Varieties of walking with standard hand positions. The main types of walking and running

One of the long-standing controversies in the sports environment is which is better - running or walking? To overcome the thorny path from a beginner to a professional, you will have to figure out how both types of movement differ, whether running or brisk walking helps you lose weight and whether the duration of the load matters. Let us find out how the alternation of running and walking affects the body and relieves stress.

Running remains one of the healthy lifestyle trends, which is good news. But when choosing a workout for healing and strengthening the body, you need to know how jogging differs from walking, how to run correctly and what type of running has a health-improving effect. You don't need to learn to run by trial and error. Correct technique is the basis of progress and the best way protection from injury.

Among athletes, there is such a thing as "correct running handwriting":

  • straight back without bending forward;
  • the shoulders are lowered and symmetrical;
  • easy step and smooth leg extension;
  • legs move almost in one straight line;
  • distribution of the load from the center to the entire foot;
  • average step width;
  • when right leg is carried forward, a swing with the left hand is performed, and vice versa.

Running is classified according to:

  • movement speed;
  • distances;
  • type of running surface;
  • ascent angle;
  • the number of participants.

Recreational types include:

  1. :
    • differs in slow pace and small running steps;
    • suitable for beginners and professionals as an independent physical activity, warm up before workout or how the final stage training.
  2. Aerobic running:
    • running with a pulse of 115–125 beats / min, in which there is enough inhaled air to fully provide the body with oxygen;
    • apply on long distances, can be alternated with power loads.
  3. Interval running:
    • fast running at the limit of possibilities alternates with jogging or walking according to a pre-scheduled program (in minutes or meters);
    • suitable for advanced athletes.
  4. :
    • extremely fast pace at short distances;
    • practiced by athletes with experience.
  5. Fartlek:
    • alternating running different speeds without a predetermined program;
    • suitable for inexperienced runners, used when running on terrain with descents and ascents.

Race walking: features and types

Not sure which is more effective: walking or running? Answer: all together. Walking isn't just for the elderly. Mastering her correct technique takes no less time than mastering the running technique. Advance should be rapid and continuous, but one foot should always be in contact with the treadmill. The foot rolls from heel to toe. The body must not be tilted. It is very important to bend your elbows and move them alternately.

Types of sports walking:

  • classic race walking (7–8 km / h);
  • accelerated walking (12-14 km / h);
  • nordic walking with sticks (Nordics).

Walking and running: comparison of benefits in terms of weight loss effectiveness

Best to deal with overweight helps proper nutrition: Exercise contributes 15–20% to bodybuilding, and adequate diet contributes 50%. The share of sports accounts for a small part of the calories burned - 10-30% of the total energy consumption. More energy is consumed during the day.

The body also adapts to stress and learns to take energy from fat stores. In the future, he will store them as soon as possible. As a result, a person becomes more inclined to be overweight. This explains why many ex-athletes are highly obese.

An integrated approach and an active lifestyle are important in losing weight. In addition to aerobic 40-60-minute workouts, power trainingwhich will speed up your metabolism and help maintain muscle. If a person gets tired after jogging and refuses to go out with friends or family, clean up or go shopping, then they will not be able to lose weight. First of all, it is necessary to deal with lack of movement, overeating, excessive consumption of unhealthy food and non-observance of water balance.

If you still compare the fat burning effect of walking and running, then high-intensity loads help to burn more calories in much less time. In this case, it will be interval running, which "melts" faster overweight and shifts the metabolism so that calories continue to be consumed even after a run.

But in untrained people, the pulse easily leaves the "fat burning" zone (50–70% of the maximum heart rate) into a zone that is dangerous to health. Subtract your age from 220 to determine your maximum heart rate. A beginner can accelerate his heart rate during race walking, while a marathon runner may have a low heart rate while running. Therefore, when choosing between walking and running, take into account your health, physical fitness, weight.

Effects of running and walking on the body

Running and walking have an equally beneficial effect on all systems and organs. If you are in excellent health and are ready to train three times a week - run! If the body is not ready for such loads, give preference to race walking.

Health effects of running and walking:

  • The supply of trace elements to the connective tissues increases.
  • Reduces blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
  • The respiratory system is strengthened.
  • The heart becomes stronger and the pulse at rest stops "frequenting".
  • Immunity is strengthened.
  • The metabolism improves.
  • Efficiency and resistance to stress increases.
  • Will and faith in one's own strength is brought up.
  • Emotional stress is relieved.
  • Recovery processes are improved, especially for those who work the night shift.

A study conducted by American cardiologists with the participation of people aged 18–80 years has shown that regular running and walking for more than six years reduces blood pressure, the level of bad cholesterol, the risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. However, walking was found to be healthier for people over 40 and overweight.

But walking has a drawback - low intensity. This means that the runner will strengthen the immune system, leg muscles, improve heart function, and more faster than the one who prefers walking. If there are no contraindications to running, it is better to periodically use both types of load or combine them in interval training.

When is running or walking harmful?

Before you start running, see a therapist. Additional consultation with a cardiologist and orthopedist may be needed. Running is not recommended for people with:

  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • back pain;
  • knee injuries;
  • diseases of the joints;
  • obesity;
  • thrombophlebitis of the legs;
  • with exacerbation of chronic diseases.

If you have the above problems, choose walking. Running will harm a healthy person only if he does not follow the correct technique.

Running and walking are not omnipotent, but miraculous. They teach self-control and responsibility. It is believed that a person during such a load trains not so much his legs as his heart and lungs, which is absolutely true. Is it hard to force yourself to exercise? Change the way you approach sports. Run or walk fast for your own pleasure, without looking back at others. Set adequate goals for yourself so that the loads that await you tomorrow are on the shoulder and do not scare you. When the first positive results appear, there will be a desire to progress and improve in this matter.

Walking is the most accessible view cyclic exercise. It is recommended for people of all ages with different condition health. Currently, various types of recreational walking are used not only for prevention, but also for treatment. cardiovascular disease, diseases of the respiratory system.

Walking speed. When walking at a speed of 4-6 km per hour, oxygen consumption increases 3-4 times than at rest. At the beginning of walking, you need to monitor correct, measured breathing: 3-4 steps - inhale, 4-5 steps - exhale. Then, when breathing becomes rhythmic, it is not necessary to control it. Physical activity is determined by the speed of movement and the length of the distance.

Walking duration depends on how you feel. Favorable signs are considered: even, easy breathing, mild perspiration, a sense of satisfaction and slight physical fatigue. The pulse after walking increases, compared with the initial one, by 10-20 bpm and returns to normal after 5-10 minutes of rest.

Walking is divided into usual, accelerated and dosed.

Normal walking has a positive effect on metabolism, on the work of the heart, improves blood circulation and ventilation of the lungs and is an affordable way to improve health.

Accelerated walking develops muscles and produces volitional qualities... Brisk walking is done with frequent, small steps. Brisk walking is recommended for people who have contraindications to running, for example, during rehabilitation after a heart attack.

Dosed or recreational walking it is used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases, does not require more energy than running. Regular classes dosed walking increase efficiency. Over time, you can do health jogging.
Dosed (health-improving) walking is recommended for obese patients.

When practicing recreational walking, the step should be uniform. Start from 1-2 km, adding 250-500 m per day, so you can bring the total length of the route to 10 km or more. The pace is 1 km in 12-20 minutes, the stride length is 50-70 cm.

To get started, walk 2 km in 30 minutes. In this case, a person of average height should take 90 steps per minute. Thus, as a result of the walk, 2700 steps will be "measured". The medical criterion for the load is a certain increase in heart rate, which should not exceed 90-95 b / min. As you get used to such a distance (the heart rate will decrease), the distance should be gradually increased, up to 2.5 km (time - 30 minutes). At the same time, the frequency of steps increases - 95-100 per minute, while the length of the step can increase. When you do 3000 steps in 30 minutes, you don't need to increase the load.

Wellness walking does not require special footwear and clothing. It is better to walk on flat terrain, away from the road. While walking, you should not talk, breathing should be natural.

There are also different types of walking for different muscles of the body, which will correct the figure, improve posture, and make a beautiful gait:

Moderate heel-to-toe walking. A slow transition from heel to toe, the leg is straightened at the knee - the calf, hip and abdominal muscles are involved. With daily practice of such walking, the body will become fit.

Walking on heels, on toes. Walking is performed on straight legs. If you walk on your heels, then the socks should not touch the floor and vice versa. These types of walking improve posture, force the muscles of the calves, buttocks, back and neck to work in double volume, which allows you to remove unnecessary deposits in these places.

Walking with a high leg lift. Raise the leg bent at the knee high, then lower it to the toe with a gradual transition to the heel. When walking, the muscles of the lower leg and buttocks are involved. With daily exercise, extra pounds go from these parts of the body.

Walking with long strides. When walking with wide strides, all the muscles of the body work. She will help make slender legs, tighten the stomach, improve coordination of movements. Increase your stride length gradually so as not to pull on muscle tissue.

Side and cross step. First, one foot takes several steps to the side, then the other foot. Then the same thing, only with a cross step. The load falls mainly on the muscles of the calves and buttocks. Faster steps burn calories quickly and promote weight loss. These types of walking are used in aerobics.

Step with a lunge.Semi-squatting, take a step with a lunge, on the whole foot. A heavy load falls on all leg muscles. Regular exercise of such walking eliminates fat deposits, prevents the formation of cellulite and varicose veins.

Walking forward with your back. With this type of walking, first the foot is placed on the toe, then smoothly passes to the heel. Walking forward with your back corrects your posture and gait, gives you confidence.

Walking up the stairs. When walking like this, place only the forefoot (socks) on the step, and, leaning on it, take the next step, strongly tensing the muscles. Are getting stronger calf muscles, muscles of the anterior and back surface hips.

IT IS INTERESTING: Walking or weight loss diets - which one to choose?

British researchers argue that normal walking rightfully competes with the newfangled weight loss diets and exercise machines. For 8 years, they followed 7 thousand patients, aged 40-65 years. Half of them took vigorous walks daily. Scientists have concluded that at least 30 minutes of walking a day (3-4 hours a week) may protect against coronary artery disease and other heart problems.

For women fast walk Is the perfect exercise to help you burn extra calories. In addition, vigorous walking is not as exhausting as exercising on a machine. The advantage of walking is that you can practice anywhere, at any time and in the fresh air, and not in a stuffy room.

Useful articles on "Exercise":

Walking is the most accessible form of physical activity. This is the simplest and most affordable way to restore and improve health, acceptable for people of all ages. In addition, compared to more intense types of movements, the percentage of injuries while walking is much lower.

Walking is a natural and habitual way of human movement. Movements with it are cyclical, which is characterized by a change in tension and muscle relaxation. In the process of evolution, human muscles have adapted to just such a load.

Walking is only beneficial when it is done at a fast pace with a springy take-off with the jogging leg. You need to walk intensively, but according to your well-being. Light perspiration should be sought and maintained while walking.

Walking is great for people leading sedentary image overweight, old age and low physical fitness.


Walking will have health benefits only if you choose the right exercise. The optimal load for each person is individual, but on average it is 7-8 kilometers per day.

Walking types:
1. Walking walking step. Its speed is less than a kilometer in 30 minutes.
2. Walking at an average pace: a kilometer in 10 - 12 minutes.
3. Nordic walking.
4. Energy walking.
5. Walking: a kilometer in 6 - 8 minutes or 130 - 140 steps per minute.
6. Fast walking, its speed is more than 8 kilometers per hour. Such results can only be achieved as a result of regular training.

The types of walking can also include: walking in place, walking up stairs, on toes, on heels, with muscle tension in the buttocks, lifting the knees high, backwards.


When walking, the total body weight should be moved with the least effort; for this, straighten your back and relax your shoulders. When bending the back and straining the shoulders, the speed decreases, the movements will be less harmonious.

The legs should be neither too tense nor overly relaxed. All joints of the lower extremities must actively participate in movement. It is advisable to put your legs closer to the line drawn mentally between the closed feet (even better, the foot behind the foot). With each step, the feet should be fully arched from the heel to the toes. The fingers should always point forward.

When walking, the arms move parallel to the body. The movement of the arms allows you to step faster and make your walk more free. In this case, almost all muscles are trained. The hands should be relaxed. Lower your shoulders, unfold and relax. The higher the pace of walking, the more the elbows should be bent.

The body is straight when walking, the head is kept straight, the lower abdomen is tucked up. Rib cage deployed. This will allow you to breathe more deeply and efficiently. The center of gravity of the body is quickly transferred to the bumps of the toes and the outside of the foot. The movements of the legs are smooth, rhythmic, continuous, and the step is elastic, springy.


You need to walk regularly, preferably every day or at least 5 times a week. You need to walk from 30 minutes to one hour, depending on the state of your body.

Walking shoes should be comfortable. Such shoes will allow you to protect your feet from injury and will enable you to walk a lot without feeling tired. Trainers and trainers work well for this purpose. Worn-out boots, lace-up shoes, closed shoes, with low or small heels (3-4 cm) are also suitable. Simple or woolen (not synthetic) socks, an insole if sports shoes and even an instep support, if you have been prescribed it by an orthopedist, are required. It should also be borne in mind that light slippers, shoes - pumps, high-heeled shoes, shoes without heels, and especially without a cross strap or lacing, are not suitable for walking. Clothing should be loose, comfortable and appropriate for the weather.

Walk at a slow pace for the first few minutes to warm up your muscles. Then do stretching and flexibility exercises and walk at an energetic pace for the remaining 30 to 60 minutes. The intensity of the load at 20 years should not exceed 160 beats per minute, at 30 years - 150, at 40 - 140, at 50 - 130, and at 60 - 120. At a more mature age, it is better to increase the load by increasing the duration of walking, and not its intensity.

While walking, it is better to be silent so as not to catch your breath. Correct breathing is an important condition for the effectiveness of walks. It is necessary to breathe rhythmically through the nose, coordinating the breath with the rhythm of the movement. You should feel a little short of breath while walking, but not choke.

It is a good idea to drink a glass of water before walking, regardless of weather conditions. During intensive movement, a lot of moisture is lost in the body. After walking, it is also advisable to drink at least one glass of water.

At the end of the walk, gradually reducing the pace, walk for five minutes slowly. This will help calm your heartbeat and prevent muscle soreness.


To facilitate the movement of blood against the forces of gravity, that is, from the ends of the fingers and toes upwards, our body has a system of valves. These valves allow blood to flow in only one direction - up to the heart. There are 22 of them on the veins of the legs and 17 on the arms. They are spaced at intervals of about 4 centimeters. Each time the muscles in the legs or arms contract when walking, the veins contract and the blood is pushed upward. When relaxed, the valves close and prevent blood from flowing downward. With intensive walking, the blood actively moves through the vessels, flushes out all the poisons, enriches the internal organs with oxygen.

Walking plays a huge role in the massage of the intervertebral discs, ligaments and all connective tissue. No massage heals the intervertebral discs as well as running and walking. Rhythmic compression and relaxation allows abundant nourishment of the cartilage tissue and tendon ligaments of the spine.

When walking, food is agitated in the stomach and intestines, as well as bile in the gallbladder, preventing it from thickening and precipitating. Rhythmic pressure of food masses on the intestinal walls reflexively excites them and causes contraction, as a result of which the movement of food through the intestines proceeds normally.

Wellness walking

Recreational walking is the most accessible form of physical activity. Individual recommendations for recreational walking have been developed depending on age, health status and physical fitness. There are the following walking options:
1. Slow, from 60 to 70 steps per minute or 2.5 - 3 km / h; it is recommended mainly for sick and people who are weakened after an illness.
2. Average, from 70 to 90 steps per minute or 3 - 4 km / h; recommended for weak, untrained people.
3. Fast, from 90 to 110 steps per minute or 4 - 5 km / h; recommended for all healthy people.
4. Very fast, from 110 to 130 steps per minute or 5 - 6 km / h; recommended for healthy, well-trained people in good physical shape.
5. It is difficult for the body to adapt to walking at a pace of more than 130 steps per minute.

The main thing in health-improving walking is gradualness and regularity. Practically healthy people should give preference to pace, and the elderly and debilitated duration. Control over the state of the body is carried out according to the heart rate after walking and the time of its recovery to the initial level.

Recreational walking strengthens the heart muscle and improves blood circulation. Walking in the fresh air can help prevent a heart attack, stroke, or blockage. Walking for 1 hour a day (at a brisk pace) can reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes by 34%.

Walking for 45 minutes daily reduces your risk of breast cancer. As a result of walking, hormone levels are regulated, all body systems return to normal.

Walking about three hours a week at a brisk pace can help men reduce their chances of getting prostate cancer by up to 50%.

Wellness walking reduces the risk of colon cancer. It speeds up the digestion process, as a result of which the body is quickly released from waste.

Recreational walking 4 times a week for 30 minutes a day reduces the risk of developing glaucoma by lowering intraocular pressure. High intraocular pressure leads to damage to the optic nerve, which can contribute to the development of the disease.

Walking at a good, steady pace for more than 40 minutes a day improves the mood of people suffering from depression and reduces feelings of helplessness and isolation. This is due to the fact that the body itself begins to produce endorphins and, as a result, the mood improves much.

Wellness walking is a great exercise for fighting insomnia. However, you should not walk long and hard right before bed, as it raises the heart rate and warms up the muscles. To combat insomnia, you need to go for a walk a little earlier, and not before going to bed.

Recreational walking improves overall well-being and affects life expectancy. People who practice it not only live longer, but also their quality of life is much improved.

Slimming walking

Brisk walking as a means of losing weight is gaining more and more supporters. But in order to lose weight with it, you must walk up to ten thousand steps daily. Start small. The higher your walking pace, the more calories you burn. However, beginners should "get involved" first. Choose the optimal pace and distance for yourself that you can handle.

You need to walk quickly with the goal of losing weight. You should walk approximately one kilometer in 10 to 12 minutes. Another rule is that you should walk at such a pace that you can, for example, speak, but you cannot sing while walking.

In order to start losing weight, you need to cover a distance of 12 km daily. It should be borne in mind that what more weight body, the more calories are expended. A person weighing 90 kg when walking briskly consumes about 500 calories in 1 hour, and with a weight of 60 kg, about 300 calories will be consumed during the same time.

Wear the heaviest shoes, take the weights with you. Weight-walking is a great additional weight loss stimulant. The fat burning load will increase, moreover, on the lower half of the body.

Walking up is a great way to lose weight. You can simply walk uphill or climb the steps.

Hold your breath while walking. Breathe in - hold - exhale. For example, inhale three steps, then hold three steps and exhale three steps too. As you exercise, the number of steps per inhalation, holding and exhalation can be increased. Breathing according to this pattern increases metabolism.

Nordic walking

Nordic walking is a movement with two sticks in hand (like a skier). A man walks, pushing himself off the ground with two sticks. Hands move in antiphase with the legs. Sticks force you to increase your stride length and strain your upper body more.

During nordic walk there is a fairly large load on the arms, so you use 90% of the muscles in the body, that is, you work out almost all the muscles in the body at the same time, which allows you to burn much more calories than with normal walking. In addition, the sticks and your hands help absorb 20 to 30% of the shocks that usually occur on the knees and back.

Scandinavian walking improves heart function, lung ventilation, strengthens muscles. There are no contraindications, except for acute respiratory diseases. While moving with sticks, 400 kilocalories are burned, and without them - only 280.

Nordic walking poles are made of fiberglass with added carbon. Carbon gives the poles lateral rigidity, elasticity and strength. A specially shaped handle and a lanyard (glove) allow you to make the right movement with your hand, securely fixing the hand for which there are a large number of adjustments. Carbon gives the poles elasticity, this is done so that the poles absorb blows on the hands and push the walker forward. All this makes walking safe for the joints. All poles in the kit have a special tip for soil and a rubber tip for asphalt. The length of the stick is selected according to the formula: YOUR GROWTH x 0.68.

Energy walking

Energy walking with sticks is slender system various types of movements while walking, taking into account our energetic nature and the characteristics of the health of each person. Each movement is performed with the awareness of its purpose. The systematic alternation of movements, initiating multidirectional energy flows, ensures the restoration of the energy balance of the whole organism, and therefore its health.

Energetic walking with poles is a separate direction of spiral fitness plus walking with poles with elements of spiral gymnastics. It includes the use of special twisting movements in the conventional walking technique with sticks. These movements have a very strong effect on energy flows in the human body.

Sticks serve as a very convenient projectile that adds forces during twisting movements and, as a consequence, contributes to a more effective restoration of the spiral energy systems of the body.

Sports walking

The essence of walking is to move as quickly as possible without running. The main rule is that one of the feet must constantly be in contact with the ground. Sports walking speed is 2 - 2.5 times higher than usual, which is achieved both by length and cadence.

The peculiarity of sports walking is that the supporting leg remains straight from the moment it touches the ground in front of you until the moment you move your body over that point. Athletes make strong swinging movements with their arms, and also rhythmically, in a peculiar manner, swing their torso and pelvis.

Race walking differs from running in technique: there is no “flight” phase, that is, one or both of the athlete's legs should always have contact with the surface, the legs should not be raised too high above the surface of the track, try to perform rolling movements with the feet from heel to toe. The steps should be wide, and the arms must be bent at the elbows.

Any person who has not lost the ability to move can be engaged in race walking. Before starting training, be sure to consult your doctor. A relative contraindication to exercise is flat feet. With this pathology, the body weight during walking is not distributed correctly, which can lead to pain in the foot.

Experts believe that sport walking is even more useful than running, it has a general strengthening effect on the body, while the walkers get tired less. Race walking is especially useful for girls, as it corrects the figure well.

Teaching children to run is not a difficult task. But, more and more realizing the importance of running for improving the health and physical development of students, I gradually become convinced of the difficulty of running fitness when working with the whole class.

Running as the basis of physical fitness with primary school students in the classroom physical culture

“If you want to be strong - run, if you want to be beautiful - run, if you want to be smart - run” - these wise words, carved on a rock in ancient Hellas, confirm that people have long known about the benefits of running. But now each student needs not only to know, but also to understand well how he affects the body. It is very important to develop in a child a conscious and daily need for him, like the need for food, sleep.

Currently, physical culture and health improvement work with younger students should be built in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Standard of Primary General Education. As a result of training in the FSES of the second generation younger students will acquire vital motor skills and abilities necessary for the life of every person.

Teaching children to run is not a difficult task. But, more and more realizing the importance of running for improving the health and physical development of students, I gradually become convinced of the difficulty of running fitness when working with the whole class. After all, on treadmill the whole class leaves at the same time, and, naturally, the preparedness for running in different children is by no means at the same level. This is where the teacher is required to have serious knowledge of the fundamentals of children's physiology, methods of developing motor qualities, and the ability to use this knowledge in practice.

For several years I have carried out systematic purposeful work to improve the methods of running training of primary school students. For the students, I have highlighted the main types of running and running exercises. This is an alternating running with walking (increasing it with the age of the child, starting from 1 minute); running accelerations (10-30 m); running from different starting positions; running with overcoming obstacles. All the proposed types of running are more in the nature of preparatory exercises.

And as my work experience shows , children have sufficiently developed abilities for significant long-term work, if it is done in lessons of moderate intensity. For example, students, when alternating between short-term running and walking, freely overcome 4.5 -5 km per lesson. And with continuous running for 6-10 minutes. the guys ran a distance of 1.5 - 2 km. Basically, it can be noted that primary school students have good prerequisites for the development of endurance in running. Regular jogging in my lessons helps to increase the level of maximum oxygen consumption, improve the regulation of the heart.

Thanks to jogging, children increase the strength of their heart contractions and the amount of blood ejected, oxygen consumption decreases, and the heart becomes more economical. Running exercises temper the will, bring up the ability to overcome difficulties, develop purposefulness.

Starting out running training with primary school students, we must not forget about the need for a strictly differentiated approach to assessing physical capabilities.

At the beginning school year I start jogging with exercises to strengthen the feet and to learn the elements correct running... Strengthening Exercises Helps Prevent Injury ankle joints... I use walking and light running on toes, types of jumps: side steps, jumps in a squat on toes with turns to the right and left, moving forward with the right and left side. I also include other similar exercises with different hand positions, which helps to maintain balance.

After several sessions in September, I conduct testing; I determine the level of endurance development (running 4-6 m) and speed (20-30 m segments), as well as speed-strength qualities (standing long jump). Students who did not show satisfactory results on testing, I took under my control, gave them homework and carefully checked them.

For training correct technique jogging I use exercises such as running at an even, calm pace with the feet off toe; working out high lifting of the thigh; in running "throwing" the heels back.

With the behavior of classes in sports hall I include in the introductory part slow running, in the middle or end of the main part - running of moderate intensity (up to 4-5 minutes), submaximal and maximum (acceleration, relay).

But most of all I use running in outdoor games: ("Owls", "Salki", "White bears", "Two frosts", "Geese - swans", "Fifteen", "Hares in the garden", etc. Regularly on lessons, I conduct relay races using sports equipment: balls of hoops, skipping ropes, flags.

Of course, we must not forget that both in the gym and in the open area running exercises must always be combined with jumping. I include in my classes more multi-jumps, jumping upwards, and getting suspended objects in a jump.

At the end of the school year (when entering an open area), I use basically the same exercises, but I increase the number of accelerations and runs of short, medium and long segments not at full strength. And, of course, I conduct the simplest running competitions and games.

During the game and competitive activity I use the skills of collective communication and interaction; children begin to understand the importance of physical education for health promotion, physical development and physical fitness. At the same time, I do not miss the opportunity to develop dexterity in students. During a long, even run, the guys overcome an obstacle course consisting of gymnastic benches and sports equipment.

IN integrated program physical education different types Considerable attention is paid to running training. This is not accidental, since in all the variety used in physical education there is no other means, perhaps, that could compete with running. It is the simplest, most natural, affordable and comprehensive exercise that allows you to widely vary the amount of load on the body.

In working with primary school students, one of the goals of my work was and will be to create conditions that allow them to raise the need for motor activity and a healthy lifestyle.

Physical education teacher Mashtakova Olga Petrovna

MKOU Novobogoroditskaya secondary school Petropavlovsk district

It seems that there is nothing difficult in walking and running, each person can perform these movements without special lessons and instructions. However, things are not so simple. Since kindergarten the child must get used to the simplest techniques of physical education. To develop walking and running skills, in kindergarten children are taught to different types these types of physical activity. The role of each type of exercise performance is irreplaceable and important.

Types of walking

There are many variations of walking technique. It is necessary to highlight the following main options:

  • A simple form of walking at a normal pace;
  • Walking with emphasis on toes;
  • with an emphasis on the heels;
  • with a high lifting of the knees up;
  • with wide leg opening;
  • with a smooth transition from heels to toes;
  • with the connection of the feet at every step;
  • half-squatting position;
  • crossing legs;
  • with closed eyes;
  • back forward.

Each separate type of walking teaches not only concentration of attention and efforts on performing actions, but also forms the skill of beautiful and smooth movements outside of class.
Regular activities with preschool children make their leg and arm movements more coherent, confident and precise. When teaching the types of walking, special instructions are followed to help focus attention on steps and movement techniques.

Types of running

Children love to run around the yard and home. However, teach them different types of this type physical activity not so easy. Only through training in numerous, varied tricks of performing varieties of running technique can a positive result be achieved. After all, with the help of running, you can form the ability to move correctly energetically, keep your posture and put your feet in the correct way.
To form the skills of running technique, the following types of this type of physical exercise are used:

  • simple running at a calm speed;
  • fast run;
  • with a variety of obstacles on the way;
  • with jumping;
  • with a constant change in the speed of movement;
  • slow running;
  • with raising the hips as high as possible; with the step on specially drawn figures. preschool age it is important to develop in children the ability to respond quickly to signals. By running with unexpected, sudden signals about stopping, resuming movements, about turning to one side or the other, you can develop attention and the ability to concentrate.

And correct and healthy way children's lives, their future depends !!!