Skinny Fat Figure Type - What does this mean, how to recognize and improve the appearance? Who Skinny Fat and why it is important to gain weight correctly skinni fat food and workout.

Do you think that there are no flaws? How wrong! It turns out that they also have problems with the figure.

Girl with imperfect weight, but smooth, tighted leather looks much more attractive than skinny Fat..

Who are " skinny Fat"? These are people whose weight does not exceed the norm, but the cunning fat is postponed in the most unpredictable places and is pretty spoils the figure.

The term was invented in America to "call" girls with low muscle and high fatty weight.

Lucky cow is not a gazelle yet!

It sounds offensive, but this phrase is like more precisely expresses the problem of Skinny Fat girls. The fact is that the body of the fragile young lady in clothes may look attractive, but it is only worth sharing and ... the look of the surrounding a lot of problems will open:

  • dry skin;
  • sagging tummy and buttocks;
  • fuzzy body contours;
  • cellulite, and in a fairly launched stage.

Paradox, right? 🙁

Look at the American actress of Tar Reed. She looks great in clothes, but her photo in a swimsuit cause sadness and even compassion ...

How to turn into Skinny Fat?

This problem is the result of an improper lifestyle. Most often, "alarming bells" appear after the girl turned 25-30 years. Eh, bitter female share, then too fat, then too thin! 🙂

First spread everything and ... do not get straightened! I personally familiar with the girl who sweeps all the provisions on its path: sweet buns, chocolate candies, calorie bars, fast food and ... does not add on a gram in weight. At first I had the thoughts that she joined some sect or recognized the ancient grandmother's secret.

But it turned out that the phenomenal ability to maintain weight, ignoring physical exercisesMost often passed by inheritance. But not everything is so rosy, as it seems at first glance! Already after 25 years, the cherished 50-60 kilograms turn into something ... that it is not worth "packaging" into an open swimsuit.

The second category of girls, inclined to become Skinny Fat, constantly starving. They all their lives seek to throw off a couple of mythical "extra" kilograms. You see them almost every day: the ladies sadly chew cabbage leaves, weigh the food and wind one-only macaronin on the plug. They naively believe that they will achieve beautiful figure without sports. Alas, by 30 years, their body remains thin, but ... Dryaby.

For what?

Why is this happening? Where does this trouble come from? It's all about the ratio of fatty and muscular mass in body. If you are not engaged in sports, the fat accumulates in the tissues, and the muscles become weak.

It is in this that the reason that the two young lady, weighing the same, may look completely different.

What threatens it?

Just think about it! Skinny Fat suffer from the same diseases as full of people, but may not even guess about it. Their hazard weight lies:

  • development of diabetes;
  • increased cholesterol;
  • pressure problems;
  • uncontrolled jumps of blood sugar, etc.

As you can see, in addition to external inesthetics there are more serious problems.

What to do?

Sport will solve the problem! Yes, no matter how cool, and without physical Loads There is no way to do. The most important thing is that they must be regular. Muscular mass extensions helps burn fat. After a few months, the performance appears.

Choose a lesson for the soul: running, swimming, gymnastics or classes with a trainer in sports Hall. By the way, you should not neglect the massage - it will help to smooth out the skin and "embed" cellulite on the arrogant face. 🙂

You do not know what you know, what is this - to be Skinny Fat? Then the one pan with a low-calorie salad - and run into the gym!

We wish you success in the struggle for the perfect body!

Skinny bbw and thick harms or how not to become a Skinny Fat? Updated: April 20, 2019 by the author: anuta-Ivanova.

Good day!
My story is satisfied sad. For several years she tried to lose, as it seemed to me, overweight: Cutting the diet, different training (in different periods Power, cardio), but no fruit brought it, because The weight was initially low, as a result, over these years, the torment was higher than was, unfortunately, eternal weakness, fatigue, throwing training and in general physical activity. Now in the head, it was finally clicked that from the very beginning I needed a bodies recomposition. I present a typical fatty skin of myself: the body is like jelly, no muscles, bones, covered with fat (so how much worse, the picture does not suit). Weight now 58-59 kg with growth 176. I decided to return to power Training And build a body, rather than trying to throw out fetched extra kg, for in addition to exhaustion, the weight loss does not give.
Only began to deal with the coach, before that there were a few weeks of domestic workouts from the OFP category, simply to get tightened, teach the body to physical. loads (3 times a week made complexes from basic exercises with own weightOr with weightlifiers, the riserness is such that even with its own is still given with voltage). I also raised calorie, before it was fed at 1300-1500 kcal, sometimes less, but with an increase in activity, I realized that I just can't live on such a living (weakness, dizziness, reduced immunity, lethargy and a complete lack of life tone). I raised somewhere until 1800-2000, but whether the body is so afraid of the shortage of at least the slightest, or the exchange has become faster, whether the body is so much striving to gain weight, but even this is already enough. Now a plan for 3 strengths per week, the coach advised it is normal, somewhere within 1.5-2 thousand kcal, but I know that 1.5 I will simply abandon the skates. I want to increase muscle mass, while cutting fat. I understand that these are absolutely opposite goals, but to go to the ground, and then I am not going to suffer from drying. I can not imagine possible and naively hope for the newcomer effect. Perhaps there is an option how to at least minimize the consequences of a more raw diet and strength training. I just don't want to turn out of a fat harm just in a full girl, I would have been dry, I would not even think and fed to satiety. However, if I would limit myself in nutrition, my muscles will not develop, not to mention that dizziness starts, hungry spasms and a series of endless colds. Is it a vicious circle, and you can either fat, or dry, but lose health? How to balance load-nutrition, and what should I focus in training? I am very hard for recovery, and enhanced cortisol. The coach said that it was not worth the workouts entirely on the basis for this reason. I would be grateful if someone could give a good advice, how to find a balance in this situation. As for nutrition, it consists mainly of croup, vegetables, fruits, proteins (bird, fish, dairy products) and mostly unsaturated sources of fats

08/06/2015 Fitness rooms flooded slender girls, skillfully hiding their fat under clothes: they eat what they want, but by 30 years comes the hour of payback

"EM and not Tolstay" is a stick about two ends. Because the payback always comes. Novosibirsk gyms literally flooded 30-year-old "slender bbw" or "skinni fat" (Skinny Fat) - externally thin, and under the clothes hiding fat on their elegant bodies. The reasons for such troubles, the rules of workouts and the main errors in nutrition - in the SHE material.

If a slim girl considers himself Tolstoy (which is observed completely and nearby) - perhaps you just did not see her naked. Fitness instructors report that there are more women at the age of about 30 years, the type of figure of which can be described as "Skinny Fat). It looks like this: outwardly a slender girl who looks fine in clothes, but under it hides the body with uneven fat deposits. Most often, such "thin bbw" can be observed cellulite on their slender legs, fat deposits in the hands, and the belly that is in a state of hunger flat, falls out after eating.

As a rule, up to 25, or even 30 years old, they proudly or confusedly declare that everyone wants to eat, but remain slim. But this is a trap.

Those for whom every eaten bun instantly makes itself felt, are forced to start watching food much earlier, playing regularly. Skinny fats are revered on sofas, having lost their wool. "Why should I go to the gym, if I'm so slim," seems to them. While others are working as a muscular frame, future fat harms are completely not engaged in their muscles. And with age, the exchange processes are rebuilt, and their body begins to look no longer slim and young, but flavored and deprived of the tone. With unaccustomed, it is difficult to accept this: it is difficult to realize that they used to be beautiful appearance Just so, and now you need to work on the body.

"Girls with such type of figure comes a lot. And every year their number grows. This is the result of the modern rhythm of life - office work, fast food, sleep disorders, - confessed Denis Malinin, personal trainer COOBER.

"At the moment, such girls are about 50% of the total. The age, as a rule, is approaching 30, all hamburgers them by this time go sideways in the literal sense of the word "-

Anastasia Shevtsova commented, certified personal coach, graduate of the first school of fitness. The main problem of skinni FET - in the absence of muscle tone. However, there will be a big mistake if the girls will simply begin to actively attend strength training. In the case of skinni, Fat is very important to combine them with cardion. "As for the cardios, it should not be endless walking along the path with the phone near the ear. The training should be held in a certain pulse zone, which is determined individually for each (but for the average person is considered by the formula 220 minus age and 70-80% of this value), "advises Denis Malinin. For a start, yoga and dance classes and step are fit. It should be starting gradually because the skinny fat muscles are usually not at all prepared for loads. Anastasia Shevtsova advises such girls a plane view of training - this system is based on balanced loads in all planes in which a person is able to perform movements. The method develops all muscle groups, which is just needing skinnie fates.

In terms of strength training, Denis Malinin advises to stick to the main classic exercises: "Squats - better exercise It does not exist for the legs and the buttocks, it is enough to work for beginners with its own weight, for more experienced, squats are suitable. For those who have problems with flexibility and coordination, the squats can partially replace the bench legs. You can walk through the steps. And generally use the staircase, and not go to the elevator on the 3rd floor. " Steps - this is just a variation of the attacks, they can still be done in place, one foot on the elevation, step forward, backward, with a shift of legs in the jump, with a barbell, dumbbells, etc. Buttocks also load: rod / dumbbell trails on straight legs, mahs and lead leads (both in simulators, and just on the rug). The dumping stomach is a consequence of both weak abdominal muscles and the wrong posture. Best simulator For the press, this is a rug on which various twists and planks can be performed, it recommends Malinin. But some twists will not be enough, in everyday life, too, we must not forget about your belly, and always keep it in a tone. As, however, and keep smoothly back. And, of course, it is important to stick proper nutrition.

According to most coaches, to lose excess fat, you need to stop there are fats and start left to the protein. However, following such advice can lead to the opposite effect and harm the health.

"Fats cannot be excluded. They are needed for the work of the nervous and endocrine system, "Polyna Zakharov warns, the nutritionist and the head of the NPO School of Power School (St. Petersburg). If you abandon fats in the diet, firstly, the hormonal background can seriously suffer, and, as a result, problems with menstruation, dry skin, brittle hair and nails. Secondly, according to studies, with fiv and carbohydrates with proteins by more than 70%, fatty hepatosis occurs - rebirth of liver functional cells fat fabric, Zakharov said. In addition, the abundance of a protein is a serious burden burden, because the need for a protein in humans is limited, and the excess is displayed with urine.

A nutritionist advises to move to balanced food, refuse fast food, consuming enough fiber, eat fish and seafood, not fry on oil, and add it to a salad. She also focuses that

skinni Fet Figure often happens just a consequence: in this case, instead of fat, the woman loses muscle mass.

It is necessary to solve the problem like this: go off the diet and eat normally. Yes, it will lead to a weight gain, but the muscle mass without a fat increase will not succeed, Polina Zakharova is sure. And only after the restoration of muscle mass with the help of proper nutrition and training, you can go to the weight loss step, but by accurate selection of the food system suitable for you along with your doctor.

And finally: indeed, there are situations when slender girl It seems that it is thick, it is not uncommon. In order to seriously talk about the imbalance of fat and muscle mass in the body, it is necessary to carry out a biime-presant analysis - the diagnosis of the composition of the body of a person is advised by Zakharov. This study will help learn the real percentage of fat, muscles, water in the body. Special analyzers can be found in health centers, sometimes medical centers Or fitness clubs, explained the nutritionist Polina Zakharov. Scales with similar analysis, in her opinion, give an erroneous picture.

Zinaida Kuznetsova

If you are currently looking like this:

Or so:

And you want to look more like this:

Or so:

Then you need to pay close attention to all that we are going to tell in this article.

Because that's what's the point:

  • You can follow all the rules of "clean nutrition" from the Internet ...
  • You can run a coward while your joints do not interfere in dust ...
  • You can swallow the mountain additives every day ...
  • You can make each domestic training program for them ever invented ...

And you can still be "fatty humid ". All the rest of life.

Find out how to train, eat (what a diet should be, diet) and take additives ( sports nutrition) That's right, though, and to have the body of your dreams.

Examples for exploy? Take a look at these success stories and "before and after" people who are guided by the principles described in this article:

You can achieve such results and I am going to give you a plan here.

So let's start.

What is "fatty lurch" and "Lucky Zhiruha"?

The phrase does not seem to be logically.

How, damn someone can be like "thin" so and "fat" at the same time? What is this satanic curse?

Well, "thin" means the presence of a relatively low level of muscle mass, and "fat" means the presence of too much fat percentage.

And when you combine these things - too few muscles and too much fat - then you get the picture as it looks like "Golden Horde".

For example, look at the following two photos:

The whole chip here is that both of these women have more or less than the same percentage of fat in the body!

The main difference between their physical data is in the number of muscles in their body. The first woman has little, and the second is quite a lot.

You see, the smaller your muscles have, the more prone to look like a fatty harm even with a lower percentage of fat in the body.

The guy with an extreme lack of muscle mass with 15% fat may look thin grease, and a muscular guy with the same level of fat may look straight.

At the same time, if you are a woman and stretched from one thought about building muscle mass and inflating muscles, I understand.

But it does not work.

The truth is that for women it is very difficult to gain enough muscle mass to look bloated. We need years of intensive classes, professional training and nutrition to dial sufficient muscle volume for this.

What causes bulkness, however, this is an increase in muscles when the fat level in the body is too high. All this flows into visually volumetric, but not more detailed, view.

I'm talking about these things and even more that all women should know before starting to train here.

Thus, the imbalance between muscle and fat mass is what leads to the mind of a thin grease.

Let's deal with more about typical mistakes that people make and who lead to such a problem.

There is a sure way to become and stay fatty:

  1. Significantly limit their calories.
  2. Making a large quantity cardio.
  3. Do training with almost no strength exercises.

If these things seem familiar, then this is because they make up most of the main weight loss tips that flow on you from everywhere.

Just pour out the pages of any magazine or books about training, especially aimed at the women's audience, and you will find "experts" that "preach" the use of some of those terrible principles of weight loss.

Why do these things make you a fatty lush, yet?

Let's look it.

Why calorie hard limit can turn into a fatty hard

If you are here, you already know the result-oriented weight loss requires you to satisfy the body with a smaller calorie (energy) than it burns for a long period of time.

Get fond of this knowledge, however, and start feeding your body a much smaller calorie than he burns, and you already ask for trouble. The type of problem that leads to significant losses of muscle mass and slowing the metabolism.

To aggravate the situation even more when progress stops (and this always happens some time), the response of most people is to eat even less and / or do even more cardio, which only accelerates the loss of muscle mass.

This is a ticket in one direction to the condition of the skinny and at the same time "loose" body - greasy slindish, and therefore I recommend that you use moderately aggressive calorie deficit from 20 to 25% for weight loss.

Studies show that regular occupations weightlifting (exercise with burdens) and a high-flow diet, calorie deficiency from 20 to 25% contributes to the rapid burning of fat while maintaining muscle mass (and in some cases, the dry muscle mass).

Why too much cardio can make you fat

If you think you need to make a watch and watch Cardio every week to finally burn belly fat, you are not alone.

And you love me for it:

When it comes to improving the composition of body tissues and external data - a discharge of fat and build up or maintaining muscles - cardio is not very important.

Many people are surprised to find out that studies show that regular cardio training gives little guarantees regarding weight relief. In fact, many people who think they can lose weight, fulfilling only Cardio find themselves in appearance and to the point in greater than when they started.

It does not say that the cardio itself is useless or that it directly leads to an increase in weight.

If you understand what you are making meals, then Cardio can help relieve fat faster - and high-intensity interval training Especially good for this - but this is far from the most important part.

In fact, if you want to become and stay in shape - tightened (oh) and pinch (oh), without loss of muscle mass and strength, you will have to reduce cardio to a minimum.

There are two main reasons to adhere to this principle:

  1. Too many endurance workouts prevents the increase in (and even maintaining the current level) of the strength and muscle growth process.
  2. The longer each of your classes (separately taken Cardio session), the more these effects.

Thus, the standard recommendation for weight loss - from 1 to 2 hours of Cardio 4 to 7 days a week - far from ideal. And especially when you combine it with some hungry diet, which increases the damage to your body and fiber damage muscular fabric in particular.

Why mixing training with burdens to a minimum makes you fat hard

Many weight loss schemes include very little or almost do not contain power exercises, or suggest training with a very low intensity resistance, and this is a huge error.

The intensive session of lifting weights may possibly burn not so much calories, the session of the high-intensity interval cardio, but it burns much more than many think (and certainly enough to noticeably accelerate fat burning).

And here also "afterburn effect" or, scientifically speaking, "additional oxygen consumption after training" is essentially an elevated level of oxygen consumption, which occurs after training and leads to additional calorie burning.

This is where heavy athlics really shines, because one session can raise your metabolism for several days.

Heavy athletics is particularly effective in this regard, with research showing that heavyweight training (from 80 to 85% of 1PM) can lead to incineration more than a hundred postwear calorie than lightweight workouts (from 45 to 65% from 1PM ).

However, in this regard, this is not all, there is even more that you need to consider and take into account.

Exercises with burdens are the only way to preserve muscles as much as possible when fat burning.

Remember when you say you want to "lose weight" or "lose weight" that you actually have in mind that you want to lose fat, not the muscles.

You can achieve this easy enough if you know what you are doing. In fact, you must be able to practically not lose muscle mass and strength (not destroying muscle fibers) during a diet to reset fat, even if it takes several months to achieve the desired level of fat in the body.

Here is your true goal, and just a few workouts per week, on which you work percentage of 90 times with weights, will be enough for this.

Now that you know short way Fatty Khusobhe - a large calorie deficit, too much cardio, and too little training with burdens ( power exercises) - Let's talk about how to prevent and, if necessary, compensate the damage caused by muscle mass.

So I better burn fat or build muscles?

There is a question for a million dollars, which torments the skinny and at the same time fat people Everywhere. They know what type of physique they want. But in fact, the concepts do not have how to answer their question: "How can I make my body as I see in dreams?".

The guys tend to think that they should simply focus on pumping muscles, and girls tend to want to burn fat. And they both have not achieved how they want to see themselves in the end ... Because they have to do and first and second.

That is, their task is to configure your diet and workouts so that they can get rid of fat and build muscle at the same time.

This is usually called the "body transformation" and this is the only way out of the unpleasant position of oily humids. Too much fat and too little muscles - this is what makes you find yourself in such a position and you have to flip over

this situation from the head to your feet to get out of this position.

If you are a novice in lifting weights (and weightlifting in particular), and perhaps if you are a fatty hard, you can quite accurately build muscle mass and lose fat at the same time.

In particular, if you do not have at least 1 year of proper hard workouts with weights and have not yet earned your first 5 - 10 kg of muscle mass (regarding men, about half less, if we are talking about women), then you can effectively Transform and must make it your first priority.

You just need to know what you are doing. And this article will explain all this.

Make a lot of heavy basic exercises (multi-sowing press and thrust)

Although you should like to lose fat and grow muscle to leave your stays with a fat harm behind, if you look at the picture as a whole, the set of muscle mass is more important. This is what ultimate will lead your body to the form and the form you want.

And if you want to maximize the growth of the muscles, you must emphasize your efforts on heavy, basic exercises (Compound press and thrust) in your workouts. High-electory "pamping" training, which emphasize the isolation of movements is much less effective for building muscle mass.

A big "secret", why so many fitness models and bodybuilders make and recommend these types of training - steroids. Obviously simply. Write hundreds of repetitions for training is great if you are on the farm, but you will not go far if you are an athlete-natural.

Therefore, instead of chasing a huge pooping every week, your main goal is to become very strong in such exercises as squats, deadlift, press lying and army pressAnd you need a training program that is built with this.

The correct way to turn on the cardio to weight loss mode is the preservation of each session as short as possible and total scorem as low as possible.

Your task is to make enough cardio to support fat burning, and no more.

Work with thousands of people shows that it seems, the perfect quantity for maximum fat loss and at the same time information loss has a loss of muscle mass to a minimum:

Not more than 20 minutes for Cardio session.

Not more than 1.5 to 2.5 hours Cardio per week.

How can you influence the loss of fat, making only 2 hours Cardio a week, you did not think?

Ordinary measured cardiotrans is not something. As I mentioned earlier, the highly intente interval training is where the solution is.

Learn how to eat

You heard it before.

You can do everything right in gymBut if you don't know what to do in the kitchen, you will never see the results of the type "My Transformation" and "before and after".

Well, it is true.

Incorrect food will make even the most bEST PROGRAM Exercise training.

Good news, however, is that the diet is not so complicated or exhausting, like most of the "guru" inspire.

Here is what you need to know about the purposes of this article:

if the calorie consumption was very low for a sufficiently long time, then the first thing is your task, to make the metabolism again scored the required speed.

When you limit the calorie intake to lose weight, the body's reaction is to reduce the total energy consumption (calorie).

And when you sharply and significantly reduced calories consumption for weight loss, and then left it at such a long period of time, afraid to raise it, so as not to gain weight, thus exposed its metabolism to work on the last spray for a long period of time .

If this is so, then do not worry - "damage" is not unchanged. In fact, it is quite easy to fix. But you must focus on his correction before plowing for fat loss.

The solution is known as a "reverse diet" and I will explain how it works in one of the following materials.

If the calorie intake is normal, you can fit right now.

If your daily calorie consumption practically converges with the total daily energy consumption (calories), then the metabolism will be ready to start crusade against the state of loose thin.

All you need to do is use the correct calorie deficit and nutrient balance of macroelements, which create conditions for dumping fat, and use the suitable workout program to stimulate muscle growth. And you can learn how to do it here.

General result by solving the problem of noticeable looseness with relatively low weight and body volume

There is no reason to be thin grease. This is not a genetic curse or mysterious disease. It has very specific causes and specific solutions.

In short, the smaller you have the muscles, the land you should be not to look a fat harm. And if you have very little muscles, you have a particularly choice: you can either look thin, but at the same time fatty or chili and depleted.

Fortunately, the output is simple, you need to increase the thickness and quantity muscular fibers and reduce the percentage of fat in the body.

These things require time, knowledge and hard work, but fairly easy to implement. And most importantly, at some point you understand that how the appetite comes while eating, as well as the unattractiveness and the death of the first 10-12 training, and the wildness of weight lifting, and begins "breaking" when after the first 10-12 training in a row Week do not go to the hall for some reason. And as soon as you did it, I put ourselves in such a position when you start enjoying the first fruits of your work - the beginning of a pleasant transformation of your body and self-confidence - then you already understand that I got into the "sect" (in the good sense of the word) - so How it is not just a waste of money on a simulator and bloated ugly units from magazines and a TV - this is a way of life and you will not want to return to the same.

So we use advice in this article to profite your oily-thin build and build a body that you can be proud of.

Natalia Svanov

Reading time: 13 minutes


The term "skinni Fat" is customary to call the physique, characterized by the normal body weight (or at all humbered) in the presence of solid folds subcutaneous fat And leather flabbiness. "Skinny Fat", competently covered with modern clothes - almost the perfect figure, « skinny Fat "on the beach is a body that requires intensive workouts.

How to fix the shortcomings of your figure, and how to train fat louds?

Causes of the Skinny Fat figures - and you too fat hard?

The weight of a person with the physique "Skinny Fat" is usually held within the normal range or even below it.

Clothing designed to hide all flaws, perfectly hides sagging skin, flabby jagged muscles And folds on the waist.

However, the waist can remain aspen, and the tummy, on the contrary, is not at all appetizing, and even CO on cellulite pope.

"I can eat everything and not fat", proudly declare the owners of the figure "Skinny Fat".

Yes, the metabolism of such people is excellent, and excess weight Is not a problem for them. But unfortunately, food consumed does not benefit and muscles - Muscular mass growth is not observed. On the contrary, it grows the second chin, losing the form of the buttock, becomes flambic stomach, hands.

What is the reason?

  • Excessive wiping low-calorie diets. Such self-physicons always lead to loss of muscle mass, and even in the case of active power training. Muscular weight is lost, if the woman begins to lose weight faster than ½% of the body weight in 7 days.
  • The effect of boomeranga. Everything is good and bad, as well-known, has a property to return. So and with subcutaneous fat: the stronger and faster you are trying to lose weight, the more active the body will restore your fat stocks.
  • No strength training. As a rule, low-calorie diet girls "dilute" walking along the treadmill and light fitness. Because I want to be constantly, and most simply not. Need to understand that treadmillAlthough it contributes to spending calories, but does not affect the preservation (and even more so height) muscle mass. But it is her lack of a problem for the figure "skinni fat".
  • Sedentary lifestyle. With a long lack of physical activity and irrepressive food intake, protect the figure from the above flaws is impossible.

Top workouts for fixing Skinny Fat Figure

Denote key problems of slender bbw. First of all, this is the leather flabbiness and the weakness of the muscles, the effect of "halifa" on thin legs, reduced endurance and tummy, which even after a modest lunch has a property property.

What is the result?

And in the end, every summer - in a spacious shirt, on the beach - in the pareo, in bed with a loved one - in bedtop to the chin.

Because a shame.

In order not to bring yourself to a state when you are ashamed to walk in a swimsuit to the sea, start doing sports today - and never give up.

The only salvation for the "Skinny Fat" figure is training. Therefore, we note the main problem areas, we compile a plan of work on yourself and immediately (and not tomorrow or a month later) proceed to its clear implementation.

The plan "Treatment" is approximately following:

  1. Increase the percentage of muscle mass.
  2. The metabolic rate directly depends on the percentage of your muscle tissue and on the time spent on the workout.
  3. Reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat. The diet should be such that there is no feeling of hunger, and the body did not want to replenish the reserves of subcutaneous fat.

remember, that you don't need to lose weight! You are already thin. But the muscle mass you just need as the frame of your beautiful body.

And do not try to solve the problem of Skinny Fat for the month or two. If you have come to the state "shame to undress on the beach," it means that work on oneself will be long and stubborn. Minimum year of work!

How to train if you are a fat harm?

  • More strength training, less - cardio (enough 2-3 sessions during the week).
  • Training regularity: at least 3-4 times / week according to the "constant" scheme. Intensity: 3-4 sets and 10-15 repetitions.
  • The main part of the exercises is chosen among multi-launch and power classes.
  • All muscle groups must be worked out for 1 training.
  • Exercises with the consequences in the form of discomfort on the lower sections of the back of the back to avoid (for example, becoming traction or hyperextenia with weight).
  • Between approaches and at the very beginning of each workout recommended stretching for target muscular groups.
  1. Aerobics and dumbbells.
  2. Barbell.
  3. Bicyclerenugers.
  4. Weighing exercises.
  5. Mahi legs and squats.
  6. Deprips and pushups.
  7. Traction on straight legs.
  8. Planck Classical I. side Plank Focus on 1 forearm.

On a note:

If there was no sport in your life for a long time - give your muscles to prepare for active training.

For example, make swimming, dancing or even yoga.

Training program №1 for the figure "Skinny Fat"

Classes - three times a week, the nettime time of each workout is at least 40 minutes, for each exercise - 3 approaches.

  1. Workout necessarily (20 minutes on the wrap of the hoop).
  2. Next - Running on the path with a slope.
  3. Then the thrust of dumbbells with their climb above the head.
  4. Sat with dumbbells and press up.
  5. We carry out walking with attacks.
  6. Raise the dumbbells in front of them.
  7. We make attacks on the spot, flexing triceps from the hammer dumbbells for your head.
  8. And, of course, a plank with pushups.

Training program # 2 for the figure "Skinny Fat"

We are 2-3 times / week for 60 minutes + 20 minutes on a system-owned workout.

The main focus - on heavy weight exercises.

  1. 10 minutes of workout.
  2. Next, tighten on the Gravitron simulator.
  3. After - traction of the lower block to the belt.
  4. We click the dumbbells in the position lying on the bench up and at an angle.
  5. Next, the pullover from the dumbbells across the bench.
  6. Igre your hands with a dumbbell behind your head from the sitting position.
  7. After - dumbbells upwards in the same position.
  8. Deeply squatted by the wall.
  9. Making buttocks with fitbol
  10. And at the end - a twist-plank.
  • Work more often with your own weight and weighing.
  • Step through the steps and use stairs instead of an elevator, as well as replacing hiking bus skating to work.
  • To load the buttocks - by Mahami and the movement of the legs, the burden of dumbbells on straight legs.
  • Work with a press using slats and twists.
  • Constantly monitor your back - it should be smooth!

The benefits and harm of the cardion files in the Correction of skinni Fat

Do you need cardio-loads when figure "Skinny Fat"? Most of the sites for the correction of the body of the Body of Padt advice - "Yes, be sure, and more!". Logic is simple: aerobic loads are required for incineration of excess fat.

In fact, this is not the case. After all, the problem of the shape of "Skinny Fat" is hidden not excess fat, and, mostly, in the shortage of muscle mass. Therefore, with temptation to increase Cardio in training should be struggling, but emphasis on force exercises.

It is important to understand that aerobic loads seriously suppress incentives to the necessary growth of muscle mass. It seems to you that running on the track contributes to calorie consumption - but in practice, the body simply consumes substances that could go to the growth of the muscles. That is, the more active you run, the more thin you will, but with the same nonappicing figurine and with the same problem areas of the body.

Roughly speaking, cardio-exercises you self-fight the energy that is needed for muscle growth.

Therefore, your task is:

  1. Power training - From 3-4 times a week.
  2. And cardio exercises as a warm-up for 10 minutes - or before, or after classes (maximum!).

Cardio you can do (if you can not completely without them) when you achieve the desired result.

Food and drinking mode in the Skinny Fat Figure Correction Program - What is important?

Of course, without proper nutrition, success in the correction of the figure is not achieved. Even if all you eat, "somewhere goes somewhere."

Important rules for the girls "Skinny Fat":

  • No fast food. Just forget about it quite, go around the kilometer of the McDonalds building and others. Change the route if your road from work lies through such establishments of the catering.
  • From sweets and smoked, marinades and sharp dishes, too, better refuse. Well, or at least limit them.
  • The focus is on food, which is rich in protein, as well as on kishki and fruits with vegetables. Your tummy should not grow - your muscles need to grow!
  • Do not overeat! It is necessary to eat so as to drown hunger, and not crawled with a crowded belly to the sofa. Scheme "In the morning - tea with lemon, and in the evening - a salad of dumplings, meat in a grain, cheese, chicken, cake and ice cream" - wrong.
  • Track your own daily rate protein consumption. Note: 2 g of protein / day - by 1 kg of your weight.
  • Calorie deficit at the Skinny Fat figure is harmful. therefore strict diets - "In the firebox."
  • The main thing in your diet is to build up in the diet of lean meat. To subsequently move with a flat figure - on the appetizing and round. Squirrels We are looking for in eggs and beef, the rod steaks, in chicken or turkey fillets, in fillets Mixed and Tilapia, as well as in a fat-free cottage.
  • Carbohydrates "take" exclusively long-playing: buckwheat with oatmeal, SCH and a pesh, barley and brown rice, as well as heiners based on complex carbohydrates.
  • Be sure to pack each dinner with vegetables - Asparagus and broccoli, Brussels cabbage, as well as podcol.
  • Approximate calorie diet - 350-500 kcal , Of which 35% are proteins, 50% are carbohydrates, and 15% are fats.

Approximate diet per day:

  1. 1st breakfast: 100 g of cottage cheese (approx. - Degreased) + a couple of wholegrain toasts + 8-10 almond nuts + milk half a cup.
  2. 2nd breakfast:3 oatmeal + heiner.
  3. Dinner: Boiled chicken (100 g) + black bread + green salad + green tea.
  4. 2nd lunch: Beef steak per 80-100 g + broccoli + 100 g of brown rice.
  5. Dinner: Fish white (80 g) + 100 g of asparagus + 80 g of buckwheat.
  6. Before bedtime: 1 cup of kefira or varets.

Do not take yourself illusionsthat you can eat "how much please" is not like that! Your problem will be aggravated with time, and eventually restore the figure will be more difficult.

So stick to the right nutrition, do strength training And come out of the hibernation - you need activity, like air!

And do not rush. Wait for the effect after 2 months of workouts meaninglessly perfect figure you will see after 1-2 years. But she will be awesome!

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