What is Tai-Bo? Direct shock with left and right hand.

Martial art for women? It seems that such classes are not for fragile gentle creatures. Oaky! Tai-Bo is a universal system that allows not only to harmoniously develop its body, but also master self-defense skills, improve the well-being and mood and get rid of the risk of many diseases.

Tai-Bo is one of the fitness systems in which the Western and Eastern approaches to the improvement of the body are merged. Tai-Bo is the synthesis of aerobics and oriental martial arts. Creator of the system - world champion in eastern martial arts Billy Blenx, legendary boxer and Hollywood actor, winner of the title "Golden Glove". He developed a new technique in which combined Karate, Takevondo, kickboxing, boxing and dance aerobics. This system of fitness training Billy Blenks presented at the beginning of the 90s of the 20th century. Billy Blenks sought to attract a new combat fitness of Billy Blenx. But subsequently it turned out that such an innovation for the soul and women. To this day, the fans of this type of aerobics are becoming more and more.

Around the world, many people are increasingly interested in martial arts. Someone shows interest in spectacular, sports aspects, others cause curiosity of ethics and traditions of warriors, strategy and philosophy. There are many people who would like to gain knowledge about martial arts, not at the same time deep in their philosophical essence. Did you decide to master Tai-Bo? Excellent! Regular classes These arts allow you to maintain the fortress of the body and the vigor of the spirit, the ability to actively live.
Women attract Tai-Bo classes primarily by the fact that they allow to reduce body weight as soon as possible. Per month intense full training You can lose weight by 4 kilograms, because in the hour of classes is about 650 kilocalories. Even with low intensity, but large duration of physical exertion, favorable conditions for burning fats are created.

An important role is played psychological setting. It is achieved by meditation and respiratory exercises borrowed from Tha Tzu, Wushu and Qigoon, create conditions for maintaining adrenaline in the blood. Combat techniques that are being worked out in training contribute to the achievement of such a psycho-emotional state that helps without harm to the body to increase the amount of load in the process of occupation. Tai-Bo is suitable not only for bold and decisive women: even the most timid and shy can acquire confidence in themselves, recharge the energy.
Tai-Bo is well suited as a discharge after a busy labor day or morning warm-up. For this, enough 15 minutes. During this time, you can make a couple of simple blows and complete the workout with meditation, relaxing breathing exercises (about them later). But if there is a task to reduce and normalize weight, then the training should last 60-90 minutes and include as many different combinations of exercises.

Before starting to engage in Tai-Bo, you need to go through a medical examination. Thus, it is possible to reveal whether there are no deviations in the activities of the body, especially the cardiovascular and endocrine system. If the health is not all right, you need to consult with a doctor about such a training, to discuss extremely permissible loads. Since in Tai-Bo classes, it is recommended to comply with a special diet, the advice of an experienced nutritionist also does not hurt.

Tai-Bo: Two sides of the coin

Aerobics I. martial arts - The basis of Tai-Bo - Creating Miracles. With their help, you can learn to breathe correctly, get the perfect posture, flexibility, light and confident gait.
It all begins with breathing. That is what they think in the east. Breathing is the basis of life. It allows a person to support energy in the body at the proper level. The final part of the Tai-Bo training must necessarily be devoted to respiratory exercises. In order for the body to relax and in the muscles, the recovery process began, the warm-up is carried out. For example, you can perform such an exercise. Source position lying, standing or sitting. Make a deep breath through the nose, with the shoulders and the chest should remain alone. The belly is filled forward, the diaphragm is lowered down, thereby helping the lower lights of the light air. Then you need to make a complete exhalation through open mouth. The stomach is drawn. If you do not perform breathing exercises, the desired effect of Tai-Bo classes can not receive.
If you decide to comprehend the basics of oriental martial arts included in Tai-Bo, then know: correctly stand and sit - one of the conditions for this type of fitness. To move well, you need to have developed coordination, a sense of equilibrium, reaction, force and flexibility, a feeling of exemption from voltage in a particular body area should be created.

But the classroom has any physical exertion, including Tai-Bo, there is a reverse side of the medal. It is very important not to overdo it, do not strive to perform too much exercises immediately. In order to avoid possible injuries, consult with an experienced trainer (if you are doing at home), and in the fitness center, do not try to keep up with others, can be more successful newcomers, and it is purposefully engaged, gradually increasing the load.


If you have never been doing to this fitness, it is necessary to prepare the body to exercise pre-training and only after 1-2 months to move to Tai-Bo. By this time, the muscles are strengthened, the ligaments will become more elastic, which will reduce the risk of injuries of the joints.
Dance-mix-mix (dance aerobics) and step aerobics are suitable as a preparatory course - up-down movement on a special platform of about 35 cm wide and a length of 80-100 cm. The height of this projectile is changed as physical fitness increases, the initial height should be To be at least 15 cm. Here, for example, several basic exercises step aerobics for beginners.
Right position: Stop right in front of the platform at the distance of the foot from it, the legs together, the hands are omitted along the body. Left foot need to take a step on the platform to the left, right leg to put closer to the right edge; The knees slightly bend, at the same time collective hands on the parties, and then, lifting them up, return to its original position and start moving on the right leg. It is recommended to make 8-10 repetitions for each leg. But another exercise. Source position: Stop right face to the platform, legs together, hands on the belt. Right leg to put on the platform, left to bend in the knee and make a high max, trying to bring the knee to the chest as much as much as possible to the chest, the hands at this time straighten forward. Return to its original position, repeat 8-10 times, then suspension on the other legs.

It is better to start doing without musical accompaniment, picking up rhythm cotton in your hands or using the metronome. It is necessary to monitor breathing, control it carefully, as well as the correctness and rhythm of the implementation of movements.
Examine this kind of aerobics is not difficult, and to do comfortably and at home and in the gym. Step movements repeat the natural movements of the legs when walking. You can dose the load by changing the pace of exercises and the height of the platform. At the same time, basic muscle groups are strengthened, stop vaults, the ability to hold the balance, which is important in Tai-Bo classes. Performing step-movements in the rapid pace allow you to burn as much calories as the rapid run, strengthen the cardiovascular system.
Having mastered this technique at home, after 2-3 months of classes can be started to Tai-Bo.

Go to training!

Now directly about the practice. Boxing elements included in the Tai-Bo structure contribute to muscle strengthening shoulder belt, chest, back, karate elements and Takevondo - the development of the muscles of the legs. Classes activate the work of the cardiovascular system, improve the reaction, give the charge of cheerfulness, train strength and endurance, increase the protective forces of the body.
Classes begin with a warm-up (step-by-dance and running exercises), then the testing of basic blows and strength and endurance exercises, at the end - stretching (stretching) and elements of Thai Tzu (China tool with stress, relaxation). Then there is the main part of the workout - 10-15 minutes of intense exercises. It is accompanied by tough dynamic music.

The main exercises of Tai-Bo consist of jumps and various combinations of blows with hands, legs on a pear or arbitrary, movements and movements taken from kickboxing and oriental martial arts. So that you have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe technique itself, we give a few examples of shocks.
"Easy repetitive heads in the head of the hand arising forward" is the name of the exercise, in which the blows need to be applied sequentially one by one, but quickly and easily. Do not rotate the torso. Strokes combine with steps or fading forward, 2-3 hit each. When hit, the left shoulder should not be lifted, the blow is applied to the rapid extension of the hand in the elbow and the shoulder joints.
Very interesting "rear kick" legs. By sight, he resembles the movement of a flagging horse. When removing the shock leg (which you hit), it is necessary to raise so that the heel goes next to the knee of the support leg (on which stand). "The back strike" is applied with a heel, while the sock of the foot is directed toward the body. In the original position of the foot returns along the trajectory of the removal.
In Tai-Bo, when you hit your hand or leg, you can not straighten completely. We beat your hand - the elbow remains slightly bent, you hit the foot - the knee does not straighten up to the end. Due to this nuance, the strikes are not very difficult. But the main thing is reduced by the risk of damage to the elbow and knee joints.
At the end of the lesson, the pace of training is reduced and the group learns some kind of bundle is something like combat dance. Smooth, slow motion helps to restore breathing. Boots are performed as in slow motion, which helps to learn their technique.

What is needed for Tai-Bo?

A free sports form is suitable, preferably from natural fabrics, since they are better than synthetics absorb moisture, the body remains dry. On clothing there should be no massive buttons and locks that can interfere. Ideal fit spacious T-shirts and shorts.
Shoes should be with good depreciation, reliably fix the arches of the foot, be stable. For example, it can be sneakers for aerobics, with a sole that prevents sliding when driving.
In class combat aerobics, it's good to use Mcivars - special pillows for striking or boxing bags. For this you need special boxing gloves, or, expressing sports slang, "pancakes" (you probably saw these huge gloves at boxers). Have a nice to have a device that allows you to monitor the heart response to physical Load - Heart rhythm monitor. The device has a look of wristwatches with a sensor, conveniently fixed at the heart level.
Tai-Bo classes can be carried out in any room from 12 square meters. m. (or in a residential room) and on an open area. If you have a mirror in full growth, it will help carefully work out the technique of shocks and combinations of movements of the main part of the workout. The floor should be smooth, the coating is preferably a wooden or parquet. During training in nature, you can use the player with headphones with convivots to make it easier to do.
Classes can be carried out at any convenient time. The main thing is to do it regularly. Choose this time of day and the days of the week that you are most suitable. Start Tai-Bo classes need from moderate, light loads. To avoid pain in the muscles and injuries, you need to master the training program gradually. It is better to study 3 times a week with a break in one day for three months, then you can increase the number of workouts.

If you decide to do at home and acquired a special video cassette or disk for this, it is better to consult with professional trainerto pick up for yourself the ideal program Taking into account all the features of your health.

Already 20 years fitness is one of the most popular types of training. And not in vain! The programs of this system are diverse and unusual, and they are constantly being improved. Tai Bo is one of the newest and most sought-after directions in the fitness system. This art combines elements of various oriental martial arts and European aerobics.

Tai Bo for beginners - a unique path to improving your body and mastering self-defense skills. And, according to experts, such training is a truly effective tool for combating extra kilograms and strengthen the muscles of the whole body. But! Provided that a person takes this program not only on the physical, but also the spiritual level.

The founder of the new direction in the fitness system was the master of martial arts, a cascade and a successful actor from America - Billy Blacks. He created a unique program that is based on the blows of oriental martial arts, and the addition to such a technique of training has become. All Tai Bo art training lessons are under rapid and rhythmic music.

Its first training center founder Fitness Program opened back in 1986. In the shortest possible time, Tai Bo became very popular first in America, then in Europe. Having mastered the video lessons with Billy Blacks, you can do Tai Bo and yourself at home.

Performance Tai Bo.

The effectiveness of occupations is achieved as follows:

  • Raising muscular tone and weight loss, after which the body acquires beauty, and the muscles are elasticity. During classes, almost all body muscles are involved and obtain the necessary load. One Training Tai Bo contributes to burning 750 kcal, which is equivalent to a run at a distance of ten kilometers. It is important that training on Tai Bo fitness does not require any restrictions in everyday habits and food preferences.
  • Regular classes in Tai Bo Fitness for weight loss contribute to the normalization of cholesterol in the blood, prophylaxis cardiovascular diseases And atherosclerosis.
  • This sport-dance art improves the performance of the heart muscle and increases its endurance.
  • Proper posture and is one of the main advantages of Tai Bo Fitness. This program is excellent prevention in the prevention of osteochondrosis and spinal problems.
  • Blows are carried out without jumps, which reduces the risk of injury to the whole body.
  • Such training is aimed at improving the coordination of movements and improve the operation of the vestibular apparatus.
  • For effective classes Eastern art does not require any sports devices and it is enough to view the video lessons on Tai Bo fitness.
  • Easy and simplicity in training, even for those who have not previously dealt with this kind of classes.
  • In the process of training Tai Bo, participants have the opportunity to get rid of aggression and negative emotions due to targeted reset of energy.

Principles of system

Despite the fact that this technique contains various shock exercises, Tai Bo, to a greater extent, is a system of training in self-defense techniques.

The student occupies the initial boxer rack, while the hands are slightly bent in the elbows, and left-hand side The housings are slightly advanced. Performing all shots begins with the left hand. To work out these movements, athletic dumbbells weighing no more than two kilograms. In some fitness centers of training in Tai Bo Bo are carried out using boxing gloves.

The priority condition in the development of this technique is the correct production and compression of fists, as well as the skill of them to manage.

Features of the Tai Bo program

The production of speed, durability and ability to quickly and properly react to situations during the training are complemented by breathing techniques, exercises for relaxation and meditating.

Such a combination of different training elements allows you to achieve an optimal emotional state. A gradual increase in the load eliminates the risk of injury in the body in the process of training.

Impact fitness Program Tai Bo is one of the most effective fitness systems that can replace the morning aerobics or remove stress after a serious working day. The duration of one workout Tai Bo is no more than 15 minutes.

The class complex consists of the following steps:

  • . As a rule, almost all types of sports begin with this.
  • The main part of the training, which consists of arbitrary displacements and movements in the training room, as well as the application of shocks on a boxing pear and jumps. Strokes in Tai Bo are performed with an incomplete amplitude. The main part of the movements in Tai Bo consists of shocks with hands and legs in all directions. These parts of the body should be slightly bent to eliminate the risk of injury. For one approach, 10 to 30 shots are performed.
  • The third stage is the "dance-combat" part. After performing the main movements, the participants of the classes go to the stage of the development of one of the combinations, which on the part of something similar to the dance. Performing such movements is carried out at a slow pace, which contributes to the restoration of breathing.

General rules

In fact, the varieties of exercises in Tai Bo is a lot. You can get acquainted with the full course of classes by photo or video lessons as well as by visiting specialized classes.

As in any fitness program, the effectiveness of Tai Bo bus is achieved with regular training. For beginners, it is quite enough to workout with a duration of 20 minutes to bring the body into the shape and get the necessary charge of energy. Boxing elements in Tai Bo make it possible to strengthen the muscles of the hands and shoulders.

Exercises on Taekwondo, which are included in Tai Bo, contribute to strengthening the muscles of the lower extremities, IRC and stop. Good Cardio The load helps to quickly get rid of excess weight. Therefore, Tai Bo is ideal for girls seeking to achieve harmony and a beautiful figure.

The optimal number of classes for beginners is three times a week. Ideally, there should be at least one day between training for the restoration of the body's forces. After three months, a new stage may begin, which involves improving the load.


Before starting to engage Tai Bo, each participant should be checked by a doctor for the absence of any deviations from the cardiovascular and endocrine system. Specialists Tai Bo recommend their followers to prepare their body to future loads.

Preparatory programs include STEP aerobics, classic fitness or dancing. It's the very effective programsSuppose to bring to the tone and strengthen the muscles of the entire body before more complex loads.

For Tai Bo classes, it is necessary to use clothes that will not fade movement and create discomfort. T-shirt and shorts made of natural fabrics, without the presence of lightning and other metal accessories - perfect option Equipments for such a workout.

Each modern lady tries to keep himself in shape. Have tighted figure Today it is considered the norm, but to achieve such a result and constantly support it is not so easy. Need to be kept healthy image life and constantly do physical exercises. One of the sports that will help you always be in Tonus - Tai-Bo. It is about him and talk further.

What does Tai-Bo? Fight or fitness?

Tai-Bo can be called combat fitness. After all, this is a cocktail from elements of Eastern martial arts, such as Taekwondo, kickboxing, boxing, and dance aerobics.

This direction is becoming increasingly popular among the young ladies.

  • In Tai-Bo classes, you can not only tighten the figure, make your body more flexible and improving posture, but also learned the elements of self-defense. .
  • Also this kind of struggle will help you get rid of stress what is important in our time and purchase harmony , because all the eastern martial arts has its own special philosophy.
  • BUT dance moves and rhythmic music accompanying them will make classes not boring and give your body smoothness and flexibility .
  • Tai-Bo training stamina, dexterity and power of will, as well as stress resistance, because here, in addition to physical, do more and a variety breathing exercises and meditation.

All this is suitable and the modest young lady and hot-tempered ladies. The modesty after several classes charge the martial spirit and acquire confidence, and temperamental, on the contrary, learn to live in harmony with them and others and be calmer and balanced in different situations.

Slimming Fitness - Is it possible to quickly lose weight, doing Tai-Bo?

Hearing about Tautos, many ask themselves this question. The answer is yes, doing this type of fitness, you can lose weight and adjust your figure.

The fact is that many calories are burned during classes, which in many of us, let's clean, extra. Training takes place in Bola dynamic pace, which allows you to burn from 800 calories per hour. For example, it is how to overcome 10 kilometers.

But such loads are not for everyone, So before starting to engage in Tai-Bo, you should first consult with the coach and prepare.

  • It is recommended to start with small loads of the house. , such as running in the mornings, gymnastics, etc. Your body will gradually get used, the muscles will strengthen, the heart becomes accustomed to such a work mode, and then you will feel more confident in the hall.
  • Three hours before training and do not eat two hours after it. This will help you feel cheer in training. And to achieve a consuming effect of weight loss after classes, try on the day of workout to limit yourself in food at all, snacking vegetables and fruits.

How are Tai-Bo classes?

Each lesson takes place in several stages.

  • Workout

It is needed in order to preheat muscles and prepare for power exercises. During the warm-up, mainly use running and dance movements, by type of aerobics.

  • Stretching

It is done in order to Avoid injury at further exercises. During the muscle stretching, endurance is developing.

  • Workout

it intense strikes with hands and legs, various jumps, elements of the eastern struggle. By the way, there are no simulators in classes. Everything is being worked out in space or on a punching pear, and for a considerable effect of some exercises use dumbbells.

  • Battle dance and stretching

Ends the occupation of a combat dance and stretching (so as not the muscles sick the next day after the load).

  • Breath

And still, during training special attention Delive to breathing and relaxation.

With each new occupation, gradually the load increases.

Main exercises in Tai-Bo and training efficiency

Start mastering the exercises recommended in front of the mirror and in slow motion. This will help properly master the execution technique and learn to breathe correctly.

Next gradually increase The speed of movements, and to feel the power of the blow, try to apply a boxing pear. Hands and legs should not straighten completely. This will help avoid injury, and exercises will be much easier.

The complexity of some exercises and their effectiveness will tell you the following table.

Name Description Efficiency
Rear kick Standing on one leg, tilt the torso ahead. The second leg to take back so that the heel was at the level of the knee leg, on which stand. Perform shocks back, while the heel should be drawn up. Repeat 15-20 times with both legs. Buttocks will become more touched, and the muscles of the legs and the hips will strengthen.
Punch forward Standing on one leg, the second pull the knee to the stomach. Punch forward. Abdominal muscles should be tense. Perform an exercise 15-20 times per leg. Strengthens the muscles of the legs and hips, pulls the belly.
Hit in Put your feet on the width of the shoulders. Then tighten one leg to the other, bend in the knee and make a blow to the side. Return to the starting position. Repeat 20 times on both legs. Slint legs, pulls up the stomach and buttocks.
Dragons Start straight, placing arm bent at the shoes at the chest level. Sat, straighten your hands, fingers must be turned up. Floor fees do not tear off. Repeat 5 times. Strengthens the leg muscles, develops the coordination of movements and the ability to keep the equilibrium.

Contraindications for performing data exercises As well as Tai-Bo classes are the problems of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and endocrine diseases.

Also be prepared for the fact that during training injuries and bruises are possible. In order to avoid this, special attention is paid to the workout and stretching and not chellite, as well as follow the advice of the coach.

There are no special restrictions on the floor and age in Tai-Boy. This type of fitness is suitable for adolescents and people in old age.

What is needed for Tai-Bo training?

If you decide to do Tai-Bo, you will need Comfortable sportswearbut without making movements and light shoes At low go. The sole of the shoes should not slide, and the heel is well fixed on the leg. Availability boxing gloves It will be only a plus.

As mentioned earlier, it is better to have preliminary training in the form of 2-3 months of running and aerobics or stepmore , eg. And, of course, the desire to change and work on yourself, not missing training. Remember that by skipping at least one workout, you make a few steps back.

Video Training Tai-Bo for beginners

You can train both in the gym and at home. If you do not have time to visit the gym, and I still want to master the battle fitness, you can easily do at home on video lessons. But still consult the coach before this. He will help you learn to perform movements and breathe correctly and will tell you what exactly to pay attention to. In the gym you can choose for yourself training in the group or individual classes with a mentor.

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    Tai-Bo is an aerobic program that combines shocks with hands and legs with "care" and dance steps. The name happened from the combination of Taekwondo and "Boxing", but in fact the program is most reminiscent of blows from Thai boxing and basic aerobics.

    The lesson is quite old, the author of the original program is Billy Blacks, who founded the first training center for this technique. The birth of this type of fitness is quite well mythologized. In RuNet, bikes go that Billy starred in the movies along with Bruce Lee. In fact, everything was much more prosaic.

    The essence of Tai-Bo

    What is this lesson - Tai-Bo and what is his feature? The author of the program simply decided to earn on the cult of thin, which covered America in the 80s. He found himself at the right time where Pamela Anderson and Paul Abdul went into the world, and correctly understood the desires of the target audience. Women finally wanted to start at least sometimes there is normal. And ordinary aerobics from Jane Fonda did not give them such an opportunity. Hour dancing in swimsuits and festains and minus miserable 300-400 kcal. Who will it arrange?

    Billy decided to use his Karatist and Mass-Catering Mass. Contrary to the bikes common in RuNet, he did not starred with Bruce Lee, and was his fan. Just a guy from a large family who was engaged in karate, then got into Hollywood by the director of the tricks in films not the highest sewing, and then - earned a state on the love of people to food.

    Tai-Bo per hour allows you to "remove" to 800 kcalBecause all the strikes are quite intense, and the departures are performed through soft jumps. The essence is that within an hour, the Kološimatis of the imaginary opponent is all available in ways - legs, hands, elbows, knees, and so on. It is much more fun and more interesting than many other aerobic lessons. Billy quickly became a star.

    But the businessman he was much worse than the "dad" crossfit Greg Glassman. Billy was able to create a program, release a series of training videos, which were quite quickly laid out in open sources and become celebrity coach. But he could not sell franchise. If you go on Tai-Bo somewhere in the middle lane of Russia, most likely, the lesson will be invented by the local group program coach and will only be based on popular blows from martial arts.

    Tai-Bo is very similar, but these are different lessons, their main differences are presented in the table below:

    Basics of Tai-Bo training for beginners

    Tai-Bo is considered a suitable lesson for a novice with excess weightBut this is not entirely true. People with CMT more than 30, disorders of posture and weak muscles of the case must pre-undergo a total course physical training. They should be prohibited 3-4 times a week with Pilates and on elliptical simulatorBefore starting intensely "beat the shadow". It will help protect against problems with the ankle and knee joints, which are pursuing novice aerobics lovers in heavy weight categories.

    All the rest should be understood that:

  1. You can study at home under the videos if you normally own the body, when the legs lifting you, it does not fit the standing sofa and you have enough motivation for self-employment.
  2. The group is better to like those who have problems with self-discipline.
  3. It is better to train 2-3 times a week if the goal is to burn fat, improve mobility, stamina and improve health.
  4. As an addition to power and cardiotransports - you can visit Tai-Bo once a week.
  5. The class is better to choose the one to which you will have time to do. By content, they do not differ as much as dance or step classes.

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Does the Tai-Bo suffrage?

Tai-Bo is developing endurance, as it consists of multi-penetration work. Boots with hands and legs are combined into bundles, the group performs the series, and not single blows. True, such endurance is more useful for "life" and as an OFP before the transition to boxing boxes or martial arts.

Similar lessons are given little in terms of forceful endurance. Therefore, if the goal is to become better in gym Or in crossfit, you need them and engage.

Positive sides of Tai-Bo

The lesson gives a lot of positive, because you will beat your imaginary enemy with a crowd of comrades. Isn't it all dreaming about this, standing in a traffic jam, sitting at a meeting or dealing with a simplicate low-pay job?

And, seriously, this is a good option for pumping health:

  • relieves stress and emotional stress;
  • pumps the heart, and in a fairly high mode;
  • improves vessel trophy;
  • increases the mobility of the joints and the elasticity of the ligaments;
  • improves motor skills - and coordination of movements.

Tai-Bo may also contain elements for active press pump or a small series of power exercises. Original video Billy Blacks contain movements with a little burden like a short bodibar. But it is impossible to call this lesson.

Technique performing individual elements

Technical perfection in Tai-Bo is not required. It is necessary to maintain a neutral back, that is, pulled to the spine of the blade, taking the belly, slightly overturned the pelvis and "soft" knees.

Source stand

Foot is a little wider shoulders, weight is in the center of the body and is projected in the center of the foot of the foot. Initially, the back is straight, the blades are pulled to the spine. Before working out the shock technique, it is worth a slightly rounded shoulders forward to ensure the movement of the joints in a safe trajectory.

Straight blow to the left and right hand

He is a jeb, performed by hand, which is coated forward to the leg. You need to stand a vertex, bring the right leg forward, hands brought to shoulders and perform a short sharp blow right hand forward. The legs change with a slight jump, the left-sided blow is performed.

Side blow with left and right hand

Side shots Three:

  • Uppercot - that is, the blow from the bottom up, in the jaw, is performed from the direct rack along the elliptical trajectory with a turn of the case.

  • Cross - this is a blow from a long hand in a rack for direct hit, It is performed with a turn of the support "rear" leg and aims to the housing. Cross must be strong blows Due to the inertia of the hull.

  • Hook - side punch near hand in the head from the shoulder level. In the original Tai-Bo lessons, it is quite rare, as Billy does not recommend high-racing shoulders during aerobics.

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"Care" (slope) left and right

Care is the transfer of weight from one foot to another with the simultaneous transfer of the housing towards the loaded leg. Looks like a "pendulum" body from left to right and vice versa. He is learned from the rack "legs wider shoulders", first the person learns to perform a tilt on the arc-shaped trajectory without transferring weight to the leg, then with the transfer. The second level is the care with the chain of the attached steps, then the slope of the body is repeated several times to the same side into which the steps are performed.

Boots feet

Boots are used in each workout.

Right and left knee

Boots knee in Tai-Bo closer to how they beat in Thai boxing. The beating tolerates the body weight on one leg, frees the second, bends it in the knee joint and leads the knee to the shoulder of the same name. In the aerobic lesson, this blow has a format "Exercise standing for pumping the press".

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Blow back

Bunch back is performed as a hip extension with an additional effort from the knee. It is necessary to transfer body weight to the support leg, freeing the beating and hit the heel back, sharply flexing the leg in the knee.

Punch forward

Staying the strike begins with the end of the knee forward, then the extension in the knee joint and the blow of the heel is added to this.

Strikes to

Side strike - After transferring weight to the supporting leg, a blow from the knee to the side, the heel goes to the side, the body bends into the opposite.

Rond, or Roundhaus, - Looks like a side, only the movement of the heel goes "from the inside out", along the arc. The blow falls into the housing or head.

Bundles elements

For a warm-up in Tai-Bo, a slightly modified aerobic bunch can be used - two appropriate steps to the right and left and mugs along the housing, plus two appropriate steps to the right and left and synchronous shocks forward.

Bundles are most often used in Tai-Bo.

    • "Jeb, Cross, Hook, Uppercot", that is, a straight blow, for example, with the right hand, side left, side "finishing" right and bottom up left.

  • Two blows left knee, a bunch with hands with the right, jumping, repeat on the other legs.

Intensity will help Temply Bundles:

  • 30 seconds very fast running with high lifting Knee, 30 seconds of very fast shock hands forward in the rack, as much low straight blows with legs with shift.
  • 30 seconds side shocks, 30 seconds of the aperters with a quick change of hand in the rack.
  • 30 seconds of shocks legs back with shift, 30 seconds of battle strikes with shifts.

Temo-bunch is working at the end of the workout.

Clock class from Billy Blinx:

Contraindications for classes

Tai-Bo is not martial art, so no psychological states or deviations in this area are contraindicated. If a person has a tendency to aggression, he can do aerobics to "reset", of course, if this tendency is not the nature of pathology.

Tai-Bo better postpone:

  1. Immediately after delivery. As soon as the doctor will allow aerobics and a woman's classes and a woman is 1-2 months for less intense lessons to return the shape, she can engage in Tai-Bo.
  2. In the period when ligaments are inflamed, joints, there is pain in the muscles due to some kind of health deviations.
  3. During ARVI or cold, with ailment.
  • with damage more than 30;
  • hypertensive;
  • in arrhythmias and other diseases of the heart;
  • people with diseases of the joints and ligaments.

This training is not recommended for girls with disorders of food behavior. Such aerobic classes most often use bulimics to eliminate the "consequences of the burden". The consequences, of course, will not eliminate, but a raised approach to classes, when the girl is actively trained for 3-4 hours a day, leads to injuries of the musculoskeletal system, although the lesson itself and deprived of dangerous jumps and other martial art attributes.

The lesson is also not recommended to persons with psyche disorder by type of dysmorphia. They seem to them that they always remain fat, even if they dropped all excess weight. In the aerobic lessons of the "combat" plan, they are looking for a relief, but it is quite difficult to make it if it is referred to the relief "by dice". Such people are never satisfied with the result and literally kill themselves with the help of aerobics.

Important: to train more than 1 hour per day in such aerobic mode "for weight loss and health" should not be.

Tai-Bo is an excellent view of aerobics for those who want to lose some kilograms and stay in great shape, eating normally. Naturally, for successful slimming You must not forget about the daily deficiency of calories, in which this lesson will help you, in which you can completely spend about 800 kcal per hour.

Greetings all the connoisseurs of health, physical development and adherents of an active lifestyle. Today I will tell you about the exclusive female training of the training that will allow you to achieve any goals, no matter how ambitious they were.

Tauto for women is a sacred grail in building perfect FigureAnd it is becoming more popular and more popular. Moreover, it is one of the most functional and vital useful species Fitness among existing today. So, all about Tauto from A to Ya.

There are many types of aerobics, fitness, including elements of other sports. Especially popular crossing of fitness and dance styles: such hybrids provide belligent and exciting workouts. There is also a type of training where the elements of aerobics, gymnastics and several martial arts are combined. TAE BO is a direction that transfers the philosophy of eastern martial arts in fitness.

Such an unusual tandem allows not only to provide hardly record fat burning (speed and spending calories), but also harmoniously develops the muscles of the whole body. Also tauto is an excellent kind of "soft martial arts", where combat techniques are practiced more like choreographic elements. Despite this, it was proved that the tauto greatly improves self-defense skills for women - a very useful bonus for building a perfect body.

I want to note that this is an incredibly complex and intense type of training. In full measure, only those women who already have experience in fitness or other sports will be able to train without prior training.

This does not mean that for beginner access is closed. In all sections, there are initial groups where women without any preparation can easily be drawn into tauto, master the main elements, strengthen the muscles and get rid of excess fat. As a rule, for beginners, this is the first stage leading to the future in full force where there is no concerning for women for men.

I want to immediately hold a line between the tauto as a type of fitness for women and Thai boxing. Despite the similar name and the presence of many shock techniques from Thai Boxing, Tauto cannot be called martial arts. It is rather kind of "combat choreography", like Capoeira, for example, where there is no direct contact with the opponent even during Sparring.

Brief history of the appearance of tauto

Tauto as a fitness technique mainly for women created Billy Blacks, a famous actor and professional athlete with an impressive number of awards. The program itself appeared in the 90s, although world popularity gained only in the 2010th. The reason for this was the popularization functional species Fitness and aerobics simultaneously suitable for creating an ideal body and for the development of endurance, strength, mobility and other abilities.

Not entirely correctly called Tauto exclusively by training for women, more precisely, the technique was originally created as for men. But most often the men choose not fitness with elements of martial arts, but the martial arts themselves, that is, Thai boxing, karate, taekwondo and others. But for women, the lack of direct contact has become a huge advantage. Tauto attracts both those who want to improve the impact techniques and those who want to lose weight and.

The essence and meaning of training

If you have ever seen training on the physical training of MMA professional fighters, Tauto will not be something new and unknown for you. All classes are conducted in a similar mode, although the group format of workout imposes its mark. First of all, this is manifested in more gentle loads and a smaller pace. Women have no need to train stamina as well as men in the ring. In addition, nature initially endowed them much more endurance than men.

The feature of the tauto in the intensity of training. Most of the exercises are performed by series that can be combined into entire complexes. They combine both shock elements and gymnastic and aerobic movements. Including strength exercises, even though they are in the minority. They are adapted to completely different conditions: they are performed in a faster pace, often have an explosive nature and minimal rest between approaches. Basically serve to fill long-term gymnastic or shock series.

Visually Tauto very similar to other types of aerobics for women. The center is the instructor, which sets the pace and shows movements. The rest of the athletes duplicate them under rhythmic music.

What muscles work

Without exaggeration, I can say that if after training a woman does not feel fatigue in some group of muscles, then either the execution technique was violated, or the occupation led an inexperienced coach. One of the most important advantages of the Taibo is a uniformly distributed load on all muscles.

First, it allows you to improve blood circulation (which in itself is the prevention of many diseases and strengthens the cardiovascular system), secondly, it avoids the excessive congestion of the muscles (which entails the destruction of the fibers and the absence of visible progress). The latter often occurs in the gym when the muscular group gets more load than it follows.

There are no such minuses in tauto, and even power athletes with a big muscular mass May be engaged in tauto, without losing their volumes. Moreover, this kind of "combat gymnastics" allows you to use a number of muscles that are almost not included in the work under fitness rooms. We are talking about the deep muscles, muscle-stabilizers and others.

I also want to add about the important advantage of the tauto - sufficient load on the back muscles. As practice shows, women in the hall this muscular group is not worked out even if there is training experience. In Tautos, most of the movements involve the muscles of the back, which not only improves posture and strengthens the muscles, but also ideally for the prevention of intervertebral hernia and protrusions.


There are some delusions and confusion that I want to dispel. The truth is that there are no species of tauto. Taibo is a ready and long-generated technique, equally suitable for women and men. Naturally, it has no strict alternateness of exercises, installed hard frames and rules. As a result, many coaches contribute to such their own, but the elements for this they take from the general arsenal:

  • Gymnastics.
  • Dance Aerobics.
  • Thai boxing.
  • Kickboxing.
  • Taekwondo.
  • Karate.

The confusion arises due to the fact that the tauto is not the only kind of aerobics for women with martial arts elements. Also there are fit-bo, cybo and others. Most often it is the same tauto, but with small additions and changes. Therefore, when we are talking about Tauto, we mean the original program and its foundations that Billy Blacks created.

Indications and contraindications

The list of readings and contraindications for tautos is not particularly different from other types of aerobics. That is, if fitness fitness, aerobics and other similar types of load are suitable, then the tauto is most likely available. If you select the main readings for classes for women, I will note:

  • Weight Correction.
  • Improving muscle tone and.
  • Strengthening immunity.
  • Improving posture and strengthening the musculoskeletal system.
  • Treatment of depression, insomnia and any other disorders.
  • Increase endurance.
  • Prevention of a number of diseases.
  • Development of coordination, reaction rate and equilibrium.
  • Improving self-defense skills.

Regarding the last paragraph, I note that although the tanet is a peaceful sport and the contact element, it does not contain, yet the development of the drum technician is one of its main points. Therefore, not only medical, but also everyday use for women is combined here - the use of training experience.

Contraindications include:

  • Any chronic diseases at the aggravation stage.
  • Period of breastfeeding or pregnancy.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Arthrosis.
  • Excess weight (at least 40% of the excess adhesive layer) and weak physical training.
  • Scoliosis.

In the case of the last two items of direct prohibition on training, there is no, but Taibo stands only after consulting a doctor. Also, women are undesirable to train in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Benefit and harm

Consider the main advantages and cons Tauto and why this type of aerobics is considered one of the best for women. It provides almost as possible intensity among all types of fitness and aerobics. That is, Tauto's classes are most saturated as possible, which allows you to spend a huge amount of calories and stimulate hormonal response (the main factor for muscle growth and fat burning during the rest), and this is important not only to men, but also women.

If you allocate the main advantages, I will note:

  1. Maximum productivity in (taking into account the burning of fat and muscle buildings).
  2. You never gain extra volumes (the main horror stroke about the power loads for many women).
  3. The biggest load falls on the back muscles, legs and press. It improves the waist, posture and general aesthetics of the figure of any woman.
  4. Optical training.
  5. Pronounced impact on immunity.
  6. Coordination and equilibrium.
  7. Lack of compression effect on the spine.

I also want to note the important advantage of the TATIO - the so-called benefit for the person, which will always be whole, in contrast to martial arts. Tauto can be engaged without fear get injuries: all techniques are being worked out in the "battle with shadow" mode, that is, without sparring as such.

Benefit for the shoulder belt

Important plus tauto - high efficiency in the development of the muscles of the shoulder belt. In this type of training, the shoulders and hands work much more than in fitness. This is extremely important, given that many athletes do not train their backs. I want to remind women: you can train your shoulders and need. This is one of the simplest and effective ways Taste the waist and make the figure more tightened and proportional.

Benefit for Torso

A huge number of movements in Tabo is performed with the involvement of breast muscles, abdomen and backs. Uniform load on these muscle groups avoids imbalance in muscle development and a number of unpleasant consequences (for example, worsening posture if the woman's breast muscles work more than the back). In Tautos, all movements are complex, that is, there are several muscle groups at once.

Benefit for the waist

The waist plays a crucial role for women, and in this plan, tauto can give no less advantage than the fitness. In training, the oblique muscles of the abdomen are especially well working, which make the sides are more touched. Moreover, the risks for women are in tauto, to increase the waist amount, which can be easily achieved in the usual gym, performing "incorrect exercises", such as the slopes of the body with dumbbells.

Benefit for hips

The use of tauto for the legs is simply incredible. In training, the lower part of the body is involved in the work in almost all series and exercises, so the progress on the hips Woman will notice one of the first. Also, the abundance of plyometric, power and gymnastic exercises contribute to the rapid elimination of fat on feet in women and the improvement of muscle tone.

How to study at home

If you have chosen a "home path" and decided to engage in tauto at home, then you need to approach training with all seriousness. I want to assure that if you do at home the same amount of work as in the hall, the benefits will be the same. Women need to eliminate all the shortcomings that are able to reduce the efficiency of workouts. This is a distraction for ordinary everyday affairs, weak discipline, long rest, etc. Consider more detailed basic training rules.

Required Inventory and Equipment

Inventory for women I am divided by the program "Minimum" and "Maximum". The first category includes ordinary clothing (shorts, sneakers and shirt). More for Tauto, nothing needs. So conduct training for girls in 95% of all clubs, where there is a tauto, and I can assure: work with your own body will be enough. However, women who want to squeeze out of this type of aerobics maximum, I advise you to add cycles with power exercise. In this case, you will need a "program maximum for tauto", for women it includes:

  • Dumbbells or weights for hands and legs (maximum 1-2 kg, no more).
  • Two rubber harness with a small tension force.
  • Training pole with soft handles (usually 60-70 cm long).

I also want to obviously warn from unnecessary spending that women are often made due to the prevailing stereotypes. No gloves for tauto are not needed. You will not work with heavy scales that can damage the skin of the palms, nor inflicting blows on the pear, so such an element of equipment in a 100% excess one.

Power and additives during classes

When practicing tauto, a tight diet for women is optional. Training burns a huge amount of calories, because it is enough just to eat and not overeat. But if you want to speed up the result, you can cut the calorie content of the diet, especially at the expense of fatty products and fast carbohydrates. Remember that energy requires energy, therefore it is not hard to limit the diet. It will deteriorate efficiency and reduce the speed of weight loss for women.

In the first place among the additives it is worth highlighting protein to fully fill the need for a period of slimming. BCAA will not interfere with muscle protection, but only before or during training. The rest of the time they will be almost useful for tauto. I also recommend women to take vitamin and mineral complexes and omega-3 fats (month after month).

Where to start first

I advise you to start with familiarization with all the exercises. You should not just know how to perform them correctly, but also to make them technically right. This applies not only to the shock part, but also aerobics, gymnastic and power movements in tauto. After that, only practice, practice and once again practice.

Number and duration of workouts

Optimally spending 3 workouts per week. This is a certain standard in the tauto, which is great for women. Such a schedule allows you to quickly burn fat, build up the aesthetic muscles and not redress. If you hold 3 workouts per week fails, you can restrict ourselves to two classes. This is especially true for women on whom the domestic hassle is hanging.

The duration of training TATIO should be at least 30 minutes. Optimally - 45-50 minutes. Newcomers who cannot train for a long time, it is recommended to make a bigger rest between the exercises or series without changing the duration of the lesson.

What time to train

Usually I recommend women to engage tauto in the clock of the greatest lift of physical activity, that is, 3 hours after awakening and 5 hours before sleep. Those women who train at home, I recommend to engage at any time when it turns out to be worth 45-60 minutes for training. It is very important not to stop classes and not distracted.

Technique of performing various elements of martial arts

As practice shows, the main difficulties for women in tauto are shock elements. Unlike conventional gymnastic exercises, they will not be able to learn by pictures. Therefore, consider all the techniques that are used in Tautos.

Source stand

A boxing rack is considered classic for tauto. The hull is a bit unfolded, the pelvis, the hand and leg come forward. That is, a woman should not stand straight, but slightly unfolding the housing aside. Feet are also not standing on the same line.

In a tauto, a woman needs to be guided by the lead. Pights should stand so that the right hand is a bit behind. Leftshies - on the contrary.

Straight blow

"Straight left" for the right hand is carried out by the front hand (which is ahead and slightly above the right level). The movement is made due to the extension of the elbow and throwing the fist forward. The blow is accompanied by a step forward of the left leg. It is worth remembering that the blow should be performed at the chin level, not lower and not higher.


Reception is performed using extension in locks Susta right hand. Depending on the rack (left-sided or right-hand), the blowing technique will be different. For women, the right-hander movement with the right hand will be accompanied by a slight turn of the body and legs, with a support and rotation on the sock. For left-sided rack - with a step forward.

Left hand

Punch is performed on an arc, at the level of shoulder. Unlike direct impact, the elbow is almost not straightened (saving the bend by almost 90 °). Movement is carried out at the expense of the shoulder joint, the operation of the elbow is minimal. Returning hands, unlike the main first phase of movement, occurs just like with straight blows. Foot movements are identical.

Sideways right hand

The blow is performed with the right hand with the rotation of the leg on the sock and the reversal of the case. In addition to hitting the arc on the right, at the level of the shoulder, the other technical features are similar to straight blows.

Cross right

Reception is a cross between side and direct blows. It is performed with a sharp emission of the elbow up (elbow above the level of the brush), but not on the arc, but in a straight trajectory. Also, unlike direct strike, the cross is performed slightly above the chin level, at the nose level.

Care Blope Left

Performed in the form of "diving" of the Welcome, imitating dodging from the blow. The center of gravity is transferred to left foot, Right performs rotational movement on the sock. At the time of the embellon, the hands are tightly pressed against the housing, fists at the chin level. Together with the transfer of the center of gravity, a turn is carried out and the slope of the body in the direction of the slope.

Caring bias to the right

It is performed in the same form as the bias left. In the front desk there are no changes, in the side it all depends on the position. I want to remind you that if you work not in the front rack (which happens very rarely), all techniques have a mirror character.

Boots feet

Boots are perfectly fit not only for weight loss and improving muscle tone, but also for the development of coordination and equilibrium. A pleasant bonus for women is that when holding the body on one foot, while the other in the air, the cortex muscles actively work and additionally loads the press.

Blow right knee

Movement in tauto is performed with weight transfer on the left foot. Right leg Bends in the knee and thrown forward. Hands are in a classic rack.

Blow left knee

Mirror reflection with right knee. I want to remind you that regardless of the position of the body of the knee should move strictly ahead. Also during the strike you need to remember the straight back. For women in Tauto, it is allowed to raise the leg to the level when the thigh is parallel to the floor, although the higher you can raise the knee, the better (but only without disrupting technology).

Blow back

Performed from the initial rack. Impact foot is given back, bringing a shot in a straight line. The housing at the same time leans forward to maintain balance. It is important to always keep your back straight.

Punch forward

This technique is very similar to a knee blow in the first phase, but with the difference that the knee must be blown during the movement. The movement is divided into two phases, like most of the feet receptions: Raising the knee to the level when the thigh almost reached parallels with the floor, as well as the extension of the legs. Women often neglect the technique, especially at the end of training when fatigue increases. But the better your technique, the greater the returns both in terms of fat burning, and in the development of muscles, endurance, coordination, etc.

Boots towards the Ronda and side

The side blow is performed by transferring the center of gravity to the support limb with a lead to the side. Try to stop in a horizontal position, it will help save proper position legs. The hand from the support leg remains pressed to the body. Hand from the side of the shock leg straightened forward to hold balance. The body is deflected back, in the opposite direction from the movement of the foot.

RBD is performed in the same way as the side, but the movement of the leg goes along the arc. These techniques are considered the most difficult for women.

Bundles elements

If you watch videos with Billy Blacks' classes, you will immediately understand that in a tauthet, no reception is done one one. Yes, there are rapid series of sites of the same type, for example, alternately straight in the front rack, but it happens rarely. In most cases, a series of shocks are performed in Tauto. Most often they are combined with shock techniques. For example, a bunch of straight hand and ending the knee. Or more complex ligaments, with alternating 3-5 receptions.

Gymnastic movements are also performed by the series, but often the same type of exercises are combined.

Approximate training program at home

Consider an example of a ready-made program for women, which will allow Tauto to be engaged at both at home and in the hall.

For beginners

  • Workout.
  • Alternate straight - 2 minutes.
  • Knee takeaway - 1 minute.
  • A bundle of straight blows with legs and hands is 2 minutes.
  • Change the rack in the jump - 1 minute.
  • Side shocks - 1 minute.
  • Boots back - 1 minute.
  • Vasses - 1 minute.
  • Bepi is a minute.
  • Static load (holding position with a wide layout in the rack) - 1 minute.
  • Bunch of techniques: knee, straight, rear.

For advanced

  • Workout - 5 minutes.
  • Jumping Jack - 1 minute.
  • Blow knee - 1 minute.
  • Change the rack (a series of lateral and frontal shifts, a minute for each part).
  • Fast running in place - 30 seconds.
  • Side Hands - 1 minute.
  • Blows to foot forward and on the part - 1 minute.
  • Bunch: Cross, blow to the side, cross, straight punch - 1 minute.

Repeat the whole cycle. At the end, add exercises to the press and stretching. Women with a high level of physical training can be performed 3 cycles.