Dmitry Erokhin Runner in contact. Dmitry Erokhin - on how to combine running and adventure

Dmitry Erokhin, Russian Ultramaraphon and Trailranner completed his journey through the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia. A member of the Russian Geographical Society overcame 900 km in 14 days 11 hours and 45 minutes:

  • Yaroslavl - Kostroma: 77 km;
  • Kostroma - Ivanovo: 104 km;
  • Ivanovo - Suzdal: 78 km;
  • Suzdal - Vladimir: 40 km;
  • Vladimir - Moscow: 186 km;
  • Moscow - Sergiev-Posad: 75 km;
  • Sergiev-Posad - Pereslavl-Zalessky: 68 km;
  • Pereslavl-Zalessky - Uglich: 130 km;
  • Uglich - Yaroslavl: 83 km.

Of course, there were additional stops on each of the stages. Smaller, such as Volga, Lipan, Old Kupavna, Vozdvizhenskoye, Mrest and Borisoglebsky were involuntarily added to the main cities. The average pace of Dmitry was about 63 km per day, which, by the way, twice the pace of Roman legionnaires, from which it was necessary to pass a maximum of 35 km per day. As in the past year, his main goal was the popularization of the cities of the Golden Ring and Sport as such. All distance he overcame without support and special equipment. Not a spare sneakers, nor a lot of drinking and food. Only one backpack.

See all the beauty of nature live, without being distracted by the road, you can only walk or run. This is also one of the main arguments in favor of ultramaraphon. The most difficult stage was a plot of 118 km. I had to lose rain, fight with weather vision. But the lungs were only the start and finish. To Kostroma, according to Dmitry, it was easily easily cheerfully. Motivation was helped on the way back from the coal to Yaroslavl: only 83 km remained, and the feeling of approaching the finish was forced the record holder to move even faster.

The most interesting thing that happened at the distance, he calls communication with people. In many cities he met with athletes from local crossing clubs. - For others it may seem conventional and trivial. But these are such races and differ from Manezhnaya - there they are the same in all countries for obvious reasons, "says Dmitry. Of course, he failed to meet with everyone, because in some settlements traveler came late at night. But with his example, he showed that there is nothing impossible.

Most of all Dmitry remembered Uglich and Suzdal. The latter was impressed by the tourist scenery and a flavor, but to visit Uglich and was at all a long-standing dream of ultramaraphon. The following year in the plans to expand the Route Railway. - There is a position on the cities of the Golden Ring, it is planned to add one city to this list every year. If my desire had taken into account, I would add or film, or Myshkin. Myshkin not far from the coal, and the plates I always went by the party for various reasons. As soon as some city is added, I immediately include it in my route, and the distance will be more and more interesting for one city, "says Dmitry.

In case, all the same list of the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia will remain unchanged, there are other ambitions with a public figure. The main task is to increase the pace. From 62 km per day to 90. True, it will be almost impossible to do this without the help of a good team. Therefore, Dmitry is going to organize a real expedition, where it will definitely add assistants and additional power sources at the distance. A special role in this plan is given to the "Capital". He will shoot the entire process of traveling traveler from height. According to Dmitry, this will allow him to be much less distracted into various organizational problems, and the picture of the way will become better and complete. The second journey through the cities of the "Golden Ring" himself, Dmitry, recognized as successful. It was not easy, but helped support citizens. They motivated him, and he is them. The traveler himself notes that during the Challenge he lost 4 kg. This happens to him for the first time. But the new world record is already the fourth in his piggy bank. I wonder if there is a global record for the number of world records? If so, then once the name Dmitry Erochene will appear there.

Great Sport 5 (112)

Text: Anna Chernogolovin

Where the asphalt ends, the trailranting begins. This is running on natural relief - hills, mountains, forests, swamps, deserts. Sports for romantics and most enduring: not only contemplation of landscapes, but also an increased load for the body is a diverse relief is harder than running on the highway. There are no global records here, only records of the individual tracks and distance are the more, the more honorable. About what far and even further, tells Dmitry Erokhin, the pioneer of the Russian trailransnigning, which ran 1568 km from Moscow to Sochi, 1200 km around Baikal, finished among the best in many days in Sahara, and now going to Everest.

You have taken the 8th place at the Russian Championship 100 km, after that they changed dramatically and went to the trailraning. Why so happened?
I was preparing for the next championship of Russia and aiming for the result 7:50. But I was mistaken in preparation, I received inflammation of the periosteum and did not come to the start. Then I was advised to temporarily start running around the soil, and I came down from the asphalt. It turned out to be irreversible - I liked it.

How did you come to multi-day?
The first of them became Marathon Des Sables in 2013, 250 km (6-day mileage, passes in April in Sahara. - Approx. Bs). I did not want to escape her: I did not think what was ready. But on participation insisted a friend Anatoly Markin - he practically forced me. And I gave my best result in a running career: got into the top 50. And there were people ahead who came to acclimatize for a month, and not in exactly the event as me. In general, running along the sugar at an altitude of 800 meters above sea level - is not at all the same thing to train in the snow in Moscow, at an altitude of 200 meters. Plus, I ran halfland: Salo chose as a power source, and on the second day it spoiled from the heat.

Why exactly fat?
It is necessary to consume at least two thousand calories per day. In one gram of sugar, four calories, that is, to provide calories for calories, 500 grams are required per day. And in the fat - nine calories, and 220 grams per day are required. In terms of six days of the race, it gives a greater difference in weight. Everything has to bear it.

However, as a result, I showed about the same time as Leonid Shvetsov (the current winner of the record up in the most massive ultramaphon of The Comrades (5: 24.49). - Approx. BS), who spent on Marathon Des Sables to me, and very much proud of it. I took 43rd place in the protocol, it is the 41st. Or, on the contrary, I do not remember exactly.

Two thousand calories are "at least." And how many calories do you ideally need to consume a day?
If the amount of food is not limited to anything, then from 10 to 15 thousand calories a day I eat, plus sports nutrition, carbohydrate gels. If less, then I lose weight. I use amino acids: on average gram per 10 kg of own mass.

How to restore?
Sauna, massage, sauna, tea or coffee. Injuries, I have a random character and arise not because of the run, but according to stupidity and negligence - for example, I caught up with the bus and stumbled.

Well, in 2016 you fled along Baikal - 1200 km in 28 days, - and no sauna or baths clearly were not clearly.
So, I was not restored - I am generally ready for any conditions. You are not sleeping under the pine problem, but if you can stay in a five-star hotel, I'm glad to use it. When I ran along Baikal, I slept in the hut with hunts, she was hidden by some sudden or dog skin, chased from the cold. Then he stopped on the turbase - it became so good. I am any effect maximizing.

I know that the Bear came out at the Barguzinsky Reserve. How it was?
I ran down the hollow, the bear heard a crackling and went to me. I reacted, got up to the tree, got a falsefaiter and whistled three to four seconds sharply - a bear in response published Pouf. I whistled again, he again answered "Pouff." So lasted 20 minutes. There was about 15 meters between us. Then the bear left, and I continued the descent on the hollow, publishing a whistle.

Such long-term events are unthinkable without a support group. Who is this in your case?
My comrade Alexey Merkulov: He helped me and on Baikal, and during the race Moscow - Sochi. He is a driver: clothes, food, laptop, cameras, books - all this. When he comes, I have a basic camp. But in general, a lot of people supported me on Baikal: from Irkutsk to Ust-Barguzin was Alexey by car; Then they supported the merger on the ilbote; There was a boat volunteer and catamaran. So on the chain, they were transferred to each other. The main thing is to always have a tent, water and food.

My project Moscow - Sochi on the eve of the start of the Olympic Games (1568 km, to 80-90 km per day. - Note. BS) supported Victor Liquel (Tritlet, Chairman of the Board of the Vesta Investment Bank. - approx. Bs): He is one of Popularizers of cyclic sports in Russia. Victor decided that this is an interesting large-scale project, and in every major city I booked a five-star hotel for me. This is his contribution to the development of running in Russia.
Basically, of course, my support is a nearby circle. Nevertheless, someone will translate condensed milk, someone socks: with a pine with a pine support and it turns out.

What happens to your immunity during multi-day?
He copes with everything. For example, in 2014, I ran 115 km around Elbrus. It took 25 hours: I was completely killed. I am crawling into the room, bowing to the bed in the corpse, and after seven hours I get up and go out to the next distance - 45 km. A friend who lived with me in the room and saw it, the eyes rounded. The most important thing on the multi-day is the recovery rate. I have it.

How to adequately assess the resources of your body and understand that it is ready for very long distances?
I have such a test - daily running. The distance you can be covered in a day must be divided into three. That is, to run 60 km a day, you need to do a day from 180 km. I am capable of it.
Plus I had a training before the race Moscow - Sochi: three days in a row ran 70 km. I wake up for the fourth day in the morning - nothing hurts me: neither muscles or tendons. So, ready and can.

How many kilometers do you usually run in the week?
Peak kilometer, which I reached, was 250 km per week and almost 1000 per month. So I was preparing for a 200-kilometer traile in 2013. The unloading week is weak, when I rest is less than 100 km per week. 150 km - already seriously.

By what principle choose a race to participate? Guided by how to organize your own projects?
They must be held in sign places: for example, on Baikal, Everest, Elbrus. I can ask the Council to arrange a vote on Facebook. Soon I am leaving on Tenzing-Hillary Everest Marathon, which begins from the base camp on Everest at an altitude of about 5346 meters and ends in the village of the Number Bazar 3440 meters away. This is the highest mountain marathon in the world - a distance of 42.2 km, - where about 10% of the participants are not able to even go to the start after overnight. My comrade Oleg Bartunov had long wanted to send a strong athlete there. And he said: "Everything, Dima, let's, help you - will go to Everest." Competition - May 29, however, I will find it there earlier to adapt: \u200b\u200byou need at least two weeks at an altitude. My rivals are already acclimatized. But I am an amateur athlete with limited resources - you need to go to work, remake the case, write a vacation application.

With which a result you will consider that Everest succeeded for you?
There are two tests: for Nepalese and foreigners. If I become 10th in the absolute and enter the top three of the best foreigners, it will be fine. Although, of course, there is a difference between me and those guys who seen two months at an altitude of 5400.

Are there any circumstances that may prevent you from going to start?
For most people, it is important that the probability of success accounted for 95%. If they, let's say, pull the muscle or, say, do not gain 600 km in workouts, then they will pass tickets and do not go anywhere. I can go to the start even with a probability of 20%. I will come out, even if I am adding.

The first thing you need to take care is about the safety of ankle. It is easy to turn the leg: you can just get awkward to pebbles. So the usual sneakers need to be replaced by trail: they have special protection from the foot of the foot. In addition, in contrast to models for asphalt, they have a more aggressive tread for clutch with different surfaces and reinforced sock - fingers should be protected from stones, branches.

Prevention injury
In the trailranning runners involve more muscles than on the highway. So it is necessary to strengthen your legs and the corps from the first workouts to pay attention to the lower back, back, abdominal press, ankle, knee bindings, muscles and bindings of the front and back of the thigh. It is best to contact the coach, find out where your weaknesses are located, and pay special attention to their elaboration. If you plan to run with sticks, you will have to strengthen the upper shoulder belt - otherwise the sticks will only work out your movement.

Functional endurance
If you do not have enough of this component, the trail will turn into an ordinary goal. So you have to include in your "diet" a wide variety of workouts: from slow time and two-hour crossings on a low pulse up to 140 (for trailransning the length of the track 10-20 km is, you can say, sprint) to running along the hills and intervals.

Postgres Professional will be the sponsor of the participation of the Russian athlete in one of the most complex mountain marathons of the Earth. Now Dmitry Erokhin is held the final stage of preparation for the competition and acclimatization in the Himalayas.

Annually May 29 In Nepal, an Everest marathon is held - the highest marathon of the planet. His track with a length of 42 kilometers 195 meters runs through the rocky slopes of Mount Everest between the high-altitude stamps of 5364 and 3446 meters above sea level. Despite the fact that the start point is located above the finish point of almost 2000 meters, it is unlikely that the adventure can be called a light run under the mountain, since the high-altitude profile of the track is very difficult and includes many both cunning descents and steep lifts, and well drowning, comfortable There are no trails here - only sharp stones, possibly snow and ice.

Questions themselves ask themselves: "Who are all these people who are capable of such a feat - to overcome the distance of the classic marathon in the conditions of oxygen starvation on the complex relief? Does them go to the start? What results show?"

Most of the participants of Everest-Marathon are the Nepalese, residents of the country, in which the highest peak of the world is located. It may seem to say forgoing - who, if not the locals, well-prepared for climate, relief, reduced oxygen content in the air, are best ready for this race? But not everything is so simple. An important refinement will be information that the participation of Nepalese in the Everest-Marathon was dictated by the headquarters of the Nepal army. A few months before the start of the 10 strongest special forces officers, Nepal are completely starting to devote their time preparation. And that is why the entire documented history of the mileage of the Nepalese fully form the top ten of the winners of Everest Marathon, except for the past three years, when the Polish Marathon Robert Chelinski, who came out in the past year before the 5th place in the top ten. No one from the foreigners in the top ten at Everest-Marathon did not get through his history since 2003.

Although representatives of various countries participated a lot.

Poland, Spain, United States, Germany, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Scotland, France, Australia, Canada, Austria, Malaysia, Denmark, Holland, Japan, Belgium, Switzerland, Ireland, India, Philippines, Czech Republic, Slovakia, South Africa , Hungary, Finland, Brazil, Taiwan, Romania, Norway, Italy, Hong Kong, Israel, Sweden, China, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Russia - Here is a list of countries whose representatives finished on this extremal mileage. As you can see, the list is dominated by developed countries with a high standard of living, athletes from which can afford it is not cheap. It can be concluded from this that it is prestigious to participate in Everest Marathon, as it strengthens the country's status as an economically developed state.

What can be said about the participation of Russian athletes in the highest marathon of the planet? While a little. On the stony slopes of Everest, these 42 kilometers of 195 meters fled only one Russian - Vladimir Guryanov. But he fled twice: in the 2015th and 2016th year. In 2015, Vladimir was lucky a little more, and with a relatively low result of 7 hours 18 minutes 45 seconds, he took the 24th line in the protocol of the competition, in which only 44 runners participated. In 2016, the participants were 137, and running a little faster - in 7 hours 9 minutes and 27 seconds - Vladimir Guryanov turned out to be only 69th. Thus, Russia's participation in Everest-Marathon turned out to be practically imperceptible.

But the times are changing, and a new figure appears in the morahon race on the slopes of the highest top of the world. Dmitry Erokhin - Famous ultramaraphon and trailranner - intends on May 29, 2017 to challenge Everest marathon and show a decent result, and perhaps and enter the top ten finishers of Everest Marathon this year.

And what is needed for this? What result must be shown?

The best of the participants in Everest Marathon overcome the distance faster than 4 hours. The same time show lovers on a highway marathon with a slight relief and sufficient oxygen in the air. But on Everest everything is different, and on average, the runners show the result for an hour and a half worse in comparison with the plain marathon. In addition, the organizers of the marathon strongly recommend athletes to arrive in Himalayas three weeks before the start for confident passage of high-altitude acclimatization or pass the acclimatization process at comparable altitudes in other mountainous regions of the Earth. And practice has shown that not all runners can be acclimatized. It wins no faster, and more hardy and capable of adapting to unusual conditions. That is why most participants here show the result 3 times worse than on the plain. Finishing results at 10, 13 and even 16 hours at Everest marathon are considered quite normal. Here you just get to the finish line - already feat or, at a minimum, a great achievement.

Why are Dmitry Erokhin so sure about the success of his participation in such a difficult competition? What is his chances, and what achievements Dmitry already has in the marathon and ultramaraphon running?

In the community of lovers of marathon and mountain run, Dmitry Erokhin has been known for several years. It is famous for a number of outstanding achievements, which for a person not involved in extreme sports may seem fantastic and unreal. In 2013, Dmitry overcame the multi-day "Sultan Marathon des Sables" (sand marathon) with a length of 232 kilometers along the hot spackers of the sugar desert. Most of those reading these lines were unlikely to endure and 15 minutes in those incredible conditions when the Sun scorching from Zenith heats the air to 60-70 degrees, and the sand to the boiling point of water. Dmitry Erokhin was able to run 6 days in a row for many hours without a break. And here, Dmitry showed incredible abilities to acclimatization, because it was necessary to prepare for the race in the context of the Russian winter, but to perform at the competition "Sultan Marathon Des Sables" - in the fire of the African Sun. "Sultan Marathon Des Sables" is a rather massive race, in which about one and a half thousand Extreme Runners annually participate. Dmitry's success was ambitious: he came to the finish 43rd. In terms of the extent of Everest-Marathon, Dmitry could well count on the 4th place, but we will not make it up.

How can you compare the desert and the mountains?! - you ask. But Dmitry showed himself in the mountain trails, successfully performing at International Elbrus Race, very close in spirit to Everest Marathon, and in a high-speed lift to Kilimanjaro. The most famous achievement of Dmitry was the Olympic mileage of Moscow-Sochi, which he carried out in the framework of a charitable action to assist victims from stroke. Dmitry overcame the distance of about 1,700 kilometers in less than a month, starting in snow-covered Moscow, continuing to escape 60-80 kilometers per day at 30-degree frosts. Overcoming several mountain passes, he finished in hot sunny sochi synchronously with the opening of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games and again demonstrated miracles of rapid adaptation.

On a highway marathon with a slight relief, Dmitry can show the result of about 3 hours. With the complication of the relief, any runner loses the pace. It `s naturally. But not all runners lose the pace in the same proportion. And, without having outstanding high-speed qualities on the plain, Dmitry shows the amazing stability of the pace on complex coatings, cool descents and lines: where most runners critically lose speed and go to step, there Dmitry continues to run, only slowing down. Based on such unique qualities of an athlete, it can be quite reasonable to assume that in the complex relief of Everest-marathon Dmitry Erokhin will slow down for an hour, in comparison with the highway, and it may well show the result of about 4 hours, which is quite consistent with the dozen, which puts his The purpose of an athlete.

Year I place X place Participants Note
2016 4:00:10 5:13:15 137 15th wives. MS. Purnimaya Rai 05:24:00
2015 4:01:54 5:15:27 44 13th wives. Ang Dami Sherpa 06:05:43
2014 3:52:09 5:07:10 130
2013 3:59:45 5:16:20 135
2012 3:41:31 4:44:35 157 number 1 came running last 16:09:00
2011 3:45:49 4:45:03 105 11th wives. Ang Futi Sherpa 04:46:14
2010 3:41:20 4:23:30 98
2009 3:40:47 4:45:48 97
2008 3:53:14 4:39:02 120
2007 3:59:24 4:29:04 117
2006 3:28:27 4:02:42 129
2005 4:19:17 4:38:50 104
2004 4:03:08 4:52:36 71
2003 3:34:12 4:13:35 29

But, as you can see from the Table of the results of Everest Marathon, you can get to the top ten and with a result of 5 hours on the finish.

Of course, no victories are impossible without proper special training, no matter how talented athlete. Preparation for participation in the Everest-Marathon and the submission of Russia in this unique run, Dmitry has been conducted for more than six months, successfully passed acclimatization on Elbrus at altitudes comparable to the heights of the Elerest Marathon's highway, and already flew to Nepal.

By the sponsor of the participation of the Russian Marathon Dmitry Erochene in Everest Marathon, Postgres Professional was performed. For us, Everest is a symbol of the highest achievements to which we also strive, but already in the area of \u200b\u200bthe IT industry. And the participation of a Russian athlete in such a complex sports competition for us is associated with the success of Russia in a variety of technological directions. That is why Dmitry Erookhin is lucky with himself in Himalayas Flag of Postgres Professional and State Symbolism of Russia.

Before the start of Everest Marathon remains less than a month. On May 29, 2017, we will hurt for the Russian athlete.

Let's wish Dmitry Good luck! His success will be our common success!