Slimming without exhausting workouts and dangerous diets. Gruising workouts do not weaken immunity exhausting exercises

Before each training, make a workout for the joints and dynamic stretching to warm up and activate the muscles. After training, also do not forget about, special attention is paid to the muscles that worked.

1. Training with its own weight

This training is suitable for those who do not have access to free weights. It helps to work out the muscles of the hands and chest, honey and buttocks, pump endurance.

This lightweight complex becomes a real test if it is performed many times and not rest between approaches.

  • Sprint 200 meters.
  • 10 pushups.
  • 10 Skalolaz exercises.

Perform the complex as many times as you can in 15 minutes, try not to rest between the exercises.

2. Training for the development of major muscle groups

This is a hard complex that loads triceps and breasts, the muscles of the hip and the bark, pumps endurance and simply leaves you without power in the sweat. In addition to pushups, there are only two exercises in this training.

  • Burpi
  • Squats with jumping

Structure of the complex

  1. 50 Burmpion.
  2. 50 squats jumping.
  3. 40 pushups.
  4. 40 squats jumping.
  5. 30 Burmpion.
  6. 30 squats jumping.
  7. 20 pushups.
  8. 20 squats jumping.
  9. 10 Burmpion.
  10. 10 squats with jumping.

Nothing terrible if you can not make 40 pushups or juggling in a row. Just make muscle refusal, then rest a little and continue. The main thing is not to tighten with the rest, the complex must be very intense.

3. Training with false and tightening

If you have a horizon, try this workout. It combines exercises on the top and bottom of the body: pull-ups pump up the muscles of the hands and backs, and the lunges in motion - the hips and buttocks.

Tightening can be performed by any grip, strict or with a star. If you do not know how to pull up, you can use rubber or perform eccentric tightening.

Pass 15 meters in lunges, then perform tightening. Start with 10 tightening and in each next approach, reduce their quantity: drops by 15 meters → 10 pull-ups → Films per 15 meters → 9 pull-ups → Films for 15 meters → 8 pull-ups and so up to one.

If you want to better load the legs and have access to free weights, you can make lunges with light dumbbells or a pancake from the bar, raised above your head.

4. Training with dumbbells

Each of the exercises pumps several muscle groups at once, so that this training helps to maintain the whole body in the tone and does not take much time.

  • Reverse lunges, 10 times for each leg.

  • Squats with dumbbells, 10-12 repetitions.

  • Rather dumbbells with one hand, 10-12 repetitions for each hand.

  • Dumbbell traction standing in the slope, 10-12 repetitions.

Perform 2-3 circles. Rest between exercises - no more than 30 seconds.

If you do not have a bench for Lokye, do the same exercise on the floor.

5. Second training with dumbbells

Training pumps the muscles of the bark, buttocks and the back surface of the hip, back, chest and triceps.

  • Romanian rod truck with dumbbells - 12-15 repetitions.

  • Ring the dumbbells in front of them and on the parties - 12-15 repetitions. Two lifts - one in front of them, one to the parties - are considered for one repetition.

  • Dumbbell thrust in the bar - 10-12 repetitions.

  • Push-ups - to the mold failure.
  • Help dumbbells for the head of Lözh - 10-12 repetitions.

Finally, perform a superstaste of 20-30 squats with jumping or exercise "Rocky", break 30 seconds, and then on one leg or hand as much as you can.

6. Pliometric training

For this training, you will need dumbbells and elevation. Be sure to warm up in front of the exercises to prepare the body to plyometric load.

  • Successing on elevation with dumbbells: 4 approaches of 4-6 repetitions from each leg. As a hill, use a steady chair, a shop in the park, a tumba in the simulator room.

  • Jumping on a high end (or other elevation) - 4 approaches of 4 repetitions.
  • Jumping through an obstacle - 4 approaches of 4 jumps. As an obstacle, you can use covered tires, stops in the gym or some other low items through which you can jump over.

Rest two minutes between approaches.

7. Training with basic equipment

For this training, you will need a basic set of equipment, which will be found in any gym: rod, dumbbells and horizontal bar. If you do at home, you can replace the bar for dumbbells.

Training is divided into three parts, in each of them you need to perform three circles.

Part 1

  • Fucks in motion with a barbell on the back, 10 repetitions for each leg.
  • Pliometric pushups, 5-10 repetitions.
  • Jumping on the Tumba, 5-10 repetitions. If there is no elevation, do long jump.

Part 2

  • Bulgarian split squats with dumbbells, 10 repetitions for each leg.

  • Burpi, 10 repetitions.
  • Tightening, 5 repetitions.

Part 3.

  • Tightening inverse grogging, 5 repetitions.

  • Jumping out of the shift of the feet from the lounge, 10 repetitions for each leg.
  • Romanian milling traction, 10 repetitions.

Of course, such training does not help you to pump up the mountain of the muscles, but it is quite suitable for maintaining good physical shape and endurance, muscle tone and cardiovascular health.

Also this is a great option for when you need to keep the form, but there is no possibility to go to a good gym.

Hate training? Are you allergic to gyms and fitness centers? It is not worth raping the body. Just choose one of these types of activity - and lose weight without excessive!

If you endure cannot any types of physical exercises, you may just have not yet found the right thing - it is for myself. Therefore, leave the workout alone and just find an activity that improves the mood and help keep yourself in shape. All anything, just not to sit: After all, a long-term seat is associated with a higher risk of death from cancer, coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, kidney disease, lungs and liver.

But if you sit too much, it does not mean that you need to urgently run after the subscription to the gym. Do what you like! Here are some options that language will not turn out to be called exercises.

Play video games

Almost every popular game platform has fitness games that use traffic tracking technologies. They not only raise you from the sofa and force to move, but also serve as an activity rapping the whole family.

Install the obstacle bar

This is one of the best types of outdoor activity, in which there is a competitive element and a mass of fun. Find the ready-made platform or create your own obstacles route. This may include jumping, balancing and even rock climbing. Such a fun pastime will return you to your childhood days and excellent memories of carelessness. A challenge to physical and mental capabilities will help strengthen confidence in overcoming other obstacles in life.

Play in Lapta

Bitting is a great training for the top of the body, legs and press. And if you do this together with friends or family members, several hours of physical activity will fly imperceptibly.

Jump with a skump

If you love to do it in childhood, then why not try now, despite the fact that you are already quite an adult and solid person? Jumping with a skip - this is one of the most effective workouts for the whole body at any age. In addition, the rope does not take a lot of space, you can take it anywhere and engaged in yourself.

Chat more with children

If you do not have your own children, go to friends or relatives who have they have, and offer to sit with the child. For such an initiative, you will be very grateful, and you will have a unique chance of one of the best workouts. Children - like crown toys, they move without stopping. Being older, we slow down and spend more time at all without movement. Playing with children in rolling games, you will disappear, take a heart and hang out perfectly.

Join Sports Club

When you are doing sports from which you get sincere pleasure, you do not focus on the accuracy and number of exercises that you do. But this does not mean that they do not benefit! Almost in every city you can find sports clubs for interests, often free or for a symbolic fee. So, regardless of whether you are a veteran champion who wish to survive the days of the Fame, or just want to have fun, choose something for your level will not be difficult.

Sign up to school mermaids

If you have ever wanted to become a mermaid or swim along with them, this is a great way to make children's dreams! This new and interesting type of swimming appeared quite recently, but he already has a lot of fans. Fly in the tail of mermaids is beautiful, interesting and useful for the shape: such activity will help to lose weight, reduce the waist and achieve the perfect press. She is suitable for both children and adults. Today there are special mermaid schools, where you can rent a beautiful tail, learn the basics of swimming and sign up for regular workouts.

Work on the muscles of the face

Even in those days when you absolutely do not want to move, you can lie on the sofa and arrange a training session. How? Start with exercises for facial muscles that will help you look younger. The stress and relaxation of the muscles of the face pulls, tones and strengthens the skin. It is especially good that these exercises can be performed anywhere and at any time, sitting or standing.

Exercise in bed

Instead of staring in the ceiling and think about whether it is time to get up, use this time with benefit. In addition, the elastic mattress bed will remove the tension in the back, which you usually feel when performing exercises on the floor.


One hour of rhythmic movements to music will help burn to 450 kilocalories. So boldly put your favorite discs! You can use headphones to unlock anyone, or vice versa, turn on the music is pogromic.


Walking is an excellent exercise. For him, special equipment is not needed, special training and gym. Using application-pedometers, you disciplinate yourself and immediately see the number of calories burned. Experts say to stay in shape, you need to take 10,000 steps daily.


Do you like to travel? Try to make yourself a challenge: to go around or run by a coward 5 km in each new city you visit. The ability to walk on new places by itself exciting, besides after such a workout you will have a great reason to treat yourself to dishes of local cuisine.


Such exercises exceed the tension and aggression, strengthen the nervous system and burned calories.

Try Pilates.

Pilates will help you to stay in shape without too much effort. It greatly strengthens the press and buttocks, stretches the muscles and forms a beautiful figure.

Earn money

Would you like to earn some money just for sometimes getting up from the sofa? Surprisingly, for this, even there are special applications that offer material reward every time after the end of training.

For example, the Sweatcoin application tracks your outdoor activity with a phone accelerometer and GPS. Each step turned into an inner currency called Sweatcoins, which you can spend on sports gadgets, equipment and fitness classes or sacrifice your earnings for charity. And using the Stepbet application, you make bets on how much steps will pass. Your money is combined with the money of other players, and the one who fulfills the goal, the bank.

Training aimed at raising muscles create a high load on the body, to withstand it is quite difficult. Excessive voltage and lack of wills of the will may force to stop classes, which is why it is not always possible to get a sports and well-trained body. Refusing exercises, the athlete loses the troubled result, and to avoid it, you need to configure yourself accordingly.

Not enough incentives for training

A set of beliefs and arguments allowing you to configure yourself for further work, supports a person, not allowing you to minimize the plan. As practice shows, one desire is not enough to perform exercises.

Motivation often disappears for such reasons:


Prolonged classes may tire a person. Muscles, ligaments and other elements of the musculoskeletal system hurt, which is why the desire to visit the gym can disappear. Getting rid of this problem will help workouts on a clear plan and a full-fledged rest;

Bad state of health

Talking through strength, you overstry your body, because of which the workouts cause negative impressions;


The most obvious and banal cause. She limits the possibilities of a person, forcing him to do nothing where it would be possible to achieve visible results. Holiday always looks more attractive work, but it can give more visible moral and psychological pleasure;

Fear of comfort from the comfort zone

This reason is no less destructive than the previous one. People quickly get used to living as accustomed and sports activities deprive the feelings of comfort. There is always a desire to escape from inconvenience and difficulties;


High load provokes the production of lactic acid that causes strong painful sensations for several days. They often undermine the faith in their own strength, and forced to stop the exercises.

If you are just planning to start classes, it will be useful to learn in advance what difficulties can expect you. It makes no sense to desire a quick result, since it will not be able to achieve it - a set of muscle mass naturally is slow. Without seeing the result in the first two weeks, it is necessary to continue to work on the long-term perspective.

Knowing that you will be waiting after the start of sports exercises, you can prepare for them in advance, and do not break in the first months. Do not respond to the words of envy, continue to develop your body and do not miss classes by enhancing the right motivation.

How to save sports habits?

A short-term motivation is one of the main reasons why novice athletes stop classes. It is not necessary to do, only to prepare for any important event, because after them there is a temptation to relax and go to the saving rest. To resist, you need to find the right motivation.

There are five ways to help not surrender after grueling training:

Check out a clear goal

To do this, it is enough to give a clear answer to the question - for what exactly you decide to play sports. Do you need to lose weight, create a clear relief of muscles, improve your body or find a new hobby? Only you can give yourself an answer. Such a goal will be powerful motivation and selfiority, it should cause a desire to achieve it at one thought about it;

Clear temporary frames

By setting the goal, you need to determine the date, before the onset of which you can achieve it. It should be indicated in the calendar, it should not be a certain indefinite time interval. The date must be constantly updated in memory, remind of myself about it by creating a bright poster and marks in the calendar;

Really evaluate your capabilities

The goal should be performed, objective. If you understand that it is impossible to reset for a week 10 kilograms, then establish more realistic and affordable tasks. In this case, it is better to underestimate yourself to preserve confidence in your abilities;

Make a plan

The target and timeline, this is a staircase for which you can climb up, and the points of the plan - the steps that you will raise. At the stage of drawing up a plan, you find out the type of workouts necessary, their number per week, program and other particular. A clear plan, expressed on paper, will be an additional motivation;

Arose difficulties?

Take advantage of professionals. Experienced trainers are able to solve any problem associated with classes. They will provide you with basic information, help you choose the best simulators and the nature of the exercises. Also, the coach will help you to stay on the way, reminding your own decision to start training.

It is important to remember that the sport should bring maximum pleasure. Athletes do not torment themselves on grueling workouts, and self-improvement, training their spirit and body. Internal confrontation is one of the most complex obstacles. There will always be a desire to skip the occupation, do not go to the hall and abandon running. You need to make yourself get out of the apartment to continue work.

Simple conclusion - act together!

If you do alone too complicated and motivation for sports is lost, find a friend who also wants to start training. Together you can achieve big results, because comrades always enter into a tight competition, trying to surpass each other. Actively communicate, share your achievements on social networks, it additionally mests you.

There are many exhausting circular workouts from different coaches, but we decided to write about the most insane. The word insanity is translated from English - madness. This training has become a real breakthrough in the home of home fitness. Insanity includes a huge number of jumps, and you just will not have time to rest.

The appearance of insanity

Training and truth, not easy. Your body becomes the most enduring, and clothing can be squeezed after such loads. The man who came up with insanity is the name of Sean Ti, he was a star of athletics, he received a sporting education and even taught dancing. Based on its experience and knowledge, Sean has developed the most insane workout, the results of which are capable of motivating anyone. Effective training designed for stars quickly went into the people.

For the first time, people learned about Insanity exercises in 2009. The training cycle is designed for 60 days and includes 6 workouts per week. Yes, after such insane loads, you will be able to relax only one day. It is in two months with this program that you must make a real transformation of your body.

The first month

Daily training will take about 30 minutes from you, but at first, many are able to hold out only 3-4 minutes, because the load is given, to put it mildly, intense. In order for the body to be able to withstand all 30 minutes, it is recommended to add 30 seconds per day for 30 seconds. Every week you have 6 training options.

The very first day begins with Fit Test workout, which may include a huge number of jumps, such as jumped out of squats, jumping with breeding of hands, lunks ahead with a jump and many other options. Also Fit Test complements a huge amount of exercises on the press, most of which include the active work of the legs.

In addition, the Insanity complex includes cardio days and of course strength training. Cardio training is divided immediately into several species, it is enough to say that even after the so-called restorative cardio, all do not communicate immediately from the floor. The power training includes jumping from one foot to another, various falses with foot lifting, as well as several static loads.

Between two months of brutal training, there is a reducing week, which includes various cardio loads performed with moderate intensity.

Second month

After the first month, the load increases, and it is logical, because Insanity provides that you will post all 100% without a residue. The specifics of the exercise remains the same, however the time of the daily workout is no longer 30 minutes, but all 50-60. On the second month you can already meet such a workout as Max Interval Circuit. Sean Ti considers it one of the most cruel in the whole complex. Max Interval Circuit consists of a variety of not the most complex exercise, but then with what intensity they need to be performed, the real fear. Time for rest in this training session is practically no remaining.

No data

Why most people fail to get rid of excess weight? Why kilograms, with such difficulty discarded, treacherously run back, it is only for a long time to relax? Why is there still medicine there is no single approach to the treatment of this disease? Why is there any good from the multitude of diets? And is there a way out? Author of this book, doctor of medical sciences, nutritionist and psychotherapist Mikhail Ginzburg sure that is! And in confirmation of this, it leads to the latest achievements of science, on the basis of which, in fact, its treatment method has been developed.

Lose weight, according to the author, the people are prevented by no lance, it is not a low power of will or "unrestrained love for sweet", but errors. Of which is hardly the main thing is to sit on a rigid unbearable diet or excess yourself with excessive physical exertion.

Therefore, a diet, a total of grueling workouts! They only interfere. Everything is much easier than it seems. Of course, if you do everything right from the very beginning! The author especially recommends reading this book to all those who are tired of fighting, who begins and again breaks down, who lose weight, but can not keep the result achieved, all those who suffer from excess weight, those who have already led to complications, And also to all who are vividly interested in the device of its own body, the metabolic device, natural recovery and healthy diet, all those who want, relying on the knowledge of modern science, having gaining harmony with them, live long and happily!

From the pyshki - in the hords. Personal experience weight loss

Evgenia Petrovna Ivanova Manual No data

My youth fell on the era of perestroika. Food in student hostels: Sandwiches with tea + dining room. Result: 90 kg with growth 160 cm. Developing this system, it lost weight by almost 40 kg. Applying this simple strategy, eliminating diet and grueling workouts, in principle, any effort will result in the norm.

This information is very valuable for those who follow their health.

Vladimir Voronin Modern Russian literature Absent

"Lyca was a mare. The most real mare, the horse of the Don breed. With a clear admixture of overseas noble blood. This was spoken by a small beautiful head, sharp legs, proportional to the folded body, a long thin neck. Lyuska's character was that more.

Young, not to the measure of a buggy and unbalanced, she, however, managed to conquer the prestigious third place in major competitions of three-year-olds. She was referred to her good future. Read, yes focused. The semi-cut grains launched a little longer to "win" her after the grueling workout.

Put at once in the day, sweat and trottered. Another grooming, the same young and the same thing is not quite sober, drove it, by overpower, cold water to urge ... ".

Lynette Noni. Thrillers Bestthriller.

Jane Doe believes. Believes that she is an anomaly, one of a kind. It was very expensive to her: "Langard", a secret government institution, keeps her for the third year in the sake of his mysterious program. Strict regime, round-the-clock observation, grueling workouts, dozens of painful experiments.

And all this time, Jane Dow is silent, afraid to issue his real name or say about his ability. But once it opens the whole truth about Lengard's program: it is the abnormality of Jane Dow underlies the monstrous conspiracy. And one wrong word, even said in a whisper, can lead to a catastrophe.

Jane Doe will have to choose who to trust, and desperately hope that this choice will not be the last in her life.

10 Geniyev Sports

A. Yu. Khoroshevsky Biographies and memoirs 10 Geniyev

People who are about the life of which are told in this book, did not just achieve great success in sports, they changed this world, influenced the worldview of entire generations, comparable to the influence of the most famous writers or politicians. Maybe someone from the readers of the Movement, reading this book, will seriously deal with sports and eventually will become a new pele, new Irina Rodnina, Sergey Bubka or Michael Schumacher.

Or maybe think and decides that a big sport is not for him. And it is unlikely that it can be condemned. Because high-level sports is the hardest work, exhausting, brought to exhaustion of training, injury, health danger, and sometimes even for life.

Honor and glory to those who managed to go through this path to the end, surrendered in the fight against rivals and his own failures, managed to subordinate a dismissed and often cruel fate! The heroes of this book have achieved their goal and therefore can be called geniuses of sports with full right ...

The most important means of rehabilitation and treatment of the body.

That is why the book contains the best respiratory techniques based on the holistic principle, that is, allowing not only to lose weight, but also improve the appearance, increase energy and strengthen health, forget about stress. These practical, easy-to-use and efficient programs will help you create a miracle.

So make a deep breath ... "Exhale overweight" and enjoy life filled with harmony and equilibrium.

Hormone since childhood: how to give your child a beautiful figure

Aman Atilov Health Absent

Overweight in children is not taken away. His appearance always have causes. The most common - flipping. The book will help mothers with advice on how from childhood to support the child a beautiful figure that is much easier than the whole life to expose it to gloach diets and training.