Record Guinness for not blinking. Record for Morgania

Many of us dream of establishing a world record. Who would not want to beat the world record for inflating the world's largest bubbles in the world from the chewing or possess the world's largest collection of road cones? But some record holders never planned or did not want to install any records at all.

1. Transfer to a tornado to the further distance and survive

Matt Suter was a 19-year graduate of high school, when on March 12, 2006, a storm thrown on his hometown of Fordland, Missouri. Sunday suthers was, and his grandmother's trailer with grandmother and uncle-disabled person. When the gusts of the wind and the rain fell on the trailer, the sutors stood on the sofa, trying to close the window, and was only dressed in shorts.

At that moment, the suthers heard Röv. "He became louder and louder, as if ten military aircraft flew right on us," he said. The back and front door of the trailer revealed, and the walls, the floor and the ceiling began to move, "like jelly". The trailer began tilting over, the walls began to collapse. After that, the lamp struck the suture on the head, and he fell unconscious. As I saw his grandmother, the messenger body of the souter stretched out straight into the whirlwind.

It was a tornado category F2, and he suffered a sort of 398.37 meters - the length of four soccer fields. He woke up in the field alive and disadvantaged, not counting the little wound on his head. Wonderfully his grandmother and uncle also experienced the destruction of their trailer, but were littered with heavy furniture. Record Flight of the SUTHER - not the first: in 1999, in Oklahoma, the girl survived when the tornado swept her 30 meters. In South Dakota, the girl and her pony survived a 300-meter flight at a tornado in 1955.

2. The most prolific parents

There is a realistic show, which shows how the Douggar family from Arkansas survives with its 19 children. But how can you live, having 87 children? No matter how strange number it seemed, but this record was recorded in "" For Fedor Vasilyev, the peasant XVIII century from Shui near Moscow. Fedor and his two wives gave rise to 22 pairs of twins, nine times along triple and four times a fourth.

Vasilyev was born around 1707 and for the first time he became a father in 18 years. Four years later, they stopped. He said that all but two children, survived infancy, a wonderful amount for that time. And when he was asked in the old age of 75 years, all his 84 children were still alive. His fertility was so emergency that he was called to Petersburg to meet with Empress Catherine II.

And who is the most prolific mother? This is the first wife of Fedor. But no one seems to not be interested in her name, because it was not found that, of course, ashamed, because she deserves much greater award than her husband. She, in the end, experienced 27 pregnancies and 69 gods. Fedor's second wife is also unknown - experienced just eight pregnancies and 18 births.

3. The most difficult people

Probably, no one will surprise that the most difficult ever registered man and a woman are Americans. From all countries for 2012 in the United States the highest percentage - 34% - obesity.

John Brower Minno / ©

John Brower Minnow from Washington State at the age of 12 weighed 135 kg. His weight has increased steadily until the peak at the mark of 635 kg in 1978. In Tom Mart, he suffered from cardiac and respiratory failure, and 12 firefighters needed to deliver it to the University Hospital in Seattle. He was diagnosed with the strongest water and the doctor counted that he had 400 kg of accumulated fluid. Minno was in the hospital for two years, lying on two shifted beds. It was necessary to 13 people to turn it over.

During his stay in the hospital, Minno married a woman named Jeette, and since she weighed only 50 kg, they set a record as a couple with the greatest weight difference. He was planted at a 1200-calorie diet, and by the time of its discharge in 1980 he lost 419 kg, the greatest number of dropped kilograms ever recorded. But it seriously influenced his body, and he died in 1983 at the age of 41.

In the "Guinness Book of Records", an entry about the greatest woman belongs to Rosalie Bradford from Florida, which reached a peak of weight by 544 kg. Like Minno, Bradford struggled with obesity all his life, but it was before she married and gave birth to a child, because of which her weight was rapidly increased. She was in such a depression that he tried to commit suicide with the help of painkillers, but because of her weight pills simply made it fall asleep for several days.

After it contacted the guru of weight loss by Richard Simmons, she sat on a diet and started the training program. At the beginning of the exercise were in the clapania in your hands. For the first year, she dropped 190 kg, and everything lost 317 kg - a record weight, relieved by a woman. In 1992, she weighed under 136 kg, received an education - a degree in psychology and began to ride the country, giving motivational speeches. She died in 2006 at the age of 6 years.

4. The largest and size of kidney stones

By December 2009, the 45th anniversary of Dhanraj Vadile, the owner of the store in Shahad, India, has already lived half a year with acute abdominal pain. Dr. Ashish Ravandall-Patil determined that Vadile suffered from stones in the kidneys. Using the endoscope and scalpel, Dr. Patil spent four hours to remove 172 155 stones from calcium and phosphate oxalate, the size of a millimeter to 2.5 cm. All of them were seized from the left kidney Vadile.

The team of Dr. Patile counted stones for a month. At the end, they sent stones to Guinness to confirm. Of course, the book was recorded by the feat of Vadila, which beat the previous record of 14,098 stones removed from one patient.

The happy record holder-owner of the largest stone, too, from India is a 37-year-old policeman Vilas Guga from Mumbai. In February 2004, a stone, which was 13 cm in the diameter, was removed by Huga Surgical way. Usually stones are no more than 9 cm in the diameter. There is another rival: In 2009, Hungar named Sarkadi Sarcadi removed the stone weighing 1.13 kg, which was the size of coconut.

5. Survive car accident at the highest speed


Donald Campbell has eight global speed records on Earth (RSZ) and water (RSV). He is still the only person who broke both types of records in one year. But on September 16, 1960, he set a record at which he did not count.

Donald Campbell / ©

Donald was the only son of Sir Malcolm Campbell, pioneer racing and the holder of 13 high-speed records (nine on earth and four on the water). Shortly after the death of his father, Donald found out that one American was going to beat his father's RSV and decided that he had to keep the banner of his family. In the 1950s. Campbell raised his RSV from 257 to 418 km / h. He constantly compared his success with his father's and often asked his best friend, would be proud of Sir Malcolm. And in 1960, young Campbell took RSZ, who once broke the record of his father.

John Cobb / ©

This record speed was 634 km / h, established by British John Cobb. Cobb also put records on Earth and on the water, and in 1952 he died, trying to beat Donald's record. Donald was confident that from his "Bluebird CN7" you can squeeze 643 km / h, and he was on his sixth trial launch at Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah, when he lost control at a speed of 586 km / h. The structural strength of "BlueBird" saved his life in that fateful day on September 16, 1960, but he moved the fracture of the skull and the rupture of the eardrum.

Bluebird K7 / ©

A few months later, Campbell again participated in races, but until 1964, BlueBird did not reach a record at 648, 5 km / h. He again looked at the water and died on January 4, 1967, when he lost control over his "Bluebird K7" at speeds of more than 480 km / h. His body remained lying at the bottom of the Lake Coniston Water until 2001.

6. The most long time spent on the medical board in the hospital corridor

In the "Guinness Book of Records", a new category was introduced when Tony Collins, 40-year-old Briton, said that he lay on 77 hours and 30 minutes. Collins - Diabesey and infected with a virus that sent him to the hospital Princess Margaret in Svindon, England, on Saturday, February 24, 2001. He was told that he would have to wait for a hospital bed, and left on a boss parked outside the bathroom at three in the afternoon.

"I had a spin sick, there was no personal space, and I had to rely on the nurse who we could drink, because there was no place to put a jug."

Finally. For him, found a room at 8:30 pm - on Tuesday.

Ironically, while Guinness studied Collins's application, he again fell ill and returned to the hospital. This time he lay on 60 hours. As for his record, he said:

"Unfortunately, most likely it will be a record that is changing every day in the public health service."

He referred to the National Health Service, the Healthcare system funded by the British government.

The predictions of Collins were true: In March 2013, 62-year-old Herbert Edwards was delivered to a large Western hospital, too, in Svindon. He waited for a room on the catal for six days, just 144 hours. He, however, did not beat the Collins record, because he was in a specially intended place instead of the corridor. In the same hospital, 41-year-old Jun Rogers waited a bed of 157 hours, 88 of them on the catal. She also did not beat the Collins record, because her watch on the catal was not in a row.

7. Amputation on the same hand

Some records can hardly be repeated, not only because no one wants to beat them, but also because of the controversy, which the record holder created. Three amputations of the hands of Clint Hallama - just such a record.

The first amputation of Hallama occurred in 1984, when he was imprisoned Kristchurch Rollston for fraud in his native New Zealand. Circular saw cut off his right hand over the wrist. Surgeons returned the limb back, but it was infected, and again amputated in 1988.

Ten years later, Hallam was offered the opportunity to get the first hand-made transplant. He was sent to Lyon, France, where he successfully sewed the hand of the late French motorcyclist. Hallam then said that he hated a new hand from the very beginning:

"The donor's hand was more than mine, bald and pink. My skin has an olive shade, and there is hair on it. She did not fit. "

During the recovery, Halllands fell in love with his French nurse and left his wife with which they were together for 12 years, and children. "Marty (nurse) is the only good thing that surgeons gave me," Hallam said. "Except her, I have not got anything."

Hallam lost contact with his doctors and stopped taking a medicine against rejection. Inevitably his body rejected her hand, and she had to amputate for the third time in 2001. Medical world and his French surgeon were distressed by a spending donor hand. Hallam asked another transplant in 2002, but still did not receive it.

8. The largest number of broken bones

Ivel Nivel / ©

Since he jumped for the last time in 1977, Robert Craig Nivel, known as Evel Nivel had 150 jumps on a motorcycle from the ramp to ramp through various obstacles. He was broken or failed in 18 of these jumps. As a result, it suffered more than 433 fractures on 35 different bones - world record. He broke the skull, nose, jaw, both clavicle, both hands, both wrists, chest, every edge and back five times. In addition, he broke both ankles, some fingers of the legs, the right shin, the right knee, the tailbone, the left thigh and broke the pelvis three times.

When his first serious injury happened, he did not even even drive a motorcycle. In February 1966, Nivel tried to jump over a motorcyclist traveling at speed. He jumped too late, and struck him in the groin, throwing it by 4.5 meters. A much worse accident occurred on December 31, 1967, when he tried to jump over the fountain in Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, a 43 meter distance. He jumped over the fountain, but failed unfortunately, overturned the wheel of a motorcycle and slid across the parking lot. His upper part of the legs and pelvis were fragmented, he broke the thigh, wrist, both ankles and received a concussion, which sent him to anyone 29 days.

The refusal of jumps did not lead to the cessation of visits to the hospital. Behind the fall on the golf course was followed by hip prosthetics. Nivel fell twice in his own pool, breaking the rib and knee. He was made of a liver transplant in 1999 after alcohol killed him his own. By the end of his life, he wore a pump on his stomach, which delivered morphine and synthetic heroin straight to his spine. He died on November 30, 2007 from the fibrosis of the lungs.

9. Survive in deadly occasions in one day

Potley, a 10-month-old Mass of Pit Bull, who lives with his master in Kliarleik, California, was a very bad day on April 15, 2003. That morning she jumped down the fence to escape from his yard, and then she was knocked down a pickup. When the police arrived, the dough had glass eyes and chromota. Deciding that the dog was mortally wounded, the policeman shot her at her right below her right eye to stop her suffering. Animal control arrived and put what they accepted the corpse into a plastic bag. They brought a dosh to a dog pon and put in freezing chamber. Two hours later, the worker opened the freezer and saw the sitting dosh, and she was still in a package.

The officer bullet traveled along the dashy skull - barely did not hurt her brain - and stuck in the skin under the jaw. The dog also suffered hypothermia, but after the first incident, she was not broken bones. Fragments of the bullet were removed, but she lost his rumor to the right ear to some extent. For the fact that Dosha managed to avoid death three times, Guinness called it the most fortunate dog in the world.

10. The most difficult to kill

As they do not want people to compete for this record, Guinness does not have a special category for this. But if they are, they will become prize. Russian Mystic Grigory Rasputin is a man who was poisoned in one mad night, shot three times, castrated and thrown into the frozen river before he died. But the record holder is undoubtedly Michael Mella.

Mella was a 50-year-old Irish immigrant who lived in New York in January 1933. Previously, he was a fireman, but now a homeless and alcoholic. Five acquaintances made a plan to take three insurance polishes and kill him. One of the conspirators was owned by the bar, where they were illegally sold a drink, and he gave Mallo to an unlimited loan, in the hope that he would be stopped to death. But despite the fact that Mella spent almost every moment of wakefulness, the exercise elbow, he did not die.

Frustrated, bartender, another conspirator, replaced the whiskey Melloy on antifreeze. Mella drank six glasses before caught himself, but did not die. For a whole week, Mallla did not drink anything other than antifreeze. Then there was a turbid. Behind him was a liquid horsepower, mixed with rat poison. When and raw oysters pickled in wood alcohol, it was not possible to kill him, the conspirators tried to spoiled sardines, sprinkled with nails. Mallla returned after a few seconds.

One night, the temperature fell to -25 ° C, and the conspirators threw Mella to a snowdrift and lily water on a naked chest. When it did not work, another conspirator knocked Mella to his taxi, forcing the unfortunate man to fly like a rag doll. Then the conspirator moved Mellya for the Safety. After that, Mella is going to the hospital for three weeks, but returned to the bar, complaining:

"I'm dying as I want to drink."

In the end, they waited when Mella was cut down, inserted a rubber hose in his mouth and allowed gas. It took an hour before Malloy's face flushed, and he finally ordered to live long.

The conspirators would escape trouble, but they argued about the money obtained quite loudly, so that the police spoil about the scheme. They were tried, and four of the five conspirators were executed on an electric chair. They all died from the first attempt.

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Everyone knows that the records in the Guinness Book of Records recorded a huge amount. Many of them had to hear many of them. But there are also such records that are on the head, as they say, do not stretch. About such and let's talk in the article!

1. The largest number of big poppies eaten

Recordsman Donald Gorsk eats about 14 big magicians weekly. And on August 24, 2016, he ate his 28788th sandwich.

2. The fastest 5 meters on the front paws

Congo - an unusual dog. He knows how to run on the front paws and a distance of 5 meters overcame only 2.39 seconds.

3. The biggest cappuccino

On October 20, 2013, 4250 liters of cappuccino were welded in Italy. For the preparation of the drink it took 33 people and 9 coffee machines. So many caffeine in one place you have not had to see.

4. The largest disco ball

With such a disco-ball in the dance will want to go on even the most boring visitor to the nightclub. The diameter of the winner from the United Kingdom is 10.33 m.

5. The longest language

Nika Stober's length is 10.1 cm. This record was recorded on November 27, 2012.

6. The largest yo-yo

He belongs to Beth Johnson from Cincinnati. "Toy" with a diameter of 3.63 meters weighs about 2096 kilograms. To demonstrate it, it took the crane.

7. The largest collection of comics

Boba Bitala has different books and magazines 101822 pieces. The last time of the collection was held on August 6, 2015.

8. The longest golf club suitable for use

On September 12, 2016, Michael Furr came out on the field and managed to hit the punch with a key, the length of which was 8.56 meters.

9. The largest collection of rubber clarops

Charlotte Li collects claropes since 1996. Now she has a 5631 toy that is stored in a special "duck" room.

10. The largest collection of garden gnomes

Ann Atkin has them as many as 2042 pieces.

11. The Most Hairy Family

Hesssese and his relatives are recognized as the most hairy family in the world. Almost all in the family suffer from a rare disease - congenital hyperitrihosis. At the same time, the hair can grow at all parts of the body.

12. The longest career for the position of the seller of ice cream

Alan Ganz for 67 years raised Boston's inhabitants with fresh ice cream.

13. The most protracted "twist" basketball ball on a toothbrush

Misra dipanch managed to twist the basketball ball on the toothbrush, which he kept in the teeth, for 42.92 seconds. At the time of establishing a record, the guy was only 15 years old.

14. The fastest departure of Nissan Patrol on the sand dune

Auto-winner drove on a dune 100 meters high with a slope slope 49 degrees for 4.9 seconds.

15. Most mass skiing in swimsuits

16. The largest battle on the pillows

Passed in Minnesota, 6261 people took part in it.

17. The largest mosaic from sushi

It was collected by Norwegian chefs in honor of the 100-year-old anniversary of the Bodø Glimt football club. Occupied a mosaic 56.5 m2.

18. The highest turbulent turret

It consisted of 1764 pieces of donuts, and collected her 8 people.

19. The largest number of "five" per minute

20. The largest number of kisses for 30 seconds

On July 16, 2017, Florian Silbesein 25 girls from the support group kissed 74 times in 30 seconds.

21. The largest number of brands, cropped in a minute

Dipk Sharma Bayagin on August 6, 2010, 70 stamps managed to lick 70. In general, he managed to arrange 71 envelopes. But from one brand disappeared before it managed to count the commission.

22. The fastest half-marathon with a stroller

Kalum Neuff pushed a stroller with his 11-month-old daughter for 1 hour 11 minutes and 27 seconds. By how the guy put his record, the whole world watched through the PERISCOPE application.

23. The largest number of toilet stools, broken heads per minute

On September 1, 2007, Kevin Shelly broke the whole 46 wooden seats and, probably, earned the most severe headache in life.

24. The largest number of rotations on the electric drill per minute

25. The biggest weight lifted by the eye

Manget Singh managed to raise 16.2 kilograms, without blinking and eye!

Your attention is offered a selection with the largest, fast, long, strange and just nuts records for 2011, which fell into the publication of the Guinness Book of Records 2012.
The largest number of record accounts in the dance game Elizabeth Bolinger from Iowa received this title for a record account in 100 songs in the games "Just Dance" and "Dance Central" and fell into the publication of the Guinness Book for Gamers 2012.
The smallest dog of the smallest dog on Earth is Lucy, Yorkshire terrier 14 centimeters in height. Her mistress is Sally Leone Montufar from Abuskona, New Jersey.
The greatest amount of Christmas illumination on the house record belongs to the Devide and Janen Richards, living in Forrest Et, Australia. Their house and adjacent area are decorated with 331038 festive lights. David does not say how much illumination cost, but all the money donated by visitors reports to the Sids and Kids Charitable Foundation. The smallest woman in the world expert Rob Molla (right) and doctor K. Sujatha (left) Measure the growth of Jõhi Amge. At the age of 18, its growth as of December 16, 2011 was 62.7 cm.
The largest meeting of people disguised with leprechauns in the Grand Canal Theater in Dublin gathered 262 people in Leprekonov's costumes.
The maximum number of people who mounted in some panties in Canery Wharf in London on November 17, 2011, 57 people got into some briefs.
The longest chain of kisses in Beijing on November 11, 2011 passed the most massive chain kits with the participation of 351 people.
The maximum distance traveled by a burning person without an oxygen mask record belongs to Danny Dundurhoft from Hamburg and is 119 meters and 91 centimeters.
The greatest number of arrows caught blindfolded in two minutes Joe Alexander from Hamburg caught four arrows blindfolded.
The greatest number of bottles open head record, delivered by Ahmed Tafzy in Hamburg, is 24 bottles.
The greatest number of popcorn caught by two hands record for one minute amounted to 26 and was supplied by Joe Alexander in Hamburg.
The oldest yoga instructor today is Bernis Mary Bates from Florida, which is 91 years old.
The Most Mass Training with Hula-Huhai in it was attended by 221 Longlyph Primary School in New Port Richie, Florida. The most massive dance of Soul Train in it took part 211 students from Berkeley, California.
The longest chocolate Mirko Dellared the perch, winner of records for the largest chocolate sculpture and the highest ice cream. Now he made a 15-meter chocolate weighing of 6.8 kg.
The most massive tea party on this event in Essex came 334 people.
The most massive occupation of the Zumba-fitness Commission counted 1439 people who came to the occupation of the zombie in the Netherlands. The owner of numerous twenty-two-tee bridgets Jordan from Sandoval, Illinois, whose growth is 67 centimeters and its 20-year-old Brother Brad are the most low-spirited relatives. The very tall dog is the height of the new, the Great Danish Dogicity from Illinois is 89.2 cm, and the weight is 72.5 kg. The biggest number of steps overlooking the dog from above down the face forward with a glass of Border Colli's glass by the name of the PI retinue passed 10 steps with a glass, in which there were 140 grams of water. The record was put in Verden, Germany, January 5, 2008.
The smallest time spent on climbing in a suitcase is 5.43 seconds. Leslie Tyton was put on September 14, 2009 in New York. The greatest number of needles in the head is 2009. The record holder is the name of Wei Shanch, the record was registered in Milan, April 11, 2009.
The longest career in the theater veteran of the Israeli Theater is Hanna Maron, which on September 20, 2011 confirmed that he performs on stage 83. The most popular video clip on the song Justin Bieber "Baby" as of February 16, 2011 collected 463829304 browsing on the Internet.
The largest pizza, which is available on sale in the Big Mama "S and Papa" s Pizzeria menu in Los Angeles there is a square pizza with a 123 centimeter side, which can be bought for $ 199.99. It can be fed 100 people and order with delivery to the house - if you prevent the pizzeria in 24 hours. The maximum number of checkouts through the Tennis Racket Sky Berlerg from Australia February 25, 2010 passed through a tennis racket seven times in three minutes. The record was installed in Rome. One of the corona numbers Skye is the packaging of its own body into a small glass box. The highest paying actor of the TV series Hugh Laurie gets $ 400,000 for one series of "Dr. House" - the most popular television series, which is watching 81.8 million viewers in 66 countries. The largest perfine pillow diameter of the pillow, made by Steve Archell for the event in London on June 14, 2008, is 3 meters.
The greatest number of views of online broadcasts The record belongs to the wedding broadcast of Prince William and Kate Middleton, which was looking at 72 milun people.
The greatest number of flower pots made in 1 hour record belongs to Goncharra Mark Bailsu, which on June 28, 2009 made 150 pots per hour, thus won the competition during the Goncharov Fair. Second place was taken by Mary Chaypelhau with 118 pots.
The most severe man-bodybuilder Daniel Skakarazi is the owner of this record. His weight is 134.99 kg.
The best result in the Bolotnaya Triathlone with the mask and tube of the British Daniel and Natalie Bent - brother and sister, who showed the best results in the marsh triathlon with a mask and a tube. The result of Daniel 2 hours 21 minutes and 5 seconds, and Natalie - 2 hours, 45 minutes and 40 seconds.
The longest ears have a dog. Black and tangible kunchound named Harbor has the longest ears among dogs. Length of the left 31.7 cm, and right - 34 cm.
The greatest violin master of the production of violins and bows from Fogtland, Germany, created a violin with a length of 4.2 m and width and 1.23 m wide. This commander and its 5.1-meter bow seven times more than the usual violin. To play on it, you need three people: one presses the strings, and the two others move the bow. The longest nails on the hands of the woman The longest nails belong to Chris "Countess" Walton, and their length is in the amount of 3.09 m on the left hand and 2.88 m on the right at the time of measurement in Las Vegas, February 21, 2011.
The largest number of dogs, jumping on the rope who might think that dogs, and the more so the whole drawing of a dozen, can simultaneously jump on the rope. The record belongs to Circus Uchida Geinousha "S" Super Wan Wan Circus "from Japan. The largest collection of Penguins Bridget Berends from Germany gathered the largest collection of things related to penguins, a total of 11062 pieces. The record was raised on March 14, 2011. The very first penguin from which the passion began, was bought during her training in elementary school.
The fastest church for the wedding church on wheels called The Best Man from Shelbyville, Illinois, developed a speed of 99 km / h. In the church there is everything you need: windows with stained glass windows, 1000-watt stereo system, organ, department of a preacher and porch with wrought-iron handrails. The largest amount of piercing on the man of Rolf Buchcholz puncture in 453 places throughout the body. Buchholz, a resident of Dortmund wears 94 decorations in lips or around them, 25 in the eyebrows, 8 in the nose and 278 in the field of genitals.
The youngest man who fluthed alone around the world. A 23-year-old student of the Memorial University Florida Barrington Irving was not afraid of snow, rains and storms, and made a record flight. In addition, he is the first African American who has broken this record. When Barrington learned that no one would lend him a plane for a record, he built his own Columbia 400 of the details donated to him by the aircraft manufacturing plant in Columbia.
The largest chocolate workers and guests of the Confectionery company WORLD "S Finest Chocolate in Chicago admire the chocolate weight in 5574 kg, which was done for the sake of the Guinness record on September 13, 2011. The height of the bar is almost a meter, length - 7 m, and its weight exceeds the last record almost on ton. The longest homemade cat (and the longest cat tail) Cat steles - five-year-old Maine-kun 1.23 m long. His hosts Robin Hendrickson and Eric Brandsness measured steps on August 28, 2010. Also, his tail 41.5 cm long is the longest cat tail in the world. The biggest hairstyle of Afro owner is the largest hairstyle of Afro 18.3 cm in height, 19.5 cm wide and 1.31 m in girth is Evin Dugas from New Orleans. The longest female language Chanel Tepeper from California has a language of 9.6 cm long from the tip to the top lip. Absolute record holder, however, is Briton Stephen Taylor with a language of 9.8 cm. The largest collection of cows according to March 2011, Denis Tubanga from the United States owns a collection of 2429 items related to cows. Denis began to collect a collection since 1990, when I saw a figurine of a cow in my mother's kitchen. Her favorite object from the collection is a toy calf in a natural value presented by neighbors. The longest mustache mustache with a length of 4.2 m belong to Indian Far Sing Chaukhan.
The largest crocodile in the captivity of Cassius Clai, the Australian sea crocodile, was declared the Guinness Book of Records the largest crocodile in captivity. Its length is 5.47 m, and the weight is 907 kg. Why did it all start? On May 4, 1951, Sir New Beaver, being managing the director of Guinness brewing, went to North Slob in County Wexford, Ireland to shoot. There took part in the dispute about which bird is the fastest in Europe, and I realized that there is no book to which you could seek evidence. Then he decided that the book, giving answers to such questions, could cause great interest. The first copy of the Guinness Books on 197 pages was intertwined on August 27, 1955, and the book was already a Bestseller in the UK. Since then, more than 400 million copies have been sold.

World class athletes to put the world record have to intensively train for more than one year. But there are in the world and records that have nothing to do with the sport. They are even a simple mortal. In our review, 17 unusual records that provide a unique opportunity to get into the Guinness Book of Records. Unless of course, someone from our readers will be able to beat them.

1. The number of disks held on one finger

Current record: 50 pieces

Rules: You can not wear a CD on your finger, the discs should lie on the finger exactly, not falling.

2. Number of T-shirts dressed in one minute

Current record: 31 T-shirt

Rules: You can use T-shirts of any size, short or long sleeves, you can also use a friend using a friend. T-shirts must be dressed on each other.

3. The amount of jelly eaten as a minute with Chinese sticks

Current record: 90.72 grams

Rules: Jelly may be any taste. But it is possible only by Chinese chopsticks held by one hand. Another hand must be started behind the back.

4. The amount of stickers glued to the face in one minute

Current Record: 58 pieces

Rules: It is necessary to use stickers of a minimum size of 73 mm on each side. Stickers a person must glue himself on his face, and they must hold out on the face for another 10 seconds after the end of the competition. Also, stickers can also be glued.

5. The amount of time for which 24 banks can be put in the refrigerator

Current record: 9.76 seconds

RULES: Banks must be intact and closed, the refrigerator can be any. The countdown begins with the opening of the refrigerator door. If at least one bank falls or damaged in the process, an attempt is not counted.

6. The number of tennis balls held in one hand

Current record: 26 pieces

Rules: balls need to lay one free hand, as well as all the balls should be kept in place for 5 seconds after the last one will be installed on the hand.

7. How many times can you carry a basketball between the legs in 30 seconds

Current record: 68 times

Rules: You can use a football or basketball ball standard size. If the ball touches the floor, the attempt is not counted.

8. The best time set of the alphabet in the reverse order on the iPad

Current record: 2 seconds (currently being revised)

Rules: A unapproved iPad store with official firmware should be used. Letters can be typing in any register, without errors in their order.

9. Number of jumps in the leaps of two people in 30 seconds

Current Record: 32 times

Rules: Participants should take turns to jump in each other, while one person should put both hands on the ground, and the other - both hands on the shoulders of a comrade.

10. The fastest drinking time is 500ml of water

Current record: 2.35 seconds

Rules: It is necessary to use a transparent glass and not shed a drop.

11. The number of salted crackers eaten in 1 minute

Current record: 10 pieces

Rules: You can put only 1 cracker in your mouth and after it is eaten, the participant must show an empty mouth before proceeding to the next one. The number of crackers eaten in one minute is calculated. At the same time, the crackers can not be done.

12. The number of jumps in panties and back in 30 seconds

Current record: 9 times

Rules: You can not use "dimensionless" panties, their size must correspond to the actual size of the participant. Panties must be completely dressed up to the belt during injection in them, as well as completely remove before the next jump. Only jumping from two legs are counted.

13. The number of pushups with cotton in the air per minute

Current record: 77 times

Rules: You can not bend your knees or back, and push ups need to do "until the stop".

14. Mr. Potato Head Speed \u200b\u200bAssembly with Tied Eyes

Current record: 16.17 seconds

Rules: You need to use only hands, and all the details of the toys should be in their places.

15. The number of coins folded into the stack in 30 seconds

Current Record: 51 pieces

Rules: You can use any coins with a maximum thickness of 3 mm. At the same time, the coins need to be folded with one hand, the other must be started behind the back. After 30 seconds, the stack of coins should have a minimum of 5 seconds.

16. The fastest time of dressing of the dotted on a double blanket

Current record: 26.03 seconds

RULES: The blanket must be "carefully" placed in a duvet cover, and all four corners must completely coincide.

17. The largest number of marshmallows eaten in one minute

Current record: 25 pieces

Rules: Marshmallow must be standard size, and it can only be one thing at a time. Squeeze the marshmallow is strictly prohibited.

In the section on the question, do not blink? Are there any guinness records for not blinking eyes? I would like to try my eyes blinking. Posted by the author Evgeny Rokhachev The best answer is Well, very intellectual lesson ...

Answer from European[newcomer]
You will go to the Ginnik Ginnes Records. Although I do not promise. Maybe they will give money. But it is not exactly!

Answer from Mirosozart[newcomer]
I still stood not blinking 24 seconds

Answer from Vigor[newcomer]
I did not blink for 11 minutes and that I broke the record or I did not understand what I just got shed and the eyes did not dry

Answer from Natalya.[newcomer]
Chinese broke the record for glances, stood without blinking 57 minutes and 24 seconds

Answer from Rational Gaze.[guru]
eyes are dried

Answer from Vladimir Vepryakov[guru]
You need to blink everything. This is how the windscreen wipers in the car with a fluid supply for washing the dirt from the glass. But this is necessary for snipers and athletes. You saw how they shoot in a dash with headphones, silencers of sound. They do not blink and accompany the arrow or bullet look from the moment of shot to the goal. You can say anything on this topic, but professionals are always doing. I know the words of one sniper, which argued that he may not blink 5-k. Obviously, in other cases it does not blink very harmful for sight. There is a glass and a car, it is possible, but the records will not be taken due to the harmfulness of health. And there will always be imitators of any nonsense.