Morning charging - rules of execution, exercise complex and their effectiveness. When it is better to do the exercise of the younger schoolboy - how to prepare for gymnastics

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Rhythmic gymnastics is one of the most beautiful sports and the desire of mothers to give their girls to the section quite explained. Note that this is quite young sports discipline, and the first school of rhythmic gymnastics in our country was opened in 1913. Her founders became the artists of ballet worked earlier in the Mariinsky Theater. In the program Olympic Games Artistic gymnastics was included only in 1980.

Features of rhythmic gymnastics

Starting to engage in rhythmic gymnastics follows from five or six years. Sometimes moms decide to give daughters to the section even three years old, but it is not worth a rush, definitely. First, you deprive the baby childhood, and, secondly, at a three-year-old, the child often does not understand what the coach wants to achieve from him. The likelihood is that the girl is frightened by the Big Hall and the clusters of people, which will bring tears and the desire to return home faster.

Another thing, if a child is five or a little more than more than a year. The baby will diligently fulfill all the instructions of his mentor, quickly will lose the basic gymnastic elements, and will also lead new friends. At the same time, it is not worth waiting for a long time, since as the child has grown, flexibility decreases and it will be much more difficult for it to develop gymnastic elements. But at the same time you can give your daughter to a section at a later age, without taking care of the sports results. The benefit to the health of the child in such a situation will be apparent.

The criteria of selection into the artistic gymnastics section are equally important. In this matter, much, if not all depends on the goal pursued. When parents want to see their baby in big sport, then best chances Successful and high girls who have excellent memory and high coordination of movements have success. Do not think that we are mistaken, mentioning as a requirement when selecting good memory. Gymnasts must memorize a large number of rigaments of gymnastic movements.

If the girl is prone to completeness and can not manage his body well, then the coach is unlikely to be interested. If the child's sports results for you do not matter, there are no restrictions. Often, parents are confident that artistic gymnastics will help improve the posture of babies, eliminate overweight, and will also make it more feminine.

Frequently often girls, fully relevant selection requirements, cannot achieve good results due to insufficient diligence or flexibility. Experienced coaches can determine the potential of the child in a couple of weeks of training. Most often sport career in rhythmic gymnastics Ends in 17 years. However, athletes can continue to train, but in another capacity.

What is needed for rhythmic gymnastics?

Get ready for the fact that before starting classes in sports sections you will need to purchase special clothes. With regard to rhythmic gymnastics, minimal requirements are Czech and swimsuit. For training, the simplest models are suitable, because beautiful swimsuits are used only during the competition.

Very often, girls, having come to the section of rhythmic gymnastics, dream of beautiful exercises With ribbon and other sports shells. However, they will start mastering them only after one or two years of training. Most often, all sports shells will be provided in the section, which is good news, because their cost is quite high. Thus, if your baby will soon change their mind to engage in this sport, then they don't have to regret financial investments, because they are minimal.

Rhythmic gymnastics: what benefits and harm

Let's deal with what artistic gymnastics and harm can bring. It is quite obvious that along with positive moments there will be negative, to know about which parents are definitely worth it.

Harm artistic gymnastics

This is one of the most elegant and aesthetic sports. Athlete in beautiful bright swimsuits demonstrate virtuoso possession of their body, performing complex acrobatic numbers. This spectacle can no longer leave indifferent. However, only the coach and their pupils know what lies under this grace.

All movements can be brought to automatism and are outperforming exclusively thanks to regular crowded sessions. Very often, workouts are accompanied by strong painful sensations and fatigue. However, all these moments are not known to the audience and many are confident that it is artistic gymnastics that is better view Sports for the girl. Today we are talking about how artistic gymnastics can benefit and harm, but begin with negative points.

  1. Painfulness in muscles - Most often, the girls are engaged only by advocacy and only advocacy and only after that transition to the study of gymnastic combinations. In this sport great importance has a stretch and when performing special exercises Very often, girls appear tears in their eyes due to pain.
  2. Strong physical exertion - I start young athletes from training for a couple of hours a day. Gradually, the duration of occupations increases and when preparing for tournaments, the training can last about 10 hours! All this leads to injuries of the spinal column, joints and even nervous breakdowns.
  3. Hungry fainting - Gymnast should not have problems with excess weight And they are forced to strongly limit the indicator of the energy value of their diet. As a result, the hungry fainting among the "artists" are not rare.
  4. Passing classes at school - To achieve good results in great sport, girls are forced to skip school classes, because a lot of time goes to workout. Very often they have to perform homework directly in the locker room before starting the workout.
These are the main negative effectswhich can be obtained from rhythmic gymnastics. It is quite obvious that they are all connected with professional sports. Unfortunately, big sport Very rarely combined with good health.

Advantages of rhythmic gymnastics

Speaking about what artistic gymnastics and harm can, it is impossible to talk only about the shortcomings. This is especially true of those situations when a child visits sports section At his pleasure and he does not expect high sports indicators. Let's find out what advantages this sport has.

  • Excellent physical form - from the very beginning of classes in the section in the child is formed right posture, as well as gait. Young athletes dramatically stand out against the background of their peers with excellent plasticity, high flexibility and harmony. Girls are given a feeling of rhythm, and they can move perfectly under any music. Do not forget about confidence in your abilities, which is characteristic of all athletes.
  • Improves health - Scientists are confident that regular physical exertion contributes to the harmonious development of the children's body. Rhythmic gymnastics are an excellent means of combating scoliosis at the initial stage and even closer.
  • Challenges character - Sport makes children purposeful and puts them discipline. CE former gymnasts completed sports careerThey assure that thanks to sports can solve any vital problems without strong emotions.
  • The consequences of stressful situations are eliminated - scientists have proven that sports are the best antidepressant. This is due to the acceleration of endorphins during training. Among all above, the said gymnastics can be considered as a hobby.

Do you give a child to rhythmic gymnastics: expert opinion

Most parents whose children engaged in rhythmic gymnastics are confident that to achieve large sports results It is necessary to go to Moscow. In the regions with this much more difficult, because often parents are forced to independently acquire sports shells and pay a child's trip to tournaments. You should also first consult with your doctor and carefully follow the state of the health of your girl.

Professional coaches recommend to pass a child in a professional section from 4 years of age. In amateur groups can be recorded and somewhat later, and with good natural data it is possible even ten years. The coaches agrees that physical exertion is useful for the body, but only if they are moderate.

A fairly significant disadvantage of rhythmic gymnastics, according to the specialists themselves, is the need for a serious limitation of the diet. It is not necessary to give to the section of rhythmic gymnastics girls whose muscles are poorly restored after microtrav. We have already said that in this sport a lot of attention is paid to stretch marks and if muscular fabrics are restored for a long time, then strong pains are not avoided and almost every occupation for the girl turn into torture.

Also in conclusion of a conversation on what artistic gymnastics can benefit and harm can be reminded that it is important to know the opinion of the child himself about this sport. If the girl heads the gymnastics, then the training will be in joy and bring only benefits. Of course, first of all this statement is fair for amateur sports.

More about rhythmic gymnastics in the following video:

Physical development is very important for a newborn baby. Experts believe that the children of the first year of life mental and physical development are inseparable from each other. In order for the kid to harmoniously develop, attention should be paid not only to Motoric and Sensorik, but also gymnastic exercises. Gymnastics for newborns should be a mandatory regime. How to introduce classes with newborns in daily practice? What exercises prefer in the first months of the lifestyles of crumbs?

What needs gymnastics

Physical activity is important at any age. A person who moves a lot is engaged in sports, it always looks better and is distinguished by strong health. This principle also applies to adults, and to the kids. Newborn baby is no exception. Proven fact: if the child is engaged daily massage and various exercises, it develops more quickly, harmoniously and often ahead of peers both in physical and mental plan.

The benefits of gymnastics are huge:

  • The child will quickly know his body and gets used to him.
  • Tactile contact with the mother soothes the crumb and has a beneficial effect on the development of the psyche.
  • Coordination of movements is developing.
  • Muscles and joints are strengthened.
  • Improve exchange processes.
  • Gymnastics for babies allows you to develop the necessary reflexes.

It is especially worth paying attention to the gymnastics of mothers who prefer tight swaddling. In this case, the child is deprived of the opportunity to move freely, the muscles are crushing and do not develop. With this method of swaddling, charging for newborns is simply necessary. It should be a mandatory daily procedure!

If the diapers are not used, the kid itself reflexively will actively move. In this case, the gymnastics for newborns can be introduced simply as a pleasant and useful pastime.

When to start classes

The physical development of children up to the year is extremely important, so you need to start as early as possible. If there are no medical contraindications, the first lesson can be spent on the second week of the baby.

If there are some concerns, you can pre-consult with a pediatrician.

How to introduce classes in daily practice

Starting to carry charging for infants is needed smoothly and gradually. To begin with, you can take two or three exercises and make them every day at the same time, for example, before bathing. It is important to remember that it must take at least an hour after feeding.

The duration of gym for the newborn should be no more than 3-6 minutes. Exercises are repeated up to 5-7 times. In this mode, you can do up to the month.

Well, if every man's exercise will accompany affectionate words, poems and songs. This will not only calm the baby and will argue him for a positive way, but also will help in the development of hearing and speech

After monthly age, it is gradually possible to increase the number of exercises up to 7-10 and to make them for a longer time - 10-13 minutes. It must be remembered that gymnastics for newborns should be pleasant to the child. If the baby is crying and it can be seen that some movement gives him discomfort, then he should immediately stop charging. After a while you can try again, but choosing other exercises.

Do not do with the child gymnastics, if he is sick or overwork!

Gymnastics for a monthly child

If the crumb is just a few weeks from the family, then you should choose the exercises carefully. The main rule is not harming.

At this age, most of the chest babies have hypertonus muscles, so charging for newborns should be aimed at relaxation.

You can use the following exercises:

  • Breeding the handles in different directions and crossing them on the chest.
  • Raise the handles up and down (mill).
  • Breeding legs to the sides and mix them back.
  • The rotation of the thigh, describing the semicircle.
  • Exercise "Book" (bend the legs of the baby in the knee and reduce and breed them, imitating closing and opening the book).
  • Laying on the tummy, stimulating the child to raise the head.

Each exercise can be repeated 5 times. All movements should be taken carefully and without jerks. Next, you should finish charging with a small massage - smooth strokes of the hands, legs, a child's body. Massage should be given as much time as the gymnastic exercises.

Charging for children up to the year on the phytball

Fitball is a big gymnastic ball. With it, you can not only tighten the mother's figure after childbirth, but also to develop a kid. Classes can be started from two weeks old. Gymnastics for children up to the year on the phytball is extremely helpful:

  • Such classes reduce the tone and relax the muscles of the intestine, which is the prevention of colic.
  • A small vibration during movements is an excellent stimulation of many important bodies of the child.
  • The vestibular apparatus develops.
  • Exercises deliver to a child and mom a lot of positive emotions.

Fitball Charging Rules

  • The ball diameter is better to choose 60-75 cm.
  • It is impossible to strongly pull the baby behind the brushes of the hands and foot. It can provoke dislocation.
  • The child must be accurately held by the back, buttocks, belly, forearm.
  • No need to do too much amplitude of movements - you can accidentally drop the crumb.
  • Classes are better accompanied by music, singing or telling children's poems.
  • If you do not like the baby, he cries, you need to immediately stop charging.
  • You can not do on the phytball, if the child has not yet healed the umbilical wound or the crocha feels bad.

For very little children who have not yet been coming, suitable the following exercises:

Squeeze the crumb on the ball and slightly "jump." The amplitude of movements should be small!

Put the baby with a belly on the ball and ride there and here, and then in a circle. This exercise perfectly replaces the abdominal massage.

Put the crumb back on the ball and, gently holding the tummy and legs, to ride it back. Some kids are afraid to be on the ball in such a position, so you need to follow the reaction of the infants

Put the kid on the phytball in the position "on the bar" and also to ride. Then change the position and ride the child on the other side

Children's handles and breasts are on the ball, and the feet adhere to the weight. In this position, you can ride the crumb back and forth

Fitness ball is a universal projectile for the whole family. You can come up with or find hundreds of exercises on the Internet using this sports accessory. With it, you can do not only do with a newborn, but also with a child of any age.

It doesn't matter what kind of mom exercises will choose for a baby - with a ball or classical gymnastics. Any physical activity Bring a huge benefit. The main thing is to remember that the gymnastics should be based on three principles: the regularity, accuracy and pleasure of the child.

Natalia Svanov

Reading time: 11 minutes


Some parents consider charging unnecessary ("why - in school there are physical education!"), Others have no extra 15-20 minutes for children, "because work!". And only a few moms and dads understand the importance of charging for a child, and specially get up in the mornings half an hour early to have time to cheer up and prepare the body to the educational / working day.

If your children sleep in the lessons and are constantly lean from physical education lessons, this instruction is for you!

When it is better to do the exercises younger schoolboy - how to prepare for gymnastics?

Man by nature should move a lot. Not in vain say that the movement is life. Than less child Moves, harsh all free time Near the TV and, the more health problems he gets.

Children's experts beat the alarm and remind the parents that the children's body should actively move at least 10 hours a week, and for younger schoolchildren, this minimum increases to 3 hours a day. Moreover, it is desirable that it happened in the fresh air.

Naturally, parents have too little time, but still allocate 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening for charging - it's not so difficult.

Video: Gymnastics for children of younger school age

What gives charging?

  • Prevention of obesity.
  • Prevention of the problems of the cardiovascular system, the musculoskeletal system, and so on.
  • Elimination of the nervous voltage.
  • Return of the body into normal tone.
  • Increasing the mood is a psychological installation on a good day and a charge of cheerfulness from the morning.
  • Full awakening (to come to the lessons the child will be with a more "fresh" head).
  • Activation of metabolism.
  • Etc.

How to prepare a child for charging?

Of course, it is difficult to pull the child from bed ahead of time - especially "for some kind of charging". You need to instill this wonderful habit.

As you know, the habit of is settled, it takes about 15-30 days regularly repetitive actions. That is, after 2-3 weeks of such classes your child will already be stretching towards them.

Without the configuration - nowhere. Therefore, the most important thing in the formation of this habit is to tune in and.

In addition, it is important that the exercises for the child have changed periodically (children at this age get tired of the same type of workouts).

And do not forget to praise Chado and encourage any physical activity in every possible way.

Video: Morning gymnastics. Charging for children

15 best exercises for children 7-10 years old - I correct the posture and increase the muscle tone with the daily exercise complex!

If you do not have the opportunity to go to charge on fresh air, then open the window in the room - workouts should not pass in the stuffy room.

So, to your attention - 15 exercises for younger students

The first 5 exercises - for muscle heating. Do sophisticated exercises Immediately after sleep, it is categorically impossible.

  1. We make a deep breath and rising on the socks. I pull the handles up as usual as possible, as if we are trying to get to the ceiling. Let's go on a complete foot and exhale. The number of approaches is 10.
  2. We til down the head to the left, we return to its original position for a couple of seconds and after tilting the head to the right . Next Make it circular motions Head - on the right side, then to the left. Performance time - 2 minutes.
  3. Now shoulders and hands. Alternately lifting one shoulder, then another, then both. Next, make hands Mahi up - in turn, then left, then right hand. Then there are circular movements with hands, as when swimming - first, Bershum, then the ram. We try to make exercises as slow as possible.
  4. Rejoin your hands in the sides and make tilts - Left, right, then back and forth. 5 times - in each direction.
  5. Stepping on the spot for 2-3 minutes, as far as possible raising your knees . Next, we jump 5 times on the left leg, then 5 times on the right, then 5 times - on both, and then - jumping with a rotation of 180 degrees.
  6. Pull your hands forward, clutch your fingers in the lock and stretch forward - as far as possible . Then, without losing a lock, we lower your hands down and trying to get palms to the floor. Well, finish the exercise, trying to get the detached palms "to the ceiling."
  7. Perform squats. Conditions: The backrest hold the straight, legs - on the width of the shoulders, hands can be pulled by your head in the lock or pull forward. The number of repetitions is 10-15.
  8. Jump out. The boys are pressed, of course, from the floor, but the task can be simplified to the girls - you can press from the chair or sofa. Number repeat - from 3-5.
  9. Boat. Going to the tummy, pull your hands ahead and a little bit upwards (let down the nose of the boat), and the legs also - we connect together, lifting up the "feed of the boat". Bending the back as hard as possible. Performance time - 2-3 minutes.
  10. Bridge. Going to the floor (children who know how to descend on the bridge from the standing position, are lowered right out of it), we rest in the feet and palms in the floor and, straightening the handles with legs, bending the back of the arc. Performance time - 2-3 minutes.
  11. Sitting on the floor and the legs are divorced to the sides. Alternately stretch your hands to the fingers of the left leg, then to the fingers right. It is important to touch the belly of the legs so that the body lay down with the foot - parallel to the floor.
  12. Bend left foot in the knee and raise it up, make cotton with hands under it . Then repeat S. right leg. Next, raise the elongated left leg as high up as much as possible (at least 90 degrees relative to the floor) and again slam in your hands under it. We repeat for the right leg.
  13. Swallow. We drag your arms to the sides, left the left leg back and, slightly tilting the body ahead, get silent in the pose of the swallow for 1-2 minutes. It is important that the body at this point is parallel to the floor. Next, repeat the exercise by changing the leg.
  14. Clear the usual ball between the knees, we will straighten your shoulders, rest in your hands into the belt. Now slowly squatting, holding the back smooth and ball between the knees. The number of repetitions is 10-12.
  15. We rest in our hands in the floor and "hang" over it in the position of "push-ups". And now slowly with the help of "go" in vertical position. A little rest in the pose of "Ostrich" and "Top" with your hands forward before the initial position. There and back we go hands 10-12 times.

Finish charging simple exercise For recreation: Pull out "at night" on the breath, straining all the muscles - for 5-10 seconds. Then we sharply relax on the team "Volto", exhausted. We repeat the exercise 3 times.

Motivation of the younger schoolboy to perform a daily complex of gymnastics at home - Useful advice to parents

Even an adult person is difficult to force himself to charge in the morning, what to say about children - you need to try hard to teach a child to this useful ritual. Here without motivation can not do.

Where to look for this motivation, and how to get a child to charge so that she was in joy?

  • The main rule - do the charge all together! Well, if the dad categorically refuses, then Mom should accurately participate in this process.
  • Turn on vigorous and cheerful music. To charge in silence is boring even adult. Let the music choose the child!
  • We are looking for an incentive in each case. For example, an incentive for a girl can be a beautiful tightened figure on envy to everyone, and the stimulus for the boy is a muscle relief that he can be proud of. Without a smaller incentive there will be a weight loss if the child is complete.
  • We are looking for those who can imitate. Do not create idols (!), And we are looking for a sample to follow. Naturally, we are looking for him not among bloggerche and bloggers with beautiful bodies And the void in the heads, and among athletes or the heroes of filmtin / films that the child loves.
  • Charging is needed to become stronger. And the strong (strong) need to be to protect the younger brother (sister).
  • In addition to the 5 exercises for heating the muscles, you need to choose another 5-7 exercises for the charge directly. More for this age is not needed, and the workout itself should take no more than 20 minutes (twice a day). But it is important to regularly change the set of exercises, so that the child does not become boring! Therefore, immediately make a large list of exercises, from which you will pull 5-7 new ones for every 2-3 days.
  • We are talking more often with a child on health : Why is the charge so important that it gives what happens to the body without physical activity, and so on. We are looking for thematic films and cartoons that look, of course, along with the child. We look at the film in which young athletes are successful - often such films become powerful motivators for a child to go to the world of sports.
  • Conduct a child a sports corner in the room . Let him be personal bars and rings, Swedish machine, phytball, horizontal bar, children's dumbbells and other inventories. Reward for every month workout Make a trip to battoo Center, on playing climbing or other sports attraction.
  • Use to attract a child to charging his own addiction . For example, if a child loves the ball - think over a set of exercises with the ball. Loves bars - spend charging at the children's playground. Etc.

Video: Cheerful charging for a child

Remember that you can not drive a child for charging, like a cautious thing, it is impossible. It is important that he himself wants to deal with you. Therefore, first of all, we demonstrate the importance of charging with your own example.

Children at this age are already thinking great and analyzed, and if you are constantly lying on a sofa, growing a rush, then make a child to do you simply cannot - a personal example acts more efficiently for all other methods.

Gymnastics is a universal exercise complex and is distinguished by manifold, simplicity and accessibility. Every athlete regardless of age or level physical training able to pick up the most suitable set gymnastic exercises and improve general state Health.

Regular execution of gymnastic exercises will noticeably affect relief muscular mass, flexibility, mobility, endurance of the body, decrease excess weightAnd also will have a positive effect on breathing, heart activities and the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Depending on the direction of exercise, the gymnastics is divided into the overall, toning, athletic and wellness.

Wellness or physiotherapy It assumes the execution of an exercise appointed by a doctor, selected individually to each patient.

Athletic physical culture is characterized by using various sports shells to enhance the gymnastic effect. Giri, rods, expander or power simulators are often used as hygagation.

The tonic effect is achieved by musical accompaniment, continuity of exercises and a certain tempo of movements.

Such gymnastics is an integral part of slimming programs and has a strict focus on problem areas of the body.

However, among all kinds of gymnastic exercises, the most popular and in demand is in demand.

Outlooking gymnastics

Universal gymnastic exercises are characterized by universal and common movements that are comprehensively affecting all organs and systems of the body.

Such gymnastics is the basis of each sports activities, suitable for both children and old men, does not require special preparation and includes many variations of various complexity.

Exercises without objects

The most convenient and affordable workout option is to perform exercises without additional sports shells. Freedom of action makes it possible to actively engage outside the gym or fitness club, in the home environment or outdoors. As a load, in this case, owns its own weight, frequency and sharpness of movements.

Below are several universal exercises that can be included in your gymnastics complex:

The initial position standing, legs on the width of the shoulders, the blades are reduced, the head is raised, and the eyes look ahead. Alternately raise your hands up through the sides, forward, make the "scissors" and "wheel", making at least two repetitions for each of the listed movements.

From a similar initial position, we make tilts back and forth, in the left and right side as well as circular movements. Each option is performed 20 times.

From the standing position, we make a deep sission, after which we return to the original, alternately raise the knee of each leg to the chest. Further, maughs and feet falls are performed. Each exercise is repeated up to 20 times in several approaches.

Exercises with stick

You can diversify the exercises and strengthen the effect with a gymnastic stick or any other suitable elongated objects.

With the help of a similar long projectile at 120 cm, the shoulder, spinal and breast muscles, joint joints, ligaments and tendons are being developed.

So, with a gymnastic stick, you can perform an exercise for twisting the spine:

  • Take the starting position standing by putting the legs on the width of the shoulders, the feet parallel to the floor, lifting the chin and placing the chest;
  • Fix the shell on the elbow bends behind the back;
  • Holding the back straight and without taking the feet from the floor, make movements to the left and right side;
  • All movements must be done without the help of hands and only at the expense of muscles of the back and abdomen;
  • Perform an exercise about 30 times, repeating it in three approaches.

As gymnastic shells, you can use other devices: roller, bench, swedish wall, dumbbells.

The photo of gymnastic exercises clearly show that most often such physical culture is performed easily, fun and in a large company. A simple technique, versatility and accessibility makes gymnastics an integral part of the life of every person who is not indifferent to his health and physical form.

Photo of gymnastic exercises

During the birth of the child, the female organism is experiencing an incredible tension. In this case, nature itself serves as a wonderful assistant.

There is a powerful emission of hormones, which gives the feminine additional forces. Nevertheless, additional preparation will not be superfluous.

What gymnastics can be done from the beginning of pregnancy, and which classes are permissible in the third trimester, let's tell later in the article.

Why and when is it necessary to prepare the body to give birth?

Scientists have long proven a positive effect of gymnastics for pregnant women. Also, the benefits are confirmed by many years of practice. Thanks to the morning charging, a pregnant woman gets the necessary tide of strength and energy, as well as a wonderful mood.

Moreover, it is not necessary to do only in the morning. Exercise can be performed at any convenient time. IN special complexes The exercise in which the muscles of the back, legs and abdomen are involved. Also useful breathing exercises, classes with a ball, swimming and walking.

Complexes of exercise for pregnant women are developed under the leadership of obstetrician-gynecologists, and are allowed to fulfill only healthy women - those who have a gestation take place without complications.

In the absence of contraindications, regular gymnastics will gradually prepare the body of the future mother for the upcoming birth.

Important! Women performing exercises during pregnancy, faster come into shape after delivery, and their childbirth is much easier for them.

Further useful video about whether you need gymnastics for pregnant women:

How and what does the physical activity help to prepare?

  • Gymnastic exercises develop the mobility and flexibility of the bones of the pelvis and the lower spoken departments, which will greatly relieve childbirth and will reduce pain at the bottom of the back during the appearance of the baby.
  • Stretching the muscles of the thighs so that the girlfriend is comfortable in the maternity hospital, as much as it takes.
  • Support the tone of musculature pelvis and vagina, so that after childbirth, avoid such troubles as urinary incontinence and hemorrhoids, as well as reduce the recovery period.
  • Help the neck of the uterus to reveal in a timely manner.


Note! During the gymnastics, the future mammy should be very closely monitoring his condition.

If during or after training, such symptoms appear as pain at the bottom of the abdomen, strange discharge, dizziness, the increase in the pulse over 130 shots per minute, increase the pressure of more than 140/100 mm Hg., Difficulty of breathing or heart pain - You should immediately stop training and seek medical attention.


Before starting classes, you should check the selected complex for the presence of elements for pregnancy in it. These include:

  • gaming;
  • contact;
  • lifting weights;
  • exercises for the press;
  • exercises on simulators;
  • kuyrki;
  • jumping.

Also, do not forget that during pregnancy, such sports as ice skating, rollers and equestrian sports are prohibited.

Today, for future mothers there are many opportunities for gymnastics. Free groups are almost all women's consultations. Many fitness clubs and pools exist special sections for pregnant women. In addition, You can study yourself at homeFor this, it is enough with the help of the Internet to find a suitable complex for yourself.

But, regardless of what method of gymnastics will be selected, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

  1. All exercise should be performed in a calm pace and not exceed the permissible load.
  2. The optimal duration of classes is from 15 to 40 minutes.
  3. Starting the gymnastics is necessary with warming exercises, finish with relaxation-respiral.
  4. Meal should be an hour before the classes so that the body does not burn calories and fats, the necessary kid, and received a "new" energy.
  5. In the process of classes, it is necessary to drink water: the body should not lose excess liquid.
  6. It is not recommended to delay the breath.
  7. Exercises are best on a special rug.

Types of training

  • Preheating.
  • Relaxing.
  • Respiratory.
  • Exercises for strengthening the muscles and mobility of the joints.
  • Exercises for the development of endurance.

What gymnastics should be done since the beginning of pregnancy?

Next, visual video about gymnastics at the beginning of pregnancy:

Classes for pregnant women in 3 trimester

In the last months of pregnancy, there are quite difficult for women to make any physical exercises. On this period, especially at 40 week, it is recommended to have charging on a special ball - phytball. These are useful, interesting and safe exercises for preparing for future birth, thanks to which the pressure is reduced, the blood circulation and the work of the heart normalizes.

Complex on phytball

Each exercise is 10-12 times.

In the complex to physical exercises it will be useful to add a diaphragm breathing training. To do this, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bput one hand on the chest, another on the stomach. Take a deep breath through the nose and exhale. At the same time, the chest should remain stationary, and the stomach when inhaling is lifted.

Next, visual video about classes on phytball in 3 trimester:

Useful video

Next, informative video about the benefits and contraindications exercise During pregnancy:


The answer to the question is whether pregnant women can make gymnastics, will help you find a doctor. Physical I. breathing exercises, positively affect the state of the future mother and fetus. But, in the presence of certain contraindications, the exercises should refuse.