Wish fishing fisherman. Fish is large and small: the plot of fishermen on successful fishing and rich catch will bring the desired results

It has long been known that fishermen - people are too superstitious, like all gambling. What rituals and traditions they do not have to get fish. And in the morning you need to avoid my wife, and I don't care about the worm, and talk to the fish ... In short, in order for fishing to go efficiently and home you could return with the catch, you need to know the signs - good and bad. In the event of the first, you need to pull the saddle more, and after the second you can no doubt come back home to inspect. Do you believe in signs?

We have already mentioned about the very first superstition, it is even used even the most novice fisherman: shifting on the bait for a good Kleva. This sign is transmitted from generation to generation and everything is unconditionally believed. And we believe. Although if every time there was a good cool, then the fish would not remain in the rivers.

Bad signs and how to deprive them

If the fisherman wants a good catch, then from practice (confirming each fisherman from personal experience) - good fishing will not be.

Here everything is scientifically - the law of Murphy in action. Do not know what kind of law is this? He sounds like this: if any trouble can happen, she will definitely happen. Private example - the law of sandwicher, which almost always falls the most delicious down. Therefore, fishermen and go fishing either the light is neither dawn so that no one will meet them on the way and did not wish a good catch. And you thought - to the morning dawn, right?

But with the development of progress, another danger has appeared to receive such a wish and without a personal meeting - a mobile phone. In some incomprehensible way, these unfriendly people in the soul feel that you just rod are going to throw it around and here - a call with such a harmless question: "Where are you driving at 5 in the morning? Not fishing? I envy! Well, you have a good catch. " And all - fishing Kirdyk, the fish is clogged into the pit and flatly refuses to even try a delicious porridge with mechanical worms.

Therefore, the mobile phone must be turned off - this is an antidote of the same level, as well as going fishing with near the way, avoiding meeting familiar.

Another faithful sign is popular from this discharge: if someone in the evening before fishing remembers about the Czech - everything, the failure of the ventiy is guaranteed. Especially angry is the spell "bring the scales at least" - then there will be no root in general. And if the fisherman still brings a good catch, then it's just that day he was very lucky, but it only happens in life. In this way, they love to use wives who do not want her husbands to fish - from the evening I have a song: Again, fish is cleaned, again everything in the scaway will be ...

Although others approve just the opposite (lazy very, probably) - you can not have sex, and even more so dishes to wash a man - karasi laugh. Here it seems to be a scientific research and check everything on personal experience. Stay later.

Video jokes fishing

A selection of funny situations

Winter fishing in Russian

Are there any magic tools for successful fishing? Yes, and a lot! Avoid fishermen, going to the lake or river with a fishing river, inspire various conspiracies on their gear. We offer some of them to familiarize yourself with the readers.

1. By the shore, they read the consultation three times:

"Perch, soma, pikes and sazans! Go to me, against fast water! Do not turn away to the sides, do not look back. Go to me, the servant of God (name), and in the evening dawn, and in the morning, and on a clear day, and in a dark night! Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen"

As you catch the first fish, you should let her go back into the water - so you put the water spirit and provide yourself with good bite.

2. Attaching the worm on the hook and shook on it, the following is written for successful fishing:

"Worm, go to the water to bring me a fish! Large lines and karai, on the weight, on the arches long. And let the small fish let it float, it does not go to the hook! "

3. If fishing is assumed to bread, then he is spoken by such words:

"Silver fish, deep fish!
Go to me, the slave of God (name),
I will put you in the boiler, and I will Nava.
Fish on bread crumbs sailing
And fishing is good to be!
Come to me soon -
I will feed you delicious! "

Conspiracy read once, the smallest fish about put and take with you to the next fishing. She will attract other fish to you.

4. Another conspiracy, read three times for each bait:

"Fir-fish marine, river fishing!
Fresh fishing, fluttering fishing!
Matching my strong yes strong:
Konny, fistethe, yes, revenge, yes Pour to the bottom! "

Folk fishing signs.
On successful catching.
- If the morning was quiet, clear, with a small fog - to be a good bite.
- If various living creatures are dogs, birds, etc. - runs, barks, flies and manifests all activity, it means that the fish will also be well caught.
- Before the occurrence of darkness, the trifle is well keen at a depth of 4-5 meters (Cachel, Guster, Small Soon and others) - it means that the bream will come out at night, and the fishing will be excellent. If there are no little things from the evening - you can go home, good Kleva will not be at night.
- bleak Late in the evening rushes in the light of the lantern around the boat - wait for the bream.

Signs pointing to bad Klevel.
- strong wind blowing in the direction of flow;
-pask, any profit of water;
- Long rainy weather.

Some superstition

- Cannot be considered caught fish.
- It is impossible to desire good luck before fishing. If you still wished someone, you can not go fishing - you can't catch anything. If you wish "no tail nor scales" send him to hell.
- In no case, do not take a snack on fishing, cooked from fish in any combinations, eliminate even crab sticks.
- Do not show your trophy in anyone's time.
- Good mood Provide successful cool.
- It is impossible to gather for a long time, warning everyone in a week - fishing will be unsuccessful. It is better that the fees have occurred to the row, spontaneously - then the Klev is provided!
- If you stop the traffic police inspector on the way to fishing - the fish will not be caught.
- Shoes will certainly need to shove on the left leg - this applies not only to successful fishing, but also successful affairs.
- After the first fish is caught - do not look back and on the sides - the successful beginning begged!
- The first fishing ripped from the hook - it will not be long for a long time.
- If it was not truncated on fishing from the very beginning: the fishing line is confused, the hook fell behind the root, broke the tip of the rod - there will be no fishing!

Popular fishing aphorisms

The tragedy - went fishing, and I forgot to take vodka!

Winter fishing in the spring is the cheapest type of diving.

A good fisherman must have steel nerves and cast-iron ass.

Here is a paradox: the river - on the knee, and fish - to ...!

Scientists have discovered the new kind Fish - Fish Padla. Not catching and all here!

Better a shit day fishing than good at work.

Would be a beak fish - she would be stuck!

Here is a fish before - without panties in the river you will not come!

Ukrainians have a national dish - stuffed pepper, Jews are stuffed fish, and Russians have stuffed cellophane, called "sausages".

Good luck to you!

Fishing humor: our aphorisms, proverbs, sayings about fishing and about fishing are the funniest. A large selection of aphorisms, proverbs and sayings about fishing, fish and fishermen. You can search for hours everything in a row on the Internet - or immediately read the best!

Bad day fishing is better than a good day at work.

Fishing is the most time consuming way to relax.

Fishing is the only sport, where doping is officially allowed.

And the fish wags the tail when she is taken for the gills.

Estonians invented a new float. Begins to sink 5 seconds before bite.

Within the framework of political correctness in the United States, the law on which "poaching" should now be called "alternative fishing" ...

Crucian is presented through flocks of Rotanov, Tolstolobikov, trouts and indignant: "I poned here!"

The most unlucky fisherman in the world celebrated the 14th anniversary of his worm.

Scientists opened a new kind of fish - Fish Padla. Not catching and all here ...

So I want to ask the girl with a piercing on the bottom of the lip: "Did you fuck on Mermatki?"

In the Pacific Ocean, the Golden Gold Gold Golfid is unprepared: the first wishes are fulfilled.

The amount of desires increases from 3 to 50, if the "goldfish" put on a split frying pan.

Spring-fishing competitions ended with a complete failure.

Fishing lovers are divided into two categories: fishermen and alcoholics with rods.

What are you a fisherman in the 21st century, if you do not own a "photoshop"?

A woman who has never seen her husband for burning fish, does not have the concept, for which patient man she married.

The fishing vodka saved more fish than the entire fishing, taken together.

In the mirror carp, a satisfied face of a fisherman was reflected.

It is necessary to catch a husband for fishing so to beat off the hunt.

If the fish were spoken, people will be.

Never go fishing with an unfamiliar woman - or she will picker you on the hook, or you picker something.

To give a man a fish, it means to deprive his motivation. Give him a rod, and he himself will run for vodka.

Of all the living creatures, the fish grow faster, especially already caught.

Yes, I know fish places! Just the fish does not know them.

This fisherman is not the one who has caught a lot of fish, and the one who is argued proved - this time the fish was not able to catch any possibility.

The meaning of fishing is not to catch more fish, but to drink proportionally catch.

Fishing is the best excuse for drinking in an early morning.

Winter fishing in spring is the cheapest view of the diving.

Once again I am convinced that you won't be easily and the pond.

The biggest lies among the fishermen - the kitobi.

Fishing is not a diagnosis, not a disease, not imprisonment - but life life.

Fishermen are two types: some look at this occupation as a sport, others can catch something.

The longer the hands of the fisherman, the less faith of his stories.

To come from fishing without caught fish is not considered a bad tone. But with the inadequate vodka - it is already a disgrace of the entire fair company.

On fishing as in the bath - the bosses are not, all are equal.

On madness and tadpole - som.

On bempbed and glass - a blank.

Once at the quiet waters, best wipe fishing rods.

Some fishing is a rest for a fisherman, others have for fish.

No one has seen a rich fisherman.

Why is this fishing?! So, fishing ...

The only predictable thing fishing is unpredictable.

A good fisherman is looking for a not comfortable place, and fish.

Avos and fisherman pushes under the sides.

Lucky fisherman treats not by bikes, but fish.

Without patient there is no cool.

Bolt must see according to the word, and the fisherman on the catch.

If the girl is a fisherman, and the son in the water looks.

In someone else's rudy, do not throw the nemode.

Hold on for anywhere, the inclination did not break.

Who is fissy, in that ear will be.

Fisherman Yes Hunter is not an employee.

Tiha water, yes pool deep.

Love like fishing, does not peck - Matchy fishing rods!

Fishing in full swing when the bait with difficulty is distinguished from snacks ...

Real fishermen do not eat ear. They eat it.

Fish does not peck, because she has no beak ...

Fisherman Fisherman hates probably.

Many unsolved questions can be solved if you forget about them and go fishing.

For fishing, few passions are needed gear.

Give a person a fish, and he will eat all day. Teach a person to fish, and he will sit in a boat all day and drink beer.

The fisherman of the theorist knows how to catch, but nothing can catch anything. Fisherman-practitioner catches fish, but does not know why she pecks. Ordinary fisherman combines theory and practice - nothing can catch and does not know why!

Still, there is something suspicious in the title of the newspaper "" Fisherman-Fisherman "" ...

According to the rules of real fishing, fish does not peck for 10 reasons:
1. Today is too cold
2. Today is too hot,
3. Makers on the Motorka disappeared all the fish,
4. Stools in the next boat resist fish bait,
5. Fish spawn,
6. Fish poisoned by wastewater,
7. Here he pecks only on domestic ladies,
8. Not yet the time of year for fishing,
9. Not the time of year for fishing,
10. It cannot peck with our government!

If you caught goldfishAnd you are not about to cook your ear, think carefully before letting her back into the river.

The student lives from the session to the session, and the fishermen is from Friday to Sunday.

Do you have to spend the night? Come fishing with overnight.

Working with thoughts about the upcoming fishing is much more pleasant than fishing with thoughts about the upcoming work.

500 grams - is it a bream or still a scream? For caught fisherman - bream! For his neighbor - a hammer.

Permanent shoppers shop "Everything for fishing" know each other also on the club anonymous alcoholics.

The worm should not like a fisherman, but a fish.

Some fishermen catch fish, others all their lives are only feeding.

The winter fishing season is not closed until a couple of people on the ice should take.

Russian, the only people who can go fishing - and catch a white ...

Drinking a glass of vodka, the fisherman threw a fishing rod. At all threw ...

I left the mushrooms - I'll be back after fishing, when the cartridges will end ...

An interesting fisherman will get acquainted with a very decent fisherman, so as not to catch anything.

If you pour vodka to a large canister, you can not take a fishing box, because you can sit on it.

DPS-Nick, remember the motto of real fishermen! "Caught - let go!"

A classic example of a bore: Husband, regularly returned from fishing sober and with fish.

Fisherman falls from fisherman near.

Fisherman should be tight that the tails are wilted.

If you add a few drops of the laxative to the bait, the fish will return to the quarreled place faster.

Since modern carbonistic rods calmly carry frost - they can be stored in the refrigerator.

If in the evening it's good to put the fish with vodka, then on the dawn it will sound well on beer!

If you were delayed fishnadzor, you have the right to a free call on their cell phone to your lawyer.

Beard at the spinningist - a sign of youth.

Klevale yesterday and ... will peck tomorrow.

It seems to be peeling, and the Kind - it's time to go home.

Early got up - she caught more.

I saw Poklevka - showing a snorkeeper.

Who is in a hurry to fall - not to see the fish.

Exposure and talking eye - fisherman just right.

Fish is not a fool, but fisherman is not a simple.

When he pecks, you don't notice mosquitoes.

The fisherman may not smoke for hours when the fish plays the tackles.

Kereye when turned away for a minute.

A hundred holes dried up, and his belly removed.

Okun loves when they are looking for it.

The fisherman brought, wound a couple of kilos.

The more the holes you drive, the more fish you will add.

Let me go, God, such a fish so that at least once did not need to lie!

Leave the habit of fishing with a match.

Klevel may be good, and non-challenge.

Dawn did not get up - I lost fishing.

Speak about your ear when fish in hand.

I fished until the evening, but there is nothing to dine.

Bad tackle will not give.

If time is money, then the richest people - fishermen.

Fisherman's memory is phenomenal: he remembers even what was not.

Love the fish to eat, love and bikes listen.

On fishing Guskom - fishing Clarice.

The real fisherman has a good word even for a worm.

Fisherman language scratch, but it does not always be a hollow.

When the soul picks up, always the fishing line is striking.

Lying in bed - Fish does not understand.

Fish is pecking who is patiently waiting.

Start to yawn, since the beginning began to peck.

Fish is difficult to explain what "Balyk" is

Wife is a Georgian if the float is not worth it, you need to either change the ship, or add a couple more.

Paid ponds are divided into two categories: "Why am I cry for this" and "well, it is worth"

For each cool tackle there is always a local Vasya with a bamboo misunderstanding that you caught.

A man is a creature, which is capable of stupidly wait for bite and unable to wait for fifteen minutes, while the wife dress.

And why only the fish swims where it is caught!

Birds of a feather flock together! And the Inspector of the Fishman - especially ...

Fishing is cool!

The largest of the caught fish always happen to be thickened from the hook.

Good Klevel happens either before you started catching or after that.

Salmon sturgeon: What is our life? - Icra!

All the first on the worm pecks a fisherman.

Without a pond, do not pull out the fish out of it.

Embittered fish stuck fishermen fishermen ...

An experienced politician even fishing began to promise the fish of a significant increase in water in the very near future.

People ride fishing, and even from the bus do not go out - if only vodka was!

Apparently, there is a law of nature, according to which an honest person cannot be a good fisherman.

Cholesterol fish to the light bulb - it smells of sunflower oil does not tolerate!

Credo Fisherman - Give Supports at least, I'll post my fishing rod!

Oh, if the fish clung to the hook, like a wife for fishing rods!

Fisherman Fisherman learns.

Fisherman is not a fisherman considers a fool.

Fishing is a hiring business.

Fishing the main process, not fish.

Fishermen are easy to identify: they, because of frequently shown sizes of caught fish, the hands are much longer than ordinary.

Unfortunate fishermen do not exist in nature at all, simply not all of them know how to masterfully lie.

Two fishermen won their hands, showing each other the size of the fish caught by them.

It is not far from going to go far.

The wider gestures are in fishermen.

There is no such fishing, which could not be lit with three boxes. And there is no such fish that could not be increased in the stories once in ten.

I caught somehow one fisherman on one hook of two rises and let them go with the words: no one will believe me!

Good Klevel happens either before you started catching or after.

Fisherman Fisherman - Two fools got drunk.

The biggest bream caught the fisherman of Vasily, when I forgot about my my wife's birthday!

Russians go fishing and go fish catch - two completely different things ...

Fish is looking for, where deeper - there is less fuel oil.

On the silicone bait Most often pegs.

If in the winter does not peck, then before omitting the tackle in the hole, ride on the moth. His drunken noise can attract fish.

By the end of fishing fisherman fisherman no longer sees from afar.

Perhaps the fish, thoring from the hook, also instills, telling about the Giant, who did not catch it.

While you can't catch real fish, fishing is boring, and after that - it is not interesting.

The path to the heart of the fisherman lies through his bait.

Give my husband a fish, and he will be fed one day. Teach him to catch fish, and you get rid of him for the whole weekend.

Fishing is the same booze, only in rubber boots.

Many are too lazy in order to work, and some - even in order to fish.

The championship in winter fishing on the seventh day closed the team of narcologists.

No matter how you get prepared for fishing - it will not catch there and not on that.

Large fish is better not to weigh, otherwise she will lose half of their weight.

So that your tackles serve longer, simply do not take them on fishing.

Mature man is such a man who between sex and fishing will always choose fishing.

The fisherman was sitting so quiet that the fish began to worry about him.

The fisherman-witness argued that the offender was not lower than five meters by tall and weighing at least three hundred kilograms.

Alcoholism is incurable, so fishing is a hobby for life.

After I threw a drink, I deeply broke the fishing.

Our life is like fishing: you sit, you wait for something, periodically thumps.

Has my husband went fishing and brings a mermaid with him? Going, girls, on the sea - there are 33 heroes!

Played on a fishing computer. Put "Realistic" to the maximum. Two hours stupidly sat in front of the screen. Not slander ...

A smart woman will always go fishing her husband! And the wise woman is also with children!

Fishing, like love, eternal excitement: will nice, do not, you can't catch, and you can't catch?

It would seem a small, but how arrogantly silent!

Others envy the Sardin, believing that they bathe in oil.

When the spouse after the wedding complained about the lack of attention, I answered her by Japanese aphorism: "Why feed caught fish?!"

If a woman is cold like a fish - a man must be patient like a fisherman.

And yet the man is a unique people !!! Stand at 7 am to work - torment !!! And get up at 4 am on fishing - rest !!!

You can not go fishing with a bad mood ... Let the bad mood sits at home and prepares dinner !!!

No woman is honored to pay the float at mad weather.

If you sit on the banks of the river for a long time, sooner or later, the wife breaks fishing rods.

Men !!! Do not take girls on fishing. And you will drink all vodka, and the fish scare.

Fishing floors on ice asked the Ministry of Emergency Situations to save them meals because of the good Kleva.

Unsuccessful fisherman of a lucky fisherman - hates from afar.

In someone else's boat is always more fish.

Late pike in a frying pan remembering the water.

Fish in the river is not in hand.

Women are strange creatures, simple human joys are not available: the goal of the favorite team, beer after work or fishing with friends.

A real fisherman catches fish, but good luck.

If there is a "fish-drank", there must be "fish-snack".

If I catch ten fish, I will tell you that I caught twenty, and so on. But I will not exaggerate the catch more, because the lies are a big sin.

Lake and River - Happiness for Fisherman.

Size and Test Spinning - confirmation of male dignity ...

On the most damning fishing - better than at home!

SAMI challenge brilliance Still will remain in the store.
No matter how much flashes were not, and in someone else's drawer is still more!

Fishing - Life! Work and family are a hobby.

Large fish is the one you caught, the rest is small.

Klev - a non-permanent thing, unpredictable and ... difficult to refer ...

The truth is spoken only by those fishermen who have no sharply.

Every obstacle fishing only strengthens the desire for her.

The only way to get rid of thoughts about fishing is to go fishing.

Nothing confuses the concepts of fishing as recognition of authorities.

Not that fisherman is original, which does not imitate anyone, but the one whom no one
In the power to imitate.

In fishing, any doctrine is an alibi, which the fisherman is trying to justify its own limitations.

Fisherman, which can be understood, is no longer a fisherman.

The one who buys extra tackle in the end sells the necessary.

Nowhere does not feel so much the futility of human hopes, as fishing.

The best fishing remedy is fishing.

Higher pleasure is to catch such a fish that (according to others) you can't catch.

Who wants to go fishing - should prepare for her.

For a day spent on fishing, you have to watch like a small life.

Even the smartest fisherman is difficult to respond to stupid questions.

It is better to study in fishing superfluous than nothing to learn.

Work is a way to not be bored between fishing.

To catch well to you, your hands should tremble as it should.

Fisherman knows about the fish everything ... and, nevertheless, loves to catch her.

Fishermen's friends help us live, but interfere with working.

The difference between fishermen fishermen and athletes - some drunken, other little sober.

The difference between fishermen and fishermen is just fishing, and other actually fish catch.

Each country has such fishermen, which deserves.

Tell me what kind of fish you catch, and I will tell you who you are.

With major troubles, give up all except fishing.

Catch a lot of fish is harmful, but little - boring.

There are two ways to catch big fish, but no one knows them.

The golden rule of fishing states that there is no golden rules on fishing.

Live at the expense of fishing for fishing is true art.

What would the fisherman say, it always concerns fishing.

In addition to fools and roads, Russia has the third trouble - fishermen, indicating how and where it is necessary to catch fish.

When the fish is caught one at one - the fishing turns into work.

If you add a few drops of the laxative to the bait, the fish will return to the quarreled place faster.

If it is necessary to note on the reservoir, there is no two-thirds at hand, you will unsclude two-thirds from the bottle, climb, tie the load on the cord of the required length. Bowek ready! Now you will find it necessarily even at night with closed eyes.

In winter, on fishing, the worshipers are best kept behind the cheek.

When using the Energizer battery, even after the whole fish is drowned, your power flower continues to work! work!! And work !!!

In order to make sure that the rods are reliable, when buying a rod, take a small round file with you. If there are no traces from him on the rings, then no cord is not afraid.

Experience shows that the clutch with fishermen, dressed in white maskhalates helicopter finds much later - and therefore there is a chance to catch more fish.

Now on many reservoirs, not to stay without catching, fishermen practice a new method: brought-released-caught.

Using a laser pointer, you can lure fish. Dane's dunna, on the observations of fishermen, is best attracted by perch.

From the new year in many countries it is allowed to catch not only on a dead fish, but also on a dead worm.

Soon the need for expensive gears will disappear. It will only be necessary to bring a basin with clean water ashore, and the fish itself will jump into it from a ripped water branch.

The fishing line never breaks, if you agree with the fish not to make sharp movements and observe mutual caution when digging.

The level of equipment of local fishermen in Karelia rose sharply, since passing keydrocks, kwyutsya, leave their favorite carriage sticks and various shimans in the reservoirs.

The principle "caught - let go" is just another trick of Western fishermen, which use this excuse to more successful colleagues.

Rapala has released instructions for dealers selling wobbler. Here are excerpts:
... Baits of bright colors are better to have a showcase in dark corners, and natural colors closer to the buyer.
... Large wobblers need to be made as inaccessible to provoke fisherman on a grip.
... Visitor's wiring along the goods need to do slowly with stops near the most spectacular novelties, with twisted them near the victim's nose ... With our bait you are guaranteed success!

Conspiracy good fishing Someone may seem superstition, but for other people it is a real salvation and assistance in achieving the desired goal. Those who are constantly going on the reservoir reservoir follow sustainable rules, signs that help to make a catch better.

For successful fishing, strong conspiracies and prayers are needed.

It makes no sense to read conspiracies for successful fishing to the one who does not believe in the highest strength. Magic responds only to the call of the one who is confident in its effectiveness. Rituals are recommended with a loan on fishing calendar - He will show the most successful days to perform the tasks. In addition to professional, there are rules of fisheries magic:

  1. It is forbidden to take seafood as a snack - it accepted water.
  2. Before fishing It is impossible to desire a fisherman of good luck, because it can be selected and a person will return home with empty hands.
  3. The number of caught fish should not be considered along the catch. Only at the completion of the process can be estimated the production volume.
  4. Big successes are guaranteed to someone who starts to wear boots from the left leg.

Popular fishing rituals

From a long time, conspiracies are preserved for good fishing, which are popular to this day. Some of them suggest rituals during fishing, others - before throwing fishing fishing rods. Before throwing the bait, can be asked to the Spirit of the River Aid in Conspiracy, saying:

"Perch and pikes, lines and soms! Sick this place. Place is a water, suitable for you. There is a feeder, and a worm, and a flies. "

Using various rites you create fish feeder

Those people who constantly go to winter fishing, More others need help, because in the cold season everything is sleeping, and marine inhabitants are no exception. For avid catches, there is a monthly prayer for fishing. The magical impact will be effective if you make it on even days of the calendar. To do this, it should be so that the lunar light fell on a person, and say:

"Proudly of Thomas walks along the road, the catch is carrying their own, and I, the Slave of God (own name) go for him, and I will take good luck with you. The key is a magical carry with you, everything that gets out of the water to the key to close. My tackles are fish passion. Fish on the threshold - good luck to my house. Amen".

Conspiracy with ritual is read five times. You can be sure that the next hike for prey will be successful, especially if they pronounce a prayer for a good Klevel before fishing.

It happens that some kind of unfiniver threw a negative word, like: "Yes, so that your success has rotted." After such a good catch rarely happens. Even if none of anyone has heard unkind wishes, when the fisherman returns with empty gears it is considered that it is evil eye on it. It is not lucky with the weather, the fishing line breaks, the fishing rod breaks, extraction is lost from the hook. In this case, they say that good luck was selected. To fish again caught, you can read prayer:

"Lord Jesus Christ's Son of God, help us the sinful slaves of yours (the names of fishermen), in fishing, went to us good luck in fishing. As you sometime, you gave the fishermen of Lake Hennisretsky to catch a lot of fish, and the sinner went good luck. As Simon, according to the word, you filled the boat with a fish, so help and us in the grace of your fish fresh, in the catch is strong. Amen.".

Asking for forgiveness for the pregasses, it is safe to go on the hunt behind the marine inhabitants and not worry that good luck turned away - the highest forces will help in the beginnation.

Conspiracy on the first caught fish

Ancient ancestors treated with respect to the first caught fish. As soon as the firstborn clung to the hook, it is necessary to remove it, and pronounce a conspiracy for successful fishing, turning to the caught fish.

"Fish is the first, the fish is successful, I will let you go now, and you bring me others. Word my law, put it on it, fish, I command you! Amen!".

These facilities came from the Orthodox prayer fisherman, so their effectiveness is indisputable. The caught part is to lower after reading conspiracy, and large fish floating in the water will come to the catcher.

Wives who seek the spouse on the road can also pronounce a prayer for her husband to good fishing. It is not necessary to stick to any rituals, it is enough to turn to the highest forces with the last "Father our", with a reservation for a successful catch for his man.

How to catch big fish

For catching huge fish it is necessary to spend special rituals

The catch is great, but still I want to catch a big fish, and not be satisfied with the trifle. To attract adults, large individuals, you can apply the next ritual. When small fish falls on the fishing rod, you need to cut off a piece of algae, and speak:

"Go, the fish, again into the water, went uncle, went the mother, went brother and father, everyone who is older, send, and you go again."

After that, the trifle to remove and throw back into the water. In a short time, large water animals will come across the bait.

The Siberian Healer, known worldwide with its effective rituals, advises to walk on the reservoir in the same clothes so that luck has always been with a fisherman. At the same time, Natalya Stepanova recommends to pronounce in full moon, to an even number of calendar. Magic words sound like this:

"There is a thoma, carries fish, and with him I, (name), and my luck. My key carry home, I carry my tackle, fish passion. The fact that we take out of the water, I close on the conspiracy. Key, castle, luck and fish on the threshold. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This fishing conspiracy will be effective if the person does not tell anyone about his statement, and will not pass the clothes to another person. In addition, there are signs, following which guarantees success. For example, if a woman saw a woman on the road, then fishing will be unsuccessful. It is not recommended to go on the reservoirs in front of the thunderstorm weather, since all the inhabitants of the sea will be lazy to the depth and subside. If you adhere to the recommendations, large fish There will always be on the fishing rod at the catcher.

Conspiracies for good Klevel

"Perch, soma, pikes and sazans! Go to me, against fast water! Do not turn away to the sides, do not look back. Go to me, the servant of God (name), and in the evening dawn, and in the morning, and on a clear day, and in a dark night! Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

When there is a first catch, it should be released back, uttering whisper. Conspiracy words: "Fish with water, happiness with me" you need to pronounce in a whisper in the trail of floating mining. In this way, water can be drawn, showing good intentions and improve the process of fishing a conspiracy and presentation.

Such a prayer for a good catch will become even more efficient if you throw other gifts to the sea of \u200b\u200bmarine king:

  • Crumbs of filled bread;
  • Two silver and gold coins;
  • Five wood coals.

You should not neglect the signs associated with fishing. Particularly effective is the one in which it is said that it is impossible to blink as soon as the fishing rod is abandoned, because you can embarror luck. Conspiracy to Klevel Fish is a secret action. It is impossible to talk about the perfect that the highest forces will not be accepted for frivolity.

Tacating gear

When spell, fish will follow the gears

In addition to strong prayers for successful fishing should be prepared by the spell of catch fish in advance. Before leaving home, you need to send a positive energetic rod. It works well a conspiracy on the catch of fresh fish with the help of conspired tackle:

"I, the Slave of God (own name) order every fish to go on the hook of my fishing rod against the water and from the deepest pools. Do not turn, fish, nowhere and give me true pleasure. At any time and at any time, at the dawn of the morning or evening. It will be said so. Amen".

Once on the shore of the reservoir, you need to throw a fishing rod, whispering to her: "My tackle is fish passion." With competently spent conspiracy, successful fishing is provided.

On a different bait

Each fisherman knows that for good fishing it is necessary to choose a delicious bait. However, in addition to the correctly selected bait for the hook, so that the fish is caught, you should read a plot for good luck. If a worm was chosen as an adhesion, it should be pronounced above it:

"Worm, let you go to the water, and you go, bring the fish to me! Big fishSo that on Pudi weighing and the length was not less than Arshri. And let the small fish grow and floats past my hook. Amen".

When the bread ball hangs on the hook, then other spells will be effective, for example:

"Silver fish, in the depths of aquatic life! You can swim on delicious breadfings, and to be good fishing. Amen".

Those who experiment with bait may not remember all sorts of fishing plots, it is enough to learn the universal, suitable for any bait, both vegetable and animal origin:

"Rybitsa sea, pond, river! Fish fresh and trembling! I give you a delicious and sturdy bait. Her kenda, yes speck straight to the bottom. Amen".

With confidence that you bring fish to the house in large quantities, you can go for the prey. Having learned several effective conspiracies and praising a successful day for fishing, you can not doubt the effectiveness of this endeavor.