What fish are like a person. Fish with a person's face is derived by people

People with the face of fish Many of us have probably seen. But here is a fish with a human face ... it looks like a sensation, still. However, not very believe in such news, especially in our "photoshop" times. Meanwhile, fish, as it turned out, has long faced face to face with man.

Fish with human persons appeared in South Korea, with reference to Seoul printing on January 12, the Russians told RIA Novosti, and the Korean Bureau Reuters told about this world.

The breathing apparatus from the lower jaw consists of a row of gill slots that inform the throat with gill chambers located on both sides of the head. These chambers communicate with outerwater, but can be covered with a series of bones, called joint preparations. Inside the chamber and gill cracks are gills that have the shape of thin sheets or threads through which blood circulates. When the fish absorbs water and displaces it through the gills, the oxygen dissolved in it crosses the slim membrane of the gills and dissolves in the blood, and carbon dioxide leaves it and dissolves in water.

"Appeared" - it is, of course, loudly said. Both fishings for 19 years. They live in a private pond located 140 kilometers south of Seoul in the city of Chongju.

Each of the two women's individuals is 80 cm long and 50 cm in gripping. The host brought these hybrids of two types of carp quite consciously, but he says that last years Their "faces" began to look more humanely, or something.

Fish digestive system

Several species, however, like a diphone, can also breathe atmospheric air through well-developed easy. The digestive tract of the fish usually consists of the mouth, equipped with rows of sharp or brush-like teeth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach and intestines, ending with anal hole. Various organs that make up digestive system, not have a clear differentiation in all kinds, although they all have pancreas and liver.

During the evolution of vertebrates, the concentration of sensory organs in the front of the body had a significant impact on the formation of a brain, which gradually became the highest body of management of all activities. Unlike ground vertebrates, which in these hemispheres of the front brain take the role of the coordination center, in fish different zones of the brain are associated independently with the senses. The brain in the fish is placed in a cartilage and bone cavity, called neurocrangin.

Unfortunately, to ask the owner of these fish there is no possibility. Even nobody knows his name.

Made on January 10, 2005, a snapshot of one of two Karp-hybrids. Well, where is the person of a person? (Photo Reuters / Chungcheong Today).

Meanwhile, I would very much like to know that he saw such a human in the appearance of these hybrids.

Telenetsopalone or front brain is fully in the service of the olfactory body, with great development in finely smelling fish, such as sharks. He is responsible for leading the behavior of fish during spawning, care for eggs and fry. The experimental brain is an important center for maintaining an internal equilibrium and where the feeling of taste is felt. It is also attached to the endocrine system of pituitary gland and part of the visual nerve.

Of course, fish that are targeted by the sight, have very developed optical blades. The cerebellum is located on the top surface of the brain, immediately behind the optical blades, its main function is to coordinate movements and orientation. The last part of the brain is the oblong sheath of the oblong spinal cord. The latter is located in the neutral arc of the vertebrae and contains the spinal nerves that enter various organs of the body.

It is reported that the nostrils are somehow reminded of eyes, and here they are associated with the similarity of the nose (this is a folds of the skin seems) give carpum some similarities with us. There must be people with such a person to "meet easily not easy."

And this is the first strip of the Japanese newspaper Tokyo Sports of April 5, 2004. It is written: "After 14 years, a fish with a human face is re-opened in Korea. Special Report of Seoul Television "(photos from Schubart.net).

Ferry Fish System

The circulatory system of most fish is formed by a heart with two cameras that promote blood forward to the gills, from them to the head and hence the rest of the body through large arterylocated under the spine. The coefficient of blood circulation is lower from fish than other vertebrates.

The main muscles of the body of the fish are located on the sides of the barrel and tail. Big muscle mass Moves the back on both sides of the spine, and the smaller mass is under the first one. Each muscular mass consists of a number of twisted segments. In conventional swimming, the sequential and alternating compression of the muscles segments on each side gives the tailflower lateral wave-like movement. Small muscles control the movements of the mouth, gills, fins and eyes. Several species of fish, such as acne, swim through serpentine body movements, while others, including fish, are moving under the action of their fins, almost without moving the body.

Nevertheless, South Korean fishery made catchy headlines and, of course, quickly spread over the network.

And be in the faces (as is it generally called fish? Not a muzzle?) Hybrid-hybrids more than human, media space would meet them with terrible distrust and unkind commemoration of Adobe products.

Fish vision is not very sharp, and although they have eyes adapted to the perception of motion, they do not convey the perfect way of the form of objects. In general, the fish living near the surface has the greatest urgency of view, and it is likely that in cartilaginous skeletons, such as sharks, they only perceive changes in the intensity of light. On the contrary, fish have pretty good color vision, but no view has a vision of forms and flowers so sharp to distinguish artificial bait Fishermen from real production.

In addition to the vision of fish, there is a touchscreen device called the side line. This consists of a series of sensory corpuscles located along the body, which form a visible line on each side of the animal with numerous branching on the head. As it was possible to install, the side line is in the direction of the direction, which allows the fish to recognize, where the shock waves arising in water come from other bodies, such as enemy fish or mining, and identify them.

And the fact is that the stories about fish with a human face have already come across the eyes.

Fake fish made for SEGA PR campaign (photo from theJump.net sites and breakthechain.org).

For example, in March 2003 at Yahoo! The message of the following content was published (almost a literal translation): "8-year-old boy, for the first time in his life I caught a couple with a grandfather fish on the lake in South Carolina, committed a capture of the century - caught a fish with a human face!

Some species have an inner ear due to a swimming bubble using a chain of specialized small bones. These are those who have a thin ear. A floating bubble filled with gas eats vibrations under the influence of sound waves that are transmitted to the ear through this chain. Like other vertebrates, fish labyrinth provides the perception of sound waves, at the same time it is the basis of a feeling of equilibrium. Some species can also publish some sounds such as tweet. In them, the swimming bubble acts as an audible box and enhances the sounds.

Puzzled marine biologists say that they have never seen such a mysterious creature with a clearly awesome male nose and jaw with frightening human teeth.

"We have not yet installed whether this fish belongs to a previously unknown science of varieties, which may have lived in waters North America For many centuries, whether it is a by-product of genetic changes, or this is a random mutation caused by something in the environment, "Gregory Hickens), a biologist specializing in unusual representatives of wildlife told Dr. Gregory Hicken. "But you can say with confidence that this is one of the most exciting finds of the last decades."

Other noise are produced by displacing air bubbles through the mouth. Sound manifestations serve for fish as a means of communication, especially during the reproduction period. In addition, they also use them to intimidate and alienating their enemies, as well as to maintain communication with members of the bank.

Fish has a fairly developed sense of smell. On both sides of the front of the head open nostrils, each of which is reported to the nasal fossa. In cartilage fish, the olfactory bodies are placed under the face, in the buccular region. With this feeling, the fish can distinguish their enemies and sniffing the path to get food. At the same time, they help with a feeling of taste, which in addition to the mouth is located in Barbilo, head and most of the body surface.

A strange fish for about 20 cm long was caught in the HB Robinson lake with a small boy named Aaron Krendel (Aaron Krendell), who came to her grandpa with a grandfather from Detroit.

71-year-old grandfather, fortunately for the world of science, took the grandson's catch to the friend - Professor of the local college, and he crossed the fish to colleagues: Hikens and other experts in Miami. Study began.

Tritons, knights or men-mermaids have portrayed many stories about sirens. But is there a fishermen? In the traditions of a man's fish, mermaid satellites, are known as Tritons. Society of these creatures noticeably patriarch. His settlements are installed on rocks and reefs built from corals and shells. It is said that the red men are real, and they descend from our distant ancestors who came to the beach from the sea. The knights would come down from ancestors who either stayed at sea, or decided to return to him.

Human embryos have gills that usually disappear before birth. Fairy tales and legends Siren of the sea and Tritons rise to antiquity and are part of the folklore of almost all countries of the world. Over the centuries, the knights saw witnesses recognized integrity. And still see today. Another ancient deity with a fish tail was Dagon, the God of Philistines, who appears in the Bible: 1 Kingdoms 5: 1 The Ark of the Covenant was placed next to the statue of Dagon in the Temple dedicated to this God in Ashode, from the five great Philistan-state cities.

"Rumor crawled, as if the fish asked me to let go back to the lake," the grandfather crushes. "I never said this to anyone."

Other gossip leaked to the local press. For example, many started talking that a nuclear power plant located near the lake is to blame, and that radiation in wastewater may cause a mutant. The authorities, in turn, argue that nothing like that. "

According to Dogon, their knowledge of Sirius B, which they call "stars figures", was given fish-like creatures, called Nommo, who came from Sirius thousands of years ago. He held dominance over the sea and was also the God of Light and Wisdom, and also brought his people to civilization. Oannes was originally the God of Akkadsev, Semitic people with the northern tip of Babylon.

This information was provided by Berosom, the Chaldean priest Belon, who lived in Babylon in the third century BC. Nomo, gods half fish. Are they all civilizers? Are they part of general history? Sculpture of Oanna, Fisherman, lies today in the Louvro Museum in Paris. Beross, the priest Bel Marduk in Babylon in the days of Alexander Macedonsky, had access to clinley and pictographic reports dating from several thousand years before him. It is important to bring most of the body of the legend in the form available today.

The continuation of the above story, alas, did not receive. But it is not all.

And so fish with a male face looks like in the game (screenshots from GameCritics.com).

In 2000, the Japanese company SEGA released the game Seaman

In the first year, he appeared from the part of the Persian Gulf, which borders with Babylon, an animal, endowed with the mind, which was named Oannes. The whole body of the animal was like a fish, and she had a man's head under his head, as well as legs, like a person attached to the tail of the fish. During the day, this is used to communicate with men; But at that time did not take food and taught them letters, science and all kinds of arts. He taught them to build at home, create temples, draw up laws and explain the principles of geometry, he taught them to distinguish seeds from the Earth and collect fruits.

Fig. 1. Karp koi with a picture on the head resembling a person's face

Fig. 2. Karp koi with a picture on the head resembling a person's face

Fig. 3. Koi koi with a picture on the head resembling a person's face

The stories about the god of fish Oannes are a curious similarity with the stories of Virachati and Con-Tika. Viracoocha or God Kon-Tiki gets the name Kesttalcoatl in Peru or in Mexico. They have in common that both were bearded, and both arose from the sea. Forbidden human sacrifices.

Robert Temple notes that Nommos - the gods of amphibians, about which Dogon claims to receive their knowledge about Sirius B, are very similar to foreign amphibians, which, according to the historian Berzo, founded the Babylonian civilization and whose leader was called Oannes. Le Plonjon pointed to the similarity between the name of this God and the word Maya Oren, which means "the one who has its place of residence in the water." If it is correct, it seems to be a favorable argument in favor of the link between Central America and the Lands of the Middle East.

On the Internet, you can also find photos of photos with images of some exotic and aquarium fishwhose expressions of "persons", according to the authors, are similar to human (Fig.4).

Fig.4. Fish-drop

Meanwhile, fish with "human persons" can be detected in domestic reservoirs. Below is a selection of photographs of fish with specific deformities of a skull, giving them similarities with people. Such ugliness ("popsy", shortening of jaws, etc.) are well known in fishing practice (Fig. 5). Usually fish with such anomalies have reduced viability and die in the early stages of development, however, as practice and photographs of fishermen fishermen, some individuals manage to live to an adult state (Fig. 6-11).

Like Brazilian, Le Plonjon quoted the Mythopotamian myth that civilization was brought to the world of creatures from the sea, which were called Oannes, and pointed out that the word maya aan means "who lives in water." In fact, Le Plonjon devoted a lot of place to discuss the similarities between the Mayan language and the ancient languages \u200b\u200bof the Middle East.

Have you ever thought about the similarity between you and shark? What about Golden Fish? At first glance, it is not easy to find similarities for all obvious differences. But if you look past the scales and ability to breathe under water, you're just like a fish! People have the same characteristics as fish! Do you see similarity? The way your face develops is surprisingly similar to the fact that fish. Your eyes began to appear on the sides of your head, and the upper lip, the jaw and the neb began as the structure of the gills on the neck.

Fig.5. Fenodheviants at Carp: Well - a poping head; W - deformation of the head
(Bricks V.S. Genetics and selection of fish. - L.: Publishing house "Science", 1987)

Fig.6. Goldfish

Fig.7. Chub

Fig.8. Zander

Fig.9. Zander

Fig.10. Pike

Fig.11. Burbot

Such anomalies belong to the category of fennels. Their appearance is associated with the action of adverse factors of the external environment on the body of fish during the period of embryonic and larval development. Many authors associate the appearance of such monsters with contamination of water bodies. Are these deformities with a change in the genetic apparatus (mutations) are connected without the analysis of the offspring received from them difficult.

Norwegians cod with the "human face", known as Konghetorschk, which is translated as a "gracious king", is a valuable talisman (Fig. 13). There is such a cod very rarely: one copy per thousand normal individuals. Catch it is considered great luck. Such fish is not eaten (it is considered a sin), and dried and hang on the woolen thread in the office. By local beliefs, such a talisman is able to predict the weather, bring good luck in business and powerfully attribute money. The price of one copy of the "Crack King" on the Norwegian market is about 3 thousand euros. There were repeated cases of theft of talismans from offices, so they are carefully protected using alarm system. Who knows, isn't that Talismans obliged Norway with its success in fish farming?

Fig.12. Norwegian talisman "Kongetorshk"

Considering the padness modern society On such sensations and the probable demand for "mutants", our fish farms make sense to pay attention to them and try to divorce such urodes to "tickle the nerves" by the orders and simultaneously find out the hereditary nature of such anomalies. Or maybe Norwegian legends are not devoid of truths, and fish with "human persons" will help us to achieve unprecedented success in fish farming?

In March 2003, the Internet had news about the amazing find in South Carolina. It was the meaning that the 8-year-old boy who caught on the lake along with his grandfather, caught unusual fish. Her unusual was that it was fish with a man! Shocked marine biologists, sharing impressions, said that they had never seen such a mysterious creature. In the fish with a human face, a man's nose and jaw with eeritful human teeth really fell differently. Dr. Gregory Hikens, a biologist specializes in unusual manifestations in wildlife. He said the following: "We have not yet established whether this fish belongs to a previously unknown science of varieties, which may have lived in the waters of North America on the pros of many centuries, whether it is a side effect of genetic changes, or this is a mutation which occurred randomly under the influence of some environmental factor. However, with confidence, one can say one thing: this is one of the most amazing on-walker of the last decades. "

In local media immediately appeared statements that the cause of this phenomenon is a nuclear power plant, which is not far from the lake, and that it is precisely radiation in wastewater, probably gave rise to a mutant. The authorities, it is clear, put all the forces in order to convince everyone that these are rumors or provocations from the elders. So, or otherwise, but apparently for this reason, the study of fish with a human face has not been continued.

Big cats - http://thepostcards.ru/foto-otkrytok/bolshie-koshki.html.

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Anonymous jokers write that in this picture a human face in South Korean fish can be seen much better than a picture of Reuters. So there is (image from Basscartoons.com).

People with the face of fish Many of us have probably seen. But here is a fish with a human face ... it looks like a sensation, still. However, not very believe in such news, especially - in our "photoshop" times. Meanwhile, fish, as it turned out, has long faced face to face with man.

Fish with human persons appeared in South Korea, with reference to Seoul printing on January 12, Russians told RIA Novosti, and the Korean Reuters bureau told about this world.

"Appeared" - this, of course, is loudly said. Both fishings for 19 years. They live in a private pond located 140 kilometers south of Seoul in the city of Chongju.

Each of the two women's individuals is 80 cm long and 50 cm in gripping. The owner brought these hybrids of two types of carp quite consciously, but he says that in recent years their "persons" began to look more humanely, or something.

Unfortunately, to ask the owner of these fish there is no possibility. Even nobody knows his name.

Meanwhile, I would very much like to know what he saw such a human in appearance These hybrids.

It is reported that the nostrils are somehow reminded of eyes, and here they are associated with the similarity of the nose (this is a folds of the skin seems) give carpum some similarities with us. There must be people with such a person to "meet easily not easy."

And this is the first strip of the Japanese newspaper Tokyo Sports of April 5, 2004. It is written: "After 14 years, a fish with a human face is re-opened in Korea. Special reportage of Seoul Television" (photos from Schubart.net).

Nevertheless, South Korean fishery made catchy headlines and, of course, quickly spread over the network.

And be in the faces (as is it generally called fish? Not a muzzle?) Hybrid-hybrids more than human, media space would meet them with terrible distrust and unkind commemoration of Adobe products.

And the fact is that the stories about fish with a human face have already come across the eyes.

For example, in March 2003 at Yahoo! The message of the following content was published (almost literal translation): "A 8-year-old boy, for the first time in his life I caught a couple with a grandfather fish on the lake in South Carolina, made a prick of the century - caught a fish with a human face!

Puzzled marine biologists say that they have never seen such a mysterious creature with a clearly awesome male nose and jaw with frightening human teeth.

"We have not yet established, whether this fish belongs to a previously unknown science of varieties, which may live in the waters of North America for many centuries, whether it is a by-product of genetic changes, or this is a random mutation caused by something in the surrounding Environment, - said Dr. Gregory Hickens, a biologist specializing in unusual representatives of wildlife. "But with confidence that this is one of the most exciting finds of the last decades."

A strange fish for about 20 cm long was caught in the HB Robinson lake with a small boy named Aaron Krendel (Aaron Krendell), who came to her grandpa with a grandfather from Detroit.

71-year-old grandfather, fortunately for the world of science, took the grandson's catch to the friend - Professor of the local college, and he crossed the fish to colleagues: Hikens and other experts in Miami. Study began.

"Rumor crawled, as if the fish asked me to let go back to the lake," the grandfather crushes. - I never said this anyone. "

Other gossip leaked to the local press. For example, many started talking that a nuclear power plant located near the lake is to blame, and that radiation in wastewater may cause a mutant. The authorities, in turn, argue that nothing like that. "

The continuation of the above story, alas, did not receive. But it is not all.

In 2000, the Japanese company SEGA released the game Seaman, a kind of "Tamagotchi". The player is offered from the moment of birth to raise and raise the fish, which, as you already guessed, the most that neither is a human face.

For a new product it was decided to hold an unusual advertising campaign: fish skeletons were made and even a hurried instance.

These fakes SEGA seemed to be fully serious in newspapers and magazines, on television, museums and shops, books and on sites.

Photos and to this day can be found in the network, where they are sometimes given absolutely fantastic explanations. For example, in some places they write that this is a fish caught by a boy in South Carolina.