Detox time. Detox Time: Cleansing the body from slags and toxins at home

Proper detox diet and menu from 1 to 10 days. What can and can not eat during purification? Detox results and opinion of doctors.

The content of the article:

Detox Diet is a power mode and a set of rules that help to clean the body from harmful connections, daily accumulating in the body. Our daily nutrition is not always rational - this is a fact. It is usually planned not in accordance with biological benefits, but with various taste preferences. As a result, the whole body feels the consequences of such a placement of priorities, responding to us with a weight gain, the development of cellulite, the formation of bags under the eyes, leather flabbiness and other effects of an incorrectly composed diet. Get rid of unwanted manifestations and help detox diet. However, it is necessary to conduct it with the mind - thoughtfully, carefully, in accordance with the recommendations that we describe below.

Rules Detox Dieting For Slimming

So, we set out the purpose of improving your well-being and appearance. Where to begin? Of course, with the purification of the body, by drawing up a delicious and useful menu. After all, no wonder the ancient wise men said that you were what you eat. To understand what products can be included in your detox-ration, you should say a few words about general principles characterizing this wellness process.

Detox diets There is a huge set, many argued regarding permission and prohibit the use of animal products, but the basic principles remain the same. These features of detoxification should be borne:

  • Observe the preparatory period. Mandatory part of the detox diet is preparation for it, which occurs throughout one or two days before the week. It is needed in order to carefully and carefully prepare your body to a new and unusual regime for it. The longer you expect to follow the elected diet plan, the longer the preparatory period must be. For detox during the day, preparing is not required, just try not to eat for the night of the day before, and also do not use heavy dishes and do not argue. Otherwise, the whole detox will be reduced to digestion and eliminating yesterday's "residues". During the preparatory period, gradually move to the main diet of the detox, preferring to oily, fried and sweet lighter porridge, vegetables and fruits, low-fat boiled meat with a minimum salt.
  • Consider the restrictions on age and health status. Detox diet should not be carried out to adolescents under 18 (if necessary, reset the weight replace its other, pay time to physical education) and elderly people. In the presence of sharp or chronic diseases of any kind, be sure to consult a health career regarding the need for detox and its possible modifications. It should be remembered that the loss of muscle mass can be observed, light weakness and even temporary decrease in immunity (the body is simply "busy" by other processes, but will soon restrict), invalid in the case of combating certain diseases.
  • We reduce the common calorie food. Products that should be consumed during detox should be low-calorie and easily digestible. The advantage is given to vegetables and fruits. They contain many fiber that stimulates the intestinal cleansing, as well as vitamins, minerals, indispensable trace elements.
  • We use soft and liquid food. The menu is removed difficult and long digestible products, the whole diet is easy to spend on broths, vegetable soups and mashed potatoes, juices, teas and herbal decrains.
  • Minus Salt, Sugar, Caffeine, Alcohol. All products that irritate mucous membranes and increase appetite should be excluded in a timely manner, in order to avoid its irrational increase. In addition, the above components make it difficult to metabolism. However, it should be remembered - with excessive water consumption, salt is also strongly excreted from the body. The sodium contained in its composition is an essential ion of the body that is responsible for the transfer of nerve signals and the body's work at the cell level. Observe moderation in fluid consumption, so as not to lead yourself to negative clinical states.
  • Do dairy products use in the process of detox diet - the personal matter of each. Milk is not strictly prohibited product, but it is better to refrain from cheese. Numerous disputes on the impossibility of an adult body to digest dairy products do not make sense, since as a result of natural mutation, the ability to process the milk enzyme lactase has a lot of thousand few years ago. The residual effect of intolerance can manifest itself in the form of an individual allergic reaction.
  • We plan to concomitant procedures. In order for the detox diet to be the most effective, brought you benefit and joy, it is necessary to conduct it, adhering to a certain regime. This includes a healthy and full dream, not less than 8 hours a day, without late awakening; Light exercise - for example, daily half-hour walks, yoga and tai-chi exercises; in warm time - sunbathing, without overheating or intense tan; Contrast shower or poultry. Depending on what result you want to achieve, together with Detox, it is recommended to conduct the appropriate procedures: masks for cleansing the skin, self-massage to get rid of declarations and cellulite, and so on.
  • Timely replenish fluid reserves. During the detox diet (and also preferably after it), you need to follow the amount of water drilled. Together with broths, teas and other liquid substances, its number should be 1.5-2 liters per day. At the same time, it is desirable to drink throughout the day in small portions.
  • Observe the power mode. Meal must be evenly distributed throughout the day. Even if in the morning traditionally do not want to eat, you need to teach yourself to breakfast, dinner and dinner at a certain time, diluting them with small snacks. Salt and seasonings when cooking should be excluded or reduced to a perfect minimum.
  • Do not forget about the right way out of the detox mode. This item is similar to the first, but many ignore it, seeking to finally get out of the unusual diet plan and return to the standard one. Without the rational and gradual transition of the Detox Diet, will give minimal results, and the body will begin to accumulate excess substances in reinforced mode - just to compensate for the lack of calories.
  • Remember the difference between the diet and detox. In essence, the organism detox is more than a diet. It should not be observed often and for long periods of time (month or more). More detox-diet is a wellness system for the entire body, "general cleaning", which costs about 2 times a year. During the detoxification, the kilogram can be less intense than with other diets, but more efficiently. This is due to the purification of the body from slags and toxins, extra liquid, harmful sediments and other useless for normal life of the compounds. As a result, we will get a more "long-playing" weight loss, as well as the overall improvement of the condition of the skin, hair, immunity, the work of all systems and organs.
  • Control emotions and mental balance. Many are well known that the tendency to overeat and the desire to "pamper" tasty, but useless, it grows proportionally to nervous tension. In order not to break and not complete the detoxs ahead of time, take care of the study of relaxing techniques, think about how to overcome the desire to remove stress by absorbing food.

Allowed Products for Detox Diet

If you doubt the use of a particular product during a detox, check it on compliance with such criteria as low-calorieness, easy absorption, the presence of fiber, vitamins, freshness and naturalness, seasonality, minimum fat, carbohydrates, seasonality and spices, but a lot of fluid. Consume food in small portions and slowly, thoroughly chewing every piece. Avoid the desire to "eat a little bit", when you already feel satiety.

Based on the above rules, 10 categories of useful detox products can be distinguished:

  1. Vegetables. It is allowed to use almost any (potatoes and other calorie products it is better to exclude from the list) in cheese, boiled and baked form, with a minimum amount of oil. It is worth saying about the latter separately - it is not necessary to completely ignore it, add olive or vegetable oil into salads. It is possible to do this and even need because most of the vitamins in vegetables are fat-soluble, that is, the oil helps them digest. Without it, vitamins are examped in a much smaller quantity (it should not be assumed that for these purposes the body will take advantage of subcutaneous oil reserves - it is not so).
  2. Fruits. In general, it is also useful to eliminate or temporarily limit the reception of calorie species with a large number of sugar - bananas, grapes, melons, pineapples, apricots. Naturally, a couple of pieces does not hurt anyone, but it is categorically impossible to build on their use.
  3. Dried fruits and nuts. Use them for taste and in minimal quantities - up to 20 grams, that is, several pieces per day. They are extremely helpful, but also calories, therefore it is not allowed to abuse them.
  4. Kashi.. Certainly useful within the reserved portion (see the daily menu below). We give the palm of the primacy of oatmeal, you can also use rice, semolina porridge on water and other cereals, to taste.
  5. Milk products. As already mentioned above - they will not bring harm. Use them if you think necessary. For example, a dietary plan can include low-fat curd or so respected by the inhabitants of Britain tea with milk. It is advisable to take the milk to take a skimmed, homemade easily to defend and gently remove the top layer of cream to use it after a diet or in less concentrated quantities. Yogurts are better to do homework or carefully read the description on the package - preservatives, sweeteners and dyes should not be present in our diet, especially during the detox diet.
  6. Beverages. Here you have to limit yourself to clean water, green and herbal teas, natural coat cocktails, Fresh juices. No strong coffee, alcohol, sugar in tea also add undesirable.
  7. Fish, meat and eggs. It is recommended to use no more than 150 g per day, removing fat and skin. It should be prepared for a couple, cooking or by baking, burning to exclude. On the one hand, protein products will help avoid feelings of hunger and support your muscles, on the other, it is easy to replace them with vegetable analogues. If you are tuned to serious detox and feel the strength to abandon animal products - it is better to do so.
  8. Soy, beans. The very vegetable protein substitutes, which were mentioned above. At the same time, it is not necessary to get involved in the time of detox - these products can be hardly digested by the organism. Any legumes should be soaked before cooking and cook to the state of the puree to avoid gravity in the stomach and excess gas formation.
  9. Mushrooms. Poorly digested by the body due to high chitin content. Even edible specimens can accumulate harmful substances from the soil, so during the detox they are excluded.
  10. Honey. Perhaps the only resolved sweetness at the time of detox diet. You can afford one or two teaspoons per day, to maintain the level of sugar, saturation of the body with vitamins and antioxidants. In addition, with these amounts of honey, drinks and fruit water can be prepared using floral pollen. Very good if honey succeeds in buying "from hand" in a reliable beekeeper producing a reliable product in an ecologically clean spot.

What is impossible for a detox program

There was a lot about the rules of food during the detox, but let's briefly summarize the result under the fact that it is not worth using. Canned food, fast food, ready-made products from the supermarket - Let's tell them a confident "no!". All stores placed on the shelves containing dyes, preservatives, salt and sugar, seasonings, and taste amplifiers should not be present on our table. This includes all sorts of ketchups and mayonnaise, refueling and semi-finished products, chips, crackers and other counterparts.

Carefully read the packaging before using its contents. Among exceptions: agar-agar, with whom you can cook jelly, coconut chips (add to finished dishes for taste), algae nori and some other products. You should not use heavy products for the body - fat, fried, excessively sweet and salty, smoked and generously seasoned products.

In addition, under the observance of the detox, it is strictly prohibited:

  • Abruptly, excluding the period of preparation, "sit down" on a similar diet, and also leave it.
  • Observe for longer than two weeks - it is possible to exhaust and disrupt the metabolism (if necessary, it is better to switch to a more gentle and balanced diet after cleaning).
  • Conduct detox during pregnancy or breastfeeding, before the age of majority or during severe illness.
  • Drink alcohol, caffeine, other artificially stimulating or relaxing substances. The detoxification period is a great time to quit smoking, since following this dependence will reduce the effect of cleansing.
  • Expose itself intensive physical, mental, emotional loads. During the detox procedures, it is preferable to be alone or perform a simple job. Cut out calm hiking, pay time to your thoughts, talk to relatives and friends, avoiding conflicts and contradictions.
  • In no case, do not ignore the recommendations of the doctor - consult with specialists with any suitable case.
  • Do not overheat and do not overcool (in the summer, a long, intense tan is excluded, in winter - extreme temperatures, drafts, cold rooms).
  • Since the immunity can be weakened during the detox period, take precautions when communicating with infection carriers, carefully observe personal hygiene (if someone is sick in the office or at home, feel free to wear a special protective mask).
  • Sauna and bath: not excluded strictly, but the temperatures are better to observe moderate to avoid deterioration of well-being.

Menu for detox diet at home

Since the products during the detox are most different, they can be successfully combined to achieve the maximum result. In addition to intensive cleaning and updating the body, improving the operation of the gastrointestinal tract and weight loss, you will feel the extraordinary ease and improved mood. The menu you can use "as it is" or change in accordance with the Rules of Detox Diet.

Menu on 1 day for detox diet

If we feel good, we do not have an excess weight (either its minor quantity), are not susceptible to harmful food and other habits or just want to find out on ourselves, what is the sensational detox, a one-day cleansing mode is suitable. As already mentioned, it doesn't require a long preparatory period for him - it is enough not to overeat the day before the start of cleaning, and also not too tightly dinner.

Features Menu for Detox Programs for 1 day:

  1. Detox begins immediately after awakening. To force the gastrointestinal tract to work, drink a glass of warm water, squeezing half of fresh lemon in it. He will better work out every coffee, providing the body with a decent dose of vitamin C.
  2. Breakfast is impossible. In addition, it should consist of a small amount of carbohydrates to saturate us rapidly released energy (their role will perform strawberries), and proteins for a longer raw effect (take peanuts). The fiber will contribute to digestion. Nuts and fruits can be eaten fresh or prepare from them delicious smoothie: in a blender mix 1 cup of strawberries, half a banana, 2 teaspoons of organic peanut paste or pre-ground peanuts, 80 g of low-fat milk (you can take low-fat kefir or yogurt), ice to taste . Alternative version of the vitamin cocktail: 80 g of yogurt, almond paste teaspoon, half of a glass of finely chopped pineapples, as many blueberries and curly cabbage, as well as a quarter of a glass of water, if the drink is too dense in consistency.
  3. The first "snack". Many find it difficult to abandon the morning coffee, so already before dinner makes it necessary to know about yourself to "doping". Replace it with green tea, you can eat an apple, a handful of any seasonal berries, a few nuts. It is desirable to warm up to lunch to lunch and look like, if it allows the workplace and current loading.
  4. If you have to dinner at work, it is desirable to prepare a light soup in advance and take it with you. We recommend trying a simple vegetable broth made of broccoli and ginger, which will be added basil, zucchini, beans or any other vegetable that allows the table and wallet. No less useful alternatives available to everyone - cabbage salad. Here in the portion you can not limit yourself, adding sweet pepper or avocado to the cabbage to choose from. We refuel the salad with a small spoon of olive or cannabis oil, add lemon juice or lime. Amateurs can afford to drink a tea spoon of sesame or linen seeds. The second "snack". It's time for juice - better if it is "green", that is, from vegetables and fresh greenery. A glass or one and a half to choose from easily grinding in a blender using spinach, carrots, celery, apples or citrus.
  5. Dinner. If you have conceived to visit the procedures like sauna or massage, make them before meals. When the evening comes to an end (but not less than 3 hours before sleep), treat yourself 100-150 grams of lean fish fillet baked in the oven with vegetables. Try to eat slowly, chewing well every piece. If it torments the feeling of hunger - prepare yourself another glass of "green" juice, but not more.
After completing personal hygiene and final awakening procedures, you can make light exercises before breakfast for 5-7 minutes. After lunch, it is also recommended to be like a dish better learned. Do not take interruptions at the computer, force yourself to move!

Sleep should be calm and full. Set aside the problems and gadgets to the side at least an hour before you lie down. Hold the time to yourself.

Menu Detox Diets for Cleansing for 3 days

Detox for three days, as a rule, will last a little longer. Preferably day before and day after devoting preparatory periods. If you have only three free days at your disposal, it is better to use an extended option "One-day" - preparatory and final days by analogy with a lean menu, Detoxa Day. If the time is more, we recommend the following recipes.

All three days are necessary for the same scheme:

  • For breakfast. We are preparing a detox cocktail, in which we add warm water (half of the glass), the chips of the ginger root (tablespoon), the juice of halves of lemon. Alternatively, you can brew a tablespoon of crushed prunes in a cup of hot water. After drinking drinks, we cook smoothies from apples, spinach or cabbage, celery, cucumber. Just put the specified ingredients in the flavor in the blender bowl, after grinding immediately use (since contact with air destroys vitamins). If the mixture remains, use it for snacks.
  • For lunch. Light soup, vegetable broth, boiled or stew vegetables - our best friends in a detox. Cook together three small zucchini, a couple of tomatoes, a little celery root, thinly sliced \u200b\u200bcarrots, greens or bake them in the oven. You can add 70 g of boiled chicken meat to the soup to choose from (without fat, skin and salt), any vegetable salad.
  • For dinner. Duplicate breakfast, drinking a deoxide cocktail and using a fruit and vegetable puree in the amount of one portion (no more than 150 g). If you still want to eat, prepare your apple or carrot juice-Fresh, and for a good sleep drink herbal tea.

Detox diet menu for 7 days

Cleansing the body for a week should be carried out, after testing at least a three-day option. This will determine whether you can withstand such a load, especially if it is necessary to combine work or study.

Detox diet for 7 days for cleansing also does not exclude the preparatory "lean" period, durability for two days at the beginning and end of the term. The essence of a seven-day cleansing program goes beyond the three-day detox described above and is a gradual increase in the load on the gastrointestinal system. Something new daily is added to the dishes of previous days. Thus, the way out of the detox will be easier and more rational.

Features of detox food for a week:

  1. Monday. On this day, drinking detox diet is carried out - we use a lot of liquid, we drink fresh juices all day, herbal tea, mineral water without gas. In any order and at an affordable time you need to drink 8 cups of liquid, which will replace breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  2. Tuesday. With each juice intake, we allow yourself to eat a little fruit - up to 300 g in general (per day). We choose unsweetened fruits with a soft tissue - mango, plums and similar to them.
  3. Wednesday. From this day of the week, vegetables are allowed, greens. Subsequently, give them preference by reducing the portion of fruit to 200 g and using the same vegetable.
  4. Thursday. Add Kashi to vegetables - for example, rice, buckwheat, semolina porridge on the water. Salt, oil, spices in them do not add, combine with vegetables and fruits.
  5. Friday. Let me eat with each meal (3-4 times a day) to eat a couple of any nuts (not salty, without seasonally).
  6. Saturday. Today, dairy products are allowed in the diet. If you are tired of vegetables and porridge, replace them with low-fat cottage cheese, yoghurt, combining with greens, juices and fruit and vegetable puree. Watch out for the common calorie content of your food. During the detox it is undesirable that all the nutrition of the eaten turned over 800 kcal.
  7. Sunday. Time to please yourself with low-fat fish, cooked in the oven or for a couple. We leave from the detox diet by analogy with the Sunday afternoon, or relying on lean dishes.

Recipes and menu for 10 days at a detox diet

The diet of the ten-day cleansing of the body at a detox diet includes many recommendations from the first three points. It is a little more nutritious, as the body needs to hold out on the low-calorie menu of about two weeks, given a few days of preparation for the entrance and output from the detox.

Day 1

  • Breakfast: Standard Detox Cocktail with Ginger and Lemon Juice, described above. Green tea with hawk apple, orange, grapefruit or apple to choose from. Breeding a piece of bread with bran or finished loaf of a mixture of cereals (20-30 g).
  • Lunch: rice with boiled vegetables, 150-180
  • Snack: Apple, Orange or other suitable fruit, fresh or baked.
  • Dinner: prepared by a suitable vegetables (150-180 g), one small boiled egg. Additional deoxide cocktail made of a glass of boiling water of a tablespoon of prunes.
Day 2.
  1. Breakfast: detox drink and cabbage salad with a teaspoon of olive oil. Tea of \u200b\u200bherbs, slice of bread.
  2. Lunch: vegetable broth or puree soup within 200 g.
  3. Snack: small fruit (orange, apple, etc. - any seasonal, in the range of 50-80 g)
  4. Dinner: Boiled egg, 100 g of low-fat curd or 200 g of vegetables to choose from, drink from dried fruit before bedtime.
Day 3.
  • Breakfast: a glass of water with citrus juice, 100 g of skimmed cottage cheese or yogurt, tea from herbs, apple or several unsweetened seasonal fruits.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, baked vegetables or a glass of fruit smoothie.
  • Snack: Half of the grapefruit.
  • Dinner: 150-200 g of boiled fish, 100 g of vegetables salad (cabbage, pepper, tomatoes), unsweetened decoction of dried fruits or fresh compote.
Day 4.
  1. Breakfast: Detox-cocktail, 50 g of nuts, 100 g of fruit salad, tea to taste.
  2. Lunch: puree soup, you can increase portion until 300 g
  3. Snack: Half of an apple or grapefruit, a small banana or 5-6 nuts.
  4. Dinner: up to 150 g of boiled low-fat meat, lightweed vegetable salad, traditional decoction of prunes or other dried fruits.
Day 5.
  • Breakfast: double-volume drink (lemon + orange), 150 g of cottage cheese fruit, tea.
  • Lunch: Vegetable casserole (which diversified - carrots + pumpkin), up to 300 g
  • Snack: Several small fruits or nuts.
  • Dinner: 150-200 g fish fillet, a small portion of salad, fruit decoction.
Day 6.
  1. Breakfast: drink, fruit salad and tea.
  2. Lunch: 200 g cash with vegetables.
  3. Snack: a glass of yogurt or kefir.
  4. Dinner: 200 g of boiled chicken fillet, salad from favorite vegetables, fruit drink.
Day 7.
  • Breakfast: double-volume cocktail, slice of bread, 2 halves of preferred fruit (grapefruit, avocado, banana, apple), tea.
  • Lunch: 300 g of vegetable casserole, as an alternative - lean borsch.
  • Snack: 150 g of fresh or baked fruits.
  • Dinner: 300-350 g of vegetables in any form, decoction detox.
Day 8.
  1. Breakfast: Two glasses of cocktail, vegetable or fruit salad.
  2. Lunch: Broccoli soup and fresh greenery.
  3. Snack: a glass of fruit and vegetable puree.
  4. Dinner: 350 g of a variety of vegetables a couple: cauliflower, carrots, fresh green peas, total up to 350
Day 9.
  • Breakfast: drink, fruit and curd salad or vegetable salad with boiled egg and greens.
  • Lunch: 300 g of any vegetable soup.
  • Afternoon person: whole apple or grapefruit.
  • Dinner: 150 g of boiled meat, vegetable salad, fruit decoction.
Day 10.: All day we drink juices, in the amount of 8 cups, that is, by analogy with the first day.

Results Detox Diet

In each of the cases (stay at the Detox Diet from one to 10 days), people noted a significant improvement in digestion, ease of stomach, healthy appetite, reducing swelling and dark circles under the eyes.

The most tangible result gives a detox-diet for 7 days for weight loss, to whose effects include:

  1. Weight loss - from 3 kg per week, depending on the amount of fluid in the body, as well as the rigor of the menu compliance;
  2. Reduction of cellulite and a more pleasant skin view, tightened and elastic;
  3. Normalization of intestinal work, from physiological indicators - adequate bile production, reduced liver loads;
  4. Cleansing the lymphatic system and blood;
  5. Due to the detox - prevention of diseases of the urogenital system;
  6. Reduction of oily skin, decrease in acne;
  7. The withdrawal of cholesterol, healing the cardiovascular system.
Despite the fact that doctors refer to a detox diet with a certain fraction of skepticism (after all, in medicine there is no concept of "slags and toxins", accumulating in the body - otherwise there would be a person in a state of poisoning), most of its enthusiasts noted a significant improvement in their physical status.

Watch a video about Detox Diet:

Detox diet will help to remove excess weight, get rid of negative food habits, saturate the body with fiber and vitamins, teach a sufficient amount of fluid and enjoy the consumption of fruits and vegetables. If you have, for health, there are no prescriptions prohibiting the holding of such a strict dietary plan, you must certainly try at least three-day detox. This will help appreciate it on your own experience and understand whether it is worth conducting a longer cleansing.

But it is not clear how it is independently without harm to the body to hold a detox. Respond to the 7 hottest questions on the right detox.

1. What is Detox?

This is a program that launches the processes of cleansing the body from all harmful and excessive - toxins, allergens, and even unnecessary kilograms accumulated by our body. The accumulation of harmful substances, unfortunately, is inevitable. Well, except that you live in an environmentally friendly zone, eat exclusively with fresh fruits and vegetables, do not have bad habits and generally knew Zen.

2. Why do we need detox?

  • The accumulation of toxins in the body leads to the development of numerous diseases.
  • Poisoned toxins The body begins to work incorrectly. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, in particular with the intestines, kidneys and liver, headaches, fatigue, decay of forces and mood, depressiveness - all this is evidence that the body does not cope with the process of cleansing, and he needs help.
  • The skin often signals us that something is wrong with the body. Pale and dull appearance, constant rash, allergic reactions - also the reason to think about the detox.
  • By 30 years in 7 out of 10 people, vitamins, macro- and micronutrients are assumed only by 10-25% due to numerous factors that poison the body: ecology, nutrition, drugs, low-quality water, etc. And some people do not digest at all.

3. How to choose a detox program?

Some are talking about smoothies and juices, others about starvation, the third about the superfood. Somehow I do not want to experiment. And this is right: rushing to the outer with your head is not worth it, especially if you are not sure of the reaction of your body to a new type of food.

Most of us noticeably simplified the life of the appearance of detox cocktails, which for a month allow to clean the body and return their healthy appearance. Proposals a lot, you need to make a choice!

4. How to choose a detox cocktail?

High-quality detox cocktail must solve 3 main problems:

  1. To gently purify the gastrointestinal tract, removing harmful substances.
  2. Improve microbi.
  3. Slow down the aging of the intestine.

The ideal detox cocktail is necessarily included. sorbents, prebiotics and antioxidants.

It is such a cocktail that the SMART LIFE brand has a concentrate of IBC for cleansing and restoring the body. It is suitable for children and adults. As part of this detox:

  • Sorbents - fiber and silica dioxide
  • Prebiotics - lactulose, fibergam, inulin and pectin
  • Antioxidants - Vitamin C and Amber Acid
  • And some strawberries

Prebiotics - These are the nutrition of "good" bacteria that our intestines inhabit. Than they are more, the smaller the bacteria of pathogenic, harmful organism becomes - good bacteria are supplanted competitors. But they need to help.

Sorbents Toxic substances bind, not allowing them to be absorbed into blood, and this significantly reduces allergization and intoxication of the body.

Antioxidants Help to cope with the destructive effects of free radicals on the cells of the body. It is important that antioxidants come to the body with food daily.

The main task of the IBC cocktail - Improve intestinal microbis, clean the gastrointestinal tract and increase immunity. Did you know that 70% of immune cells are in the gastrointestinal tract? Any impact aimed at improving the operation of the digestive system and cleaning it from accumulated harmful substances has a positive effect on the state of health after 7-10 days.

5. What takes from the body of the IBC detox cocktail?

  1. Ammonia.
  2. Urea.
  3. Toxins and salts of heavy metals.
  4. Allergens.
  5. Alcohol and medicine decay products.
  6. Xenobiotics.
  7. Bilirubin and radionuclides.
  8. Cholesterol, lipids, metabolites (provoking endogenous toxicosis).

6. A pair of words about the treatment of allergies

The detoxification process plays a special role in the treatment of allergies and helps to increase its effectiveness due to the active cleansing of the body and an increase in pharmacological sensitivity to drugs.

Detox removes allergens and all sorts of pathogenic microorganisms, as well as endogenous and exogenous compounds. At the same time, the manifestations of inflammation on the skin and itching at the expense of:

  1. Increase the number of cells of the immune system
  2. Enhance the activity of cell and humoral immunity
  3. Normalization of the process of peroxidation
  4. Reducing the level of circulating immune complexes (the process of interaction of soluble antibodies and antigens, which leads to their accumulation and inflammatory processes in places of deposits)

With use sMART LIFE IBC Detox Cocktail An active increase in the number of bifido and lactobacilli is observed, which stimulate the immune system and reduce the absorption of allergens in the intestine. They are also a struggle bio-sorbents that bring phenols and salts of heavy metals.

7. How to take a detox cocktail?

IBC must be taken 20-30 minutes before meals once a day. With serious intoxication, the daily dose rises to 2-3 servings. The course is designed for 21 days.

In ½ cup with warm water (at least 60 degrees), add 20 ml (2 dimensional spoons) of the concentrate for adults or 10 ml for children and thoroughly mix. Cocktail ready to eat! Very simple, right?

Of course, the reception of a detox cocktail is better to combine with a healthy diet rich in fruit, vegetables and berries. So you will help the body to cope with intoxication faster.

We always demand a lot from ourselves and your body. We want to be healthy and full of strength, and this is a completely normal desire. But the body can not work 365 days a year as a clock, sometimes he needs support from the outside. Detox is, perhaps, one of the best options for helping the body in the fight against the negative impact of the environment. Cut the detox programs at least a couple of times a year, and your well-being will noticeably improve.

Detox is a new-fashioned word meaning detoxification of the body. Today, a variety of detox programs are very popular worldwide. They are based on medical starvation, thanks to which the body is cleared and rejuvenated.

How not to twist, and the body periodically requires "general cleaning" and detox - this is the perfect solution to get rid of pollution in the form of slags and toxins. Let's get acquainted with the detox closer.

Why do you need to clean the body? The benefits of the organism detox

The body is a kind of well-established mechanism that works without tired, but an unpleasant moment occurs when any mechanism ceases to work due to contamination. The same happens with our internal bodies. Our body is characteristic of systematically maintaining something superfluous (toxins, kilograms), and if you feel severity, strongly tired, there are sharp drops of mood, then it's time for a detox.
Many are perplexed - where do toxins come from their body? The answer to the question is simple, toxins are decay products, which give each human cell after the treatment of nutrients. Just imagine, the human body consists of a billion functioning cells, each of them is allocated and toxins ejects in the process of its livelihood. When the body is overflowed with them, part of the toxins remain in the cell, which does not allow it to work for full force. If you do not detoxify the body, the decay products (toxins) will accumulate in cells and do not give them to cope with their direct responsibilities. This will lead to a violation of organs and a variety of diseases.

Helping the body to cope with toxins by means of detox you get:

  • tide forces - abandoning sugar, saturated fats, transdules, eating more fruits and vegetables, you sat down your body with vitamins and necessary trace elements that give natural tide;
  • cleansing - detox-programs are designed so that the body can clean yourself independently, and you correctly feeding, help him;
  • a beautiful body is an additional bonus for the cleansing of the body, because, together with slags, extra kilograms will be lost;
  • a strong immune system - to get rid of the toxins, the immune and lymphatic system will start working in full mode;
  • healthy and loose appearance - the active work of cells for full force will give clean skin and rejuvenation of the entire body.

Ways to properly purify the body at home

At home, clean the body is independently possible. Here are several ways to bring order in your body.

1. Power culture

The theory of cleansing the body for nutrition is based on the fact that the "correct" food falling into the gastrointestinal tract takes out of it harmful substances, contributing to the cleaning of the body as a whole. Due to this, the toxins do not fall into the blood, since gastrointestinal juice is absorbed into it in the lower intestinal deposits is already cleaned by food.

Here are some examples of such cleansing.

Eat products with elevated tissue content, it is not absorbed by the body, but is naturally output. Such a product is bran. Bran in the stomach under the influence of the wet environment is greatly increasing in the amount, turning into the "washcloth" for the walls of the stomach. Wake-up cells of the bran remove the remnants of the loading food at the same time the slags, toxins and the results of the vital activity of pathogenic microflora are absorbed.
Such cleaning can be done no more than two times a year. Identical properties have cake from carrots, Kabaka.

Citrusy juices
Cleaned citrus therapy for 3 days. Use juice when you want to eat. Just drink juice instead of food. For cooking, you will need:

  • 3 large lemon;
  • 2 kg of grapefruit;
  • 2 kg orange.

The squeezed amount of juice is dragging to water until the total volume of 4 liters is obtained. To improve the effect of such cleaning, it is recommended to drink a laxative on an empty stomach. This complex will cleanse the intestines and lymph from slags and toxins.

2. Massage

Probably many surprised - as a massage can help bring slags from the body. For cleansing, not just massage, but a massage with honey. Honey is a tool that perfectly absorbs toxins and fatty tissue. Making a honey massage, clean the top layer of the epidermis, it helps to eliminate unnecessary substances. Problem areas on which such a procedure should be carried out are: belly, hands, thighs and buttocks.
Such cleaning should be carried out by sessions. One session includes 10 procedures, make them every other day.

  • Type a small portion of honey in your palm and apply it to the skin.
  • We face movements to drive honey into the skin.
  • After some time, a white mass is formed on the skin - spent honey, which pulled out particles of fatty fiber, slags and toxins.
  • The procedure should be continued until this white mass begins to stick to the palms, on average it happens in 5-10 minutes.
  • After the remnant of honey mass, rinse with warm water. If you have dry skin, then apply the nutrient cream.

3. Bath

Mud baths are used for cleaning from slags through the skin. For them, a blue clay or white is used. Claine is applied for 20 minutes, and after washed with warm water without the use of soaps.

Effectively eliminates the toxins Salt Bath:

  • In water 38 ° C dissolve 3 kg of salts and searched 15-20 minutes.
  • For a more thorough seal in the water, add 2 stans of needle extract or as much bran oats.

Such baths pull toxins accumulated in subcutaneous tissue.

Detox-program: body cleansing week

The time comes when it is necessary to edit "general cleaning" in the body. This is especially necessary after the protracted holidays that pass in the gluttony and lying on the sofa. It will be cope with this task for a week really and will help you in this weekly detox program.

  • Initially, refuse meat products, white flour and grinding products.
  • Drink small throats a lot of clean water.

Throughout the cleansing week, only water should be drunk and the following cocktails every day.

Green Fresh
In the blender mix such ingredients:

  • 1 bunch of basil;
  • 1 mint beam;
  • 2 beam of celery stems;
  • 2 large apples;
  • 1 lime.

The resulting mass is possible to breed drinking water.

Cleansing smoothie

  • 1 banana;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 2 large carrots;
  • 2 beam parsley.

From the carrot and lemon make juice with the juicer. Banana and Parsley whipped in a blender. All mix and smoothie is ready.

Now we have a week of detoxification by day:

  • 1 day - preparing for cleansing. Do not eat meat, bread, porridge replacing them on fruits and vegetables. We drink a lot of pure water and 2 cocktails.
  • Day 2 - refuse confectionery, dairy products. Increase the consumption of fruits, vegetables. Drink water and cocktails.
  • 3 day - we exclude all the food in addition to vegetables and fruits. We drink cocktails and water.
  • 4,5,6 and 7 days - reduce the amount of fruit and vegetables consumed, replacing them with cocktails and water.

That is the entire process of high-speed weekly cleaning. During this period, you get rid of slags and toxins and get a pleasant bonus in the form of 4 - 6 kilograms dropped.

Home Recipes for cleansing the body from slags and toxins

The recipe for the body cleansing activated carbon

Coal activated by itself is an absorbent that is capable of cleaning from toxins. Therefore, invent anything is not necessary enough to calculate the daily dose of the drug and drink it 2 times a day. The cleaning course can last from 4 days to 2 weeks. By 10 kg of body weight, one tablet of activated carbon is taken.

In the days of purification, you should limit your diet. Food should be easy and there is it follows in small portions. After the course, it is advisable to drink vitamins, and increase the consumption of fermented dairy products. For prevention, you can drink activated carbon 2 times a day on one tablet, but not more than two months.

The recipe for cleansing the body with water

  • To purify water, it is necessary to use only crude water.
  • In the morning I'm getting off the bed, drink two glasses of water
  • Next to lunch is nothing, there is nothing more 2 - 3 glasses of water (please add 1 h with a spoon of honey to the water).
  • There are only vegetables and fruits on such days. So clean the body can be cleared within 1 - 2 weeks.

Water has the ability to clean the body, so make a habit of starting every day with a glass drunk 20 minutes before eating raw water. Also at the maximum, replace the use of tea and coffee for water, it will contribute to the work of the intestine and will help in the fight against toxins.

Cleansing the body kefir

Bacteria that are contained in kefir provide a healthy bowel microflora balance. For the intestinal cleansing, the kefir made at home with the use of bells, for the absence of such a fresh stock fatty from 1% to 2.5%.

  • It will take 1.5 - 3 liters of kefir.
  • All day drink 1 cup every 1 - 2 hours.
  • No food is allowed, you can only clean water.

Kefir cleaning is carried out once a month.

Cleansing the body rice: rice diet

For the rice cleansing of the body should be patient because the rice diet is designed for 40 days.
The diet consists in eating an empty stomach (for breakfast) not polished rice, which was pulled out in water for 6 days.

  • For convenience, prepare 5 jars.
  • On the first day in one jar, fall asleep 3 stans of washed rice, pour with raw water.
  • Second day - change the water in the first jar and pour rice into the second jar.
  • On the third in the first two, we change water and fall asleep the third, etc.
  • For the sixth day, when all jars are filled, rice from the first one can eat, and put a new portion in the jar.
  • If you can not eat raw rice, pour it with steep boiling water and stand 30 minutes. You can use food three hours after receiving rice.

The disadvantage of the rice diet is to wash together with toxins and potassium slags, so add more nuts, dried fruits, legumes and potatoes into the diet.

The recipe for cleansing the body seeds of flax

The essence of this cleansing is:

Before you have a meal, you need to eat 2 stans of flax seeds opened in water. It is recommended to pour the required amount of seeds with boiled water overnight. It lasts such a cleansing from 1 week to 1 month.

During this period, it is impossible to use hot dishes, there is only a slightly warm meal.

Cleansing the body of soda

Cleaning soda is also called - obscenity. It is used as inside and externally.

  • For the intestinal sander, it is necessary to dissolve 1/4 h of soda spoon in a glass of raw water.
  • Drink in the morning and evening on an empty stomach.
  • So drink 3 days, 3 days break.
  • The following 3 days increase the dose to 1/2 h spoons, 3 days break.
  • Next, we drink 3 days a solution with 1 h with a spoon of soda.

Such a course can be used if there are no side effects (abdominal pain, meteorism, etc.), otherwise the first three days will be enough.
Clean the lymph soda externally. For this, 100 g of soda is dissolved in the bath and plunge there for 1 hour. The procedure can be done no more than 3 times a week. It has been proven that Cleopatra herself took such baths.

Oats for the purification of the body: recipes

Oats is a storage facilitation with it possible to clean the body not only from toxins and slags, but also get rid of cholesterol, it contributes to the absorption of plaques. Oats is rich in fiber (as it works in the intestines described above), has an enveloping effect, improves peristality.

Cleaning the body can be cleaned with oatmeal or oat beam.

For porridge:

  • We pour oatmeal with water for 10 hours.
  • After this time, we drain the water (the porridge is not cooking) and add prunes or dried in flakes.
  • Drink in the morning for 10 days.

For ragger:

  • 1 cup of untreated oats grains boil 25 - 35 min. in 1 liter of water.
  • Strain and drink warm 0.5 cups for half an hour before meals.

Current course - 10 days.

Cleansing the organism on the recipe of Genghis Khan

Describes this method of cleaning a doctor of traditional medicine, Professor A.T. Ogulov. He tried the recipe of Genghis Khan on himself and shares his experience.

Recipes smoothies for body cleansing

Green vegetables and fruits are ideal for cleansing the body, and you can combine them in a popular smoothie drink. Above in the detox-program for a week, two examples of such drinks are already given, I want to offer another one that will help get rid of toxins for the week.


  • 3 large cabbage sheets;
  • 1/2 lemon;
  • 100 g of apple juice;
  • 100 g of water;
  • 1 pt spoon of a wedge syrup;
  • ginger slice.

To kill everything in a blender. Drink in small sips. Such a drink should replace one meal.

What herbs use to purify the body?

Popularly clean the body with the help of fees and herbs. Noble for detox are considered:

  • nettle dwarf is the strongest grass for cleaning blood, thanks to it there are toxins, poisons, slags;
  • dandelion - almost nothing is inferior in the beneficial properties of nettle;
  • the violet tricolor - gives a diuretic effect, regulates the metabolism, displays slags and toxins;
  • yukka root - acts as a soft laxative, cleans the intestines;
  • lucerne is rich in fiber, acts as a diuretic and laxative;
  • sarsparel - anti-inflammatory, piling, diuretic, ideal for detoxification of the body;
  • field Horsetail - normalizes the water-salt balance, due to which harmful substances are removed.

Cleansing the body for weight loss at home

All of the above methods of cleaning the body lead to weight loss. And whatever the detox program you have chosen, there are a number of rules that you should follow:

  • refuse the Fasfud, smoked, alcohol, coffee and other harmful meals;
  • forget about cigarettes;
  • there is no sweet and bakery products;
  • more there are high fiber products;
  • exclude fried dishes and meat.

Methods for weight loss are gentle and radical. Believers include:

  • enema - the fat intestine from the "deposits" of Cala, slags;
  • drinks - replace meals on drinking;
  • laxatives - purify the body;
  • proper nutrition - normalizes the operation of the gastrointestinal tract and helps to cope with unnecessary kilograms.

Radical way to translate the body in order - starvation. It may be one-day, three-day or complete.

Whatever folk recipes for weight loss are not applied, regularity and sequence are important.

Different techniques give the effect in different ways. Some immediately, and the other after a certain time. But the result in the form of lost kilograms you will feel with any detox methods.

Marva Ohanyan about the purification of the body

For those who are really interested in purifying the body on the advice of a doctor of the therapist and the biochemistry of Marlevy Ohanyan present a roller concerning cleansing from slags.

Spring - It's time for updates, and the best time for detox cleansing.
Determine Detox wider than just getting rid of the body from rotten sediments and slags.

Detox - This is a way to global reconfiguration of the body's systems and the method of preventing many diseases.

With careful compliance with recommendations detox Course It will improve the condition of hair and nails, refresh the complexion, but these are only external indicators (which cannot but rejoice) - much more important is what is happening inside the body and how the work of the most important organs and systems is improved.

According to Eastern medicine, any treatment should be started with cleansing, and even if you consider yourself a healthy person, the guidance of order inside after a prolonged winter is rather a rule than the need.

The intestinal surface is a total area in more than 200 square meters - The surface that constantly sucks the substance, some of which does not apply to useful, given the food habits of the residents of the metropolis. For cleaning the intestines, for the improvement of the body (first of all) and for weight loss (as a result of the Detox Programs), we have prepared a number of recommendations that are based on the global experience of detoxification.

Rule first
Tune in to a new life! You will have to change some habits, but do not treat it as deprivation - see wider: you make an important thing for the future, for your body, in the name of beauty and ease of being.

Rule second
Start Detox-program In the period when you are not covered with stress and excessive loads at work. Choose a relatively calm stage in life and start Detox-program In the morning of the day off, for example, on Saturday, having previously adopted a light laxative for the night.

Rule third
Start every morning from a glass of clean water room temperature. Optionally, you can add several spoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid during the day. Candle tea and coffee fully, Instead, brew chamomile infusions, mint or ginger tea with honey. Before bedtime, be sure to drink a glass of warm water.

Rule fourth
Rest! Take more time to sleep. In the middle of the course programs Detox You will notice that your sleep has become deeper and better. Walk more and breathe clean air. Use those relaxation techniques that you like: baths with aroma oils, meditating and so on.

Rule fifth - the main
Watch for food - you can cancel the effect DetoksaIf you do not refuse completely from harmful products for the period of cleaning. Smoked membranes and sausages, fried food, fast food in all its manifestations, any products that have been subjected to long thermal processing should be excluded. To maintain the Force use vegetables and fruits in raw form freshly squeezed juices and fruit smoothies With bran.
- reduce, if possible, consumption of butter;
- Drink nuts - this is a colossal charge of pure energy for the whole day;
- Drink pumpkin seeds - this is the most powerful natural remedy for worms;
--ratine wheat and freeze the surplus if they are, so that at any moment you can have a ready-made portion of seedlings;
- minimize milk consumption, instead more useful to cook and drink almond milk enriched with calcium;
- fully Refuse flour;
- fully Refuse sweet and sugar - you can use the syrup of the Topinambur, stevia or maple syrup;
- if you can't refuse meat for the period detox programs, then carefully dose the reception of this food, giving preference to low-calorie types: turkey breast or rabbit meat;
- Replace the main meal of food with a large jar of fruit smoothies with bran and fiber, or use fruit cocktails instead of snacks in the first half of the day *;
* - Using sweet fruits and smoothies After 16:00 we do not recommend, as the metabolism in this segment of the day is reduced;
- Do not eat anything later than 4 hours before sleep.

Sixth rule
Put! Attend the sauna 4-5 times a week, watch out well-being and immediately replenish moisture loss with plenty of drink. If you feel enough energy for sports, give preference to light loads: walking, jogging (if they ran earlier), light exercises on muscle tone.

Seventh rule
No exceptions! Birthday girlfriend or tea drinking with colleagues should not interrupt course detoxification. Try to explain to yourself how important it is to bring to the end to end the changes with pleasure.

Baseline rule (without a number):
How and when drinking cocktails detox

Take a reception detox cocktail The first meal at the beginning of the day - slowly drink cocktail room temperature with small sips. Give a cocktail to come up - at least an hour after receiving the composition, do not eat anything, wait and listen to yourself.
During the day you can drink extra 3-6 jars Detox cocktailBut even one-time use of it in the morning will make an important work in your body.

The body cleaning program for duration can be classified into several types:
Minimum program 3 days - Basic cleaning of the body from slags and toxins.
FIRST STAGE - Compliance with all recommendations 7 days - Clearing + Running the recovery program.
Second step- Compliance with all recommendations 10 days - Cleaning + Running the recovery program + tangible effect of recovery.

Only subject to the above conditions and consumption Detox cocktails For at least 10 days, the WOW-Effect will create. You not only notice external changes - the main thing happens inside:
- Moire consciousness will dispel and you will feel that even the world you began to see otherwise;
- the concentration of attention will increase;
- You will feel the tide of inspiration - long-pending plans may turn into cases already made by affairs, thanks to the energy surge;
- by the end of the day you will feel more forces than before;
- You will notice that they began to sleep better and wake up completely in another mood.

And remember:
If you think you can
And so much more is true!


Bad ecology, abundance of semi-finished products and canned products, constant stress and a sedentary lifestyle gradually lead to the emergence of various diseases, full of body gluing and premature aging. The skin of the face becomes dim, hair - brittle and sequencing, extra kilograms appear. Avoid all these problems is simply enough to carry out such a procedure as a detox diet. What is it, you ask? Now we will tell.

History of appearance

Detox diet is a special power system that allows you to clean the body from toxins, strengthen the immune system, gain a colossal supply of strength and energy. In addition, it will help to eliminate a number of other health problems:

  • Cleansing from slags and toxic substances;
  • Normalization of metabolism and improvement of the GTS;
  • Rapid absorption of vitamins and trace elements;
  • Reducing cholesterol and total detoxification of the body;
  • Cleansing skin from acne and other skin diseases;
  • Treatment of the urogenital system (renal and gynecological diseases);
  • Reduction of excess weight;
  • Removing inflammatory processes;
  • Disposal of allergies;
  • Improving well-being.

The system itself is very simple, and the effect of her colossal! Millions of people worldwide adhere to this program of 365 days a year.

Detox Diet in Hollywood

Many Hollywood stars are fans of this technique. Demi Moore, Alicia Silverstone, Gwyneth Paltrow, Julia Roberts, Ann Hatway, Salma Hayek ... Just remember how the amazingly they look: none of them is impossible to give more than 25-30 years. But many of them for 40, or even for 50 years.

In our country, there are no very many fans of such a diet, and completely in vain. Positive changes are noticeable in a couple of days, and after passing the full course, you will feel re-born. The figure will become slim and tightened, the hair will be slaughtered and become incredibly silky, and the skin of the face will gain a healthy well-groomed look. Why spend money on expensive cosmetologists, beauty salons and dietary dietary dietary supplements, if you can become fabulously beautiful thanks to the right nutrition?


Most of the supporters of this program are recommended to conduct it after the New Year holidays, in spring and autumn - three times a year. There are several options for:

  • One-day - this is a kind of unloading day that allows you to unload the digestive system and clear a little from harmful substances;
  • Three-day - this time is quite enough to bring slags and toxic substances from the body. It is better to start your way to lose weight and strengthen the immune system;
  • Five-day - more efficient than the previous one. During this time you have time to get used to the new diet - if you wish, you can adhere to this menu all my life;
  • Decade-day - there is a complete cleansing of the body from toxins, the blood flow is updated, the metabolism and strengthening of immunity normalizes.

During these days you will get used to the right nutrition, and return to the former diet will be difficult for you. Tanned the idea to lead a healthy lifestyle? Start standing with preparation:

  • Every morning, start with a glass of warm water, into which lemon juice is added;
  • Refuse to eat oily, flour, acute and sweet food;
  • Dinner no later than 8 pm;
  • The diet consists of vegetarian dishes (no meat and starch).

Only in a month you can proceed to the full purification of the body. However, there are several more rules that everyone who has moved to detox foods must be adhere to.

Gold Rules Detox Diet

American Professor Susan Zilberstein and French nutritionist Henri Sheny brought several principles that will make this way of recovery even more efficiently:

  • Full sleep - its duration should be at least 8 hours;
  • Balanced nutrition - be sure to take vitamin complexes;
  • Detox Menu to the entire course will help get the necessary vitamins and trace elements;
  • Setting to a positive - you must be sure of the excellent result, then he will not make himself wait;
  • Sports and SPA procedures - they will help improve the appearance and faster to get rid of toxins. Buy sports equipment (hoop, health disk, exercise bike, jumping) - they will strengthen the effect of this health program;
  • Special cocktails will help boot health and improve the mood (by the way, you can buy them on our website);
  • Smooth return to the familiar diet.

Only after careful preparation, you can proceed to the selected course. And it is worth it from the most important thing: what can be eating, and that strictly setting is prohibited.

List of allowed products

Do you think the program will consist exclusively of tasteless products? In fact, everything is completely the opposite - the list is all very tasty and useful. Mix, crush, eat fruits and vegetables in raw form or refuel with lemon juice - variations set. So, let's see what you can eat during your home detox diet:

  • Cereals (wheat, rye);
  • Sea cabbage and algae;
  • Dried fruits (raisins, kuraga, prunes);
  • Porridge (oatmeal, red rice, buckwheat);
  • Vegetables (artichokes, broccoli, arugula, carrots, beets, sweet Bulgarian or red pepper, asparagus, spinach, cucumbers, leaf salads);
  • Fruits (grenades, apples, citrus, grapefruits);
  • Low-calorie berries (grapes, raspberries, currants, cherry and cherry);
  • Non-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese, natural yogurts, kefir);
  • Non-fat fish and seafood (pike, tuna, pink salmon, shrimp, mussels, squid);
  • Pure (non-carbonated) water, herbal teas and fees.

Agree, the list is very impressive? In fact, it will be difficult for you only in the first week - then you will get used to eat right, and you can no longer eat something from what ate before.

Forbidden products

Sweets and fans of meat dishes will have to be not easy, because it will have to abandon all the most beloved - at this time there should be no product from this list in the refrigerator:

  • Confectionery and flour products (chocolate, buns, cakes, bread, pasta);
  • Salt and sugar;
  • Fruits with increased fat (avocado, bananas);
  • Any alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • Packaged and fresh juices;
  • Strong black tea and coffee;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Lentil;
  • Sweets;
  • Fast food, semi-finished products and canned goods;
  • All kinds of starch;
  • Fatty dairy products (cheese, milk, cream, sour cream, yogurts with additives);
  • Spice.

Of course, when at home or at work everyone eats something forbidden, it becomes not in itself and I want to bite off at least a small piece of "this fragrant bun." It is not worth doing this, because there is a completely wonderful transformation and rejuvenation in front.

Detox Diet: Approximate Menu

We have collected the best recipes that you can change and completely rebuild yourself. Here is an example of a program designed for three days:

First day

  • Cleansing a cocktail (in a glass of warm water, add half a teaspoon of grated ginger and half of the lemon). You can use and ready-made cocktails - you can buy them on our website;
  • Smoothies. The recipe is simple: Pour a glass of water into the blender, add cabbage leaves and apples, add some parsley and celery, half of the lemon and grated ginger root, one cucumber and mix well - your health drink is ready.

There are useful two options here:

  • Soup from finely chopped zucchini, tomatoes, celery, carrots and cabbage. Boil about half an hour. Remember that spices and salt are prohibited;
  • Salad. To spinach, add some broccoli and arugula, a few cherry tomatoes, parsley, lettuce leaves and a bit of low-fat cheese. Fill it all can be lemon juice or natural yogurt.

Dinner consists again of smoothie (combine everything you want - but only from the list).

Second day

  • Breakfast consists of oatmeal and bran mixed with a finely chopped green apple.
  • For lunch, you can eat some rice with seaweed or salad from asparagus with spinach.
  • Dinner will delight you with vegetable stew or fruit salad.

The third day

  • For breakfast, you can eat fruit puree or a handful of brown rice.
  • For dinner, prepare vegetable soup puree.
  • Dinner - vegetable salad, seasoned with lemon juice.

In fact, there is a huge number of diverse menu combinations - you can mix the allowed products with each other, make various cocktails and smoothies, there are raw carrots or grapes. The main thing is not to forget that to achieve an optimal result, without harm to health, it is simply necessary to combine them together. Such dietary nutrition will certainly benefit your body and will return you to youth and beauty. After a week later, you would notice that the discharge of fat deposits began - for the full course you get rid of 5-7 kilograms of excess weight.


Despite the entire attractiveness of this method, this technique is prohibited in certain diseases:

  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Diabetes;
  • Reduced blood sugar level;
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding.

If you have one or more listed diseases, then it is better to pay with a detox-diet. But you can order with us on the site many delicious and useful cocktails - in their composition only natural natural ingredients that will give you strong health and delightful well-being. This is a good way to diversify the usual diet and charge the necessary vitamins. Delivery is carried out throughout Russia - the program you chose will be with you within a few days.

Start the detox diet today, and in a month you simply do not recognize your reflection in the mirror. Minus 10 years and 10 extra kilograms, shining skin of the face, luxurious hair - isn't Millions of women all over the world dream of this? After this course, you can safely pose for the cover of the glossy magazine - your beauty eclipses all others, and excellent health will give strength to implement the most cherished desires. Detox - diet is able to rotate the time to reverse - try, and make sure that yourself.