Prizes at the final WTA tournament in Singapore. WTA FINALS - Shenzhen Paired Date Online, Results, Mesh

SA ÷ 2 ~ ZA ÷ WTA - paired discharge: finals - Shenzhen - playoffs, hard (indoor) ¬zee ÷ hccpymqa¬zb ÷ 3473165¬zc ÷ CGMubba9¬zd ÷ p¬ze ÷ 40jqyca7¬zf ÷ 0-zi ÷ 1-zo ÷ 0-zg ÷ 2-zh ÷ 9022_hccpymqa¬zj ÷ 55¬zl ÷ / Tennis / WTA-DOUBLES / FINALS-SHENZHEN / ¬ZX ÷ 02220 ... 000FINALS - SHE048) 00500000FINALS - SHE023 ( World) ¬ZHS ÷ 5727¬ZCC ÷ 0-ZAF ÷ WTA - Paired discharge ¬ ~ AA ÷ 6x9S9TXB-AD ÷ 1572770400-ade ÷ 1572770400-b ÷ 3-cr ÷ 3-3 ÷ 3-cx ÷ ÷ ÷ 0-70 ÷ 0- ÷ ÷ 1572774330-bx ÷ -1-WQ ÷ ¬WN ÷ MLA-WM ÷ Bab-E ÷ Babichi T. / Infantovich K.-JA ÷ 21ZZZFZH-WU ÷ Babos-Timea-as ÷ 1-AZ ÷ 1-G ÷ 2-BA ÷ 6 BC ÷ 6-WM ÷ STR-WN ÷ HSIF ÷ CE SEVE / STREROVOVA B.-JB ÷ DOYWZEKB-WV ÷ HSIEH-SU-WEI-WV ÷ 0-BB ÷ 1-BD ÷ 3-IW ÷ 1 ~ ~ AA ÷ EEXJALFO-AD ÷ 1572707400-ADE ÷ 1572707400-AB ÷ 3-CR ÷ 3-3 ÷ 3-CX ÷ SURCE D.-R ÷ semi-finals-rw ÷ 0-ax ÷ 0-ao ÷ 1572710514-bx ÷ -1 ¬WQ ÷ ¬WM ÷ STR-WN ÷ HSI-AF ÷ CE SEVIE / STRRETSOVA B.-JB ÷ EANSC2LR-WV ÷ HSIEH-SU-WEI- 2- 2-BB ÷ 2-bd ÷ 2-bb ÷ 6-bd ÷ 6-wn ÷ Sch¬wm ÷ Groofe ÷ Grenofeld A. / SURS D.-JA ÷ G8997MTR-WU ÷ GROENEFELD-ANNA-LENA-G ÷ 0-BA ÷ 1-BC ÷ 2-BA ÷ 1 ~ Aa ÷ xzoif1nu-ad ÷ 1572681900-ade ÷ 1572681900-b ÷ 3-cr ÷ 3-3 ÷ 3-cx ÷ ÷ 3-3 ÷ semi-finals-rw ÷ 0-ax ÷ 0-ao ÷ 1572687639-bx ÷ -1 ¬WQ ÷ ¬WM ÷ ZHA-WN ÷ STO-AF ÷ STROSUR S. / Zhang Shuy-jb ÷ KxowDR6L-WV ÷ STOSUR-SAMANTHA- 1-BB ÷ 6-BD ÷ 4-BF ÷ 8-WN ÷ MLA ¬wm ÷ bab-ae ÷ babosh tk / infantovich k.¬ja ÷ 6zjzdojf-wu ÷ Babos-Timea-s ÷ 1-AZ ÷ 1-G ÷ 2-BA ÷ 1-BC ÷ 6-BE ÷ 10-W ÷ 1 ~ ZA ÷ WTA - Paired discharge: Finals - Shenzhen (World), Hard (indoor) ¬zee ÷ HCCPYMQA¬ZB ÷ 34 73165¬zc ÷ zfysabu4¬zd ÷ P¬ze ÷ 40JQYCA7¬ZF ÷ 0-ZI ÷ 1-ZO ÷ 0-ZG ÷ 1-ZH ÷ 9022_HCCPYMQA¬ZJ ÷ 6¬ZL ÷ / TENNIS / WTA-Doubles / Finals-Shenzhen /Zx ÷ SHE037) 00500000FINALS - SHE023 (World) ¬ZHS ÷ 5727¬ZCC ÷ 0-ZAF ÷ WTA - Paired discharge ~ AA ÷ 8U5I5TDF-AD ÷ 1572621000-ade ÷ 1572621000-AB ÷ 3 ¬Cr ÷ 3-3 ÷ 3-CX ÷ CAN Y.-RW ÷ 0-AX ÷ 0-AO ÷ 1572625123-BX ÷ -1-WQ ÷ ¬WN ÷ CHA-WM ÷ CHAFE ÷ Chan Hao-Chin / Chan Y.-JA ÷ DQIHEJV5-WU ÷ DQIHEJV5-WU ÷ CHAN-HAO-CHING-G ÷ 0-BA ÷ 2-BC ÷ 4-WM ÷ SCH-WN ÷ GRO-AF ÷ GReongfeld A. / SchURS D.-JB ÷ 23HDDAPB WV ÷ GROENEFELD-ANNA-LENA-AZ ÷ 2-AZ ÷ 2-HA ÷ 2-BB ÷ 6-BD ÷ 6-AW ÷ 1 ~ AA ÷ UW7M6MC9-AD ÷ 1572595800-ADE ÷ 1572595800¬B ÷ 3-CR ÷ 3-3 ÷ 3-CX ÷ COLENKO A.-RW ÷ 0-AX ÷ 0-AOO ÷ 1572600666-BX ÷ -1-WQ ÷ ¬WM ÷ MLA-WN ÷ Bab-af ÷ Babichi T. / BLANEVYCH K. ¬jb ÷ fwk5blfn¬wv ÷ Babos-Timea- 2- 2- 2-h ÷ 2-bb ÷ 4-bd ÷ 6-bf ÷ 10-bd ÷ Sab¬WM ÷ MERSE ÷ MERTERS E. / SOLENKO A.-ja ÷ OCG9CUAH-WU ÷ MERTENS-ELISE-G ÷ 1-BA ÷ 6-BC ÷ 2-BE ÷ 5-AW ÷ 1 ~ AA ÷ ETTKMESR-AD ÷ 1572530100-ADE ÷ 1572530100¬B ÷ 3- CR ÷ 3-3 ÷ 3-CX ÷ STRRETSOVA B.-RW ÷ 0-AX ÷ 0-AO ÷ 1572535297¬BX ÷ -1-WQ ÷ ¬WN ÷ STR-WM ÷ HSIEE ÷ CE Schowi / Strytsova B. ¬ja ÷ 80elfwfb-wu ÷ HSIEH-SU-Wei-G ÷ 1-ba ÷ 6-bc ÷ 4-b E ÷ 9-WM ÷ XUY-WN ÷ Dab-Af ÷ Dabrovski G. / Xu Yofhan¬jb ÷ 2nfpgc9h-wv ÷ DabrowSki-Gabriela- 2-AZ ÷ 2-HA ÷ 2-bb ÷ 2-bd ÷ 6 ¬BF ÷ 11-AW ÷ 1 ~ AA ÷ HKSONYDL-AD ÷ 1572509400-ADE ÷ 1572509400-AB ÷ 3-CR ÷ 3-3 ÷ 3-CX ÷ SINEKOVA K.-rW ÷ 0-AX ÷ 0-AO ÷ 1572515387-BX ÷ -1-WQ ÷ ¬WN ÷ SIN-WM ÷ KREOSE ÷ Creicchikova B. / Sinyakova K.-JA ÷ AMBXIYVU-WU ÷ KREJCIKOVA-BARBORA-G ÷ 0-BA ÷ 3-bc ÷ 6 DC ÷ 7-WM ÷ ZHA-WN ÷ STO-AF ÷ STROSUR S. / Zhang Shuy¬jb ÷ TEGTHHHON-WV ÷ STOSUR-SAMANTHA-SAZ ÷ 2-AZ ÷ 2-HA ÷ 2-BB ÷ 6-BD ÷ 7 ¬DD ÷ 9-AW ÷ 1 ~ AA ÷ 1572444000-ADE ÷ 1572444000-AB ÷ 3-CR ÷ 3-3 ÷ 3-CX ÷ BLANIVYCH K. ¬rw ÷ 0-ax ÷ 0-ao ÷ 1572448101-bx ÷ -1-wq ÷ ¬wm ÷ Sch¬wn ÷ Groof ÷ Grenofeld A. / SHURS D.-JB ÷ QNAIUBFO-WV ÷ GROENEFELD-ANNA-LENA ¬H ÷ 0-bb ÷ 5-bd ÷ 2-wn ÷ MLA-WM ÷ Bab-ae ÷ Babichi T. / Infantovich K.-JA ÷ W0BMTVUI-WU ÷ Babos-Timea-AZ ÷ 1-AZ ÷ 1-G ÷ 2-ba ÷ 7-bc ÷ 6-aw ÷ 1 ~ AA ÷ NFHR72R3-AD ÷ 1572423000-ADE ÷ 1572423000-AB ÷ 3-CR ÷ 3-3-3-CX ÷ SOLENKO A.-RW ÷ 0 AX ÷ 0-AOO ÷ 1572429474-BX ÷ -1-WQ ÷ ¬WN ÷ SAB-WM ÷ MERSE ÷ MERTERS E. / SOLENKO A.-JA ÷ VREEVI9U-WU ÷ MERTENS-ELISE-S ÷ 1-AZ ÷ 1-G ÷ 2-BA ÷ 7-BC ÷ 6-DA ÷ 7-WM ÷ CHA-WN ÷ CHAF ÷ Chan Hao-Chin / Chan Y.-JB ÷ GNJ1A1UT-WV ÷ CHAN-HAO-Ching- ÷ 0-bb ÷ 6-bd ÷ 4-db ÷ 5-aw ÷ 1 ~ AA ÷ ZQITOHCF-AD ÷ 1572362100-ADE ÷ 1572362100-AB ÷ 3-CR ÷ 3-3 ÷ 3-CX ÷ Strytsova B. RW ÷ 0-AX ÷ 0-AOO ÷ 1572366758-bx ÷ -1-wq ÷ ¬WN ÷ STR-WM ÷ HSIOE ÷ CE SCOVE / STRRETOVA B.-JA ÷ CDPameNo-WU ÷ HSIEH-SU-Wei¬as ÷ 1-AZ ÷ 1-G ÷ 2-BA ÷ 6-BC ÷ 1-BE ÷ 10-WM ÷ SIN-WN ÷ KRE-AF ÷ Creicchikova B. / Sinyakova K.-JB ÷ Qaytcvpo-wv ÷ Krejcikova-Barbora ¬H ÷ 1-bb ÷ 2-bd ÷ 6-bf ÷ 5-aw ÷ 1 ~ AA ÷ 1572336600-ADE ÷ 1572336600¬AB ÷ 3-CR ÷ 3-3 ÷ 3-CX ÷ Xu Yifan ¬rw ÷ 0-ax ÷ 0-ao ÷ 1572341832-bx ÷ -1-wq ÷ ¬WM ÷ ZHA-WN ÷ STO-AF ÷ STROSUR S. / Zhang Shuy¬jb ÷ v3xobbvh-wv ÷ stosur-samantha AS ÷ 2-AZ ÷ 2-HA ÷ 2-BB ÷ 4-BD ÷ 6-BF ÷ 10-WN ÷ XUY-WM ÷ Dabose ÷ Dabrovski G. / Xu Yofhan¬ja ÷ Ypykaigb¬wu ÷ Dabrowski-Gabriela ¬G ÷ 1-ba ÷ 6-bc ÷ 4-be ÷ 5-3p ÷ 1 ~ AA ÷ BLDEO3P5-AD ÷ 1572277800-ADE ÷ 1572277800-B ÷ 3-CR ÷ 3-3 ÷ 3-CX ÷ Sobolenko A .-RW ÷ 0-AX ÷ 0-572282863-bx ÷ -1-WQ ÷ ¬WN ÷ SAB-WM ÷ MERSE ÷ MERTERS E. / SOLENKO A.-JA ÷ PRL07GWH-WU ÷ MERTENS-ELISE AG ÷ 1-ba ÷ 5-bc ÷ 6-be ÷ 7-wm ÷ Sch¬wn ÷ Groof ÷ Grenofeld A. / SchURS D.-JB ÷ XVCTKL8Q-WV ÷ GROEENFELD-ANNA-LENA-AS ÷ 2 Az ÷ 2-h ÷ 2-bb ÷ 7-bd ÷ 1-bf ÷ 10-aw ÷ 1 ~ AA ÷ TPJJPQvb-ad ÷ 1572250200¬ade ÷ 1572250200¬b ÷ 3-cr ÷ 3-3 ÷ 3-CX ÷ BLENOVYCH K.-RW ÷ 0-AX ÷ 0-AO ÷ 1572256190-BX ÷ -1-WQ ÷ ¬WN ÷ MLA-WM ÷ Bab-ae ÷ Babichi T. / Infantovich K.-JA ÷ PPDUR0A5-WU ÷ Babos -timea-s ÷ 1-az ÷ 1-g ÷ 2-ba ÷ 6-bc ÷ 5-be ÷ 10-wm ÷ Cha¬wn ÷ Cha¬af ÷ Chan Hao-Chin / Chan Y.-jb ÷ HacqSKPB WV ÷ CHAN-HAO-CHING-HOG ÷ 1-BB ÷ 2-BD ÷ 7-BF ÷ 6-AW ÷ 1 ~ ~

Already the third year in a row, hospitable Singapore hosts the strongest tennis players of the world, who will compete for victory in one of the most prestigious tournaments in the global tennis. The final tournament of the year always has its amazing atmosphere, because there are no random participants and random winners. And sincere and always active fans in Singapore turned the final WTA championship in a real holiday. Throughout the season, the strongest tennis players of the world poured compliments towards this competition. And now, when only eight best remains, there is hope that the tournament will again get exciting.

Although the phrase "all the strongest" relative to the final WTA tournament is not quite appropriate. Serena Williams againi misses the tournament that won five times, and once in Singapore itself. After the triumph on Wimbledon, American was noticeably hooked and, apparently, resting in front of the new spurt in 2017. When Williams Junior is not in the form, then its speeches on the court turn into a stage drama with a mass of effects and a minimum tennis. Therefore, her loss in its current state is unlikely to be seriously noticeable.

Red group

This group was headed by the first racket of the world Angelik Kerber, and the company was made up to her Romanian Simon Halep, American Madison Kiz and Dominicov Dominicov. In fact, a very smooth composition of a group that guarantees a lot of interesting fights. It is enough to look at the personal meetings of the participants. Angelik Kerber, which according to the status should be a favorite group, has a positive "personal" only with Madison Kiz. On the other hand, Halep is leading in a personal confrontation with Kiz and Kerber, but at the same time he is inferior to Cybulkova. And the Dominic itself lost all three meetings Madison. So the plots can be a lot.

If the tournament was carried out in September or August, this group would be called the Angelik Kerber group. But now Halep looks like her favorite. Simon spent a good stable season where there was no long-awaited breakthrough at the Greater Helmet tournament. But also there were no huge failures throughout the season with the exception of his start.In Beijing Simon just came already as a player who qualified to the final tournament of the year. In Singapore, Haple has already been the final, this year she has a great chance at least repeat this result.

Of course, Kerber holds an amazing season where she marked victories on "Majorah" inUSA and Australia , Final on Wimbledon and Olympics and incredible stability throughout the entire season. However, after the stunned victory in New -jork, Angelica sat the batteries. She increasingly talks about rest, and the motivation at 28-year-old tennis players now much less. How she herself said herthere is nothing more to prove. And the final tournament was never particularly successful for Kerber.

Desire - this is exactly what Angelik is missing now. In the game with the same Cybulkova, it will be especially significant, since these are two tennis players of one plan. Dominica, who started the season outside the top 50, held a magnificent campaign in 2016. She had to wade through difficult grids, lose a lot of glasses because of this, but in the end of the season successful tournaments in the Uhana andLinz Brought a highly deserved award with a dream - a trip to Singapore. Let Dominica have a bit of experience at a similar level, but the fight qualities of Qibulkova are known to the whole tour.

As for Madison Kiz, then she remains a mystery and dark horse Groups. Despite the fact that Tennis Madison is the absolute opposite of the term "stability", its results in the season of this year were very even. For the entire 2016, Madison was just three times left the tournament to the Third Round. And this is a decisive factor that helped an American to be in Singapore. But in Linz, where this trip was guaranteed, KIZ played with a cold. Add to this flight, no experience and you will receive an outsider group. Madison will receive excellent experience, get acquainted with the rhythm of the game at the final tournament. She can relax and feel like on excursions, because there is no pressure on it. This is a tiny, but still a chance for Madison.

Estimated results: 1. Halep 3: 0; 2. Cybulkova 2: 1; 3. Kerber 1: 2 4. KIZ 0: 3

White group

In a white group, a little more experience, more joint victories at large tournaments, but here the situation is very interesting. For example, Carolina Plishkova leads in personal meetings with Svetlana Kuznetsova and Garbin Mugurusa. At the same time, Radvansky Radvaneskaya is godlessly inferior - 0: 6. In turn, the agne of the minimally inferior to Mugurus, but the lights are the nightmare of the Pole - 4:12. In addition, the form of the participants will also be seriously varied.

W. Agneshka good chances To protect your title, especially if you consider the Dynamus of the Polish tennis player season. After all, it was in the fall she won one of the largest tournaments in his career inBeijing. Another thing is that Radvansk was the last time player Top-10 in March. Additional complexity for the third racket of the world is that it starts at the tournament a match with an uncomfortable Svetlana Kuznetsova, which scored a good course.

Kuznetsova jumped into the head of the outgoing train, "on the flag" declared to the tournament "VTB Cup of the Kremlin", and then in a magnificent style wontitle on it . After the US Open Svetlana played a much more alive, having won several high-quality victories. Including agneshka, Vinus, Svitolin, and all the losses were in equal matches. Svetlana had an interesting series at large competitions when she lossed only the winners. It all started with Rome and Losses Serena, and ended on the US Open, when Kuznetsova in the second round was given to the Wozniaki. Caroline eventually reached the semifinals. This shows once again how the undervalued season is spent Svetlana. If she had the strength to this tournament, then it is quite possible to repeat the feat of the agneshki. Very much depends on the first match.

Garbin Mugurus for the entire season of 2016, three times won three or more matches at WTA competitions. At the same time, she only once beat the tennis player from the top 10 world ranking. Over the past month of 2015, Garbin passed three times until the semi-finals stage or above two tournaments of the Premiere series and Competitions. During this period of time, she beat six tennis players from the top 10 WTA rating. At the same time in 2016 Garbinwon "Major" , and in 2015 - no. And who will say that last season was better than the current one? Mugubus exhaled in the end of last year's semifinals here against the agneshki. Now it does not threaten her. The best victory over the past six months in Garbin's asset is Pavlychenkova in Cincinnati. Add to this recent injury, and you will receive a challenger on "0: 3".

Summer 2016 completely turned the career of Plishkova. A 24-year-old tennis player with excellent physical data and an outstanding feed was more and more like a player who was not destined to reveal its potential. However, at first Carolina lit up on herbal tournaments, and then shot ontournament in Cincinnati . Let it be a post-Olympic tournament, but Karo spent almost perfect week. And in New-Aork she showed that it was not by chance. If Carolina had been more experienced, then only Agniška Radvansk would be the only participant in the White Group without a victory on the "helmets". What are the Plishkova perspective on this tournament? It can end it with a set of networks 0: 6, or win, without giving any party on its path. Until you see at least a couple of gamers from this tennis player at a particularly taken tournament, it is incredibly difficult to build forecasts for her performance.

Estimated results: 1-3. Kuznetsova 2: 1; Radvansk 2: 1; Plishkova 2: 1; 4. Mugusus 0: 3.

If a Agneshka Taki will be chosen from his group, then she is definitely the main favorite for victory. On the other hand, Halep has been walking around and around the big victory. When, if not now? Why would Svetlana not repeat last year's success Radvanskaya? Or where are the confidence that Kerber will not turn into a car again? The victory of any tennis player will be logical and illogical at the same time. Therefore, this year the final WTA tournament will be so interesting to watch.

Sunday in Singapore starts the final tournament of the year WTAIn which eight strongest tennis players in the world ranking participate in tradition.

Red group:
(Romania, 1), (Ukraine, 4), (Denmark, 6), (France, 8).

White group:
(Spain, 2), (Czech Republic, 3), (USA, 5), (Latvia, 7).

Two best tennis players from each group will be released in the semifinals.


Three debutants of the final tournament - Svitolina, Ostapenko and Garcia arrived at Singapore. But if the Ukrainian has progressed and steadily performed throughout the year, consolidating in the elite in the spring, then the appearance of the last two is an unconditional surprise.

20-year-old Ostapenko conquered everyone, sensationally winning Roland Garros. . But, appearing from nowhere, she did not leave anywhere after this victory. And, on the contrary, continued to show very decent results. Ostapenko reached the quarterfinal Wimbledon, where Vinus Williams lost, and after not too successful performance on the American series of tournaments (defeats in the first round in Toronto and Cincinnati, the 3rd circle US Open. ) He played great in Asia - won the tournament in Seoul and was in the semifinals in Uhana and Beijing. In August, Ostapenko said that her target for this season was to enter the top 10 rating and get to the final tournament. No sooner said than done. But the Latvian tennis player is not from those who will be satisfied in Singapore just participation.

As for Garcia, the 23-year-old Frenchwoman has greatly shown himself on Roland Garros. where it reached the quarterfinal, and then went into the shadow, considering just a strong player of the top 20 level, but not more. But at the Asian series of tournaments in September-October, she made simply phenomenally. At first there was a quarterfinal in Tokyo, and then victory in Uhana and Beijing. Moreover, on the way to title in the capital of China, Garcia beat 3rd at that time the racket of the world Svitolin and 2-Halep.

But, of course, injuries and included in the top 10 world ranking helped to get into Singapore Garcia.

Who will be the first?

The main intrigue of the tournament is simple and exciting at the same time - who will be the first racket of the world at the end of the year? When, winning Open Championship Australia, went to the decret and freed the throne (though, the Great American threatens to return in January) the real era of palace coups began. The leaders changed more than ever (the last time something like that was in 2002) - the first in the ranking were, Plishkova, Mugurus and, finally, after the tournament in Beijing Halep.

Incredible, but the chances of finish the season in the first place have seven people at once! Actually, these are all participants of the tournament with the exception of Garcia. And considering that since 1975, when such a rating format was introduced, only 12 tennis players can boast that there were No. 1 at the end of the year, girls have a chance to enter the story.

1. Halep - 5675 points

2. Mugus - 5635

3. Plishkova - 5105

4. Svitolina - 5000

5. Williams - 4642

6. Wozniaki - 4640

7. Ostapenko - 4510

The one who wins all matches in the tournament will receive 1500 points. A tennis player who won one victory in the group, but at the same time published in the semifinals (this is possible) and then the winning tournament - 1250. The layouts are very much, and the value will have every match - and in this case it is not a figure of speech. It is clear that the chances of the same Ostapenko are rather purely theoretical - she needs to go without defeat and expect that Halep and Mugus are completely fail. But such a twisted intrigue at the final tournament of the year was not long ago. And you need to enjoy this moment, while the Great and terrible Serena nurses with the daughter.

Already the third year in a row, hospitable Singapore hosts the strongest tennis players of the world, who will compete for victory in one of the most prestigious tournaments in the global tennis. The final tournament of the year always has its amazing atmosphere, because there are no random participants and random winners. And sincere and always active fans in Singapore turned the final WTA championship in a real holiday. Throughout the season, the strongest tennis players of the world poured compliments towards this competition. And now, when only eight best remains, there is hope that the tournament will again get exciting.

Although the phrase "all the strongest" relative to the final WTA tournament is not quite appropriate. Serena Williams againi misses the tournament that won five times, and once in Singapore itself. After the triumph on Wimbledon, American was noticeably hooked and, apparently, resting in front of the new spurt in 2017. When Williams Junior is not in the form, then its speeches on the court turn into a stage drama with a mass of effects and a minimum tennis. Therefore, her loss in its current state is unlikely to be seriously noticeable.

Red group

This group was headed by the first racket of the world Angelik Kerber, and the company was made up to her Romanian Simon Halep, American Madison Kiz and Dominicov Dominicov. In fact, a very smooth composition of a group that guarantees a lot of interesting fights. It is enough to look at the personal meetings of the participants. Angelik Kerber, which according to the status should be a favorite group, has a positive "personal" only with Madison Kiz. On the other hand, Halep is leading in a personal confrontation with Kiz and Kerber, but at the same time he is inferior to Cybulkova. And the Dominic itself lost all three meetings Madison. So the plots can be a lot.

If the tournament was carried out in September or August, this group would be called the Angelik Kerber group. But now Halep looks like her favorite. Simon spent a good stable season where there was no long-awaited breakthrough at the Greater Helmet tournament. But also there were no huge failures throughout the season with the exception of his start.In Beijing Simon just came already as a player who qualified to the final tournament of the year. In Singapore, Haple has already been the final, this year she has a great chance at least repeat this result.

Of course, Kerber holds an amazing season where she marked victories on "Majorah" inUSA and Australia , Final on Wimbledon and Olympics and incredible stability throughout the entire season. However, after the stunned victory in New -jork, Angelica sat the batteries. She increasingly talks about rest, and the motivation at 28-year-old tennis players now much less. How she herself said herthere is nothing more to prove. And the final tournament was never particularly successful for Kerber.

Desire - this is exactly what Angelik is missing now. In the game with the same Cybulkova, it will be especially significant, since these are two tennis players of one plan. Dominica, who started the season outside the top 50, held a magnificent campaign in 2016. She had to wade through difficult grids, lose a lot of glasses because of this, but in the end of the season successful tournaments in the Uhana andLinz Brought a highly deserved award with a dream - a trip to Singapore. Let Dominica have a bit of experience at a similar level, but the fight qualities of Qibulkova are known to the whole tour.

As for Madison KIZ, it remains a mystery and a dark horse of the group. Despite the fact that Tennis Madison is the absolute opposite of the term "stability", its results in the season of this year were very even. For the entire 2016, Madison was just three times left the tournament to the Third Round. And this is a decisive factor that helped an American to be in Singapore. But in Linz, where this trip was guaranteed, KIZ played with a cold. Add to this flight, no experience and you will receive an outsider group. Madison will receive excellent experience, get acquainted with the rhythm of the game at the final tournament. She can relax and feel like on excursions, because there is no pressure on it. This is a tiny, but still a chance for Madison.

Estimated results: 1. Halep 3: 0; 2. Cybulkova 2: 1; 3. Kerber 1: 2 4. KIZ 0: 3

White group

In a white group, a little more experience, more joint victories at large tournaments, but here the situation is very interesting. For example, Carolina Plishkova leads in personal meetings with Svetlana Kuznetsova and Garbin Mugurusa. At the same time, Radvansky Radvaneskaya is godlessly inferior - 0: 6. In turn, the agne of the minimally inferior to Mugurus, but the lights are the nightmare of the Pole - 4:12. In addition, the form of the participants will also be seriously varied.

W. Agnies are good chances to protect your title, especially if you consider the Dynamo of the Polish tennis player season. After all, it was in the fall she won one of the largest tournaments in his career inBeijing. Another thing is that Radvansk was the last time player Top-10 in March. Additional complexity for the third racket of the world is that it starts at the tournament a match with an uncomfortable Svetlana Kuznetsova, which scored a good course.

Kuznetsova jumped into the head of the outgoing train, "on the flag" declared to the tournament "VTB Cup of the Kremlin", and then in a magnificent style wontitle on it . After the US Open Svetlana played a much more alive, having won several high-quality victories. Including agneshka, Vinus, Svitolin, and all the losses were in equal matches. Svetlana had an interesting series at large competitions when she lossed only the winners. It all started with Rome and Losses Serena, and ended on the US Open, when Kuznetsova in the second round was given to the Wozniaki. Caroline eventually reached the semifinals. This shows once again how the undervalued season is spent Svetlana. If she had the strength to this tournament, then it is quite possible to repeat the feat of the agneshki. Very much depends on the first match.

Garbin Mugurus for the entire season of 2016, three times won three or more matches at WTA competitions. At the same time, she only once beat the tennis player from the top 10 world ranking. Over the past month of 2015, Garbin passed three times before the semi-final stage or above two tournaments of the Premiere series and the final competitions. During this period of time, she beat six tennis players from the top 10 WTA rating. At the same time in 2016 Garbinwon "Major" , and in 2015 - no. And who will say that last season was better than the current one? Mugubus exhaled in the end of last year's semifinals here against the agneshki. Now it does not threaten her. The best victory over the past six months in Garbin's asset is Pavlychenkova in Cincinnati. Add to this recent injury, and you will receive a challenger on "0: 3".

Summer 2016 completely turned the career of Plishkova. A 24-year-old tennis player with excellent physical data and an outstanding feed was more and more like a player who was not destined to reveal its potential. However, at first Carolina lit up on herbal tournaments, and then shot ontournament in Cincinnati . Let it be a post-Olympic tournament, but Karo spent an almost perfect week. And in New-Aork she showed that it was not by chance. If Carolina had been more experienced, then only Agniška Radvansk would be the only participant in the White Group without a victory on the "helmets". What are the Plishkova perspective on this tournament? It can end it with a set of networks 0: 6, or win, without giving any party on its path. Until you see at least a couple of gamers from this tennis player at a particularly taken tournament, it is incredibly difficult to build forecasts for her performance.

Estimated results: 1-3. Kuznetsova 2: 1; Radvansk 2: 1; Plishkova 2: 1; 4. Mugusus 0: 3.

If a Agneshka Taki will be chosen from his group, then she is definitely the main favorite for victory. On the other hand, Halep has been walking around and around the big victory. When, if not now? Why would Svetlana not repeat last year's success Radvanskaya? Or where are the confidence that Kerber will not turn into a car again? The victory of any tennis player will be logical and illogical at the same time. Therefore, this year the final WTA tournament will be so interesting to watch.

Text: Daniel Salnikov

In the last week of October, the eight of the strongest tennis players gathered in Singapore, russian leaders - In Vienna, and Federer - again in Basel.

BNP Paribas WTA FINALS Singapore Presented by SC Global

Prize Foundation: $ 7 000 00.
Coating: Hard, room.
the date of the: October 22-29.
Time difference with Moscow: +5 hours.
Participants: Simon Halep (1), Garbinj Mugurus (2), Carolina Plishkova (3), Elina Svitolin (4), Vinus Williams (5), Carolina Wozniacki (6), Elena Ostapenko (7), Caroline Garcia (8).

Full list of participants.

Winner: Dominica Cybulkova.

In Singapore, the Final WTA Championship will be played in the 48th time, he is held with the participation of the eight of the strongest tennis players in the world at the end of the season. For the first time, the tournament would spend in 1971, but in 1986 there were already two draws. Competitions constantly changed the location of the deployment - Houston, Boca Raiton, Los Angeles, New York, Auckland, Munich, Madrid, Doha and Istanbul. From the 2014th competition of eight strongest tennis players of the world is played in Singapore, and the license belongs to him until 2018 inclusive. On the tournament since 2019, St. Petersburg pretends among other competitors.

The record holder in the number of titles at the final WTA tournament is Martina Navratilova - eight. Five victories of Steffi Count and Serena Williams, four - from Chris Evert, three - at Monica Seleshest and Kim Kleysters. From the Russians, the tournament once was submitted once Maria Sharapova (2004), also two times she was a finalist (2007, 2012), like Faith Zvonarev (2008). After the victory in 2014, Serena was twice selected in the eight, but both times refused to participate. In the current draw in the absence of Sharapova, Serena and Azarenko a large rotation of the participants. There are three debutants in the tournament - Svitolin, Ostapenko and Garcia. Carolina Plishkova, Mugurus and Halep spent from one to the three recent draws. Returned after two missed Raishers Carolina Wozniacki. And the 2008 champion and finalist-2009 Vinus Williams did not play the 7th last final tournaments at all. We also note that 7 out of 8 participants of the tournament in Singapore can be the first racket of the world. But this is a topic for a separate conversation.

According to the regulations of the competition, the participants at the preliminary stage following the foals were divided into two groups - four tennis players. Red Group - Halep, Svitolin, Wozniacky, Garcia; White group - Mugurus, Plishkova, V. Williams, Ostapenko. According to the results of the group round, two best athletes go to the playoffs, where already, since the semifinals, the victor is determined in the end.

Participants of the final championship WTA-2017:
V.Williams - 4 tournament, 11 victories / 5 defeats, best result - Title (2008);
Wozniacki - 4, 9/7, final (2010);
Halep - 3, 5/6, Final (2014);
Muguusa - 2, 4/3, semi-finals (2015);
Car.plitskova - 1, 1/2, group;
Svitolin - debut;
Ostapenko - debut;
Garcia - debut.

Prize Foundation: € 2 621 850.
Coating: Hard, room.
the date of the: October 23-29.
Time difference with Moscow
Participants: Alexander Zverev (4), Dominic Tim (7), Pablo Carreno-Boist (10), Kevin Anderson (15), Sam Querery (16), John Isner (17), Jo-Wilphrid Tsonga (18), Luca PUE ( 22), Karen Khachanov (32), Andrei Rublev (37), Grigor Dimitrov (WC), Ernest Gulbis (WC).

Refused to participate: Milos Raonic (11), Tomash Berdykh (19), Gael Montfis (36), Ivo Cartrovich (49).

Winner: Andy Marree.

The tournament in Vienna is played out from 1974 in the arena "Winner Stadthalla". This is a home stadium of the Austrian national hockey team, in addition, the Eurovision Contest 2015 was held. Since 2009, after the reform of the calendar, the tournament in the capital of Austria belonged to the category ATP-250. However, in 2015, he exchanged licenses with a higher status status in Valencia - APP 500. And from next year, the Spanish tournament has stopped existence at all. In competitions in Vienna, many famous tennis players won - Goran Ivanishevich, Andre Agassi, Boris Becker, Roger Federer, Novak Dzhokovic, Huang-Martin del Cotro, Andy Murray. The Briton did not come to defend the title, because it could not recover from injury. Under the two first numbers, Alexander Zverev and Dominic Tim are sown. Two Russians will play in competitions and two Russians - Karen Khachanov and Andrei Rublev.

Prize Foundation: € 2 291 860.
Coating: Hard, room.
the date of the: October 23-29.
Time difference with Moscow: -1 hour (October 29: -2 hours).
Participants: Roger Federer (2), Marin Chile (5), David Goffen (12), Roberto Bautista-Agrut (13), Jack Juice (21), Juan-Martin Del Potro (24), Misha Zverev (27), Adrian Mannarino (31).

Refused to participate: Raphael Nadal (1), Nick Kiros (20), Housing Muller (23).

Winner: Marin Chile.

Switzerland Championship on indoor courts is held in Munichtayne, a suburb of Basel, in the complex of St. Jakobshalle. The unsurpassed record holder here is the local favorite Roger Federer - 7 titles. This year he is sown under the first number, because after a trip to Asia decided to play Rafael Nadal competitions.