Build up round biceps. How to get a beautiful bicep relief

Learn how to get a pumped-up bicep top that looks spectacular from under a T-shirt, important tips and tricks for pumping biceps.

Muscles in our body develop unevenly, it depends on genetics and training methods, sooner or later the question arises to tighten a specific muscle group so that it does not lag behind others.

For example, if they lag behind, in addition to the traditional one, add to the sides, if these are the upper muscles, then you should include in the training program, if the back of the thigh lags behind, add leg flexion.

But as soon as it comes to biceps, the task becomes more difficult. , spectacular biceps top - depends on the short head, and it is hidden under the outside. The short one is closer to the body, therefore it is called the inner, and the long one is outside the arm, therefore it is called the outer.

The main thing when working on biceps is the width of the grip, the wider the grip, the more the short head is involved in the work, the narrower, the stronger the outer one.

Also, the position of the hands is not unimportant, the more you extend your arms when working with a barbell or dumbbells, the more the outer part of the biceps works, the less it is extended, the more the emphasis shifts to the inner area.

Below are important rules for the targeted development of a short biceps head:

1. Distribute the load correctly by day

I will say right away that the biceps belongs to small muscle groups, so it is faster than large muscles like the back, chest and legs. Therefore, biceps can be trained more often and more intensely.

But this does not mean that it can be pumped almost every day, you should not load your biceps on Monday, your back on Tuesday, and biceps again on Wednesday, your arms will not have time to fully recover, since any exercises on the back put a decent load on your arms.

If you train your arms 2 times a week, in the first workout, pay attention to heavy basic exercises for the short and long sections of the biceps, and devote the second exclusively to isolated exercises on the inner section. In addition, change the position of the grip, arms, incline of the bench, use more variety so that the exercises in 2 workouts are not repeated.

2. Pump your biceps after your back

This is an excellent solution to the problem when there is a load on the biceps immediately after the back. Usually, all pulling exercises are basic, so the arms are already under serious stress that they include all the muscles in the work.

Therefore, after training the back, you should finally train your arms in order to maximize muscle hypertrophy and bring the feeling to full.

Just do not try to do the opposite, biceps, and then pulls for the back, otherwise you will work your back somehow, the strength will fall, and the grip will weaken.

3. Start your bicep workout from the base

First of all, pay attention to lifting the bar for biceps while standing, while using a wide grip, this basic exercise includes the maximum biceps, loading it to the smallest muscle fibers.

Expose the heavy one so that you can do 6-8 without breaking the technique of movement, at the very end of the exercise you can use it, slightly tilting your back back and, as it were, throwing the bar up, lower it slowly with a feeling of complete burning.

4. Concentration on the inside

Separately isolating the load and directing it 100% to the short muscle will not work, but targeting the inner section and
you can lift the top of the biceps using different grips, tilt angles and different body positions.

After you have done a hard basic exercise with bending the arms while standing, it’s time to concentrate the maximum load on the inner area, this is achieved through flexion on the bench, flexion on and flexion on.

Set the weight so that you can perform 10 repetitions, try to apply a different angle of inclination and body position each time so that the muscles receive a varied load, this will allow you to constantly load different muscle areas, all this will lead to an increase in volume.

5. Don't be afraid to perfect your exercises

On the same Scott bench, the lift is usually performed using an E-barbell, introduce variety using a straight bar, dumbbells, kettlebell. The usefulness of the kettlebell lies in the fact that it scrolls a little in the hand and the weight hits the biceps with precision, while reducing the load on the forearm.

Pay attention, when you lift the dumbbell, usually take it in the center of the handle, this is convenient, but to shift the load on the inside of the arm, take the external grip, that is, so that the grip rests on the pancake closer to the outside of the dumbbell, so that when bending your arm, you feel the load shift by inner section.

Try to set the gymnastic bench at an angle of 45 degrees, lie on it with your chest and perform a bend of your arms, for example with dumbbells, you will immediately feel how almost all the load goes to the top of the biceps.

6. Use training to failure

Choosing the right exercises to train your hands is only 70% success rate, to get the most benefit, you need to use a variety of training methods. They must be used in the last 1-2 approaches of the exercise, to the most common ones for pumping large arms they use:

- they are also called stepwise, the principle is simple, you lift the weight by 10-8 repetitions, then reduce the weights by 25% and do 10-8 repetitions again without rest, then decrease it by 25% and squeeze the same 10-8 repetitions. Continue until the muscle pain does not allow any flexion to be performed, and the weight in the arms is minimal. The weight at the end may be 2-3 kg., And you will not be able to do a single repetition.

Try cable biceps workouts in crossovers, which can easily reduce weight.

Partial repetitions - the essence of the method is as follows, complete bending of the arms with a barbell or dumbbell, then unbend the arm only half and bend it again and do so until the end of the approach. This method focuses on peak muscle contractions and you can take more weight.

- these are the famous forced repetitions, when the last repetitions were given with great effort, with the help of a partner, you go beyond the pain in the muscles, the partner helps you to raise the barbell, slightly pushing it, in the place where you stopped, entering a dead center, you lower the weight themselves, slowly, concentrating on the trained muscles.

- Take a very light weight, about 20-30% of your maximum weight, with which you can do just 1 repetition. So, with this light weight, perform up to 20 repetitions, then resting for no more than 1 minute, again do another 1-2 sets. You will immediately feel how the muscles fill and increase in volume.

- Perform 1-2 warm-up approaches and immediately set a large weight, at which you can perform a maximum of 6 repetitions and no more. Then, after resting, reduce the weight so that you can do 8 reps, then 10 and 12. That is, you start not with increasing weight, but with decreasing it, entering from the back of the approach.

Apply these important tips and the question of how to lift the upper biceps will become irrelevant, you will increase your upper biceps, making it powerful and voluminous.

Large, raised biceps are the dream of many men. For the sake of achieving it, they train in gyms for several hours without sparing themselves. This muscle is an integral part of a harmonious body.
You will learn how to build wide biceps without using steroids. But first, let's understand what "banks" are.

The biceps consists of a pair of muscles that serve a dual purpose:

Shoulder muscle. It starts from the middle of the arm in front, passes over the shoulder and is attached to the ulna. Its main function is to flex the elbow. It is directly involved in the implementation of elbow flexion, however, not in supination.

2-glacial muscle of the shoulder. Includes a pair of heads starting at different locations on the shoulder blade. The heads are connected at the radius, which can rotate. Its main function is forearm supination and elbow flexion. The 2-main muscle is assisted by the semi-brachial and brachial muscles.

Why can't you pump up?

The most common mistake athletes make when pumping their biceps is overtraining. Many
athletes, in an effort to quickly achieve the desired result, train for hours in gyms, doing one approach after another bending arms with dumbbells, with a barbell, on a simulator. Most of these exercises are performed without any meaning, and as a result, the athlete wastes time without achieving any result. To avoid this, you should train according to a specific program created by qualified specialists.

Another common reason why some people are unable to increase the size of their cans is due to improper flexion techniques. You need to stand straight, take your shoulders back and lower them down, so that most of the load falls on the biceps.

The best exercises

So, we figured out the anatomy and the main mistakes. Now let's figure out how you can pump up your biceps in width. Below are the exercises created by experienced fitness trainers to maximize the effect after every gym visit.

Use only optimal technique and do not lift too much weight, so as not to harm your own health:

1. Flexion of arms with dumbbells, with a barbell. Take the barbell with a grip at the level of the width of your own shoulders, press your elbows tightly to your sides. Concentrate all attention on the biceps. Do the bends with 100 percent amplitude, without wasting time resting at the highest point. Squeeze your biceps, return to the previous position.

2. To carry out curls with dumbbells, stand straight, hands squeezing the dumbbells, keep strictly along the body. Bending your arms, try to rotate your wrists so that at the top of the amplitude, the palms are turned up, and the thumbs are looking out. At the extreme point, squeeze the muscles, return your arms to their original position.

3. Approximately in the middle of a training session, when the muscles are tired and competent exercise technique and balance are extremely important, use the Smith simulator. Place your chest on the elbow pad with your arms hanging down. With a grip at the level of the width of your own shoulders, take a barbell with moderate weights, raise it and lower it.

4. Bending of arms with dumbbells on a bench in an incline. It is an excellent remedy for the gradual increase in muscle mass. Set the slope of the bench to 45 °. Lie with your back on the bench, and so that your shoulders are in contact with its surface. Raise and lower your straight arms with dumbbells. Repeat this about 10 times.

5. Bending in a sitting position. Sit on the edge of a bench. Bend forward with a dumbbell, resting your elbow on your thigh. Bend your arm with the dumbbell towards your shoulder. Use the weight that is optimal for you, which you can not only lift, but also control. Do not help yourself with the shoulder, let the biceps do all the work.

6. Hammer curls. Promotes the pumping of the upper biceps. Lower the dumbbells along your torso, trying to keep your wrist still. Bend up, squeeze the muscles, at the end of which return to the previous position. Flexions can be performed alternately, with both hands at once.


Beginners should not train daily, as muscles should be trained to exercise gradually, not immediately. For example, you can start with three training sessions over a week of 1 hour. We must not forget that you can get beautiful "banks" only thanks to a large number of repetitions and exercises through force. Do 8-13 reps to increase biceps in size.

To prevent muscle adaptation from occurring, alternate exercises after a couple of training sessions.
The most effective stimulating factor is the gradual increase in the level of load. Add weight after 2-3 training sessions. Just do not overdo it, otherwise all efforts will go to waste, but you also do not need to indulge yourself. Defeat yourself, be persistent and the result will not be long in coming!

And it's time to fill up your sleeves and find out how to make biceps wider... It is not necessary to always focus on the peak of the biceps, since you can develop width as well. In the end, if we measure it, we will also see progress in girth - it will become larger.

Speaking of progress, Jesse show your results. You can see that the guy picked up a little. Well, show me from the other side, from behind, not bad, but now let's look at them directly - even not impressive. His bituha is quite thin from this angle and this is a common problem for athletes.

Let's talk about why this happens and how to fix it.

You've most likely heard of a muscle called brachialis. The brachialis is a muscle that attaches in the upper arm, extends down through the elbow, and is responsible for flexing the arm in the same way as the biceps. Well, that's all, she does not participate in supination like biceps or in shoulder flexion. However, in fact, it will be even easier for us to train her.

Brachialis, well, so that you understand what we will focus on, you can feel it yourself. If you look at the hand from the side and tighten the biceps, grab the long head of the biceps with your fingers, you can run your fingers under it.

At this moment it will be possible to see, look from the other side of the triceps, and such a small muscle protrudes in the middle.

If you press on it, you may feel pain, as this is a fairly common trigger point for people doing upper body workouts. The pain is in the area of \u200b\u200bthe brachialis.

But more importantly, you need to understand:

  1. It works together with the biceps and if trained incorrectly, the arms will not become wider.
  2. If you don't train it often enough, your arms won't get wider.
  3. With the wrong approach to training, in terms of approaches and exercises that I will show you, your arms are unlikely to get wider.

Let's start with the exercises themselves.

You may be doing hammer curls, if not, then most likely you are not loading this muscle effectively enough. Why? Because every time you bend your arm at the elbow, you shift the load completely to the biceps and turn off the brachialis.

Hammer curls are performed with a neutral grip. The thumb looks up. I hold the dumbbells with a neutral grip in the middle, between the pronated and supinated positions. Of course, the biceps will still tense, because we bend the arm at the elbow, and this is one of its main functions.

But how do you turn it off of work a little more? Better to change position and go from supination to pronation. That is, do not use ordinary hammers, but cross hammers (as I show with an example).

You can see when I use this technique to hammer the forearm a little more. All I do now is bend and unbend the elbow in the pronation position, while raising my hand high enough. This will help maximize the load on the brachialis and increase the volume of this muscle over time.

But there are other options

As you know, I love different exercises and one of them is pull-ups. They can also be used to swing the arms and specifically the brachialis, instead of doing the usual pull-ups with the reverse grip, when the load is mainly on the biceps. Because of this grip and supination position, which makes this exercise more isolated for the biceps. We can switch to the classic grip, but the grip is very, very tight.

What's the point? Thus, we move into a pronated position, the arms are pressed to the body, and we practically repeat the technique of cross hammer curls.

As you can see, when I perform an exercise in this technique, I try not only to stretch up at the same angle at the elbows, but also try to bend my arms as much as possible. That is, I pull myself up so that the angle at the elbow remains as small as possible. It's the same as in dumbbell curls, but here you are using body weight, and this is the best way to maximize the muscles.

Let's say this is too difficult for you, because this is a really hard exercise. No need to give up, there is another option. Take the position as for the reverse thrust and do the same: grasp a very, very narrow grip and the main thing here is not to try to pull your elbows along the body, since this does not reduce the angle at the elbows strongly enough to load the brachialis. Instead, focus on tightening your body by pulling your forearms towards your chest.

In this exercise, you will experience your brachialis like never before!

Over time, this will help to add to its volume. And this is the point if you pump the width, you still add in the volume of the whole hand. That is, pumping in width or height, your arms will respond to the load and soon you will feel cramped in your sleeves.

As we know, muscles are involved in the work according to the principle of a chain reaction, depending on the need. If you pull a sharply large weight, perform in an explosive manner, no matter what exercise, you need to understand that the biceps will be included in the work. This is one of its functions, whatever one may say. However, its load can be minimized by performing the movement more slowly. Since the initial phase of the movement, its lower part (from bottom to middle) loads more brachialis, and after that the biceps begins to take more on itself (especially when flexion in the shoulder begins), just perform the repetition more slowly.

Do everything slowly. Make sure you load the brachialis well in the initial phase. It has the same function as the biceps. Therefore, we do not have so many ways to minimize the inclusion of the biceps and shift the focus specifically to the brachialis.

I hope this article helps you. Jesse will soon pump the width of his branches too. They will look better from all angles and yours too if you follow these tips. Well, if the article was useful to you, then write your opinion in the comments and share it with your friends. Be sure to subscribe to our updates, there is still a lot of useful information ahead! See you soon.

This question is asked mainly by men who are interested in making their hands large and prominent. These athletes are easy to spot in the gym because their favorite equipment is the barbell. Their favorite exercise is lifting the barbell for the biceps. But this is not the only machine that helps build rounded protruding biceps. Other biceps exercises and options for how to build biceps are in this article.

Where is the biceps

When you tighten your hand in your forearm, you see a small bulging ball. It comes in different lengths and structures. This is the extensor muscle of the forearm, that is, the biceps. Consists of 2 heads: external and internal. Under them is the brachialis - the flexor muscle. In arm exercises, when we lift the weight, we use the brachialis, and when we unbend the elbow joint, we use the biceps.

  1. To build round biceps, do exercises that isolate all other muscle groups as much as possible. The main load should go to the heads.
  2. The statement that supination (turning the hand) is required for biceps training is not entirely true.
  3. If you do the exercises correctly, then weight is of secondary importance.
  4. Most biceps workouts are easy to do at home.
  5. In the gym, you don't have to queue for a barbell, use a horizontal bar or small dumbbells.

How to build biceps: biceps exercises with different shells

There are 3 shells for effective work with the biceps: horizontal bar, dumbbells, barbell. You can choose one thing for training, but it is better to use different equipment on different training days. Exercise consciously, observing the technique of execution. When working out your biceps, you should feel:

  • muscle tension that is visible on the arm;
  • slight burning sensation on the forearm.

Horizontal bar

To perform chin-ups for the biceses, grasp the bar with a reverse grip. The wider the setting of the arms, the greater the load on the outer head of the biceps, with a narrow grip, the inner one works better.

We count the number of times in approaches. There are 4 of them:

  1. Perform the first to failure. Count how many pull-ups you did.
  2. Rest for 1-2 minutes. On the second set, do half of the first.
  3. Rest in 3 minutes. Repeat the amount that you performed in the first approach.
  4. Rest in 1 minute. Repeat 2nd approach.

This is a serious workout for people of average fitness level. They do not need to use weights, their own weight will be sufficient.

Important: during pull-ups, the latissimus dorsi are also involved, so girls should not be zealous with this exercise so as not to pump. If there are no other options, then use the horizontal bar through training.


Lifting dumbbells for biceps is performed both standing and sitting. Whichever position you choose, follow the general rules: hold the dumbbells with a straight grip (with your fingers pointing away from you).

  1. Firmly press your elbows to the body, make sure that they "walk" during training.
  2. Keep your back straight, tense your arms at the elbow joint.
  3. Choose the weight for yourself: dumbbells of 1-1.5 kg are suitable for girls, for men - from 5 kg.

It is convenient to stand up to perform the Hammer exercise. Take a starting position, legs slightly apart, elbows pressed to the body, arms with dumbbells lowered. Raise your hands alternately, but not towards yourself, but parallel to the floor (like a lever). It takes 2 seconds to get up, 2 seconds to return to the starting position. At the fixation point, the elbow angle is 90 °. If you can't keep your back straight, stand near the wall, only your legs and pelvis deviate slightly.

Another option for training with dumbbells is sitting. Sit on a bench, chair or stool (if exercising at home), tilt your body forward, with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. The elbow of the working hand rests on the inner part of the thigh (does not stand on it), the arm is extended from the dumbbells. Without straining other muscles, gently lift the dumbbell. Fix at the top for a few seconds and smoothly return to the starting position.

At home, dumbbells are replaced with something heavy, such as a bottle of water, a book. But still, it is better to work with professional equipment, it is more convenient to hold it in your hand without straining your wrist.


Probably the most popular biceps machine in the gym. But the correct work with the bar is our everything. The fact is that sometimes, due to the large weight, you want to "swing" and reach the projectile at the expense of other muscles. This is not true: the body must be static, only the elbow joints and biceps work. The rest is simple: bring the barbell to your chest or chin.

Useful for pumping your biceps will be a Scott bench, suitable for working with small amplitudes. It is a shallow palm rest that fixes the elbow motionless. The bench eliminates the likelihood of injury, as it "turns off" the back muscles from the work, so the emphasis is only on the biceps - this is its advantage.

Trainers recommend working with different apparatus, grip, amplitude and weight. This does not overload the muscles and ensures that the outer and inner head of the biceps are worked out accurately. If you are new to the sport, start with simple dumbbell and horizontal bar biceps exercises, and do the barbell exercises later and preferably under the guidance of a trainer.

Hi my aspiring friends! I want to ask you a couple of questions. What is the most popular exercise in the gym? Where can you find queues of jocks struggling to pump the muscles they crave?

Usually people crowd around the barbells to do heavy multi-joint basic exercises like squats or squats. Equivalent in popularity is the Scott simulator or a special bench for the isolated study of the biceps.

Various curved short bars and dumbbells are constantly occupied in the same area. Of course, most often only guys can be found here, but sometimes women also wander into these corners of male domination. I will not be wise and intriguing, but today I want to tell you in all details about how to properly pump up biceps.

Delving into anatomy

To achieve beautiful, large and sculpted biceps, you need to choose exercises that isolate their work as much as possible and will not involve other muscle groups.

In addition, a conscious approach to what you are doing is important in any workout. Yes, for this you will have to study at least at the superficial level the anatomical features of our body. You must clearly understand and imagine where your biceps are, where your triceps are, and where your quads are.

Only in this way can you work out the muscle groups of interest in isolation. Only this will help you during the exercise to shift the emphasis on the muscle fibers being worked out.

This statement implies the following postulate that, ideally, you should know the technical nuances, but the weights used in this case will be a secondary issue.

If you strain your hand in your forearm, you will see a round beautiful ball, which is called biceps. Someone has it more elongated and oblong, it all depends on your anatomical features. But despite the fact that it seems to you as if it is a single structure, the biceps nevertheless has two heads.

  • Long, it is located on the outside of the arm.
  • A short one that nestles comfortably on the inside.

Actually, for those who are even in the slightest bit familiar with Latin, the prefix "bi-" already informs that we are talking about a two-part structure. The peak of these bundles falls approximately in the middle of the forearm and it tapers towards the elbow joint, forming a single biceps tendon.

What can this muscle do? How to build biceps correctly? It is the answer to such questions that will allow us to figure out what exercises for training these fibers we will select in the future.

Its main task is to bend the arm. Among other things, he knows how to turn your palm outward. If you have this muscle has at least vague outlines, then you can experiment with these body movements and study how our hero works.

Due to the fact that we have to bend our arm almost constantly, the inner head can be clearly visible even in very obese people or in those who have never played sports. But the outer one, that is, the long one, is attached to the shoulder joint and for its development you need to constantly pull your elbows back, which in everyday life we \u200b\u200bdo not so often. Consequently, it is always much less pronounced.

Also in the shoulder area we have such an important muscle as the brachialis. No one has heard of her, but she is and is located under the biceps. Why is it important? Because it is responsible for most of the flexion. And during serious strength training for the biceps, you will use the brachialis.

Pay attention to the fact that he is responsible for extension, and has nothing to do with supination, that is, with the twist of the hand.

Raise the barbell

How to effectively build biceps using this versatile shell? This load, quite simple from a technical point, involves both the brachialis, and biceps, and some muscles of the forearm. Stand straight with feet about shoulder width apart. Hold the loaded barbell or bar in your hands so that they go along the body, and the elbows do not spread out to the sides. In the classic version, a reverse grip is used when the fingers are turned towards themselves.

Your task is to bend your arms at the elbows and raise the bar until it touches your chest or shoulders. Used in this exercise and a razor grip, as well as a straight grip. All this will allow you to slightly shift the emphasis or facilitate the work of the hand.

It is important that all the muscles involved remain in constant tension during one set. To do this, you do not need to relax your hands at the lowest point and throw the barbell on your hips.

  • Do not throw the projectile up, but understand it slowly.
  • Do not wiggle your body while helping your back muscles to reach.
  • To accurately exclude the back from this process, you can do this exercise against a wall or while sitting with support on the back.
  • At the top, it is best to hold the barbell for two seconds.

In my experience, working with a curved EZ neck is much more comfortable than a straight one. Its handle allows you to maintain the anatomical position of the hands (with a slight twist inward), which relieves unnecessary stress on the wrists. This will help you feel the right load accurately and in a balanced way.

If you have a Scott bench in your gym, then it will also help you work with bitsushechki in isolation. It is important here to optimally adjust its height, and then stand in support, pushing one leg forward. Make sure that your elbows are parallel to each other and do not move apart.

The ideal workout is when you use different types of bar, both short and long. It is also advisable to work with different grips. All this will allow you to extremely carefully work out all the muscle fibers present in this segment.

We train biceps with dumbbells

In fact, this is the second large block of work exercises that answer the question of how to build biceps muscles.

One of the first exercises recommended here are hammers or hammers. This is a basic exercise that helps build overall muscle mass. Hammers are a multifaceted load, the technique of which assumes both a vertical position of the body and sitting on a special bench with a support.

You can raise your arms at the same time, or you can take turns (but for balance it is better to hold a dumbbell in the other hand). Some people choose the option where one hand works first in a series, and then the other. In general, you can compose and change approaches quite often.

Let's see how to do it upright. You should stand with your legs apart about shoulder-width apart, and take dumbbells in both hands. We press our elbows to the body and as we exhale, we try to raise the shells up. At the bottom, try to stretch your biceps almost completely, but do not relax your arm. Do not delay and start lifting your limbs up again.

Do you remember that our biceps starts to work during supination? That is, when you lift the dumbbells, you can slightly tuck your palm at the top point.

One of the little secrets of this exercise is that you should not reach the very top of the dumbbell, because the peak point of the muscle load will be about ¾ of the lift, and then the biceps begins to rest. And we are not interested in this, my iron friends?

It is impossible to cheat in this complex (that is, to help yourself with the muscles of the back during the snatch), because this can easily injure the ligaments.

We hammered all the nails with our hammers and now we begin to work with dumbbells, sitting on an incline bench.

Do you remember that the outer head of our biceps is best worked out when the elbow is pulled back?

Choosing exercises for such a complex movement is quite problematic, but this is what will help you to target the desired area. We keep our hands as close to the body as possible, this will also direct the efforts where necessary.

The technique is as follows: we sit on a horizontal bench, the back of which is lowered down at an angle of about 45 degrees. We take dumbbells in our hands and begin to bend and unbend the elbows, bringing them closer to the body. Do not throw the dumbbells down, but keep your arms tense. Work as slowly as possible.

If desired, the bench can be lowered even lower, up to a horizontal position. Try it and you will definitely like it. We already remember about the top point and do not bring the dumbbells to the very limit, while maintaining the load we need.

So, for today this is all you have to learn about biceps, and if this is not enough, then see these articles:

Remember, these are very grateful muscles that respond well to training. But don't get carried away too much, because it is easy enough to overwork them, given the fact that this is a small muscle group. If you take into account all these tips, then you will not have any problem with how to quickly pump up biceps.

Oh yeah! I see you, my stubborn jock, who grimaced skeptically and says: not enough! I want more exercise! I do not mind! Close this window and go over here:

The most interesting and delicious is waiting for you here!

Never say to yourself during training: “I can't, I can't, I can't” ... In general, any phrases with the prefix “not”. Only through overcoming yourself will you achieve amazing results. I wish you good luck with that and look forward to visiting again. Come, it will be interesting.