Compiling a healthy diet for weight loss. How to go to proper nutrition: where to start? Revise the diet

There is and lose weight - the dream of many girls who, in pursuit of a slim figure, often experience the toughest diets. Of course, a couple of weeks on some cucumbers will help reset a few kilograms, but after such hunger strikes, thinners often begin to reward themselves for their suffering to buns and chocolates. And, of course, weight quickly returns.

In addition, such "jumps" are very harmful to the body in general and metabolism in particular. Proper nutrition for weight loss is, this is not, not strict diets and not episodic starvation. This is a certain lifestyle. And in order to gain harmony and finally achieve the desired size, you will have to reconsider your habits and ration times and forever. However, it is pleased that the proper nutrition does not mean a refusal of delicious food and a constant feeling of hunger. But there are certain rules here, and those who want to lose weight should know about them.

Lose weight with health benefits

And nutritionists support this trend. In their opinion, the supply menu for weight loss should be diverse so that the body gets in sufficient nutrients all nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. But it should also be tasty, because constant stress from the feeling of hunger and boredom from monotonous tasteless food does not benefit or a psyche or body.

Power supply principles

Before making the menu preparation, you need to understand some of the principles of healthy nutrition. Consider the main of them:

Eat often and gradually

It is best to divide the entire daily diet on 5 receptions and is at the same time, and the last time you should eat 2-3 hours before sleep. Such a system does not allow the body overlooking the body - and therefore you will not and overeat. Fractional supply for weight loss is indispensable.

Refuse Fastfud.

This includes not only hamburgers, but also any semi-finished products, sausages, sausages, fries, canned food, shawarma and so on. Finished food is extremely high-calorie, contains a huge number of preservatives, artificial dyes and flavors that give it an appetizing smell and taste, as well as fatty or sharp sauces. In addition, in fast food establishments, hundreds of portions are made on the same overloaded oil containing carcinogens. If you still have doubts, think about something - one standard set of hamburger, a glass of cola and package Potato-fries are 1200-1400 calories, that is, almost day norms, but there are no vitamins, useful fiber in such a dinner And almost no proteins. But in excess - saturated fats and simple carbohydrates. The conclusion is obvious.

Thoroughly chew food

Experiments have proven that if you chew food about 40 times, you can lose weight slightly without changing food habits. And in combination with healthy nutrition, such a simple reception gives truly striking results. Carefully chewed food is easier to absorb, moreover, in this case, we eat much slower and the brain in time receives a saturation signal, which eliminates the risk of overeating.

Drink water

Water is a catalyst for all life processes. Two liters of pure drinking water per day will help speed up metabolism, to bring toxins toxins in time and avoid fluid delay - that is, edema. Remember that the concept of "water" does not include tea, coffee, juices and other drinks: so, for example, black tea and coffee, on the contrary, dehydrated the body, and the fruit juices and drinks contain sugar. This does not mean that the juice should not be knitted, just for the body juice - it is rather food than liquid.

Watch for balance

For health, well-being and harmony, we need both proteins and fats, and carbohydrates. Approximate balance - 75 g of proteins: 60 g of fats: 250 g of carbohydrates: 30 g of fibers. Protein food is necessary for building muscle tissue, fats - for the proper work of the brain and nervous system, as well as for the skin, and carbohydrates give us energy.

Calculation of daily calorie products consumed

To find out how many calories are required for you, you can use one of the formulas for calculating calories. Most often used formula Tom Venuo. She looks like this:

66 + (13.7? Weight in kg) + (5? Height in cm) - (6.8? Age) - for men;

655 + (9.6? Weight in kg) + (1.8? Height in cm) - (4.7? Age) - for women.

The resulting digit multiply on the physical activity coefficient:

1,2 - sedentary lifestyle;

1.38 - moderate physical activity (training, running, swimming, long walks 1-3 times a week);

1.56 - High physical activity (intensive sports training 3-5 times a week);

1.73 - very high physical activity (daily intensive physical exertion);

1.95 - Limit degree of physical activity (intensive daily workouts, severe physical work).

The final result and will be your daily calorie norm, in which weight will neither grow nor decrease. The power menu for weight loss must contain less calories. However, doctors do not advise sharply reduce the calorie content of the diet more than 20%, otherwise it is possible to harm the body and slow down the metabolism. As the calorie rate slimming, you need to recalculate.

Products for weight loss

One apple and one chocolate candy contain approximately the same amount of calories. However, from the point of view of healthy nutrition, this is not the same thing. Diet for weight loss should contain products rich in vitamins and amino acids, as well as reduced feelings of hunger and accelerating metabolism.


This vegetable is rich in vitamins A, C, E, to and vitamins of the group B, fiber, it also has a lot of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, fluorine. With all this, the richness of cabbage contains a little calorie, but the body spends a lot of energy on its processing. In addition, with a cabbage you can cook a lot of varied dishes - salads, soups, casseroles, bokings, cabbage rolls and much more.

A fish

Sea fish contains polyunsaturated acids - the most important for the organism of omega-3, as well as vitamins A, D, E and K. Fish is almost the perfect protein. But roasting in a large amount of oil reduces no, so it is better to give preference to boiled, steam or baked fish.


Once this dried and crushed root used as a cheap coffee substitute, but in recent years it has found wide use in diet's nutrition. It contains inulin - substance, normalizing metabolic processes. Chicory acts as a soft diuretic, output excess fluid, it also dulls the feeling of hunger. You can drink a drink from chicory at any time of the day - it tastes like it really reminds coffee, but there is no caffeine in it.


Buckwheat groats rich in iron, vitamins B1, B2, B6, RR, P, it also contains iodine, calcium, phosphorus. Buckwheat not only quickly saturates, helping longer to preserve the feeling of satiety, but also improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and also lowers cholesterol levels. Therefore, the buckwheat porridge on the water is one of the favorite meals of fashion models and ballerinas.


Do not like buckwheat - eat muesli. They are made from whole grain flakes, so they contain a lot of fiber, which causes rapid saturation and improves the intestinal operation. Sometimes nuts, seeds and dried fruits are added to the muesli, which improves their taste, but adds calories. However, such Muesli variants are still very useful. It is avoided by dry breakfasts with a high content of sugar, with the addition of dyes, flavors, preservatives, zucats - they have nothing to do with healthy nutrition. To lose weight, Muesli need to eat for breakfast, pouring 5-6 tablespoons of dry flakes with low-fat milk or natural yogurt.

Forget about these products!

It is impossible to lose weight without sacrificing some bad habits. Review your menu and except the following products from it forever:

  • Sausages, sausages;
  • Candy, jam, jam (only natural black chocolate in small quantities or jam, welded using sugar substitutes);
  • Chips, crackers and other snacks;
  • All fried (especially in deep fryer);
  • Margarine, refined vegetable oil. If you can't do without them, replace natural cream or olive;
  • White bread and snob;
  • Sweet carbonated drinks and ready-made packaged juices;
  • Confectionery;
  • Salo, bacon, fatty meat varieties;
  • Smoked and pickles;
  • Fat sauces, especially mayonnaise.

When we want to lose weight, I think about the diet first.

Regardless of the variety, it seems to us as strict, short-term restriction of food habits for the rapid achievement of the result.

In dreams it looks like 5, and maybe 10 kilograms that will leave irretrievably in one month.

However, in reality, things are different.

We lose weight, then pick up, while again we restrict ourselves, but in secret dream of chocolate keksiki and shawarme. And this circle is infinite.

The truth is that proper nutrition involves the transition to a completely different level of awareness, in which there are no jumps and recessions.

This is a whole system whose result is harmony and health.

Why do not work short-term diet? Why start moving to proper nutrition?

Each person interested in the theme of weight loss knows at least three to five diets.

Something he tried in person personally, the environment spoke about some. Diets can be based on different products and principles, but the following is the following in them: they do not work.

We think like this: "I eat a lot and fully, it means that it is necessary to eat a little, and I will lose weight"!

Unfortunately, such logic on the body does not work as well as I would like.

The fact is that throughout our history as a type of evolution invented complex biological processes, the goal of which one is: to survive at any cost.

The body at any opportunity is splashing fat and useful substances, fearing hunger.

This is due to the fact that humanity relatively recently began to live in the industrial world, where food is in principle enough and it is available to 95% of the population.

The body simply did not have time to restructure.

Now consider what stems in the process of diet:

  1. The amount of food is dramatically limited
  2. A short time the body is in shock
  3. The water balance is shifted, the values \u200b\u200bon the scales are reduced due to fluid
  4. The body protects itself and eats due to muscle mass (this is a fast source of energy)
  5. Fat is considered an inviolable reserve, because it is consumed last
  6. After the end of the diet, the body seeks to stock fat even more, the water balance is restored, lost kilograms return with excess

Here it is a brutal truth. On average, losing 1 kg on the scales, you remove 700 grams of muscles and only 300 grams of fat.

Food must be balanced

As a result, the composition of your body becomes even worse than it was. And this is not to mention the poor well-being, the decline of strength and irritability, which usually accompany these measures.

So the body signals the danger of hunger.

The transition to proper nutrition begins with awareness that it is necessary to change the principle of eating and limitations intelligently only in dosage quantities.

It is necessary to change the internal installations, and this is difficult, because since childhood we are given: "Bread all over the head", "first, third and compote", "do not happen, do not leave" and so on.

To exclude subsequent breakdowns, once and forever explain for yourself, why, in principle, you need weight loss.

Do not be surprised, it is very important. If the initial goal is not a thorough, we guarantee, you will not choose from the wheel of the "lost weight" swing. "

Tip: Add to the Rules of PP (useful food) Sports. They will significantly speed up the process of weight loss.

A little about motivation

Do you want to lose weight and forever? Decide why you need it!

Note that it is not easy to achieve the desired and on the way to achieve the goal. There are many of them and they are essential.

Because if you try to eat only the right products and lose weight with this for the sake of someone, and not for yourself, then you have enough of yours for a while. This is a bad motive.

Those who are working on their personal health are achieved. Especially if there is no return path.

When ahead or a disease, or harmony - the choice is obvious.

There are many stories when diabetics are dramatically losing weight or comprehend the basics of proper nutrition people with a third degree of obesity.

And then, inspired by its own results, continue to achieve success and cure themselves.

In any case, do not wait for this situation, be healthy now, and if you are already in it - it's time to take the situation in your hands!

Whatever who did not say, everyone likes slim people with healthy skin color and pleasant appearance.

They, in turn, are always faster on the social staircase, we want to be like them. Live confirmation of this is infinite transmissions about the life of movie stars or musical Olympus.

Fans are enthusiastic. And they try to look even more attractive, clearly realizing that financial position and success depend on these characteristics.

As a result, those who eat often wake, but little

Of all the above, it turns out that people are truly motive:

  1. Working on body to achieve their own goals
  2. Instinct continuation of Roda
  3. Fear of death
  4. Dominance

If one or more motivations from this list are close, you will most likely achieve your goals.

Agree, the food takes most of our lives, we are 100% dependent on it, because the targets should be the most persistent.

This will help develop self-discipline, willpower and go to a new standard of living.

Tip: Sit in silence and analyze your thoughts. Find key points. Be honest with yourself.

Recommendations that will help organize the process. What products should be excluded forever from the diet, and which add

To begin with, it is worth abandoning everything that stands on the way to achieving a slender body.

This is the most difficult part, but will hold on 21 days, and then it will be easier.

Moreover, you will enjoy there is a useful and feel freedom from what the day did not start before:

  1. The first week: break the diet for 5-6 receptions. Calculate your basic calorie content by Harris-Benedict's developments or Muffin Jeor (Formulas to find easy, we will not repeat). From the amount received, take 100 calories, if a few weeks costs - remove 100 more. We refuse the use of mayonnaise and sauces from shops (this is the same mayonnaise, only with taste amplifiers).
  2. We remove cakes, candy, cookies, carbonated drinks from diet, carbonated drinks (even mineral water). At first it will be difficult, because it is actually food drugs that beat in the center of pleasure. It is allowed to add drizzle, prunes, fruits. We hang on the refrigerator with a table with a glycemic index, choose products with low values. We write and take into account everything that ate.
  3. Fully refuse white bread, sugar, semi-finished products and other things, frankly harmful. We start drinking flaxseed in a liquid form or in capsules in the morning. We drink 2-3 liters of pure water per day. Fully sleep for 8 hours daily.
  4. Forget what is "frying in a frying pan", we use a double boiler or oven. All bake in foil or on food paper.
  5. Do not forget to take vitamins and minerals together with meals. We use more low-fat protein products, eat porridge without butter cooked on the water. Fast carbohydrates replace for slow. We teach yourself in advance to plan the diet and harvest containers with food.
  6. We add a favorite view of the motor activity: running, power loads, yoga, pilates, bike.
  7. Enjoy improvement in well-being, mood and confidently changing reflection in the mirror.

Tip: Use Calorie Calculation Calculators not to overdo it with food. On fruits, effort is simpler.

How to eat? Observe the balance of beneficial substances

Slimming will be much easier to pay attention to the correct selection of products and use the components sufficiently necessary for the life.

Harmful food will have to replace useful

Proteins are an important component of our body.

These are amino acids from which our muscle fibers are built, internal organs, hair, skin.

Due to the use of these substances, the gradual recovery of cells occurs, so the athletes are so laid on the protein.

In addition, he long dulls the feeling of hunger. The minimum number per day is 50-60 grams, but it is better to rely on individual needs (two grams per kilogram of live weight).

Use daily:

  1. Dairy products (low-fat cottage cheese, milk, rippy, starter, etc.)
  2. Nuts (cashews, hazelnuts, walnut, almonds)
  3. Vegetable components (cinema, black beans, lentils, hummus, peas)

Carbohydrates is a source of energy. Here you need to be especially careful, because excess energy will certainly be deposited in the sides and stomach. Since we have already abandoned sugar, we will replace it with a small amount of sweet fruit and candied.

But for the most part, enter the "complex" varieties into the diet:

  1. Porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, peashed). The exception is manna
  2. Bean and Grain Cultures (Oats, Bulgur, Brown Rice)
  3. Refragmentless coarse bread
  4. Vegetables (tomato, zucchini, cabbage, trunk beans)
  5. Fruits with low gi (kiwi, grapefruit, apples, oranges)
  6. Berries and mushrooms

Do not forget about the fiber, it frees the intestine from the roaming masses and the pus that has accumulated mucus improves the metabolism and promotes weight loss.

The fiber is contained for the most part in vegetables, but do not use them in the morning.

Mucous membranes are not yet prepared for similar. In no case should not exclude fats from the diet.

They directly participate in lipid metabolism, the transfer of the nervous impulse, support for immunity, many other vital processes.

Our brain consists of fats, without them the menstrual cycle will not be able to be performed monthly.

Their disadvantage can lead to stroke, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, autoimmune disorders. This is the basis for the work of female genital organs.

Eat more vegetables and dairy products

Use in sufficient:

  1. Seeds
  2. Orekhi
  3. Linen, olive or hemp oil
  4. Avocado
  5. Soy products

Tip: separate from each other actual hunger, thirst and memories of taste.

Approximate menu for a week


  1. Breakfast: 1 tbsp. l. Linen oil, buckwheat porridge with milk, Fresh
  2. Snack: banana
  3. Dinner: Pea soup with dry loaf
  4. Snack: Apple with low-fat cottage cheese
  5. Dinner: vegetable salad


  1. Breakfast: 1 tbsp. l. linen oil, barley porridge with kiwi
  2. Snack: Almonds (no more than 20 pieces)
  3. Dinner: carrot and apples salad
  4. Snack: grapefruit
  5. Dinner: Baked broccoli with cheese


  1. Breakfast: 1 tbsp. l. Rapeseed oil, homemade yogurt with sweet fruit
  2. Snack: candied fruit
  3. Dinner: leachy soup or cabbage salad
  4. Snack: Big Hurma
  5. Dinner: Buckwheat porridge with fresh cucumber


  1. Breakfast: 1 tbsp. l. Hemp oil, cornpopper on water with prunes
  2. Snack: pear
  3. Dinner: Vegetable casserole
  4. Snack: Beet salad
  5. Dinner: Mushroom Soup with wholegrain bun


  1. Breakfast: 1 tbsp. l. Fat cream with cottage cheese and home jam
  2. Snack: Cheesens
  3. Dinner: steamed vegetables
  4. Snack: Charlotte with apples
  5. Dinner: Brown rice pilaf with vegetables


  1. Breakfast: 1 tbsp. l. Linen oil, cheese casserole with sour cream
  2. Snack: Fruit smoothie
  3. Dinner: Lenten borsch with beet salad
  4. Snack: Baked pumpkin
  5. Dinner: Homemade yogurt with fresh (frozen) strawberry


  1. Breakfast: 1 tbsp. l. Linen oil, dietary cheesecake
  2. Snack: orange
  3. Dinner: Washing porridge with carrot and apple salad
  4. Snack: Lazy dumplings
  5. Dinner: Soup out of chickpea

Tip: Buy small trays for food and take them with you to work.

Each person needs to understand that there are clear rules in our nutrition. In general, the food can be compared with the game. The way you will stick to these rules will affect your result, that is, it will determine whether you will lose or not, and it will be quickly or slow.

In the theory of weight loss - a very simple process. You need to limit portions, add useful products to the diet and eliminate food from it, which contributes to the appearance of excess weight. To speed up the result of weight loss, it is necessary to combine diet and physical exertion. Nevertheless, in reality everything turns out to be much more complicated, because the cause of excess weight is not only "bad" habits in nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, but also psychological problems.


This is the first step that allows each person to take for itself an individual decision - "Yes, I want to lose weight and I will do it." Thus, a person sets itself a goal, aware that the result depends only on it. It is important to adjust yourself to changes and positive. Even if you sometimes think that nothing will come out, you should not lower your hands. There will be a lot of days when you are suppressed and are converted, but it is only moments on the way to achieving your goal, they must be taken as a small challenge your confidence in winning. Agree, if it were so easy to lose weight, then everyone would be slim and attractive. But in reality, it is not so difficult to be impossible. This is real, possibly feasible for everyone.

Food - drugs

It affects our subconscious and makes us become dependent. Poor mood, sadness, difficulties - she is a panacea in any trouble. You must understand that the number of "Drugs" needs to be reduced to bring you to the goal every next day - to slimming, and did not delete.

Proper nutrition system

Such a power system is not a diet, there are no restrictions in it, but there are only norms of proper nutrition that you need to stick. That is, stick to those "rules of the game", which was mentioned at the beginning of the article. What do we understand under nutritional norms? This is a meal that allows us to receive energy and nutrients from food, and at the same time not to eat too much that our body is required. And this is the key point.

The basis of the diet (for people who are engaged in parallel with fitness).

There are three important substances that are necessary for the functioning of our organism - fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Proteins are structural, body material, from which our muscles, bones and other fabrics consist. Our body needs proteins from the calculation - 2 grams per 1 kg of weight. Fats - a source of energy, however, this energy is slow and if it is not burned, it is manifested in the form of fatty tissues. The norm for a person is 0.5 grams per 1 kg. Weight per day. Carbohydrates - substances that also carry energy for our body. Thanks to carbohydrates, you can adjust your weight. The less carbohydrates, the faster the person is losing weight. The norm is 2 grams per 1 kg of weight.

How to balance the diet?

So, you already have an understanding of nutritional norms. Now you need to consider the rules and temporary framework for meals. Consider meals per day as a percentage of day norms (the interval between each reception is 3-4 hours):

- breakfast (within 1 hour after awakening) - 25%;

- snack - 10%;

- lunch - 35%;

- snack - 10%;

- Dinner (3 hours before sleep) - 20%.

What products do you need to eat and how to consume them during the day?

Squirrels - chicken, low-fat meat, eggs, dairy products, fish.

Fats - only useful fats - for example, olive oil, nuts, avocado.

Carbohydrates - cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits.

We exclude from the diet - sweets (cakes, candy), baking (cookies, buns, pies, white bread), juices, gas production, alcohol. We add non-carbonated water (300 ml. Per 1 kg. Weight during the day).

How to consume these products during the day?

The protein should enter each meal, in accordance with the percentage ratio. Carbohydrates - for breakfast and lunch. In the evening, the amount of carbohydrates (fruit) should be limited. Fats - for breakfast, you can refuse to dinner.

Thus, the perfect breakfast is:

- Carbohydrates (porridge) + protein (egg) + fats (nuts).


- Protein (fish, meat) + carbohydrates (vegetables).


- Protein (chicken) + carbohydrates (salad).

Under the snack, we understand a small portion of berries, nuts, a portion of raw or boiled vegetables.

Try to change your food, your body, your life!

Due to the rapid pace of life, people began to forget what proper nutrition. And because of the light snacks and harmful food, health does not only deteriorate, but also life is reduced. And therefore, every person of the modern world should know where to start proper nutrition and what products should be a healthy diet.

Proper nutrition: where to start?

Nutritionists allocate two ways to transition to a gradual change of diet and fast refusal of bad habits and the transition to the right food. Which of these methods is more efficient and less stressful for the body, it is difficult to say, as each of them has its drawbacks and advantages.

Of course, one way can be tried first if nothing happened, then resort to the second. But first, you need to decide on your desires and needs and ask yourself, whether you need it and can you give up harmful food. If you yourself do not want to eat correctly, then whatever way you can be chosen, the desired result will be difficult to achieve.

In any case, each person should be correct to give up some one harmful product. For example, if you drink a few cups of coffee or several liters of soda, you should refuse such a drink. In addition, you need to want to do it, you should not check your psyche. As practice shows, a person himself can refuse coffee for the second day, and his psychological subconscious will want to have a drink for several years.

The pledge of good health is the right nutrition. Where to begin? First you need to abandon something easier, what you eat rarely. For example, you will only drink coffee or only on holidays eat a flour - to begin to deny the harmful food with these products. And gradually the idea that it's time to abandon all harmful products will come to your subconscious.

It is worth noting that it is necessary to reduce the use of sugar or to completely remove it from the diet, as it is harmful to humans.

We change breakfast

Did you decide to go to proper nutrition? Where to begin? When you managed to refuse at least one harmful product in your diet, it's time to start next step. It's time to change your breakfast, in the morning you need to easily snack fruit.

Generally preferably in the morning there are only fruits. And a few days later, you will feel the tide of cheerfulness, mind and good mood. If you stay so at least a few days, it is unlikely that you want to eat cereal or sandwich.


After your body gets used to fruit, it's time to introduce vegetables into a diet. And and you need to eat fresh vegetables, ideal if they are collected from their garden. But unfortunately, no matter how much we wanted this, but all year round can not enjoy homemade vegetables.

Vegetables can be combined with porridge, meat, eggs and fish. In such a diet, there will be no vegetable salad, slightly refilled by olive oil.

Not limited to one meal

If you want to go to a healthy lifestyle at all, you need to learn how to combine proper nutrition and sports. Where to begin?

In order to exclude harmful foods from the diet, useful fruits and vegetables should always be located in the center of your desk, which should always be your diet.

It is necessary to sign up in the gym, start harding, put your hair in order, go to the massage, start reading. By the way, it is in the books that you can learn about what useful nutrition is useful and how the Fast Food and soda is affected by a person.

If you started following proper nutrition, then you should not walk with a hungry stomach in cafes and bars with girlfriends. After all, when you are hungry, you really don't care healthy nutrition, the most important thing for you is to sat down your stomach.

Proper nutrition: Menu

How to go to proper nutrition? Where to begin? Menu is not easy to make up. Food primarily should be balanced. If you started to eat correctly, then you should prepare yourself to ensure that your diet will now include the following dishes and products:

  • Cereals: buckwheat, rice, swallow, oats.
  • Products rich in protein: meat, bird, bean, dairy, fish, cheese, eggs.
  • Useful products: fruits, vegetables, greens, berries.

Power circuit

It's quite difficult for a person to switch to proper nutrition. How to start well eat? It is necessary to understand for yourself that it is necessary to eat according to the scheme, that is, three times a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. We are talking about the main meals, but 2-3 times a day you can make snacks.

How to go to proper nutrition? Where to begin? Morning need to start with products that contain complex carbohydrates. After breakfast until noon, you need to arrange yourself a sweet snack of dried fruits or honey. You can also pamper yourself a little sweets, but only those you yourself prepared. You can also eat nuts, cottage cheese or fruit.

For lunch you need to eat fiber and carbohydrates. It may be porridge, vegetable salad or low-fat chicken to these dishes. For dinner it is recommended not to use carbohydrates. You can eat meat, cottage cheese, legumes, vegetables, eggs.

Throughout the day you need to eat as much greens.

Grocery list

When you are going to the store, you need to make a list of products that you should buy. It is necessary in order to store the store, do not paint the trolley of harmful items. After all, often with each such situation happens: you come to the store only for bread, and leave it with two packages.

As practice shows, the most useful products are those that have a yellow, red or green shade. Of course, this characteristic is more suitable for fruits and vegetables.

You should not be canned food and soda on your list, which most often a person buys for his pleasure. You should not use canned fruits and vegetables, as they are completely unpublished.

Drink water

In order to start well eat, you need to drink plenty of water, per day at least two liters. In order to control the volume of drilled liquid, you should start a diary. But you need to drink water, only when you have thirst, to force yourself to drink fluid, because it is necessary, it is not necessary. It should be drunk slowly, enjoying every sip.

It is worth noting that water should always drink during thirst. But I'm not recommended to drink food. It is worth noting that cool water is absorbed better than the organism. Of course, it should be clean. From under the tap, drink water is categorically prohibited.

How to start proper nutrition for weight loss?

Due to the fact that a person does not want to give up harmful food, not only his health suffers, but also a figure. After all, if you constantly use fat, flour and sweet, then you can dial a couple of kilograms very quickly. And therefore, people who want to overcome excess weight, first of all, need to go to proper nutrition.

How to start proper nutrition to lose weight? It is worth noting that the menu of a thin man should be diverse. It is necessary to follow the following recommendations:

  • There should be enough proteins in food.
  • You need to regularly eat cereals.
  • It is necessary to eat dairy products. But if you have for many years already, then their consumption needs to be reduced.
  • Every day there are fruits and vegetables.
  • Do not exclude fish from the diet.
  • Food should be attended by vegetable origin.
  • It is necessary to stop drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • Sugar should be replaced by a sugar substitute and try to use salt in minimal quantities. Initially, food may seem tasteless, but gradually you will discover new tastes. It is also necessary to abandon the seasonings and acidic products that can have a negative impact on the body.
  • Need to play sports.

In fact, to start correctly eat quite easily, you only need to overcome yourself and work out the power of will, to say there is no fastfood and harmful food.

Even the supporters of a healthy and active lifestyle often notice the appearance of unreasonable, seemingly unnecessary kilograms after they cross their thirty years. And getting rid of it, albeit small, but from this no less annoying, excess weight becomes much more difficult than the same process five to ten years ago. And this is due to the fact that the hormonal profile changes, the production of sex hormones is reduced, and this, in turn, can affect the metabolism, which, as a result, will lead to an increase in body weight.

Men after thirty years are often complete due to the fact that they lead a low-effective lifestyle and due to the use of alcoholic beverages, beer, in particular. It contains enzymes that lead to the formation of dense fat, and it is very difficult to "smash" its cells.

At this age, it is necessary to reconsider its nutrition, reduce the number of calories consumed.

The daily diet of the office worker at this age should be no more than 1,500 kcal per day, and for a person engaged in physical labor - about 2,200 kcal. There are better five times a day and small portions.

In the morning it is necessary to make the body work, so it is best to have dishes that contain protein and fiber. For example, omelet with loaves.

At lunch you need to charge the energy, meat or fish dishes with a vegetable garnish are suitable. But it is better not to get carried away by carbohydrates.

The dinner is suitable vegetables in stewed or boiled form or dairy products, of course, non-fat.

And in general, after 30 years, it is necessary to use cereals, they contain fiber, so necessary for our body, because it, among other things, cleans it from slags. It is worth trying to eat more fish than meat, its protein is easier to digest. And meat, ideally, sufficiently use 2 times a week. It is necessary to eat more fresh, stewed and boiled vegetables, but raw in it is impossible to be carried away, as it can cause disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Try not to fry, but bake, cook, stew, cook for a couple. In the evening it is better not to take food 4 hours before sleep.

With nervous and mental overvoltage, sugar is spent faster, and the body requires all new portions. Therefore, if you want sweet, do not deny yourself, eat dark chocolate, flip or marmalade. However, after 30 years it is desirable to easily use sweets.

It is necessary to drink a lot, because the human body is 55-60% consists of water, and with age, the amount of water in the body decreases. It is best to drink clean water, fresh juices and just eat fruits and vegetables. The use of such a fluid has a healing and rejuvenating effect on the body.

If you decide to sit on a diet, choose it carefully. It is impossible to observe the so-called "dry" diets, as there is dehydration and intoxication of the body. Long-term monodins are also banned, because they reduce immunity. Color diets when a person eats products of one color for a long time, very dangerous, in the body there is an accumulation of aggressive enzymes, and this causes problems with the liver. It is impossible to completely refuse fats, proteins and carbohydrates, in women it can lead to a cycle violation, and men have problems with erection.
It is impossible to completely exclude salt and sugar, as a saline and carbohydrate balance is disturbed, and this can lead to violations in the work of the heart and brain.

Therefore, competently approach the choice of a diet, it is necessary to choose the one that will be balanced by the number of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. A diet, which implies the right drinking mode, and which helps the body, and does not harm him.

Choosing a diet, do not forget about products that prolong youth - carrots, cottage cheese, eggs, onions, eggplants and vegetable oil. In eggs, cottage cheese and carrots, contains vitamin A, which contributes to the rejuvenation of the skin. In eggplants there are vitamin B, updating cells. Vegetable oil helps not only keep youth, but also to maintain high sexual activity. And in Luke contains substances that affect certain brain zones responsible for memory and positive emotions.

Proper nutrition is important for skin status after thirty years. Improves skin condition. Eating vegetables and fruits. Grapes, soybeans and grenades prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Since after 30 years in women decreases the number of hormones, it is possible to try to fill them by using vegetable food, which contains substances similar to hormones. This is soy, mushrooms, rowan, cabbage, clover and sage. From dried berries Ryabina, you can cook a decoction or add several berries in tea. Sage and clover stands to brew and drink a decoction or simply the leaves of the sage add to tea.

Taking into account all these nuances, make yourself a diet individually or select the most acceptable of the existing diets. Remember that diet is not a panacea, do not forget about sleep and physical activity. Lack of sleep can also contribute to the emergence of unnecessary kilograms. The fact is that with inclippes, hormones are produced, which increase appetite, respectively, excessive weight appears. So try to fall out regularly. And, of course, you need to play sports, at least 20 minutes a day.

(Photo: Helder Almeida, Wang Song,