bars so that they do not overlap. When attaching to hooks on the floor (frogs), make sure that the chain link is first released and the braces are tightened securely. To check the correct installation of the shells, you need to grab the cables and pull them strongly towards yourself and away from you: the crossbar and the bars must be in a strictly vertical and stable position. Before starting the lesson, you should wipe the bar of the crossbar with a dry rag and clean it with fine sandpaper.

4. At least once a school year, it is necessary to carefully inspect the suspended apparatus (rope, pole, rings) and gymnastic walls. Especially often and carefully, you should check the reliability of the attachment of the shells. Ropes, poles, gymnastic walls must be strong, securely attached to the ceiling and wall. No breaks of threads and tying of knots are allowed on the ropes. The bars and poles of the gymnastic wall must be smooth and free from cracks, chips.

5. In the preparatory part of the lesson, when performing general developmental exercises, especially with objects, it is necessary to indicate the appropriate distances and intervals so that the students do not touch each other, which can lead to bruises. The warm-up must include preparatory directional exercises.

For the preparation of wrist joint rotational movements of the brush are applied; jumps and movements on the hands in the lying position; from a standing position, bent over, fall forward into an emphasis lying.

Training ankle carried out by rotational movements of the foot; lifting on toes with a springy swing, etc.

For the preparation of elbow and shoulder joints perform: rotational and jerking movements; flexion and extension of the arms. It is effective to perform these exercises using gymnastic sticks and weights, such as dumbbells.

Training between the vertebral joints includes: sagging and deep bending; various turns and rotations.

When performing exercises for flexibility, it is necessary to take into account the level of physical fitness of the trainees, since some exercises (for example, twine) can cause damage to the musculo-ligamentous apparatus.

6. In the main part of the lesson, it is important to ensure safety. help and insurance. Aid in gymnastics is facilitating the student's actions when doing exercises. It contributes to the creation of the correct idea of ​​the exercise among the students, the mastery of the technique of its implementation; it is used in case of insufficient development of muscular strength, coordination abilities, speed in trainees.

There are the following help forks:

■ wiring - the actions of the physical education teacher accompany the student during the entire exercise or a separate part of it, phase;

■ fixation - the delay of the student by the teacher at a certain point of movement;

■ nudging - short-term assistance in moving the student from the bottom up;

■ support - short-term assistance in moving the student from top to bottom;

■ twisting - short-term assistance to the student when making turns;

■ Combined care - the use of different techniques applied simultaneously and sequentially.

Help is usually provided at the initial stage of learning a new exercise. As you master the technique of performing the exercise, direct help is replaced by insurance, which allows you to solve the problems of psychological preparation of the trainees (overcoming fear), as well as to avoid injury.

Insurance is the safety of the exercise performed by the physical education teacher or students in the class. Depending on the complexity of the exercise, someone insures one or several people at the same time. Students who are not prepared for this cannot be put on insurance.

All trainees should be taught not only methods of assistance and insurance, but also self-insurance so that they know how to independently get out of dangerous situations.

Self-belay is a pre-learned safety technique used by the practitioner himself to prevent injury. For example, you can prevent a breakdown from the projectile by stopping the movement in time, jumping off the projectile, performing additional movements (bending the arms, legs, trunk to slow down the inertial movement), changing the exercise.

It is very important to learn how to land correctly during a fall: when falling back you need to sit down, bend over and roll back; when falling forward- do a somersault forward or fall into an emphasis lying down, flexing your arms elastically.

The belayer must choose the right place for the provision of insurance and, without interfering with the exercise, skillfully use different methods of insurance. So, when performing exercises on the uneven bars, you cannot keep your hands above the poles in the path of the student's movements. On the crossbar, rings and bars of different heights, they are insured, either standing exactly under the projectile, or slightly moving along the swing. It is especially necessary to insure the pupils during the dismount (the belayer must be located directly near the landing site). When performing vaults on a horse (goat), they insure, standing directly at the landing site, supporting the student by the hand.

  1. Safety during outdoor games
Outdoor games included in the physical education program of schoolchildren are characterized by a variety of motor actions: running, stopping, turning, jumping, climbing, climbing, dismounting, moving along a narrow support, etc. Therefore, in physical education lessons when conducting outdoor games in order to avoid injury, you need:

1. Strictly follow the rules of the game.

2. Avoid collisions with players, pushing and hitting the arms and legs of players.

3. When falling, group.

4. Listen carefully and follow all the commands (signals) of the leader.

5. Start the game, make stops in the game and end the game only at the command (signal) of the teacher.

  1. Safety in the classroom on sports games

It is characterized by a variety of motor actions on a small sports ground, continuous change of situations and direct contact with the enemy.

The causes of injury in basketball lessons can be:

■ captures, interceptions and unsuccessful feints;

■ sharp jumps and collisions;

■ falls on a wet, slippery floor (on the site);

■ undisciplined behavior, for example, after completing the exercise, one of the students did not put the ball in the designated place and it rolled out onto the court, and another student tripped over the ball and twisted his leg.

Typical injuries are damage to the fingers, ankle, lateral cruciate ligaments, knee menisci, and sacral vertebrae.

1. A basketball session should be held on a dry playground or gym with a clean, dry floor.

2. It is necessary to ventilate the sports hall in advance, to clean the sports field from foreign objects.

3. Trainees must wear sportswear and sports shoes (training suit, T-shirts, underpants, sneakers with non-slip soles). The fingernails are cut short. The glasses are additionally fixed.

4. Before the lesson, it is necessary to remove all jewelry (rings, bracelets, chains, earrings, etc.).

5. In the classroom, it is necessary to strictly observe discipline, follow the instructions of the physical education teacher (judge, team captain).

6. Exercise extreme caution when players engage in martial arts near walls or near any sports equipment sometimes found in the hall.

All sharp and protruding parts of the equipment should be pre-laid with mats or fenced off.

Discipline, a good warm-up, mastering rational technique, adherence to the rules of the game are the basis for ensuring safety in basketball lessons.


The motor activity of students in volleyball lessons is carried out with the help of game techniques - movements in various ways (walking, running, jumping), giving, receiving and passing the ball, attacking strikes and blocking, as well as two-sided (educational) game.

Injuries during the game of volleyball can be obtained from receiving a strongly served ball, falling, jumping and blocking the ball. Inexperience and lack of quick reaction in some and hard hitting of the ball by others can injure the hands, face, head and torso.

Typical injuries: dislocations of the phalanges of the fingers, stretching of the ligamentous apparatus of the wrist joint, dislocations in the shoulder joint, bruises of the trunk. Poor warm-up can result in: stretching and tearing of the leg muscles, Achilles tendon, ankle ligaments; damage to the knee joints.

It is necessary to follow the same rules for playing basketball. During the game, it is recommended to use protective devices (knee pads, elbow pads, etc.).


The motor activity of students in football lessons is characterized by various movements with a rapid change in speed and direction, accelerations, sharp jerks with and without the ball, jumping (fighting for a flying ball), feints, taking the ball away from the opponent, and hitting the ball. In order to take possession of the ball, the practitioner often has to engage in single combat, pushing back the opponent with his shoulder or body, resisting his own actions.

Causes of Injuries in Football Lessons are: trips, feints, jumps and collisions of players, falls on a wet, slippery floor, deliberate violations of the rules of the game, roughness in the game.

Typical injuries:

■ sprains of the knee and ankle joints;

■ damage to the menisci of the knee joint;

■ ruptures and tears of the muscles of the back of the thigh and adductor muscles;

■ concussion of the brain;

■ body contusions from collision and unsuccessful fall.

The following rules must be observed:

1. Everyone's footwear should be of the same type (sneakers or boots).

2. Before the lesson, check the condition of the football field, the stability of the goal.

Football lessons are held only on a flat and dry field (no holes, ditches, puddles). The field must be free of anything that could cause injury (stones, cans, plastic bottles, wood chips, tree branches, etc.).

3. When performing jumps, as well as collisions and falls, apply self-belaying techniques, for example, landing in a tuck, somersaults in a tuck, rolls.

4. During the game, observe game discipline, do not use rude and dangerous techniques.

  1. Safety in ski lessons
The motor activity of students in ski training lessons consists of a variety of methods of skiing - ski runs, ascents, descents, brakes, turns; runs at low air temperatures.

During skiing, you can:

■ frostbite of the face, arms and legs at a wind speed of more than 1.5-2.0 m / s and an air temperature below minus 20 ° C;

■ injuries due to unreliable fastening of skis to shoes (scuffs on the feet due to improper fit of ski boots;

■ bruises, fractures as a result of falling while descending a mountain or jumping from a ski jump.

Typical injuries: bruises, abrasions, sprains of the ligamentous apparatus of the limbs. Most often, injuries occur when students perform tasks that are unbearable for them or when they move too quickly from easy exercises to difficult ones, for example, descending from steep and uneven slopes, to making turns and braking at high speed, etc.

Injuries can be caused by:

■ short warm-up, fatigue;

■ insufficient technical or physical fitness of the student;

■ non-observance of a certain distance between students on the track;

■ stepping on the heels of the overtaking skis.

A mistake of a physical education teacher in organizing a lesson can lead to injuries. So, for example, if the descent and ascent on the slope are carried out in the same place or if the tracks of the slopes of two groups of students intersect, collisions and falls of students are possible.

Injury can occur: when driving on narrow forest roads; on icy slopes; in crusty snow; in places where there is little snow, where stumps, stones and bushes grow.

The following rules must be observed:

1. Classes but ski training begin and end only at school or at a ski lodge with mandatory verification of students on the list.

2. Exempt from occupation those who complain of health, feel unwell.

3. Allow only those who have special sports uniforms to participate.

4. Determine and prepare a place for classes in advance: lay a training circle and training circles, remove foreign objects from the track (branches, stones, etc.), exclude cliffs and slopes difficult for students.

The teacher must choose the steepness of the slope in accordance with the level of technical readiness of the students. The slope should not have protruding or hidden under the snow stones, roots, stumps, fallen trees. The snow on the slope must be compacted so that the skis do not burrow into it. It is better not to conduct classes on icy snow, as falls and injuries are possible. The slope must have a long enough slope to allow braking if necessary.

The transition from gentle slopes to steep ones should be gradual. When students perform descents, brakes, turns, ascents, the teacher is usually in the middle of the slope, and the group is placed in a row at the top. Students take turns down the slope, completing the task, and return upstairs, passing behind the teacher. In this case, there will be no oncoming traffic, collisions and injuries.

When descending, you need to hold the sticks with the tips (pins) back. Do not put them forward: if you lose balance and fall, there is a danger of bumping into them with your face or body, which is fraught with serious injury.

It is necessary to maintain a certain distance on the track and on the slopes. When skiing in a group in a column one by one, you should maintain such a distance from the one in front: at least 3-4 m on flat sections of the track and at least 30 m when descending from a slope.

Having descended, the student should not stop abruptly, otherwise the one who descends after him may collide with him. In exceptional cases, when an obstacle appears unexpectedly during the descent and it is not possible to brake normally, it is necessary to carry out braking by a deliberate fall so as not to get serious injury.

It is necessary to strictly observe the temperature standards at which ski training classes are allowed for one or another age group of students:

1-4th grades - up to minus 12 °, 5-9th grades up to minus 16 °, 10-11th grades - up to minus 20 ° in calm weather or weak wind.

To prevent situations that are dangerous for the life and health of schoolchildren in physical education lessons, it is necessary:

1. Create a good material and technical base.

2. Comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements.

3. Choose the right place to practice.

4. Methodically competently plan and conduct lessons.

5. Warn students about possible injuries in case of violation of discipline, failure to follow instructions, improper motor actions.

Physical education in a general education school should be carried out according to the well-known safety formula:

■ always anticipate;

■ avoid if possible;

For safety reasons, athletics classes should be carried out in compliance with the following requirements:

Run in the stadium only in a counterclockwise direction;

Use only easily tearing fabrics and woolen threads as a finishing tape. The use of nylon, nylon fabrics and threads is prohibited;

In a group start, you should only run on your own track for short distances. The track must extend at least 15 m beyond the finish mark;

To avoid collisions, exclude sudden stops during running;

Do not jump on uneven, loose and slippery ground, do not land when jumping on your hands;

Before throwing, see if there are people in the throwing sector;

Do not throw without the teacher's permission;

Do not leave throwing equipment unattended;

Do not stand to the right of the thrower (when throwing with the left hand - to the left);

Not be in the throwing zone;

Do not pick up throwing equipment without the teacher's permission;

Do not give each other a throwing projectile;

It is forbidden to conduct simultaneously classes of incompatible sports (for example, soccer and throwing, soccer and running).

What is the difference between speed and strength qualities of a person, with the help of what exercises can they be developed?

Usually, five types of physical qualities are distinguished: speed, strength, endurance, flexibility and agility. In the process of biological maturation of the human body, there are periods of especially intense qualitative and quantitative changes in its organs and structures, which are called sensitive or critical (most favorable) periods of development. These periods of the development of motor function in school-age children are: in force at 9-10, 12-13, 14-15 years, and in rapidity at 9-10, 11-15 years.

To judge the difference between speed and power qualities of a person, let us consider them in more detail.

The ability of a person to overcome external resistance or to resist it through muscular efforts is called strength. Power capabilities of a person are assessed in two ways. The first method is based on the use of special measuring instruments - dynamometers. The second consists in performing special control tasks for strength: pulling up on the crossbar, bending and extending the arms in the lying position, squatting with a barbell, etc. It is calculated depending on the specific tasks of strength training. First, the maximum strength capabilities are determined, and then, in accordance with the specific task, the weight of the additional burden is determined. The values ​​of such weights are expressed as a percentage of the maximum indicators of the strength of the trainees. Performing exercises with an individually dosed load allows even the weakest trainees to clearly see real successes. At the initial stage of strength training, it is recommended to use the method of non-limit weights. As you increase your fitness level, the method of maximum weights should prevail.

The ability of a person to perform movements in the shortest possible period of time is called rapidity.

Speed ​​is manifested through speed abilities, which are expressed in elementary and complex forms. The elementary forms include the speed of the motor reaction, the speed of a single movement, the frequency (pace) of movements. Complex forms appear in all sports movements. This is the speed of running, the movements of a boxer, volleyball player, fencer, football player, etc. In the process of training, it is necessary to develop all forms of manifestation of speed. So, to improve the reaction time, you can use outdoor games with a sudden stop, running from various starting positions on a sudden signal. Change the duration of the pauses between the preliminary and executive commands when performing starts from different starting positions. To maintain a high rate of movement, the ability to quickly contract and relax muscles is of great importance, for which the repeated execution of movements with the greatest possible frequency, without undue stress, is used. To perform these movements technically correctly, you must first learn them well. You can perform exercises that develop speed, no more than 6-10 seconds. Rest after exercise 20-25 sec. A large number of repetitions should be divided into series. Rest between series should be 2-3 minutes.

Exercises that combine speed and strength are called speed-strength exercises.

Expand the features of the organization and conduct of individual hardening procedures (tell us how you do it).

Since ancient times, a person has been using natural factors of nature for hardening, that is, to increase the body's resistance to the adverse effects of the external environment. Hardening protects the body from influenza, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, tonsillitis, pneumonia, etc. The meaning of hardening is that under the influence of the sun, air and water, the body gets used to these influences. The main principles for hardening are systematic, gradual, varying intensity and variety of means.

The effect of sunlight on the body is manifold: metabolism improves, blood pressure decreases, breathing deepens, sweating increases, the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin increases, oxygen absorption and carbon dioxide production increase. At the same time, a feeling of cheerfulness appears and efficiency increases. All this can happen with one prerequisite - the correct use of the sun's rays. Unskillful and excessive use of solar energy harms the body, leads to severe diseases of the nervous system, internal organs, skin burns. When sunbathing, you must strictly follow a number of rules. Take sun baths 2-2.5 hours after eating. At first, the duration of sunbathing should not exceed 5-6 minutes, then it is permissible to add 3-4 minutes every day, bringing the duration of the procedure to 30 minutes. Taking sunbathing, you need to lie on your back for a certain time, then on one side, on the other and, finally, on your stomach. Staying bare-headed in the sun is strictly prohibited. At the first signs of malaise, expressed in poor health, headache, nausea, palpitations, etc., you must immediately stop exposure to the sun. The most suitable time for sunbathing is 9-12 am in the southern regions of Russia and 10-13 hours in the middle lane.

Air procedures are based on the body's gradual adaptation to the ambient temperature, humidity and movement (wind). It is recommended to take air baths on the move, for example, during morning hygienic exercises (at an air temperature of at least 16-18 ° C), during hikes or walks in the forest, in the field. These baths should be carried out 1-1.5 hours after eating. When chills appear, you need to quickly warm up with vigorous movements. When taking baths, you must protect yourself from the influence of direct sunlight. Air hardening should begin in the summer, then continue in the fall and winter, and so on all year round without interruption. If you sweat too much, caused by high air temperatures, you should stop air baths.

Water is an excellent hardening agent that gives quick results. While swimming in the sea, taking a shower, when pouring it has a mechanical effect. Water also has the ability to dissolve mineral salts and gases in itself. The hardening effect of water begins with the skin. Through the nervous apparatus embedded in the skin, water affects the entire nervous system, and through it, the body as a whole, while influencing various processes occurring in cells and tissues.

It is necessary to avoid the onset of chills, as it leads to a feeling of fatigue, general weakness, insomnia, headaches. Rubdown is a relatively simple form of water hardening. With a sponge or a piece of rough cloth, first wipe the hands, then the neck, chest, stomach, back, legs. The direction of movement when rubbing should be from the "periphery" (legs, arms) to the "center" (heart). After wiping it is necessary to wipe the skin dry with a dry towel until a feeling of warmth appears. The first rubdowns are carried out with slightly lukewarm water, and then gradually lower the temperature of the water to cold. The wiping procedure should take no more than 5-8 minutes. Having prepared your body with rubdowns, you can proceed to the second type of hardening - douches. To do this, you need to stand in a bath or a basin of water and slowly pour water from a jug first on the back, and then on the chest. After that, you need to wipe off with a dry towel. Massage is recommended after dousing and rubbing. When pouring, the temperature of the water should be reduced gradually. Showering is more arousing than pouring, so it is not recommended to take it immediately after a lot of physical activity. The duration of the shower should be 2-3 minutes, depending on the temperature of the water. You should gradually get used to a cold soul. Swimming in lakes, rivers, seas has a strong hardening effect. The water temperature should be such that the beginner can easily tolerate it. The duration of the first stay in the water is up to 5 minutes. In the future, the bathing time is gradually increased to 20 minutes. First, you should bathe once a day, and if the doctor permits, 2 times with an interval between bathing of at least 4-5 hours.




The following are allowed for athletics:

    students in grades 1-11 who have no medical contraindications for athletics;

    trained in safety precautions;

    familiar with the instructions for performing athletics exercises;

    dressed in sportswear and footwear appropriate for the type of track and field exercises being conducted.

Students must comply with the Student Code of Conduct in athletics. The athletics schedule is determined by the scheduling approved by the school principal.

Dangerous factors when practicing athletics are:

    physical(sports equipment and inventory; ventilation system; dynamic overloads; projectiles);


When studying in the hall, students are required to comply with fire safety rules, to know the location of the primary fire extinguishing equipment.

Students should be able to provide first aid, and when studying in the hall, know the location of the first aid kit.

The victim or eyewitness is obliged to immediately inform the employee conducting the athletics classes about each accident.

Students are prohibited from approaching and using sports equipment without the permission of the athletics teacher.

Students who fail to comply with or violate these Instructions are held accountable in accordance with the Regulations on Incentives and Penalties for Students.


Wear a tracksuit and sports shoes with non-slip soles (when exercising in the gym, they do not leave marks on the floor).

Make sure that the gymnastic mats are present and correctly positioned (their surface should be flat, there should be no gaps between the mats) in the high jump sector.

Make sure that there is sufficient sand in the long jump sector, its sufficient looseness and uniformity of distribution.

It is forbidden to start classes immediately after eating.

It is forbidden to start athletics with unhealed injuries and general malaise.


During classes, the student must :

    follow these instructions;

    strictly follow all instructions of the employee conducting the classes;

    when performing exercises in a stream (one after another), observe sufficient intervals so that there are no collisions;

    when starting a group start, run only on your own track for short distances;

    to avoid collisions, exclude an abrupt stop;

    before performing throwing exercises, make sure that there are no people in the throwing sector;

    use sports equipment and inventory only with the permission and under the guidance of the employee conducting the classes;

    perform only those types of athletics exercises that are indicated by the employee conducting the classes.

Students are prohibited from:

    perform exercises using faulty sports equipment;

    stand to the right of the thrower, be in the throwing zone, walk for throwing equipment without the permission of the worker conducting the athletics classes;

    give a projectile for throwing to each other with a throw;

    throwing without the permission of the employee conducting the classes;

    throwing shells with wet palms;

    perform jumps on uneven, loose and slippery ground, land when jumping on hands;

    independently make the transition to performing another athletics exercise;

    perform any actions without the permission of the employee conducting the classes;

    use sports equipment and equipment for other than their intended purpose;

    to independently disassemble, assemble and repair sports equipment.


If you experience pain in the joints, muscles, reddening of the skin and (or) scuffs on the legs during exercise, or if you feel unwell, stop the exercise and inform the athletics worker about it.

In the event of an emergency (detection of a malfunction of sports equipment and (or) devices, the appearance of foreign odors, smoke, fire, etc.), immediately inform the employee conducting the athletics classes and act in accordance with his instructions.

In case of injury, inform the worker conducting the training.

If necessary and possible, help the worker conducting the training, provide the victim with first aid.


Return the used equipment to the athletics trainer.

With the permission of the trainer, go to the locker room.

Take a shower, change clothes, dry your hair under a hairdryer.

If a malfunction of the sports equipment is detected, and during training in the hall, in addition, if a malfunction of the ventilation system, the operation of plumbing systems, or violation of the integrity of the windows is detected, inform the employee conducting the athletics classes.

Developer: _______________ __________________ ______________________________

date, month, year signature, full name

Agreed: _______________ _______________ ___________ ______________________

_______________ _______________ ___________ ______________________

date, month, year signature, full name position


Approved by: Director of DUOO them. K. Babina V.M. Savchenko






1.1. Athletics held on sports grounds equipped for this.

Pupils are allowed to compete:

Referred for health reasons to the main and preparatory medical groups;

Passed safety instructions;

Having sports shoes and a form that does not restrict movement and is consistent with the theme and conditions of the competition.

In strong winds, low temperatures and high humidity, clothing should be suitable for weather conditions.

1.2. Participants must:

Take care of sports equipment and equipment, do not use it for other purposes;

Do not leave sports equipment unattended, including equipment that is not currently used on the site where the competition takes place;

Be careful when moving around the stadium;

Know and follow these instructions.

For non-observance of security measures, the participant may not be admitted or removed from participation.

1.3. Safety requirements before the start of the competition

Participants must:

Change clothes in the locker room, put on sports uniforms and shoes;

Take off objects that pose a danger to other practitioners (watches, dangling earrings, etc.);

Remove prickly and other foreign objects from the pockets of the sports uniform;

Under the guidance of an instructor, prepare inventory and equipment necessary for the competition;

Remove to a safe place the inventory that will not be used on the site;

Under the guidance of an instructor, carry the necessary equipment to the competition site in special devices;

Do not carry shovels and rakes to the competition site with the tip and teeth up;

By order of the instructor, remove foreign objects from the treadmill, jumping pits, etc.;

At the command of the instructor, get into formation for a general formation.

1.4. Safety requirements during warm-ups and competitions

Participants must:

In a group start, run on your own track for short distances;

While running, look at your track;

After completing the running exercises, run 5-15 m by inertia so that the runner behind has the opportunity to finish the exercise;

Return to the start along the extreme track, when starting at a distance, do not trip up, do not hold up opponents with your hands;

In long-distance running, overtake the runners on the right side;

When running on rough terrain, perform a task along the track or route indicated by the instructor;

Do a warm-up run on the extreme track.


The sand in the landing pit should be moist, well loosened, and its surface should be level with the surface of the take-off track.

Before jumping, it is necessary to remove rakes, shovels and other foreign objects from the pit.

The jumping technique must comply with the regulations on the conduct of the competition and ensure the participant's landing on his feet.

Participants must:

Place the rake with the tines down;

Do not jump on uneven and slippery ground;

Perform jumps when the instructor has given permission and there is no one in the pit;

Perform jumps in turn, do not cross the runway while the attempt is being made by another participant;

After completing the jump, quickly release the jump hole and return to their place for the next attempt on the right or left side of the runway.


Care must be taken when throwing exercises.

Participants must:

Before throwing, make sure that there is no one in the direction of the throw;

Release the projectile in a way that excludes stalling;

In group throwing, stand on the left side of the thrower;

In damp weather, wipe your hands and the shell dry;

Being near the throwing zone, make sure that the thrower is in sight, do not turn his back to him, do not cross the throwing zone by running or jumping;

After the throw, go after the projectile only with the permission of the instructor, do not make arbitrary throwing;

When throwing at a target, provide a safety zone when the projectile bounces off the ground.

Do not pass the projectile to each other with a throw. Do not throw the projectile in places that are not equipped for this.

1.5. Safety requirements in emergency situations

Participants must:

In case of injury or deterioration of health, stop playing and notify the instructor in physical culture and sports, medical workers providing medical support for the competition, the administration of the DOL;

With the help of doctors, provide the injured with first aid, and if necessary, deliver him to the hospital or call an ambulance;

If a fire breaks out during the competition, immediately stop the competition, in an organized manner, under the guidance of the instructor, educators and counselors, leave the sports ground in accordance with the evacuation plan;

Inform the DOL administration, as well as report the fire to the fire department.

1.6. Safety requirements at the end of the competition

Under the guidance of the instructor, remove the sports equipment to the places of its storage;

Leave the competition venue in an organized manner;

Change clothes in the locker room, take off your tracksuit and sports shoes;

Wash hands with soap and water.

Deputy Director for Methodological Work: __ _____


Labor safety inspector _______________________

"___" ____________________ 20___ year