Split training: choose the perfect system. Training process - Tri-day split pulling exercises

Two-day split for mass Or otherwise speaking two-day program training is a kind of separate training systems, according to which you share the elaboration of all the main muscular groups Body into two separate workouts. As a rule, the top is worked out in one workout, and on the second bottom of the body. What is the advantage of two-day split training programs and why does it take such popular among the naturals?

Two-day training program

Two-day split on the mass is perfectly suitable for both beginners and for more experienced swing that anabolic steroids do not use. As you know, growth muscular mass Without consumption of steroids, it is possible only under the condition of a constant increase in working scale in exercises. However, most visitors gyms are in a state of deep stagnation. Because of the blind copying of the championship training programs, which the entire Internet was littered, the natural body simply does not have time to recover, which leads to a state of overtraining, in which there is no question of any progress. Two-day split on the mass allows you to fully recover between the workouts, which will have a positive effect on the increase in working scale and muscle athlet mass. With this you are guaranteed to break through the stagnation and reach a new level. Verified on personal experience!

The most common options for building a two-day split is "top-bottom" and "Tanya-Pull". According to the first option, you work out the muscles of the upper body (breast, back, hands) in the first workout, and in the second training muscle muscles of the body (legs, press). According to the second option, you work in one workout working on drawing muscle groups (back muscles and back surfaces of the hip, biceps of the hands), and on another workout pushing muscle groups (breast muscles, triceps, front delta, quadriceps). For clarity, I will bring examples of both two-day splitting options.

Two-day split for the mass "top-bottom"

Training number 1 (up)

1. Rods lying on horizontal bench 3x8-10.

2. Handicate of dumbbells on inclined bench Head Up 3x8-10

3. Tightening at the crossbar wide grab 3x8-10.

4. Rod rod to the belt in the slope of 3x8-10

6. Warning of hands with a barrel standing 3x8-10

7. French press with a bar 2-3x8-10.

Training number 2 (bottom)

2. Half legs in lying simulator 3x8-12

3. Dead thrust with bar 3x8-10

4. Lifting on socks standing or sitting 3x12-20

5. Lifting legs in Wiste 3x12-20

Two-day split for the mass "Tanya-Poltkii"

Training number 1 (pulling exercises)

1. Range rod with a bar 4x8-10

2. Tightening at the crossbar 3x8-10

3. Rod rod to the belt in the slope of 3x8-10

4. Hand flexions with a bar stand standing 3x8-10

5. Lifting legs in Wiste 3x12-20

Training number 2 (pushing exercises)

1. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders 4x8-10

2. Half legs lying in the 3x8-12 simulator

3. Lifting on socks standing or sitting 3x12-20

4. Rods lying on a horizontal bench 3x8-10

5. Rods rods or dumbbells up sitting 3x8-10

6. French bench press lying or standing3x8-10

Notes to the program "Two-day split for mass"

The number of workouts a week will depend on the restorative abilities of your body and other factors. The optimal number of workouts 2-3 times a week. If you have a stressful schedule and some other problems that prevent full-fledged recovery, then you will need more time to restore. In this case, I recommend to engage only 2 times a week, for example on Monday and Friday. If you quickly restore, then you can engage 3 times a week every other day (Mon, Wed, Fri or W, Thu, Sat) alternating workout. For example, on Monday, the top of the body, on Wednesday, the bottom, on Friday again the tops. Thus, in the first week you will have two training on top and one at the bottom. In the second week there will be two training on the bottom and one on the top of the body, etc. Variants are set. The choice is yours.

Frankly, I like the first option to build a two-day split training program for the mass "top-bottom", although both options are equivalent. At one time I was engaged in two-day splitu For a mass to break through the working scales and muscle growth. And I managed it. I hope you will succeed. I wish good luck, friends!

Inventory Split Programs

Essence and purpose of split training

Split training (from the word split - "separation", "splitting") is a reception that involves working on each separate training lesson Not the whole body (which is the standard of all initial programs), but only a certain part of it, that is, several muscle groups. For all this apparent intricate wording, somewhat rather simple and understandable factors that should be borne in mind.

First of all, it is necessary to take into account that if an advanced newcomer is even ready for a certain increase in the volume and intensity of its training, the increase in the number of approaches (or the number of exercises) to a separate muscular group will inevitably lead to the elongation of the time of the training session. This becomes a limiting factor, since the optimal duration of occupation is immediately expressed, with a gradual accumulation of fatigue and the inevitable development of the state of overtraining or, at a minimum, overvoltage. Therefore, both a newcomer and athlete of the average level of preparedness, in whose tasks should not be prepared for competitions, it should be limited to such a volume of training session, which would not derive the total duration of it for the upper limit of 60-65 minutes, including the workout, the main part and " Camping "if it is required. Simply put, the lower the level of athlete preparedness, the lower the upper limit of the duration. In part, this dependence is traced by us and relative to the type of addition: mesomorphs and endomorphs can be focused on the duration of the above, ectomomorphs are sometimes expedient not to go beyond the limit of 45 minutes. As a rule, this requirement becomes fulfilled with the total volume of training session within 20-22 approaches.

Next, it should be borne in mind that for the desired level of the metabolic response, that is, a high-quality stroke of restoration and superiority, it is necessary that at least half of the entire muscular body array be worked out in a separate training lessout, and it follows the urgent need for competent selection of muscle groups for each Training in the chart of the weekly microcycle.

An absolutely illiterate and methodically unjustified approach is an attempt to organize classes in the teeth in the teeth "one group of muscles per day", which is often calculated from the training regime of professional bodybuilders of the highest level of preparedness. The latter, firstly, are characterized by an outstanding genetically inherited or accumulated level of adaptation, and are able to constructively transfer huge loads on a separate muscle group, and secondly, they are essentially controlled not metabolic response, and trophic, since an anabolic model of exchange is often created not by training incentives, and the extranenetic extremely high level of anabolizing pharmacological agents. Under these conditions, it is important to simply maintain in the trained muscle group the desired load mode of all types of types in it muscular fibers, as well as a high level of blood supply for the supply of substances and removal of the products of the decay of muscle cells necessary for the synthesis of protein.

Newcomers, and often even athletes of the average level of preparedness such schemes are not at all suitable. Even if the athlete is capable at the initial level (when any, even an illiterate training program is a superloader leading to the unfolding reaction) to obtain some kind of statistically significant result, then later this mode will inevitably lead to long-term staging of performance and local, and sometimes and general overtraining, a real output of which is only in returning to the simplest basic schemes.

From my direct coaching practice it follows that the transition to split programs for beginner athletes is possible and is appropriate only if the following conditions are observed:

(a) The experience of systematic and continuous training in the schemes of the entire body in one training session should be at least a year, and with the mandatory successful implementation of tasks of retractive, mass climb and power mesocycles;

b) the athlete must have a mass body characterized by a relatively low level. subcutaneous fat (at level 15-18%) and the value not lower than the one that is calculated by the "Growth of Minus 100" formula;

c) athlete should be excellent functional stateThat is, a good adaptability to the load is objectively diagnosed, good repairs after the load and the lack of the slightest signs of overvoltage or overtraining.

In addition, when preparing split programs, the nature of the current mesocyclay should also be taken into account, that is, its general orientation. Advanced beginners in mesocycles should be put on such tasks as:

a) extension of muscle mass;

b) the growth of power parameters in basic exercises;

c) bringing the level of fatty deposits to a healthy physiological norm;

d) Small specialization, that is, accented work on one of the lagging in the development of muscle groups.

Finally, no mesocycle, including split-programs implemented on the basis of the use of split-programs, should not pay the symmetry of development, and this can be achieved by an objective assessment of the imbalances and emphasis of the lagging muscle groups, with temporary (for one mesocyclax) decrease in volume and intensity Studies of those groups that are ahead of the development of others, and at the same time not performing symmetry and balance. Simply put, if necessary, manipulate the amount of work on a separate group.

The most common initial split circuits

There are two such schemes that are fully satisfying the above requirements:

a) the "top-bottom" scheme;

b) the "Trani-Pull" scheme.

When using the first coach of the athlete or its coach divide all muscle groups into two conditional halves - top Body and lower body. With the practical implementation of exercises for each half of the body, the traditional intake of approaches is used, that is, each exercise is done a certain number of approaches before switching to the next exercise.

The number of repetitions in the approaches is determined by the direction training cycle, i.e. in massocycles, the number of repetitions from 6 to 8 is used, in the power - traditional "pyramidal" schemes 12-9-6 or 10-8-6, and in mesocycles to correct the level of fat deposits - a wider range of the number of repetitions, let's say , from 8 to 14-15, when the task is not only to get rid of the excess deposit, but also to preserve the acquired muscle mass.

Certain methodological difficulties may occur when choosing a number of training days a week, as well as when choosing exercises for each muscular group. Here, too, options can also be taken into account.

Regarding the rapidly renovative athletes, it is advisable to choose the most dense scheme "2 + 2", that is, two workouts follow in a row ("top", then "bottom"), after which the day of rest, again two training in a row ("top", then "bottom ") And finally, two holidays. Atlitis with a slower recovery is better to choose a less dense "2 + 1 + 1" scheme, that is, two workouts follow a contract ("top", then "bottom"), a day of rest, then one training ("top"), rest day, Another training ("bottom"), and the day of rest. And, finally, the last, the least dense scheme "1 + 1 + 1", that is, training ("top"), a day of rest, training ("bottom"), a day of rest, training ("top"), holiday day, training "Nity", a day of rest, and so on. Please note that in the last version, the microcycle falls beyond the framework of the traditional weekly cycle, since classes are conducted strictly every other day, with alternating classes on the "top" and "bottom".

If we are talking about intensity, then you should warn newcomers from the use of all kinds of intensification techniques, which are promoted as a fastest and proven means of building muscle mass and strength. The simplest and most effective mode of muscle contractions for an initial level athlete is the one at which the first approach in the exercise is a warm-up, second supply and third - workers. At the same time, only in the last two repetitions of the last approach, the athlete should try to reach the face of muscle work. This dictates, respectively, and the choice of burden values \u200b\u200bfor this exercise.

If approaches are only two, then the first plays the role of the workshop, the second - worker with the same rule regarding the rest of the work in the latter approach.

The style of performing repetitions should be strict and accurate, without distorting technology and all sorts of "chiting" tricks. The amplitude of each repetition should be the most complete and biomechanically verified, which allows you to "catch" and keep the muscular feeling of exercise throughout the approach. Temp - 3 seconds on the inferior phase, 2 seconds - to the overcoming phase. All repetitions should be strictly agreed with the phases of natural infamiced respiration, that is, inhale on the inferior phase, exhalation - on the overcoming phase. The pauses between approaches are usually recommended within 60-90 seconds, between the exercises - not more than 120 seconds.

If we are talking about the second scheme, "Trani-Pull", it is fundamentally almost no different from the first scheme, except that only the principle of dividing muscle groups of the whole body in half. On the first day, the exercises are chosen on "muscles-rectifiers" (deltoid, chest, triceps, long muscles backs, quadriceps and calfs), on the second day exercises are done on the "Muscles-Filter" (widest, biceps, biceps hips, front-ear, muscles of the forearm and abdominal press). It is clear that this division is quite conditional, but it is almost convenient and does not require special clarification. Otherwise, these two schemes are not clearly distinguished.

In the implementation of mass clobs and power cycles, it is possible to reduce the number of exercises by those that work out the muscles that do not contribute to the metabolic shift, that is, small, type ion muscles and the muscles of the forearm, and the exercises on those groups whose functions are partially covered by other large muscles. For example, exercises can be excluded for long back muscles (the actors of the spine), since squats with a barbell on the back quite well include these muscles as stabilizers and synergists.

When cycles are being implemented to correct the level of fat deposits, then here, on the contrary, it is desirable to include the maximum number of exercises and their variations, especially when fat deposits are considerable, and increased exercise loads in order to optimally activate the energy produces.

Below are tables that use the athlete or coach in the "construct" a split-program of the initial level in accordance with the disassembled above schemes and rules. In the preparation of exercise complexes, it should be proceeded from the principle of the maximum variety of exercises, that is, the first and second complexes of exercises for top and bottom should be included different exercises. To implement the tasks of building mass of muscles and security qualities are chosen basic exercisesWhen preparing complexes for the correction of fat deposits, one basic and one isolated exercise is selected.

Split "Top-bottom"

Training "Verch"

Muscle group


Number of approaches

Bold "\u003e

Breast muscles


back muscles


Deltaid muscles

Rod rod standing to chin

Bold "\u003e


Push ups on the bars

Training "Niza"

Muscle group


Number of approaches

Bold "\u003e choose 2 exercises to a group from the list


Biceps hips

Hyperextension with burden

Ilicor muscles

Bold "\u003e Select 1 Exercise on a group from the list

Abdominal Press

Split "Tanya-Pokoli"

Training "pulling" groups (hips biceps, widest, biceps, abdominal press)

Muscle group


Number of approaches

Bold "\u003e choose 2 exercises to a group from the list

Biceps hips

Ranged traction in the middle rack from the middle of the leg

Foot bending sitting on the simulator

Flaming legs lying on the simulator

Hyperextension with burden


Rod rod in tilt grip from below on the width of shoulders

Rod rod in tilt grip from above


Tracting chest sitting on high block grip from the bottom on the width of the shoulder

Thrust behind the head sitting on a high block

Link dumbbells with one hand in the slope

Tract for belly sitting on a low block narrow grip

Bold "\u003e Select 1 Exercise on a group from the list

Hand flexions with barbell standing, grip from below

Hand bends with dumbbells sitting on an inclined bench

Hand flexions with EZ-rod sitting on Scott Bench

Concentrated hand bending sitting with an elbow support in the thigh

Abdominal Press

Torso raises on a tilt board for the press

Lifting legs on a tilt board for the press

"Folding" sitting on the edge of the bench

Lifes of knees to the chest in the suspension on the bars for the press

Torso raises with turns on the inclined board for the press

"Kranchi" with raised and bent feet

1 "\u003e" pushing "training groups (quadriceps, breast, deltoid, icy, triceps, spinal engineer)

Muscle group


Number of approaches

Bold "\u003e choose 2 exercises to a group from the list


Half legs lying on the simulator 45 degrees

Squats with a barbell on the back in wide stand

Squats in a wide rack in Smith car

Fucks ahead on one leg with dumbbells in hand

Straightening legs sitting on the simulator

Breast muscles

Rods lying on a horizontal bench

Rods lying on an inclined bench

Dumbbell dumbbells lying on a horizontal bench

Hands of dumbbells lying on an inclined bench

Hand breeding with dumbbells lying on a horizontal bench

Crossing hands standing on upper blocks Crossover-simulator

Deltaid muscles

Rods standing from the shoulders average grab

Rods sitting because of the head grip wider average

Hands of dumbbells sitting from shoulders, grip palms ahead

Rod rod standing to chin

Rod rod stand up behind her back

Hand breeding with dumbbells standing on the parties

Hand breeding with dumbbells sitting in the tilt forward

Ilicor muscles

Help socks on the simulator for hand

Rises on socks standing on the simulator

Rises on the socks standing in the slope forward on the simulator

Rises on socks sitting on the simulator

Bold "\u003e choose 1 exercise on a group from the list


Rods Lying on a horizontal bench narrow grip

French bench press with EZ-rod

Push ups on the bars

Tricepent bent down on the block with a rope handle

Emergencies of the spine

Ranged traction in the classic rack

Ranged traction in the rack "Sumo"

Hyperextension with burden

Sloping ahead with a barbell on the back

1 "\u003e should be reminded more than one methodical nuance, which is advisable to take into account when using the initial schemes of split-programs - the use of the reception of the" muscle priority ". The implementation of it is quite simple: exercises on the muscular group, which relative to others detects a tendency to lag, should be placed In the first third of the exercise complex. Exercises for the most developed and quickly reacting to hypertrophic training techniques The group should be placed in the last third of the exercise complex. At the same time, it is permissible to redistribute the amount of work on these groups - an increase in one approach of work on the lagging group and a decrease in one approach The volume of work on the advanced group. The condition for the preservation of the total work within 20-22 approaches is preserved. It should be said that the exercises given here are not a dogma at all, but simply an example, and if the training person has the opportunity to replace part of them on exercises with the weight of one's own bodies (of course With additional burden, so that it led to the execution of the specified number of repetitions within the re-maximum), this can be used to use for diversity and variability.

Nui, finally, the two tables of exercise and the recommended volume of the load of muscle groups cannot be considered as a "angle plan", which, you receive a guaranteed transition to the "next class". This is only an example of how mesocycles may be built for an advanced beginner, which has successfully overstaving the initial cycles in its development, and in which the previous volumes of loads in the weekly and monthly cycles cease to have a training effect. In each particular case, the training program is obliged to be strictly individualized if the athlete or its coach claim to receive significant results.

Make a little intelligent training program According to bodybuilding, you need to correctly do the exercises on this or that muscular group. When I started practicing, the most common for us were the exercises of the Nabiceps - the lifts of the rods and dumbbells standing, on the chest - the bench press and the wiring, and for training legs - squats. Not a buggy arsenal, but we were enough. I mean that in school we made many mistakes in each of them. I can now do some exercises to do not completely with perfect technique. Therefore, I decided to pay due attention to the exercises on all muscle groups for future bodybuilders, and myself will not be superfluous.

The main muscle groups are presented, while moving into which you will find exercises aimed at training a muscle or another. Here are collected top Exercises For bodybuilding and not only. This section of the site will be constantly complemented and updated by reviews of new and old exercises with tips on the proper implementation technique.

The best muscle training exercises

Exercises for neck and muscle trapezium Breast Muscle Exercises
Exercises on the shoulders Foot and thigh exercises
Exercises for the back Exercises for hands (on biceps and triceps)
EXERCISES FOR THE ABS Exercises for the headlight

Exercises are systemically distributed by major muscle groups. In the description, I will try to give the options for the exercise of substitutes. This is the exercises for the back, legs, breast muscles, Neck, exercises for deltoid (shoulders), hands (triceps and biceps), tibia and of course the press.

Training large muscular groups

To increase the impressive muscle mass I recommend starting training from large muscular groups: legs, backs, chest. It is the training of these muscle groups that stimulates the release of testosterone hormone and other hormones that contribute to the mass and force to the blood. There is such an expression: "You want biceps - train your legs." I felt it on myself when the biceps did not want to grow, began to squint, the general massaker increased and all the muscles became more.

All exercises can be divided into two groups: pulling and pushing.

Pulling this exercises performed when you bring the projectile to yourself or yourself to the projectile, for example, tightening, deadlift And others. To this group, you can attribute the exercises of bending for hands and legs, because the simulator stretches to the body.

Pushing exercises are a group of exercises, where efforts are aimed at the distance of the projectile from themselves (caressing lying or a flock on shoulders, chest, triceps).

Muscle power training

Bodybuilding or bodybuilding is power training Muscles with the help of exercises with burdens and without them, to give the muscles of tone, increase their size and strength. Work with a barbell or dumbbells is always a powerful muscle training, because so you affect power indicators muscles, and an increase in their size is more side effect Training.

All exercises can be systematized by different features. The most frequently meeting classification of exercises in bodybuilding is organized by the following features.

Exercises for Training Muscles in Bodybuilding - Classification

Classification of the trained muscular group:

  • Exercises for foot
  • Refrigeration for the back
  • Empathy for breast muscles
  • Hand exercises (biceps and triceps)
  • Exercises for training deltaid muscles (shoulders)

By the direction of the focus of the applied force

  • Drawing exercises for muscles
  • Pushing muscle exercises

By the number of joints involved for exercise

  • Single-set or isolated
  • Multi-stacking or basic

Multiculating or basic class of exercises characterized by technical complexity and are carried out mainly with large weightsbecause they involved several joints and muscle groups. An example of exercises: squats with a barbell on the shoulders, rodged traction. In the squats are involved: hip joint, knee joints. During the execution of traction, almost all joints and muscles of the body work. Both of these exercises are basic and require proper technique execution. But the extension or bending of the legs in the simulator is one-signed or insulated exercises, there is one joint - the knee.

By doing isolated exercise It works the minimum number of muscles, which means that the stress organism gets less, and therefore the muscles grow worse.

If you are newcomer in bodybuilding and look for the best exercises for muscle training, then choose only basic - multi-sowing exercises. Basic exercises are the best way For building muscle mass and increase strength in bodybuilding.

Man's muscles are designed to move its skeleton in space. And move objects relative to the skeleton. This is all the people equally. The only question is how we can do this: how much is strong, quickly and powerfully, with what amplitude and how long. And any training is aimed at the development of listed qualities. Read more about this, and here we will turn to a more practical part - the selection proper exercises For the optimal development of our body.

But first, I still briefly run on the main theses, for which we will rely on.

Our body was originally created by nature and evolution not in order to be somehow externally. And vice versa. It takes shape depending on our lifestyle. That is, as much as we can, so much we look. This is the most natural way to be beautiful - to become healthy first. Because beauty is just an indicator of health (there is on this topic).

To become healthy and develop efficiently in the functional direction (and, as we found out, it will also change us outwardly best side), we need to move in a certain way. In other words, apply themselves to the destination. And in the practicalin, it means - to train the main movements for which our body was originally created.

And such a movement in essence only three types. it slean movements: When we repel something from ourselves or move away from ourselves (click). - This is when we attract something or yourself to something. And, roughly speaking flag. That is, when we repel something legs. Or yourself from the ground.

It turns out, the systems of the body are arranged in such a way as to push, pull and flaw. And, no matter how much physical work, the struggle (hunting) is gathering - everything is based on these movements. That is why they and called basic.Let's consider them a little more.

Slean movements

Stroks, throwing stones, copies and other items - all this refers to the category "Pull". And, of course, there are directly shocks. From repelling the enemy before pushing the carts from the mud.

In the pushing movements as the main muscles are involved breast, front and medium bugs of deltoid (shoulders) and triceps. This does not mean that others do not work. Just the main load falls on these muscles.

As the main exercises for the development of solemn functions, we use pressing and pressing (horizontal, vertical, under the tilt). For domestic workouts, the king of the squeezed exercises is definitely push-ups.

Rising objects, enemy throws (pull, tear off from the ground, and let go), climbing up (climbing, rope, by trees, etc.) and crawling on the ground, in general, everything that brings us to the subject or subject to We are using hands - this category "Trani".

When we pull, then first of all we work the muscles of the back, biceps, trapezoid and the back of the deltoid muscles.

The main exercises for the development of attracting skills is tightening and traction (blocks, rods, dumbbells in different planes). Tightening is recognized as the most useful and natural exercise in this sense. It is difficult to argue with this, but for home physical workers this fact is very on hand - the horizontal bar is more accessible than the block simulator.

In fact, there are all the movements of your legs. Jumping, squats, lunges, blows. Even running and walking have a squeal character using legs.

In the false movements, all muscles are obtained by the bottom of the body, including the bottom of the back. But the main burden falls on buttocks and hips.

Unconditional leader in training the bottom of the body are squats.Moreover, most athletes and physiologists converge in the opinion that squats are the most effective exercise All times and peoples. And this fact is a lot of scientific confirmations. In this exercise, the maximum amount of muscle fibers (muscles of legs and buttocks is most of all muscles on the human body). In addition to squats in the main exercises for training, the feet includes various kinds lunges, lunging and jumping.

By big accountAll human movements can be attributed to the specified three groups. Another thing is that all sorts of bending on biceps or leg extension are only a separate part of the full movement. Or an attempt to load a separate muscle more than others.

This kind of activity is most often unnatural for humans. It is difficult to present a situation, for example, in which a person will move the subject through the side up or lift something from the earth, bending it. In bodybuilding, such exercises are conventionally called "Isolated".At the same time, many professional coaches They question the use of such exercises for natural (without the use of "chemistry") training.

The fact is that the more naturally movement, the more often it meets in everyday life (well, let the cave person, not a modern user), the more useful for a person. Moreover, natural loads make the body develop the most harmonious. That is, proportionally, aesthetic, without any beggings.

Therefore, it is recommended to focus on these three basic movements (For us, this is push-ups, pulling and squats). And not on some separate exercises for priests, hip, hands, shoulders or belly. Because the "base" is the fastest, useful and effective method Make beautiful those very individual parts of the body.

Here what else important moment. It's not just that the basic exercises have a better impact on target muscles. They affect the complex on the whole body. Including, on the production of hormones, protein synthesis. That is, on metabolism, the exchange of substances in general. Almost this means that squats (pull-ups or pushups) are much more efficient to create a flat abdomen than twisting on the press.

Moreover, the basic movements are energy-price. And, it means, much more efficiently not only for muscle buildings, but also for burning fat. And not in vain, it brought them as a practical example in.

So, what kind of goal did you have, focus on improving the results in the basic movements - push, pull and flashes. And, if you say specifically, you read, pull up and quiet. Do not spray on any nonsense like movings, wiring and rotations. Do not look for any individual exercises on the ass or stomach. And, moreover, do not buy and do not use any dubious simulators. Press up, tighten and quarrel. And you will be happy and the result.

In this section, consider the general purpose of the exercises, the classification of exercises, as well as complex exercises on all muscle groups

Located below, you will see these exercises for pumping muscles, or exercises for pumping muscles, who says :)

What do you need muscle exercises

Everyone has long known that our body fully consists of. With the help of the tendon, each muscle is attached to the bone. Any movement of our body occurs by reducing one or another muscle, namely due to the contraction of the cells.

In order for the cells to begin to shrink, it is necessary to give them a command. This is our brain and nervous system.

The process of muscle training in general is stress for the body.

The body struggles with such stress by giving muscles peculiar stability and endurance. And the consequence of this is the increase in muscles in volume, the muscles become bigger and stronger.

Classification of muscle exercises

Everything exercises for muscle training Can be divided into basic exercises and insulating exercises.

As you probably guessed, insulating muscle exercises We use one specific muscle group. In an integrated approach to pumping muscles, such exercises are performed alternately.

Muscle exercises by vector

Also, all exercises are divided by the vector on pulling and pushing.

With drawing exercises, we have to pull anything, or to pull yourself (for example, when)

In the pushing exercises, we repel some of them heavy weight Or repulse yourself (for example)

Main exercises for training muscle muscle group

Exercise for muscles will give our back and neck power and muscle mass

Large hands "obliged" primarily muscles of triceps

Strong, big, healthy back You can achieve these exercises

Who did not dream about the stomach with "cubes", about a flat stomach or just punished?

From the elbow to the muscles brushes also need pumping, which will create the impression of my hands

These exercises are designed to give the legs of power and beautiful shape.

Which of the girls or guys did not dream of a strong big breast? Exercises for chest muscles.

The breadth of the shoulders is largely fed by these sorts of hand

The strongest and large mouse of the hand. Beautiful biceps - Pledge of attention

The priest is beautiful and pumped up by this type of exercise. Especially interested