Approach 3 times 4 approach. Foot training program without iron: strengthening, endurance, explosive force

And the serious transformation of Alexander @aleksandrsadovsky Sadovsky (in just a year!) Makes very many interested in how this guy trained to achieve such results. At our request, Alexander published his workout program - so that the beginners would be some kind of landmark to which they should strive.

But he did not be limited to only one program, and then, during a couple of years, published in the comments other training programs. In this selection, we have collected all his programs dedicated to the foot training!

Program number 1: squats

The squat program is designed for two months. Rest between approaches about a minute and a half, a maximum of two.

1 day
1. The approach 5 repetitions
2. Equipment 5 repetitions
3. Equipment 10 repetitions
4. Enter 10 repetitions

2 day
1. Enter 10 repetitions
2. Equipment 10 repetitions
3. Equipment 5 repetitions
4. Equipment 5 repetitions
5. Equipment 10 repetitions

3 day
1. Enter 10 repetitions
2. Equipment 10 repetitions
3. Equipment 10 repetitions
4. Equipment 15 repetitions

4 day
1. Enter 10 repetitions
2. Equipment 10 repetitions
3. Equipment 15 repetitions
4. Equipment 15 repetitions
5. Equipment 5 repetitions

5 day
1. The approach of 15 repetitions
2. Equipment 20 repetitions
3. Equipment 10 repetitions
4. Equipment 20 repetitions

6 day
1. The approach of 15 repetitions
2. Equipment 15 repetitions
3. Equipment 20 repetitions
4. Equipment 25 repetitions

7 day

Increase the number of repetitions in the approaches for this scheme until you reach (at the end of the second month) of the following number of approaches and repetitions:

1. Approach 100 repetitions
2. Approach 100 repetitions
3. Approach 100 repetitions
4. Approach 100 repetitions
5. Approach 100 repetitions

When you achieve this mark, then go to more sophisticated exercise - Pistolatics (squatting on one leg):

1. The approach 5 repetitions
2. Equipment 5 repetitions
3. Equipment 5 repetitions
4. Equipment 5 repetitions

The most important thing in squatting on one leg - appliances! If you do this exercise is wrong, you can injure your knee.

In case, if it is difficult for you to do this exercises and will not be enough stretch marks, I advise you to stretch to stretch and carefully warm up before this exercise. For this, it is perfectly suitable for a couple of kilometers a slow paced or squatting with one approach to the maximum number of repetitions.

Program # 2: A variety of exercises
(Pattern of exercise: Slow)

1. Squakes with narrow leg formulation 4 approach 15 repetitions

The starting position when performing the exercise - foot foot together, hands along the body, the back is straight. On the exhalation, quit until the thighs will not be parallel to the floor, the knees behind the feet do not go out! Hold at the bottom point, feeling the stress in the hips, and in the breath, return to its original position.

2. PLILE 3 approaches by repetitions

Put legs on the width of the shoulders, socks look at the sides, knees diluted. Slowly squat, delay as much as you can and come back to the original position.

3. Films 4 of the type 4 approaches 10 repetitions

I. Put your legs on the width of the shoulders, keep your hands along the body. We raise the foot bent in my knee, then pull forward and lower, making the lunge. Please note that the knee must be perpendicular to the floor and do not speak for the sock. Raise your leg and return to the starting position

II. You can make a reverse lunge, exercise exercise technology as in the usual loss, only the leg is drawn back.

III. And double lunge: after falling ahead, the foot is returned not to its original position, but immediately back.

IV. Fucks to the sides. The lunges to the side are performed from the position standing, hands on the width of the shoulders. Make the maximum long step to the side. Sat on foot (the one to which the step was taken). The second leg remains stretched to the side and does not bend
The shower of the leg returns to its original position. Make it alternately for each leg.

4. Kneening to breasts 2 approaches 12-15 repetitions

Purpose - explosive jumping into a height in which the muscles are actively involved abdominal press And knees in the air are tightened to the chest. The back at the same time is the most vertically as possible.

5. rise on the bench 3 approaches 10 repetitions

Having inhaled, put the leg on the bench and climb on it. Straighten the leg completely. Standing on the main leg, raise the second leg bent in the knee. Make exhale. Smoothly go down to the sock of the second leg and breathe. When the second leg confidently becomes the floor, lift the main leg stop and repeat the exercise.

6. Pistolatics 3 approaches 10 repetitions

Pistolatics is performed from the standing position. Hands and leg, which is free, stretch forward to maintain equilibrium. It is allowed to make squats on one leg, supporting anything (per bench, wall, chair, etc.) but not relying. It is prohibited at the bottom point to tear off the heel from the floor. In this case, the repetition is counted. Try when the leg is satisfied not to bend that it would not be injured the knee. Try socks

7. Slop in Spartan 4 approach 10 repetitions

8. SUMO 4 approaches 10 repetitions

Put the legs wider shoulders, socks should look as much as possible, hands hold on the hips

9. Mahi legs standing on the parties (to the sides, back, forward)
Mahi to the sides. 3 types 3 approaches 20 repetitions

I. Take the starting position. Hold your back smoothly, near the support, which can be the usual wall or chair.
Hold on with your left hand for support, raise right leg in right side. It is very important that during the execution of the exercise raised leg with the body and left foot made up one line!

The body should be straight, and the leg lifting is the highest possible, since only in this case the exercise will be really effective.

II. Mahi back. Turn face to the support and grab it. Keep your back smoothly. Take one leg back, performing the MAY up in such a way that it is at the height. Lock the body and slowly return to its original position.

III. Mahi feet forward. Stand up near the support, hold on with one hand and lift your feet in turn forward in such a way that they formed with the surface of the floor parallel plane.

10. Rift to one leg sock 4 approaches 25-50 repetitions

The sock stand is necessary in order to be able to descend lower and stronger to stretch the shin. At the top point, it is advisable to pause.

The icy muscle is such a muscle that "loves" a large number of repetitions. For training, you must do 100 - 200 lifting, if you want the growth of the volume of this muscle.

11. Lifting the pelvis lying on the back 4 approaches of 15-20 repetitions

Lie on the back, bending the legs in the knees. Foot position as close as possible to the buttocks and firmly assume the floor, avoiding slipping. Throw off the heels from the floor and the feet of the thigh as much as possible, keeping the back smooth. At the top point of the exercise, take a pause of 2-3 seconds. Exercise strain jagged muscles. Try not to use the thigh strength, try to relax them. After a static pause, slowly return back to its original position.

.: Other articles

I am glad to welcome your respected readers, admirers and others. good people! As I remember - the number of approaches and repetitions - the question I asked myself literally from the first days of visits gym. At first, I learned the books on Bodybuilding, but a clear answer, the newcomer, did not find there, then I climbed into the global web, and there a huge number of contradictory opinions fell on me. Some told the magic digit 6-8 repetitions, others with foam in the mouth argued what to do 10 Thirds were generally silent in a rag and remained with her opinion. Latest hope For me, there were answers to the "experienced" and regulars of the gym, and I must say that here they are just and instructed on the path of a true young greens in the form of me :).

Today we will talk about all these things, quantitatively qualitative indicators training process, go.

Approaches and repetitions: parsing.

So, on the calendar, February is already the second month of your classes in the rocking chair, and you still do not know in any eye, how many approaches and repetitions should be done? Not trouble, this note will fix everything. But to start a little prehistory.

If you drive into the search string heading of our article, you can instantly get tons of various answers by reading which you can understand that currently there are two approaches regarding this issue. The first is a classic, standard generally accepted schemes and the second - scientific, we will look at both, and even more. I want to immediately say that I am not a supporter of "frozen forms", i.e. I do not like clichés, the same type compiled for completely different people, standard tips, which are common to everyone. I am more sympathetic to another approach, and I try to stick to him, it is that every person is individual (in terms of muscle structure, metabolic and recruitment processes muscular mass), And build its training relationship with iron and the power program must be based on this position.

Many of the same coaches used to hang labels to beginners and give them standard tips. For example, the trenches came to the hall and the "expert" he says: "O-LLC, go squat!" Your mother, and on his face all signs of scoliosis, curvature of the spine, completely lacking legs or there was some serious injury with the lower back in childhood. What am I talking about this? Yes, to this - in order not to mess with the new wards, it is best to say: go do something, i.e. Apply a template scheme. The same rule works and in determining the quantitative indicators of training - Go do 2 approach by 8 Repetitions and not tweet :).

All this I want to convey to you that yes, there are standard proven schemes that work well, but it absolutely does not mean that they will also work cool on you. Perhaps a newcomer (in order not to score his head) it is easier to give a specific council (in order to avoid extra questions on his part), but for the result, then you are not entitled to ask anyone. Understand, asking such a question - "How much do you hang in grams to do?" The answer will almost always be a template, and it does not always be possible to approach you. I think 2 understood here, go further.

Now, in fact, about these most generally accepted conventions and stereotypes against the figures of the training process. There are the following 3 Myth:

Myth #1. 8-12 repetitions.

This is the optimal range of "Repites" from the point of view.

Original (origin): in 1954 Jan Macqueen, Doctor of Medical Sciences and Speaker Bodybuilder, published a scientific work in which recommended to perform a moderate number of repetitions ( 8-12 ) for increase muscular growth.

True: In this range of work, the muscles are the average amount of time by middle voltage, which does not allow to get the maximum benefit for them.

Scientific approach: Higher voltage corresponds heavy Weighs, it is the weight that the muscles encourage growth, muscular fibers Get more, they gain strength. On the other hand, more voltage increases the size of the muscles due to an increase in the structures producing the structures around the fibers - muscle stamina increases. Classic option from 8 before 12 Repetitions provides balance between voltage and weight. But performing all the time such a quantity, you skip a higher level of voltage that comes with heavier weights and fewer repetitions.

Conclusion: Variate the number of repetitions and, accordingly, change the working weight of the projectile so as to stimulate each type of muscle fiber. Try this method for a month, performing three sessions on the whole body per week. Those. Make 5 repeats for one set in your first training session 10 repeats for set in the second and 15 - In the third.


Repetition is the performance of movement controlled by compliance with the phases of lowering and lifting the projectile.

Seth (approach) - the number of sessions assigned to the execution of the specified repetitions.

Myth number 2. Do 3 sets in each exercise.

This will provide ideal workload To achieve the fastest muscular volumes.

Original (origin): in 1948 year Thomas Delorm (doctor of physical medicine) said that the implementation of three approaches in 10 repetitions are just as effective (for the development of the force of the legs), as well as execution 10 Sets in 10 Repetitions in each.

True: there is nothing magical for the muscles in the figure 3 . The number of approaches (sets) should not be determined 50 year-old recommendations. Remember the rule: than more repetitions You perform, the fewer networks need to be performed and vice versa. This means that the total number of "repite" (in total in the exercise) should remain approximately the same and should not depend on the number of repetitions you are making a set.

Conclusion: If you do 8 (or more) repetitions, the number of sets should be 3 or less. If you are executed 3 repetition, then you need to make them in 6 sets.

Myth№3. Make 3-4 exercises for each muscular group.

This ensures that you will fly all the muscle fibers.

Original (Origin): Postulate Arnold, recorded from his words in 1966 year.

True: work in this mode, will require a lot of time and that's why. This recommendation Schwarzenegger 40 -years old prescription also assumed (almost always) performing three approaches to 8-12 Repetitions in each. Not good mathematics and a simple calculation gives us the following numbers - to 144 Repetitions for each muscular group. The problem is that even if you are capable of performing about 100 Repetitions (for any muscular group), then you do not work hard enough. The greater workout, the less time the body will be able to maintain this level of effort.

Conclusion: Instead of focusing on a number different exercises What are you doing, stop at the total number of repetitions from 25 before 50 . This means - work with one exercise in five sets by 5 repetitions (everything turns out 25 ) or one approach from 15 Repetitions B. 2-3 exercises (everything turns out 30-45 ).

There is also a fourth myth who relates little to the topic of repetitions, but I just could not mention it, because I consider it very important.

Myth number 4. Never allow your knees for the plane of the fingers of the foot.

Your knees should not be too far ahead during the execution of such exercises as or. Otherwise, knee ligaments will be subject to dangerous transverse forces.

Original (origin): in 1978 The study of the University of Duke has shown that, keeping the leg as in more vertical position During the crop, the load of the transverse forces on the knee is reduced.

True: Too much tilt forward will lead to injury. IN 2003 Year of the University of Memphis confirmed that the voltage in knee joint increases by 28%, When the knees went out for the plane of the stop. However, scientists observed the opposite effect: the stress in the hip increased almost 40% In a result of limiting the movement of the knee ahead. The reason was hidden in the slope of the torso (when squatted) further and forth. It is also a problem, because The forces acting on the thigh transmit the load on the bottom of the back, and it is this area that is more frequent injuries, even in comparison with the knees.

Conclusion: Pay more attention to the position of the upper body, and not so critical about the knead location. When performing squats, try to keep the housing as you even can, thereby reduce the negative load on the thigh. To be in this position, remember the tips:

  • hardly twist the blades together and hold them in this position throughout the entire trajectory of movement;
  • try to hold the forearm in the position perpendicular to the floor.


If you want to provide additional support for squatting your back, then strain the muscles of the abdominal press (as if you want to hit the stomach). In this case, all three layers of the abdominal wall will occur, and the vertebral pillar will receive additional stability. This is a whole increase productivity in squats.

Actually, with myths finished, now let's go to the practical part. Or not, a minute ...

Recently, I began to notice that "Ostap suffered", i.e. Articles are quite voluminous, and considering the fact that they are also technical, sometimes it is difficult to learn all the necessary information. Therefore, I apologize, but "Kina will not - electricity ended! :). " And if seriously, the next tasty practical part of the notes will be released quite soon (literally about it), so you subscribe to updates to miss anything!


Today we began to deal with such a question as the number of approaches and repetitions when performing exercises. We generally reviewed the existing positions regarding this issue, met the main myths. Now we just need to decide on specific numbers and learn how to correctly define them for yourself, but this is a completely different story.

See new meetings, congratulations, see you soon!

PS. Do not pass by comments, they are always waiting for your hot discussions.

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With respect and appreciation, Protasov Dmitry.

This is not a very common misconception, but, nevertheless, I want to discuss him.

It is partly true and therefore here the newcomers are waiting for a trap.

The fact is that 20 times the approach is effective only if the athlete is completely laid out for this one approach, but does not switch the face of the rehearseness.

And this thin face is very difficult to catch.

If you are a little bit of touching, then the effectiveness of the exercise is sharply reduced and we can assume that the training was wasting.

If you negotiate a little bit, then you will simply be taken out of the hall with a pale, exhausted, exhausted and flames.

The adepts (fans) of squats 20 times behind the approach put on the entire bucket room, so that it was not necessary to run, when it wanted to play from overtraining after approach. And it's not a joke.

Therefore, no one from beginner athletes advise you to try this recommendation on yourself. In 99%, you will develop a persistent disgust for squats and styling.

I want to pay attention to the fact that it is especially actively insisting on these 20 single squats and traction one of the now "fashionable" guru of amateur bodybuilding Stewart Macket (by books "Think!", "Thyji-2", "Hands of Titan" and DR .), whose books the last 8-10 years have become actively spreading in Russia.

I suggest to look closely to the macroberta myself and think, and can we trust His advice.

Who is he, this "fashionable" guru, and that he himself can? What results did he achieve himself?

Let's figure it out in this matter, because it is quite important. Agree, it is stupid to read the book, for example, on the craft of a bricklayer, written by a man who can not lay out the brick wall of the garage.

In the book "Think!", Fortunately, are given. better results Stewart Macroberta. They are. Lying - 120kg, squat - 160kg and deadlift - 200kg. In sum, it gives 120 + 160 + 200 \u003d 480kg.

Unfortunately, the book does not specify the own weight of Stewart, but we can approximate it for approximately themselves.

He writes that he has a height of 175 cm and by its methodology increased 25 kg of muscles. Thus, even if it initially, with its height of 175 cm, there was a slender 60-kilogram dystrophist, then adjusting 25 kg of the muscles, it was reached by weight in 60 + 25 \u003d 85kg. And most likely 90-95kg. But we will dwell at a minimum of 85 kg.

So, what does all this mean and why all these calculations and assumptions? .. This is necessary in order to translate the conversation in a more familiar plane sports discharges and ranks. This, of course, is purely our, Russian standards, but let's look at the results of Stuart from this side. At least of interest.

Below I cite a table of standards for paeerlifting for men (the sum of three exercises).

Tags:for mass, for experienced, 3 times a week, split

For whom the program: For those who are ready to train truly hard, ready to have to buy clothes for 2-3 size more, for those who can technically competently perform most exercises.

About the training method

German voluminous training (notes) became famous thanks to the coach of the German national athletics Holf Fezer. Rolf trained his national team for this program in the off-season for a set of muscle mass.

In 1996, after the article by the Canadian coach Charles Polza, Music is experiencing, in fact, the second birth. Charles rethought the idea of \u200b\u200bnotes and presented his version of a program based on the work of antagonist muscles in supersets.

Principles of German volumetric training from Charles of Polyvin:

  • Choose basic exerciseswhich involve the maximum possible amount of muscles, or vice versa - technically complex exercises.
  • Perform 10 approaches of 10 repetitions to each main exercise.
  • In the main exercises (10x10), rest not more than 90 seconds. When performing auxiliary exercises, rest even less, about 60 seconds.
  • Worry antagonist muscles.
  • Increase weight weights only when you can perform "pure" 10 approaches of 10 repetitions. Do not work to muscular failure.
  • Start easy. Use the weight with which you can make 20 repetitions. It is about 60% of your single-calm maximum.
  • Do not forget about pro auxiliary exercises. The volume of work in them is less than in the main exercises. Perform 3 approaches to 10-15 repetitions.
  • Frequency of training. Ideally, every muscular group should work out every 4-5 days.
  • Food. To recover from training to training you need a lot.

Training strategy

The training process was built on the principle of split training, and the participation of antagon muscle.

An example of a classic notch cycle:

  • Day 1 - breast muscles and back muscles,
  • Day 3 - rest,
  • Day 4 - Hands and shoulders,
  • Day 5 - rest.

Natural athletes with a lack of calories and sleep may noted a decrease in performance and non-assistance.

If this happens, try to build a cycle a little differently.

An example of one cycle:

  • Day 1 - breast muscles and top of the back,
  • Day 2 - legs and abdominal press,
  • Day 3 - rest,
  • Day 4 - shoulders and widest,
  • Day 5 - biceps and triceps,
  • Day 6 - rest,
  • Day 7 - rest.

Training on the principle of notes are divided into two phases:

  • 1 phase lasts 6 cycles, and contains 10 approaches of 10 repetitions.
  • 2 phase continues 3 cycles, and contains 10 approaches of 6 repetitions in each. Moreover, weight for approaches should be the one with which you can perform 12 repetitions.

The idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a cycling is very simple - the phase with a large volume and average intensity is replaced by a phase with a smaller volume and less intensity.

Music training

Phase 1. 6 cycles.

  • Rods are lying, 10 × 10,
  • Top block, 10 × 10.

  • Singing dumbbells lying, 3 × 15,
  • Link dumbbells in the slope, 3 × 15.

Day 2. Legs and press

Superset, main exercises, rest 90 sec.

  • Squats with barbell on shoulders, 10 × 10,
  • Foot flexions in the simulator lying, 10 × 10.

Superset, auxiliary exercises, rest 60 sec.

  • Lifting the body from the position lying, 3 × 15,
  • Lifting on the socks in the simulator standing, 3 × 15.

Day 3. Rest.

Day 4. Hands and shoulders.

Superset, main exercises, rest 90 sec.

  • Push-ups on bars, 10 × 10,
  • Lifting the rod on biceps, 10 × 10.

Superset, auxiliary exercises, rest 60 sec.

  • Hand breeding with dumbbells standing, 3 × 15,
  • Hand breeding with dumbbells sitting in the slope, 3 × 15.

Day 5. Rest.

Phase 2. 3 cycles

Day 1. Breast muscles and back muscles

Superset, main exercises, rest 90 sec.

Rather dumbbells inclined bench - 10 × 6,

Top block traction - 10 × 6.

Superset, auxiliary exercises, rest 60 sec.

The reduction of dumbbells is lying - 3 × 12,

Land block - 3 × 12.

Day 2. Legs and press

Superset, main exercises, rest 90 sec.

Classical rodged traction - 10 × 6,

Flexing legs in the simulator lying - 10 × 6.

Superset, auxiliary exercises, rest 60 sec.

Twisting on upper block - 3 × 12,

Lifting on socks in the simulator sitting - 3 × 12.

Day 3. Rest

Day 4. Hands and shoulders

Superset, main exercises, rest 90 sec.

Rods Lyzhima narrow grove - 10 × 6,

Lifting the rod on the biceps on Scott Bench - 10 × 6.

Superset, auxiliary exercises, rest 60 sec.

Hand breeding with dumbbells standing - 3 × 12,

Hand breeding with dumbbells sitting in the slope - 3 × 12.

Day 5. Rest

Read before training:

How many approaches?
This question is the subject of hot disputes. Some experts believe that one approach needs to be done, but to perform the maximum number of repetitions, others protrude in several approaches and fewer repetitions.
I recommend that you use a classic proven way of performing exercises, namely 3 approaches. Someone is better than 4, someone 2 approaches, but in general, 3 - the Golden middle, which is convenient to navigate. The exception is new to beginners. When you are just starting to train, then the three approaches immediately will be hard. After 3-4 weeks, you must increase the number of approaches as your body will become more advanced.
While you are new, then you will need one exercise on each part of the body.

If you have an average level of preparation, you can break the workouts into two parts (top and bottom for example). Each part of the body will require 2 types of exercises with 3 approaches (only 6 approaches).
If you have an advanced level, you need to perform 3 exercises to each group of muscles with three-four approaches, with a total of 9 to 12 approaches to every muscle group.
Why 3 approaches? Yours power training Must be laid in a period of 30 to 60 minutes. In order to have time, you must adapt the number of exercises by this time. From a scientific point of view, your muscle fibers will not have time to work as much as possible in one approach. In addition, scientific studies have shown that several approaches make it stronger to intensify the production of growth hormone and testosterone, which is very important for the growth of muscles and the combustion of fat.
You also need to add that the larger the muscle group, the greater the load they can withstand.

How many repetitions?
The number of repetitions is mainly determined by your goals.

I recommend to take a clear number of repetitions (for example, 3 approaches 10 times), and the range from 6 to 12 so that you have the possibility of maneuver. For example, if you do an exercise on your back, then you can do, say 9-9-9 (three approaches of 9 repetitions) repetitions. Next training will give you the opportunity to perform 9-9-10, then 9-10-10, then 10-10-10, etc. Those. Using this system you can watch your progress. When it becomes easy to do 12-12-12, then you increase the weight to such a mark to perform 6-6-6, then again 6-6-7, 6-7-7, 7-7-7, 7-7- 8 ... 12-12-12, etc.,
The biggest error is the constant repetition of the same exercises for a long time using the same weight. If you are not hard, then you do not achieve something new. Only a new load makes you stronger

A large number of repetitions will help me burn more fat?
In fact, a large number of repetitions do not burn more fat, because during training the fat does not burn at all. Yes, the calories are spent during training, but the burning of fat occurs after training due to the increased calorie flow rate. The faster the metabolism, the fastener burns, and the metabolic rate depends on the amount of muscle mass. A large number of repetitions do not allow the increase in muscle mass.

How much do I need to rest between approaches?
The break should be about 60 seconds. Sometimes up to 120 seconds for large muscle groups in order to have time to relax and recover.
Universal duration - 60 seconds.
If your goal is to increase the power parameters, then the break must be increased to 120 seconds.
If your goal is the maximum fat burning, the break is reduced to 20-45 seconds, which adds aerobics effect.

How fast should I raise and lower the weight?
Exercises slowly and gently. Usually 2-3 seconds are required to raise weight and 3-4 seconds for lowering. Never perform sharp, peasant movements. Shuffles do not give muscles thoroughly worry. Only a slow uniform load distribution is correct for the development of muscles. In addition, sharp movements can lead to injuries.

What should be the intensity of training?
If you have selected the appropriate weight, the last two or three repetitions must be difficult to fulfill.
For example, 1-2-3 easily -4-5-6 normally 7-8-9 hard 10-11 limit 12 - it is impossible.

How can I choose exercises?
I believe that one of the best books ever written in the history of bodybuilding is "modern encyclopedia of bodybuilding", written