The sport is accented by developing endurance. Cyclic sports


Sport is the actual competitive activity, special preparations for it, as well as the arms of the norm, its inherent. A characteristic feature of sports is competitive activity, a specific form of which are competitions that allow to identify, compare and compare human capabilities based on a clear regulation of interactions of competing, unification of the composition of action (the weight of projectile, rival, etc.), conditions from the implementation and methods of assessing achievements According to the established rules. Special preparation for competitive activities in sports is carried out in the form of a sports training.

The sport is a set of types of sports competitions combined by the similarity of the rules, one sports federation, etc.

The development of sports throughout the world led to the emergence and development of many individual sports, which are currently more than 200. Each of them is characterized by its subject of competition, a special composition of actions, ways to conduct competitive struggle and competition rules. All types of physical activity are divided into the intensity of loads on very high, high, medium and low intensity. This corresponds to the level of sports qualifications of extra-class athletes (Olympic Champions and World Champions), Masters of Sports of International Class, Sports Masters, Dischargers, Physical Culture Culture, Non-Physical Culture and Peacecultitudes In order to rehabilitate certain functions with specified motor activity. Naturally, the requirements for these persons, their preparedness, nutrition and pharmacological support will be completely different. However, they all have the limits of their capabilities that limit the physical performance of a person.

It should be borne in mind that these factors limiting performance depend on the type of physical activity, which can be divided in accordance with classifications of sports for five main groups:

1. Cyclic Sports


3. Martial arts

4. Game sports

5. Comfortable coordination

Cyclic sports

Cyclic sports with preferential endurance (running, swimming, ski racing, skating, all kinds of rowing, cycling and others), when the same movement is repeated repeated many times, a large amount of energy is consumed, and the work itself is spent, with high and Very high intensity. These sports require support for metabolism, specialized nutrition, especially during marathon distances, when the power sources with carbohydrates occurs (Macroeergk cyclic sports belongs, sports walking, swimming, cycling, rowing, skiing, speed skating. Despite certain differences In biomechanics, these species have the general characteristics of the energy of muscle loads. It is fundamentally allocated to sprint sports, in which the time spent on the overcoming distance does not exceed 3 min, and styry sports in which the duration of the load period can reach many hours. In the first Case Energy costs are covered mainly due to the anaerobic oxidation of carbohydrates, in the second case, due to aerobic cleavage of carbohydrates and fats.

Springs need to ensure the maximum power of physical work over a relatively short period of time, loads have a speed-force. The high speed of the reaction and the ability to mobilize all the forces, positive in a short time. Therefore, the diet of the sprinters should include significant amounts of full protein (2.4-2.5 g per 1 kg of body weight) to maintain and restore muscle and carbohydrate power (9-10 g per 1 kg of body weight) to ensure high glycogen content in muscles . In this case, the rate of admission to the body of carbohydrates should be covered mainly due to the use of oat colts and flakes, buckwheat, potatoes, vegetables and fruits, and not at the expense of refined products (white bread, sugar, etc.) the amount of fats may vary in Depending on the purpose of sports preparation from 1.5 to 1.8 g per 1 kg of body weight. Recommendations increase the consumption of fats to 2.5-2.7 g per 1 kg of body weight, I consider unreasonable, as it is completely nothing to accumulate fats to sprint. The total caloric content of the diet should be determined at the rate of 65-70 kcal per 1 kg of body weight.

The diet should be rich in products containing phosphorus (meat, fish, cheese, grain), but at the same time so that the absorption of calcium is not disturbed, the consumption of products containing this mineral substance (milk, dairy products) should be increased accordingly. More iron (25-40 mg per day), magnesium (up to 700 mg per day) and other mineral substances should be consumed. It is necessary to ensure high content in the diet of vitamins C, A, E, group V. from PPBC and BAD, it is possible to recommend creatine, carbohydrate-mineral drinks, energy tiles, vitamin and mineral complexes.

Stayers also need a sufficient amount of protein, which, according to different authors, should be from 2.0 to 2.8 g per 1 kg of body weight. However, taking into account long-term aerobic loads, which are provided by energy due to the oxidation of carbohydrates and fats, the content of these foodstuffs in the diet should be increased and composed, respectively, 10-11.5 g and 2.0-2.1 g per 1 kg of body weight. The total caloric content of the daytime diet is determined at the rate of 70-75 kcal per 1 kg of body weight. Non-fat dairy products, lean meat, fish, poultry are recommended from protein products; From carbohydrate products - porridge, vegetables, fruits, bread from coarse grinding, pasta. Fats not only perform an important energy function, but also necessary to ensure the normal operation of the joints that are experiencing very heavy loads. Unsaturated fats should be at least one third of the total fat. As well as sprints, staipers require increased consumption of vitamins C, RR, A, E, groups in and mineral substances. Due to significant losses of fluid, observance of the correct drinking regime is very important. The volume of food should be small, so you can use the PPBC protein and energy orientation, vitamin and mineral complexes.

Separately, it should be said about Marathon and athletes overcoming super long distances in skiing, running, walking, cycling. In such cases, there is a huge energy consumption, which can reach 10,000 kcal and more per day. For its compensation, adequate consumption of carbohydrates and fats is required - 11-14 g and 2.1-2.3 g per 1 kg of body weight, respectively. Increased protein intake - 2.4-2.9 g per 1 kg of body weight. With such long loads, significant dehydration of the body occurs, and then mineral substances and water-soluble vitamins are lost. Consequently, constant reduction of liquid reserves and these important substances is required.

Accordingly, food must be high-calorie, but its volume should be small. Therefore, it is better to eat relatively often, optimal - 5 times a day. It is advisable to exclude fatty, sharp, salted, fried meat dishes, smoked meats, smoked, which is already high with long-term loads, which is high with long-term loads. Very good gentry cottage cheese, oatmeal with various fillers. Especially useful by the Kuraga, Uryuk, raisins, containing large quaria, which is necessary for the muscles of the heart. You can recommend honey with various nuts, black currant, red sweet pepper, baby dairy. Useful protein, protein-mineral, protein-carbohydrate pps, but their selection should be carried out strictly individually. It is necessary to use vitamin and mineral complexes. You can try to take creatine. The diet of each athlete should be drawn up on the basis of the basic laws of rational nutrition, taking into account the specific sport, the preparation phase, the nature of training and competitive loads and, which is very important, individual characteristics. It is necessary to take into account both useful and negative properties of products and food substances, it is reasonable to experiment with nutrition, without refusing anything that gives positive results. The control of the hormonal system of these types of metabolism is essential in both forecasting and in the correction of the performance of pharmacological preparations.

For a long time, swimming is of great importance in the life of people. So far, hundreds of people are somewhat drown due to the fact that they do not know how to swim. Therefore, swimming should be paid more attention. It is advisable to introduce compulsory swimming classes everywhere. Each child must finish school, knowing how to swim, as well as whether to own rescue techniques on the water. This gives a person confidence, and it can, under certain circumstances, to help imagining. The recreational value of the swimming consists of an exciting exposure to water on the body and in a favorable functional effect of swimming movements. Swimming strengthens the body, forms the body and the correct posture. Due to their stay in the water, the irritation is affected by cold.

In addition, the fact that the body located in water is exposed to strong pressure, as well as that when swimming, all parts of the body are involved in motion. The human body responds to these effects by increasing metabolism and activation of cardiovascular activities: the result of the cardiovascular system and an increased degree of decade are the result.

Due to the effortlessly flowing metabolic processes, the need for oxygen increases, so that in combination with the effects of water pressure, breathing improves and the life container of the lungs improves. With this positive factor, the fact that the air above the surface of the water almost does not contain dust.

Due to the horizontal position when swimming and moving forward, the supporting apparatus of the body is straightened and unloaded. The muscles of the spinal column increase its mobility, and thanks to the participation of a large number of muscle groups, swimming becomes simultaneously an effective tool to strengthen the proprietary machine and to prevent or correct the posture defects.

Sports swimming includes four types:

* free style (krol),

* backstroke,

* Butterfly (dolphin).

Distance for competitions from 100 to 1500 m.

  • 1. Organism as a biological system
  • 2. Anatomy-morphological features of the body
  • 3. Bone system and its functions
  • 4. Muscular system and its functions
  • 5. Digestive and Allocation Organs
  • 6. Physiological systems of the body.
  • 7. Motor activity of a person and the relationship of physical and mental activity
  • 8. Funds of physical culture that ensure resistance to mental and physical performance
  • 9. Functional performance indicators of the body at rest, when performing standard and extremely stressful work
  • 10. Benches of substances and energy
  • Control questions
  • Theme 3. Basics of a healthy student lifestyle. The role of physical culture in ensuring health content
  • 1. The concept of "health" and its content
  • 2. Functional manifestation of health in various spheres of vital activity
  • 3. Effect of Environment On Health
  • 4. Value orientations of students on a healthy lifestyle and their reflection in vitality
  • 5. Organization of labor regime, rest and sleep
  • 6. Organization of the power mode
  • 7. Organization of motor activity
  • 8. Personal hygiene and hardening
  • 9. Prevention of bad habits
  • 10. Culture of interpersonal communication
  • 11. Psychophysical regulation of the body
  • 12. Physical self-education - a healthy lifestyle condition
  • Control questions
  • Topic 4. Psychophysiological foundations of academic labor and intellectual activity. Funds of physical culture in health regulation Content
  • Introduction
  • 1. Features of the budget of the time of students
  • 2. Basic psychophysiological characteristics of mental learning students
  • 3. The dynamics of mental performance
  • 4. High productivity of students of students
  • 5. Regulation of the motor activity of students
  • 6. The use of exercise as a means of active recreation and improving performance
  • 7. The value of exercise as a means of countering mental stress and removal of neuro-emotional voltage
  • 8. Methodical foundations of using physical culture and sports in the learning process
  • 9. Educational and independent student classes in physical education in training
  • 10. Use of physical culture and sports in free time
  • 11. Use of physical culture and sports in healthy - sports camps
  • Control questions
  • Theme 5. In general, physical, special and sports training in the system of physical education. Content
  • The principle of consciousness and activity.
  • Principle of clarity
  • Principle of accessibility
  • Principle of systematic
  • Principle of dynamism
  • 2. Effects and methods of physical education
  • Methods of physical education
  • 3. Education of physical qualities.
  • Education.
  • Raising speed.
  • Raising endurance.
  • Education of dexterity (coordination abilities).
  • Education of flexibility.
  • 4. General physical training.
  • 5. Special physical training.
  • Sports training.
  • Forms of exercise exercise.
  • Principles of sports training.
  • Training lesson.
  • Control questions.
  • Bibliography
  • Topic 6. Fundamentals of independent exercise techniques Content
  • Introduction
  • 1. Organization of independent exercise activities
  • 2. Forms of independent classes
  • 3. Content of independent classes
  • 4. The nature of the content of classes depending on age
  • 5. Features of independent studies for women
  • 6. Planning the volume and intensity of exercise
  • 7. Management of the process of independent classes
  • 8. Characteristics of the intensity of physical exertion for students
  • 9. Hygiene of independent classes
  • 10. Prevention of injury
  • 11.SameControl during independent classes
  • Control questions
  • Topic 7. Sport. Individual selection of sports or systems of physical education Content
  • Introduction
  • 1. General Sport Characteristics
  • 2. Unified Sport Classification
  • 3. Sports in higher educational institution
  • 4.The Sports Competitions
  • 5. Non-traditional systems of exercise
  • 6. Individual choice of physical exercise systems
  • 7. Brief description of the main groups of sports
  • Control questions
  • Topic 8. Features of classes Selected sports or physical exercise system
  • Introduction
  • 1. Characteristics of the features of the impact of sports for physical development and preparedness, mental qualities and personality properties
  • Feature of sports, developing individual physical qualities
  • 3. Objectives and tasks of sports preparation in university
  • 4. Training planning in favorite sport
  • 5. Basic ways to achieve physical, technical, tactical and mental preparedness
  • 6. Methods for monitoring the effectiveness of training sessions
  • 7. Calendar of Student Competitions
  • 8. Aware Classification and Rules of Sports Competitions in Favorite Sports
  • With discharge requirements can be found on the example of improving aerobics
  • Terms of execution of discharge requirements
  • Group division
  • Control questions
  • Topic 9. Self-controlling physical exercise and sports
  • Introduction
  • 1. Diagnosis and self-diagnosis of the body during exercise and sports
  • 2. Medical control, its content and frequency
  • 3. Methods of standards and anthropometric indices for assessing physical development
  • 4. Evaluation of the functional state of organism systems
  • 5. Control of physical fitness
  • 6. Content of pedagogical control
  • 7. Subjective and objective indicators of self-control
  • Conclusion
  • Control questions
  • Topic 10. Vocational and applied physical training of students Content
  • Introduction
  • 1. Personal and socio-economic need for special psychophysical training of man to work in modern conditions
  • 2. General provisions of professional and applied physical training (PPFP)
  • Objectives and objectives of professional-applied physical training
  • 4. PPFP in the system of physical education of students
  • Funds of professional and applied physical training of students
  • 6. Organization, forms and system of control of the PPFP students in the university
  • Tests on professional and applied physical training of students of basic and sports training offices
  • Tests on professional and applied physical training of students of a special educational department
  • 7. Specific requirements for PPPs of oil and gas production specialists
  • 8. Characteristics of sanitary and hygienic working conditions in oil and gas production
  • 9. The main factors determining the content of the PPP of the graduate of oil and gas production
  • 10. Features of the PPP students of future oil and gas production specialists on selected specialties
  • Conclusion
  • Control questions
  • Topic 11. Physical culture in the professional activities of bachelor and specialist Content
  • Introduction
  • 1. Objective and objectives of industrial physical culture
  • 2. Methodical foundations of industrial physical culture
  • 3. Production physical culture during working hours
  • 4. Methods of drawing up and conducting complexes of exercises of introductory gymnastics, physical education pause and physical investigation moment
  • 5. Physical Culture and Sports in Free Time
  • 6. Physical and sports activities for outdoor activities
  • 7. Additional means of improving performance
  • 8. Prevention of occupational diseases and injuries by means of physical culture
  • Conclusion
  • Control questions
  • References for the lecture course
    1. Feature of sports, developing individual physical qualities

    Endurance develop predominantly cyclic sports.

    Educating endurance in the process of sports training in a certain sport is one of the effective means to achieve high overall and professional performance based on increasing the stability of the central nervous system, cardiovascular and other functional systems of the body against fatigue. Actually, under endurance and means the ability of the human body to overcome the upcoming fatigue. For the manifestation of common endurance, a good heart is needed, healthy lungs, a sufficient amount of hemoglobin in the blood, abundant blood supply to working muscles, etc. The main thing is that, under the influence of rational and systematic training, these bodies, physiological processes can increase their functional characteristics. That is why in this case we are more interested in those sports in which, as in most of the labor processes (throughout the working day), aerobic reactions occur in the body, that is, the reactions of biological oxidation in the body flowing with the participation of oxygen. Therefore, the greatest importance in ordinary life, in professional activities, such sports that develop mainly aerobic capabilities of the body, providing long-term, productive work of relatively low power not only in sports activities, but also for a sufficiently long-term working time in production.

    Total endurance is necessary for representatives of all sports, as it allows you to successfully cope with a large volume of training work, it is more efficient to perform and assimilate specialized training work. This once again emphasizes the special importance of education of general endurance in student youth, regardless of whether its representative is engaged in sports or only physical education, because the high level of general endurance is one of the main evidence of excellent health.

    So, to sports, focused by developing overall endurance, can include all cyclic sports, in which physical exertion continues a relatively long time on the background of a preferential increase in aerobic (oxygen) exchange in the human body. Such sports include: sports walking, running on medium, long and super long distance (marathon), ski racing and biathlon, swimming, rowing, cycling, most of the distances and all-around skater sports, mountaineering, sports orientation, tourism and some Others.

    Although all cyclic sports associated with the manifestation of endurance differ significantly in the structure of movements from each other, but general provisions are also between them: sports attainments of athletes are based on sufficiently surround training and competitive loads. In the process of regular training, it is developing to the extent that it is necessary for each specific sport, the performing functional "link" is oxygen - the transport system and regulating "link" is a central nervous and endocrine system.

    Athletes specializing in these sports are inherent in the ability to prolonged physical work, a successful volitional opposition to fatigue. Their high performance is provided with a variety of adaptive shifts that occurred in the body under the influence of training influences: the morphological and functional development of the muscles of the heart, an increase in the elastic properties of the walls of blood vessels, an increase in the stock of energy-rich substances in the muscles and internal organs, a high degree of efficiency of the nervous system, etc. . Consider more sports, developing endurance.

    Running on medium, long and super long distances -effective means of improving cardiovascular, respiratory systems, economization of metabolic processes in the body. All this together significantly increases the endurance of the human body.

    Currently, middle distances include cuts from 800 to 1500 m, to long - from 3000 to 10,000 m and to super longs - 20 km to the marathon run (42 km 195 m). Now all distances compete not only men, but also women. Competitions in running on medium and long distances are carried out both in the outdoors and indoors.

    When running to work, large muscle groups are included, which causes reinforced activity of cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The work of the body when running at these distances is mainly associated with aerobic support. Significant load when running is experiencing a musculoskeletal system, especially for super-long distances.

    Typically, the runners distinguishes not only endurance and harness, but also the ability to transfer high loads (the ability to "endure"), which is due to the need to manifest evidence efforts not only in competitions, but also in a certain part of training sessions. At the same time, it should be noted that during a long run with an optimal speed there is a feeling of emotional comfort, psychological unloading, bringing internal satisfaction with the runners.

    This phenomenon is reflected in the results of special scientific research. Thus, it was revealed that when running from 20 minutes and longer with the intensity of 60-80% of the maximum age indicator of the heart rate in the blood plasma, the concentration of beta endorphins and meth-encefamins - pleasure mediators is significantly increased. Not by chance

    millions of people in all ends of the globe as the most effective medication from the common disease of the civilized world - hypodynamine chose the oldest athletics exercise - running. Researchers suggest that such a reaction takes place with all cyclic exercises.

    Ski race - Sports exercise that has focus on improving the endurance of man. Walking on skis improves the activity of the entire muscular apparatus, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Ski run speed depends on the length of the distance (in women 3-20 km, in men 5-20 km), weather conditions, snow cover, terrain, as well as used ways of ski moves.

    Sports success rider, except technical, volitional and tactical preparedness, is determined primarily by common and special endurance. The versatile development of the muscular system is ensured by the active work of the arms and legs during the ski race or training. Regular skiing activities are well developed by circulatory and respiration systems, which determine the high overall performance of the human body, the muscles of the body, activate the metabolism.

    The great health significance of this sport due to the general hygienic conditions of classes in the forest, in the field, as well as an energetic hardening effect of frosty air to the body during intensive muscular activity. Uniformly repeated movements of various parts of the body reassuringly act on the nervous system. Walking on skis with good glide favorably affects both the musculoskeletal system - the joints of the joints are improved, ligaments are strengthened.

    Thanks to the participation of the overwhelming mass of skeletal muscles when walking on skis, a large dynamic work is performed per unit of time and, accordingly, there is a high energy consumption (in well-trained

    skiers about 1500 kcal / h with fast movement). Breathing at the same time significantly increases: pulmonary ventilation can exceed 100 liters, and oxygen consumption is up to 5 l per minute.

    Ski races are valuable applied physical training. After all, the climatic conditions of most of Russia require ski skiing. Classes in a variety of terrain conditions with any weather contribute to raising decisiveness, perseverance. Credited area classes, in addition, contribute to the development of various motor skills, high coordination of movements, quick motor reaction, equilibrium feelings.

    Thus, this sport gives good versatile physical training, except for accented development of endurance, improves the function of visual, vestibular and motor analyzers. Due to the fact that, when driving skiing, most skeletal muscles are involved, skiers are distinguished by proportionally developed muscles with good power indicators.

    Swimming - one of the main sports that have both healing and applied value. Break sports and applied swimming.

    Sports swimming includes a competition in various ways at a distance of 50 to 1500 m, carried out in the pools, as well as open water risses for different distance.

    By influence on the body, swimming occupies a special place among various exercises due to an unusual external environment - water. The operation of the breathing apparatus of the swimmer has its own characteristics. Hydraulic pressure on the upper part of the body and water resistance during the movement is compressed by the chest and the stomach of the swimmer. Exhalation at the swimmer during sports swimming is also difficult, as it takes into water. All this contributes to the development of respiratory muscles, mobility

    chest and lung life tank. In men-swimmers, the chest excursion reaches 16 cm, and the spirometry is 7,500 cubic meters. See and more that almost twice the norm. With high-speed swimming, the absorption of oxygen may exceed even 5 l per minute. But the vital capacity of the lungs is the most important indicator of human health.

    Energy consumption when swimming is 3-4 times more than when walking at the same speed. Energy spent swimmer depend not only on speed, training, etc., but also on the water temperature due to the increased return of heat by the body. The activity of the cardiovascular system of the swimmer is compared with the "terrestrial" sports in more favorable terms. The horizontal position of the swimmer body plays a big role, massifect the effect of water flowing water

    Swimming has both general health importance, especially when training in open water bodies. Systematic swimming classes contribute to the proportional development of muscles, increase the functional ability of respiratory and blood circulation organs, strengthen the uneven system, improve the metabolism, have an effective hardening effect. Swimming is a vital applied skill that protects from death during accidents on water.

    Sports swimming requires systematic training. Currently, the swimmer's training system includes a significant amount of special strength exercises on land. Therefore, modern swimmers are distinguished not only by the high level of common and special endurance, but also good power preparedness.

    Lightweight conditions for the cardiovascular system in a horizontal position, the age features of the specific body weight, etc. allow you to achieve high results of sports swimming in young years. That is why the average age of high sports

    results in this sport are somewhat lower than that of representatives of other sports, - 18-25 years old in men and 15-22 years in women.

    Sports, mainly developing strength and speed-force qualities, are mainly among the group of acyclic sports, the characteristic features of which are the ability to manifest strength and speed of muscle contraction.

    To the actual force, such as weightlifting, gyric sport, athletic gymnastics include those sports in which the maximum force in the sports movement varies depending on the magnitude of the prevailing mass (weight of the rod, etc.).

    Sport movements in which force changes according to the amount of acceleration, reported by constant mass (own athlete, sports projectile), are called speed-power.

    Despite the fact that modern life and production is less and less demanding from a person manifestation of physical efforts, the force as physical quality has a significant independent and auxiliary importance for the successful implementation of not only sports, but also professional tasks among representatives of many sports and workers of various specialties . It is also important and applied experience in proper lifting weights, purchased in weightlifting classes and exercises with burdens.

    It is known that when raising the strength, the maximum power voltage, which gives the greatest effect, can be created: 1) the maximum increase in external resistance in dynamic and static mode, 2) overcoming unsaturated burdens (resistance) with the maximum number of repetitions. Therefore, it all depends on the purpose of force preparation. For example, in the professional activities of the overwhelming number of specialists, there are practically no situations requiring maximum muscle stresses. It means that it can be assumed that the second direction

    education of the Force is more justified and acceptable to achieve the tasks of professional-applied student training, as a rule, the most different level of physical training.

    Considering the question of the use of different modes of exercise during the upbringing of force, it is also necessary to pay special attention to the significant difference between the majority of sports from the professional actions of specialists in the field of production. So, in the sport, static efforts are required relatively rarely, and only as a component of dynamic motor acts, then in many kinds of modern labor there is an inverse picture - against the background of a long static voltage of significant muscle groups, there is a significant dynamic load of small muscles in microdvats.

    The most important muscle groups that determine the normal human activity should have good development. Such muscle groups requiring special attention and special local exposure are the following: spinal column extensors, leg flexors, armor, big thoracic muscle. The mandatory prerequisite for the development of these muscle groups is to pre-strengthen the muscles of the abdominal press and the lumbar region.

    Weightlifting - This is a sport, which is based on the performance of exercises in lifting possible greater weights. Currently, competitions are carried out by weight categories in the jerk and the puster of the rod, as well as in the sum of the results in these two exercises.

    When practicing weightlifting, they are mainly improved by the ability to make maximal muscle groups of the lower extremities, torso and extensors of the hands. The technique of performing basic exercises, as in high-speed-power species, includes the moments of manifestation of accented muscular effort. IN

    these moments occur the volitional concentration and the athlete seeks to develop maximum power in motion.

    Athletic gymnastics"ATLETISM" is an exercise system with burdens. Athletism is the desire for a healthy, physically strong, harmonious and beautiful body, to preserve proportional forms and young posture over long years of life. Currently, athletic gymnastics is an independent publicly available sport that women are actively engaged in recent years. Athletic gymnastics makes it possible to significantly increase the mass of individual muscle groups, which leads to an increase in their strength and forcefulness, to improving the physique due to the correction of the size of individual muscle groups and muscle relief. It is in class athletic gymnastics that separate the development of individual muscle groups and even individual muscles, emphasizing and determining the shape of each of the parts of the body.

    Specialists in athletism believe that to ensure progress, a reasonable combination of training with burdens with aerobic types of physical activity associated with enhanced oxygen consumption (sports games, slow run, skiing, skis, etc.). It is important that the aerobic work, regardless of its species, continued not to change 25-30 minutes at a pulse frequency, which is calculated by the formula 220- age. The effectiveness of the athletic gymnastics contributes to the proper power supply of the athlete, which is carried out with regard to as individual characteristics and tasks of a specific training period.

    The set of competitive exercises in athletic gymnastics includes exercises with the demonstration of the development of individual muscle groups and the whole figure, as well as the exercise of the power program with the testing of the main muscle groups of the shoulder belt, torso, legs. This is the center of the bar, lying on

    horizontal bench, squatting with a barbell on the shoulders, Ranan ("Dead") traction.

    Gire sport predominantly develops strength and forceful endurance, that is, the ability to hold the optimal characteristics of movements for a long time. That is why this sport with its multiple and diverse raises of unspecified weight is more applied to professional activities that requires power than weightlifting (barbell), where training is aimed at disposable limiting weights. Gire sport is quite accessible to everyone, because it does not require special conditions for classes and expensive equipment, it allows training classes as individually and small groups. Attal competitions are carried out by weight categories (up to 60 kg, up to 70 kg, up to 80 kg, up to 90 kg, over 90 kg) with weights 24 and 32 kg. The main exercises of the carriage two are jerks (the weight of one continuous movement rises up on the right hand) and the impetus of the spirit of the weight with two hands from the shoulder.

    The main feature of the excretion is the duration of the power exercise with constant weight burdens. For example, high achievements in the push of two hands are considered to be lifts more than 30 times (32 kg) for athletes weighing 60 kg and more than 155-160 times for weight category over 90 kg. This requires not only strength, but also an extraordinary power endurance. The largest requirements for the manifestation of high-speed abilities are presented by sprint distances of athletics (running per 100, 200 m, barrier running by 100, 110 m), skating sports (500 m), cycling (a number of short distance on the track). From the athletes speaking at these distances, a good distance at the start is required, the speed of cyclic movements at the distance.

    Peculous high-speed capabilities are required not only in cyclical, but in a number of acyclic sports: fencing, boxing

    and other types of martial arts, in a number of sports games. Separate sports - baseball, Russian laptom, American football are built mainly on very fast short crossing jerks.

    One of the main prerequisites of speed, speed abilities are the mobility of nerve processes and the level of neuromuscular coordination. An important value is the ability of nerve centers to quickly move from the state of excitation to braking and vice versa. There are elementary and complex forms of speed manifestation. Elementary forms are manifested in single movements and are characterized by the following indicators: the time of the motor reaction, the time of solitary movement and the frequency (tempo) of movements per unit of time. Comprehensive forms are characterized by many other indicators. For example, in a run of 100 m, the speed is in close connection with the length of the step, etc.

    Dexterity(coordination abilities) and flexibilitylargely determines the success of mastering new sports and labor movements. Improvement of coordination abilities is associated with the accumulation of a large number of motor skills and skills and efforts to their operational association into complex motor actions. The criterion of agility can serve as the speed of development of a complex coordination motor task, accuracy, quality and time of complete movement, the ability to perform a familiar motor effect in an unexpectedly changing environment.

    Flexibility -this is the ability of a person to perform movements with a large amplitude. The flexibility is dynamic (manifested in motion), static (allowing you to keep the pose and body position), active (manifests itself due to their own effort) and passive (manifests itself due to external forces). To varying degrees, different types of flexibility manifest themselves and develop in the process of training in separate sports disciplines.

    High demands for agility and flexibility of an athlete are making complex coordination sports, which are acrobatics, aerobics, gymnastics sports and artistic, jumping in water and trampoline, ski jumps from springboard, slalom, freestyle, figure skating, etc.

    Classes, especially gymnastic and acrobatic exercises, have a powerful stimulating effect on the musculoskeletal system. The training effect is expressed in a significant increase in mobility in the joints while strengthening the ligament apparatus, an increase in the power capabilities of the muscles in dynamic and static loads, increasing the elasticity of muscle tissues. All these qualities allow moving with a large amplitude and high speed.

    For rhythmic gymnastics, especially high requirements for differentiation of spatial-time and power indicators are characterized in the actions of athletes with projectiles in conditions of limited visual control. A large emphasis on an increase in the amplitude of movements in rhythmic gymnastics highlights the development of such quality as flexibility, and reduces the significance of force training, while in sports gymnastics and acrobatics, the main training problems are associated with the upbringing of power qualities. It should be noted also inherent in this group of sports aesthetic orientation.

    Sport games. The manifold of sports games (football, hockey, volleyball, handmade ball, tennis, etc.), the various degree of complexity of technology and rules of competitions, various energy and muscle cost requirements create prerequisites for playing games with a wide range of youth.

    Sports perfection in gaming disciplines contributes to harmonious education in engaged in the main physical qualities - forces, endurance, speed, flexibility and coordination abilities. Particularly valuable in applied relationship is the possibility of forming such psychological qualities in athletes as successful orientation in a rapidly changing environment, the preservation of intellectual performance and emotional equilibrium under the actions of powerful interference factors.

    Team sport games especially contribute to the education of such positive properties and character traits as the ability to subjugate their personal interests to the interests of the team, as mutual assistance, conscious discipline, etc. Thus, the broad educational and wellness opportunities of these sports are obvious.

    All types of sports that have been widespread in the world are classified according to the features of the subject and the nature of the motor activity for six groups (L.P. Matveyev, 1977):

    First group-Vid sports, for whom the active motor activity of athletes with the limit manifestation of physical and mental qualities is characteristic. Sports achievements in these sports depend on their own motor capabilities athlete. This group includes most sports.

    Second group- Sports, the operating basis of which are actions to manage special technical means of movement (car, motorcycle, yacht, aircraft, etc.). Sports result in these species is largely due to the ability to effectively manage the technical means and the quality of its manufacture.

    Third Group - Sports, motor activity in which toughly limited to the conditions for defeating the goal of special weapons (shooting, darts, etc.).

    Fourth group - Sports of sports, in which the results of the model-design activities of the athlete (aircodelines, and automodels, etc.) are compared.

    Fifth group - Sports, the main content of which is determined by the nature of the abstract-logical fiction of the opponent (chess, checkers, bridge, etc.).

    Sixth group - all-around composed of sports disciplines included in various sports groups (sports orientation, biathlon, marine all-around, service all-around, etc.).

    Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Yu.F. Quurashshin draws attention to the fact that "every type of sport presents its specific requirements for physical fitness of athletes - the level of development of individual qualities, functionality and physique. Therefore, there are certain differences in the content and methods of physical training in a particular sport, athletes of different ages and qualifications "(Table 7).

    Table 7.

    Significance of individual indicators of physical training

    Athletes in various sports (Yu.F. Quurashshin, 2003)

    Kinds of sports Indicators
    Leading Additional Minor
    Acrobatics, gymnastics, jumping, figure skating Coordination and power abilities, flexibility, body constitution, posture, proportion of body High-speed abilities Endurance
    Fencing, Boxing, Fighting Speed \u200b\u200band coordination abilities Power abilities, body constitution, endurance Flexibility, endurance
    Basketball, Volleyball, Handball High body length, coordination, speed-power and high-speed abilities Endurance Flexibility, actually power abilities
    Light Athletics (Sprint, Jumping, Running with Barriers) Speed, speed-power and coordination abilities, flexibility, status of foot arches Endurance
    Easy Athletics (Running on medium and long distances), ski races Endurance, volume and sizes of the heart, the magnitude of the shock and minute volume of the heart Coordination, actually strength and speed abilities Flexibility
    Football, hockey High-speed and coordination abilities, endurance Actually power abilities Flexibility

    The curriculum in physical culture provides for the freedom to choose sports for students of the main and sports branches. Students are invited to independently choose a sport or system of exercise for systematic classes in the process of studying at the university. The choice of sports has a definite motivational focus: health promotion, correction of disadvantages of physical development and physique; improving the functionality of the body; psychophysical preparation for future professional activities, mastering the vital skills and skills; leisure; Achieve the highest sports results.

    Sports, mainly developing endurance

    Sports, focused by developing general endurance, can include all cyclic sports, in which physical exertion continues a relatively long time against the background of a preferential increase in aerobic (oxygen) exchange in the human body. Such sports belongs: sports walking; Running on medium, long and super long distances (marathon); ski racing and biathlon; swimming; rowing; Cycling (highway racing, cross, group of classic tracks on the track); Most of the distances and all-around in skating sports; mountaineering; orienteering; Tourism and others.

    Sports, predominantly developing endurance significantly increase in regular training athletes with general and special endurance, resistance to changing meteorological factors, improve emotional balance and volitional qualities.

    Sports, predominantly developing power

    And speed-force qualities

    Sports, predominantly developing strength and speed-force qualities, are mainly among the group of acyclic sports, the characteristic features of which are the ability to manifest the strength and speed of muscle contraction. The actual species, such as heavy athletics, gyric sport, athletic gymnastics include those sports in which the maximum force in the sports movement varies depending on the value of the preferential mass (weight of the rod, etc.).

    Sports movements in which force varies in accordance with the amount of acceleration, reported by constant mass (own athlete, sports projectile), are called speed-power. The special group consists of acyclic sports, which develop predominantly high-speed-force qualities, i.e. the ability to develop the maximum muscle force in a short period of time. They should first include athletic jumps and throwing, which in their primancy were natural species of human movement at the time of overcoming obstacles or throwing items to the distance. By virtue of its specificity, increased speed requirements, in many respects of congenital quality, specialization in high-speed and power disciplines - the lot of athletes of younger age.

    Sports facilitating rapidness

    The largest requirements for the manifestation of high-speed abilities are presented by sprint anti-athletics (running per 100 m., 200 m., Barrier running per 100 m. And 110 m.), Skating sports (500 m.), Cycling (a number of short tracks on the track) . From the athletes speaking at these distances, a good reaction is required at the start, the speed of cyclic movements at the distance. Naturally, the preparation for these sports disciplines increases the high-speed capabilities of the athlete. One of the main prerequisites of the speed (high-speed abilities) are the mobility of nerve processes and the level of neuromuscular coordination.

    Sports, mostly developing speed.From cyclic sports to them: Easy Athletics - Sprinter distances, Barrier Running; speed skating - sprint (500m); Cycling is a number of short distances on the track. Here from athletes require a good reaction at the start, the speed of cyclic movements at the distance. Of the acyclic sports, the speed is developed by boxing, fencing, sports games, martial arts and a number of others.

    In the development of quick importance, the ability of nerve centers to quickly move from the state of excitation to braking and vice versa. Sports based on speed refer to the maximum power zone. Within the limits of this zone, work can be performed, requiring the most quick movements - running at maximum speed is performed not more than 20 seconds, swimming is not more than 25 seconds, i.e. The maximum duration of cyclic type movements does not exceed 20-30 seconds. The intake of oxygen is insignificant, the athlete is either not breathing at all, or only a few short breaths. By the end of work, the heart rate is significantly increasing.

    Training in these sports can be recommended for healthy young people, but it can hardly be used to be weakly prepared in health purposes.

    Sports of sports contributing to the upbringing of dexterity and flexibility. Basically, it is difficult to coordinate sports: acrobatics, gymnastics, jumping in water and trampoline, ski jumps from springboard, figure skating, sports games, where good coordination of movements is required.

    In rhythmic gymnastics in the foreground, the development of flexibility, an increase in the amplitude of movements and accuracy of execution. Reduced the significance of power training. This group of sports is inherent aesthetic orientation. In sports gymnastics, in addition to flexibility, attention is paid to raising power qualities.

    Jumping into the water and on a trampoline are increased requirements for the vestibular analyzer. In addition, jumping into the water, freestyle give a good hardening effect.

    Ski jumps are relatively low muscle energy costs and large nervous emotional loads that often lead to a decrease in general physical performance.

    The overall drawback for this group of sports is the limited impact on the cardiovascular and respiratory system, whose indicators in athletes do not exceed the average indicators of healthy people who are not engaged in sports. Successes are usually achieved athletes below average and medium height.

    At the same time, gymnastic exercises of various nature are widely used as preparatory and even special exercises in many sports and physical exercise systems.

    Sports, developing force, It is mainly related to the group of acyclic sports, a characteristic feature of which is the ability to manifest strength: heavy athletics, gire sports, athletic gymnastics, struggle, etc.

    Heavy athletics (T / A) is a sport based on the exercise in lifting is possible. In case of T / A classes, they are improved mainly to the manifestation of the maximum muscular efforts of groups of lower extremities, torsois and extensors of the hands. Regular power exercises lead to an increase in protein content in muscles and an increase in muscle mass. When lifting significant weight due to large muscular voltages, high demands on the cardiovascular system due to the rapid and sharp fluctuations in the blood flow of the heart and blood vessels are presented. With incorrect training, this can contribute to the appearance of degrades in the state of the circulatory apparatus. Therefore, in the training process in health purposes, it is necessary to include a certain amount of endurance exercises (long run, swimming, etc.).

    Athletic gymnastics (bodybuilding) is an exercise system with burdens (dumbbells, rubber harnesses, rods, simulators), the specificity of which is to build up special training of harmoniously developed, volumetric and embossed muscles with the thinnest working out of individual muscles and muscle beams. It is necessary to combine training with burdens with aerobic types of physical activity (slow run, jumping through the rope, sports games, etc.). Execution of classes contributes to the proper power of athlete (more protein food, exclusion of fats).

    Weight-lifting. The main competitive exercises - jerk (the weight of one movement rises up on the straight arm) and the push of a 2-girus with two hands from the shoulder. A feature of the carriage is the duration of the power exercise with the burden of constant weight. In contrast to the tits, the weights pay great attention to the respiratory rhythm when performing exercises. Therefore, in training includes auxiliary endurance exercises.

    Sports that develop endurance. The development of general endurance requires representatives of all sports, because Allows you to cope with a large volume of training work. The total endurance is developed by all cyclic sports: sports walking, running on medium, long and super long distances, biathlon and ski racing, swimming and rowing, cycling (highway racing); Acyclic species - tourism, mountaineering, sports orientation, etc. Duration of work for the development of endurance from 3-5 minutes to 30 minutes and more.

    Sports achievements in these sports are based on enough voluminous training and competitive loads. As a result of training, the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels increases, the reserve of energy-rich substances in muscles and internal organs increases, the nervous system works more efficiently, the ability to self-regulation of the emotional state is raised under stress.

    Walking - the simplest natural view of the physical activity of people. Sports walking classes are available to people of any age and with any physical fitness. Many muscles are involved. Good weight of excess weight. A large wellness effect is achieved with regular, correctly built classes, the result of which is the strengthening of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, ligaments, joints, improving posture and gait. Competitive distances - from 3 km to 50 km.

    Running on medium (800 - 1500 m), long (2 - 10 km) and super long (20 km or more) distance. Run more intense than walking. Classes run give a good hardening effect, because Training are carried out in the fresh air. In this type of physical exercises, engaged in these volitional quality as the "ability to endure", the work of cardiovascular and respiratory systems is being improved.

    Ski racing - contribute to improving the activity of the entire muscular apparatus, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The high energy consumption (1500 kcal / hour with rapid movement) is significantly enhanced by the respiratory function: the oxygen consumption is increasing, light ventilation. Skiers are distinguished by good versatile physical training proportionally developed muscles with good power indicators. Competitive Distance: Women - from 3 km to 20 km, men from 5 km to 50 km. The speed of running depends on the length of the distance, weather conditions, snow cover, ski technicians, etc.

    Swimming - has a great wellness and applied value. Distance: 400m, 800m and 1500m. Feature - aqueous medium, horizontal body position. All this facilitates the conditions for the work of the cardiovascular system (compared with the "ground" sports). Water has an arraying effect on the body of an athlete. Energy consumption is 3-4 times more than when walking at the same speed, because Improved heat recovery by the body. The swimmers are well developed by the respiratory muscles, the mobility of the chest, because Exhalation is difficult (in water) and, moreover, due to the pressure of water and its resistance, during the movement, the chest and the stomach of the swimmer is somewhat compressed. Swimmers are distinguished by high growth, good power preparedness. High results can be achieved in young years.

    Cycling - includes competitions on the track (up to 30 km), on the highway (from 50km to 100km and more) and on the ground (cross-10km - 50km), as well as multi-day races at the largest competitions (up to 200km). Cross requires high physical, volitional and especially technical training. A large load falls on the muscles of the legs, but well developed and muscles of the back, abdominal press, hands (brushes), which are strengthened as a result of static loads. Classes produce courage, a good reaction, the function of the vestibular apparatus is improved, a sense of equilibrium.

    Bicycle ride is a popular wellness. It helps to expand the vessels, normalizes blood pressure, reduces blood cholesterol levels, many calories are spent.

    Speeding sport has a lot in common with cycling. In training in the summer, the skaters use a bike, and cyclists in winter skates. Endurance is developing at 3000m (wives), 5000m and 10000m (husband.). For classes are characterized by large training loads. The static endurance of the muscles of the back is significantly increased. Training are carried out in the fresh air, in winter, resistance to temperature drops is produced.

    Rowing sports - most of the major muscles are involved in the work. The cardiovascular and respiratory system develops well, it reaches 6000-7000 ml, the power of the respiratory muscles and the amplitude of respiratory movements increases, a good hardening effect. Training are aimed at the development of general and special endurance. High results usually reach the increasing athletes.

    Sports of complex, versatile effect on the body of engaged incharacterized by a multilateral impact: a whole complex of psychophysical qualities, motor skills and applied knowledge (martial arts, sports games, all-around) develops and improved.

    For all martial arts (boxing, struggle, fencing) is characterized by direct contact countering of rival athletes. Fights require active manifestation of volitional qualities, initiative, composure. In the process of training, general and special endurance, strength qualities are developing, and approximate reactions are improved. A complex combination of physical, sports and technical and mental demands to the athlete requires long preparation when improving sports skills.

    Sports promotes harmonious education in all major physical qualities, the functions of the vestibular apparatus are improved, the accuracy of movements improves, the ability to subjugate their personal interests to the interests of the team, mutual assistance, conscious discipline is brought up. Sports games solve and wellness tasks are a means of outdoor activities.

    Multicory (Logo-Coatletic Multi-Orders, Modern Pentathlon, Triathlon, etc.) are characterized by a broader spectrum of educated psychological and physical qualities, motor skills and skills compared to other sports. Large loads are experiencing a nervous system (emotional loads in combination with significant energyrators), the complete recovery of which is still delayed for several days. Multi-blocks have a versatile impact, require good psychophysical preparedness, instill athletes the skills of the rational spending of forces and time for various activities, bring up discipline, hardworking, perseverance.

    Unconventional systems of exercise.

    System of power exercises (athletic gymnastics) - has both a competitive option and a wellness-corrective.

    Aerobics, rhythmic gymnastics - a public and highly efficient means of rehabilitation, improving the functionality, correction of physical development and physique, is very popular among women.

    Shaping is a combination of rhythmic and athletic gymnastics, but the power exercises are given some advantage. This system is aimed at the correction of the figure and improving the functional state of the body, at the same time, and the active rest.

    Stretching is a system of special exercises aimed at stretching the muscles and increasing the mobility of the joints, a significant improvement in flexibility. It is used as a restorative and workshop. Slow, calm exercise exercise contributes to the removal of neuro-emotional stresses, active rest.

    Elements of U-Shu, yoga, karate, qigong, aimed at rehabilitation and stabilization of the mental state are most popular from the eastern systems of exercise. But almost all the eastern systems have a limited impact on the human body and do not give a particularly versatile physical training. Separate exercises, elements of these systems or systems themselves, as well as individual domestic systems (respiratory gymnastics A.N.strelnikova; a complex of special exercises for Eyes E.S. Avetisov et al.) Can be used on a special (medical) educational department, And some of them are in a holistic form - in sectional and group classes with a healthy goal in their free time.

    "Movement is life!" - The famous expression. Indeed, without a movement, our body gradually "rustles", we are faster than becoming more. If you want to be young and healthy - you definitely need for example, run in the morning.

    Did you know that the run refers to the category "Cyclic Sports"?

    What disciplines refer to such types of sports, what benefits do the organism bring such exercises? These and other issues we consider in this article.

    What are cyclical sports?

    These are those sports disciplines in which the repetition of movements in the cycle occurs when the end of one cycle is the beginning of another. In other words, continuous movements aimed at moving an athlete in space. More often, the criterion for success is considered to be the speed with which a person overcomes the distance. The cyclic sports includes running, swimming, cycling and so on. That is, all the disciplines where the repetition of one movement in the cycle occurs. Recall, movements are performed continuously. It is worth noting that running and jumping are cyclical sports, and there is no football.

    In the principles of work of our muscles, there are two mechanisms for replenishing the energy balance: an anaerobic force, which gives the muscles, and aerobic, defining their endurance. In this regard, there are two directions in cyclic sports: for anaerobic load - sprint, and for aerobic - styerskoe.

    It cannot be said that in a particular sprint sport, aerobic mechanisms are not involved at all, and in Steir - anaerobic. This division is rather conditional. But nevertheless, to which direction one or another type of cyclic sport depends, the training plan of the athlete, and its nutrition.

    Cyclic sports: What is their benefit for restriction?

    It is worth mentioning that the main functional system in these sports are cardiorespiratory, other words, cardiovascular and respiratory.

    According to the study conducted by scientists from the University of South Carolina, even if your parents had hypertension, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing this disease. All you need to do is to train your cardioresis system. And for this you need to systematically play sports or physical education. Cyclic sports are suitable for this, as it is impossible.


    I want to immediately make a reservation about the usefulness of the run. In fact, any physical activity, and especially run, can harm. Every year, because of this sport, people die mainly due to the problems with the heart and vessels. Therefore, in no case do not need to be "raped" by running or any other physical exertion. It is important to maintain balance. But nevertheless, running, like any other sport, can be very useful for the body. The main thing is to gradually train your cardiovascular system, prepare it to more and more intensive loads.

    It is also worth noting that running to the mountain, for example, much more useful than in a straight line. Since in the first case there is no shock load on the muscles and spine, and the body is experiencing stress, which contributes to the emission of hormones, which is considered very useful.


    Everyone believes that run is natural for a person, and he does not need to learn. But it is not so! Running is not natural for humans. It is laid in nature dogs, cats and other four-legs: try to catch up! Does not work? The same! Therefore, run, like other sports, needs to be trained. In addition, the body needs to prepare for such activities. Before proceeding with the intense run, it is better to start with walking. That is, give the heart and vessels to enter the tone so that the breath adapts to the load. And only after that you can proceed to more intense movements.

    Of course, you should not focus on only one sport, there are other, no less useful disciplines. But nevertheless, running, due to its availability, is one of the most commonly used types of physical exertion.


    Summing up, we can say that cyclic sports is primarily useful for our health and, of course, interesting. Do physical exercises and be healthy!