Elena Krasovskaya climbing. Krasovskaya

Postgraduate Studies of the Moscow Pedagogical State University, 1997, specialty Theory and Methodology of Teaching Music.
Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. IN AND. Lenina, 1989.
Rostov School of Arts (Piano Office), 1983.

Theme of candidate dissertation

The feeling of musical form ("architectonic feeling") and its development in the process of musical training (on the material tool preparation of students of the pedagogical university) (1997)

Current school years

Lecture Courses of the current school year:
"Theory and methods of teaching musical instrumental disciplines" - a lecture course in Magistatu-re in the direction of 44.04.01 "Pedagogical education", Ma-hystere program "Musical culture and art".

Leads under the disciplines of the undergraduate curriculum:
1. "Solo Music and Instrumental Performance".
2. "Ensemble Instrumental Musication in Music Education."
3. "Solo and Ensemble Music and Instrumental Art in Additional Music Education."
4. "Workshop work with the instrumental ensemble."
5. "Piano ensemble".
6. "Chamber Ensemble".
7. "Specialty" (piano).

Leads classes on the disciplines of the Master's curriculum:
1. "Solo Instrumental Performance".
2. "Instrumental ensemble".

Manages coursework and diploma work (WRC)


1. Krasovskaya E.P. Integrative pedagogy in the practice of instrumental training of students - musicians // Artistic culture and education in the twentieth century: the historical aspect of the study of domestic musical and visual art: Mate-Rial III International Scientific Center. Conf., Kostroma, March 20 - 21, 2012 / Sost., D. Ed. I.A. Adoevtseva, O.V. Lebedeva. - Kostroma: KSU them. ON THE. Nekrasova, 2012. - P. 92 - 99.

2. Krasovskaya E.P. Using the idea of \u200b\u200bthe interaction of the arts in the modern practice of instrumental training of students of pedagogical universities // Questions of the method of pre-feeding of musical and performing disciplines: the interuniversity collection of scientific labor

dov. Release 11. / Ed. A.P. Yudina, S.N. Bidalinova. - M.: LLC "White Wind", 2013. - P. 11 - 19.

3. Krasovskaya E.P. Educational and methodical complex of discipline for the choice of the student "Music Ki in the movies" (for the specialties and directions of the pedagogical profile). - M.: Apart, 2013. - 24 p.

4. Krasovskaya E.P. Features of the use of an artistic and associative method in the content of instrumental training of future teachers-musicians // Magazine Music and Education. Vestnik of the UNESCO Department at the Moscow Pedagogue-Clesky State University. " - 2013. - № 4. - P. 104-117.

5. Krasovskaya E.P. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe interaction of the arts in the composer, the performers and pedagogical work of Ferenz Leaf // Magazine "Musical Art and Education. Herald of the UNESCO Department at the Moscow Pedagogical State University. " - 2014. - № 1. - P. 114-127.

6. Krasovskaya E.P. Development of the piano cycle "24 Preludes" D.B. Kabalevsky student-tam musicians using an artistic and associative method // Magazine "Musical art and education. Vestnik of the UNESCO Department at the Moscow Pet-Dagogic State University. " - 2014. - № 4. - P. 96-109.

7. Krasovskaya E.P. Visual images as a means of activating the instrumental preparation of students-musicians // Materials of the XII International Scientific and Practical Con-Fencing / Under Scientific. ed. V.A. Esakova, L.S. Maikovskaya - M.: Mguyk, 2014. - P. 140 - 146.

8. Krasovskaya E.P. The use of an artistic and associative method for the development of the cost of coverage of the form of students-instrumentalists // Spiritual and moral education: education. Culture. Art: Sat. Scientific Art. V Vseros. Scientific program. conf. from inter-Danube. participation (Penza, November 13-15, 2014) [dedicated. 75th anniversary of the pedagogical instill to them. V.G. Belin Penza State University and the 110th anniversary of the birth of Dmitry Borisovich Kabalevsky]. - Penza: PUGU PGU, 2014. - P. 54-66.

9. Krasovskaya E.P. Preparation of students for independent work on interpretation in the process of mastering the educational discipline "The interaction of arts in instrumental and performance activities" // Tradition and innovation in modern cultural and educational space: Materials of VI International Scientific and Practical Conferentiation (Moscow, March 12, 2015 G.) / T. ed. L.A. Rapatskaya. - Moscow: Ritz MGU them. MA Sholokhov, 2015. - P. 161-166.

10. Krasovskaya E.P. The artistic and associative method in the practice of performing awards to students of piano works D.B. Kabalevsky // "Creativity of modern composers in domestic musical culture and education", All-Russian with international. participation of scientific-practical conf. (2015; Saransk). All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Creativity of Contemporary Composers in Domestic Music Culture and Education", April 23, 2015: [Materials] / Roll.: I. S. Kobzev (Avd. Ed.) [Et al.]; Muzzle. State Ped. In-t. - Saransk, 2015. - C.112-121.

11. Krasovskaya E. P. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of training students' students to management of stage excitement // Development of modern education: Theory, Meto-Dick and Practice: Materials VI International. scientific study. conf. (Cheboksary, November 13th. 2015) / Roll.: O. N. Shirokov [et al.]. - Cheboksary: \u200b\u200bCNS "Interactive Plus", 2015. - No. 4 (6). - P. 201-211. - ISSN 2413-4007.

12. Krasovskaya E. P. "Arabic entangle" M.I. Robyterstein as an incentive to search for new techniques in piano pedagogy // Scientific magazine "Musical art and eye-making. Vestnik of the UNESCO Department at the Moscow Pedagogical State University ", included in the" List of leading peer-reviewed publications of the WAK RF. " - 2015. - № 4. - P. 140-151.

13. Krasovskaya E. P. Theoretical and methodological aspects of the use of the artistic and associative method in the instrumental training of pedestrous students // Scientific Journal "Bulletin of Mguki", included in the "List of leading peer-reviewed publications of the WAK RF". - January-February 2016. - № 1 (69). - P. 231-238.

14. Krasovskaya E. P. Software as an embodiment of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe interaction of the arts in the creative of Ferenz Leaf: theoretical and methodological aspect // International Scientific Journal "World of Science, Culture, Education", included in the "List of leading reviews of VAC RF. " - February 2016. - № 1 (56). - P. 89-94.

15. Krasovskaya Elena P., IDEA OF Arts Interaction in Composer, Performance and Pedagogical Crea-Tive Work of Ferencz List // Selected Articles About the World of Music Arts and Education. Vol. 2 / E.V. Nikolaeva (Editor-in-Chief), E.B. Abdullin, B.R. Iofis, E.P. Krasovskaya, M.S. Osenneva, A.V. Toropova. - Moscow: MSPU, UNESCO Chair in Musical Arts and Education in Life-Long Learning, 2016. - P. 170-184.

16. Krasovskaya Elena P., "The Arab Tune" of M.I. Royterstain AS Incentive for Search of New Technologies in Piano Pedagogi // Selected Articles ABOUT THE World of Music Arts and Educa-Tion. Vol. III / E.V. Nikolaeva (Editor-in-Chief), E.B. Abdullin, B.R. Iofis, E.P. Krasovskaya, M.S. Osenneva, A.V. Toropova. - Moscow: MSPU, UNESCO Chair in Musical Arts and Education in Life-Long Learning, 2016. - P. 212-224.

17. Krasovskaya E. P. Study of the filmism as a means of forming artistic and associative thinking of future teachers-musicians // Problems and prospects of co-temporary musical education: Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference within the International Festival-Competition "About Russia Sing ...", Decavaous year of the Russian cinema (December 19, 2016). - M.: RITM Publishing House, 2016. - C.103-112.

18. Krasovskaya E.P., Isaeva V.S. On the experience of applying visual images in the process of training students-pianists of children's music schools // Music and education in the modern world: Sat. Scientific Art. Intern. Simp. (Penza, February 7-9, 2017). - Penza: PSGU, 2017. - P. 72-79.

19. Krasovskaya E.P., Isaeva V.S., the use of artistic associations in the practice of piano training of students of children's music schools // Tradition and innovation in modern cultural space: Materials of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference (Moscow, 19 April 2017) / d. ed. L.A. Rapatskaya. - Moscow: RIC MPGU, 2017. - P. 161-166.

20. Lee Zheng, Krasovskaya E.P. To the problem of the performers' development of European program music by students of the People's Republic of China on piano classes [Text] / E.P. Krasovskaya // Bulletin of the Department of UNESCO "Musical Art and Image". - 2017. - № 1 (17). - P. 115-125.

Reads, textbooks, educational and methodological aids, work programs of training disciplines:

- Readings to the regional program of the educational subject "Music". First Class / Ministry of Education Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Department of UNESCO "Musical Art and Education Throughout Life" with Mosk. Ped. State university; [Aut. - Cost: E.B. Abdullin, A.V. Varlamova, B.R. Iofis, E.P. Krasovskaya, E.V. Nikolaev]. - Yakutsk - Moscow: Publishing House "Rhythm", 2015. - 196 p.

- Readings to the regional program of the educational subject "Music". Second class / Ministry of Education Republic Sakha (Yakutia), Department of UNESCO "Musical Art and Education Throughout Life" with Mosk. Ped. State university; [Aut. - Cost: E.B. Abdullin, A.V. Varlamova, B.R. Iofis, E.P. Krasovskaya, E.V. Nikolaev]. - Yakutsk - Moscow: RITM Publishing House, 2015. - 309 p.

- Krasovskaya E.P. Music rhythm // Theory and methods of learning to the piano: studies. Manual for studies Higher. studies. institutions / under total. ed. A.G. Kaizova, A.I. Niko-laeva. - M.: Humanit. ed. Center Vlados, 2001. - P. 91 - 103.

- Krasovskaya E.P. Coverage of the form of a musical work // Theory and methodology of training game on the piano: studies. Manual for studies Higher. studies. institutions / under total. ed. A.G. Kaizova, A.I. Nikolaova. - M.: Humanit. ed. Center Vlados, 2001. - P. 141 - 171.

- Krasovskaya E.P. Problems of formation in the musical executive activity: educational and methodological manual. M., 2003. - 87 p.

- Krasovskaya E.P. Working program of the educational discipline "Theory and Methods of Teaching Music and Instrumental Disciplines". Code and direction of training - 44.04.01 - Pedagogical education Master's program - "Musical Culture and Art", 2016

- Krasovskaya E.P. Working program of the learning discipline "Development of musical thinking in the class of musical instrument." Code and preparation direction - 53.03.02 - Music and instrumental art, Piano profile (full-time for-mA training), 2014

- Krasovskaya E.P., Nikolaeva A.I. Working program of the educational discipline "Style approach in performing interpretation". Code and preparation direction - 53.03.02 - Music and instrumental art, Piano profile (part-time formation), 2014


Advanced training in FGBOU VPO "Moscow Pedagogical State University" under the program "Implementation of educational programs in accordance with GEF VPO" (Moscow, March 15-2 June 2012) - 72 hours (No. 1542 - 12).
- Improving the qualifications in the FGBOU VPO "Moscow Pedagogical State University" under the program "Development and use of multimedia products in education" (Moscow, May 11 - 21, 2012) - 72 hours (No. 1417 - 12).
- Improving the qualifications in FGBOU VPO "Moscow Pedagogical State University" under the program "Automated preparation of curricula in co-responsibility with GEF VPO" (Moscow, September 10-12, 2012) - 72 hours (No. 1574 - 12).
- Improving the qualifications in the FGBOU VPO "Moscow Pedagogical State University" under the program "Improving educational programs by their integration in accordance with the requirements of the GEF" (Moscow, March 19-28, 2013) - 72 hours (No. 2894).
- short-term advanced training in the framework of the All-Russian pedagogical marathon of educational items conducted by the publishing house "The Oven of September" (Moscow, 2014) - 6 hours.
- Improving the qualifications in the framework of the Forum of the Russian Music Union "Music Education. Problems and challenges of the XXI century "(Moscow, 2015) - 18 hours.
- Improving the qualifications in Gaow VPO Moscow "Moscow Institute of Open Education" on the topic "Development and examination of additional professional pro-grams in accordance with the modern regulatory framework" (Moscow, April 1-8, 2015) - 36 hours (14V11 / 5-06).
- Improving the qualifications under the II International Congress "Project" Music for All ": an international master class" (Yakutsk, August 24-30, 2015) - 72 hours.
- Improving the qualifications in the Moscow Pedagogical State University "Moscow Pedagogical State University" (IFSU) on the topic "Planning and implementation of the educational process with the Tom of Changes of GEF VPO" (Moscow, February 19-21, 2015).
- Improving the qualifications on the topic "Problems and prospects of modern music education" in the framework of the international festival "about Russia sing ...", the sacred year of Russian cinema (Moscow, December 16-20, 2016) - 36 hours.
- Advanced training in FGBOU to Moscow Pedagogical State University, FGBU Association "Brass Society", FGBU Russian Center for Food Music on the Program "Problems and Prospects for Modern Music Education and Art" in the framework of the International Festival-Competition "Grand Band Show "(Moscow, September 14-21, 2017) - 36 hours.

Achievements and promotion

The title of Laureate of the 1st Prize VII of the All-Union Pianist Competition. D.B. Kabalevsky.
- thanks to the PRC Embassy in the Russian Federation for contributing to the preparation of Chinese candidates of science in Russia (2015, 2016).
- Thank youth of the rectorate of the North-Eastern Pedagogical University of China (Changchun, 2016).
- Honor of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (2015).
- Thank youth of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (2014).
- Gratitude to the Council of MPGU (2014).
- Mr. Rector of MPGU for the organization and holding of activities of the University Tetsk Saturday project in 2015/2016 academic year.
- Thank you for the implementation of the activities of the project "Immersion in the New Pedagogy of the IFSU" (Moscow, 2016).
- Thank youth of the Central District Department of Education Department of Education of Moscow (2014).
- Thank youth of the city methodological center (Moscow, 2015).
- gratitude to the administration of the exhibition hall "Tushino" (Moscow, 2016).
- Gratitude to the DSHI administration. V.S. Kalinikova (Moscow, 2016).
- Gratitude to the Creative Company "Prima" International Art Festival "Dove of Peace" (2014).
- Gratitude director of the Pedagogical Institute. V.G. Belin Penza State University (2015).
- Gratitude to the rector of Penza State University (2014, 2016).
- A thankful letter of the Organizing Committee and the Directorate of the International Festival of Children and Youth Creativity "Loading Your Star" (2015).
- Thank youth of the administration of MOU DOD DOCH Fryazino (2015).
- Gratitude to the Directorate of MODRD "Istrinskaya DMSH" (Istra, 2015).
- Thanksgiving letters of the administration of GBU CT "at Vadkovsky" Department of Tru-and and Social Protection of the Population of Moscow (2014, 2015, 2016).
- gratitude to the GBOU TSIA №1311 "THIA" (2013 and 2014).

Professional activity

Certificates of master classes:

- Master class on the theme "Pedagogical aspects of the preparation of a student-musician to a public speech" at the Music Institute of the North-Eastern Pedagogical University of the PRC (Changchun, March 20, 2016).

- Master class on the topic "Work on an artistic way in the piano pedago-guy" in the framework of the international competition-festival of musical executing "Silver Lira" (Penza, 3-5 February 2016).

- Master class on the topic "Preparation of musician students to a competitive advice" In the open festival of instrumental executive skill of children, parents, teachers and concertsters "Music of the twentieth century" organized by GBOU Central Committee "On the Vadkovsky" city of Moscow (2014, 2015 , 2016).

- Master class on the topic "The ability to cover the form (" architectonic feeling ") and its development in the process of piano training of the student" in the framework of the International Competition-Festival of Music Excretion of Silver Lira (Penza, February 10-12, 2014).

Research projects and grants

Member of the "Music for All" project included in the State Program "Development of the Education of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) for 2012-2016";
- Faculty Head and Member of the University Saturdays project in MPGU:
11/15/2014 E.P. Krasovskaya was given a lecture on the topic "Stage wave: overcome in yourself, we help others";
04/16/2016 E.P. Krasovskaya was a lecture - a concert on the topic "The Mutual Action of Arts in the Creativity of Ferenz Leaf";
- Participant of the IPGU project "Immersion in the profession" (organization and holding of the "Day of Piano" on September 9, 2016).
- A member of the project "Preparation and implementation of a joint educational program of higher education of the IGSU - VPU (Weinan, China) - 2017.

We recently sat with friends and talked: this is what has changed in our lives since 2000? In general, nothing. And then a man had time to be born, grow, almost finish school and become a world champion around climbing. Alena Krasovskaya, 17 years old, Master of Sports of the International Climbing Class. Lives and trains in Miass. The only daughter in large-scale Krasovska Semis, the rest are boys.
A year ago, at the very first "adults" competitions - the World Championships in Paris in the fall of 2016 - became the world champion in the Olympic form, in all-around. Surprised then everyone was surprised. Talked with Alena on the topic "And what is this girl, where does she live?"

What I was born in this familyalready automatically related my life with sports. My family leads an active lifestyle, so from the earliest childhood parents joined me to sport. There was never such a thing that they forced me to do something, go somewhere, go, wasn't that motivated. Every time they showed on their example, they tried to interest us, so that we would like to return to this lesson again and again. At one time, grandparents did the same. They also had a sports hobby. For example, my grandmother was engaged in athletics, and the grandfather was a skater, he trained with Lydia Skoblikova, performed at the regional and Russian competitions, twice was the champion of the region, and from 2000 to 2007 won regional competitions already among veterans, the Russian came to prizes. In Soviet times was a coach for cycling and speed skating on a social basis on a defense plant. For many years, the whole family rode skiing. For the winter grandfather passed more than 1000 km.

It happened that from 5 years I began to engage in the circus collective "Colombin". Preparation There is similar to the training of climbers: we also engaged in power, developed focal points and flexibility. But the most interesting for me were acrobatics and clownades. Training has always been difficult, but funny and interesting. I appreciate all the work, which my mentors did, thank you very much, they embarked on a huge and strong foundation. I also tried myself in skiing, my older brother brought me there, I had good results, but I froze in training. At some point in my life there are hooks and a clodder. It turned out that we in Miass have the only climbing, "quite by chance" it turned out to be two minutes from my house. "Completely by chance" by my coach was Alevtina Ivanovna Zwirenko, a well-deserved coach of Russia, which attached several world champions. Climbing I captured me, I "got sick."

I myself did not notice this before, and the coach in the circus I told me that I always loved to compete, I had a huge desire to be the first, in training I had an excitement, I wanted to climb above, faster all. At first, I competed with the girls of my age, later I was doing older with the guys, I had to reach them, and my level of Lazania gradually grown. I want to say about Alevtine Ivanovna. She is a teacher. This applies not only to sports skills, but also life. This is a person with a huge experience, a mathematician for education, who has passed the Alpalage of the Soviet Union, rising on the top of the Pamir, which has robbed hundreds of athletes who devoted life to children and sports. Thank you for your concern about me. Sometimes she worries about me more than parents. I see it and appreciate, sometimes, however, it happens to harmful. In general, she is not easy with me.

Honored coach of Russia Alevtina Ivanovna Zvirenko

With Alevtina Ivanovna, I reached all my ranks and victories. My first great success on an adult international arena in Paris in 2016 was very unexpected. For me, a huge joy was hit in the Bolding Final. Of course, I had a goal to go to the semifinals, but it seemed to me luck already that I just got on this world championship that I spent together with the girls followed from the very beginning of my climbing life. My hit in the final shocked me. I was happy. And the first place in the all-around was just some wonderful surprise.

In connection with the inclusion of climbing into the 2020 Olympic program, competition around the world has increased dramatically. I had to feel pain and disappointment from defeat. It makes me analyze and draw conclusions. I think it's good that I have to feel it now, when there is time to correct the mistakes than later in a responsible moment. The victory at the European Championship this year has become a small sip of fresh air, intense, so to speak.

Made with your own hands, we have prepared a mini-form, which will help you learn a little more about them.

Meet - Elena Krasovskaya

How many years sew (from what age began to sew)?

About 12 years old, she sewed a dress from staples along the magazine, in a large color pea. Since then, with pleasure, more than 20 years. If you consider puppet dresses, then my sewing experience is even more))

You studied sewing or self-taught?

The first time he studied independently, relying on the experience of sewing relatives.
After school, the South Ural State University of Chelyabinsk, in the specialty: "Engineer-Technologist of the sewing production".

Sewing is your hobby or work.?

If you take deep, sewing, it is a lifestyle. It permeates many spheres of my life and helps in different matters. I believe the ski ability forms taste, develops fantasy, patience, improves the eye and even increases self-esteem. And, about the pleasure of well-stitched things, it is not necessary to speak.

What often have to sew?

Previously, sewed female, male, lightweight and upper clothes, etc.
Now, most often female, children's clothing and different household items.

What in the sewing business consider the most difficult / simple?

At the beginning, any newcomer is difficult to believe in your abilities and not surrender at the first failure.
Simply? Looking at what level you are. With experience, many processes seemingly complex, become simple. Therefore, everything relative. :)

Regarding the choice of patterns and tissues, too, everything relative. It is best to choose a proven construction technique and learn how to build patterns yourself. Even if then use ready-made solutions, there will be an understanding of the model and you can simulate what you like.

Fabrics. Now a huge range of fabrics, but always in priority natural materials. Here decisive factors when choosing - sewing skills, fantasy, flavoring addictions and model features.

What pages, blogs or groups lead on the Internet?

Works Master