Want to lose weight - pay. In Russia, a new "divorce" appeared on weight relief

Moscow, 3 Aug - RIA Novosti.Doctors in the regions of Russia over the past few years have increased vigilance regarding the growth of the number of patients with obesity, but this figure continues to gain rapidly in weight, and doctors promise to make additional efforts in the fight against extra kilograms of patients.

Endocrinologist Ekaterina Sheremetyeva previously told RIA Novosti that the Russian indicators of the incidence of obesity almost approached the American. The share of residents of Russia with a diagnosis of "obesity" from 2016 to 2017 increased by 6% and amounted to 1.3% of the population (1.9 million people). Among children and adolescents under 18, in Russia, in Russia, the increase in obesity sufferers amounted to 5.3% at the end of 2017 is almost 451 thousand children. According to Roszdravnadzor, in just the last five years, the share of Russians suffering from obesity has increased by 30%.

Every sixteenth

"Cases of obesity as nosology is carried out according to statistical data provided by medical organizations. According to the results of work for 2017, in the Altai Territory registered among people over 18 years 117,599 (cases of obesity), of which 17 600 for the first time, that is, every 16 obesity suffer - by a resident of our region, or 6.2%. According to the data of the adult's workplace, the excess body weight or abnormal increase in weight has 23% ... "," RIA Novosti Vrio Minister of Health Altai Region Vera Ushanova.

According to her, the factors of development of obesity are diverse, the most frequent of them are considered the peculiarities of behavior: overeating, decline motor activity, genetic predisposition, pathology of the endocrine system.

According to the regional Ministry of Health, Altai doctors are tightly engaged in solving this problem for the past four years. The region has the program "Altai products + 100 to health", officials are engaged in public informing and propaganda of healthy nutrition principles. The department added that the production of low salt products, simple sugars, non-transgeneral acids, develops in the province.

World trends

"The increase in the number of people with obesity is celebrated worldwide, including in Kabardino-Balkaria. The reason, like everywhere, is associated with a sedentary lifestyle, excessive food use, rich carbohydrates etc. At the same time, the share of the population with the excess of the body mass index in the CBD is not higher than the All-Russian indicator, "RIA Novosti reported in the Ministry of Health of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

"The sharp increase in the figure in the CBD compared with last year is associated with a change in the form of statistical accounting and an increase in the dispensarization of detectability and registration of obesity as a factor of the risk of developing a number of socially significant diseases: hypertension, stroke, heart attack, type 2 diabetes, oncological diseases. Respectively , people, for a long time retaining overweight, chronic diseases are most often developed, "explained in the Republican Ministry of Health.

Formation of health culture

"Over the past three years, on the basis of the workshop of certain groups of the adult population of the region and the results of the survey in health centers for adult and the children's population (2015-2017) in the structure of the risk of developing non-infectious diseases in adults, excessive body has 2nd place, obesity - 4th place, in children - 1st and 7th place, respectively, "RIA Novosti reported in the Health Department of the Kurgan region.

According to the Department, the solution of the problem is to form health culture from the population, which includes the popularization of a healthy lifestyle, including healthy eating. Individual prevention of obesity includes consulting the population at specialists of medical organizations, the passage of the first stage of the dispensary and visiting the center of health to identify and correct the risk factors of non-infectious diseases.

The department added that six health centers operate in the Kurgan region: two for children and four for adults. Centers are designed to draw the attention of citizens to the problems of preserving the health, identifying the risk factors for the development of chronic noncommunicable diseases and their correction. Any resident of the region with polis and passport can contact the center. In addition, health schools are organized in the area and work, including the "School of Healthy Lifestyle", "School proper nutrition"," School for people with overweight ", organized free consultations in medical prevention offices.

Stop there is, and all things! Well, where then take energy for training? The deficiency of food calories automatically means the decline of forces, which means low, almost zero, the performance of the training.

No, fitness requires a completely different: "rehabilitation" of casual food. No starvation! All you need is small, but fundamental changes in your diet. For a couple with the training, they fundamentally change your shape.

8 Extra weight strategies

1. Start from the head
The fact is that we all eat either because it's time to eat, or obeying an intuitive impetus. And in that, and in another case, food intimacy occurs unconsciously. We bring a fork to your mouth, having a chat with friendlies, or deploy candy, thinking about something, outsiders. What is surprised here to overeat? The secret of the success of women, who managed to lose weight, is this: they have mastered what is called "conscious nutrition." Here is the main rule: first listen, then you eat. It is about to fully focus on the taste of food, its smell and even color, and listen to your stomach. Try, and you will feel in surprise how the stomach is talking to you, feeding the signals only to you: I would probably have eaten a piece, but I don't want it at all ... Chat with my stomach, like a live interlocutor. Did you get candy? Right and ask: Do you want? And listen to the answer. Coverage in this way for a week, and you fundamentally change the nature of your food. It turns out that most of the "snacks" of your stomach are not needed at all, well, and at the table you will eat at least one third less.

Action plan
  • Do not be lazy every time you understand in your subjective sensations. Do you really need to donate or have you been drawn to a snack for the company? Or maybe you poured yourself another cup of coffee just by inertia? Stop! There are two extra spoons of sugar!
  • Make a program for itself. Taking into account your lifestyle, work schedule and training. For example, on the day of evening workout somewhere at 5 pm, it is necessary to snack with protein tiles right behind the desktop. But on the day of rest you do not need this.

2. Divide and conquer
To lose weight, it is necessary at least in general terms to represent the biological mechanism excess weight. In this sense, the main hormone for you is insulin. After meals, the blood is dangerous tolerated and thick. Pancreas secrets insulin, and he "cleans" blood from sugar. Part of the surplus insulin "captures" inside the muscle cells, and the residue turns into fat. If you do not play sports, then the need of muscles in the "sweet" fuel is minimal. And this means that almost all the extra blood sugar will be turned into fat and deposit under the skin. It is important for you to remember the following. The more you eat, the more insulin stands out. Well, the more insulin emission, the more fat will postpone. Overbinding occurs when a person eats rarely, after 4-5 hours. From here, an important conclusion is: to reduce the secretion of insulin it is necessary to eat and often.

Action plan
  • Do not skip meals!
  • Eat gradually five times a day - approximately every three hours.
  • Each reception must be proteins, complex carbohydrates and some useful fats.
  • Follow the size of the portion. It should be the size of your palm - no more.

3. Winners always have breakfast
Sports doctors have done a huge work, disturbing thousands of people who managed to lose weight. The survey showed that all of them combines the same thing.

  • Every day they are tightly breakfast.
  • Adhere to low-lived diet.
  • Weighed weekly.
  • Pay physical activity for about an hour per day.

If well (and right) have breakfast, then you will not have time to get rid of dinner and do not eat too much. But the main thing in the other. If you regularly skip breakfast, the metabolic processes slow down. The need for energy drops and eaten calories turn out to be unnecessary. As a result, by 30 years, you only on the missed breakfasts add from 3 to 5 extra kg! Conversely, regular and tight breakfast contrary to age supports a high level of metabolism even in old years. How to make yourself eat in the morning, if I don't want at all?
First: Arrange the last meal at 7-8 pm, no later. During sleep, the digestion is suspended, so after dinner at midnight you will meet the morning with a full stomach. What is the breakfast here!
Second: Make a jog in the morning. It happens that the stomach is empty, but simply did not have time to "wake up." Just in this case, you need a jog, and then a cool shower and rubbing with a rough towel.

If you want to lose weight, never pop out from home without a dense breakfast! What's for breakfast? Only complex carbohydrates! Here is a classic example of the morning menu. Oatmeal cooked on water; Powder protein is added to it, a teaspoon of peanuts (or any vegetable) oil, a little crushed fruit or berries. Plus, a slice of whole grain bread and a cup of coffee without sugar. Plus Multivitamin capsule.

Action plan
  • Do not skip breakfast!
  • "The right" breakfast will help you lose weight faster. Morning menu should include complex carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
  • If there is no time at all, quickly mix in the mixer a packet of "drinking" bags (with low-fat milk, water or juice).

4. More fiber - Thinned waist
You already know that the fiber slows down the absorption of carbohydrates. Because of this insulin, a little stands out. But where to take this fiber in our age refined products? Nutritionists advise ordinary dishes with fiber. Welded rice? Add vegetables to it. In pharmacies you can find a fiber in powder. Such can be pouring into protein cocktail or oatmeal.

At least once a day it is necessary to eat cornflakes. A good option: Salad from ordinary fresh cabbage. In any case, in losing weight fiber - your first friend. Always wear a small apple in my handbag. There are many fiber. Eat the fruit salad for two times a day.

Action plan
  • Increase the intake of fiber is very simple - go to products from solid grain and add into dishes when cooking bran. The benefit is obvious: you will feel longer to feel the full, less danger is that you are moving, and the intestines will work as an example better.
  • Replace refined carbohydrates (white bread, rice, pasta from soft varieties of flour) carbohydrates, rich fiber (cereal, whole grain bread, brown rice).

5. More water!
Without water, there is really no life. Water plays a crucial role in digestive processes, body temperature, joint lubrication, maintaining skin moisture and high muscular tone. Water supplies oxygen, glucose and nutrients to each body cell, and then driving harmful slags. If you drink too little, the body begins to store water in the future. The results are obvious: swelling under the eyes. In addition, because of the lack of water, we begin to get tired faster than the usual, suffer from constipation, to suffer from brutal hunger ... But it is so easy to drink ordinary water!

When you fight with excess weight, Water should be for you a fat burner number one. In the course of recent studies, water was found that water plays a key role in regulating the metabolic rate. It turned out that dehydration slows down the exchange, and with it and "burning" fat. In addition, the less you drink, the higher the concentration in the body of sodium ions. Well, sodium, as you know, delays water in the tissues. As a result, you are "swelling" and is still thicker. For example, half a teaspoon of salt causes a delay of one and a half liters of water in the intestine. Your waist is becoming wider at 2.5-4 cm!

Action plan
  • First calculate how much water you need per day. To do this, multiply your weight per kg per 30 ml. For example, if you weigh 63 kg, per day you need to drink almost 2 liters of water. And this is about 9 glasses.

Control over the correct amount of water is carried out so. You will have to run on a little you will have every 2-3 hours. Urina should be transparent or at least pale yellow. Saturated yellow color speaks about acute lack of liquid.

6. Health has a color
Bright paints of vegetables and fruits Nature gave not just like that. For the color of tomato or lettuce "answer" biologically active substances of plant origin, so-called phytochimicates. These are the same antioxidants, but much more powerful. They protect the cells of the cells from natural damage and thereby saved cells from cancer. In addition, antioxidants restrain the inflammatory process in the body. The bright color of many vegetables and fruits is a warning that there is a powerful weapon against a variety of diseases within them. Colorful chemical pigments - that's what our genes, vision, heart, is that it reduces the risk of cancer development and other ailments. Experts recommend to eat daily 5-9 portions of vegetables and fruits. However, statistics argue that the average Russian receives only 2 servings per day. And about 10% of our fellow citizens do not eat vegetables, no fruits!

Understand whether you eat correctly, you can on the color of the contents of your refrigerator. If the lines of beige-white tones prevail, it means that your diet is poor phytochimicates and too calorie. "Color" your diet, and you will definitely lose some extra kilograms because vegetables and fruits carry much less calories than baking, muffins, pasta or potatoes. Take a look closely on your plate. Is it a bit too much white and beige? If your typical still life is a "Olivier" salad, fried potatoes and a piece of fried pork in breadcrumbs, it is necessary to resolve food!

Action plan
  • Choose more dark green, juicy red, dense-purple, bright orange and cheerful yellow products of plant origin. As a rule, it is in them that contains the most vitamins, minerals and protective phythodesists.
  • Replace vegetables traditional side dishes like pasta and potatoes. Instead of baking, serve fruit on the table.

7. Do not be afraid of fats
Full fats - rock error. Fats are not only a mandatory component of the diet. They still help to lose weight! At first glance, such an approval seems completely deprived of meaning. Meanwhile, in fatty sediments "to blame" not only excess fat in nutrition, but also hormones, in particular, insulin. Fats are inhibited by the secretion of insulin, and what is less, the less fat you have on the sides.

But that's not all. The smaller you eat fats, the worse there is a fat exchange. Simply put, the "burning" of fat slows down, since the body ceases to consider it a serious source of energy. And right, after all, few fats are unacceptable! However, fats are different. You need vegetable and fats Omega-3 (from fish). But animal fats under the ban. If animal fats increase blood pressure, cholesterol levels in the blood and significantly increase the risk of cardiac attack, then vegetable fats and fats omega-3 are all accuracy of the opposite.

Action plan

8. Ronate away sadness - longing
Stresses interfere lose weight. And this is a scientific fact. This happens like this: when the brain "registers" stress (no matter what it is caused by a scandal with her husband or heat on the street), it falls an alarming signal to adrenal glands (tiny hormone glands on the tops of the kidneys), and those secrete a "stressful" hormone cortisol. Formally, this hormone must multiply your forces due to the additional energy obtained from the "burning" to them muscular fabric. However, scientific studies have shown that in the way he provokes fat deposition in the field of waist. And this, in turn, increases the risk of development cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, in order to prevent the emergence of extra kilograms and heart disease, it is very important to avoid stress. Such a wish seems impossible. But only at first glance.

Any stimulus has its own critical threshold, which he becomes stressful for us. So, the more you have endorphins in the blood, the higher this most threshold, followed by the secretion of cortisol. Endorphins are actively standing out in the exercise period. And what do you think? Athletes are indeed much less suffering from the heat, the same and from the cold. Their household "stress resistance" is much higher than that of ordinary mortals. The second factor is a growth hormone. What is more, the lower the sensitivity to stress. Growth hormone is produced in a dream, including during the daily afternoon fiesta. That is why the conscientious night leisure and afternoon relaxation (as well as sports) can be called the main points of the weight loss program.

Action plan
  • Try to sleep at least eight hours a day.
  • Exercise more, however, alternate intensive workouts with the days of rest, so that the tired muscles come to themselves. Otherwise, the excess of physical activity by itself will be stress.
  • So that the monotony of fitness loads did not turn into stress for your psyche, try new types of aerobic activity - sports dancing, tennis, badminton, bike. At the same time, increase the level of endorphins!
  • Be sure to exhibit the time to quietly sit with the book, listen to music or to do something that it is packed.

In Vladimir, for the first time, the Forum "Healthy Nutrition is the basis of longevity and prosperity of Russia". From April 20 to April 21, on two platforms - in VLGU and Vladimir Expocentre - organized theory and practice. At the university, experts from medicine and education analyze the skills of proper nutrition of the population, the quality of products and even the psychological state of society in modern realities.

But the number one number one on the forum was the progressive obesity of the inhabitants of Russia. According to various sources, in our country from 26 to 57 percent of people suffer from this disease. Among the most "thick" regions - Kaluga, Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod. Vladimir is not yet on this list, but this does not mean that we have no these problems.

In addition to the development of sports, it is important for the mass distribution of the ideas of a healthy lifestyle. Recently, Svetlana Orlova signed with the President of the League "Health of Nation" Leo Bokeria Declaration on the coalition of power and the public aimed at a healthy lifestyle. By the way, social activists together with deputies do a lot. For example, constantly monitor the quality of nutrition in kindergartens and schools, reveal falsified products in stores and remove them from the counters. And this, by the way, immediately finds the opposition of manufacturers who are trying in every way to intimidate the social activists. Olga Khokhlova was openly told about this on the forum.

Deputies take the necessary laws, such as the ban on selling alcohol from 21.00 to 9.00 and selling alcohoenergy minors, about transferring out the outlets away from schools and so on. "And even despite the serious lobby on top, such work will continue," Olga Khokhlova assured.

As for obesity, it is now, indeed, a very serious problem. Of course, there is no universal recipe from this disease. But still there are several rules, observing which can always be in normal physical form.

- The first rule is reusable. It is necessary to eat five times a day, gradually, including the second breakfast and afternooner. The second is a sufficient protein quota in food. And what is protein? This is fish, eggs, cottage cheese and meat. The third is a sufficient number of vegetables and fruits in the diet. You need to eat 400 grams of both per day. The fourth is the right dinner, which should be 4 hours before sleep. The fifth rule is physical activity, it is believed that 150 minutes a week of physical activity has a beneficial effect on the metabolic profile and in general on health, - Sophia Eliashevich says, Senior Researcher of the GNICS of Preventive Medicine, the department of "fundamental and applied aspects of obesity" (Moscow).

The problems raised during the forum should be an impetus to the creation of a regional program directed against obesity. It's hard to do without it. This is a set of measures that will help to operate according to a certain plan, the result of which will be the improvement in the quality of the health of Vladimirs.

- We need to take in the field of anti-obesity program. This does not mean that we must deal with every person. At different levels, we will fight for a healthy lifestyle so that we do not have this obesity, - I am sure Olga Khokhlova.

If you do not win, stop the progressive obesity of the nation is such a task set by WHO, and, according to experts, it is quite possible.

- We need to focus on these purposes. And with joint efforts, the positive effect will be achieved! - believes Sofya Eliashevich.

On the same days, thematic colloquiums and seminars are held at the Vladimir Expocenter at the XI Interregional Exhibition "" for doctors. Guests of the exhibition are listened to lectures on memory violations, participate in psychological practices, master classes to promote brands in the field of health, consult with doctors and nutritionists.

Combating obesity in the complex of therapeutic measures to improve the population in last years Purpose on the fore. As evidenced by sad medical statistics, this problem is a lamoclous sword hung over modern societyMoreover, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the occurrence of the disease provokes themselves.

Most often "to blame" in the emergence of obesity is the wrong way of life, and adjusting it, it is quite realistic to return its weight to stable indicators corresponding to the norm.

Overweight and obesity are fairly called the most important factor (along with hypodynailes and hereditary predisposition), provoking the disease with hypertension. If you have an overweight body, the threat of obesity or there are other predisposing circumstances, then this article is intended to you.

there is different points vision on what should be the weight. It is unlikely that the modern fashion model with a weight of 55 kg with a height of 180 cm is a sample to which everyone should strive to strive. And how to calculate the stage of obesity and what weight is it normal?

It is customary to distinguish between four stages of obesity:

  • 1 Stage - excess weight by 10-29%; .
  • 2 Stage - by 30-49%;
  • 3 Stage - by 50-99%;
  • 4 Stage - 100% or more.

At the first and second stages of obesity, the ability to work and the vital activity of patients is not violated or violated slightly. The disease is still in the bud, and to carry out a face between "healthy fatness" and the initial degree of obesity is not always possible.

Hence the common joke about the degrees of obesity: The first degree - when others envy, the second - when they laugh and the third - when they sympathize with the patient.

Factors contributing to the development of obesity: products and alcohol

What contributes to the development of obesity in most cases? Most often, obesity is due to systematic overeating. If the amount and caloric content of food consumed exceed the energy costs associated with the peculiarities of labor activity, physical activity, the conditions of food suction in the gastrointestinal tract, obesity is inevitably developing.

In addition to disruption of nutrition, the development of obesity contributes to the predominant content of animal animal fats and easily-friendly carbohydrates: consumption of fatty varieties of meat, salla, butter. Also, the products that promote obesity are flour, and potatoes.

Obesity contributes to the systematic use of alcoholic beverages: They themselves have high calorieness, besides, the intake of alcohol excites appetite and contributes to no-maritime food.

What else contributes to the development of obesity

In addition to obesity as the consequences of improper nutrition, the hereditary (constitutional) features of a person can play a certain role in the development of a disease. Family common, all members of which have increased weight; However, with the "family fullness", the whole thing most often in the traditions of family nutrition, when children with early age overwhelm. Over the years, destructive habits are rooted. A kind of vicious circle is created: a fatty fabric, like every lively fabric, requires nutrition, which leads to an increase in appetite, overeating and transition of obesity into more and more severe stages.

There are cases where the factors contributing to the development of obesity are violation of the activities of the glands of the internal secretion and the nervous system. Then obesity acts as one of the manifestations of another disease and requires special medication treatment.

But much more often obesity is due to the wrong power and insufficient physical activity.

Obesity is a risk factor for the occurrence and development of diseases.

Obesity is a risk factor for the following diseases:

  • The increased load on the bone and joints during obesity leads to changes in the musculosion apparatus, joint pain appear, restricting mobility in the joints of the lower half of the body.
  • With sharply pronounced obesity, the danger of cardiac disorders, the development of heart failure increases.
  • Obesity is a risk factor for the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis, bile disease, myocardial infarction. Obesity is also a factor of the risk of spinal diseases and, of course, hypertension.

Methods for treating overweight and obesity: unloading days

The main method of treatment of obesity is strict and long-term adherence to a low-calorie diet in combination with dosage exercise. Calorie food must be reduced to 1100-1400 kcal per day. Salt must be limited to 2 g per day. Instead of salt you need to use spicy seasonings. One of the methods of combating obesity is to limit the amount of free fluid to 1-2 l per day.

It is better to eat often, from 4 to 6 times a day, but small portions - it dulls the feeling of hunger.

Once a week, obesity is arranged by unloading days:

  • milk (kefir) - drink 6 cups of milk (kefir) during the day;
  • meat - 300 g of boiled meat to divide on 5-6 receptions and additionally drink infusion of rosehip without sugar to 1 liter day;
  • salad - Combine fresh raw vegetables and fruits 250 g 5 times a day.

But the basic principle of diet therapy in obesity in any case is to reduce the energy value of the diet.

In this case, it is necessary to adequately enter the protein, but the meat and fish are preferred non-fat varieties and in boiled form. The daily intake of bread (mainly rye or cut) must be reduced to 100 g per day.

Rational nutrition during obesity: what products are prohibited and which

Here are some products in obesity: Fresh cabbage, radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplants. In limited quantities you can consume fruits of sour-sweet varieties.

As for fats, it is impossible to completely refuse them. Some nutritionists recommend in obesity to consume at least 80 g of fat per day. But at the same time, most of the recommended amount of fats should be on fats of plant origin, used in cooking, including added to salads and winegres.

Preferred, of course, vegetable fats: Sunflower, cotton, corn, olive, etc.

Also, to enhance the energy use of fats in the body, rational nutrition in obesity implies a limitation of fluid intake.

Migration mode for obesity, diet and therapy and medical starvation

It is also necessary to clearly observe the power supply mode during obesity, and best of all - prescribed by a qualified nutritionist.

In addition to the diet and therapy in obesity, systematic observations are needed. If it turns out that all the measures taken do not give the necessary results, you can enter one-day starvation once a week.

In general, the fasting treatment has become today a fashionable means in the fight against overweight, and this means applies uncontrollably, and this is very and very dangerous, as for, by the way, and irrationally or simply illiterately compiled "fashionable" diets.

The mechanism of the actions of the medical starvation during obesity is still not sufficient. In addition to positive experience in the use of starvation for treatment, for example, diseases of the central nervous system and other diseases, there is also a negative experience.

With uncontrolled starvation, a wide variety of and often dangerous complications are possible!

In addition, after an illiterate hovering course, the probability is very quickly recruited again.

Thus, without medical observation, it is better not to engage in fastness.

Much more reliable still a low-calorie diet, which let slowly, but gives its results, especially if you combine it with constant physical activity.

Start at least with the fact that we go to work and from work a rapid step. Walking, jogging, swimming, morning work-out - These are your assistants in the fight against overweight.

Disadvantages of laxative medicines for the treatment of obesity

In addition to starvation, today people with excess body often resort to medication. To lose weight, many, especially women, consume laxatives.

Laxatives medicinal products For the treatment of obesity - and chemical, and biological - have serious disadvantages:

  • firstly , it is easy to get used;
  • secondly , they weaken the work of the stomach and intestines;
  • third They contribute to washing from potassium organism, and potassium deficiency can easily add kidney work and even the development of renal failure, weakening all muscles, deterioration of mental activity, as well as heart disease.

Very carefully you need to treat all the means of obesity, which artificially reduce appetite. Most of these funds contain derivatives of amphetamines, which although eliminate the feeling of hunger, but at the same time they excite the central nervous system.

And this may entail an insomnia, a feeling of anxiety, the rhythmic work of the heart can break through the vegetative nervous system, the appearance of such unpleasant phenomena, like sweating and trembling of muscles.

Phytotherapy for obesity caused by power disorders

Obesity phytotherapy is one of the effective methods of treatment, because there are plants that improve the metabolism and contributing to weight loss.

For example, you can take a collection: Corn storks, dandelion (sheet), yarrow (grass), sage (grass), chicory (root, grass), Krushshki (bark), parsley (fruits), mint (grass) - just 20 g of dry crushed raw materials. 2 tbsp. Spoons of mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Take 100 ml 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

This infusion in the treatment of obesity and overweight regulates the exchange of substances, activates the function of the ovaries (which is important for women who have obesity developed in the postpartum or menopausal period), improves the work of the intestine, pancreas, enhances the kidney function to remove salts from the body.

Fighting obesity as the consequence of irregular nutrition: massage and bath

Another way to combat obesity are baths:

  • salt (2 kg of salt on the bath);
  • marine ;
  • (Mustard powder dilute in warm water, about 200-300 g per bath; water temperature - 36-37 ° C, duration - 5-10 minutes; after the bath you need to wash under the warm shower and wrap in a blanket);
  • turpentine (The yellow solution for the turpentine bath is prepared from 500 ml of castor oil, 40 g of caustic sodium, 200 ml of water, 225 ml of oleic acid, 750 ml of turpentine; take 15 ml of the bath emulsion, gradually bring to 60 ml; water temperature - 36- 39 ° C. Course treatment - 10 baths 15 minutes every other day).

Another excellent addition to diet therapy is saunas, steam baths, massage. Saunas (dry heat) and steam baths (wet heat) stimulate the abundant selection of sweat, and therefore, a decrease in weight, which, however, is rapidly restored if there is a large amount of water after that. The main meaning of such procedures is to remove toxins, in improving blood circulation and stimulating metabolism, and this all contributes to losing weight.

But it is important to remember that such procedures can afford only enough strong people.

Massage in obesity helps to lose weight, because it activates blood circulation, it acts soothing on the nervous system, which is very important when the diet is observed when a person is exposed to strong nervous tension.

Tips for the treatment of obesity: diet and healthy lifestyle

These advice concern physical activity, diet in the treatment of obesity, useful skills and a healthy lifestyle:

1. If you want to lose weight only a few kilograms, it is wisply to exclude everything sweet, alcohol from your diet, reduce the content of fats. If you lose weight in this way, it is subsequently even with a full nutrition, you do not get lost kilograms.

2. If you need to lose weight more than 10 kg, first of all, consult with your doctor and hand over the tests (the main thing is the blood test). Depending on the results, select the optimal way to lose weight.

3. When you lose weight by two thirds of the figure of undesirable weight, you can afford something of those products that were prohibited. However, continue to follow weight, and if you notice that the weight has stopped decline, again eliminate unwanted products.

4. More often remember the motives that led you to weight loss (diseases, shortness of breath, inesticatory appearance, the inability to find the finished size and so on), it will strengthen your will.

5. Another advisory advice: do not give in to the inner voice phonings: "Not so much is fat," be firm in the fulfillment of the task.

6. A minute of temptation, fight your weaknesses. If you do not resolve and eat a calorie dish, you will return yourself a loss kilogram, and to reset it, you will need several days. If it happened, then you only eat very easy food, strengthen the physical activity, visit the sauna. Remember that because of one pregregation, you encounter yourself to the painful state.

7. Most nutritionists believe that it is necessary to lose weight slowly. However, keep in mind that much depends on your individual features. If you resort to a long half-blooded diet, your efforts may be in vain, since you simply cannot, for a long time to observe such a mode and soon return to the usual power. So you need a strictly diet that needs to be carefully observed.

8. It is impossible to quickly move to the usual power regime after you have achieved the desired weight. During this period, it is very important to find that diet that would provide you with a cheerful condition and stable weight.

9. All those nutritional skills and a healthy lifestyle in the obesity that you have learned during the diet must be preserved.

10. If after the diet you scored 1-2 kg, immediately go to the diet, which helped you: do not wait for an avalanche-like weight gain.

11. Remember that bad habits are rooted very quickly.

12. In the process of how to treat obesity, do not forget that your nutrition should be regular and harmonious. Do not take food on the go, on an ambulance hand. Take time to calmly sit down at the table. Eat slowly, diligently chewing food.

13. Prefer useful products that are rich in protein and vitamins.

14. Products with the highest protein content: Fish, caviar, chicken meat, milk, sneaks, eggs, nuts.

15. Products with the highest content of vitamin A:parsley, spinach, liver, drill, carrots, yolk eggs, cheese, tomatoes.

16. Products with the highest content of vitamin B ((thiamine): Peanuts, peas, soybean, pork, wheat bran, corn, barley, raisins, cucumbers, orange juice.

17. Products with the highest content of vitamin C (ascorbic acid):petrushka, black currant, lemon, spinach, oranges, kiwi, pineapples.

18. Products with the highest content of vitamin C: Fish fat, salmon, sardines, herring, chicken liver, yolk, sour cream.

19. Products with the highest content of vitamin E (tocopherol): Oil, eggs, spinach, beans, soy, peanuts, beef, lamb.

20. Products with the highest calcium content: Milk, cheese, almonds, soybean, caviar, beans, yolk, cauliflower, lemon.

21. Products with the highest iron content: Broth made of beef, parsley, yolk, beans, raisins, kuraga, dates, chestnuts, almonds, pears, mushrooms.

And always remember that the diet is not a punishment. On the contrary, thanks to the diet you can raise the strength of the Spirit and the ability to obey the mind.

The diet will help you avoid further severe complications that inevitably entails obesity.

Physiotherapy in the treatment of obesity

Reducing body weight in obesity is achieved, first of all, with a hypochaloric diet. The means of physiotherapy in obesity occupy the second place and play a major role in complex treatment.

Most often physical exercise In obesity, it is used in combination with a diet. The success of treatment depends on the degree and stage of obesity. More favorable results are observed with the so-called dynamic stage at which fat deposition comes due to a sharp increase in appetite and making a large number of food. In a stable stage, the inertness of fatty depot is observed due to a violation of the exchange. The mass in such patients remains relatively constant, regardless of the diet and other therapeutic measures.

The purpose of physical activity during obesity is the violation of the created positive energy balance arising from overeating and reduced motor regime.

To achieve a fall in mass, a negative energy balance should be obtained by reducing food calorie and increasing the energy costs of the body using physical means.

Diabetes is not so rare and endocrine forms of obesity, which make up 5-10% of the total number of patients with obesity in general. With these forms, the main therapeutic event is the corresponding correction of the endocrine violation.

In addition, it should be borne in mind the so-called cerebral obesity and obesity of a lipodystrophic type, in which fat depot focuses in certain parts of the body.

The key to successful treatment with the most frequently observed obesity forms is the integrated and systematic application of therapeutic measures within 1-2 years. The failure is mainly due to the fact that the patients fail to overcome the appetite and the established habits for nutrition.

In the preparation of the physiotherapy complex, primarily include therapeutic physical culture, and then the cooled and other physiotherapy procedures, depending on general status The patient and its ability to endure the procedures of a greater or less load.

Pollution procedures are shown by sick obesity, which have no violations from the cardiovascular system (hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary disease, cardiac decompensation, etc.). These procedures are directed to the regulation of water electrolyte disorders, a decrease in the hydrophilicity of fatty fiber and a decrease in the tendency to swells. Under their influence, the metabolism is also enhanced, and the energy costs of the body increase.

Reducing the mass caused by coating procedures is unstable; If the treatment is not combined with the corresponding diet and active motor regime, the mass is rapidly restored.

General light baths are also used (55-60 ° C, 15-20 minutes to the procedure every other day, 10-15 procedures per course), with the help of which it seeks abundant release of water and salt from then to 1-2 liters. Light baths alternate with salt baths (38-39 ° C, 10-15 minutes for the procedure, 10-15 procedures per course.

Common wet warding is used to obtain a coating effect - from 45 minutes to 1 hour daily. The procedures finish with the rain shower at a water temperature of 36-37 ° C, only 15-20 procedures for the course.

Ultraviolet rays also have a beneficial effect on metabolism, including for fat exchange. The overall body irradiation is used to 2 bioodosis (20-25 procedures per course), in order to stimulate the body as a whole and improving the mood of the patient.

From thermal procedures with a stream effect, both common mud baths, steam baths, etc. can be kept. In addition to these procedures, an inkjet, circular and underwater soul-massage are prescribed.

In the absence of contraindications, hydrotherapy procedures (baths, shower, etc.) are recommended at low temperatures (33-25 ° C) in order to stimulate metabolism. The most effective procedure is contrasting baths after underwater inkjet massage. Complex treatment contributes not only to a decrease in mass, but also to normalize the impaired metabolism.

Therapeutic physical education and physical exemptions

The most frequently used means for the treatment of obesity is therapeutic physical education.

The main task medical physical education In obesity - regulation of metabolism by enhancing oxidative and lipolytic processes. Under the influence exercise The functions of cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract are improved, decreases stagnation in the lungs, in the abdominal organs and the body as a whole. Under the influence of enhanced motor activity, the body mass is reduced mainly due to fats and to a lesser extent due to the active body weight. In some cases, there is even an increase in the active mass of the body with an increase in force and muscle volume, which is especially favorable.

The choice of means of therapeutic physical education in obesity depends on the severity of obesity and the presence of functional disorders from the cardiovascular system, on the one hand, and on the other - from the age and the patient's training. Applied gymnastic exercises In different dosages, the principle of gradual increase in the load is observed.

Movement mode and physical activity in obesity

Motor activity should be properly distributed all day: in the morning - hygienic gymnastics for 10-15 minutes; In the morning - a complex of exercise for various muscular groups and, in particular, for the abdominal press, exercises on shells, exercises on swedish wallwalking, bouncing; And all this - in combination with breathing exercises. The duration of classes is from 30-45 minutes to 1 hour. Between lunch and dinner - walking, walking in air or physical work.

In general, the entire motor mode during obesity should be changed in the root: From a sedentary lifestyle, you need to go to the active motor regime. It is not always given easily, as obese is usually not enough volition people who tend to spend time in their room, lie or sleep.

The complex of physical exercises is advisable to build on the basis of cyergometric tests, since the functionality of the cardiovascular system is reduced with an increase in the degree of obesity. However, people with overweight must be advised to consult a doctor about the treatment of physical education.

Obesity in Russia is already suffering about 30% of the population, and with overweight - 60%. Dynamics recent decades And world experiences testify: this is not the limit, the additional burden on the economy can grow even more. Moreover, in Russia this problem is too often ignored.

Vladimir Ruvinsky

Since the 90s, Russia has noticeably added weight. In 2015, obesity was in 24% of Russians over 15 years old (approximately 35 million) against 11% in 2002, it follows from WHO statistics and Global Health Observatory. And in general, according to WHO estimates, the overweight is observed today in 58% of the Russian citizens (taking into account cases of obesity).

Our statistics are conservative. As of 2014, overweight was 48% of adult citizens, including obesity - in 21%, calculated experts with HSE on these Russian monitoring of the economic situation and public health (RMEZ) in 28 regions of the Russian Federation. The RMEZ data is based on the basis of calculations, in particular, WHO, but it explains the professor of HSE Marina Kolosnitsyn, corrects them (most likely justified) towards the increase. But the trend one - the Russians get fat.

Men and women among the complete people are now in the country about robust. But the ladies are more inclined to obesity (as, however, in most Western countries, with the exception of the United States). Men amounted to only 30% of adults, who had obesity in 2014 (1.55 million people with this diagnosis, according to the Ministry of Health), indicates a colosity with reference to the RMEZ. But among men, obesity applies more actively: 11.8% in 1993 against 26.6% by 2013, women - 26.4% and 30.8%, counted the center of preventive medicine of the Ministry of Health.

The picture will be more complete if you consider information about adolescents. Among young people are 12-17 years old, on studies of the Institute of Clinical Endocrinology, ENZ RAMN, 2.7 million are overweight (from 0.5 million obesity). According to Rosstat for 2015, the proportion of people with a diagnosis of obesity in the age group of 15-17 years was 9% more than among adults. Adolescents are generally the largest dynamics of a set of excess weight from 2002 to 2012, says the doctor of Medical Sciences Antonina Starodubov from the FIS nutrition and biotechnology of the RAM. For ten years, according to her, the incidence of obesity in this group grew by 171%.

"Children and men today are most susceptible to this fear," said Eduard Gavrilov, director of the Independent Monitoring Foundation. It is also significant: reset overweight, at least for long, difficult. 51% of those who in 1994 had overweight, by 2010 it did not get rid of it.

Russia, you obese!

Citizens began to get dramatically since 2001, in the 90s, according to the RMEZ, the number of fat grew rustic. And from 1994 to 2004, in the path of the Russian Federation from the planned to a market economy, people with obesity became more than 38%, Sonya Kostom-Hafman and Mariyan Ries from the University of Iowa (USA) and the University of Lincoln (United Kingdom) were calculated. Based on the data of the RMEZ, economists came to the conclusion: in 1994, the Russian weighed an average of 71.9 kg, and in ten years to 74.4 kg. The average man was sick from 74.8 to 76.7 kg, a woman from 69.9 to 72.7 kg.

The basis of all mentioned calculations is the body mass index (BMI), the easiest and most common indicator. His formula: human weight (in kilograms) should be divided into a square of growth (in meters). BMI above 25 is overweight, above 30 - obesity, and above 40 - Morbid obesity, when a person is hard to succeed, for example, breathe or walk.

Russians in the 90s have become complete due to changes in all spheres of life, the fall in its level, the growth of unemployment and poverty, additional stress and uncertainty, write Kostom-Hafman and rizos in the article "Determinants of obesity in countries with economies in transition: the case of Russia", Disposed in the magazine Economic and Human Biology in 2008.

Russians in the 90s have become full due to changes in all spheres of life, the fall in its level, the growth of unemployment and poverty, additional stress and uncertainty

In the transitional period, the diet has changed, in particular, the diet, an important factor of health. To see how precisely, the economists took the basket of monthly consumption in the Russian Federation in June 1992 and traced how its composition changed. The basket included fruits and vegetables, potatoes, meat, fish, dairy products, bread, fats, sugar, eggs. For ten years, consumption of all major products has decreased significantly. An exception is potatoes, which by 2004 steel is 160% more.

Doctors note that the sum of the calories eaten and drunk during the day almost grew, but the meat was replaced, for example, hamburgers. "In the 90s, a change in the type of power was occurred: accessible and cheap products with" empty calories "appeared, which contain many easily-friendly carbohydrates, fats, salts," explains Antonina Starodubov. Citizens, she emphasizes, has changed the power paradigm and family food traditions. "In the 90s, adults began to work more, linger to stay late, eat dryness or semi-finished products," expert tells. "The parental control of children's nutrition has increased, the availability of unhealthy food for schoolchildren has increased." The teenagers had a habit of thickening the thirst for sweet sparkling drinks and juices - this, according to Starodubova, along with hypodynamines, one of the most important factors for the obesity of adolescents in the last 15-20 years.

The fact that at the beginning of zero sharply increased the number of obese adolescents and children with obesity is a deferred effect and other practice. In the 90s, forced to work, began to translate infants for artificial mixtures. "But it is breastfeeding that is the best prevention of obesity and associated diseases," says Antonina Starodubov. "But the use of artificial blends increases the risk of obesity in children." Now every tenth mother, as the VTsIOM survey showed in 2013, includes children's mixtures in the diet of his child in the second year of his life.

Not in trend thick country

In the 90s, the weight was gained mainly due to the unbalanced diet and snacks. In zero to this, a lack of physical activity was added. "In a risk group, first of all, those who lead a low-wear lifestyle," says Surgeon Yuri Yashkov, member of the Council of the International Federation of Obesity Surgery.

Law enforcement officers with a belly - also the phenomenon is often, although they need to be given the regulations on physical preparation. "The police officers working in the field in Moscow, four troubles: terrible inappropriate, stress and alcohol, smoking, then full weight and obesity. Work while health allows," says the source in the metropolitan department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (the arithmetic of the original is saved). Someone who did not meet the standards, dismissed, but it happens that they still draw a credit to not spoil statistics.

It is characteristic of excess weight and firefighters. The share of firefighters with "excess fat body" in Moscow - 60%, with obesity (BMI more than 30) - 22%, writes a group of authors led by Konstantin Gurevich in the article "The prevalence of obesity and the accuracy of the determination of the Russian firefighters", released on September 30 In Oxford Journal Occupational Medicine. The waist amount was also measured: an indicator 102 cm, indicating obesity in the abdomen, when low testosterone levels and probable atherosclerosis, exceeded 28% of Moscow firefighters.

The rating of professions with high risk of completeness and obesity includes a manager, a lawyer, a doctor, accountant and a business officer, that is, almost all office employees, says Dmitry Piskunov, Head of the Department of Interaction with Partners and Honey Specialism "Alfactory-OMS". Many representatives of these professions use food harmful to health, he notes, but do not smoke and are engaged in physical education.

By 2025, if the global trend does not change, 18% of men and 21% of women will enter a problematic group of people with obesity

"Approximately 75% of cooks are overweight, - continues Piskunov. - Firefighters and police officers also suffer from obesity, in addition, they have an increased cholesterol level in the body." People with sleep disorders are also overweight and obesity, such as emergency workers. "In the risk group also leaders different levels And representatives of professions restricting the possibility of systematic nutrition, the same doctors, "says Alexander Izak, executive director of the Evromed clinic.

Overweight in men is associated with salary size. But, unlike the United States, Marina Kolosnitsyn notes, in the Russian Federation this connection is direct: more weight, the higher the salary. "That is, the labor market does not punish (in any case) complete workers," professor argues, on the contrary, it can be assumed that this connection is now working in the opposite direction: higher earnings lead to weight gain. "

Overweight in men is associated with salary size. But unlike the United States, Marina Kolosnitsyn, notes Professor, in the Russian Federation, this connection is direct: the more weight, the higher the salary

There is a relationship between obesity and education. "As well as in the case of a salary, in men as we move towards each next level of education, the share of overweight is growing," says Colosnyna. - And in women, on the contrary, the share of those who suffer obese is shrinking, but only in the group Higher and postgraduate education, for the other groups (incomplete secondary, average, secondary professional), no dependencies are traced. "

A separate story is private companies in competitive markets, there is a fashion for a healthy lifestyle among employees. "Thick people are not in trend," says Aramis Karimov, the general director of Mr. Hunt.- Many business owners and tops lead an active lifestyle, are engaged in sports, running, triathlon. Overweight can serve as a reason for refusing to work. "

Discrimination of full companies that have certain requirements for the appearance of personnel, says Georgy Samoilovich, head of the group of personnel of UNITi. For example, representatives of the restaurant, model business, services. Some believe, says Samoilovich that fat candidates are "worse than expressed business and personal competencies", since they cannot "lead themselves in order."

No indicator - no problem

Overweight and obesity, according to WHO, there are already 30% of the world's population, the problem has long been called noncommunicable epidemic and new smoking. There is something to worry about what: since 1975, the number of adult people suffering from obesity increased six times and exceeded 640 million in 2014, the study was stated in the study with the participation of WHO, published in April 2016 LanCet magazine. And the number of complete exceeded the number of people with weight lack.

The world begins to divide on thick and thin, and normal weight It becomes rare. Now obesity has every tenth man and every seventh woman in the world. And by 2025, if the trend does not change, 18% of men and 21% of women will enter this problem group. In general, people with overweight now, according to WHO, more than 2 billion. If you take countries with high incomes, the lowest BMI is the highest of the Japanese, the highest - among Americans.

In Europe, the very threat women - In Sweden, men - in Bosnia.

In the US, there is a national anti-obesity program. However, while it helps not particularly - a third of Americans still suffer from obesity. And 27% of Americans at the age of 17-24, according to the report "too fat to fight" (Too Fat to Fight) are recognized as unfit to military service just for this reason. An obese is amazed and a third of Mexicans, which are associated with the addiction to the sweet gas and American fastfood. Many are also sitting without a case, and therefore, without movement.

In the Russian Federation, before the fight against obesity did not proceed. Statistics Rosstat and the Ministry of Health are far from realities, experts say, not all cases are recorded officially as a diagnosis. "Moreover, the Ministry of Health excluded from the state program" Development of Health until 2020 "such indicators such as the prevalence of obesity among adults (when BMI exceeds 30) and the coverage of adolescents," says Eduard Gavrilov. And since there are no indicators, there is no need to improve them, that is, treat people.

Beyond the medicine, people with severe obesity forms remain. In developed countries, Yuriy Yashkov, Morbid obesity (with BMI, more than 40) suffers 6-8% of the population, in the Russian Federation - 2-4% of the adult population (about 3 million people). And according to WHO, the second and third stages of obesity (BMI above 35 and 40) are available in 21 million citizens of the Russian Federation. But in the policy of OMS (and mass DMS) does not include surgical treatment - bariatric operations, when the patient reduces the volume of the stomach. Everything is at my own expense, Alexander Izak notes. Such operations themselves in the presence of testimony have high efficiency, says Eduard Gavrilov.

In the US, a bariatric operation, half (and sometimes entirely) covered by insurance pays off approximately four years; It is costly more cost-effective than to treat the consequences of obesity. According to Yuri Yashkova, about 10-15% of Russian citizens - potential candidates for such operations. According to the Johnson & Johnson Medical Unit, more than 3 thousand bariatric operations per year are performed in Russia. More than half are the longitudinal resection of the stomach of 140-250 thousand rubles. "Many profile patients are already disabled people who cannot pay for their treatment," says Yuri Yashkov. It is worth mentioning that the deputies left themselves and civil servants of quotas on expensive procedures for OMS.

Economic consequences

Russia ranks third in the world in terms of damage from obesity for the economy, yielding only Mexico and the United States, calculated the consulting company Maplecroft in 2013. US Obesity costs $ 153 billion per year, it is about 1% of GDP.

In Russia, in 2006, the loss of the economy from underproduction due to overweight among the population was the same 1% of GDP, established Marina Kolosnitsyn and Arina Berdnikov, authors of the article "Excessive weight: how much is it and what to do with it?", Published in 2009 year in the journal "Applied Econometrics". Now these losses are higher, as the proportion of complete people is growing.

Now obesity for each tenth man and every seventh woman in the world. And by 2025, if the trend does not change, this problem will cover 18% of men and 21% of women

If we take into account the costs of treating diseases caused by excessive fullness, the amount of damage will grow multiple times. On the RMEZ database, Marina Kolosnitsina estimated that women with overweight in 2014 spent 942 rubles for medical assistance and medicine. per month, men - 564 rubles. Women with obesity spent 1291 rubles - twice as many men with the same diagnosis. And in general, the costs of medical assistance and medicines in those who suffer obese, almost twice as much as people with normal weight. According to Professor of the Colosity, the same proportions in profile states.

Women with overweight in 2014 spent 942 rubles on medical and medicine. per month, men - 564 rubles. Women with obesity spent 1291 rubles. - twice as many men with the same diagnosis

According to WEF, global economic damage from non-infectious diseases, many of which are associated with obesity will reach $ 47 trillion by 2030. The cost of fighting them is 0.7-2.8% of the total health budget of the countries of the world, counted Whitroou and Alter in the article "Economic burden of obesity worldwide: a systematic overview of the direct costs of obesity", published in 2010 by Obesity Reviews magazine.

According to WEF, global economic damage from non-infectious diseases, many of which are associated with obesity will reach $ 47 trillion by 2030

In the Russian Federation with obesity, approximately 44% of cases of second type diabetes mellitus are connected, more than 20% of cases of ischemic heart disease and from 7% to 40% of cases of certain types of cancer. "Infertility, by the way, is also often due to overweight or obesity," said Eduard Gavrilov.

Costs for treatment of three diseases in people with obesity, and this is an acute circulatory disorder, acute myocardial infarction and a second-type diabetes amounted to 369 billion rubles, or 70% of the cost of the budget, the article of Almanac of Clinical Medicine for February 2015

In the DMS system, the costs of treatment of consequences of obesity calculated the company "Alfasture". Insurers payments to hospitals and clinics for the treatment of diseases caused by excess weight reaches 21.6-22.1 billion rubles, this is 15-20% of all the costs of the insurance industry at the DMS for the year. A survey of more than 150 endocrinologists and cardiologists from Moscow and the regions showed that each fifth of the working age of the working age turns out of medical care due to diseases caused by overweight. At the same time, 61% of them, the problem of excess weight passes into chronic obesity.