How many calories are burned under the press 30 times. How many calories is burned for training? Calorial consumption under different types of training

With age, the human body undergoes irreversible changes accompanied by a slowdown in metabolism. The last process sometimes leads to the appearance excess weight. Avoid this will turn out, only regularly caring about your body. Sport, mobile life, regularly performed physical exercises - Pledge of harmony for decades.

But not all types of activity lead to the same effect, because with some actions per unit of time, for example, 100 kcal, with others - five times more. What types of activity burn the greatest number of calories? It is difficult to give an unequivocal answer, as it all depends on the age, weight and growth of a person, the constitution of the body. However, you can averaged calorie consumption standards to draw up the rating of the most effective exercises. In our article you will find summary tables on calorie consumption during the exercise of different sports.

Daily demand in calories

On average women required 2000 kcal, and men- 2500

The average person is required at least 1600 kcal,entering the body with food, provided that all day it is at rest. Women, at least a little active, requires 2000 kcal, men - 2500.

Alas, low-moving image Life and unhealthy food lead to extra kilograms. Later, people begin to take care of the body, performing a different kind of exercise.

There is an empirical formula to determine the vital number of calories. For women, she looks like this:

9.99 × weight (in kg) + 6.25 × growth (in cm) - 4.92 × age - 161;

to calculate the indicator in men, the figure "5" is added to the resulting.

If the purpose of sports is worth the acquisition of optimal weight, it is necessary to comply with the rule: the number of calorie spent should exceed the number of 20% consumed.For example, 1600 kcal was obtained according to the formula described above. Then it requires a 320 kcal per day to gain normal edges per day. How to do it - a personal choice of each, some choose intense exercise, others - long cyclic loads. Before detailed consideration of the methods of burning calories, it is worth contacting the natural data of a person.

Energy loss dependence on body structure

Three types of building distinguish:

  • ektomorph;
  • mesomorph;
  • endomorph.

The first is characteristic of thinness, long limbs, narrow palms and feet, almost complete absence of fatty layers. Such a representative spends energy by 5-8% faster.

The second is inherent in developed muscular system, long torso, wide shoulders.The following indicators belong to them as the most common representatives.

Endomorph can be distinguished on a rounded face and body, an impressive volume of the subcutaneous layer. It consumes calories more slowly by 6-9% than mesomorph, since existing fat slows down the metabolism.

Considering suitable Physical activity to maintain optimal weight, you need to take into account the structure of your own body. Now it is necessary to clarify the number of calories incisible with different mobility on the example of a person weighing 70 kg.

Exercise at home

The rope is the most efficient calorie burner for home

Many people do not burn with the desire to go to the gym, preferring to move at home. Someone can declare that it is wrong, but even simple moves Gaming format can benefit the body. For example, . Since childhood familiar occupation at a frequency of 120-150, jumps will bore about 750 kcal every minute. It is difficult to withstand the hour of continuous movement, so it is recommended to perform 6-8 approaches for 8-10 minutes. Then the calories extends a little less (600 kcal).

The rope is considered to be effective way Maintaining normal weightIf you do not want to leave the house.

Exercise with the weight of your body (, jumping "legs together / apart", the rise of the torso on) with light intensity will burn 250, with a high - 550 kcal.

Popular, alas, is not the best way to spend calories - up to 5 kcal every minute. However, it is worth it to be at least to enhance the muscles and timely transition to heavier exercises.

When performing a "bar with dumbbells" is different. Taking by cargo by each hand, the latter are alternately rising to the body and are delayed for 2-3 seconds. During a minute, 15 kcal is burned.

Part of people do not accept the work with the cargo, leaning towards. Curiously, that for the benefits of the torn of the hulakupa, it is comparable to - for an hour about 600 kcal! The leading nutritionists of the world assure that if you turn the hoop 5-6 ten-minute sessions daily, it will lead to a squeezing of the waist for 3 cm per month.

Dancing house is not worse than running, swimming or game species Sports. For an hour of intensive movements, 450 kcal is burned. The indicator varies on the basis of the speed and complexity of the dance.

Exercises outside the house

burning calories in the fresh air is faster than in a closed room

In favor cyclical species Sports with aerobic load (deep breathing on an increased pulse) is easy to believe, looking at their representatives. Swimmers, runners, cyclists, skiers have slim and taut, thinness.

  • 5th place - riding, riding (5,167);
  • 4th place - classes in gym (5,2);
  • 3 place - mobile games like football, basketball, etc. (6,273);
  • 2nd place - water species sports (6,625);
  • 1 place - Running (9.00).

A guaranteed way to burn extra calories is running - watch movement at a speed of 12 km / h Spins 700 kcal, at a speed of 8 km / h - 560 kcal.

Still steeper walking up the steps - in 60 minutes the body thanks you with a loss of 900 kcal. Enable less muscles than when running, Therefore, calorie flow rate decrease by 15-20%.

Winter types of physical activity require energy costs not only on movement - the lion's share of calories goes to warm the body. For clock skating on ice, a person loses 700 kcal, and on skis - up to 900 kcal, depending on the conditions.

Do not think that warm clothing interferes with spending extra calories and do not neglect the freezing protection.

The same applies. When in the water, the human body is experiencing stress accompanied by the emission of calories in order to warm the body. An hourly sailing at a speed of 10 m / min burns 215 kcal, at a speed of 50 m / min - 720 kcal.

Excellent parting method with excess weight Accumulation is considered on a trampoline. If you pay for a lesson for 15 minutes, spent calories are comparable to workouts on a treadmill.

How much calories spent during the exercise of different sports (video review):

For a comfortable assimction of the information presented, the calorie flow table for a person weighing 70 kg is given below.

Table 1. Calorie consumption in the activity of the house.

Table 2. Calorie consumption in activity outside the house.

Type of activity Hour consumption of calories, kcal
Cycling (20 km / h) 540
Moderate Running (12 km / h) 700
Easy jogging (8 km / h)

If you are not indifferent to how your reflection in the mirror looks like a new dress or a trouser suit, then, most likely, you are interested not only to the right nutrition, but also the right training, which in the complex with the first will lead you to the desired The result is at times faster.

To lose weight, you need to eat with a calorie deficiency and train, and to gain muscle mass, you need to eat with calories surplus and also to train, that is, it turns out that you need to train anywhere, whatever goal goes. So today I want to devote completely training process And everything is connected with him. I will respond in detail to such popular questions: how many calories are burned during jumps on the rope, how many calories are burned During classes in the gym, how many calories are burned During training on the principle of VIIT, Tabata, etc. These questions are so much worried about all those engaged that I would attribute them to the most frequently asked questions at all on the topic of fitness and sports. But it really is important to know how many calories are burned in the hour or power training at home taking into account your weight. I emphasized the phrase "taking into account your weight" not enough, since the burning of calories is not one digit at all, but an individual value for each individual organism. A woman weighing 100 kg and a girl weighing 60 kg will spend absolutely different calorie number, performing intense training with the weight of its own body for 15 minutes. And these are values, believe me, will be very different from each other. That is why I decided to shed light on this dark topic, and tell you, how many calories is burned during a particular type of training, in particular, home training (on numerous requests).

But before proceeding directly to consideration of the energy consumption during exercise, it is necessary to know something else, and exactly from what the total daily costs of human energy consist.

Unregulated energy consumption

In addition to what you are actively engaged in fitness (I assume that you are so engaged in them), you first breathe, spend energy to digest food, your heart pumps blood, the processes of anabolism and catabolism every second occurs within your cells, etc. . All these processes refer to unregulated daily energy consumption, i.e. costs that from you absolutely no way depend. To determine how many calories you need to consume a day to cover unregulated energy consumption, you need to calculate your main metabolism. In the article, I described in detail how it can be done. There are several formulas and calculation methods. All of them give Approximate valuesNone of the formulas will show you the exact meaning of your basic metabolism, since they do not take into account individual diseases, the state of the hormonal system, pancreas and other organs and systems, so perceive these values \u200b\u200bby approximately having a plus minus 100- 150 kcal.

The easiest way to find out your oots:

OOB \u003d 1 CCL X Weight in kg x 24.

1. Harris-Benedict:

  • For men: oov \u003d 66 + + -
  • For women: OOB \u003d 655 + + -

2. Miffline - San Smera:

  • For men: OOB \u003d + - + 5
  • For women: OOB \u003d + - - 161

3. Katcha - Makardla:

OOB \u003d 370 + (21.6 x LBM) where LBM \u003d [Weight (kg) x (100-% fat)] / 100

So, with unregulated energy consumption, I hope everything is clear and understandable. Your OOB is the value below which it is categorically impossible to omit.For rare exceptions, when it can be done under the strict observation of doctors / coaches dealing with the people of a high degree of obesity, or with rare specific diseases. But even then lowering the OOP is carried out for a short period of time with the further correct exit from the diet.

Now we move to adjustable energy consumption.

Adjustable energy consumption

During the day, we are not just lying without movement and breathe, but also go to work, we are fitting, we are preparing to eat, take care of my husband / children, etc. All this we also need energy. And in order to find out how many calories need to be consumed on the day that your body is working fine (without failures), and the weight remained unchanged, the obtained value of OOPs (see the previous paragraph) to multiply the coefficient of its activity.

- Low (sedentary lifestyle) - 1.2
-Malate (1-3 times a week Light training) - 1.38
- Intensive workouts 4-5 times a week - 1.55
Suddy workouts - 1.64
Right intensive workouts or training 2 times a day - 1.73
-What-free physical work or intensive workouts 2 times a day - 1.9

So, you will learn your daily calorie content (DKR), which you will not help to lose weight, but will help to be healthy and stay in your current weight.

But most of you, as I suggests intuition, wants to know this. Yes, yes, I remember what the article is called, but in order to find out how many calories are burned during training, I could not tell you about all of the above. You must understand that the correct deficiency / surplus of calories is achieved through complex mathematical computing, and not inventing simply "from the bald", as these numerous public groups and community on " proper nutrition"In social networks.

How to calculate the correct calorie deficit for weight loss?

To find out how much you need to lower the caloric content of your daily diet Taking into account your regulated costs, you should take 200-500 kcal from DKR per day. Where are these numbers?

By complex arithmetic calculations can be calculated that 1 kg fat equivalent 7000-7500 calories . I.e, to burn 1 kg of fat you need to burn at 7000 kcal more than to consume . Many, right? BUT to lose weight by 500 g, then you need to burn 3500 kcal, respectively. In principle, in a week, this figure is quite lifting, and half a million per week is a good result, if we are talking about burning precisely fat, and not muscular fabric, draining the water and the removal of extra slags (squeezing the half of the fat is much more complicated than a couple of times go to the toilet and get rid of the excess "cargo").

It turns out that in order to lose weight by 500 g per week, you need to create a shortage of 500 kcal per day. Much this or a little, it depends on each individual incident. For some, these 500 kcal can be "withdrawn" from the diet, and for someone a 500 kcal deficiency need to be created exclusively through training, since their daily caloric content of the diet does not allow to fall so low.

And therefore it is so important to know how many calories are burned during the fulfillment of a particular type of training. This will help you independently determine how much time you need to do what kind of training is best suited for your purposes, and.

Well, finally we got to the most important question: how many calories can be burned by doing sports?

How many calories are burned during the power training in the gym

Power training in the hall is pretty energy-proof training, this is due to the fact that lifting weights activates a powerful hormonal response in the body that runs the beggar and / or extension processes muscular mass Within 24-36 hours after the workout. In the article, I described the mechanism of fat burning mechanism in very detail during aerobic loads, as well as during power and intensive training, so if you want to study this topic more deeply and understand why power training is much more efficiently Cardio, I advise you to get acquainted with this article. And if briefly, you know that exercises with burdens will help you not only burn fat, but also by 15-20% and.

In the middle classes in the gym allow you to burn from 7 to 9 calories per minute. For example, if you do 60 minutes, then your energy consumption will be 360-540 kcal. Of course, you want more accurate numbers, and more accurate value, how many calories are burned in the hour of classes in the gym, You can find out .

There you need to just enter your weight and the amount of time as you train.

For example, a girl weighing 60 kg per hour of classes in the gym burns 444 kcal (7.4 kcal per minute), and in 45 minutes - 333 kcal. This server is very convenient to use, there you can choose other types of training: jumps on the rope, pressing press, aquaerobics, etc.

How many calories are burned during a trip

Tobata Training is a short 4-minute training of high intensity, in a minute of which is burned 13.5 kcal! It is almost 2 times more than in training with burdens! It is the high pace of exercise that makes this kind of training of mega energy-cost-agent, but on this its advantages do not end! Training tobate is considered not only the most effective for weight loss and fat burning, but also to increase your metabolism. If you compare training in the gym and workout tobate, then the latter are not inferior to the power trainings with large weights. So if you do not have big love for rods, simulators and other iron inventory, and plus there is no possibility 3-4 times a week for a hour and a half to pay training in the gym, then the workout tobate is perfect option For you.

Minus Training on the tobate system is that their duration cannot be more than 30 minutes, you just do not physically continue to keep the high rate of exercise.

For newbies, I advise you to start with 4 minutes (one tobate) and gradually bring the duration of your training to 12 minutes (three travelable). In 12 minutes you can burn about 160 kcal. This is a bit, but believe me - your metabolism will be unwound so much that you will continue to burn fats for another 24 hours, doing your own business or even sitting on a chair.

When it comes to tobate, it is not so important here how much the calories are burned on the workout itself, like how much calories are burned after the workout itself. The same applies to and (VIIT)

How many calories are burned during vite

VIETIV is training is also very energy-consuming, but the number of calories that is burned during vietit is slightly less than during the trip, but almost the same compared to the power training in the gym.

That is, the girl weighing 60 kg per hour of training on the principle of Viit will burn (for a minute) 480 kcal! This is 36 kcal more from power training.

But usually for the vite training, it is enough to 35-45 minutes to display completely 100% and launch the fat-burning processes in your body. In this case, the statement will be true: "more" means "better". With intense training, the main thing is not to overdo it so that there is no opposite effect.

To calculate how many calories are burned during vieta according to your weight, you can again use this server to count the calories spent.

How many calories are burned during domestic power training

Recently, due to the large selection of free training on YouTube, a lot of young girls and women of different ages prefer to do at home, rather than walking in the fitness club. Home Training is becoming increasingly popular. My Personal Channel Statistics FitnessManiya. It shows that 80% of women and 20% of men are engaged in my video training. I remove the video exclusively oriented for home training, which is why I would like to say a few words about how many calories is burned during power training at home.

So, home power training It implies the use of at least some burdens, it can be:

- dumbbells or water bottles;

- Weights on your feet;

- Bodybar;

- Fitball;

- Sandbag (sand bag).

This is not all, but the main types of sports equipment that are used when conducting domestic workouts. Naturally, the weight of Bodybara or Fitbol cannot compete with the weight of the bar in the gym, especially if you have a couple of pancakes, it needs to be understood and take into account the energy costs during the calculation of the energy consumption during the home power training.

Our girl weighing 60 kg will spend:

(Medium intensity training):

60 kg x 5 \u003d 300 kcal / hour.

Calorie consumption during the strength training of the house(High intensity training):

60 x 6 \u003d 360 kcal / hour

That is, doing a power training at home, where your sports Equipment - This is a maximum dumbbell 2 kg or bodybar weighing 6 kg, you can burn from 300 to 360 kcal per hour if your weight is 60 kg. I will tell you this is not so little, considering that cycling at a speed of 10 km / h burns about 250 kcal (4.2 kcal per 1 kg of body weight per hour).

How many calories are burned during jumps on the rope

Jumping on the rope, you can burn from 7.4 to 7.7 kcal per 1 kg of weight in 60 minutes. That is, on the example of our girl weighing 60 kg, we produce an easy count:

Calorie consumption during jumps on the rope =

60 x 7.7 \u003d 462 kcal / hour.

For half hour cardio on the rope, the girl will burn 231 kcal. And if you add these burned calories to the performed before power training, it will be released that for an hour and a half of the full home training it will spend:

Energy consumption "Power training (60 minutes) + cardio on a rope (30 minutes)" =

300 + 231 \u003d 531 kcal.

As you can see, the home training is not so useless, as many think. If you train competently and regularly, then workout at home is not inferior to training in the gym, especially if we are talking about weight loss. Yes, to pump large buttocks or to dig back at home will not work, but remove the postpartum belly or - quite real, there would be a desire.

I hope this article helped you find out how many calories are burned During a particular type of training. Now you will independently calculate how many calories you spend, doing 10 minutes a day on the tobate system or jumping on the rope for 40 minutes. All calculations are quite simple, and if you do not want to count anything, then the automatic server for calculating energy consumption is at your service.

Sincerely yours, Yanelia Skripnik!

The belly can be called the leader in the list. problem areas. As soon as we do not struggle with terrible folds, fat layers, diryabe leather and cellulite! Creams, oils, wraps and press swing - a standard set of women who takes care of their figures.


Do you know that the press should be able to download? So, we give muscles into the tone, in parallel, finding out how many calories is burned when the press is swinging and how does this exercise help to overcome cellulite on the stomach and waist?

Burn calories shaking press

Muscle training abdominal press - The most popular method of combating protruding belly and round barrels. Forming a flat and elastic tummy, the exercise in addition burns calories, pulls the skin and eliminates cellulite.

On average, in an hour of workout you can spend from 4 to 8 calories per kilogram weight. Thus, if you weigh 70 kg, then in an hour intensive training Losing 560 calories, and in 15 minutes - 140 calories.

However, the result is purely individual and depends not only on the weight of a person, but also mainly the intensity of the occupation and the correctness of the implementation. In the pumping of the press there are technical features, neglecting which you, just do not achieve the effect, but you can harm yourself. It is better to make 10 times correctly than 30 times after the sleeves.

Rules "Fold"

How many swing press to get beautiful tummy? Start with 2-3 approaches of 10-15 lifts. After 1-2 weeks, begin to gradually increase the number of lifts, but without adding the number of approaches. Want to boast the result faster and maintain yourself in shape, swing the press every day or at least 4-6 days a week.

Specialists recommend swing the press in the mornings and evenings, at this time the training will be most effective. You can listen to the advice, but you can choose any convenient time. The main thing is that the classes are regular and coincided with your mood.

Here are some more rules for effective work on elastic tummy and beautiful skin without cellulite:

  • Swing the press on the hungry stomach, optimally 2-2.5 hours after meals.
  • Well ventilate the room where you perform exercises.
  • Half success provides proper breathing. Close to exhale, go down to inhale, and not vice versa.
  • Drink Negasned mineral waterAs soon as you feel thirst.
  • The feeling of burning in the muscles of the abdomen is a faithful sign that you do everything right.
  • Be sure to rest in the breaks between the approaches and do not forget to carry out exercises for the stretching of the muscles.
  • Remember that the pompous press will be impaired under the layer of fat and even more so does not save him. To lose weight, do exercise and pick up the diet. When your weight is close to the norm, you can develop the muscles of the abdominal press.

And so that the workouts do not look monotonously, perform several different exercises. It will diversify the occupation and will allow you to work all the muscles:

  1. Classic twisting. Lying on the back, bend the legs, feet together and press to the floor, put your hands behind the head. Tighten the housing to the knees. Climb only the blades, while the loin does not move. Watch the abdominal muscles straighten, not neck. For this, look at the ceiling, slightly raising and fixing the chin. Imagine how the tennis ball is choking.
  2. Reverse curls. Lying on the back with legs bent in her knees and stretched along the body with hands, lift the hips above the floor surface. The greater the angle of inclination between the floor and hips, efficient exercise. Only abdominal muscles should strain. Instead of the hips, you can raise your feet, taking out the lower back and resting with the blades.
  3. Elbow knee. The initial posture, as with classical twisting, but the knees are a bit arranged. Raising the case, pull the elbows in turn to each of the knees of the neglection.
  4. Floating. Lie on the bed or bench so that the loin is on the edge, and the feet hung. Put the hands behind the head, not hooking your fingers. Bend your legs in the knees and pull up to the stomach, then straighten the body into one line. Tighten your legs again and lower them.
  5. Work with hands. Raising body from classic positionTry your hands forward.
  6. Callanetics. Having lifted the body, as in classical twisting, delay in this position for 1 minute.
  7. Leg up. Lying on the back, hand spread to the sides, lift your legs vertically. In the breath, pull the legs to the chest, then tilt to the floor. Return to the initial position.

It is surprising that after a month of classes, the body begins to work in economy mode, refusing extra calories and significantly reducing appetite. Noticed that the favorite chocolate bar is no longer able to seduce you? Congratulations, you are on the right track.

By the way, about bars. They will have to refuse. Running goodies, you will reduce effort from physical exertion. Catch the press swing with cardion loads: ,. This will help reduce and control the weight, as well as return the skin tone and overcome cellulite.

It has been proven that calorie consumption increases from positive emotions. Do not forget to smile, doing sports, and you will be beautiful and healthy!

March 7, 2017

Do you know that there is only one way to remove fat?

It can only be burned in muscles in physical activity. No other way...

All people who rub out to themselves soak themselves in the baths, drink a diuretic, laxative or just starving - doomed to failure.

90% of all our fat "burns" in muscles in the presence of oxygen. It must be understood. In order not to build illusions about the next superdiga.

You will have to raise your fifth point and move it on all axes of coordinates. Everyday.

"Need to move to lose weight" - Is it obvious? For many - no.
Of course, calories can be spent, even without anything, but, as you know, intensive physical activity is much faster than extra calories. So, how to quickly burn calories, engaged in sports.

To reduce the fat layer, it is required that the level of calorie flow rate exceeds their admission to the body.

Suddenly, right? Simple walking on the steps - the most "calorie" type of fitness. But remember: the load on the knees at the same time is colossal.
It is necessary to drink plenty of water during training and consume calcium-containing products: dill and cottage cheese (natural naturally).

Here is such an iconography on the network:

Pay the same attention to the fact that a 20-minute cycling ride through burned calories is more than 10 minutes of running, but everyone can ride a bike for 20 minutes, and it is not possible to run for 10 minutes.

How many calories are burned during training?

Below are averaged data on calorie consumption at various physical exertion .
Easy running on average burns an average of about 490 calories per hour with an average weight of 70 kg.

How many calories burns hoop
Crashing hoop burns about 210 calories in 30 minutes or 400 - 600 calories per hour depending on the intensity. You can increase calorie consumption, if you stand on one leg or make lungs dance moves.

How many calories burns the rope
Jumping with a rope is an intense physical activity that burns 170 - 205 calories in 15 minutes. You can start with 1-2 minutes of jumping on the rope, making breaks for 10-15 seconds, and gradually bring up to 15 minutes a day.

How many calories burns walking
Slow walking At a speed of about 3.2 km per hour, about 175 calories are burned per hour, while fast walking at a speed of 6.4 km per hour burns about 440 calories per hour.

How many calories burns swimming
Swimming along the lanes in the pool burns an average of 476 calories per hour, while the intensive all burries calories swimming with a batterfly style - 576 calories per hour.

How many calories burns squats
Squats - one of the intense exercise helps burn about 200-400 calories for half an hour. To accurately determine how many calories you will burn during squats, multiply your weight by 0.095, and then multiply the resulting number to the number of minutes you perform exercise.

How many calories burns the press
A swapping press, you can burn about 4 calories per minute and 8 calories per minute with intensive classes for strengthening the press.

How many calories burn jumps
Acquisition of the trampoline burns about 42 calories in 10 minutes, while jumping on the site "asterisk" (when leaping legs to the sides, hands up) about 10 calories per minute.

How many calories burn dancing
Dancing, including striptease, zombie dancing, belly dancing burned around 200-300 calories per hour.

How many calories burn bike
Bicycle ride burns an average of 290 -430 calories per hour depending on speed.

How many calories burn yoga
Yoga classes burn an average of 260 calories per hour, and more intensive yoga classes up to 400 calories per hour.

To fulfill the same activity, untranslated people spend more calories than trained. Thus, energy consumption depends not only on the intensity of training, but also from the level of training. Any physical work to which the body is not used to, requires more calories and sweat than familiar activities.

If the physical activity is accompanied by positive emotions (for example: dances, group activities aerobics, etc.), then the combustion of reserve fats and glycogen increases. This is due to the fact that when a person is experiencing emotions, the excretion of catecholamines, accelerating fat burning.

Some for intensive weight loss prefer to use clothes from non-transmissing fabrics or just warmly dressing for training. It should be borne in mind that sweat is not fat. The enhanced selection of sweat is only a loss of water, which is very quickly returning to the body. In addition, with such an intense sweating, it comes to serious dehydration and even a heart attack may occur due to a lack of water for normal thermoregulation.

How much the calories are burned in the hour of workout depends not only on the type of training, but also from the body of the body of a person. Therefore, the cost of calories will be strictly individual.
Below you can see the table in which the calorie burning data is given with different exercise At 1 hour per 1 kg of body weight of the training person.

Kind of activity Calorie consumption
at 1 o'clock on
1kg body mass
Calorie consumption
at 1 o'clock when mass
Human 70kg
Running at speed:
200 m / min 10,05 703,5
325 m / min 37,5 2625
8 km / h 8,13 569,1
Jumping with a rope 7,2 504
Climbing up from 3.0 to 15.0 210-1050
Rowing at speeds:
50 m / min 2,58 180,6
80 m / min 5,22 365,4
Riding in a car 1,6 112
Riding a bike at speed:
3.5 km / h 2,54 177,8
10 km / h 4,26 299,6
15 km / h 6,05 423,5
20 km / h 8,56 599,2
Skating from 3.07 to 10.0 214,9-700
cross-country movement 12,5 875
Walking at a speed of 8 km / h 7,4 519
Throwing sports shells 11,0 770
Swimming at speeds:
10 m / min 3,0 210
50 m / min 10,2 714
Lesson ballroom dancing
waltz 3,57 270,9
foxtrot 4,37 305,9
Classic ballet lesson 5,79 405,3
By room (90 steps / min) 3,24 226,8
in the yard (100 steps / min) 4,15 290,5
on a flat road at a speed of 4.2 km / h 3,14 219,8
on a flat road at a speed of 6 km / h 4,45 311,5
on a flat snowy road at a speed of 4 km / h 4,08 285,6
on a flat snowy road at a speed of 6 km / h 4,85 339,5
Mountain with a slight rise 6,42 449,4

How many calories need to burn to lose weight?

If you seriously want to go for weight loss, you need to know how many calories you need to consume and how much to burn. To accurately calculate how much calorie you need to consume, the Mithphine Jeor formula is used, which calculates the main metabolism (OOD).

The speed of the main metabolism for women:

OOB \u003d 10 * Weight (kg) + 6,25 * Growth (cm) - 5 * Age (years) - 161

The speed of the main metabolism for men:

OOB \u003d 10 * Weight (kg) + 6.25 * Growth (cm) - 5 * age (years) + 5

The resulting number of the main metabolism must be multiplied by the coefficient depending on your level of activity:

Passive lifestyle: Oov x 1,2

Low level of activity (exercise 1-3 times a week): oov x 1,375

Medium level of activity (exercise 3-5 times a week): oov x 1,55

High level of activity (exercise 6-7 times a week): oov x 1,725

Very high level of activity (exercise 2 times a day): oov x 1.9

The result obtained is calorie consumption to maintain normal weight.

For example, we calculate the main metabolic metabolism for a man of 25 years by increasing 177 cm and weighing 72 kg, which maintains a low level of activity.

OOB \u003d (10 * 72) + (6.25 * 177) - (5 * 25) + 5 \u003d 1956

1956 * 1,375 = 2689

That is, to maintain normal weight, this man needs to consume 2689 calories.

If you want to lose weight, you need to consume less calories than burning your body, or burn more calories than you consume.

Since 3,500 calories correspond about 0.45 kg of fat, you need to burn 3,500 calories more than you consume to lose weight in Polkilogram

So, for example, to lose weight by 0.5 kg per week you need reduce calorie intake by 500 calories per day.

It should be noted that not only those or other sports can be quite effective if you wish to lose weight. As already noted, the elementary lifting on a high or steep staircase can also be incredibly effective in the sense of solving problems associated with how to burn a greater calorie.
In the language of numbers, we note that the average man's rising staircase will be able to spend from 800 to 1,300 kokalorius in one hour, but the descent will be burned significantly less calories - no more than two hundred kilocalories, but allows the body to recover.
Based on

How many rises of the torso burn 100 calories? Would you like to continue to wonder or get the answer? We think you like the latter more, so keep reading.

All that we do, in the sense of, exercise, helps us burn calories. Lifting down the steps, washing dishes at home, washing the car and much more. I think you understood. IN modern society, conscious and healthy, many of us choose more healthy food options, regularly train and pay close attention to their health and well-being. And while it sounds good in the general sense (weight loss and maintenance), what happens when it comes only about minor 100 calories? Just think 100 calories are not a huge amount, they can be burned through a short training, perhaps 20-30 minutes. Exist various exerciseswhich will easily help you lose 100 calories, but if you want to achieve this goal by lifting the torso or twist, you can wonder how many repetitions will need to burn 100 calories. Obviously, when you make torso lifts, you must burn calories, and now let's find out how much.

Burn 100 calories using the torso lifts ...

Depending on your health and physical formThe number of raises to the press will change. But in order to summarize all deviations, we could reach a consensus if you vigorously perform twisting and rises of the torso, and complete the determination to exercise correctly, then you burn about 5-7 calories in 1 minute, performing about 50 lifts. Therefore, by connecting mathematics, you need to perform about 1000 lifts in 20 minutes to burn 100 calories.

And while mathematics looks quite simple, there are certain factors that can affect the number of squats, the time required to achieve results and the total number of calories are combined. Consequently, why don't we take a look at these factors and not get a more accurate assessment on our issue?

Factor No. 1 - total weight

You will agree with me when I say that the weight and human health determine how many calories he / she loses, regardless of training. Each person has trained with different levels of intensity and has different level physical trainingthat determines the severity of the workout. So, if a person, let's say, weighs 85 kilograms, he will have to work a little harder than a person weighing 55 kilograms.

But, as a basic level, let's take a person weighing about 65 kilograms. He / she will burn approximately 6 calories in 1 minute, performing press lifts. Now, if we add about 5 kilograms of weight, the number of calories burning will grow by 1. Thus, a man weighing 70 kilograms, will burn 7 calories per minute, performing torso lifts. This calculation will continue with weight gain.

Factor No. 2 - the number of lifts in one minute

After you calculated the number of calories that can be burned, performing climbs within 1 minute, depending on your weight, you can determine how many calories you will burn during this time. First of all, you will need to perform a test. Set the timer for one minute and make so many rises as you can. When the time comes out, divide the number of calories that you can burn in one minute (according to your weight), to the exact number of lifts that you can perform in 1 minute. So, let's say that your weight is 70 kilograms. And you can burn 7 calories per minute. Thus, the calculation will be 7 calories / 30 squats per 1 minute - 0.23 calories per lift.

Factor No. 3 - intensity and duration

If you happen to perform torso lifts at home, making breaks between each approach, the intensity of the training will not be as effective as, say, the press training program in the gym. When you sequentially train the press and give 100% load, then and only then your body can offer desired results. The percentage of fatty deposits and the muscles of our body play an important role in burning the desired calorie quantity. Than more muscle You use, the more calories you can burn, toning the muscles of the press.

This article not only provides you with information on how many press raises will burn 100 calories, it also explains the causes and methods underlying calorie burning. I think now when you have useful notes and you want to burn 100 calories through the press training, you know what to do. The more calories you burn, the better toning the press.