What kind of martial art is more efficient. Most effective martial arts: species, description, features and reviews

If you do not confidently feel your girlfriend in the evenings, and the last fight ended for you on the eighth second, it's time to change something in this life.

For example, it is useless to stop downloading the icy muscles in the gym in the gym, and something more serious to do.

In just 6-18 months learn to fight well forces to everyone. Here is the five most effective self-defense systems:

№5: Kekusinkai karate

This most spectacular view of Karate 60 years ago, the legendary Masutatsa Olyama. It is said that he was simply tired of looking at how old military art degenerated and became less and less contact. As a result, in the 1960s, the brainchild of Oyama was not different as "karate for millions".

If you choose Kekusinkai, then through year and a half It is quite possible to pass the exam on the 6th Kyu - the student "discharge" with a yellow belt. And this means that with one or two lovers "Seek" in the gate, you can figure it out without a lighter.

№4: Kickboxing

The legend states that the term "kickboxing" itself came up in the early 1970s Norris. So this is or not so, but this alloy of boxing and eastern martial arts has become very popular worldwide. No Danov, Kyu and Other Taetsivi. Instead, the familiar Slavic soul battle, where the blows are applied in full force - legs and hands. In a word, everything that is needed in the case of which to stand up for yourself.

Of course, to advance in kickboxing is much easier if you have passed technical libraries in boxing or Taekwondo. But already through year and a half Classes "from scratch" You will feel something worth it in this world.

№3: Jiu-Jitsu

This veteran of martial arts has been more than 400 years. But if earlier this samurai training complex trained the enemy not only to break, but it is also easy to send to the next world, today is just self-defense for everyone.

Unlike karate, in Jiu-jitsu, the emphasis is not on strikes and blocks, but on the chances, strokes, pain and throws. No wonder the techniques of this system were studied even the city tsarist Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. To master Jiu-jitsu on a sufficient level for self-defense, you will have enough 8-10 months.

№2: System of Cadochovov

The most "young" system of self-defense was born in a restless head of the head of the Laboratory of the Krasnodar Military School of Alexey Khadockov in 1983. Despite the fact that they are engaged in special forces, she is available to everyone - from a teenager to a housewife.

The only minus: To find out how "it" works, you need not so much to have a good blow from both hands, how much to know physics, psychology and anatomy. Padochnik himself did not show the receptions, and explained the physical laws or principles underlying them. So if you manage to find the instructor savvy in the sciences already through 7-8 months Training You will tear black belts as napkins.

№1: Krav Maǵ

A unique school of contact battle, which "profess" in the Israeli army, police and special forces. It has nothing to do with competitions, sparring, medals and any philosophy. And therefore is considered the most efficient and useful in real life of martial art.

Developed Krav Maga in the 1930s by them Lichtenfeld, who in this way decided to teach the slender Slovak Jews to fight back from the attacks of muscular attack aircraft.

In this Israeli "struggle" everything is logical and thought out. The focus is on countering an armed attack. And before the smallest detail, the defense of the reservoir means (from a pencil to the diplomat) and a group fight.

The main thing in Krav Maga is to understand the reflexes, both their own and the enemy. If you are mobilized, really go through the course and become invincible for everything 6 months.

Is still not clear what martial art is best suited for self-defense? Fencing? Well, to walk with a stupid sword on the naval - not the most successful idea. Any amicing martial art, about which worldwide? The skills of street fight is also not always enough, for the hooligans, who decided to clean your pockets, most likely, they own them no worse than you. So right away to say quite difficult, probably, everyone has its own opinion, someone and boxing is enough. Therefore, it makes no sense to extol one martial art over others, instead we will offer 7 highly efficient martial arts species, ideal for self-defense. Very brief overview and the right to choose at your discretion.


Country of origin: Japan
Also known as: Judzzu
Nickname:"Softness art"
Famous fighters: ICE-T.

History of Jiu-Jitsu

Many of the modern and popular martial arts styles, including judo, Aikido and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, originate from the classic Japanese jiu-jitsu.
By and large, without Jiu-jitsu, the fair of modern Mordoboy would not be that we know it in the present form. Maybe someone will seem that Jiu-Jitsu Federation sent us, but in fact, many martial arts would lose their effectiveness.

So, Jiu-jitsu, or as they say in Japan, Judzzzu was one of the fundamental methods of samurai combat training. Well, of course, if it comes to Japan, it is, one way or another, is associated with samurai, or with technologies, or with geishas, \u200b\u200bor with very bad porn.

As you know, the samurai equipment made a car from him for murder, but in battle it happens everyone, and in frequent cases, when the warrior remained without a sword, Dagger and Luke, he had to fight the last weapon, which he left his hands and legs, and more total, against an armed enemy.
The literal translation of "Dzüdzutsu" can confuse. "Softness art" ... Are you serious!? Powerful and effective techniques invented in order not to kill, simply put the enemy with their bare hands give the least softness.

Why is Jiu-Jitsu one of the best martial arts?

Jiu-Jitsu is one of the most effective martial arts in the world, because it uses the aggressiveness and impulse of the attacker against him. In essence, this is the art of counterattack, self-defense in its pure form. A challenged and order of the tired samurai did not make sense to rush at the point of a spear or a sword, he was easier for him to kill the enemy of his own energy. In addition, to beat his hands and legs on the armor is not entirely effective, but dodge, intercept the blow and to put an opponent on his own weapons are quite useful.

The basic principle of Jiu-Jitsu is "not to go on a direct confrontation to defeat", do not resist, but to give up an enemy on the enemy, only directing his actions in the right direction until he is trapped, and then pay the power and action of the enemy against him himself.

Giu-Jitsu combat techniques are built on the knowledge of the anatomy, the physiology and psychophysiology of a person, as well as on a filigree technique, brought to automatism and nuances of the strategy and tactics of the fight. There is no place for all sorts of dance "Pa" and technicians in the style of "Cinema". Task One: how quickly can destroy your enemy or enemies, using any methods in your arsenal.


Country of origin: Korea
Also known as: Taekwondo, Taekwon
Nickname: "Path and fist path"
Famous fighters: Barack Obama, Stephen Seagal, Jessica Alba, Willie Nelson

History Taekwondo

Taekwondo is very closely intertwined with the history of Korea itself, and probably therefore in recent years it is developing as successful as the South Neighbor Kim Jong Yana.
It was originally nine kwan (schools) on Taekwondo, which were recognized by the Government of South Korea. Each school had its own unique style of Taekwondo. In 1955, nine Kwan united in one, which is usually learn today. In order to describe the history of this art, it will be necessary to say a separate article in more detail, it is enough to say that all political events, including the same notorious Korean war, have greatly reflected in the guise of martial arts.

Why is Taekwondo one of the best martial arts?

When in films with high-intensity use of martial arts for one frame, the fighter quickly and quickly hits his legs, then, most likely, he uses Taekwondo. Actually, powerful high kicks, and make Taekwondo with such an effective type of martial arts.
The main charm of Taekwondo is not only that one good blow of the leg can be removed by the opponent, but that that this martial art is extremely effectively against several rivals. If, of course, they do not know Taekwondo.
The word "Taekwondo" consists of three words: "TCE" - foot, "KVON" - a fist (hand), "to" - art, the path of Taekwondo, the path to improvement (path and leg path).
Taekwondo is the only martial arts, in this list, which is the Olympic Sports Olympic. But the Olympic restraint and fear of deaths did not make it less effective.


Country of origin: Israel
Also known as: "Contact Fight"
Famous fighters: Eyall Yanilov


Krav-Maga has long been recognized as one of the best martial arts for self-defense in the world. This appearance of this kind of martial arts must be the outstanding fighter by them Lichtenfeld. Initially, he trained his struggle in Bratislava to help protect the Jewish community from Nazi armed formations. He created a group of trained young people with characteristic surnames and noses, which as the Jewish population could protect against increasing, and, at the very radical, manifestations of anti-Semitism.

After arriving in Palestine, Lichtenfeld began to teach a hand-to-hand fight in Hagan. After education in 1948, the state of Israel, he became the main instructor in physical training and hand-to-hand combat at the School of Combat Training of the Israel Defense Army. Lichtenfeld served in Aoya until 1964, constantly developing and improving its system. After the retirement of Krav-Maga, it was adapted to civil realities. In fact, Krav-Maga is his brainchild.

Why is Krav-Maga one of the best martial arts?

Krav-magazine is intended for rapid neutralization of the threat. Receptions are simple and often very dirty. However, the Jews did not have to choose. There is even a saying: "If the reception looks good and beautiful, then this is not a krav-magic."

There are three basic principles of Krav-Maga:

The most important is to neutralize the threat.
- Simultaneous protection and attack. Unlike many martial arts styles, attacks and protection in Krav-Maga are intertwined during the battle.
- All blocks are built on to open the fighter the possibility for a counterattack.
All attacks of the Krav-Mag are aimed at vulnerable to human body, such as eyes, face, throat, neck, groin and fingers. There is no place for ceremonies, philosophy and other nuances inherent in oriental martial arts. This art is created in order to quickly and as much as possible to eliminate the opponent. Therefore, it is approved by the army of Israel's defense. Military to put it is not necessary, the military must be killed, or at least cut down.

This is a deadly combat style that does not recognize etiquette. It was a birth based on combat techniques of other martial arts, in street fights with Jewish fools exactly with one goal - to help Jews survive. So if you need a simple and effective way to survive in real conditions, and not beautiful solemn martial arts with your inner culture - that's all the attention to Krav Magu.

Aikido - Martial Art Stephen Sigala

Country of origin:Japan
Nickname: "The path of harmony of the Spirit"
Famous fighters: Stephen Sigal, Matt Larsen

History Aikido

Aikido is not an exclusively combat system. The founder of Aikido The legendary Morihei Wassib studied several directions of traditional Ju-Dzutsu, Can Jutu, as well as the art of calligraphy. Based on the knowledge gained, he formed his system - Aikido - in contrast to the traditional bu-jutsu (killing art). Aikido - Budo (the path of cessation of the murder), teaches the murderous techniques of Bu-Jutsu, not for the purpose of murder, and in order to stop them, make a person strong, help others, combine all people on the basis of love. As they say, good should be with fists.
Wesiba somehow said: "Control aggression without causing harm is the art of the world."
Aikido is also high spiritual martial art. The word Aikido means the "path of harmony of the spirit" ("ah" means harmony, "ki" means spirit or energy, "before" - the path, road or method).

Why is Aikido one of the best martial arts?

As a preface, Aikido is one of the most difficult of all types of Japanese martial arts. If you want quickly, in a short time, learn self-defense, then Aikido is not a helper here.

Aikido is a derivative of ju-jutsu, and in the same way emphasized on a merger with an opponent's attack, redirecting the energy of the attacking and ends with painful capture or throw. Aikido fighters use the aggression and the inertia of the enemy to bring it out of order, or make it attacks useless.
However, it is not necessary to think that since the development of aikido requires a long time, and in itself the style promotes peace and calm, then a little sense from him. This is one of the best martial arts suitable for self-defense.

Wine Chun - Bruce Lee Martial Art

Country of origin:China
Also known as: Wing Tsun.
Nickname: "Singing Spring"
Famous fighters: Bruce Lee, Robert Downey ML., Christian Bale

History of wine Chun

The history of Wine Chun is a mixture of facts and legends. Most are reduced to the fact that it was developed in the 17th century, as a branch of one of the most complex styles of martial arts, which are studying harsh and solid Buddhist monks. They say about the Moi nun, which created martial art, capable of being effective regardless of size, weight or floor.

Why Wine Chun is one of the best martial arts?

As in other technicians, Wushu, it is based on the Chi-Sao technique - "sticky hands", thanks to which the fighter tends to constantly be their own hands in contact with the enemy, feel all his movements and prevent him from spending his techniques. But Wing Chun fighters lead a fight on a short distance, where you can reach the opponent with a brush hand, and even better - elbow. For the purpose of a breakthrough to a fairly close distance, special types of movements are used. Boots are used in combination with shocks with hands. Usually legs beat on the knees of the enemy at the same time with their hands at the top level.

The fact that Masters of Wine Chun are truly proud - it is their balance between attack and protection, they can attack and defend themselves at the same time. And the real masters are famous for their skill to competently choose the position, so competently that they are literally impossible to catch surprise.

Brazilian jiu-jitsu - the martial art of Chuck Norris

Country of origin:Japan / Brazil
Also known as: Giu-Jitsu, Grassi Jiu-Jitsu
Nickname: "Human Chess"
Famous fighters: Karlush Grassi, Helio Grassi, Bi Jay Penn, Joe Rogan, Paul Walker, Michael Clark Duncan

The story of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Like Aikido, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is an adapted version of Jiu-Jitsu. Brazil loves martial arts in Brazil, and therefore, I enjoyed the technique, shown by the Outstanding Master of Jiu-Jitsu Mitsuya Maed, during his visit to the sunny country.
The founders and creators of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) are the brothers Karlush and Helio Graci. Karlusch showed knowledge received from maest to their numerous brothers, trying to teach the eastern wisdom of all, except for sickly and too young Helio. The annoyed guy, which was so compounded from what was much younger and Hilee took her brothers and developed the foundations of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. This new style of martial arts allowed him to use levers and strokes, and not gross power to control the battle.
But the Son Helio - Royce Grassi became a real popularizer of martial arts. Speaking at the UFC, it easily laid opponents with the help of BDD techniques at times higher and harder himself. After the success of Royce, the popularity of BDD increased at times.

Why is Brazilian jiu-jitsu one of the best martial arts?

BDD is undoubtedly one of the most effective martial arts styles in the world. Almost all MMA and UFC fighters intensively studied the BDD. Style teaches fighters to use levers and proper weight distribution to defeat stronger rivals.

The creation of the lever is the isolation of the enemy's limb to a certain position of the body, which will force the joint to move in a straight line (rotate along its axis) outside the normal range of motion. With an increase in pressure on the limb, the enemy, who failed to avoid this position, gives up. He can surrender orally or pat on the enemy several times (clap is dangerous, because the enemy may not hear). The stroke is used to disrupt the supply of the enemy's brain oxygen, which can cause its unconscious state, if it does not surrender soon. It is clear how dangerous, deadly sport, therefore, in some countries, the sections and tournaments on the BDD are not approved by law.

Muay Thai

Country of origin:Thailand
Also known as:Thai boxing
Nickname: "Art of eight limbs"
Famous fighters: Tony Jaa

History Muay Tai.

Muay Thai is the Thai style of martial arts with very deep roots. National Thai combat style, which is not only sports, but also the cultural property of the country. The secrets of Muay Thai were transferred from senior warriors and fathers to children, from generation to generation, and perhaps thanks to this traditional struggle, surrounded by the sworn enemies, Thailand managed to stand through the epochs.
The most common sight, from which it was possible either by the winner or defeated. They were not afraid of life, but to death, in the literal sense of the word. It was impossible to give up - a shame and contempt for the whole life, so defeated leaving the battle either strongly beaten or dead.
Over the years, only one thing in Muay Tha has changed - thanks to the introduction of glasses, it became not necessary to die, but the martial arts itself did not become softer, the fatal outcomes are also not uncommon.

Why Muay Thai one of the best martial arts?

Muay Thai is not only one of the most effective martial arts styles in the world, he is also one of the best martial arts for self-defense. In modern Muay Thai, you can strike the fists, feet, legs, elbows and knees - because of this it is called "the fight eight limbs". In fact, each part of the body turns into weapons, deadly weapons. Hands became daggers and sabers; elbows with bulbs and hammers; Knees like axes, and the legs and forearms protect the body like armor. There are many discouraging lethal blows, which at one time helped Muay Thai to win a number of impressive victories over representatives of other martial arts. And so far this harsh martial arts causes all sacred fear and admiration.

The ability to defend himself plays an important role in the history of each people. Under the influence of natural, historical and cultural factors, many tactics of hand-to-hand combat, each of which absorbed the elements of the ethnos of their country. Ways to strike the opponent's blows and cause pain becoming more efficient, and for many centuries, a regular fight with stones and sticks has become real martial art.

We offer you the 10 most dangerous martial arts of the world, each of which came beyond the country of origin and became popular in many corners of the Earth.

10. Jiu-Jitsu

This is a very efficient and hard way to keep a battle, which appeared during street fighting, and is now included in the list of sports disciplines.

9. Kadzukhenbo

This is a rattling mixture of boxing and karate. It originated in the first half of the twentieth century in Hawaii, like a street struggle. The aborigines thus defended themselves from sailing sailors and bandgroups.

8. Capoeira

This way of the struggle, which entered the 10 most dangerous martial arts of the world, arose in Brazil during the times of slaves and their owners. Fight slaves defended so from soldiers and slave traders. The battle technique was so skillful that Capoeur was banned at the rightful level. But Brazilian blacks did not want to part with her, and this struggle lives and up to now in the form of a dance with combat elements.

7. Samboy

Such a type of struggle emerged in the 20s of the twentieth century in the ranks of the Red Army, as self-defense without the use of primary means. Sambo is a universal struggle in which not only hands and legs, but also elbows, knees, throws, jumps and tricks on the suffocation can be used.

6. Bodjuka

Bodzhuka is also among the ten most dangerous combat techniques in the world, as its use is aimed at a rapid victory over the real enemy, and in this martial art there are no specific rules and prohibitions. It originated at the end of the last century and is actively used in the preparation of bodyguards.

5. Jits Kun to

Her creator is the legendary Bruce Lee. This mix from many combat techniques is aimed at maximum damage to the enemy for a minimum of time. In this way, Bruce Lee turned pompous Chinese combat techniques into an effective street struggle.

4. Special Forces Baby Technique

It is used by special purpose soldiers. There are no analogues in the Russian martial art in any country of the world, so it is considered one of the most dangerous.

3. Muay Tai.

This technique is certainly worthy to enter the top of the most cruel martial arts of the world. In it goes through everything: feet, knees, elbows, head.

2. Aikido

I heard about this combat art, perhaps each of us. But not everyone can skillfully own them, because Aikido implies the ability to manage human and earthly energy, redirect it to the right direction and fight without aggression and malice. To become a true professional in Aikido, you need to know the oldest oriental teachings and enlightened spiritually, the fact that at first glance is done very easily, it is achieved in incredible physical and spiritual efforts. In the arsenal of a professional, Aikido becomes the most dangerous weapon.

1. Bocator

This name is translated as "Fight with Lvom." It comes to this struggle from Southeast Asia and is obliged to their emergence of observation men who copy the habits of animals during the battle. Bocator, among other "animals" of martial arts, is considered the most dangerous, as in it, like Muay Thai, there are practically no prohibited techniques.

Today, in open access days, almost all channels and active popularization of mixed combat martial arts are not easy to determine the best martial art for street fighting. It is important here not to get caught unconditionally on the wave of mainstream and at the same time separated from the worst. In the 80s of the 20th century, the Soviet youth of violently "overwhelmed" classes on karate, when at the same time, the combat sambo actively practiced.

Answering the question regarding self-defense should take into account all the dangers that are waiting for an ordinary person in a street fight. This includes:

  • attack using cold or firearms;
  • attack exclusively with hands;
  • attack and hands, and legs;
  • fight, all sorts of dumping, seizures, etc.

Protecting for an efficient counterattack should own a full-fledged protection from the above. After protection, as a rule, go to the counter attack, but this later.

History of the emergence and benefits of sambo

In 1938, it was specially at the request of the leadership, for the staff of the power structures, a sport was developed for self-defense-oriented without weapons (abbreviated sambo). The founders gathered appliances and techniques of different sports and adapted it to urban conditions. After the official inclusion of the registry, the young people of all the USSR began to actively engage in Sambo. The first test for strength is the sport passed during the years of the Patriotic War.

Sambo is the most effective combat vehicle in a street fight due to what includes:

  • takes to disarm the enemy;
  • throwing, cuttings, steps, allowing the opponent to fall asleep for further finishing or retention;
  • all kinds of shocks, hands, legs, knees and elbows. Those. You can actively use both the simplest low kicks and more complex blows from Taekwondo.

The explicit advantage of sambo, this is a special jacket, in many ways identical to standard clothing of the autumn, winter and spring seasons. Most captures and techniques are performed thanks to this jacket.

Best Sambo Representatives in MMA

Sambo School has long shown its effectiveness. Every year, numerous competitions of different scales pass on this sight. Also, Sambo is actively used by employees of the special services. The brightest representatives of this school is Fedor Emelianenko, Habib Nurmagomedov, Oleg Taktarov. It was these fighters that the weighty part in the popularization of this sport and his fame abroad. If you have a simple statistical analysis of victories in mixed martial arts, it is likely that the advantage will be among the fighters, the main style of which are different types of struggle.

Second place I would like to give MMA. An obvious disadvantage of MMA in front of sambo as a sport for self-defense on the street is the lack of a sports jacket (which is effectively used for throws), pain in arms (brush, forearm, etc.) and protective equipment from blows with a knife or a pistol. What martial art is better for the street in the summer? MMA will be fine in the summer season, because If you dwell on the workout of the taking jackets, it will be more difficult to adapt, especially in an extreme situation. What can be used from MMA in the summer season:

  • shock hands, legs;
  • passages to legs, throws through the thigh, mill;
  • coverings, steps;
  • walking behind the back and subsequent dumping.

Fully mastered the sambo technique, you can unhindered to hurt the attacker, without applying serious injections to him and thus reducing the risk of exceeding the limits of the necessary defense, which will be checked in the case of a trial. Owl into hand without a subsequent fracture, or a light suffocating will even stop such an aggressor, which is several times in physical preparation.

Other sports in self-defense

What type of martial art is most effective in street fighting and why. But despite all the advantages of sambo and MMA, many young and not very young people are successfully engaged in other types of martial arts and this does not mean that these martial arts is worse or better. Kickboxer and Taekwondist skills will help well when protecting against attack with a knife. The advantage of kicking feet in this case is a large distance and strength of impact. Especially if there are tight jeans and high shoes, get a strong cut on the leg is quite difficult. Impact equipment with hands the best of classic boxers. When the question of "Life or Death" is put, holly blows in the jaw or nose are well helped. Moreover, the trajectory of the blow knife is not very different from the trajectory of hooks and jebs, so it will not be protected too hard, the main thing when you hit the side does not use blocks, the length of the blade can get to the temple!

So you see the author's top-10 martial arts rating for self-defense. A little about yourself: the total experience of martial arts is about 10 years. Among them: kickboxing, Muay Thai, RB, Jiu Jitsu. I have a sufficiently tight experience of close communication with representatives of various martial arts both on full-contact competitions and on the street. Awarding from this personal experience, I am the appropriate rating.
I can definitely say one thing: the fight is one on one and one against the crowd / crowd on the crowd, quite very much in terms of requirements for technology and physical. preparation.
I have a deep conviction that in battle 1 on 1, the priorities are wrestling skills + weight, preferably not superfluous)) with the mass battle of the first place they go to the head, and the speed of movement.
Naturally, at the same time, I do not deny the proverb that it wins not the style and fighter. I am sure that the Olympic Judo champion in heavy weight with a probability of 90% amplitude will turn through the back of the curb, and it will plant 2-3 boxers of lightweight boxers. But we will talk averaged, otherwise there is no rating at all))
Based on the foregoing, the possibility of martial arts was taken to resist both one enemy, and a few, i.e. beat and fight. For this, do not be surprised that the absolute majority here are mixed species that at first glance are not particularly different. They differ in history, rules, the specifics of the training and competitive process and the distribution area, all this imposes a significant imprint on their efficiency on the street and in the place in the ranking.
Well, the last question that is specified quite often: what's the point of comparing martial arts?
I think you should not forget that practical each of us came to the hall, in order to learn how to fight / protect yourself. For the sake of the same day thousands of boys come there, and not quite already boys. And only with time, those units that remain, the replacement of the target begins - with "protect yourself" before "becoming a champion."
Brief reductions:
MMA - Mixed Martial Arts, Mixed Martial Arts
Bi - martial arts
RB-hand-to-hand fight
ARB - Army hand-to-hand fight

So let's go!

1. Beam samba

The first place is deservedly occupied by combat sambo. To date, this is the most common type of full-fledged mixed martial arts for the CIS post with a very wide arsenal. It is allowed by hand, legs, elbows and knees and even heads!) Pervaste technique, shocks and legs in the parter, suffocating and painted on any limbs. Fights can be held as in helmets and without that, too, is very valuable experience, because Punch missing in the helmet and is completely felt completely different. The combat sambo occupied the first place as well because of all full-fledged mixed species in Russia and Belarus, this species has the largest number of qualified coaches of another Soviet hardening and a proven training methodology as well as the greatest number of teaching sites.

2.rucking fight

Sports hand-to-hand fight. This species is not a full mixed view as such because of the partial surfaces of the parquet and the shock part. In the rack it is impossible to beat the knees, elbows and head. Cannot beat in the parter. The fighting time in the parter is as limited, while the unscrupulous referee can often raise even if one of the rivals is predominantly a fighter, and active technical actions are conducted in the parter.
The second place of the Republic of Belarus took out due to the fact that this is the most common mixed view. In small towns you may not find a combat sambo or MMA, but you will find exactly the RB! And the practice of performing at competition will help to separate the grains from the whores, and use only effective technique. Plus, a relatively small amount of technical actions will help master the foundations of the impact part in the rack and fighting in the parter for a smaller term than in "full-fledged mixed species".

3.MMA / Valletooto / Mixfight / Free

We live elsewhere, this direction would rightfully occupy the first place. In America, MMA has already the most common type of bi, and there are a huge number of excellent halls with professional coaches. You, unfortunately, this is just a tribute to tradition. A good coach can be in large megalopolis, often from existing or former MMA athletes. But the good coach here is a big rarity. All training programs consist mainly of the fruits of the amateurness of the coach and its turbulent fantasy + scraps of knowledge from foreign colleagues seen on video or consolidated in an interview.


I carried this direction in a separate point, as it requires separate consideration. Pankration as a whole is MMA as a view, but with some historically established circumstances that are distinguished. They consist in the fact that in Pankration there is a huge number of athletes - Wolnikov (freestyle struggle), which at all competitions take the overwhelming number of prizes. This imposed a print and training. Enough in many halls train "fighting with finishing" and the struggle + "put hands")). Naturally, it does not apply to all the halls, but the trend is observed. Potentially very strong plus of Pankration is his opportunity in the future to become an Olympic sport, in this case the pace of its development will be simply colossal.

5.Armesian hand-to-hand fight (ARB)

From the advantages of the style - a very wide technical arsenal, which is even wider than in the fighting sambo. There is allowed to finish a lying opponent and hands and legs, beat your head, etc. Also undoubtedly plus is the widespread distribution of ARB and a large number of good coaches. Of the minuses - the presence of an unrealistic huge amount of protection - a helmet with a grid, lining with feet, vest. Potentially particularly dangerous is a helmet with a grid - people are not accustomed to get into an open face, often they are lost at the beginning and on the street it can solve the outcome of the duel, because 90% of blows flies with the right and nose))) This problem is inherent in the fighters of the ARB, KUDO and karate styles where they do not beat their hands in the head, is removed by the practice.

6. Kudo

The business card of the style is fighters in helmets - aquariums. Virtually any actions, shocks and rods are accomplished. Of the minuses we have a somewhat neutered partner - there are time limits and shocks. Also, a minus, a similar Arb is a helmet - aquarium. The incomplete plus of martial arts is its widespread, a large number of qualified coaches, a developed methodological component, a large number of competitions of different levels and the preservation of the traditional spirit and aesthetics of karate. The system is also constantly evolving, experts appear with professional directions.

7. Combat Dzu Jutsu / Kombat Jiu Jitsu

Kombat Jiu Jitsu is a tribute to fashion for mixed martial arts. To the traditional Jiu jitsu added techniques of strikes with hands, legs and knees from hand-to-hand combat, boxing, kickboxing. In general, is a rather holistic system with a strong focus on the parter. It is allowed to finish in the parter with hands and any pain and suffocating. Pros - very good technique of struggle and throws, quite rigid MMA rules, traditional teaching technique, great emphasis on fiso. Of the minuses - a slightly weak technique in the rack, not a special popularity and prevalence of style, and as a result, a small number of competitors and a small number of good-level athletes.

8. Dzu Jutsu / Jiu Jitsu

Oddly enough, many do not know that in traditional Jiu jitsu there are blows with hands and legs. It is also characteristic of a complete contact competition for traditional Jiu Jitsu is tougher than in the direction of the combat, due to the fact that in some competitions in Jiu Jitsu do not use gloves and lining.
Nevertheless, the advantages of this martial arts are a great partner and excellent shock technique. The minuses are the low level of shock techniques with their hands and legs, even at the country championships and a large number of coaches - Charlatans teaching Jiu Jitsu under the aushes of a variety of incomprehensible federations that grow like mushrooms after the rain.


Sambo was initially a system developed for self-defense, and widely used by law enforcement officers. This is the only purely wrestling type of martial arts in the ranking. But he fell here it's not by chance. Sambo for a long time was in service with power structures, and according to statistics with the help of his techniques, a huge number of organs neutralized criminals, and went out alive and unharmed of many delicate situations. The key here is the development of the main techniques to the state of automatism, in order to apply the reception without thinking in the extreme situation of street collision, at the subconscious level.

10. Muay Thai / Boxing Classic

Thai boxing is also the only but purely shock type of martial arts in the ranking. The fact is that in Thai boxing you have the greatest freedom of action in the rack. In addition, this Muay Tha is the fight of "eights", that is, they are allowed with hands, legs, knees and elbows, the struggle is allowed in the rack, and strikes are also allowed. All this in Thai box will be taught as anywhere else. Therefore, if not allowed a pass to the legs, the Thai boxer has a huge chance of winning. What is the likelihood that a fighter will attack on you on the street?
Well, with boxing everything is clear - firstly here in the shortest period of time you can learn to protect yourself - because of a very narrow arsenal. Secondly, this is martial arts No. 1 when working with a group. Thirdly - a large number of competent specialists, many more Soviet hardening.

Well, finally, remind a couple of eternal truths:
- It wins not the style and fighter
- Before you train, you need to ask the achievements of the coach itself, with both sports and coaching
- you need to do where I want to do, every time to force yourself to go to workout through I do not want to fail
- It is better to start to start with a comrade, and better with a few. This will allow you to kick each other, whatever your workouts, well, together more fun + will always be with whom to become a couple.
- In most rooms you can come to a trial training, and even somewhat - free. Do not hurry, goes out in several rooms for different coaches, for different styles, and stay there, where more likes.
- Do not buy at once expensive gear. The simplest - bandages, gloves, kimono can be bought unemployed. Everything else, especially good firms may wait until six months. First you need to make sure that you will be here for a long time, secondly, you will not look at you to watch as a newbie in Hayabus kimono for $ 200 with a black belt, which was included)))