How with the help of yoga cure headaches. Poses contributing to facilitate migraine

There are different types of malaise, as well as a wide variety of causes of their causing. They are divided depending on the type of unpleasant symptoms that cause their unpleasant symptoms, their localization and duration. It is important to determine the type of headaches:

  • migraine;
  • cough;
  • pressure change;
  • stress, etc.

The scale of the problem is huge. Studies indicate that 90% of the population complain about the disease, at least once a year. Just as there is a huge number of types of headaches, there are many reasons for their causing. These include:

  • failures in the work of the endocrine system;
  • bad sleep;
  • lack of exercise;
  • imbalance of neurotransmitters;
  • poor posture;
  • stress;
  • food containing various types of additives and many others.

To solve the problem, you need to have deep knowledge of its occurrence. It is required to understand the mechanism of action, or all the factors affecting the emergence and appearance of discomfort symptoms.

Asana Viparita Karani helps to quickly get rid of pain

According to the method B.K.S. Ayyengar, Yoga and Lotus Pose can help in anticipate.

"Main, take the right posture, to have appropriate support, straighten the spine, relax the neck, back, hands and abdominal muscles," says Teacher.

You can sit in this position for a long time, changing the crossing of the legs.

The most common cause of headaches is stress and migraine. Stress interferes with the work of the cardiovascular system and heart causes shortness of breath, which can lead to the hypoxia of the body, fatigue, irritability and a concentration problem, harmful to brain vessels.

When determining the reason:

  • The first stage will be a study (SWADHAYAIA), which collects information about the nature of the problem.
  • The next step is practice. Using asians, pranayama, meditation, is determined that it is useful for you, neutrally or unacceptable.
  • Do not approach this process automatically. That at the beginning of the process leads to a positive reaction, one can become neutral over time. The work that initially caused negative emotions becomes very desirable and will give positive results. Therefore, practicing and experiment is necessary for all time until you find an antidote.

Over time, the disease will begin to retreat, although random recurrences can sometimes appear.

Headache can become a blessing, and make you change habits and lifestyle.

Check what helps you

There is no finished sequence (sequence) of exercises from headaches of all kinds. To achieve positive results, it is advisable to work in three stages:

  • prevention, when there are no problems;
  • work preceding the decrease in pain symptoms and discomfort;
  • exercises at the time of her offensive.

First, it is worth finding out, at the time of the appearance of the symptoms, the slow motion of the head is helping to go back and forth? It is enough to perform a slope in the position of Pavan Muctasana (wind empty) on two chairs, with heads inclined to hands (palms of hands, cover opposite elbows). Run the tilt of the head in the Schawasan position (the posture of the dead man). Lying on the bed a little shift my head for the mattress so that the whole neck will be supported.

Both positions are performed with the preservation of the minimum head movement.

Even a slight decrease in symptoms will be a valuable tip, what to do next: tilting forward or backward. Neither in one of the positions performed, symptoms should not increase.

Over time, malaise must pass, but should not be expected too much at the very beginning (it will take about 5-10%). You have to be patient and repeating asana, pranayama and meditation.

In severe cases, pain lasts from 30 to 40 years. Sometimes it takes 2-3 weeks of constant classes to get rid of it. Such pain is accompanied by vomiting, dizziness and growing panic.

With a headache, it is important to understand what it is connected with, and gain patience.

In practice, many examples, when during one occupation, you managed to reduce discomfort to a minimum. However, you will need patience and maximum confidence in the teacher.

Preventive practice

If the basic principles of help themselves are known, it is important to recognize the symptoms and respond to them. For many people, the position of Viparita Karani (the back of a bent candle) is the magic wand that will save them from pain. It is important only in time to recognize the first signs of the parish of pain:

  • drowsiness;
  • panic;
  • labored breathing;
  • weakness;
  • relaxation or change of mood.

Position may even provoke pain. Posa is allowed to modify. For some people, it is convenient to lie, with straight legs raised on the wall without any help, others are required to support the sacrum and the lower back. This is the work that needs to be done to detect and find what helps.

It is worth thinking

The causes of pain may occur not only at the physical level, but also in mental. What precedes headache and its arrival, what events? This will be key information for making a decision.

Some life situations cause drowsiness, after which there is ailment. If a strong brain of the head is helped, perform Shavasan with your head, trapped beyond the edge of the mattress or pillow. Perform an exercise so that insignificant excitement and stem appear.

The position can also be performed using a roller, where the coiled blanket is used as supporting the neck.

If the slopes are helping before, make a suite Baddha Konasan (butterfly posture) or suits Virasan (Warrior's Pose lying) with a roller. Install it across, and under the head, put such a quantity of the blankets so that it is in a neutral position, or with a slightly tilted chin to the sternum. In addition to relieving pain, position will improve breathing.

If the symptoms appeared as a result of stress, you should concentrate on the relaxation of the diaphragm with a compressed during slopes. AHOHO MUKHHA Virasan, with a supporting roller, will help restore calm and composure.

Yogic exercises, facilitate some symptoms, add blood flow to the head and, with each deep breath, you will be better.

Pain in the neck and headaches are often caused by excessive muscle tension in the neck and shoulders. This leads to the defeat of the nerve endings, the inconsistency of the vertebral discs and the sense of tension, as well as discomfort in the neck and head. Yoga from headaches can alleviate the symptoms of the usual stretching procedure, extending all the main muscle groups of the neck and shoulders.

Muscles of Neck

Main muscle neck groups include the electric back muscle, scalp muscles, levator, upper trapezoid and steroid moral muscles. To find out how to properly stretch each group of muscles individually, you can purchase a training video or work under the guidance of an experienced leader.

Yoga for the treatment of migraine and headaches

Migraine is a neurological disorder that causes repeated headaches from moderate to high intensity. It usually affects only one half of the head and can last from 2 hours, up to two or more days. Due to the attack of migraine, a person can become extremely sensitive to light or noise. Other common symptoms include:

  • vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • exacerbation of pain due to physical activity.

Mudra "Saving Life" helps with headaches

According to the study of British doctors, almost 0.2 million migraines are numbered daily in the UK. 8 million suffer from headaches caused by migraine.

According to the American Society of Headache, almost 90 percent of Americans suffer from pain head. Forty-five million Americans are experiencing chronic headache, and 23 million suffer from severe migraine.

Migraine attacks cause unbearable pain and may interfere with personal and professional life.

Do not hide the problem. Explaining the situation to the family, friends and colleagues, you will receive moral and emotional support from them. This will help them have a complete picture of your situation.

Practice of simple yoga poses will help you reduce the impact of migraine attacks and ultimately stop them forever. Expand the yoga rug, relax for some time and throw off your headache from your life forever.

Poses contributing to facilitate migraine

Is there a natural way to combat migraine without harming the body in this process? Fortunately, yes is yoga.

Yoga in migraine is an ancient technique that contributes to a saturated, full and holistic life by a combination of poses and breathing methods. She is able to fight a headache. If you practice these simple yoga postures for a few minutes every day, then the next attack of migraine can be taken in fuluggrance:

  • Hastapadasana (pose for hands and feet).
  • Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose).
  • Balasana or Shishuassana (child's posture).
  • Martjariasana (Cat Pose).
  • Pashchylottanasana (slope to the legs sitting).
  • HOFHO MUKHA SHVANASANA (Dog Pose Morda Down).
  • Padmasana (lotus posture).
  • Shavasana (corpse pose).

Process and action

  1. Hastapadasan activates the nervous system, increases blood supply and soothes pain.
  2. Setu Bandhasana soothes the brain and reduces anxiety.
  3. The pose of a child soothes the nervous system and effectively reduces the headache.
  4. Martjariasana improves blood circulation, and also relaxes the mind.
  5. Making a slope to the legs from the situation sitting, the brain calms down and stress is removed. POSHCHYMOTTANASAN POSE removes headache.
  6. HOFHO Mukha Schvanasan increases blood circulation in the brain and, facilitates headache.
  7. The yoga business card - Padmasana soothes the mind and facilitates the headache.
  8. Pose of the corpse regenerates the body, leading it to a state of deep meditative rest.
  9. To finish the procedure for treating asanas, it is necessary to perform Shavasan for several minutes.

Yoga from the head - Balasana

The practice of yoga helps to develop the body and mind, brings many health benefits, but will not replace medicine. So that yoga benefit, it is important to learn and practice asana yoga under the guidance of a trained teacher.

In the case of any medical diagnosis, practicing various yoga postures after consulting with a doctor and teacher Sri Sri Yoga.

The treatment cannot be stopped, even if you decide that you are all right, as long as your doctor does not tell about it. Yoga is a means that helps you resist headaches, but it should not be an alternative to medicines.

When yoga becomes part of your life, you will forget about the exhausting headache. Migraines disappear, and with them - irritability, anger and depression.

Over the past six, Catherine Saleton from Seattle, 46 years old, suffered from terrible migraines. Sometimes the pain was so strong that Catherine wanted to cut off her head. Lying on the floor in a dark room, Saleton sometimes even losing consciousness, and then for a few hours forgotten in a heavy dream. The passage, however, was temporary: when she woke up, the headache returned with the former force.

"I did everything possible to get rid of pain and not give her to appear again," says Salaton. She tried everything: and manual therapy, herbs, hormones, and "mountains of tablets, sprays and rubbing, who prescribed a neuropathologist," she recalls. Nothing helped. The attacks were repeated every month and lasted from one to several days. About a year ago, Slaton began to play Hatha Yoga twice a week. She went to her first lesson to cope with pain in the lumbar department. "Yoga helped to quickly get rid of problems with his back. And a few months later, the migraines became noticeably weaker, "says Catherine. - The last three months the pain did not appear. " Slaton believes that she is obliged to asanam and pranayama with its good states.


Many of us regularly suffer from chronic headaches. Sometimes it happens so strong that all other affairs and problems move into the background. But, like Slaton, such sufferers are found in some time that yoga reduces the power and frequency of attacks and quickly relieves spasms. In addition, yoga can serve as an addition to other methods of treatment, and without the risk of the appearance of side effects. What is the cause of headaches? The list of her "culprits" is quite long: stress, hereditary chronic diseases, uncontrolled food additives, hormonal oscillations, problems with sleep and lack of exercise. Only a doctor can figure out the situation. Especially since some treatment methods are able to bring more harm than good. According to Doctor of Medical Sciences Todda Trust, head of the Neuropathology Department of the University School of Medicine Wake Forest in North Carolina, the reception of painful more often three times a week can cause ricochetic headaches.

"Problems arise and due to an incorrect diagnosis. Most people mistakenly believe that headaches are caused by a change in pressure, whereas in fact 90% of these patients are migraine, "says Yang Levis Brands, Doctor of Medical Sciences, President of the American Council for the study of headaches. It complicates the formulation of the diagnosis also that such obvious signs of migraine, as nausea, supersensitiveness to light and noise, are absent in many patients.

To prevent headaches

The following three options will help to take a pose without tension. As in, they are light pressure on the forehead as a reminder that this zone should remain soft and relaxed. Although no scientific research in the West confirmed that yoga is really eradicating headaches, it has been proven that the gradual relaxation of the muscles, meditation and breathing control lead the body into a state of full rest. So, and your reaction to stress will be completely different. Almost 40 years ago, Professor Medicine Harvard Medical School Herbert Benson, the founder of the Medical Institute of Mind and Body in Massachusetts, put forward the stimulation of some sections of the brain can reduce the stress reaction, slowing the pulse and restoring the normal life of the body. This reaction, called relaxation, is effectively used in the treatment of cardiac diseases, chronic pain, insomnia, premenstrual syndrome, infertility and depression symptoms. It is incredibly important and useful for the treatment of migraine. "Problems in the neurotransmitters of the brain (chemical particles engaged between the cells between the cells of the brain and the nervous system) are closely related to the occurrence of headaches attacks, the doctor of Medical Sciences Richard Yuzatin, Professor of the Department of Family Medicine at the University at the Texas Scientific Center for Health. - Considering that yoga really affects the nervous system, causing a relaxation reaction, we have a reason to say that it can influence the brain neurotransmitters. "

Three ODHO Mukha Schwanasana

1. The forehead on the back of the chair

Put a stool back to the wall. After you enter the posture, determine the necessary distance from the chair to the wall and change it if necessary. Hang the back of the blanket - it will be softer. Stand facing the chair and press the palm to the wall, slightly above the shoulder level. Put your feet on the width of the thighs and go back, lowering the body and hands until they become parallel to the floor. Bend legs slightly in the knees - it will help remove the tension in the back. Eat into the back of the chair forehead, relax it on the support and slightly push the macushkin to the wall. Thus, the back of the chair keeps the skin of the forehead and sends it to the chin, which serves as a tactile reminder that it is not necessary to strain this area. Hands and legs work, neck muscles rest. Stay so one minute. To get out of the posture, go closer to the wall and climb into (mountain pose).

2. Palm on a chair

This option allows you to lower the housing below to the floor and therefore approaches the usual inverted position. Put the chair close to the wall. Put the palm on the seat of the chair and move back until the hands and the torso stretch into one line. The head remains without support, so pull your head to the wall and lengthen the neck. Stay so alone, then go closer to the chair and straighten into Tadasan.

3. Lob on brick

In this embodiment, hands and legs are active, lightweight brick pressure on the forehead helps soothe mind. Stand on all fours, heels touch the wall. Put the brick on the rug in front of yourself. You should experiment with the location of the brick and with what faces it is better to place it: His task is to keep your head, without squeezing the neck area. (If after all experiments you still feel discomfort in your head or neck, try to replace the brick with a bolter.) Enter the dog's pose with a muzzle down and place the top of the forehead, closer to the hair growth line, on the support. Direct the skin of the forehead towards the chin. Let the rear surface of the neck remains long, the throat is soft, and the breath is free. No need to strive to press your head to brick. Instead, hold the post of work with the work of the hand, make out of the floor. Stay in a posture of one or two minutes, then relax in Balasan (baby's posture).

Wrestling tension

If problems in neurotransmitters can cause headache, then the muscular voltage reinforces it repeatedly. Try controlling your posture, and over time you can get rid of the stress in the forehead, temples, shoulders, head. The study conducted among 60 women aged 25 to 40 has confirmed: those who regularly suffer from migraine attacks have weak neck muscles and a characteristic turn of the head. Such a simple exercise, like (Mountain's posture), will help to correct the posture and serve as a reminder that your head should be raised, and not drawn into the shoulders. Stretching and reducing the muscles of the top of the body, you can also remove the stress in the neck and head. (Dog muzzle down), one of the main positions of Hatha Yoga, is a suitable exercise for this purpose. Although some teachers and authors of labor on yoga (in particular, B.K.S. Ayengar in the book Light on Yoga) consider an important aspect of the treatment of headaches, many of them are avoided due to the sensation of rising pressure in the head. But even (the dog muzzle down half, or the pose of direct angle) will help to achieve positive results, despite the fact that the head in this Asana does not fall below the heart level.

"The rotation of the shoulders, as well as the soft turns of the neck, will help to remove the tension at the top of the body," says Joy Devi, a yoga teacher in Fairfex, California, and the author of the "healing yoga" work. - Very gently turn your head from side to side, back and forth, but do not rotate it in a circle: the upper disk of the spine, which supports the skull, can only move in certain directions. Rotation heads in a circle does not agree with the natural movements of this vertebra and can seriously harm. "

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)

Put the brick to the wall. Lower the back - the knees are bent, the feet on the floor on the width of the hips. Let your macushkin slightly touches the brick. Carefully put the bag with sand, so that three quarters of his weight remain on the brick, and one quarter is on your lob. (Light pressure will help relax this area). On the exhalation, raise the pelvis from the floor, enter the Sarvangasana Sarvangasan Setu and put another brick under the crescents. When the brick is in its place, take the hands to the side at an angle of 45 degrees from the body, without taking them off the floor, palms up. It is not worthwhile to remove the blades to the waist - it can create tension in the muscles of the neck. Do not push the head of the brick, with the help of the legs, send the pelvis to the footsteps. Let the sand bag make your business - to send the energy concentrated in the head, down to the floor. Stay in this position one or two minutes.


Viparita Karani fits and in the event that you already have a headache, and when you feel that the headache is about to begin. Put the timer for 15-20 minutes and completely relax, forgetting about time. Put the bags with sand on the head and legs.

The more well-known version of this posture when the support under the pelvis is significantly higher, in some cases it can provoke a headache, so it is better to perform a vipart of Capara without support or minimally raise the bottom of the back. Fold the blanket several times and the bed at the wall. Sit on it sideways to the wall, legs bent, feet on the floor, a bag with sand nearby. Helping your hands, go to the back and bring legs on the wall. Bend the legs, gently put the bag with sand on the sole of the stop and pull the legs up again. The bottom of the buttocks and the rear surface of the legs should touch the walls. (People with rigid muscles on the back surface of the legs can be slightly moved away from the wall.) Put the bag for your eyes on the face and place your hands on both sides of the body, finding the optimal position for them, the side surfaces of the neck at the same time should be felt long and soft. On the exhalation, relax and release the face and the entire front surface of the body down, to the floor. Stay in this position for 10 minutes.

Hidden motifs

For effective treatment of headaches, it is important to take into account all possible causes of its occurrence. Some of them, such as genetic, we cannot affect. "If your relatives suffered from migraine attacks, they will arise," the doctor of Medical Sciences Stefan Zilberstein, Professor Neurology and Director of the Philadelphian Center for Headache, University of Thomas Jefferson, believes. Among the causes there are "sexual discrimination": 75% of patients of all headache clinics make up women. "Hormonal instability can be the cause of migraine," Christine Lej, director of the Center for Studying Women's Heads in Roosevelt Hospital in New York, believes. - As a rule, women begin to complain to a headache for 2-3 days before the start of the menstrual cycle, when the level of genital hormones increases greatly. And those who take birth control pills are no exception. "

But if you can't argue with a given, all other factors can be simply eliminated. It is proved that 10-15% of patients from all suffering from headaches are sharply reacting to some ingredients in food. Nitrates and nitrites are preservatives, often added to meat products, can serve as a sharp flash of migraine. Some contraindicated artificial sweeteners, such as aspartames, ingredient, which is included in the chewing gum, and tiramine is a substance that is present in sour cream marinated herring, yeast extracts, wine and yogurt. Catalysts of problems may be bad sleep, irregular meals, dehydration and lack of exercise. To understand what exactly causes your headache attacks, make a diary in which within a few weeks, mark the dates of menstrual cycles, the time of awakening and waste to sleep, as well as the frequency and duration of attacks. All important is what you ate and drank, which pills accepted at the first sensations of discomfort. Then discuss the results of your mini-research with the doctor - so it will be easier for you to see the whole picture entirely and calculate the causes of migraine.

Easily suffer

When a headache reaches its apogee, even experienced yoga exercises may seem too painful. At such moments, preference should be given to relaxing, restoring the asians. It is very important to abandon disconnecting poses on time. Try to make it so that you do not interfere with extraneous sounds, nor bright light. Darkness will help switch attention from the sympathetic nervous system (the heartbeat is studied and the blood pressure increases) to parasympathetic (the body launches the recovery process). "All these actions repeat the natural desire of a person who wants to get rid of pain: go to a quiet dark room and fall asleep," says Belle, a yoga teacher, organizer of yoga-therapy seminars in San Francisco. He believes that in every regenerating Asan, it is necessary to remain at least 10 minutes, even if the headache has already passed or weakened: "Such a period of time is the minimum necessary for this relaxation."

During the fulfillment of many restoring poses, Bell advises to put a bag with sand on the feet in order for pain retreated from the head. During the attack, we are dragging on what is happening in our head. "The bag with sand should help the body to postpone the feet," he says. - Direct the outflows from top to bottom - this will help ensure the necessary "grounding" of pain. "

Those who suffer from migraine are almost as often as yoga, know: Best of all, Viparita Karani will help. Margaret Livingstone familiar with this problem since 14 years old. A few months ago, she began to study Hatha yoga. Margaret could unmistakably predict the approximation of a new attack: at first noise appeared in the ears, then the field of view was sharply narrowed, the eyes stopped perceiving clear outlines of objects. Now, as soon as she notices these symptoms, immediately raises his legs on the wall - even if it is in its office: "After a few minutes, the vision comes back to normal, and the attack passes." "When we have something hurts, we begin to worry and lose a sense of control. From this pain can only increase, "says Peter Van Houdgen, director of the California Clinic Sierra Femil and co-author of Yoga therapy against headache (Yoga Therapy for Headache Relief, Crystal Clarity, 2003).

The Yoga Teacher Devi offers the following way out: "Instead of fighting pain, imagine that this is a cliff that melts in front of her eyes. Just like the pain that will gradually begin to leave. Do not leave pain in yourself - on the contrary, try to release it beyond your body. " Easy tilt forward, for example (child's posture) with a support under the head, can also be useful in order to get rid of pain. Sit down or crossed legs in front of the chair with a soft seat (if the seat is rigid, put a blanket on it). Then carefully put the forehead on the seat. Or place the bolter on the folded blanket and lower your arms and forehead. It is also useful to wrap your head with a bandage. The bandage will create a comfortable dimming needed by all migraine suffering from migraine, and light pressure on the eye will speed up the relaxation process.

Suput Baddha Konasan (Pose of Crashed Angle Lying)

For this posture, some devices will need and all the blankets that are at your disposal. Put the brick of the middle edge on the rug. Its long line parallel to the long edge of the rug. Put the Bolter from above so that one end he lay on the floor, and the other is on the brick. Sit in front of the bolter back to him so that your crescents touch his lower edge. Helping your hands, slowly go to the back, place the blankets under both hips.

Connect the stops and lower the knees to the sides. The support under the knees should be sufficient to relax the inner surfaces of the hips. Place the folded cast under the head. Pouch with sand Put on the foot, the bag for the eyes - on the face. Lower hands on the floor, palm look up. Watch out the breath, direct the exhalations down, along the front surface of the spine and on, to the footsteps. Stay in this position for 10-45 minutes.

Healing breathing

When pain occurs, we begin to breathe shallowly and intermittently, because of this, the pulse is rapidly and the pressure rises. Deep breathing the diaphragm, on the contrary, helps the body relax. To understand whether you breathe correctly, Bell proposes to spend the following test: "Put your hands on the belly on the back. Will your hands rise on the breath and fall on exhale? With proper breathing, in no case should remain fixed. "

For Sky Jones Pranayama is a keyword in the treatment of migraines. Thirty-year-old Sky daily headaches began to overcome three years ago - just when she began to sit down and nights for a working computer. And although she left the office work, retrained into a guide and now spends a lot of time in the fresh air, the migraines did not stop. Jones sure that headaches intensified because of the tablets prescribed to her. She has been engaged in Yoga Ayengar for 10 years and trying to breathe deeply - Skye believes that it helps to relax. "I avoid any Asan, which turnues pressure on a diaphragm, such as (plow plow) or (rack on shoulders). When I stop watching breathing, pain becomes simply unbearable. "

In addition to deep breathing, there is also a special pranay technique that helps facilitate headache and remove the nervous tension. For relaxation, Nadi Shodkhana Pranaama is perfectly suitable when the breath and exhalation occur alternately through the left and right nostril, and the "disappointing" nostril is softly covered with a finger. To distract from pain, use a deep, barely tangible breathing (or victorious breathing). Or practice tranuama (cooling breathing): inhale through the tongue, a rolled tube, then warm exhalation of the closer. This technique is incredibly effective, since the slow exhale has soothing, meditative properties. And in meditative condition, headaches are as rare how rare and excitement.

Shalamber Shavasana (Dead Foot Pose with Support)

The position of the body in this posture is the same as in ordinary Shavasan. The difference is how auxiliary materials are used: you will need an elastic bandage (bandage) and two blankets. One blanket fold along so that its width is equal to the width of your case, put it in the center of the rug. Wrap the bandage around the head. Carefully penetrate your hands under the band on the face and pull the skin of the forehead down, towards the chin. Lower on the blanket so that the sacrons touch the edge of the blanket, it must be support for the back and head. Put one more folded under the head. Imagine that your exhalations flow from our forehead down, to the chin, like warm, wet massage oil. Stay at a minimum of 10 minutes. When the time comes to leave the posture, move slowly, the head should remain heavy, and the neck is soft.

Photo: Odettehughesyoga /

Welcome my blog! Today we consider such a question - but whether Yoga helps from headaches. Yes, it definitely helps and this has a lot of examples of people. Of course, yoga does not act lightly like some tablet, but requires a long time and patience. But but the side effects you will not notice from it, especially if you make it your companion.

But let's not forget that various factors can cause headaches. These may also be sick bundles, and pinching the nerve, right up to the hereditary factor, which means someone will help 100%, someone will disappear in partially or soften, and someone will remain at the same level.

And here it is necessary to understand that the result depends not only from external actions, but also from your thoughts. First of all, it is necessary to change its vision on the fact of the presence of pain. Sick the pain as a sign that you have done something (or do) incorrectly, as an opportunity to correct your errors. Understand that every manifestation of the material world has a sacred meaning, which means somewhere the true cause of your physical ailments is lost.

Asana, improving condition with headaches

It is clear that, depending on the cause of pain, the set of used "tools" is changed, and therefore universal asana for everyone and each. Practice, carefully observe changes after classes and gradually by samples you will find a suitable set of exercises.

I propose to find out which asians are most capable of relaxing, calm the nervous system and neutralize pain in the head.


  1. Feeling into four limbs (knees and palms), make sure your hands and legs are about one line, that is, parallel to each other.
  2. Transfer part of the weight into the hands and lift the body, rising in the hands and legs.
  3. The body began to resemble a triangle, the tailbone stretches up, the back is straight, the neck is relaxed, the heels are firmly adjacent to the floor.
  4. Staff in Asana 30-60 seconds and return to the original in the reverse order. Repeat from 1 to 3 times.

Like any, this contributes blood tide to the head, thereby renewing the cells of the brain, saturating them with oxygen. She slows the heartbeat, soothes, gives strength. Hypertensive should be performed shortly and under whose supervision. Detail how the dog's posture is performed on the blog pages.

Viparita Karani (bent candle pose).

  1. Performed from the position lying. Hands along the body palms down.
  2. Feeling to the palm, carefully, not straining the lower back, lift the straight legs so that the stops are at the level of the eye.
  3. Lock in this position, keeping the legs with the help of hand and elbow.
  4. Please note that the head, the neck and shoulders are freely lying in the horizontal plane and there are no strong pressure on them. Little weight is on hand.

If this option is not available while you can do with the wall. Asana perfectly eliminates the headaches caused by stress, softens the age-related changes in the cervical vertebrae, the eye and ear disease treats, leads pressure to normal.

Balasana (child's posture).

  1. Sitting on the knees, serve the torso ahead and carefully put your head on the forehead on the rug or something softer. Hands along the body, neck and shoulders are relaxed and hanging down. The back turns out a slightly rounded, while the spine is pulled to the maximum starting from the tailbone and up. Respiratory breath deep.
  2. Having extended 5 breathing cycles, turn your head on the side and raise in this position. Then the same thing on the other side of the head.
  3. You can be in this posture for a long time, if the pain does not appear anywhere. But on average, stay is from 2 to 5 minutes.

Wonderful in that the muscles of the whole body totally relaxes, soothes, updates, and, most importantly, heals the headache. By the way, it is no less useful in arthrosis of the knee joints.

Shashankasana (rabbit pose).

  1. Being in Balasan, carefully lift and raw back so that the head is leaning on the floor of the top. Ideally, the head should be right next to the hips, but if the stretch does not allow, let it be further.
  2. The weight of the body is evenly distributed on his feet and head. When you have taken a steady position, transfer your hands back and capture your heel palms.
  3. Fix such a position for 1-1.5 minutes, breathe exactly without delay.
  4. Then you smoothly exit Asana, leaning on your hands, and relax in the pose of the child.

The rabbit pose helps get rid of headaches, stress in the neck, and also indispensable with insomnia. I would like to add that physical exercises work better in a complex with additional treatments and prevention.

So, for example, a special role for a person with attacks of migraine plays the food that he consumes. It is very important that it is not sharp, greasy and bitter. Also very cool complement the treatment of such folk remedies as herbal infusions, herbal baths, etc.

He was pursued by headaches, before he began to engage in yoga, as it turned out later the cervical vertebrae was shifted. But thanks to the classes, they managed to put them in place and the pain was gone. I thank you for your attention to my blog. The site always has the opportunity to ask your question in the comment. Subscribe to the blog to receive notifications about the answers immediately to the mail.

An additional reason to start practicing yoga is a tendency to migraine, neuralgias, hypertension and other diseases causing bouts of headaches. It occurs in almost everyone, regardless of sex and age, and continues from an hour to several days. Yoga from headaches can be more efficient than any drugs.

Asana from headache

To get rid of headaches, it is enough to perform 2-3 uncomplicated asans. Unlike pills, they act on the source of pain (tense muscles, nervous excitement), and not just remove the symptoms.

Here are some simple but effective exercises from headaches.

Start better with a small workout. The turns and tilts of the head will remove the tension slightly and help to avoid stretching the neck muscles.

Any exercise cycle starts from the simplest. Tadasana (Mountain Pose) will remove the back and neck voltage (it is often the cause of headaches). In it, you can slightly tilted your head, rotate your shoulders to remove the voltage more efficiently.

Dog Pose Morda Down. Blood sticks to the head, neck and shoulders are relaxed. But with a strong headache, it is necessary to carefully carry out all the inverted postures, otherwise you can aggravate the situation.

Inverted asans Sometimes it is better to replace more simple - a simplified dog's pose of a muzzle down when the person is resting with his hands or forehead, but in the back of the chair, the body bent forward at right angles.

Pose of an inverted candle. Under the hips you can put a roller, and on the feet of a small weight. Head after Asana becomes very clear.

  • The pose of a happy child helps to relax.
  • The rabbit pose provides blood flow to the brain.
  • Camel Pose will remove spasm from the muscles of the neck and spine.

Headache Meditation

When the headache is unbearable and difficult to move, you can simply sit in the lotus position (or any comfortable), straighten your back, perform the hands of Mudra Anzhaly (palm to press each other at heart level). Thoughts in the head are the brightest and pleasant.

Eyelids closed. It is necessary to watch up, but not to roll the eyes strongly. Exercise will strengthen blood flow to the head and neck. Performed at least 10 minutes.

During the Mudra meditation from headaches can be chosen any. Mahasirs-Mudra is considered effective. It is performed by both hands. Large, index and medium folded with tips, as if they take something silent, unnamed rests in the palm, the little finger in a free position. The hands are lying on his knees, palms up. During meditation, it is necessary to represent how energy flows on the exhalation rush from the head and to the tips of the fingers and legs.


If the headache is strong so much that I don't want to move at all, then the exit will be here. It is necessary to take the pose of the corpse of Shavasan and perform a number of breathing exercises. Deep smooth breathing soothes and saturates blood oxygen.

The simplest and not requiring voltage is a complete yogistic breathing.

A slow breath fills the light from top to bottom, on the exhale as slowly the air goes in the reverse order. 10 minutes of exercise may be enough.

No less effective technique Cold breathing or alternate breathing.

Plus breathing exercises also in the fact that they can be performed at work, in public transport or walking.

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In many cases, in order to overcome a strong headache, you need to do the area of \u200b\u200bthe neck, shoulders, spine and others, it would seem right unrelated with the head parts of the body. Yoga comes to the rescue.

Performing breathing exercises, asanas and complete relaxation, which always characterize yoga classes will allow you to cope with this popular problem now.

The main thing is not to resort to the tablets immediately, which only remove the symptoms, and do not remove their cause, and try to help the body with more gentle ways.

Below we will look at some simple exercises from headaches that are pretty easy to master and apply every day.

There is a chance that the regular execution of these actions will allow you to forget to forget about headaches or significantly reduce its manifestations.

Breathing exercises

Yoga from headaches can begin with breathing exercises that have a beneficial effect on the body's condition through vital energy.

In general, the system of respiratory practices in yoga is called Pranayama (control of pranay - vital energy).

The exercises such quite a lot, and some of them can be viewed as exercises from headaches, as they reassure the brain, the nervous system, improve blood circulation in the upper body, which contributes to the removal of overvoltage and fatigue, most often protruding.

Nadi Shodkhana

One of the exercises is called Nadi Shodkhana. With it, energy channels are cleared. The meaning of this exercise from headaches in the following: It is necessary to alternately breathe through the right, then through the left nostril. To do this, you need to sit down, straighten your back and relax.

After that, by any hand clamp one nostril, and through the second we make a deep and slow breath. You need to exhale twice as slower than inhaling.

You can alternate the nostrils on each next breath, and you can breathe one nostrils for a couple of minutes, and the other couple of minutes is another. The exercise is repeated until the symptoms decrease or until complete cessation of pain.

The respiratory yoga from headaches also allows you to clean the nasal passages and saturate the brain with oxygen, whose disadvantage can act as an unhealthy state.


Another useful pranium - Schitali. It can even reduce body temperature, which is possible during overvoltage and fatigue. Therefore, when the feeling arises that the brain "Zakipel", boldly resort to this tactic.

- You need to sit in the Pose of Turkish or in the lotus position and roll a slightly turntable tube. It is through this "tube" and should be inhaled, also slowly and deep, as in the previous case.

- After the inhalation, we make a swallowing movement, as if you swallow that air that was breathed. Exhaust is already through the nose, and the mouth is generally closed.

Three or four inhales are able to help cope with migraine, however, you need to ensure that you do not overvolt during the execution of this exercise from headaches.

There are other pranayama, but we stopped on the easiest and most clear to fulfill. Asans are also useful from headaches, which is proven by many fans of yoga.

Pose or Asana

Yoga from headaches mainly concerns those parts of the body that can affect the occurrence of pain. This neck, the whole spine, shoulders and forearms.

Naturally, all asans from headaches should be carried out with a certain configuration, which largely determines the success and effectiveness of such practices.

Full relaxation, no thoughts about problems and work affairs, serenity and calm will become the best satellites of each exercise from headaches.

We develop a neck

To begin with, it is necessary to reduce the load on the neck, and to work out it from all sides.

  1. Having taken a lotus pose or simply sitting on a chair, you need to lower the relaxed hands along the body. At the same time, put the right hand on top of the top, getting it to the left ear.
  2. Next, it should be slowly tilting the head to the right, while in this way, while resisting yourself. After sitting in this position for about a minute, you need to change your hands and lean to the left. Be sure to make sure not to pull the neck muscles.

In general, all exercises in yoga are made with comfortable efforts, i.e. Muscle tension should be felt, and pain - no.

"Opened Heart"

To use the neck muscles in front, you can exercise the "open heart".
The execution of this asana from the headache will additionally reduce the voltage from the spine and relax the back.
It is necessary to start it with the hero's posture, bending the legs in the knees and dropping on them. It is necessary to ensure that the feet are connected and lay in parallel to each other.

  1. From this posture you need to donate back and rely on your hands, while the brushes are located on the floor at 15-25 cm from the stop.
  2. Based on the hands, you need to bending the chest so high as the stretching allows. The thighs at the same time rest in the heels, and the back is strung out.
  3. To maximize the neck, the head should be trapped back.
  4. Stay in this position for 30-40 seconds, and then slowly return to the hero's posture, first raising your head, and then lowering the chest.


If a little change the exercise, you can take a camel pose (Ural): while the thighs are torn off heels, and their hands rest on the feet.

During the exercise:

  • hips should be perpendicular to the floor;
  • buttocks are tense, and the hands are straightened;
  • neck and head pull back;
  • pulling the back from the tailbone to the painter, strive for the execution of the deflection, but not counted the "breaking" in the lumbar part of the back.

Relaxing shoulders

One of the most effective exercises is the following.

  • First you need to take a baby's posture. To do this, sit on the legs bent in her knees, tilting the body forward until the forehead stops into the floor. Here you have to stretch the bottom of the back and generally the spine.
  • A few seconds should be lined in this position. Then you need to connect straight hands into the lock behind your back and slowly lift them up until it allows stretching.

  • Again, staying in such a posture for a few minutes, then transfer the body weight forward, raising the hips and leaning on the forehead, and then on the top. Bonded straight hands at the same time should be lowered as low as possible to the floor
  • Learning in this position for a while, you can return back to the pose of the child, while passing through all the same intermediate postures. You need to repeat such a complex 4-5 times. If the pain is caused by voltage in the shoulder area, most likely, this Asana will help to overcome it.


It will help to remove the load from the forearm and top of the back. Execution of another asana from headaches. This is a fairly well-known Dolphin Pose, in other interpretations called a dog's pose.

  1. In order to take the correct position, you must first fall on your knees and lean your hands to the floor, the wrists at the same time are on the width of the shoulders, and the knees are on the width of the thighs.
  2. Next elbows should be lowered to the floor, and hips raise. Heels in such a bent position can not be broken from the floor, and the feet are parallel to each other. The head must be omitted between the shoulders, the look is directed at the foot, and the neck is completely relaxed.
  3. In such a position, you should be fixed on several full breaths and exhale.

"Happy child"

Another exercise, called a "happy child," proposes to take a rather funny pose. The spine relaxes in it and the tension from the back is completely removed.

  1. First you need to lie down on your back and relax. Then - raise your legs, bend them in the knees and grab your hands behind the soles.
  2. After that, it is necessary to slowly lower his knees, slightly reconcile them on the parties. When the knees are at the level of the armpits, you need to fix in this position.
  3. Hold within a few minutes in such a posture, and for more effect, start slowly swaying from side to side. This will work for almost every vertebra.

Relaxing the body

Also yoga from headaches includes restorative exercises. These are the poses that do not require the slightest voltage, so they can be performed as much as possible until you get bored.
One of these exercises is performed by the wall, and for a comfortable execution you will need a pillow or blanket.

  1. Rolled in a roller blanket or ordinary pillow need to put closer to the wall.
  2. Then they put it on the floor so that the buttocks are on the pillow and almost pressed against the wall, and the legs are screamed on the wall. For greater convenience, you first be bent them in your lap.
  3. After that, you need to move the legs together and put them on the wall vertically upwards, and later dilute to the sides as wide as possible (how much allows the stretching), leaning on the walls on the wall. In this position, you can be very long, feeling stretching, but not at all straining.
  4. To return to its original position, it is worth "walking" in the walls along the wall, placing the legs vertically, and then bending them in the knees.


It is worth recalling that yoga from headaches, like other ways to combat such manifestations, has several contraindications.

So, it is desirable not to practice it in cardiovascular diseases, malignant tumors, colds. Preferably, with any unhealthy symptoms, consult a doctor to eliminate the risk of dangerous diseases.

If the doctors find nothing to detect anything, it means that headaches are only caused by your too rich way of life, and in this case, the nogistic practices are perfectly coped with all negative manifestations.

The execution of this series of exercises will allow not only to get rid of frequent headaches, but also strengthen the muscles, pull the body and return the body a vital tone.

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