How to teach a child to sports from small years and grow champion. Timing of children's attachment to sports

Useful habits and healthy lifestyle is the best gift to children for life. How to teach a child to sport, find out from our material.

Sports give a lot of benefit. Immunity is strengthened, endurance is developing, the child learns to overcome itself and achieve goals. So that useful habits in the form of sports accompanied your child all my life, start now.

Show example

If you like sports yourself and ordinary for you morning running, Charging, cycling, then your child involuntarily takes this lifestyle. Acquish the child to your sports activities: the general lesson is smoking your family. If you are far from exercise, then select the sport to be mastered with the child. For example, roller skating. Study together, arrange mini competitions, write down the achievements.

Create an atmosphere of sports

Take a child to an active lifestyle. Make home sports corner, where your baby will be able to move and perform exercise. Offer a child to ride on a scooter, bike, play tennis, badminton. In playgrounds, you can climb the hills or lades.

Buy a beautiful sport form

Together, choose a sports form for classes: it should be comfortable, practical and, of course, beautiful. Then the child will be happy to do. Do not forget if necessary, about protective elements: helmet, elbows, knee pads.

Check the achievements

Always praise and encourage the child if he managed to learn a new or make an effort to exercise. Support words are always inspired by further achievements.

Do not forced

Show options and opportunities to a child, but never forced it if it categorically refuses training. Better talk to him and find out the reason. Maybe he was not interested in the sports known to him, but he simply does not know about others. Or he is afraid not to cope. Also do not hinder, if the child wants to switch to another sport.

Observe the safety rules

The main thing in sports is safety. Even the slightest injuries can at least beat off the child's hunting further to do. Therefore, your task is to ensure that the child puts the protective ammunition and did not forget the safety of safety in Azart.

Interest in different sports

If a child is fond of a certain sport, this is not a reason to limit his interest only to them. Together we go to adult competitions and tournaments, look at the TV speeches of athletes, tell him the biographies of athletes. This will help inspire a child to new successes in classes.

Choose a better coach

The identity of the coach is of great importance, his ability to inspire a child. Between the coach and the baby should contact and sympathy should be happening. Of course, the coach in his sport should be one of the best to teach correctly.

Purpose:active acquisition of children and parents to sports.


  1. Promoting a healthy lifestyle, help encourage family to physical education and sports.
  2. Formation of student healthy lifestyle;
  3. Acquisition for sports and physical culture through the family.

Principles of working with family

  • systemability;
  • respect;
  • unity of public and family education;

Expected results

  1. Mastering students in family relationships.
  2. Strengthening family relationships.
  3. Raising pedagogical culture Parents.
  4. Active participation of parents in local sports events.
  5. Compliance with the unity of the requirements of teachers and parents in the education of a healthy younger generation.

Meeting move: (Appendix 1)

Today, our meeting is devoted to the topic "Attachment of children to sports in the family and school"

Acquisition for sports

From a long time, a well-known universal and absolutely reliable way to strengthen health and increase longevity is a sport, a way that does not cost expensive drugs and technical devices, but only will and some efforts on themselves.

But these small "victims" are needed only at first, and then overcoming physical activity brings a completely unusual feeling of muscle joy, a feeling of freshness, cheerfulness, recovery. It becomes necessary because the victory over its own inertia, physical inactivity or just laziness is always perceived as a success, enriches life and temper the will. Perhaps it is precisely the workout of the will underlie the emergence of the life activity that arises in people engaged in sports.

Sports are the most important form of physical development and raising children. Usually, their admission to sports is carried out at school under the influence of physical education teachers, class teachers, subject teachers.

If the schoolboy has already connected to some kind of sport, then the task of parents to encourage this passion, control it, to develop interest in sport, not let him fade. Parents should be convinced that sports is developing the physical possibilities of the body, disciplines the child, have a beneficial effect on health, morality, study and behavior. Only such conviction will make parents with faithful sports friends, assistants of children in their sports.

Sport as a means of developing opportunities and eliminate deficiencies

The task of the family and school is to instill love for physical education and sports, grow harmoniously developed children.

Imagine that the child from nature is low. If it is added to weightlifting or to fight, it will not contribute to an increase in its growth. Children are more expedient to attach to sports games, K. athletics. It activates growth or at least will not slow down.

We believe that, choosing a sport for a child, you need to develop not the physical qualities that are already developed to a certain extent and clearly manifest themselves, but those that are developed weakly. In other words, the sport should serve as a means of developing the potential forces and capabilities of the body, eliminate the existing shortcomings in development. Is it possible to switch to children and adolescents from one sport to another?

We answer this question positively. Of course, if the child is engaged in a long time in the same sport if he is in charge of long years, it almost always leads to sports success and achievements. This option can be considered perfect.

Choosing a sport for your child

How to choose a sport for your child? Parents should explore the physiological, constitutional and mental features of the child and the pace of its development. This study should be carried out in close contact with the doctor, physical education teacher, a class manager. Then we must consult with the coach on the compliance of this sport of the child's capabilities.

Of course, it is necessary to take into account the tendency and interest of the child to one or another sport. In the choice of sport great importance have systematic physical education classes, the whole way of life of the child, the degree and nature of its physical development, the general acquaintance with various species Sports.

Consequently, the choice of sport for each child is a very complex problem.

Many scientists believe that it is necessary to choose the type of sport for a child to which he has obvious physical capabilities. For example, tall children are advised to engage in sports games and certain types of athletics, and a chorean, low-speed - weightlifting, struggle; Children who have an excellent reaction to a rapidly changing environment should be engaged in boxing, fencing and other sports, where a lightning assessment of the situation is required, and so on.

The main goal of sports

Therefore, the main goal of sports is health and normal physical development. The child's body develops intensively, change its functions, growth rates, strength, emotions. And it is impossible to predict what changes, quantitative and high-quality, are performed in the body after a certain time. That is why the sport may change and the choice of it is not a simple and not one-time act.

Once again, we emphasize that teenagers who have chosen a certain sport as a specialization should be improved in it. But these are children for whom Sport - vocation.

In relation to all other children, pedagogically, it is advisable to look for and find the type of sport that matches their interests and needs.

The firm rule remains indispensable: all children must constantly play sports without interrupting these classes and intelligently combining them with other activities.

Physical education and sports should be firmly and for all to enter the life of each family, every person, especially children, but not as temporary visitors, but as friends and faithful, good satellites.

Timing of children's attachment to sports

When should you begin to attach children to sports? It is very important to introduce a child in time to sports. However, early sports specialization is harmful to children's health and can disrupt their harmonious development.

Sports requiring agility, flexibility and speed of movements and developing them, you can attach children of younger school age. In particular, you can train on swimming from 7-8 years, figure skating from 6-7 years old sport gymnastics - from 8-10 years old (boys), from 8-9 years old (girls), tennis from 7-10 years old.

There are sports that require high-speed exercises, insignificant time; acrobatics, athletics, ski, speed skating, speed exercises, volleyball, basketball. These sports are recommended for children from 10-12 years old.

In children, 12-14 years old, the possibility of choosing a sport is significantly expanding. However, those species that contribute to the development of force, speed, dexterity are most useful at this age. volitional qualities. Such sports includes light athletics, ice hockey and ball, skiing and speeding, rowing, volleyball, basketball manual ball, water polo and others.

To acquire children to sports that require strength and endurance, not earlier than from 14-16 years. Such sports belongs to the middle distance running, running from 500 to 3000 m, cycling racing, weightlifting. Classes with all kinds of struggle and boxing is recommended to start from 14 years.

Of course, these dates are approximate. Sometimes it is possible to start admission to sports and earlier, if the physical development of a child or adolescent is a pace, leading the norm. So, there are cases when children figure skating Start not at 11, not at 7, but at 6 years old. Consequently, parents, guided by the recommendations obtained on the basis of medical and physiological research, should also take into account the physical capabilities of their child, consult with the doctor and coach.

In determining the timing of the admission of children to sports, the acceleration process should be taken into account. Acceleration is the process of accelerating the physical development of children and adolescents. This process explains the fact that the composition of the champions on all sports "Slashodel". Acceleration is sometimes characterized by uneven development of various organs and organism systems. For level equalization, exercise and sports are needed.

Loads for a children's body during training

Children, teenagers and young people who are engaged in sports should be under the supervision of the doctor. Sports, especially participation in competitions, require large physical exertion, nervous and mental stresses. That is why training should be built on the principle of a gradual increase in loads under the condition of permanent medical control. In addition, there is sometimes temporary rest from classes in this sport, switching to hygienic gym, walks, light games. It is impossible to allow excessive overloads for girls during puberty.

The narrow sports specialization of adolescents is extremely harmful, for it develops some organs and functions to the detriment of others. But after all, every sport is specialized, and it is impossible to engage in all sports. Does this mean that a teenager, choosing some kind of sport, is observed for unilateral development? Of course not.

Claims in one way or another sport must be combined with classes that contribute to the general harmonic physical development. Each coach must combine a special training with a common - with gymnastic exercises, with run, etc. It is necessary to be guided by the following principle: generalizing classes should compensate for the ones of physical development that are not covered by this sport.

The most useful for teenagers are gymnastics, athletics, swimming, sports games, skiing, tourism. These sports do not require excessive physical exertion, contain the possibility of the development of the whole organism. However, this does not mean that other sports should not be engaged. Each sport is useful if it is combined with overall exercises and does not overload a child or teenager.

Bodybuilding and Athletism

Very often, adolescents and boys, seeking to become strong, "pump muscles", and try to do this in a short time using the methods of "bodybuilders". The passion for "bodybuilding" often leads to the imbalance of body parts. Culturism has been developed in some countries of Western Europe and America. When doing this system, the guys really acquire greater strength, but to the detriment of other motor qualities. "Bodybuilders" have a low level of endurance, speed, flexibility, dexterity and performance of cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Wide development received a direction called athleticism. It is based on the principle of comprehensive, harmonic Development organism. Athletes are engaged in running, jumping, swimming, games and other sports, perform overall exercises. They differ in force, endurance, flexibility, dexterity have beautiful body. All this parents must explain to children.

Sport and health

Often you have to meet adolescents who are completely indifferent to the sport. Along with them, there are those who are overly fond of sports and as a result of this casually refer to study, their homes responsibilities for the house.

In the first case, teenagers need to be interested in sports, clarify its importance for the development of the body and health, in the second - with adolescents it is necessary to carry out explanatory work on the need to reasonably combine sports, labor and study.

Some parents seeing that children are overly engaged in sports to the detriment of other duties, are on the path of complete and categorical prohibition of sports activities. This path is incredible, as, isolating children from sports parents deprive them of the possibility of normal physical development and improvement.

Sport, rationally organized, not only does not distract adolescents from study and labor, but on the contrary, it helps to increase their physical and mental performance. In families where the regime is properly organized, where proper educational work is carried out, study, work and sport are intelligently combined.

Thus, systematic exercise classes contribute to an increase in the reserves of the children's body.

Movement is the natural need of children caused by the nature of a living organism for whom the movement is a form of existence. "The body without movement like standing water, which spars, moldsheet and rot," wrote a medical school of the XVIII century N. Maksimovich-Ambodik.

Physical activity and its influence on the body

In the Moscow Zoo, experience was carried out: young people, TETEREV and nightingale were deprived of the possibilities of moving - they were kept in small cells. When animals and birds rose, they were released on the square. I wanted a few jumps and fell dead. Tetrayev rose into the air, flew a half of the circle and also fell dead. Nightingale sank and immediately died. Internal organs of animals devoid of movements were not trained and therefore could not even withstand a minor load. Runny and nightingale died from a heart break, and the aortic to the aortie rupture.

Academician N. M. Amosov writes: "Civilization should not lead to a physical weakening of a person. If there is no need for severe physical work, the sport should be replaced. The health and happiness of our children largely depends on physical culture at school, family. Active motor mode is the only means capable of "neutralizing" the consequences of clock clocks. "

Adults sometimes annoying children's unrestrained mobility, they try to stop it with switches, orders, and sometimes slaps. Some families are even practiced by a special kind of punishment for the guilty children - "put in the corner." The child makes a certain time stand or sit still. Parents applying this method do not even imagine its cruelty. After all, the children's body requires constant movement. To punish the deprivation of movements is the same as not to give a kid to the child.

The desire for the beauty of the body

Children are deeply and painfully experiencing the shortcomings and defects of their physical development: clubfoot, flatfoot, irregular posture, obesity, stiffness, etc. They become shy, inevitable, unsure of themselves. And here, physical education and sports can be rendering great help - reliable means of achieving the physical perfection and beauty of the body.

External beauty should be combined with health, strength and endurance, high efficiency of internal organs.

Exercise and mental activity

Exercise classes intensify the activity of the brain. The famous philosopher of the ancient world Aristotle used movements as a method of activating the learning process. He spent lessons walking along with students. "Thought becomes more likely when the body was heated by a walk," said Aristotle. Jean Jacques Rousseau also recognized: "Walking revives and inspires my thoughts. Staying alone, I almost can not think; It is necessary that my body is in motion, and then the mind also starts to move. "

Many great scientists, artists, writers have repeatedly emphasized the beneficial effect of physical exercises on mental performance. L. N. Tolstoy, for example, somehow admitted: "With perfected mental work, without the movement of the world. I don't care, do not work with my hands and legs for at least one day, in the evening I am not going anywhere anywhere: neither read, nor write, nor even listen to others, the head is spinning, and in the eyes of the stars some, and the night is carried out without sleep.

It is appropriate to remind you that the great writer in 65 has learned to ride a bike, I skate well in 75 years, competed with young people and sought victories. At the age of 60, he passed 200 km from Moscow to Tula. In Casual Polyana, where L. N. Tolstoy lived, the wonderful gymnastic town was still preserved, in which the writer was engaged before last days own life.

An outstanding teacher K. D. Ushinsky wrote that in order to improve the health of the nervous system and improved memory, exercises are necessary.

Exercise charges the energy of the centers of positive emotions, thanks to which children engaged in physical education and sports are distinguished by optimism, cheerfulness, increased health, including mental.


  • Klyuev E.N. "Attachment to sports in the younger link" ( Appendix 2.)
  • Bakaev Yu.A. "Attachment to sports in the senior link." ( Appendix 3.)
  • Kosenko N.V. "Attachment to sports in the family." ( Appendix 4.)

Olga Barykin
How to attach a child to sports

Health is one of the main values \u200b\u200bin life. Every child wants to be strong, vigorous, energetic: Run, not tired, ride a bike, swim, play, do not hurt. A healthy lifestyle does not occupy the first place in the hierarchy of the needs and values \u200b\u200bof a person in our society, but if we teach children from the very early age to appreciate, protect and strengthen your health if we are a personal example demonstrate a healthy lifestyle, you can hope that you can hope that The future generation will be healthier and developed not only physically, but also personally, intellectually, spiritually.

All parents have long known that classes sports are one of the most best ways Strengthening the child's health, and also develop endurance, dedication, self-confidence. And, of course, all parents want their child to be physically healthy, harmoniously developed, was strong, dexterous. But many do not know how to achieve it. Unfortunately, most modern children prefer not to active recreation, but watching television programs, computer games. And very often adolescence They have a whole bouquet of diseases associated with a larger way. life: myopia, scoliosis, heart failure.

Physical education, sports Must become a habit from early childhood. But it is necessary to keep in mind that the child himself will not be able to provide the appropriate way of vital activity. Much depends on parents. If parents themselves are an example of a healthy lifestyle with sports activities , active recreation, then the child remains nothing, how to join the rest of the family members and also love physical education.

So if you don't yet do sports, lead sedentary, low-moving image Life, then it's time to change your habits. Physical culture should become daily and undoubtedly a pleasant part of life for you and your child. Start the morning with charging, with the fulfillment of the most simple physical exercise: It is important that the child see that classes are a mandatory part of everyday life. However, you should not force the child to do exercises with you if he does not want. The child must come to this himself.

More often go to the whole family to the pool or the stadium. Try to visit sport competitions . Not necessarily stop at some one form sport. In the summer it can be tennis, football, swimming; In winter - skating, skiing, sledding, hockey, etc. It is important that your baby felt the joy of movement and outdoor activities.

If your child is absolutely not interested sports And rejects your suggestions to ride together on skates, drive the ball, do not insist. Let him stay at home, and you, returning from the walk, be sure to tell him in bright colors how much you spent time. Interest the child and next time you do not have to persuade - he will make you a company in sports activities.

No effort help prost your daughter or son to sport? Try to negotiate. For example, several times a week go to the pool or sports section , and on Saturdays allow it to engage in his favorite activity.

It often happens that parents decide for a child, how sports He is better to do. At the same time, they do not think that they involuntarily deprive the little man the opportunity to reveal the talents fully given to him. Let him make decisions without your help. After all, the child is engaged sports Not for the sake of you or prestige, but first of all for pleasure.

By the way, psychologists argue that the ability to make an independent choice brings up a sense of responsibility in man. Not trouble if your child will not deal with a consistently one type sport. At this age, he is only looking for classes in the shower. And, as you know, finds one who is looking for. Therefore, do not be upset if your child often moves from one sports section to another. In any case, he learns to own his body will strengthen his health, will have a beautiful posture. The main thing is that breaks in training have been no more than one or two months. Do not target children on high results in sport and reproachthat the child has not brought any medal yet. It lowers the self-esteem of the child and gives it away from classes.

After your child is four years old, you can bring it to sports. Until that, the baby regularly engaged in physical education at home.

What kinds sport Suitable for such a small child? Of course, species immediately excluded sportassociated exercise. The most suitable are gymnas-teak, swimming, walking on skis, figure skating, etc. Regular classes sports(Let your child ever become professional athlete) It is very strengthened by the child's body, harde it and thus - heal. Start classes sports And gradually make them regular - it will help solve all disease problems in weakened children.

Especially hardening and increases immune forces. Swimming. In addition, this is one of those species. sportwhich develop the human body is the most harmonious.

Encourage the child to be physically active

Parents can and should help their children be physically active in a number of areas, including number:

Submit an example - to be physically active yourself.

On family picnics, be sure to organize mobile games, and which all family members can take part.

Encourage the child to walk or ride a bike.

If possible purchase Child fitness subscription.

Participate in the life of your child. If he is engaged in any kind sportBe sure to attend all the competition where your child is involved.

Set time limits for sedentary activities.

Love for sport needs to instill a child at an early age. A healthy lifestyle lies not only in rational and proper nutritionbut in physical Development. Sports helps to maintain immunity, healthy physical condition, brain performance improves. Sport affects the moral principles of the child - the advent of discipline, motivation, cooperation and commitment.

But, unfortunately, not all children in the soul perform at least minimal exercise loads. And even organized sports do not cause any interest. How to instill love for sports with children if they do not want? First of all, you need to start with yourself. Children always take an example from parents, and if you lie on the sofa at the same time say that sport is health, development, etc., then, most likely, you will not achieve anything. Connect the whole family to exercise since morning. Show an example of the right routine of the day, and on the weekend with the whole family, find an interesting hobby for yourself, for example, ice skating in winter or on rollers in summer.

The current practice shows that not many children seek what sport they want to do. Do not worry if your child changed many types of classes for several years. It happens when he cannot decide, made a lot of mistakes, or was a desire to try several sports at once, but by 12 years he will definitely be able to make a choice in favor of the optimal option.

Opinion of specialists

Having relying on the opinion of the child's experts, it is necessary to start passing out sports from the 3rd, 4 years. Choose such early age mostly people who want to see in the future of their chad an athlete in professional sports. However, most children do not dream of conquering the first places at the Olympics, in which case it is not necessary to lead it immediately to training to professional coach.. For healthy development, it is enough to walk with a child on a playground, where it can be busy with mobile games and everyday classes with parents in the fresh air (charging, jogging). An important feature plays the character of a child. If parents watch him the activity and love of sports games, then the prospect of success in professional sports is clearly likely.

3 Main Rules for Successful Privolve Love for Sports:

  1. Do not impose your love to any kind of child physical activity;
  2. Start sports yourself, and he will take an example with you;
  3. Help him in overcoming the goal of the good words of praise.

Swedish wall - Home Motivation Sports

Sports corner at home in the form swedish wall - This is the subject of the interior that will not even bypass even adult. A parent will definitely have a desire to show the chad's a good example, from time to time doing exercises on the horizontal bar. With the help of the installed Swedish wall you will have easy to demonstrate uncomplicated exercises From an early age. Starting at home, the child learn how to count their strength, control their opportunities for further exercises in the fresh air.

When planning the acquisition of the Swedish wall, be sure to take care to buy a gymnastic mat. He will protect the child with possible unsuccessful exercises. Preparation implies the implementation of several effective and uncomplicated exercise for the first time. For example, pull-up, hanging on the horizontal bar, climbing on a rope - all this complex strengthens the muscles of the back, hands, legs, the vestibular apparatus develops.

Beautiful sporty form

In order to play sports, it is necessary to wear not only a comfortable form, but also beautiful. It is desirable that the child chose her himself. Then he will no doubt come to a new one and obviously, it will give the impetus to perform the necessary active exercises. If these are classes on the rollers, bike do not forget about the protective attribute (elbows, helmet, knee pads).

Be proud of each new achievement

Encourage the child for every effort on his side, proud if he was able to achieve what was not working before. Praise and approval on your part will be a power engine to a new and desire to overcome new obstacles. You can come up with your honorable letters and medals for courage, courage and achievement. Do not forget that every achievement, whether it is a child or an adult man always has his reward.

Combine the game with exercise

Thesis of the game is rather useful only at an early age from 3 to 5 years. At this time, the child is not yet due to the joking and perky games, so combining them with sports, thereby instilling interest and affection. For example, making charging with a poetic form (many interesting words of technology you will find on the Internet). Still-moving games, thanks to which the children apply active efforts, it is advisable to arrange in the playground, because surrounded by FRIENDS Azart to the game will be even more.

Group games encourage the desire for action in the child. Remember yourself in childhood, how fun was to compete at different competitions at school or in the summer camp. Show him a video where children try to perform physical sport exercises. Or how great when you confidently own any sport skills, and take honorable places in competitions.

Alternative to children's joint street games

At an early age (4-5 years), the child is difficult to make a choice. Having gave it, for example, to karate classes, there is a high probability that it will not like this sport to him and generally sweep away the hunt to do anything. And if it happened that once there is no time, and maybe there is simply no desire, then the best option For the child will become child fitness. Now these classes are very popular and in many reviews give the child greater joy. Modern development of children's competent development put in priority the maximum passion to the object, so most occupations are held in the game format. Such classes are able to develop leadership in the child, sociability, logical thinking and self-control.

Fitness is not better suitable for children who are closed in themselves, not attentive to everyone. Fitness will serve for such children as a startup to new endeavors, for example, in more active sport (Bostechball, football, tennis, etc.)

Purchase new sports

Hobby in one sport is not a reason not to know about others. Let your child know a lot not only about his beloved lesson, offer him to discover new knowledge. Go to adult competitions and tournaments, maybe he will be inspired by other art. See transmission with participation famous athletes And tell about their biography. There is a chance that he does not want to listen to it, and you, in turn, do it unobtrusively and do not tighten with the story, let him be short, but interesting.

It will not be superfluous to tell what the Guinness Book is. What incredible results showed athletes and received financial remuneration for this. But in no case, do not force your child to seek this, just tell me how it is interesting that there are such people who have achieved so many heights. The child will make conclusions for himself.

The earliest sports

Speaking about the age of 3-4 years, I unwittingly want to ask the question, but what kind of breasties. Do they need exercises and sports? Of course, home gymnastics and exercises inherent way to develop a child muscle system. But a more popular way to exercise is swimming. Swimming can be engaged in both home - bath and in the pool. If you do not have the opportunity to deal with the tea in the pool or you just think that this is not necessary, go through at least one lesson with a qualified trainer to know how to make gymnastics to the baby in water.

Separately about the coach

What is there to speak future prospects of your child's results depend directly from the coach. Good coach Enjoys the maximum success of his entire team gained in the sports section. We will not shine soul, and let's say openly, such instructors are trying to gain only those guys in which they actually see great potential and will be able to show all their capabilities in competition in the future. Those who work only, thinking about cash investments, and not about the quality of the work done - half of the group will unsuccessfully learning. Therefore, if a child goes to classes without initiative and does not show no results for two months, best advice - It is to change the coach. Learn what kind of qualification it has. Read the reviews on the Internet or ask the moms of the guys who do not have the first year.

Basic parent errors when choosing a sports mug for a child

For a child, a new introduction to his life is always a step to what is the new one, to which he must first adapt. Here are some mistakes that parents should not allow:

  • Do not write a child in a sambo circle or other sport along with the first trip to school. The first class is given to a child with difficulty. He gets used to a new atmosphere and if it is additionally written to two mug at once, it will be subject to psychological burden. Do not rush, wait at least until the first half of the year school year. It was during this period that according to experts, the child is already adapted in the new team.
  • The second mistake of the parents is their unshakable opinion. Often the child is given to the sports section only from the personal interests of the parents. They, in turn, make a choice looking at the prestigestience of the school and the prospect of one or another sport. The child is 5, 6 years old do not understand why the occupation that they like cannot be loved only because parents do not see in it the future. This is another mistake. Give it the opportunity to choose a passion for yourself. And if you still insist, create all the conditions for your child to like this species Sports. Go to trial lesson, Additionally, try to perform simple exercises at home, because they are so easy to find on the Internet without temporary participation of the coach, choose the easiest and show that this sport is really worthy of his attention.
  • Selection of coach. Be sure to decide on some sports Club Ask the qualifications of the coach. He must have the practice of working with children, because classes for adults and children differ greatly and require an absolute different approach. Otherwise, the improper appeal may easily repel the hunt to engage in physical education or other sports.
  • Should not scold your child if for for a long time Training, he did not bring any other commendable letter. Do not require too soon progress, because time for many children is determined in the range of understanding and awareness of this sport. With your reproach, you can instill with the child despondency and disadvantage. He can lose faith in himself.

What consequences can expect a child without sports

A sedentary lifestyle does not benefit or adults or children. But more, nevertheless, it is necessary to pay attention to the abilities of children, because development favors the right growth, harmony, dexterity, the ability to have their own.

And sometimes with caustic, you understand that the trend of the development of a modern child causes a rather disturbing picture. Computer technologies have a large and sometimes negative effect on children. Not always parents are aware that excessive passion for games later lead to many diseases and psychological deviations. The current practice shows that everything is good in moderation. Therefore, the basic rule is to minimize time on the Internet Provider.

A sedentary and sedentary image can lead to the following diseases:

  • Scoliosis;
  • Myopia;
  • Heart failure;
  • Nervous excitement;
  • Apathy for school and sports;
  • Revaluation of values \u200b\u200b(the child loses interest in the outside world and creates an illusion of virtual).

What benefits carry some sports

Every sport is different from another not only physical training and practical exercises, but also characterized by the benefit of developing from them. Consider several of the most popular sports.

  • Classes dancing

A variety of dance directions is so great that every year they want to study more and more children of different ages. It is better to start dancing with rhythm lessons. Rhythmics determines to create a sense of rhythm, coordination of movement, endurance, and also contributes to muscle strengthening.

  • Circus art

Circus art is first developing flexibility in a child. Of course, nobody teaches risk tricks in the first time, but the gymnastics are the main emphasis of such classes. Wheel, bridge, twine - these and other exercises will help strengthen the muscular system, make the body more mobile and flexible, increases the desire to know new interesting tricks and discover talent and abilities.

  • Winter Sports: Ski and Snowboard

Winter time and sport is a great way to temper the body and increase immunity. Thanks to the skiing and snowboard, the child develops a musculoskeletal system, breathing, coordination of movement, dexterity and courage.

  • Martial arts

How often parents teach their children to give out, but in fact, according to many psychologists, it is necessary to teach children only to be able to protect themselves from the offender. Currently, actively enjoy the demand of training in martial arts. Such training sessions are developing bundles, joints, develop muscle system. Thanks to martial arts, the child learns to manage its strength, suppress aggression, trains stretching and proper landing. On this kind of classes, children are given aged 7-8 years.

  • Figure skating

Such a sport requires an early approach. It is better to start trying to ride in the 4th years. Children who are engaged in figure skating are trained to coordinate movement, endurance, cardiovascular system, dexterity, flexibility and learn to keep the right posture.

The rapid balance in the body in the child you can achieve thanks to the confident start of sports. Let it be small exercises with increasing tasks for execution, all the same such classes will contribute regular development your child. With every school year Load on knowledge increases. The need for additional classes in mathematics, language or history appears next. You may seem that sports is now nor to the place and many parents sacrifice them for another science. But this is an erroneous opinion. Activity and mobility in a totality with a vigorous sense of sports amart contribute to the development of thinking. Children without sports become sad and sluggish. You can reduce classes, but do not neglect them, because the health and development of your child. And remember one golden Rule, the child can reach gold medals faster than the rest, if he loves what he does, do not force children to go to sports circleswho are interesting to you, not him.

IN last years Doctors mark an alarming trend: modern children are becoming less and less trained, sedentary. They do not complain physical education, giving preference "seating" entertainment - viewing television programs, computer games. And, as a result, by 14-15 years old often acquire a whole bunch of diseases: myopia, scoliosis, heart failure, etc. According to experts, the exit here is one - the habit of physical education should be caught by children from the first years of life. And this should be primarily a family.

Of course, all parents would like to see their children harmoniously developed, strong and clever, and most importantly - healthy. That's just how to achieve this? The main question that worries many are: at what age should begin to start sports? Some coaches assure: to achieve high results, children need to be given in the section as early as possible, from three to four years. But this thesis is true only if it comes to upbringing professional athlete. However, the overwhelming majority of children do not dream of championship laurels, and physical education are just for the sake of health and their own pleasure. In this case, it is not necessary to conduct a crumb to professional coach. According to experts, up to 6-7 years old, a healthy and active child is enough just to play in the courtyard with peers and physical education under the guidance of parents. An example of adults at this age is very important. If they are free time Conduct on the TV's sofa, then the children usually absorb just such a model of behavior and in the future do not show interest in sports. Therefore, more often, choose the whole family to the stadium, in the pool or on tennis courts. At all, it is not necessary to stop on some one sport, change them depending on the season: in the summer we swear, in the fall, engage in light athletics in the closed gyms, ride skiing and skating in winter. It is important that the baby felt the joy of movement, used to moderate loads And physical education has become natural, and most importantly - a pleasant part of his life.

Trying to attach children to sports, adults often "bend a stick" and eventually achieve the opposite result. Today I would like to stay on the most typical mistakes of the parents, "says Sports psychologist Irina Nemedova. - First, you should not write a child to a section or sports circle immediately as soon as he goes to the first class. Indeed, in this case, he will have to simultaneously adapt to two different teams, and this is a serious psychological burden. Therefore, the baby gets tired, capricious, it is not clear to him why the coach requires one thing, and the teacher is another. As a result, a persistent disgust for physical education may appear. Much wisely to post up to the middle of the school year either until the end of the third quarter. As practice is evidenced, it is at that time first-graders are fully adapted to new conditions, now you can look for a sports circle. But it should be done correctly. When choosing a section, parents are often guided by their own tastes, and often the degree of prestige of one or another sport. But younger schoolchildren are difficult to understand the arguments of adults about what to do tennis or, for example, gymnastics is fashionable and promising. Chief criterion in a child: I like it - I do not like it. And if the workouts do not bring pleasure, then no arguments will make him walk on them. Therefore, for a start, it should be determined to what type of physical activity your child stretches? Watch, what he plays with peers. Usually, preferences are determined already in early childhood: one more like to jump over the rope, the other faster runs all the chess, etc. It is much more difficult if the baby has no obvious preferences. In this case, the initiative must come from you. Together visit several sports societies, sit in class. Perhaps seeing oriental martial arts, volleyball or mild athletics competitions, your child also wishes to do. But in any case, do not impose your opinion, the decision should take exactly it. Be sure to ask the qualification of the coach. It is important that he has experience in working with children, as they require a fundamentally different approach than adults. Junior schoolchildren It is much easier to carry the load if the workouts pass in the game, fascinating form.

As practice shows, it is not possible to find "his" sport to find "his" sport. Therefore, do not be afraid if your child often changes the sections, nothing can stop. It is absolutely normal. The main thing is that he does not have any interest in physical education, and the breaks in training did not exceed one or two months. Usually by 12-14 years old, most adolescents using samples and errors still find the optimal type of physical activity and stop on it. But now there are completely different problems. A typical mistake of many adults is targeting children to high results. They are presets for how young athletes progress, which places occupy in competitions, scold, if they do not bring medals and honorary diplomas. I hear reproaches like "We spend so much money on your section, and you have not won a single tournament!", The child is unwillingly begins to feel a loser. In fact, doing physical education, he remains in any case. Let not be medals and discharges, the main thing - he will learn to own his body, will strengthen his health, it will work out beautiful posture.

Usually in high school class loads increase. Often there is a need for additional classes for foreign language, computer science and other subjects. But where to find at this time? After all, the schedule of a modern schoolboy is without that filled before the refusal. In this situation, parents most often decide to sacrifice sports. It turns out something like this: "Well, why should he spend so much time on training, because still will not be the second Andrey Shevchenko (Alina Kabayeva)! Let it be better sits on textbooks. " According to experts, a sharp offset of a teenager from sports is unlikely to benefit performance. But it can lead to a serious intrameal conflict. In the understanding of many parents of training - the case is secondary, they can always be banned, interrupt, postpone. This is not class at school, which can not be passed in any way. But the teenager considers otherwise. After all, in the section he had friends, and a warm relationship was developed with the coach. And suddenly adults unilaterally decide to deprive him of all this!

Before taking such a radical solution, one should once again analyze the situation. Not always in the deterioration of school progress to blame for sports. First of all, calculate how much time your child spends on training, - Irina Nefedova advises. - If the high school student visits the sports section two or three times a week, engaged there from one and a half to three hours, then this load can be optimal. And she in no way can adversely affect their studies. Most likely, the reason for low estimates is something else. Perhaps the teenager is simply not organized or there is no interest in studying. Therefore, be sure to consult with the class teacher, a school psychologist. It is possible that you will be able to solve this problem without sacrificing sports. Keep in mind: in a complex transitional age, physical activity is necessary for a teenager to relieve aggression, excess energy. It is not worth interrupting the workout even during exams. By the way, in many families, a few months before that, the events rebuild the life of graduates, stating: "Put all before the last exam!" This is a wrong approach. It is impossible to change the familiar, the established mode of the day - it only strengthens stress and discomfort, which is experiencing a schoolboy. Much more efficiently, if he lives the same way as accustomed throughout the school year. The only thing to remember is: knowledge is faster all the morning in the morning and before lunch. Therefore, korping over textbooks is best at this time. But in the afternoon, the brain is already with difficulty assimilate information, so the effectiveness of such training is low. It's time to go to workout. Well, working physically, teenager will sleep well, with confidence in tomorrow and in good mood Let's get started in the morning.