Cyclic sports are mainly aimed at development. Feature of sports, developing individual physical qualities

Education of endurance in the process sports training In a certain form of sport, one of the effective means to achieve high overall and professional performance based on increasing the stability of the central nervous system, cardiovascular and other functional systems of the body against fatigue. Actually, under endurance and means the ability of the human body to overcome the upcoming fatigue.

The physiological mechanisms of this process are quite complex, as the work may relate to different power zones (or intensity), which means that endurance in each of them is different.

In the zone of large and moderate power, which can be maintained from 3 - 5 minutes to more than half an hour, the so-called total endurance appears. Total endurance is manifested in one degree or another in all other power zones with all activities. In her physiological basis It lies the development of aerobic exchange opportunities in the human body. For the manifestation of general endurance, a good heart is needed, healthy light, sufficient amount of hemoglobin in the blood, abundant blood supply to working muscles, etc.

The main thing is that, under the influence of rational and systematic training, these bodies, physiological processes can increase their functional characteristics. That is why in this case we are more interested in those sports in which, as in a large part of labor processes (during the whole working day), aerobic reactions occur in the body. therefore the greatest value In ordinary life, in professional activity There are types of sports that develop mainly aerobic capabilities of the body, providing long-term productive work of relatively low power not only in sports activities, but also for a sufficiently long-term working time in production.

Endurance, like other motor quality, most often manifests itself specifically, depending on the peculiarities of activity, the nature of the aging fatigue.

Currently, several types of fatigue are distinguished: mental, sensory (associated with a preferential load on the senses), emotional, physical, in which the character and mechanism of fatigue and the manifestation of endurance in this person for all varieties of endurance when performing a variety of sports and labor actions.

For example, military specialists have established that the highest and most sustainable speed of work on the radio telegraphed devices (minor fast movements of the fingers) had faces with better developed endurance (in this case, the ability to long run). Therefore, proceeding to the development of special endurance in any sports or professional action, it is necessary to predend a person a certain database of swamping and respiratory capabilities, other physiological mechanisms of general endurance.

Thus, accented education of endurance in young people in order to prepare for life and professional activities requires solving problems of the comprehensive development of the functional systems of the body. This is due to the increase in the physiological and psychological boundaries of the sustainability of the human body to the shifts of the inner medium caused by the hard work. The importance of such sustainability for any person, for specialists of any profession is no doubt, due to which the leading role is determined when preparing for long and full-fledged work.

Overall endurance is necessary for representatives of all sports, as it allows you to successfully cope with a large volume of training work, it is more efficient to fulfill and assimilate specialized training work. This is once again emphasized by the special importance of the education of common endurance among student youth, regardless of whether its representative is engaged in sports or only physical education, because the high level of total endurance is one of the main evidence of excellent health.

So, the types of sports, emphasized by the overall endurance, can include all cyclic sports, in which physical exertion continues a relatively long time on the background of a preferential increase in aerobic (oxygen) exchange in the human body. Such sports belong: walking, Running on medium, long and over long distances (marathon), ski race and biathlon, swimming, rowing, cycling ( highway races, Cross, group of classic tracks on the track), most of the distances and all-around in skating sports, mountaineering, sports orientation, tourism and some others.

Although all cyclic sports associated with the manifestation of endurance differ significantly in the structure of movements from each other, but general provisions are also between them: sports achivments Athletes are based on sufficiently voluminous training and competitive loads. In the process of regular training develops to the extent that it is necessary for each specific species Sports, performing functional "link" - oxygen - transport system and regulating "link" - central and endocrine system.

Athletes specializing in these sports are inherent in the ability to prolonged physical work, a successful volitional opposition to fatigue. Their high performance is provided with a variety of adaptive shifts that occurred in the body under the influence of training influences: the morphological and functional development of the muscles of the heart, an increase in the elastic properties of the walls of blood vessels, an increase in the stock of energy-rich substances in the muscles and internal organs, a high degree of efficiency of the nervous system, etc. .

This can be illustrated by the following example. One of the indicators (tests) of the functional development of the respiratory and cardiovascular system is the result of the performance of muscle work at a frequency of cardiac abbreviations of 170 beats per minute.

It should be noted that starting training in these sports, we must immediately tune in to the greater and hard training work. This is due to the upbringing of the ability to the high level of mobilization of the organism reserves ("patience") not only during competitive, but also training activities, since the increase in training is associated with overcoming fatigue. Regular training in this group of sports, as in others, is brought up by the ability to self-regulate the emotional state in stress conditions, in the conditions of acute sports struggle. But the main thing is that all this may be required in the process of ordinary labor life, which once again emphasizes the butt and raising essence sports training. Of course, as for all sports, different people have great abilities to one and less to others. Immediately the question may arise: what is the level of endurance I have today (not from the point of view of comparison with the achievements of large athletes, but relatively with healthy people who are not engaged in sports). This assessment can be made independently.

More than 15 years ago, the American physiologist K. Cooper proposed to characterize the physical performance of people of different ages by determining the distance overcome in 12 minutes. Over the past years, this test found widespread.

The practical application of the Cooper test, which is the highest condition of the cardiovascular system, is as follows. It is necessary to overcome (go through, run) as much distance as possible for 12 minutes. It is better to do this in the stadium, where, as a rule, the total length of the circular path is equal to 400 m. When first use, the test should not strive for self-reserves. It is better to carry out a test with someone - either to help not follow the time and overcome distance, but to focus only on well-being. At the end of 12 minutes it is necessary to measure (remember) the distance overlooked during this time, and in table 15 determine the degree of its physical fitness.

After this test, you can appreciate the initial state of your endurance. If you have indicators in this test high enough, then you have the ability to sports requiring and developing endurance. And if not, then you need to pay attention to this and improve your preparedness in terms of general physical training, using a wide range of cyclic exercises, developing this vital quality.

Victor Nikolaevich Seluyanov, MFTI, Laboratory "Information Technologies in Sport"

In theory and methods physical education And sports distinguish between common regional and local muscle stamina. The classification of these types of endurance is made by the magnitude of the mass of the muscles involved in the work. Moreover, no one can determine the magnitude of the mass of the muscles. Therefore, this classification cannot be accepted and the more practical use.

Undoubtedly with local endurance (LV), it is possible to associate phenomena that characterize the performance of a neuromuscular apparatus in physical work of a static or dynamic nature, when there are so few muscles that the heart rate is practically not changed.

In relation to cyclic locomotions (when working with the participation of large muscular mass), this concept began to apply relatively recently. The most detailed LV as one of the main components of the special physical fitness of athletes who train endurance was first reviewed in the monographs Yu. V. Uposhansky who published in 1985 and 1988. G. The material of numerous research of funds and methods of targeted impact on neuromuscular The device in order to increase sports performance in the CVS. From his work it follows that firstly, the executive workout is more important for the sporting result in the CVS than the training of vegetative providing systems of the body, and secondly, requires significantly more time and strength. This statement is not correct, because you first need to be tested and justify that the peripheral link is limiting.

Problem Education local endurance must be considered from two interrelated parties: (a) the development of the power capacity of the main muscle groups and (b) the development of the ability to continuously maintain high or optimal efforts from what, in fact, and develops sports result At all distances, on which such physical quality is essential, as endurance.

In this aspect, the use of all means and methods aimed at improvement can be attributed to the method of education of local endurance.

1) the strengths of the main muscle groups of athletes in various versions of their manifestations, namely:

    - maximum strength in static or dynamic modes;

    - explosive strength and other manifestations power capabilities;

    - forceful endurance in dynamic cyclic exercises similar to biomechanical parameters with competitive locomotion.

2) endurance muscles manifested in the main competitive locomotion with different intensity of work (from sprint to moderate power).

Interest in LV, as a component of the preparedness of athletes in the CVS, arose due to the fact that recent decades It became apparent to the exhaustion of reserves of the extensive way of improving the preparedness of athletes due to the increase in total load, which is due to the limited "gross" reserves of the human body, which are mainly related to the possibility of replenishing energy and plastic resources. Therefore, many experts agree that the path of further increase in sports results is associated with a search for more efficient, more specific means of impact on the physical condition of athletes. As one of the main directions, it is often understood to improve the methodology for the power training of athletes in the WCS, since it has been repeatedly and in all, without exception, the CCC showed that the rational use of the focusing effects on the neuro-muscular apparatus can lead to an increase in the sporting result, therefore the right choice of funds Power preparation Depending on the direction and magnitude of their training impact, the specifics of the technique of movements and the mode of operation of the muscles in this form of locomotion, is the urgent task of the theory and methods of training in the WILS.

At the same time, it is well known from the practice and numerous studies that the high power of muscle capabilities themselves are not related or, even, have a negative correlation with sports, results in the Wet, especially on long distances. This result is obvious because the increase in the power of glycolithic muscular fiberswhich in running on medium and long distances is practically not involved, leads to an increase in the body weight of the body. In this regard, one of the most relevant is the problem of implementing the power capabilities of the muscles in the main competitive exercise. According to experts, the solution related to her tasks implies:

    - determination of the rational ratio of the volume of force of force with other means of training, in particular - aerobic;

    - determination of the optimal distribution of force of force within one classes, micro, meso- and macrocycles and perennial training athletes and other means that should contribute to the implementation of power abilities;

    - conjugate solving tasks of technical and special power training.

Funds and methods of education of power abilities in cyclic sports

In sports training, the following methods of development of force are distinguished.

By the nature of the muscles:

- isometric It is characterized by a constant distance between the points of attaching the muscle during the voltage process, which may be of different values \u200b\u200brelative to the maximum arbitrary force (MPS);

- concentric - the muscle is shortened at different speeds, depending on the size of the resistance;

- eccentric, in which the most activated muscle is violently stretched under the influence of external force;

- pliometric (reversible) is characterized by a quick change of the eccentric and concentric modes of muscle operation (for example, repulsion up after jumping from elevation);

- isokinetic The muscle is reduced at a constant speed, regardless of the magnitude of its voltage or the force of thrust. This method can only be implemented on special gym;

- method of variable resistance Also implies the use of simulators in which the amount of resistance changes under a certain law, which is usually as a rule, from the corner in the joint of the trained limb;

- statodynamic It is characterized by stopping in the motion cycle, during which the muscle operates in isometric mode, that is, it is a combination of isometric and concentric methods;

- isotonic, Literally, it assumes the constant degree of muscle tension, however, in natural conditions, such a regime cannot be implemented, therefore it is more correct to talk about the quasiizotonic mode of muscles and, accordingly, the method. When using this method, motion is performed at a slow pace and, if possible, smoothly, without muscle relaxation at the boundary moments of the phases of movement;

- high-speed The method is characterized by the limiting speed of acceleration of the projectile, body weight or overcoming resistance 20-60% of the MPS;

- contrast - The variety of the previous one, but the amount of resistance changes in the course of the movement.

- electrostimulation method, Usually used in the embodiment of arbitrary muscle tension and additional irritation of the abdomen or muscular nerve muscle.

By building training:

- repetitive efforts - This is a cyclic performance of repeated efforts with a different nature of muscle work and resting pauses. All cyclic locomotions performed in T.N. "Weightful conditions" can be attributed to this method;

- maximum efforts It is a kind of method of repeated effort, providing for an exercise with limiting weights or muscle tension;

- re-serial method represents a combination of series of approaches with an elongated leisure interval between the series;

- intermediane It is an exercise with a small weight, an inadvicinal number of repetitions with the statominic nature of the muscles, is recommended for young athletes;

- circular method Supposes to work at the "stations" on which training or various muscle groups is carried out or a change of muscle operation is shown, that is, a change in the direction of training impact.

Which of these methods are most often used in the CVS and due to the purposes of force training?

An analysis of the literature shows that all of the listed methods are used or recommended for use on the basis of these pedagogical observations or experimental studies. However, the grounds and objectives of the use of certain methods differ quite significantly.

In the most generalIn our opinion, the grounds for the use of power exercises in the CSW are defined in the work of F. P. Suslova and V. B. Gilyazova: "Increased power component ... leads to an increase in the capacity of the workforce, the formation of a rational phase structure of movements, to the optimal ratio of length and Frequencies steps. ... the elastic and reactive properties of the muscles and their ability to recovery (return) of mechanical energy are improved ..., which increases the efficiency of functioning muscular system. "The most specialists express similar views.

It is believed that these positive shifts will occur if improvement will be achieved in training:

    Maximum strength;

    Explosive strength;

    Power endurance.

How should training be built so that the use of the methods listed above contributes to the improvement of the components of force-preparedness?

On this issue there is extensive literature, summing up the opinions of specialists and research data can be submitted to the following generalized picture of the methodology for the application of the development of power abilities in the CCC.

The maximum force is most effectively improved using isometric, concentric, eccentric modes of muscle operation, the method of electrostimulation used by the method of repeated maximum efforts. The magnitude of the load (VN) is 85-130% of the MPS, the number of repetitions (KP) in approach 1-5, the number of approaches (PE) is 3-10, the rest interval (IO) between the approaches is 3-5 minutes. If in training there is a task of increasing not only muscle strength, but also muscle mass [muscle hypertrophy (MV)], then these methods and muscle modes are complemented by repeated and / or re-serial method with a decrease in VN to 70-85%, and between approaches up to 30-120 seconds and increasing KP to 8-12., Io between the series is 5-10 minutes. Training can be carried out in a wide variety of options and conditions, but in most cases heavy shells or specialized simulators are used. The listed methods should help increase the frequency of the categories of α-mtoocyurons, improve the ability to synchronize the work of individual motor units (de) muscles and arbitrary mobilization of their larger number, promote muscle hypertrophy and improve the coordination of synergist muscles and antagonists.

Experts believe that the blasting force will be improved using plyometric, speed, contrast and isometric modes of muscle operating, most often using the method of maximum effort or re-serial method. In the first case: VN - 85-130% of MPS, KP in approach 1-5, PE - 3-10, IO 2-5 minutes. In the second: VN - 50-85%, KP - 4-30, PE, organized in the series, 6-12, Io between the series 5-10 minutes. The most common jump exercises, repulsion after jumping in depth, "explosive" exercises with burdens, with a high rate of movements, etc. It is assumed that in the case of the use of large burdens, the explosive force is improved, provided by all muscle engine units (de), if GUILTY small, then there is a perfection of the ability to explosive efforts through work, mainly fast de. However, there is evidence that the procedure for recruiting de is determined only by force, but not the speed of muscle contraction. It is believed that large explosive force is achieved with the best synchronization of the impulses de, "spike" organization of these pulses, the greater muscles, greater strength and the best elastic properties of the connecting elements of the musculoskeletal system (ODA). This thought appears only in the heads of specialists are not familiar with physiology of muscle activity, since the synchronization of electrical impulses is meaningless. Each de has its own maximum impulsation frequency at which the maximum calcium concentration in active muscle fibers is observed, which means the reduction force.

The greatest attention to the CCC is given, traditionally, powerful endurance of muscles, which develops with various variants of the method of repeated effort and the circular method on simulators and in "weighted" conditions for performing the locomotion itself in all CCS. Power endurance It is always considered in connection with the performance of the main reactions of the energy supply of muscles. Depending on the length of the distance, it may be about the predominant connection of force with endurance during the operation of anaerobic, aerobic or mixed nature, therefore the methodological characteristics of the training session vary: VN - 40-70%, the duration of work lies in the range of 12 seconds to 30 minutes, PE - From 2 to 40, the number of series - from 1 to 12, rest pauses - from 10 seconds to 10 minutes. When class on simulators: 30-70% of the MPS, KP - 30-200, PE - 3-10, IO - 1-4.

The main methodological requirement for improving the forcefulness in relation to short distances is to increase the capacity of the working force in each movement cycle due to such a selection of temporary and amplitude characteristics, under which the highest capacity of the contracting device of the muscles is achieved. This requirement is realized at about 40% of the maximum speed of unloaded muscle contraction, therefore in such a CCC as a bicycle, athletic sprint, swimming - the speed of cutting muscle when performing special exercises Below competitive, and in rowing - above.

In relation to average distances, it is believed that it is necessary to achieve the highest speed of the accumulation of lactic acid and high values \u200b\u200bof its concentration in the muscles. This requirement can be implemented, practically, subject to the same requirements as in the sprint, however, the pause of muscle relaxation is turned into shorter (for the worst supply of oxygen muscles), and the duration of work increases to the maximum expression of fatigue in muscles (pain, sharp reduction in power contractions, etc.). At the same time, the point of view that training associated with the limit accumulation of lactic acid in muscles is useful for the development of endurance at medium distances may be questioned (excess and long stay in muscle fibers of hydrogen ions leads to the destruction of organelle).

With regard to long distances, the maximum intensification of ATP respiratory resistance is required in the muscles. It is assumed that when using exercises for the development of forcefulness, such conditions are created when working in weightlifted conditions, but only in cases where the total capacity does not exceed the level of anaerobic threshold.

The ratio of the volume of means of development of local endurance in CVS

The clarification of this issue turned out to be the most difficult when analyzing both generalizing work and methodological recommendations in different types Sports. The fact is that the taking into account the loads in the CSW is traditionally carried out or by a kilometer, overlaid by the athlete, or in time (in hours) which he spent on one or another type of training work. The main components of local endurance should be estimated by the parameters of high-speed, speed-power, power training with the obligatory accounting of which muscles are trained, the mode of operation of the muscles, the number of approaches, recreation intervals, etc. (see above) - on the one hand and the volume of work in Different zones of intensity - on the other. However, in which units you can compare exercises with a barbell, which are widely used in rowing, skating and cycling with classes in the "Dry Sailing Hall" at swimmers, sprinter Run, jumping and secretions at the athletes with the classes "OFP" at the skiers or "sprint" at the swimmers? The only criterion that can have limited informativeness for specialists who know the contents of the concepts that are used in different sports (Wear, OFP, SBU, "Special Force", "Speed-Power Training", "Power Preparation", "Power Endurance" and MN. DR.) In one or another CVS is the time spent on different types preparation. Such a specialist, conducting a mental transformation of the term into specific exercise parameters, can guess what exactly the impact of this exercise in the human body and even then only if it has the necessary biological knowledge. However, an attempt to reveal these concepts in each of the sports only on the basis of terms used in the methodical literature, led us to the conclusion that such an analysis is not possible to perform a qualified analysis possible, since the exercise description and their classification goes on external (not Significant) signs without disclosing internal (substantial) content under which the impact on those or other cells of cells involved in performing or providing muscle activity should be understood. However, this practice, as a rule, is absent among specialists in the theory of sports, which, trying to use the terms understandable with a wide range of coaches and athletes, neglect, thereby scientific, rigor. In this regard, we have great regrets forced to skip the consideration of one of the key issues for the theory of sports training - on the ratio of loads of various focus. Relatively reliably, the volumes of such loads are defined by us for an athletics run and are given in subsequent chapters of work. Here we give only the most common figures we obtained when analyzing the preparation in 6 basic cyclic sports, according to which the development of the contracting components of the muscles that determine local endurance (without separation of the main and not major muscle groups and determine the mode of operation in which these muscles train ) It is spent from 1.5 to 5 hours a week. Most of all - in rowing and swimming, least - in running. These figures do not include the time spent on the development of powerful endurance, under the development of which a very wide range of exercises is understood - from jumping with a barbell on the shoulders to run on skating with parachute and weighting cuffs on legs in athletics. The distribution of loads in preparation cycles is given in subsequent sections.

Allocating means of development of local endurance within one classes, micro, meso and macrocycles and many years of training athletes

The preparation of athletes allocate three levels when building a holistic training system: micro level - construction of individual training sessions and microcycles; Meso-level - medium cycles (mesocycles) and preparation stages; Macro-level - large preparation cycles and long-term preparation.

From the rational distribution of the main types of load that stimulate the improvement of the components of local endurance depends the effectiveness of the accumulation of motor potential and the degree of its implementation in a competitive exercise.

Building training activities

In the training session, the introductory and preparatory, basic and final parts are distinguished. The magnitude of the load classes are divided into basic and additional. In the direction of used funds and methods - on the sessions of election and integrated orientation.

In selective orientation, the means and methods affecting some one or adjacent skills of an athlete are applied. It is experimentally shown that in such classes, the use of various means of one orientation allows you to perform a larger amount of load while maintaining its quality parameters.

In a comprehensive classes, the main types of load: (1) power, (2) speed-power, (3) on the main bioenergy components of forcefulness are recommended to be distributed in the following options:

    1. Alaktatate - Glycolithic - aerobic.

    2. Symptom - power - development of endurance.

    3. Speed \u200b\u200b- development of endurance.

Such a schematic diagram of the construction of classes with small variations entered most of the textbooks and teaching aids analyzed by us, therefore the data of F. P. Susslova and V. B. Gilyazova, who conducted a survey of leading coaches of the USSR on 6 main cyclic types of sports were a large surprise.

Note, a characteristic case for an empirical approach, when the opinion of coaches, practically illiterate specialists in the field of biochemistry, physiology, biomechanics and theory of sports is offered as a scientific argument in the dispute and proof of truth.

It was revealed that the specified scheme (in the part where the sequence of power training and hardiness training was determined), it is followed only in swimming (first the classes in the hall of the "dry" swimming, then in water), despite the fact that the outstanding swimmers coach And the recognized specialist in this sport D. Kaownsilman recommended the massive effect on aerobic functions at the beginning, and at the end of the lesson - the load of a speed-force or powerful nature. Indeed, endurance is the leading quality in the CCC, therefore, apparently, it is not devoid of appropriateness to develop it at the beginning of the classes, when, according to, for example, the bodybuilders have the impact effectively. Probably, therefore, in all other TsVS, the exercises are first used to develop endurance, and then - forces. Apparently modern practice made adjustments to established views. However, in relation to exercises for the development of high-speed-security qualities, most coaches prefers their application in the first half of the classes and, as a rule, conjugately with alaktath or glycolithic training.

Microcyclary construction

General rules for the construction of microcycles, which to one degree or another are implemented in most CBS, are formulated in a well-known series of works by V. N. Platonov and are reduced to the following:

Another lesson with a large load should be planned for the supercompensation phase from the previous one;

Note that there is nothing about the concept of supercompensation, at best, the change in the mass of glycogen in the liver and in the muscles, from here 2 workouts with a large load per week, and how the supercompensation of myofibrils, mitochondria occurs. Capillars and others. No one writes and does not take into account.

The next day, after applying a large load, you should use an additional occupation of a fundamentally different orientation, which speeds up recovery;

Note that due to the misunderstanding of the essence of supercompensation, the myths about the effect of some measures to accelerate recovery arise, while the glycogen reduction rate only depends on the normal nutrition, and the myofibrils from sufficient intake of animal proteins.

The adjacent application of two classes with a significant load, but of different focus does not significantly increase the recovery time after the first lesson, so you can perform a greater total work.

The most quickly occurs after occupying a speed-power and sprint orientation, then glycolytic, longer - to 5-7 days after exhausting activities of aerobic orientation. In accordance with this, it is necessary to plan their number and sequence.

The combination of two multidirectional training activities per day allows you to perform a larger total load than a combination of two unidirectional, so the first option is more appropriate.

When considering these principles, it should be borne in mind that they are developed on the basis of the results of the parties received on the swimmers when using specific training tools. At the same time, there are enough examples that they or are not respected, or have other time frames in various sports. It is recognized, for example, that after the strength of force, the recovery lasts until one week. The nature of the work of the muscles in other CCS can differ significantly from swimming and this can lead to a change of leading fatigue factors and change the recovery time. For example, it is obvious that in such sports as athletics, rowing, speed-based speed and high-speed exercises almost always suggest a significant proportion of eccentric muscle operating mode that is a significant damaging factor in relation to muscular fabricWhat does not happen in training swimmers, skiers and, as a rule, cyclists, so the recovery time after this type of load can increase significantly. In running there is also another feature. Performing a glycolithic training involves a sufficiently large amount of running with high path intensity. Probably as a result of a combination of a mechanical factor (shock loads), a chemical factor (accumulation of hydrogen ions, free radicals) and the limiting activation of the activity of sympathy-adrenal and glucocorticoid systems Such loads are considered the most severe and their use is not recommended more often than 1 time per week even in competitive The period of qualified runners for medium distances, and during this week an athlete is practically not able to perform any other load other than the aerobic run of soft soil. Conversely, the modern practice of training in the Wet is well known for huge amounts of loads, in particular aerobic orientation, which are used almost every day, including the competitive stage, therefore the reduction duration (5-7 days) or does not correspond to reality or such training does not use. And the last, the most serious note is: the rationality of building a workout on the principles under consideration was evaluated by a criterion of a greater or lesser degree of fatigue, more or less training work, but it is obvious that the only criterion in such cases may be the resulting training effect.

Analysis of the practice of planning microcycles in various CVS, showed that in biely training, power exercises are used more often in the first half of the day, but there are no substantiations for such an embodiment of the training day. In a microcycle in various sports, the same components of power abilities are trained from 1 to 7 times. Most often - ice skating, swimming and cycling. The most rare (1-2 times a week) - in running.

Construction of mesocyclaus

The mesocycle is an average level of cycle structure of building a training process. Its duration varies within 3-6 weeks. There are distinguished, basic, preparatory, preparatory, preset and competitive microcycles.

In the literature, there are practically no information that makes it possible to identify the specifics of the organization of the mesocyclaus in relation to the components of local endurance. There are only general recommendations in relation to the entire training process as a whole.

The mesocycle can include microcycles of a complex or unidirectional nature, affecting, respectively, on different or on some one side of the preparedness of athletes.

The magnitude of the load is distinguished by mesocycles, in which summation (overlapping) of fatigue from the microcycla to the microcycle is accompanied, accompanied by a decrease in performance, which increases only after applying the discharge microcycle. Such mesocycles are used in the preparation of qualified athletes and are explained by the phenomenon of a delayed transformation or a long-term retractable training effect (DOTE). In another embodiment, constant increase in the preparedness from the microcycles to the microcyclo may be scheduled. However, the greatest distribution received a 4-week mesocycle, in which a large load is planned in the first microcycle, in the second - somewhat smaller, in the third is the largest for the mesocycle, and the fourth microcycle is reducing.

Building macrocycles

The basic principles of planning macrocycles are sufficiently long ago in the works of our leading specialists and adopted in theory and methods of physical education and sports.

For example, in the transitional period and the beginning of the preparatory, much attention should be paid to. FIP. Then there is a gradual increase in the share of more specialized means, contributing to the formation of a sports form to the stage of major starts.

The theoretical rationale for planning a macrocycle in the CBC is also well established and can be expressed in the following way: "... The respiratory capabilities are the basis for the development of anaerobic, glycolithic - the basis for the development of creatine phosphate mechanism .... The sequence of education of various sides of the endurance (in the training cycle) should be like this: first respiratory capabilities ("total endurance ("), then glycolithic and, finally, ("Alactate") opportunities ... As for individual classes, it is usually appropriate to be reverse Sequence. "This formula is justified by the fact that with poorly developed aerobic abilities an athlete will not be able to perform a large amount of glycolithic work due to slow payment about 2 -Dong. Similarly, with poorly developed glycolithic capabilities, the rate of recovery of the KRF will be low and the athlete will not be able to Fully training.

Until the 80s, this scheme was considered generally accepted. However, later, due to the increase in total loads in the CVS, the stage of "aerobic preparation" began to show negative parties that can be reduced to two points:

    - worsening the health of athletes, expressed in the symptoms of deterioration of the work of the SCC, kidney, liver and the immune system;

    - Reducing sprint, speed-force and power abilities to the competitive stage, which has become a clear brake in achieving record results, especially on sprint and medium distances.

This, in our opinion, was an incentive to increase interest in local endurance issues in recent years. And, in particular, to the planning issues of large training cycles Taking into account the "interests" of the muscular system.

Two main options for increasing the share of strength exercises in the annual cycle were proposed:

    1) distributed When appropriate funds are uniformly used throughout the year; 2) concentrated option, When special stages of force preparation are planned on which the massive training effect on the body is provided.
It is believed that the distributed option is more suitable athletes of low and medium qualifications, since "... spraying of funds ... in time will not provide a significant training effect on that high level of physical fitness on which they are located."

Concentrated planning has two basic schemes. In the first, more common, phase of force and high-speed training, it is planned to end the preparatory and the beginning of the preset stages (at 2-3 cyclical planning) to eliminate the negative impact of a surround training on power indicators muscles. In the second - to the beginning of the preparatory to create a "stock" of power abilities, which can then be simply supported by the use of supporting workout. With regard to the second option, there is an opinion that it should clearly distinguish the stages of the use of the load for the development of muscle strength and the stage using high-speed exercises. This is explained by the manifestation of a long-term retractable effect. power work, the concentrated application of which is always accompanied by a decrease in endurance and speed indicators, which rise at the implementation stage after 1-2 months.

With single-locking planning (in styeric species with a long competitive period), a diagram was proposed with two "blocks" of power load. The first block - at the beginning of the preparatory period, when recommended the use of power exercises of a general conversion character and the second block - at the end of the preparatory period in which exercises should be used for "forceful endurance", speed-force and sprint or sprint. However, in another part of its work for runners for long distances, given the specifics of these types of athletics, Yu. V. Uposhansky recommends a distributed version of the organization of the SFP in the preparatory period.

At the same time, it is believed that the principal solution to the problem of macrocycle planning lies in the conjugate-consistent organization of loads with various advantageous orientation. Such an organization of training in the opinion of Yu. V. Uposhansky implements the principle of superposition (when the effect of the next step is appropriately imposed on the effect of the previous one) and optimally takes into account the requirement of the preferential impact on the neuro-muscular apparatus (that is, lv, approx. Ours). The meaning of such an organization of training is a consistent "introduction into training workloads with gradually increasing strength and specificity of their training effect on the body." At the same time, this method involves knowing what load and how to overlap on this or that effect from previous work. According to the logic of the author's quoted, all subsequent loads must be superimposed on a repulsed effect of force training, but it is not interpreted by an explicit contradiction with as if recognized as "basic" in the CSW are aerobic abilities, therefore, it is of particular interest to study how in practice occurs Planning a macrocycle, in particular, in the context of raising the components of local endurance.

The most representative on this issue is the already cited work F. P. Suslov and V. B. Gilyazova. Based on the survey survey of the leading coaches of the USSR, these scientists have established that both concentrated and distributed use of funds aimed at improving local endurance. In cases where the concentrated method is used, the maximum strength is developing: in a bike, skiing, skates - at the beginning of the preparatory period; in rowing - at the 2nd Base Stage; in swimming - on the 2nd basic, in preset and competitive periods; In run - on the 2nd base stage and in the preset period. Explosive force: in a bike, rowing, swimming and running - in preservers and competitive periods; Skating and skiing - in the preparatory period. Power stamina - cycling, skiing, rowing and swimming - year-round with a 2-3 month break during the transition period. Cork - in the preparatory and transition periods. In an athletics run - at the second base stage, in the preset and competitive periods.

Relative to the conclusion of the study in which it was noted that in the opinion of the leading coaches, the smallest clarity they have on the issue of organizing power training, which they, nevertheless, consider one of the key issues of training in the CCC.

Implementation of local endurance components in the main competitive exercise

In the absolute majority of cases, a specialized training, aimed at improving individual components of local endurance involves the use of exercises differing in their dynamic and kinematic structure from competitive exercise. It forms a motor skill, which can adversely affect the consistency of muscle work, worsened, thereby, the cost-effectiveness of work in a holistic locomotion. In this regard, the sporting result may decrease even with the increased propulsion potential, that is, the realization of the equipment will deteriorate. In addition, it is known that "the technique like a suit is suitable only to whom he sews." This figurative expression D. D. Donskoy emphasizes the condition of exercise equipment by the individual features of athletes, in particular, the power of the muscles and its change in accordance with changes in the latter. However, such a "aduction", which is mandatory condition The economy of technology occurs, firstly, not automatically, and secondly, it requires a certain time. Therefore, when training a local endurance, i.e., with a targeted change in the state of the neuromuscular apparatus, the problem of the implementation of the motor potential is relevant.

The purposeful study of literature on this issue made it possible to identify only two methodological approaches to ensure highly implementing equipment efficiency:

The principle of conjugate impact consistent with the principle of dynamic conformity. This approach involves such a selection of special exercises, which would be closer to the internal and external structure to the competitive.

Using a conjugate-consistent organization of loads (see above) in a one-year cycle, which involves an increase in the share specific funds (more often use the locomotion itself with competitive intensity) as they approach the competitive stage. In one form or another, the use of this approach was offered by all leading experts in the field of sports training.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize the following.

The concept of "education of local endurance" in cyclic sports unites the whole range of issues related to the construction of a training process aimed at improving the components of a neuromuscular system of athletes that determine the result in cyclic sports.

These issues include training maximum muscle strength, speed-force abilities, forcelessness due to various intensity zones in which competitive distances are undergoing; Problems of planning a training process in various preparation cycles; The problem of implementing the motor potential of athletes increasing as a result of the workout of local endurance.

When analyzing scientific and methodological literature on the designated issues, attention is noteworthy, first of all, the contradiction between extremely great attention, which in the last 10-15 years is paid to the muscle training in the CVS and the extremely minor number of generalizing works on this issue. Among which can be distinguished, almost only two monographs Yu. V. Uposhansky and a number of our works. In these studies, the problem of education of the LV is clearly delivered, its relevance is disclosed, an analysis of the medical and biological aspects associated with muscle training and, most of our opinion, on the basis of a modern understanding of the biological patterns of the functioning of the neuromuscular apparatus, possible ways to build training The process in order to improve this component of the endurance of athletes.

It should also be noted that on certain problems of training of a human muscular system in recent years, a very large amount of biological (especially abroad) and pedagogical (mainly in Russia) of experimental studies have been performed. However, their generalization and implementation in the form of a relatively complete concept, on the basis of which it would be possible to further create private training technologies in various CVS, as it seems to us, has not been fulfilled. In this regard, the following chapters attempt to summarize the available data and present them in the form of a certain viewing system concerning:

    The significance of muscle components for endurance in cyclic sports;

    Place training LV in the system of training athletes;

    Limiting health factors in the CSW associated with the muscular system;

    Optimal means and methods of training impacts on muscle components defining endurance;

    Options for planning training sessions, micro, meso, macrocycles and long-term preparations in the CSW in terms of education of LV.

Systems of exercise

Major groups of sports and modern

Brief psychophysical characteristic

In sports pedagogy there are various approaches to grouping sports on their impact on the human body, the development and formation of psychophysical qualities. Such a grouping, of course, is very conditional, as no sport, no system of physical exercise affects a person's person-plane, does not develop any one physical quality in the "pure" form. However, such groups allow you to combine various sports, physical exercise systems for their leading feature and give them a single detailed characteristic necessary in the individual choice of sport or system of physical exercises. In addition, such a conditional grouping allows the reader to better navigate in the proposed characteristics of individual sports and exercise systems.

The problem of accented education and improvement of basic physical qualities - endurance, forces, speed, flexibility, dexterity - less complex at the initial stages of systematic classes exerciseSince during this period, newcomers, as a rule, are simultaneously improving all these qualities. It is not by chance at this stage of preparation the greatest effect gives an integrated training method, i.e. Prophysical / preparation (see ch. 5, sec. 5.6). However, as the training in any particular physical capacity is raised, with a gradual increase in sports qualifications from a novice to an athlete-arrester, the magnitude of a mutual positive effect ("transfer") gradually decreases. With a high level of preparedness, the development of one physical quality begins to slow down the development of another.

Sports, mostly developing endurance.Education of endurance in the process of sports training is one of the effective means of achieving high performance, which is based on the stability of the central nervous system and a number of functional systems of the body to fatigue.

The physiological mechanisms of this process are very complex. High performance is ensured due to a variety of shifts in the body of an adaptive (adaptive) character occurring under the influence of regular training: the morphological and functional development of the heart muscle, an increase in the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, an increase in the stock of energy-rich substances in muscles and internal organs, high efficiency and stability Systems. Sports, accented by developing general endurance, can include all cyclic sports in which exercise stress The relatively long continues on the background of a preferential increase in aerobic (oxygen) exchange in the human body: walking, Running on medium, long and super long distances, Cycling (Highway Racing, Cross, Group of Classic Distances on the Track), ski racing and biathlon, swimming, most of the distance in skating sports, sports orientation, triathlon.

The high level of total endurance is one of the main evidence of excellent human health. With the help of regular sports, developing overall endurance, it is possible to significantly improve individual indicators of physical development: increase the excursion chest and the vital capacity of the lungs, significantly reduce the fat layer, i.e. Excess body weight. Such classes allow a practically healthy person, but with reduced functional capabilities of cardiovascular and respiratory systems to increase overall performance, resist fatigue.

There are several types of fatigue: mental, sensory (associated with the advantageous load on the senses), emotional, physical, in which the mechanism of fatigue and the manifestation of the so-called special endurance will have their differences. However, it is general endurance that determines the possibilities of manifestation of special endurance not only in specific sports, but also in any employment actions.

Thus, military specialists found that the highest and most sustainable speed of work on radio telegraph devices (small rapid movement of fingertips) had individuals with developed overall endurance (in this case, the ability to long running).

Endurance is important when preparing a person to long and full-fledged work in any professional group. All the vital skills and skills are fast and economical path of movement and walking on rough terrain skiing, swimming is mastered in cyclic sports, developing overall endurance.

Thus, sports that develop overall endurance is considered to be applied to all professional types of labor. Classes of these sports conducted with low intensity (pulse up to 130 punch / min), but relatively long time, - a great agent active rest, restoration of performance.

If there are some cases of achieving sports heights with young people who started regular systematic and persistent training in student age, then most of these cases refer to sports that develop mainly common endurance. Optimal opportunities to achieve the highest sports results in these sports are within 22-27 years. :

However, starting training in these sports, it is necessary to immediately tune in to a large and hard work associated with the upbringing of the ability of the volitional confrontation of fatigue (patience) not only during the competitive, but also in training activities.

Characteristics, sports, predominantly developing strength and speed -weight qualities. Outstanding athlete Olympic champion, Writer Yu.V. Vlasov said: "In every person there is a material in order to raise power in itself. In the same nature, the man has a challenge to become the strongest. But the will determines power. "

Meanwhile, in various sports, in life situations, power can manifest itself in different ways, in combinations with other physical qualities. Therefore, about individual manifestations of power qualities they say: absolute strength, relative force, power stamina, high-speed-force qualities. Each of these qualities are certain types of sports, various methods of development of power qualities, different goals in achieving sports, labor and vital tasks.

Weightlifting - This is a sport in which the exercises are performed with maximum muscle voltage when lifting possible greater weights (in the appropriate weight category and in the appropriate exercise - in a jerk and push). For this purpose, dynamic and isometric training exercises with significant muscle stresses are used (see ch. 5, sec. 5.4).

In graduation, weightlifting is performed mainly to the maximum muscular efforts of the muscle groups of the lower extremities, the body and the extensors of the hands. Success achieves athletes who know how to regulate the degree of excitement of the nervous system, to achieve the agreed work of various muscle groups against the background of maximal muscle and mental stresses. When lifting considerable weight and arising from this stretching, the load on the cardiovascular system due to the rapid and sharp fluctuations in the blood flow of the heart and vessels is sharply increasing. With incorrect training of training in weightlifters, deviations may occur in the state of the circulatory system.

In many species of modern labor activity, the development of relative muscle strength is crucial. That's why weight-lifting With its multiple and diverse lifts of unspecified weight (Giri 24 and 32 kg) more consistent with household and professional activities requiring power than weightlifting (rod), where training is aimed at a disposable limit of limit weight. Main feature hare Sports - This is the duration of the performance of a power exercise that requires an extraordinary force endurance. Thus, for example, high achievements in the push of two hands are considered to be lifts more than 30 times (weights 32 kg) for athletes weighing up to 60 kg and more than 155-160 times - for the weight category over 90 kg. Therefore, in the training plans of the weights, the exercises for endurance (jogging in a uniform pace up to 15 km) were firmly substantiated.

Athletic Gymnastics - Exercise system with a variety of burdens. This is an independent public sport that women have been actively engaged in recent years.

Athletic gymnastics allows you to selectively increase the mass of individual muscle groups, which leads to an increase in their strength and forcefulness, to improving the physique. It should be noted the unequal increase in the mass of muscle groups in athletes of different types of physique (for more details, see ch. 5, sec. 5.4).

The age characteristics of the natural formation of human security qualities make it possible to seek the highest sports results in the strength exercises at the student age and even after the end of the highest educational institution.

The special group is the types of sports associated with the development of speed-safety qualities. it athletic throwing (spears, disk, hammer), pushing the kernel and jumping. Special The place in the preparation of athletes of this group of types of athletics has the development of the strength and speed of muscle contraction. Athletes engaged in these sports include a large amount of exercises with a barbell and other burdens for the development of force. Power preparation is an integral part of the training process and in a number of other sports (hockey, struggle), but there this type of physical exercise "dissolves" in the complex of other means, purchasing not independent, but an auxiliary value.

Characteristics of sports that develop mostly speed. The speed is impossible to be confused with the speed of movement (in

running, ice skating). In addition to the speed of the motor action reaction, the speed of movement is determined and power preparedness, and the rationality (technique) of the motor exercise.

Sports science and practice have repeatedly confirmed that "Esidi shows high-speed abilities in one sports discipline, it is not at all necessary that it will show them in another, for the direct immediate transfer of the speed of movements occurs only in coordinating similar movements. High reaction speed requirements, The speed of cyclic and acyclic movements are presented in some athletics disciplines (run 100, 200 m, 100 and 110m with barriers) in speed sports sports (running per 500 m), cycling (a number of short distances on the track), in fencing, boxing and other martial arts, in a number of sports games. But in each case, the speed has its own specifics.

To raise the speed of movements in students, specially organized classes are required in preparation for the fulfillment of mandatory credit standards, for example, in a run of 100 m. Specially directed occupations are needed due to the fact that a natural increase in speed is already terminated and a special systematic training is required for Improving high-speed qualities in each sport.

The physical quality of the speed is not essential in improving health, the correction of the physique. However, raising the speed is the necessary element in the preparation of representatives of a number of sports disciplines.

Characteristics of Sports, predominantly developing coordination of movements (dexterity). Dexterity determines the success of mastering new sports and labor movements, manifestation of strength and endurance. Good coordination of movements contributes to learning to professional skills and skills. Therefore, the upbringing of dexterity should be given time in terms of general physical and sports training of students. This is ensured by sufficient diversity and novelty. available exercises Of the various sports for creating engaged in the stock of motor skills and improving the coordination ability.

The greatest effect in the education of dexterity is provided by such complex coordination types of sports, which are sportsv. acrobatics, gymnastics sports and artistic, jumping into the water, on a trampoline, ski jumping, slalom, freestyle, figure skating and sports games.

All these species (except for sports games) do not have a significant effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory system, but there are significant requirements for the preparation of a neuromuscular apparatus, to the skills of athletes.

Due to the complexity and duration of the formation of coordination movements, it does not make sense to begin specialization in these sports at student age in order to achieve higher sports results. The foundation of the complex coordination movements is laid in childhood and requires many years of regular systematic training. "

The study is devoted to the problems of physical fitness in sports, namely: to study issues related to theoretical and methodological aspects of improving the functional state of the muscular apparatus of athletes who train endurance.

This study is quite voluminous. Therefore, posting the most interesting (in my opinion) excerpts from this work. I will try to leave complex scientific formulations.

The immediate limiter to achieve a higher result when overcoming competitive distance in cyclic sports (hereinafter the CCS) is the upcoming fatigue. Therefore, the ultimate goal of physical training will be the extraction of fatigue or an increase in the sustainability of the body.

For a long time the performance of the cardiovascular system, the "endurance" of the central nervous and hormonal systems, etc., the crucial value was discharged. At the same time, there are athletes for which the peripheral link of the motor system - muscles will be a limiting factor.

How to determine if this athlete "Central" systems have a limiting link or not? The paradox lies in the fact that there is no answer to this question in the literature.

In cyclic movements, the sports result depends on the performance of completely specific muscle groups, and when building a training process with an emphasis on improving their performance, we can talk about the upbringing of local (muscular) endurance (hereinafter LV). Therefore, in our study, we use the term "local endurance" in the last, broader sense.

In other words, the high power of energy and contractile systems localized directly in the muscles and determining the so-called. Local endurance (LV) (In foreign studies, the term "local muscular endurance" is used), allows you to remove the onset of fatigue both by itself and by reducing the load on the "central factors", the intensive functioning of which can also lead to fatigue.

The problem of upbringing local endurance occurs when from the components of the "central link" (motor centers of the spine and brain, cardiovascular system, hormonal system, etc.) there are no genetically determined restrictions or when, due to the features of the training process, the level The development of certain muscle components that determine the endurance of athletes is lagging behind the performance of the "Central", for example, in The case of overdose of low-intensity training tools, the level of muscular strength will be insufficient to achieve the highest result, etc. Improving the power capabilities of the muscles is considered the basic condition for improving local endurance.

There is another moment that should be explained especially. One of the key points of the developed theory is the statement that the "basic" place in the preparedness of athletes in the CSW - occupies the power of muscles (and, accordingly, all types of force training), and not aerobic abilities (and, consequently, aerobic preparation). At the same time, we argue that aerobic preparedness, not being "basic", is at the same time the main and realization, i.e. The one on which the sport result directly depends. The misunderstanding of this key idea causes critical comments, according to which the absolutization of the power and underestimation of the aerobic Parties to the preparedness and training in the CCC is attributed to us.

The absolutization of the role of force preparation is a delusion.

The main training facilities of the upbringing of local endurance in cyclic sports (with the exception of sprint distances - duration up to 40 seconds) are those that are aimed at improving the performance of slow muscle fibers, main for this locomotive muscular groups and the oxidative potential of fast muscle fibers of these muscles. All other training facilities are optional.

The main methods in the upbringing of LV are those that create inside the muscles conditions for hypertrophy of slow muscle fibers (Macroeherg deficiency, accumulation of metabolites with increasing power potential muscles) and long-term aerobic conditions with intensive functioning (recruiting) of all types of muscle fibers (with aerobic training).

The main means and methods of increasing the alactate and glycolithic abilities of the muscles are power, speed-power and sprint exercises (duration up to 40 seconds).

When planning a training process, follow the following provisions:

  • unidirectional lesson more efficiently than "mixed";
  • when planning one training session and microcycles, the rule should be followed that the aerobic training should be preceded by force;
  • the construction of the mesocyclay will be optimal if it will reach its ending with a significant increase in the training indicator of the LV while maintaining or a smaller increase in others;
  • "Basic" position of force abilities relative to aerobic, glycolithic and alactate;
  • a faster increase in glycolithic and alactate abilities relative to aerobic and power;
  • aerobic abilities are not "basic" for glycolithic.

In this regard, with a consistent distribution of preparation tools: first, the power is planned in a larger volume, then the aerobic, hereinafter - alactate and glycolithic. The accented impact on some ability involves maintaining the achieved level of other abilities. The severity of the accents decreases as the skill and experience of athletes enhanced.

Preparation planning:

  • When planning training sessions, as a rule, exercises are first used to develop endurance, and then - forces. And in swimming - on the contrary.
  • Exercises for the development of high-speed-force qualities are used in all parts of the classes, but more often - at the beginning and, as a rule, conjugately with alaktath or glycolithic training.
  • With two-time training, power exercises are used more often in the afternoon.
  • In a microcycle in various sports, the same components of power abilities are trained from 1 to 7 times. Most often - ice skating, swimming and cycling. The most rare (1-2 times a week) - in running.
  • Macrocycle is used both concentrated and distributed use of appropriate means. The maximum strength is developing: in a bike, skiing, skating - at the beginning of the preparatory period; in rowing - on the 2nd base stage; in swimming - on the 2nd base, in the preset and competitive periods; In running - on the 2nd base stage and in the preset period. Explosive force: in a bike, rowing, swimming and run - in preset and competitive periods; Skating and skiing - in the preparatory period. Power stamina - cycling, skiing, rowing and swimming - year-round with a 2-3 month break during the transition period. Cork - in the preparatory and transition periods. In run - at the second base stage, in the preset and competitive periods.
  1. Currently, there are no convincing evidence that the muscles of qualified athletes are experiencing a hypoxic state (lack of oxygen), which limits energy generation rate in mitochondria when performing a competitive locomotion of any power, including maximum alactate (mothers), due to inadequate supply from the side SCC.
  2. Based on modern data on the mechanisms and the deployment rate of the main power supply reactions, it was concluded about the adequate supply of oxygen muscles at the beginning of any distance (including sprint) when the process of "work" is the process of the muscle supply system with oxygen. Consequently, in our opinion, the hypothesis about the oxygen deficiency at the beginning of the distance due to the "inertia" cardiovascular system also does not have grounds.
  3. Inadequate supply of muscle oxygen - anaerobic conditions for their functioning (i.e., when the ability of the muscles to dispose of oxygen exceeds the ability of the SCCC to deliver it) - may be observed only in the case of muscle ischemia (as, for example, when performing static, static power exercises, or with limited blood flow In the working muscle) or on the finish of a very tense run (in the phase of non-compatible fatigue). This means that performing movements with any intensity can be viewed as "aerobic" exercises and use for aerobic preparation.
  4. However, depending on the intensity and duration of the exercise, the object of the impact will be changed, which is due to the manifestation of the "Rules of size" of Hennechan, confirmed in relation to cyclic movements. With the capacity of work to an anaerobic threshold (ANP), the object of exposure is slow muscle fibers (hereinafter MV), at the level of the ANP - slow and part of the rapid oxidative bomuses, above the ANP - all oxidative MV (bomule). The degree of involvement (recruiting) bomuses increases not only as the capacity of the work is asundated, but also with an increase in its duration. Fast glycolithic BGMV is recruited only when the occasional or maximum operation is operational: speed, reduction capacities or muscle tension force, as well as at the end of intensive work "to failure". However, the intensive accumulation of hydrogen ions occurs (reduction in pH in muscles or acidification).
  5. To increase the recruitment of the bomission and the BGMV without a significant "crying" of the muscles in two ways: using short sprint accelerations; An increase in muscle contraction force in each step (rowing, etc.) with a reduction in frequency (steps, rowing) and preserving or increasing the ratio of the duration of the phase "relaxation / voltage" of the muscles.
  6. When working above the ANP, the formation of lactic acid (MK or lactate) begins after 10-15 seconds after the start. However, the first half of the competitive distance (at highly qualified athletes - 2/3 of the distance) MK is the condition of the maximum power of aerobic processes in the muscles. Therefore, regardless of the power, such work is an effective means of aerobic, and not a glycolithic muscle training.
  7. Maximum power (ATF Resintez) Anaerobic glycoliz (as the amount of reactions to bommer and BGMV) can only be achieved in sprint operation in a period of approximately 10 to 30 seconds. Only at these distances the number of key enzymes of anaerobic glycolysis (and glycogenolysis) is a limiting factor sports workability. Their mass increases through the powerful and sprint training.
  8. Calculations with the involvement of the dynamics of the respiratory factor and energy consumption when overcoming long and marathon distances It was shown that the proportion of lipids oxidized in general energy production and the total energy yield during their oxidation with the growth of qualifications decreases at all distances, including the marathon (2 hours 10 minutes). Consequently, the "lipid oxidation ability" is not a limiting factor at these distances and cannot be the basis for use in the training of large volumes of aerobic work with a capacity below the ANP.
  9. The main contribution to the mechanical work produced at the durations of more than 40 seconds, slow muscle fibers contribute. At the same time, they do not produce lactic acid. Consequently, the strategy for increasing local endurance in CSW will largely be associated with an increase in the performance of slow muscle fibers. These fibers are genetically predisposed to aerobic metabolism, therefore there is reason to assume that the mass of mitochondrial proteins in these MVs in qualified athletes is close to the maximum (relative to the mass of contractile proteins) or at least easily reaching a maximum of specialized training in 1-2 mesocycles. In this regard, it can be clarified that the main direction of the strategy of increasing local endurance will increase the strength (hypertrophy) of slow muscle fibers (hereinafter MMV).
  10. Nevertheless, it is known that the aerobic training itself does not lead to hyperrophy of muscle fibers in no people, nor in animals; And during depleting volumes, it may be accompanied by a decrease in the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bfibers (hereinafter PPP) with a pronounced growth of aerobic performance; Elite cyclists PPPs were lower than that of weaker cyclists.
  11. As follows from modern ideas about the mechanisms of induction of the synthesis of contractile proteins, power exercises leading to MMB hypertrophy are whose characteristics will be as follows:
    • - slow, smooth nature of movements;
    • - relatively small magnitude of the overcome strength or the degree of muscle tension (40-60% of the MPS);
    • - lack of muscle relaxation during the entire approach;
    • - Execution of the approach to "failure".
    • - Conducting training, as a rule, with the use of supersets on all major muscle groups;
    • - Fully large duration of all workout (at least 1 hour). Such training resembles a cultivist, but differs from the last substantially lower effort (40-60% of the MPS), which is supposed to reduce the impact on the quick MV, preventing excessive muscle hypertrophy and associated body weight increases
  12. With a combination of aerobic and power species Preparations are significantly greater than the effectiveness of power.
  13. In the preparatory period, when planning preparations for the development of LV, two types of classes are the main types:
    • aimed at an increase in the strength of the main muscles (induction of the synthesis of contractile proteins);
    • aimed at an increase in the oxidative potential of fast MV (induction of the synthesis of mitochondrial proteins).
    • the most efficiently unidirectional occupation of the 1st or 2nd type.
  14. If you need to combine in one lesson of two types of load, the option is more effective when the aerobic is first performed, then the power with the interval between them in 20-30 minutes with carbohydrate power.
  15. When planning two workouts per day or microcycle, it is advisable to comply with the same principle: first the aerobic, then the power workout is performed, after which the day of active recreation or a low-energy workout should be followed. Otherwise, the effectiveness of force training is sharply reduced, or even the regress of power abilities may be observed, since the process of synthesis of myofibrillary proteins is significantly longer than mitochondrial, and can be "blocked" aerobic training with high energy costs.
  16. The period of "half-life" of most proteins of the neuromuscular apparatus does not exceed 10-12 days. Consequently, if during the mesocyclax (21-28 days), the growth of the training ability is not received, then this means that the training is built incorrectly. We could not find any theoretical grounds confirming the feasibility of the long-term (up to 2-3 mesocycles) to maintain the reduced values \u200b\u200bof the indicators of the training function in order to obtain a retraced cumulative effect.
  17. The results of experiments indicate that the training impact on the muscles (presumably on MMB and the bomb) by means of statitional exercises, despite the artificially created anaerobic conditions of the muscles, sharply increases efficiency aerobic training.
  18. In accordance with theoretical provisions, the minimum set of test indicators to control the dynamics of the LV during the training process was supposed to include:
  • aerobic (AEP) and anaerobic (ANP) Thresholds as characteristics of muscle aerobic abilities;
  • indicator of the strength of slow muscle fibers;
  • local (glycolithic) performance in 30-40-second test;
  • muscle alactate power indicator. Due to the fact that in the process of conducting natural pedagogical experiments, it is necessary;
  • cardiovascular states;
  • efficiency.

The sequential distribution of the load "on force to endurance" when minimizing the volumes of low-efficient aerobic agents makes it possible to achieve a significant increase in the sporting result.

In the spring-summer macrocycle, three 4-week-old mesocycles were planned, in which the scheme developed by us was carried out by training work, which included two power and three aerobic workouts in the microcycle. Another one was devoted to the long-term aerobic run and OFP. A continuous and simultaneous increase in both the indicators of power and aerobic muscle abilities has been reached, exceeding the indicators of the control group. A fundamental point is a significantly more significant improvement in the indicators of the state of the CSS in the experimental group compared with the control, which used significantly large volumes of low-intensive cross-country means.

Experiment (one of many variations).The main subject of research in the power training was served The power range of exercises, executed serially in a circular method (3-10 episodes). The principles of execution of each approach are previously described. Leisure intervals between the series were filled with a jog of a coward or relaxing stretch. Complex ("1 Circle") included exercises on: three-chapted leg muscle; Channel bends and extensors ankle Sustava; Spinners of the knee joint; Flexors hip joint. Sometimes the complex was complemented by exercises on the muscles of the back and the abdominal press. The main means of "aerobic training BMW" were: Variable running in weighty conditions (with resistance, mountain, in sand), sprint acceleration during aerobic running; Running at the level of an AHP on the rapid terrain and the sandy soil, the interval run on the track with competitive speed. Other traditional means and methods for preparing the runners were used as additional funds.

The main elements of the traditional preparation system with a huge volume of low-intensity aerobic work can be this approximate scheme:

  • the loads of the power and speed-power are planned to the beginning of the macocycle at approximately the same total volume;
  • the greater ratio of "effective" and "ineffective" means of aerobic preparation with significantly smaller volumes of "ineffective";
  • the concentration of "effective" means of aerobic preparation at the end of the preparatory and in the preset periods;
  • concentration of alactate and glycolithic agents in the competitive period when minimizing the volumes of the latter.

The main distinguishing features of the microcyclov planning scheme is:

  • the predominance of unidirectional training sessions;
  • holiday day after power training at the stage of increasing power abilities;
  • the obligatory presence of training of technical orientation (competitive orientation) at all stages of the microcycles.

Source of information: based on Mikankinchenko E.B.

Sports and health is inextricably linked. Cyclic sports are no exception. The cyclical repetition of movements to move its own body in space is the essence of cyclic sports. In determining the winner, the speed of movement plays a decisive role.

With such sportsathletes are trying to move very cyclically with certain periodicity in order to achieve maximum physical strength productivity and show the best results. And at least few people know about cyclic sports, they still have enough of them quite more quantity and many of us have observed at least one of them, we simply do not know that this is exactly a cyclic sport.

The most important and decisive role that all bets are made is nothing but the speed of movement in the implementation of the most cyclic movements. As a rule, such sports are called high-speed, because most of them and, respectively, the results are determined by speed.

Jumping in height is a classic type of athletics.

Requires jumping and coordination of movements from athletes. Is carried out in the summer and winter season. It is the Olympic discipline of athletics for men since 1896 and for women since 1928.

Along with impeccable possession of an effective transition of a plank in high importations, jumping qualities are of great importance.

The relay run is a special form of running for short distances.

In the most common types of relay running on a circular treadmill, the length of individual steps 100, 200 or 400 m. At the end of the stage, the relay wand is transmitted to another runner.

The most common for both men and for women is a distance of 4 × 100 and 4 × 400 m, included in the Olympic program. Relay are also held on yard distances.

skiingrefers to those sports that can be engaged in starting from early childhood and up to deep old age. It is an important means of maintaining and improving health.

Skiing presents ample opportunities for a variety of sports activities in the fresh air and at the same time involves almost all organism systems.

The training effect of skiing increases and thanks to the restoring, promoting health impact of the influence of fresh air.

In addition, ski races develop perseverance and endurance, and ski jumps and ski disciplines raise courage and determination. Since in most cases, schools and sports societies lead skiing classes at educational fees and in camps, it gives a variety of educational opportunities for conscious socialist discipline and collective thinking and actions.

Skiing as a means of leisure is not associated with sports facilities. Forests and mountain valleys, plains, parks and hills are places for classes on which an unlimited number of people can practically deal.

48. Organization of sports and physical recovery work in the university.

In higher educational institutions, such forms of organization were distributed physical and recreation work, as cultural and sports clubsby interest; health groups, general physical training and GTO, special physical training; sport sections; individual sessions.

Physical and sports clubs.

Physical and sports clubs (FGC) are created at the university sports club and solve the following tasks: involvement of students, graduate students, teachers and employees, as well as members of their families in regular, mainly independent exercise, sports, tourism; Approval in the team of the university healthy lifestyle and on this basis the strengthening of health engaged, increasing the level of their overall performance. FGC also carry out the function of propaganda of physical culture, sports, a healthy lifestyle in a higher educational institution.

The creation of FGC is issued by the ruling of the Board of the Sports Club. Students, graduate students, teachers and employees, as well as members of their families who want to deal with the appropriate type of physical exercises allowed by a doctor to physical education in the FGC.

The work of the FGC is based on voluntary, amateurness, a wide creative physical education initiative, the election of the club's governing bodies, their reporting to the members of the Club and the Board of the Sports Club of the University. The clubs create an informal atmosphere of a partnership based on principle and discipline.

The highest body of the physical cultural and sports club is the general meeting of its members, on which the board of the club is elected open voting for two years, which carries out direct leadership of its work. The main passage to the club is interest in one or another type of physical exercise, sport type.

By decision of the members of the club, especially graduate students, teachers, employees, and members of their families, the clubs can create subscription paid groups on the basis of self-sufficiency.

Groups of health, general and special physical training

In addition to physical education and sports clubs or in those universities, where there are no conditions for their organization, at the sports club of the university, physical education groups of three species are created: groups of health, general physical training groups (OFP) and special physical training groups (SFP).

The organization, orientation and content of these groups differ significantly.

Health Group includes groups of morning hygienic gymnastics (charging), rehabilitation (rehabilitative) gymnastics and medical gymnastics.

Group of general physical training (OFP) and GTO are organized from persons related to the results of medical examination to the main or preparatory medical groups, one sex, homogeneous in age and physical fitness.