Muscle tissue power supply. Muscular energy supply mechanisms

In this article we will touch on the issue and find out what the body's energy supply is. The topic is not extensive, however, important to solve certain issues.

Methods of energy supply are those methods with which our body will solve issues related to motor activity. Tasks and loads on the body can be different, and therefore the methods of energy supply are several.


The first method of energy supply is phosphogenic. The source of energy in this method is creatine phosphate and ATP. The method is activated when we make work with a maximum power duration from 5 to 30 seconds.

Phosphaginic energy supply method is closely related to the intensity of loads. It actively works in training for the power of myofiber hypertrophy. Since phosphate creatine and ATP in our body is not so much, this method is the shortest and replaced on the other after 30 seconds of physical activity.

Anaerobic glycoliz

Second Method - Anaerobic Glycolizizwhere the power source is glycogen. It turns on when operating from 30 seconds or 1 minute and runs up to 30 minutes. Anaerobic glycoliz is involved in us when we work on shaplasmic hypertrophy (in multiproductory mode).

Aerobic oxidation

Third way - aerobic oxidation. The source of energy is served for it. Included in the training frequency of heart abbreviations, as a rule, by 60 minutes. In trained people, the process of aerobic oxidation can be engaged on 30 or even 20 minutes. This method actively works in monotonous and long-term work, which we usually make on our cardiovascular.

But monotonous does not mean exhausting. For example, pulse 130 beats per minute implies with us, as a rule, just fast walking.

Girls, whom a magnet manit on cadiotrans, as soon as they started their workout, we appeal to you. As you can see, there is no logical sense to start our training with Cardio If we want to burn fat, because the fats will begin to be used only after the first hour of monotonous cardiosboats.

This training is not logical from the point of view of the deficit and time, since on this work from which we get desired resultYou must spend at least 2 hours of your time. Much more effectively carry out our training, after power trainingWhen our energy reserves of phosphate creatine, ATP, glycogen is partly exhausted. And the sympathetic nervous system works on a complete coil, that is, ready for motor activity and to oxidation of fats including.

For the same 2 hours of work, the hour is powerful and hour Cardio with good training, you will give muscles into tone and will more effectively use fats as energy on your cardiotranslation, kill two hares at once.

1. Anaerobic creatine phosphate mechanism.

In achieving high indicators great importance Energy supply factors have muscular activity. With a musculose reduction, the direct source of energy is the splitting of ATP (adenositrifosphoric acid) at the same time ATP loses one energetically rich group and turns into adenaesyind phosphate (ADP) and phosphoric acid. In muscle cells, ATF is small. After losing ATP, its reserves should be immediately restored. In the event of a lack of oxygen, one of the ways of recovery (resintez) ATP and ADP is associated with the use of creatine phosphate (CRF) located in the muscular fiber and having a phosphate group.

CRF + ADF \u003d ATP + Creatine

The anaerbian ATF Resintez mechanism can work as long as the KRF is exhausted in muscle fibers. The level of the stock of the CRF rises during sprint training. The creatine-phosphate mechanism of the energy boom is quickly exhausted, after which the energy supply is due to other mechanisms.

2.Arbn glycolic mechanism.

Another way of Resintez ATP - Glycoliz. Like a creatine phosphate mechanism, it is anaerobic, and can only be a source of energy supply. With Glycicolasis ATP is updated due to the enzymatic cleavage of glucose and glycogen to lactic acid. First, carbohydrates are cleaved to peer-grade acid. The enzymatic groups created at the same time are moving to ADP that turns after that in ATP. Pyerogradic acid reacts and turns into lactic acid. Intensive accumulation and creation of dairy debt, with simultaneous exhaustion of glycogen reserves - this is a main factor that limits muscle activity and accompanies the development of fatigue.

3.Arobic mechanism.

In the muscles, the UPP update occurs with the help of oxygen. The aerobic mechanism can provide a less intense work process, but longer. Athlete's body at this time is in a permanent condition - lactic acid does not accumulate and oxygen debt is not created. The oxidative system provides muscles with energy using the oxidation of fats and carbohydrates with oxygen from the air. Carbohydrates are a more advantageous source of energy, under conditions of insufficient supply of the organism with oxygen, because for their oxidation there is a smaller amount of oxygen than for oxidation of fats. For example, when working low intensity (up to 50% of the IPC), oxidation occurs due to the oxidation of fats. With more intensive work, the share of participation in the energy supply of fats - decreases, and carbohydrates - increases. Proteins can also be used for the energywork. But mainly those that can transform glucose or other products of the oxidation process.

3. Power and capacity of ways of energy efficiency

The possibilities of each of these energy mechanisms are determined by the capacity (the rate of energy release in metabolic processes), and the volume, which is determined by the value of the values \u200b\u200bachieved to use the subtracted funds.

Provide the current organs with a large amount of energy in the minimum time creatine phosphocinate reaction and the use of ATP tissue reserves. In the energy supply of the operation of maximum intensity, anaerobic alactate sources play a decisive role. Anerobic glycotic sources are associated with glycogen reserves in muscles, which splits with the creation of ATP and KF. But in contrast to the alactate anaerobic sources, this path of the energywork has a more slow motion, less power, but higher endurance. Aerobic energy supply sources have less power, but provide work for a long time, since their container is very large.

With normal nutrition in human muscles is about 500g. Glycogen. This is the main reserve of muscle energy supply. In adipose tissue (triglycerides) there are large chemical energy reserves, which mobilizes during long-term operation. However, for the release of energy triglycerides, a complex path of transformation into fatty acids, which fall into the bloodstream and are used in the process of aerobic metabolism. In the process of release of the energy of glucose, the muscles and liver is contained in the glycogen, or fatty acid is oxidized to CO2 and water. This process is called aerobic metabolism, carried out in two stages, and is achieved using a series of consecutive transformations with the participation of a large number of enzymes. In the first stage, after twelve consecutive glucose metabolism reactions, pyruvate is created. At the second stage, when the oxygen is sufficient, the pyruvate enters mitochondria and is completely oxidized to CO2 and water. With a lack of oxygen, or absence, the pyruvate turns into a lactic acid. The amount of ATP, which is obtained as a result of aerobic oxidation and anaerobic glycolysis, is different. With full oxidation of one glucose molecule to CO2 and water, 39 ATP molecules are released. In the process of glycolysis, only 3 ATP molecules are created when using 1 glucose molecules. In the process of anaerobic glycolysis, the speed of creating ATP is very large, while the large amount of energy is released. At the same time, glycogen stocks are spent. As a result of anaerobic glycolysis, lactic acid and protons are created.

Aerobic sources allow oxidation of fats and carbohydrate air oxygen. Aerobic processes pass gradually, their maximum is achieved a few minutes after the start of the process. Due to the large reserves of glucose and fats in the body and unlimited possibilities of oxygen consumption of atmospheric air, aerobic sources make it possible to perform work for a long time. Having high economy, their container is very large. The main sources in the energy supply of short-term highly efficient work are anaerobic alactate sources. Immediate Resintez ATP is ensured by muscle creatine phosphate. In man's muscles, there is a sufficient amount of creatine phosphate to maintain the constant level of ATP in muscle cells for 5 to 8 seconds. Creatine phosphate mechanism is used for instant resintez ATP, which gives time to turn the more complex glycolitic process. The overall muscle stock of phosphogen can be used in a few seconds of high-intensity work. The exhaustion of the reserves of the RF leads to a strong reduction in the capacity of the work. This happens by the fact that Glycoliz cannot provide a sufficient amount of ATP necessary for the embezzlement in the muscles. In competitions in which short-term work of the maximum possible intensity is performed, the decisive role plays the high power of anaerobic alactate sources. Their role is extremely important in an athletics sprint, athletic jumps, throwing, weightlifting, swimming for 50m., As well as when performing short-term, high-intensity actions in complex-coordination sports, sports martial arts, sports games. Anaerobic lactate energy sources play a decisive role in the energy supply of work, which has a duration of 30s. up to 6min. It is they who determine the endurance in running to 400, 800 and 1500m., In swimming for 100 and 200m. The aerobic pathway pathway is the main way during long work: swimming for 800 and 1500m., Run by 5000 and 10000m. and marathon running.

With less long-term operation, which is provided mainly by anaerobic sources, aerobic sources are of great importance. Even partial release of energy aerobic has a significant advantage. First ATP is more economical - less glycogen is split. Secondly, muscle blood flow should increase to ensure the delivery of oxygen, which will in turn, will allow decay products faster to diffuse into the bloodstream and removed.

The ability to continue to perform work with the help of any sources of the energywork is determined by the size of the relevant substrate funds, and the effectiveness of their use, which is manifested in the speed of work, disposal and efficiency. With regard to alactate anaerobic sources, the problem of the rapid achievement of maximum power indicators (work) is not worth it. For lactate anaerobic and especially aerobic sources, the time to achieve maximum capacity indicators is an important factor in its effectiveness. The parameter indicates the efficiency of energy supply and endurance of an athlete during long work is the ability to dispose of functional potential, which is estimated in terms of the achievement of the anaerobic exchange threshold (Pano). On the rise of the anaerobic exchange threshold, an increase in the concentration of lactate in the blood is evidenced. Maintain a significant increase in Pano: an increase in the adaptive opportunities of the oxygen-transport system and the change in muscle tissue under the influence of special training.

4. Movement technique and tactics

high mental persistence, demonstrating outstanding sports results, bring themselves up to top of deep degrees of exhaustion of functional reserves, achieving violations in the activities of vegetative systems that border and often exceed the ideas about human endurance opportunities depends on the ability to economically spend energy stock. The main factors of efficiency are the perfection of the technique of movements and the elected tactical option. When performing even hard work, movements must be free, not intense. The stiffness of movements causes excessive stiffness of antagonist muscle. According to this, in many sports, the main sign of higher skill is the ability to relax muscles that do not participate in the implementation of the main motor actions. For athletes, it is very important to learn how to relax the muscles of the face. If the athlete learn how to do this, then other muscles that do not participate in the work will also be less intense. Thanks to this, the athlete will be more economical to spend energy, more slowly toss, it is better to restore the forces after work. From the point of view of economy, and unnecessary, and fidgeted movements are equally harmful. In sports practice there is an opinion that the resistance of motor skills is a necessary condition for sportsmanship. But the analysis of high-class swimmers technology, suggests that even they cannot save the same characteristics of movements throughout the period of passing distance. Maintenance specificationsThroughout the competition, undergo significant changes. Which allows athletes to keep the specified speed, despite the progressive fatigue.

Muscular work, the intensity of which is unchanged, requires the smallest energy consumption. Therefore, athletes B. cyclic species Sport, until recently, recommended maintaining a constant speed from the start to the finish. But this technique does not always provide the highest productivity. It is only productive for muscular work, which lasts more than 2min .. with less long exercises, the optimal technique "Speed \u200b\u200blayouts". It is characterized by high starting speed, and its gradual decrease as the stocks of power systems exhausted. For a more complete exhaustion of the energy potential, from the first seconds of the exercise, it is necessary to put energy systems in the most difficult conditions. As the intensity of muscle work increases, the power assistors increase not in proportion to the intensity, but much more. Therefore, an increase in the intensity of movements is always accompanied by a decrease in movement efficiency.

Engineering activities are a comprehensive indicator, which is due to functional and technical efficiency.

Functional efficiency is due to the coherence in the work of vegetative systems and the ability to operate in a sustainable state (oxygen consumption corresponds to oxygen request) at a high level of oxygen consumption. The use of a continuous standardized exercise method, with a gradual increase in the intensity from moderate to the threshold, contributes to the development of functional efficiency.

Technical economy is due to the rational biomechanical structure of movements and their automation. Automation of movements helps to eliminate excess stresses, and as a result of this and reduce energy consumption.

A significant impact on the manifestation of endurance has personal qualities of an athlete and its mental persistence in stressful situations characteristic of competitive activities. Purpose, perseverance, exposure, self-confidence, the ability to transfer significant negative changes, an increase in oxygen debt, an increase in the concentration of lactic acid in the blood and so on, play a large role in the demonstration of high rates of endurance and sporting skills in general. Nowadays, in the final competitions, athletes with approximately equal physical and technical preparation, stick to the same tactics. In difficult conditions of the sporting struggle, most often the decisive are precisely mental abilities.

Factor genotype (heredity) and medium.

General (aerobic) endurance to some extent due to the influence of hereditary factors. The genetic factor significantly affects the development of the anaerobic capabilities of the body. On static endurance, heredity is also a great influence. For dynamic forcefulness, the influence of heredity and the medium is about the same. Inheritance factors are more influenced by the female organism during submaximal power, and on the men's - when moderate power is working.

18. Bioenergy Muscle Activities. The ratio between the ATF Resinteza paths when performing physical exertion of various character. Zones of relative power of work. The body constantly maintains the energy balance of income and energy flow. The vital activity of the body is ensured by energy due to anaerobic and aerobic catabolism (the splitting process of complex components to simple substances) coming from food proteins, fats, carbohydrates. When oxidation is allocated; a) 1g. Caller, 4.1 kcal energy, b) 1g.glevodov, 4.1 kcal, c) 1g.zhira 9.3 kcal.

In the process of biological oxidation, this energy is released and used, first of all, for the synthesis of ATP and CRF (energy product), which, as mentioned above, is carried out by the 2nd way;

1. AnAedobic (due to ATP, RF and glucose), 2.Aerobic (due to the oxidation of carbohydrates, and then fats).

AUTF RESOINTE AUTF (synonyms: tissue breathing, aerobic or oxidative phosphorylation) is a basic, basic method of forming ATP, flowing in muscle cell mitochondria. During the tissue respiration from the oxidized substance, the hydrogen atom (2PROtone and 2 of the electron) is revealed and in the respiratory chain are transmitted to small-eyed oxygen - O2, which caused muscle from the air, resulting in water. Due to the energy, it is released during the formation of water, the synthesis of ATF from ADF and phosphoric acid occurs. Usually, the resulting molecule of water accounts for synthesis 3 ATP molecules.

The speed of the aerobic path of the ATP Resintez is controlled by the content of muscular cells ADP, which is an activator of fabric breathing enzymes. At rest when there are almost no ADP in the cells, tissue breathing flows at a very low speed. With muscle work, at the expense of intensive use of ATP, the accumulation of ADPs occurs. The excess ADF accelerates tissue breathing and it can achieve maximum intensity.

Another activator of the aerobic path of RESINTES ATP is CO2. The carbon dioxide arising during physical work in excess activates the breathing center of the brain, which ultimately leads to an increase in the rate of blood circulation of muscles with oxygen.

Maximum power. Compared to the anaerobic paths of the ATP residence, tissue breathing has the lowest maximum power. This is due to the fact that the possibilities of the aerobic process of limited oxygen in mitochondria and their number in muscle cells. Therefore, due to the aerobic path of the ATF Reintez, the extensive exertion of the physical exertion of only moderate power is elevated.

Deployment time - 3-4 min. Well-trained athletes can be about 1 min. That big time Explained to ensuring maximum speed Tissue breathing requires restructuring of all organism systems involved in oxygen delivery in muscle mitochondria.

Maximum power Makes dozens of mines. Sources of energy for aerobic Resintez ATP are carbohydrates, fats and amino acids, the decay of which is completed with a fastest cycle. And for this purpose, not only intramuscular reserves of these substances, but also carbohydrates, fats, ketone bodies and amino acids delivered by blood into muscles during physical work. In this regard, this Way of Resintez ATP functions with maximum power for a long time. What is a positive factor for gymnasts, it plays a particularly significant role in all-around. However, a significant disadvantage of ATP aerobic education is considered to be a great time of deployment (3-4 min.) And a small amount of maximum power in absolute magnitude. Therefore, muscle activity is inherent. Gymnastics, cannot be fully provided by this by Reintez ATP and muscles are forced to additionally include anaerobic methods for formulating ATP, having a shorter deployment time and greater than the maximum branch.

Under the influence of systematic training aimed at the development of aerobic performance, the number of mitochondria increases in myocytes, their size increases, they become more of tissue breathing enzymes. At the same time, the oxygen is perfecting - the transport function: the content of myoglobin in muscle cells and hemoglobin in the blood increases, the performance of respiratory and cardiovascular systems of gymnasts increases.

Anaerobic Ways of Resintez ATP (creatine phosphate, glycolithic) are additional ways to educate ATP in cases where the main way to obtain ATP - aerobic cannot provide muscle activity with the necessary amount of energy. It happens on the first min. Any work when tissue respiration has not yet been fully turned, as well as when performing physical exertion of any power.

In muscle cells there is always creatine phosphate - a compound containing the phosphate group associated with the remainder of creatine macroeergic bond. (15-20 mmol / kg. At rest). Creatine phosphate has a large stock of energy and high tool to ADP. Therefore, it easily enters into interaction with Molecules ADP, appearing in muscle cells in physical work as a result of hydrolysis of ATP. During this reaction, the residue of phosphoric acid with an energy reserve was transferred from creatine phosphate to the ADP molecule to form creatine ATP. In muscle operation, creatinenase activity increases significantly due to the activating action on it calcium ions, the concentration of which in sarcoplasm under the action of the nervous pulse increases almost 1000 times . Creatine phosphate, possessing a large margin of chemical energy, is a substance of fragile. Phosphoric acid can easily be cleaving from it, resulting in cyclization of creatine residue, leading to creatine formation. The formation of creatine is as follows without the participation of enzymes, spontaneously. Partly stocks of creatinophosphate can be recovered during muscular operation of moderate power, in which the ATP tissue respiration is synthesized in such a quantity, which is enough and to ensure the contractile function of myocytes and to replenish the stock of creatine phosphate reaction may be included multiple times. Creatine formation is entered in liver using 3 Amino acids: glycine, methionine and arginine. Athletes to increase the concentrations of creatine phosphate in the muscles are used as food additives glycine and methionine.

Maximum power - 900-1100 kal. / Min kg., While 3 times higher than the corresponding indicator for aerobic residence.

Deployment time - Total 1-2C. The initial stocks of ATP in muscle cells is enough for the provision of muscle activity just for 1-2 s., And by the time they are exhaustion, the creatine phosphate path of ATP is already functioning with its maximum speed.

The time of operation with the maximum speed is only 8-10 p., Which is associated with small source stocks of creatine phosphate in the muscles. The advantages of the creatine phosphate path of ATP formation are very small deployment time and high power, which is extremely important for high-speed - power sports (x . Gymnastics). The main disadvantage of this method of synthesis ATP, significantly limiting its capabilities, is a short time of its operation. Maintaining the maximum speed is only 8-10 s., By the end of the 30th s. Its speed drops twice. Anaerobic reaction will be the main source of energy to provide short-term exercises of maximum power, such as jumping, throws, etc. in thin. gymnastics. Creatine phosphate reaction can be repeatedly turned on during the execution of physical loads, which makes it possible to quickly increase the capacity of the work performed, the development of acceleration during the fulfillment of competitive exercises. 5-20 mmol / kg. Attan group associated with the rest of the creatine of the macroeergic bond. (Loads of any power. The path received

General characteristics of the aerobic energy supply system

The aerobic energy supply system is significantly inferior to alactate and lactate for energy production, the speed of inclusion in the provision of muscle activity, but it repeatedly exceeds the capacitance and efficiency (Table 1).

Table # 1. Muscular Maintenance Energy Supply

A feature of the aerobic system is that the formation of ATP in cellular mitochondria cellular organelchs occurs with the participation of oxygen delivered by the oxygen-user system. This predetermines the high economy of the aerobic system, and sufficiently large glycogen stocks in muscle tissue and liver, as well as almost unlimited lipid reserves - its container.

In the most simplified form, the activity of the aerobic system of energy supply is carried out as follows. At the first stage, as a result of complex processes, both glycogen and free fatty acids (SZhK) are transformed into acetyl-coenzyme A (acetyl-economy) - the active shape of acetic acid, which ensures that all subsequent energy formation processes in a single scheme. However, until the formation of acetyl-coa, the oxidation of glycogen and the SVC occurs independently.

All numerous chemical reactions occurring in the process of ATF aerobic resintease can be divided into three types: 1 - aerobic glycoliz; 2 - Crec cycle, 3 - electron transport system (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7. Stages of ATF Resintez Reactions in Aerobic Process

The first stage of the reactions is aerobic glycoliz, as a result of which glycogen cleavage is carried out with the formation of CO2 and H2O. The flow of aerobic glycolysis occurs in the same scheme as the flow of the anaerobic glycolysis considered above. In both cases, as a result of chemical reactions, glycogen is converted into glucose, and glucose in pyirogradic acid with ATP resintesis. In these reactions, oxygen does not participate. The presence of oxygen is found in the future, when, with its participation, peening acid is not transformed into lactic acid into a lactic acid, and then in lactate, which takes place in the anaerobic glycolysis process, and is sent to the aerobic system, the final products of which are carbon dioxide (CO2), Light-derived from the body, and water (Fig. 8)

Fig. 8. Schematic flow of anaerobic and aerobic glycolysis

Cleavage 1 Praying Glycogen Pirogradic Acid occurs with energy release sufficient for resintez 3 moles ATP: Energy + 3Adf + FN → 3Atf

From the pivalinogradic acid resulting as a result of the cleavage, CO2 is immediately excreted, turning it from a three-carbon compound into a two-carbon, which combined with the coenfaliment A, forms acetylocuse, which is included in the second stage of aerobic formation ATP - a citric acid cycle or the Krebs cycle.

A series of complex chemical reactions flows in the Krebs cycle, as a result of which the oxidation of peeling acid occurs - the removal of hydrogen ions (H +) and electrons (E-), which ultimately fall into the oxygen transport system and are involved in the ATP Resintez reactions in the third stage, forming CO2, which is diffused into the blood and is transferred to the lungs, from which is derived from the body. In the cycle of Krebs, only 2 plow ATP (Fig. 9) is formed.

Fig. 9. Conceptual image of carbon oxidation in Krebs cycle

The third stage flows in the electron transport circuit (respiratory chain). Reactions taking place with the participation of coenzymes in general Go down to the next. Hydrogen ions and electrons secreted as a result of reactions flowing into the Krebs cycle and at least in the process of glycolysis are transported to oxygen in order to form water as a result. At the same time, the energy allocated in the series of conjugate reactions is used for ATP resintez. The whole process occurred on the electron transmission circuit oxygen is called oxidative phosphorylation. In the processes occurring in the respiratory chain, about 90% of the oxygen arriving towards cells and the highest amount of ATP is formed. In total, the oxidative system of electron transport provides the formation of 34 ATP molecules from one glycogen molecule.

The absorption and absorption of carbohydrates in the bloodstream occurs in the small intestine. In the liver, they turn into glucose, which in turn can be converted into glycogen and deposited in muscles and liver, and is also used by various organs and tissues as a source of energy to maintain activities. In the body of a healthy with a sufficient level of physical fitness, men with a body weight of 75 kg contains 500 - 550 g of carbohydrates in the form of muscle glycogen (about 80%), liver glycogen (approximately 16 - 17%), blood glucose (3-4%), which Corresponds to energy reserves of about 2000-2200 kcal.

The liver glycogen (90 - 100 g) is used to maintain blood glucose levels needed to ensure normal vital activity of various tissues and organs. With continuous operation of an aerobic nature, leading to the depletion of muscle glycogen reserves, part of the glycogen of the cookie can be used by muscles.

It should be borne in mind that glycogenic muscle and liver reserves can significantly increase under the influence of training and food manipulations involving carbohydrate depletion and subsequent carbohydrate saturation. Under the influence of training and special nutrition, the concentration of glycogen in the liver may increase by 2 times. An increase in the amount of glycogen increases its availability and the rate of disposal when performing subsequent muscle work.

With prolonged physical exertion of the average intensity, the formation of glucose in the liver increases in 2 - 3 times compared to the formation of it at rest. Stressful continuous operation can lead to a 7 - 10-fold increase in glucose formation in the liver compared with the data obtained at rest.

The effectiveness of the energy supply process due to fat stocks is determined by the speed of lepolyase flow and the rate of blood flow in adiposic tissue, which ensures the intensive delivery of free fatty acids (SZhK) to muscle cells. If the work is performed with an intensity of 50-60% VO2 MAX, the maximum blood flow in adipose tissue is noted, which contributes to the maximum entry into the blood of the SBLC. More intensive muscular work is associated with the intensification of muscle blood flow while reducing the blood supply to adipose tissue and, therefore, with a deterioration in the delivery of the SU magnetic cloth.

Although in the process of muscular activity, lipolysis unfolds, but already at the 30-40 minutes of the operation of the average intensity of its energy supply is equally carried out by oxidation of both carbohydrates and lipids. Further continuation of work, leading to the gradual exhaustion of limited carbohydrate resources, is associated with an increase in the oxidation of the SFC; For example, the energy supply of the second half of the marathon distance in running or highway cycling (more than 100 km) is mainly due to the use of fats.

Despite the fact that the use of energy from the oxidation of lipids is of real meaning to ensure endurance only with long-term muscle activity, starting from the first minutes of operation with an intensity exceeding 60% VO2MAX, the exemption from the triacylglycerides of the SBX, their receipt and oxidation in the reduced muscles is observed. After 30 - 40 minutes after the start of operation, the speed of consumption of the SZHK increases 3 times, and after 3 - 4 hours of operation - at 5 to 6 times.

The intramuscular utilization of triglycerides increases significantly under the influence of the exercise of aerobic orientation. This adaptation reaction is manifested both in the speed of deploying the energy formation process due to the oxidation of the SBC, which came from muscle tricerides, and in the increase in their disposal from muscle tissue.

An equally important adaptation effect of trained muscle tissue is to increase its ability to dispose of fat stocks. So, after a 12-week exercise of aerobic orientation, the ability to dispose of triglycerides in working muscles sharply increased and reached 40%.

The role of proteins for Resintez ATP is not significant. However, the carbon frame of many amino acids can be used as an energy fuel in the process of oxidative metabolism, which manifests itself with long loads of medium intensity, in which the contribution of protein metabolism into energy production can reach 5-6% of the total energy need.

Due to significant reserves of glucose and fats in the body and an unlimited possibility of oxygen consumption of their atmospheric air, aerobic processes, having less power compared to anaerobic, can ensure the performance of work for a long time (i.e. their capacity is very high with very high efficiency) . Studies show that, for example, in the marathon running due to the use of muscle glycogen, the work of the muscles continues within 80 minutes. A certain amount of energy can be mobilized due to the glycogen of the liver. In total, this can provide 75% of the time required to overcome the marathon distances. The remaining energy is formed as a result of oxidation of fatty acids. However, the speed of their diffusion from blood into the muscles is limited, which limits the production of energy due to these acids. The energy produced due to the oxidation of the SFC is sufficient to maintain the intensity of the muscle operation at the level of 40 - 50% VO2MAX, the time as the strongest marathonies are able to overcome the distance with an intensity exceeding 80 - 90% VO2MAX, which indicates a high level of adaptation of the aerobic energy supply system, allowing Not only to ensure the optimal combination of the use of carbohydrates, fats, individual amino acids and metabolites for the production of energy, but also the economical consumption of glycogen.

Thus, the entire combination of reactions that provide aerobic oxidation of glycogen looks like this. At the first stage, a peer-grade acid is formed as a result of aerobic glycolic acid and some ATP is reinformed. On the second, in the Krex cycle, CO2 is produced, and hydrogen ions (H +) and electrons (E-) are introduced into the electron transport system also with the residence of a certain amount of ATP. Finally the final stage It is associated with the formation of H2O of H +, E- and oxygen with the release of energy used for the resintez of the overwhelming amount of ATP. The fats and proteins used in the fuel for the ATP resintez are also passing through the Krebs cycle and the electron transport system (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10. Schematic image of the functioning of the aerobic energy supply system

Lactate energy supply system.

In the lactate energy supply system, the Resintez ATP is due to the cleavage of glucose and glycogen in the absence of oxygen. This process is made to designate as anaerobic glycoliz. Anaerobic glycoliz is a much more complex chemical process compared with the mechanisms of phosphogen splitting in the anlactual energy supply system. It provides for the flow of a series of complex consecutive reactions, as a result of which glucose and glycogen are cleaved to lactic acid, which in a series of conjugate reactions is used for ATP resintez (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Conceptual image of an anaerobic glycolysis process

As a result of the splitting of 1 praying glucose, 2 praying ATPs is formed, and when splitting 1 praying glycogen - 3 praying ATP. Simultaneously with the release of energy in the muscles and fluids of the body, the formation of peyrogradic acid occurs, which is then converted into lactic acid. Milk acid quickly decomposes with the formation of its salt - lactate.

The accumulation of lactic acid as a result of intensive activities of the glycolithic mechanism leads to the large formation of lactate and hydrogen ions (H +) in the muscles. As a result, despite the effect of buffer systems, a muscular pH is gradually reduced from 7.1 to 6.9 and even up to 6.5 - 6.4. Intracellular pH, starting from level 6.9 - 6.8, slows down the intensity of the glycolitic reaction of the reduction of ATP reserves, and at pH 6.5 - 6.4, the splitting of glycogen stops. Thus, it is an increase in the concentration of lactic acid in muscles limits the splitting of glycogen in anaerobic glycolize.

In contrast to the anlactual energy supply system, the power of which reaches the maximum indicators on the first second of the work, the process of activating glycolysis unfolds significantly slower and reaches high energy production values \u200b\u200bonly for 5 to 10 seconds of work. The power of the glycolithic process is significantly inferior to the capacity of the creatine phosphocinate mechanism, however, is slightly more high compared to the capabilities of the aerobic oxidation system. In particular, if the level of energy production ATF due to the decay of the CF is 9 - 10 mmol / kg of S.T.T. / C (raw mass of the tissue), then when connecting glycolysis, the volume of the ATP produced may increase to 14 mmol / kg of S.M. T. / s. Due to the use of both sources of ATF Resintez during a 3-minute intensive work muscular system A person can produce about 370 mmol / kg S.T. At the same time, the proportion of glycolysis accounts for at least 80% of the total products. The maximum power of the lactate anaerobic system manifests itself on the 20th - 25th seconds of work, and on the 30th - 60th seconds the glycolithic path of the ATP Resintez is the main in the energy supply.

The capacity of the lactate anaerobic system ensures its prevailing participation in energy production when performing work duration up to 30 - 90 s. With longer work, the role of glycolysis is gradually decreasing, but it remains substantial and with a longer work - up to 5 to 6 minutes. The total amount of energy that is formed by glycolysis can clearly be assessed and in terms of blood lactate after performing the work requiring the limit mobilization of the lactate power supply system. In incredited people, the limiting concentration of lactate in the blood is 11 - 12 mmol / l. Under the influence of training, the capacitance of the lactate system increases sharply and the concentration of lactate in the blood can reach 25 - 30 mmol / l and above.

Maximum values \u200b\u200bof energy formation and blood lactate in women by 30 - 40% lower compared to men of the same sports specialization. Young athletes compared with adults are distinguished by low anaerobic capabilities. The maximum concentration of lactate in the blood under the limit loads of anaerobic nature does not exceed 10 mmol / kg, which is 2-3 times lower than in adult athletes.

Thus, the adaptive reactions of the lactate anaerobic system can proceed in various directions. One of these is the increase in the mobility of the glycolithic process, which is manifested in a much more rapid achievement of its maximum performance (from 15 to 20 to 5 - 8 s). The second reaction is associated with an increase in the power of the anaerobic glycolitic system, which allows it to produce a much greater amount of energy per unit of time. The third reaction is reduced to an increase in the capacity of the system and, of course the total volume of the produced energy, as a result of which the duration of work is increasing mainly provided by glycolysis.

The maximum value of lactate and pH in arterial blood in the process of competitions in some sports are presented in Fig. 3.

Fig.3. Maximum values \u200b\u200bof lactate and pH in arterial blood in athletes specializing in various sports: A - Running (400, 800 m); b - speeding skating (500, 1000m); in - rowing (2000 m); g - swimming 100 m; d - bobsley; E - cycling (100 km)
(Eindemann, Keul, 1977)

They give a fairly complete picture of the role of lactate anaerobic energy sources to achieve high sports results. different types Sports and adaptation reserves of anaerobic glycolysis system.

When choosing the optimal duration of work, providing the maximum concentration of lactate in the muscles, it should be borne in mind that the maximum content of the lactate is noted when using limit loads, the duration of which ranges from 1 to 6 minutes. An increase in the duration of work is associated with a decrease in the concentration of lactate in the muscles.

To select the optimal method of increasing anaerobic opportunities, it is important to trace the features of the accumulation of lactate during intermittent operation of the maximum intensity. For example, one-minute limit loads with four-minute pauses lead to a constant increase in blood lactate (Fig. 4) with simultaneous decreases of the acid-base state (Fig. 5).

Fig. 4. Changes in blood lactate concentration in the process of intermittent maximum load (single exercises with intensity 95%, separated recreation periods for a duration of 4 minutes) (Hermansen, Steenswold, 1972)

Fig. 5. Changing the pH of the blood with the intermittent execution of single-dimensional loads of maximum intensity (Hollman, Hettinger, 1980)

A similar effect is also noted when performing 15 - 20-second exercises of maximum power with pauses about 3 minutes (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Dynamics of biochemical changes in athletes when re-performing short-term exercises of maximum power (N. Volkov et al., 2000)

Alactate energy supply system.

This energy supply system is the least complex, distinguished by the high power of energy liberation and short-term action. Energy formation in this system occurs due to the splitting of the rich phosphate compounds - adenosine trifhosphate (ATP) and creatine phosphate (CF). The energy formed by the collapse of ATP is fully incorporated into the process of energy efficiency on the first second. However, in the second second, the performance of work is carried out at the expense of creatine phosphate (CF) deposited in muscle fibers and phosphate compounds containing rich energy. The splitting of these compounds leads to intensive release of energy. The final products of the cleavage of KF are creatine (CR) and inorganic phosphate (FN). The reaction is stimulated by an enzyme of creatineinease and is schematically as follows:

The energy released during the collapse of the KF is available for the ATF Resintease process, therefore, in the process of the rapid splitting of ATP in the process of muscular reduction, it immediately follows its residence from ADF and FN with energy involving released during the cleavage of KF:

Another mechanism of the alactate energy supply system is the so-called myocinezase reaction, which is activated with significant muscle fatigue, when the speed of splitting ATP significantly exceeds the speed of its resintez. The myokine reaction is stimulated by an enzyme of myokezase and is to transfer the phosphate group from one molecule to another and formation of ATP and adenosine monophosphate (AMP):

Adenosine monophosphate (AMP), which is a by-product of a myocinase reaction, contains the latest phosphate group and, unlike ATP and ADP, cannot be used as a source of energy. Myokine reaction is activated in conditions where, due to fatigue, other ATF Resintezes exhausted their capabilities.

CF reserves cannot be replenished in the process of performing work. Only energy released as a result of the collapse of ATP can be used for its resintez, which is possible only in the recovery period after the end of work.

Alaccutate system, featuring a very high energy release rate, is simultaneously characterized by an extremely limited capacity. The level of maximum alactate anaerobic power depends on the number of phosphates (ATP and KF) in the muscles and the speed of their use. Under the influence of sprint training, the indicators of alactate anaerobic power can be significantly increased. Under the influence of a special training, the power of alactate anaerobic system can be increased by 40 -80%. For example, the sprint training for 8 weeks of the runners led to an increase in the content of ATP and KF in the skeletal muscle at rest about 10%.

Under the influence of training in the muscles, the amount of ATP and CF increases, but also significantly increases the ability of muscle tissue to splitting them. Another adaptation reaction that determines the power of an alactate anaerobic system is to accelerate the resinteis of phosphates due to an increase in the activity of enzymes, in particular creatine phosphocainase and myocineases.

Under the influence of training, the indicators of the maximum capacity of the alactate anaerobic power supply sheet increases significantly. The capacity of the alactate anaerobic system under the influence of targeted long-term training is leaking 2.5 times. This is confirmed by the indicators of the maximum alactate O2-debt: novice athletes are 21.5 ml / kg, high-end athletes can reach 54.5 ml / kg.

An increase in the capacity of the alactate energy system is manifested in the duration of operation of maximum intensity. So, in persons who are not engaged in sports, the maximum power of the alactate anaerobic process, achieved in 0.5 - 0.7 ° C after the start of work, can be held no more than 7 - 10 s, then at the highest class athletes specializing in sprint disciplines, it can manifest itself within 15 - 20 s. At the same time, a large duration of work is accompanied by a significantly greater power, which is due to the high rate of decay and the resintez of high-energy phosphates.

The concentration of ATP and KF in men and women are almost the same - about 4 mmol / kg ATP and 16 mmol / kg of KF. However, the total number of phosphogen, which can be used with muscle activity, men are much larger than that of women, which is due to large differences in the overall volume of skeletal muscles. Naturally, men significantly larger the capacity of the alactate anaerobic energy supply system.

In conclusion, it should be noted that persons with a high level of alactate anaerobic performance, as a rule, have low aerobic capabilities, endurance to long-term operation. At the same time at the runners on long distances Alaccutate anaerobic capabilities not only are not comparable to the possibilities of sprinters, but also are often inferior to indicators recorded in people who are not engaged in sports.

General characteristics of muscle energy supply systems

Energy, as is well known, is a general quantitative measure that binds together all the phenomena of nature, different forms of motion of matter. Of all the types of energy generated and used in various physical processes (thermal, mechanical, chemical, etc.) in relation to muscle activities, the focus should be focused on the chemical energy of the body, the source of which is food products and its conversion into mechanical energy activities man.

Energy released during the splitting of food products is used to produce adenosine trifosphate (ATP), which is deposited in muscle cells and is a kind of fuel for the production of mechanical energy of muscle contraction.

Energy for muscle reduction gives the splitting of adenosine trifhosphate (ATP) to adenosine indiffsfat (ADP) and inorganic phosphate (F). The amount of ATP in the muscles is small and enough to ensure high-intensity work only within 1 - 2 p. To continue the work, the Resintez ATP is needed, which is carried out at the expense of the energy-rectifier reactions of three types. The replenishment of ATP stocks in the muscles makes it possible to maintain a permanent level of its concentration required for a full muscle contraction.

ATP residence is provided in both anaerobic and aerobic reactions involving as energy sources of creatine phosphate (CF) and ADPs contained in muscular tissues, as well as rich substrates (muscle glycogen and liver, liposic fabric reserves). Chemical reactions that lead to the provision of energy muscles proceed in three energy systems: 1) anaerobic alactate, 2) anaerobic lactate (glycolithic), 3) aerobic.

Energy formation in the first two systems is carried out in the process of chemical reactions that do not require oxygen. The third system provides for the energy supply of muscle activity as a result of oxidation reactions occurring with oxygen. The most common ideas about the sequence of inclusion and quantitative relations in the energy supply of muscular activity of each of the specified systems are shown in Fig. one.

The possibilities of each of these energy systems are determined by power, i.e. the rate of energy release in metabolic processes, and a capacity, which is determined by the magnitude and efficiency of using substrate funds.

Fig. 1. The sequence and quantitative relations of the energy supply processes of muscular activity in qualified athletes in various energy systems (scheme): 1 - alactate; 2 - lactate; 3 - aerobic

I. Energy sources in sambo

II. Factors defining energy saving in the fight.

III. The main types of energy supply mechanisms:

a) Alaccutate Mechanism

b) glycolic mechanism

c) aerobic mechanism

IV. Power supply muscles and types of muscle fibers

V. Criteria for estimating the mechanism of energy supply



Department of Education Administration of the Urban District City of Vyksa MBU to "DUC" Temp ""

Energy supply mechanisms

In samba



Dmitriev Andrei Vadimovich

15 years

g. Vyksa


  1. Energy sources in sambo 2
  2. Energy Saving Factors

in the fight. 2.

  1. Main types of mechanisms

energy supply: 3.

  1. Alaccutate mechanism 3.
  2. Glycolithic mechanism 4.
  3. Aerobic mechanism 5.
  1. Energy supply muscles and muscle types

fibers 8.

  1. Criteria for evaluating the mechanism


  1. References and Internet resources 10

General characteristic of sambo struggle

Modern sambo is characterized by a high motor activity of athletes, the variability of the composition of attacking and protective actions, greater emotional and physical stress. Continuous change in situations on the wrestling carpet requires a fighter of the maximum concentration of attention, the ability to quickly and accurately navigate in the situation. Instantly react to the actions of the enemy, to create favorable conditions for the attack, and carry out tactical and technique. All this requires a fighter of huge energy costs.

The direct source of energy to ensure the energy needs of the organism is adenosineryphosphoric acid (). In molecule There is a special type of chemical bond. Only when the splitting of this chemical bond is released, the energy that can be used to execute different species works, including muscular. At the same time there is a splitting on adenosinefosphorus () and free phosphoric acid with the release of energy by equation:+ E,

where Energy used to ensure work.

In physiological conditions, that is, under the conditions that are in a living cell, the splitting of praying accompanied by the release of 10-12 kcal energy (43 -50 kJ).

Main consumers of energy In the body are

  • synthesis reactions;
  • muscle activity;
  • transport of molecules and ions through membranes.

Muscular tissue belongs to the number of richest Man's tissues. Content It constitutes 0.4-0.5% and practically does not change under the influence of training. This is a number Contains comparative the greatest stock Energy, which is enough of literally for a few seconds of intense muscle work. In addition, the muscle cannot split the wholesale stock. Already with reduced content Half muscle loses ability to reduce. Therefore, to ensure vital activity, it is necessary to constantly recreate - to reinterest. Under normal conditions Reinforceed due to aerobic processes (aerobic oxidation), which comes with oxygen. This is the most convenient and energy-most profitable process for the body.

With hard work, when consumption systems, transport and use systems do not provide the needs of the body in energy, in residence Anaerobic processes that do not require oxygen are included: Alactate anaerobic (creatinophosphate) and lactate anaerobic (glycolysis). These three main energy supply mechanisms differ from each other with their capabilities, which are characterized through the deployment rate, maximum power, capacity, energy efficiency.

The maximum power of the energy saving process is characterized by the greatest amount of energy that can deliver for energy support per unit of time. The capacity of the energy supply process is estimated by time during which the process can provide the operation of energy. For the manifestation of stamina, the properties of the body of the wrestler are especially important, which determine the capacity of the energy saving process.

In accordance with the three main mechanisms of energy support, 3 components of the fighter are distinguished: alaktath, glycolithic and aerobic. The manifestation of each of these components is determined, on the one hand, the capabilities of the corresponding energy supply mechanism, primarily their capacity, with another-intensity, duration and other features of the muscular work performed.

Let us dwell on each of the three main energy supply mechanisms.

Alaccutate mechanism of Energy and Support

Besides The human body cells contain another phosphorous compound. Having a type of chemical bond, similar phosphate chemical bond in the molecule. This creatine phosphate (). Due to the energy enclosed in this chemical connection of the molecule Resenthesis can be carried out From the equation:,

where - Creatine, substance forming when converting creatine phosphate.

Creatine phosphate (alaktathetic anaerobic) Reinteza mechanism It has the highest speed of deployment and the greatest power. It can reach its maximum power after 1-2 seconds after the start of intensive muscle work. Its maximum power is 3-4 times higher than the power of aerobic oxidation and approximately 1.5 times the power of glycolysis. Creatin phosphate mechanism provides energy short-term exercises, the capacity of which is close to maximum (high-speed, speed -weight, power with greater burdens), sharp changes in the intensity in the course of the work performed. Endurance In such exercises is determined, on the one hand, the stocks of creatine phosphate, on the other, the speed of its spending, which, in turn, depends on the power of the exercise performed and the effectiveness of sports equipment.

Glycolithic energy supply mechanism

Another anaerobic energy supply mechanism is Glycoliz. Glyoliz is called anaerobic (without oxygen participation) the cleavage of carbohydrates (glycogen or glucose) to the formation of lactic acid. At the same time, refintez occurs due to the cleavage of carbohydratesGlyciciziz cannot be attributed to the number of highly efficient processes. In the process of glycolysis is released and used on reinterest Only a small part of the energy enclosed in chemical bonds of carbohydrates. The main part of the energy remains in the chemical bonds of lactic acid. However, the total amount of exemption energy turns out to be quite large, ensuring the implementation of significant muscle work. The deployment rate of glycolysis is 15-30 seconds from the beginning of intensive muscular operation, the maximum power is 1.5 times lower than the creatine phosphate reaction power and 1.5-2 times higher than the maximum power of the aerobic power supply mechanism. The capacity of glycolysis is very difficult to assess, since it is involved in energy supply only in a complex with other reintease processes.

The role of glycolysis with muscular activity of the athlete is very important and diverse. It supplies the body with the energy at the initial stages of intense muscular work, with a sharp increase in power, with the finish jerk. In the struggle of sambo, where work is characterized by variable intensity, the role of glycolysis is large, since highly efficient work is a significant proportion of the total duration of the Fortsky fight.

Aerobic energy supply mechanism

No less important than anaerobic, the aerobic energy supply mechanism is for a wrestler. Aerobic oxidation is the most important way of human energy supply. From the first to the last moment of life, a person breathes, consuming oxygen from the environment used in the processes of aerobic biological oxidation. Aerobic oxidation is a process with many advantages. As an energy substrates in biological oxidation processes, carbohydrates, fats, protein exchange products are used, whose total reserves in the body are very large and which can provide the energy of an immeasurably large amount of work than the one that can be performed in one even very volumetric training task.

End products of aerobic oxidation are and , Substances are easily removed from the body (with breathing, with then, with urine) and, therefore, which does not have any significant negative impact on it. Aerobic oxidation The process is highly energy efficient. Approximately 60% of the energy released during aerobic transformations is used useful -. The remaining 40% of energy is exempt in the form of heat, which under normal conditions is barely enough to maintain body temperature.

However, aerobic oxidation has significant disadvantages that are manifested in the process of performing tense muscular work. Firstly, slowly deploying (changes its speed) after the start of muscle work, it is relatively slowly rebuilt with increasing the intensity of work in the course of its execution. In this process, respiratory and cardiovascular system, blood system, intracellular transport mechanisms are involved. The restructuring of all these systems cannot occur instantly and takes time. Of course, at well-trained athletes, this restructuring occurs significantly faster than less trained. A positive effect on the speed of restructuring has a workout performed before the main workout. But still problems remain. The second, even more significant disadvantage - relatively low power. The aerobic path can not provide a sufficient amount of energy to work high intensity.

As for the other side of the aerobic biological oxidation - its capacity, then in this indicator it significantly exceeds the anaerobic paths of energy saving. It can be said that the capacitance of aerobic oxidation is limitless - it provides the body with energy throughout life.

Since the fighter has to repeatedly carry out 4-minute contractions during the day, the energy production efficiency in aerobic conditions plays a very important role to effectively restore performance, both between the fights and in the process of bouts between the fighters. To enhance aerobic performance, multiple workout and competitive fights with a duration of work 20-30% exceeding competitive, as well as the contamination of low intensity and considerable duration (up to 20 minutes). The optimal intensity is considered to be such that reaches the anaerobic exchange threshold (CSS - 150-160 Ud / min). Reducing the intervals between the fights and using the intensity variable struggle, the respiratory processes can be activated.

The role of the aerobic power supply path is extremely important for a fighter. The main amount of energy during training and competitive activities the wrestler receives at the expense of aerobic oxidation. This is a kind of background mechanism, providing the energy greater volume of training and competitive work. Anaerobic reactions are attracted when the intensity of operation is high: fast throws, retention of an opponent on the blades, cuttings and other structures.

In short, the mechanisms considered, now it is necessary to deal with when they work. Let's start with the fact that at rest the body also consumes energy. The energy of rest, or the main exchange is covered due to aerobic mechanisms with some ratio of lipolysis and glycolysis. At the beginning of the low-intensity struggle, aerobic lipolysis and glycoliz simply increase their power. With a further increase in the capacity of the work, this trend is preserved. But at a certain point, anaerobic glycoliz begins to be included in the work. The moment of its inclusion corresponds to the aerobic threshold. The capacity of work increases, and now three mechanisms increase their power proportionally. Anaerobic glycoliz pops up into blood milk acid, which is successfully utilized and does not bring much harm. But after a while, an anaerobic threshold comes. At this moment, the products of lactate begins to exceed the possibilities for its operational disposal, and it begins to accumulate. With a further increase in the capacity of the body's work, everything changes - the aerobic mechanisms "grow" slower, anaerobic - faster. So continues until the concentration of lactic acid reaches an individual limit level. It may happen that at one point the consumption of oxygen will cease to grow, so this is the point of maximum oxygen consumption, or the maximum power of aerobic energy supply mechanisms.

Power supply muscles and types of muscle fibers

The rate of energy recovery fighter largely depends on the types of muscle fibers.

Fast fibers - more speed Flow

Slow fibers - less flow rate

Fast muscle fibers () very quickly spend energy and require very rapid restoration of molecules, ensure the rapid restoration of molecules Can only anaerobic glycoliz. This explains why the wrestlers perform speeds for the speed for 20-30 seconds.

Slow muscle fibers () Much slowly spend energy, so the path of energy recovery is oxidative. Thanks to this, slow muscle fibers are much more difficult to tire ( Work a very long time, but they do not cope with the big weight).

Criteria for estimating the mechanism of energy supply

Thus, it can be concluded that any muscular work requires energy.Sports fighter result is a certain extent limited by the level of development of the body's energy supply mechanisms.Evaluation of functional changes in the mechanisms of energy supply of muscular activity is important for monitoring the development of physical qualities of the athlete, optimization and improvement of the training process. And the main role in the energy supply of the wrestler plays an aerobic energy supply mechanism, because The main amount of energy during training and competitive activities the wrestler receives at the expense of aerobic oxidation.6-12

EF - phosphorylation efficiency;

It is the effectiveness of electromechanical conjugation;

EM - total efficiency when converting the energy of metabolic processes into mechanical work.

References and Internet Resources

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3. Sports wrestling: textbook for FC institutions / Ed. A.P. Motsov. - M.: Physical Education and Sport, 2006. - 236 p.

4. Sports struggle: classic, free, sambo. Tutorial for physical culture institutions / under total. ed. Galovsky N.M., Katulina A.Z. - M.: Physical Education and Sport, 1986. - 340 p.

5. Tumanyan G.S. Sports Fight: Theory, Methodology. In 4 books. Book 1st. - M.: Physical Education and Sport, 2002. - 188 p.

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6. Shashurin A.V. Physical training. - M.: Physical Education and Sport, 2005. - 317 p.

7. Shchedrina Yu.S. Physical education. - M.: Uniti, 2005. - 350 s.

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