Muravyov path to power download pdf. Sports books

Muravyov's program - This is a synthesis of the accumulated theoretical and practical experience of the father-in-law security officials for the 20th century, which Muravyov collected in his 1998 book "The Way to Power". This article will show the programs presented in this book, and the author's recommendations, as well as criticism of a number of provisions in co-response with re-levant scientific data. The training schemes and principles of tre-ning-ga themselves will not be criticized, but me-to-do-lo-gi-chi-instructions on how to take vitamins and prohibited doping drugs need to be discussed. It is also worth keeping in mind that Muravyov does not recommend using these schemes without far-ma-co-log-gi-chucks support, although he is not for some conceptual reasons -za-va-et.

Muravyov's programs are really quite harsh, they imply the observance of the same principles as variability and programming, and probably will not be suitable for training masters of sports international class (MSMK) without the use of pharma-cology. But, firstly, in the world there are generally few people who are able to achieve such a level of sportsmanship, all the more so, without the headlights-ma-co-lo-gi-ch-ko support, and secondly, if the athlete has 2 or 1 category, then he can withstand the scheme. In any case, you can simply set a smaller planned increase in power indicators... In general, res-shai-te sa-mi, but we do not see any fundamental reasons not to use Mu-ra-vie-va's programs.

Principles of Muravyov's methodology

Specialization: in his book Muravyov pays a lot of attention to the issues of special training of an athlete, paying attention to the fact that the result will be the higher, the more specific the training will be. Thus, the key rule is "grow-teet what we tre-ni-ru-we". Muravyov recommends to determine the goal and try-ni-ro-vat-Xia, mainly, competitive movement and / or special-tsia-li-zi-ro-van-ny-mi control -th. For example, if an athlete plans to perform in the bench press, then he should press a lot, you-fill-up, wait-we, we-we with a pause, bench press narrow grip and other special controls. It is recommended to practically exclude the pod-sob-ku, especially shortly before the meeting. Tre-no-ro-vat, of course, in the power mode 1-3, maximum 6 repetitions.

Variability: this principle is implemented by compiling 8-12-16 weekly cycles, with a given KPH and intensity for each workout. Thus, the load at the beginning of each cycle is lower than at the end, and the indicators of in-ten-siv-nos-ty and KPSh are inversely pro-por-tsio-nal-nal-ny. friend. The greater the weight of the worker, the less work he performs, and vice versa. Observance of this principle-tsi-pa poz-la-em from-run-re-tre-ni-ro-van-nos-ty and achieve the given in tre-ni-ro-wach- no results. That is why the principle of variability is observed not only from not to week, but also within the weekly cycle, thanks to which the athlete can recover from every “hard” workout.

Planning: the principle set forth by Verkhoshansky in his wonderful work "Os-but-you special-tsi-al-noy strength training in sports." Actually, the principle of plan-ni-ro-va-nia, or, as it is also called, the principle of programming, is expressed in the composition of the tremor-ni-ro-voch-th plan for a certain period of time. This allows you to determine the goal of the trepidation process and take into account all the circumstances that may affect it. For example, if an athlete plans to perform at the next meeting-no-va-ni-yakh after 8 weeks, then he should make a three-ni-ro-ny cycle for 8 weeks, and not take 16 - an inadequate program, since the latter option will not allow him to show the maximum result in the competition.

Criticism of some provisions

Pharmacology: in this case, Muravyov means androgenic ana-bo-li-ches-ste-roides and, mainly, methane, with the peculiarities of the use of which you can -she previous article ... Firstly, since Mu-ra-vie-va's programs are mainly for bench presses, it is worth noting that the statement about his innocence in this case is justified. Secondly, it should be separately noted and emphasized that the statement that "if in moderation, then nothing terrible will happen", applied to steroids, is absolutely unjustified. The question of the use of forbidden don-pin-go means has been studied and analyzed, and science says that steroids have a number of serious side effects , which must be in view, and some of them can manifest themselves not in dependence on dosages.

Additives: firstly, Muravyov undeservedly criticizes a number of sports nutrition products, claiming that they do not work, since many products, for example, crea tin and protein , give a number of me-ta-bo-li-chs-kih advantages. Secondly, Muravyov asserts that vi-ta-mi-nov can be used as much as necessary, and that there is nothing wrong with pe-re-do-zi-rov-ki they are not. This statement is false! There is hypervitaminosis, which can cause serious harm to health. Take vitamins , of course, it is possible, and, perhaps, it is necessary, but it must be done wisely, in accordance with the re-levant scientific data, having passed preliminary analyzes so that understand what kind of vi-ta-min you do not have enough.

Muravyov training scheme

A very important feature of Muravyov's programs is that for 100% the result is taken by the one that the athlete plans to achieve at the end training cycle... If we are talking about 16 non-del n cycle, then 100% is taken current result athlete + 5-10%. Well, since the program is intended for users of pharmacology, it is necessary to take the minimum value. If the athlete uses shorter cycles, then it is possible that at the end of the cycle he will simply need to repeat his best result in order to prepare for the competition. Also, Muravyov's program pre-la-ha-et at-le-tam self-standing-tel-but to select for yourself auxiliary exercises and their volume. The point is that each person has their own weak spots and his own adaptive reserve, so at-years must independently select the volume and load of the RPP, which he can pour into the axis, and which will allow him to work out his "weak points".

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M .: Svetlana P, 1998.

The main goal of this article is to acquaint athletes with an average level of fitness (starting from the 1st category, candidates for master of sports and above) with some of the best plans training, teach yourself how to use them, be able to independently make adjustments to training process ... Without pretending to be the ultimate truth, I still recommend taking a closer look at these plans. Here everyone - both coaches and athletes - will be able to find a lot of useful things, or even completely take them into service.

At a certain stage of training, each athlete approaches a state where the result no longer grows with normal loads. A simple increase in the number of workouts and the number of approaches does not lead to an increase in the result. How to be in this situation? This is where it is needed scientific approach to a solution to this problem. Usually, stagnation occurs when the result is slightly more than a candidate for master of sports (CCM). A master of sports can only be performed by changing and rebuilding the workout and, of course, "shamanizing" a little, i.e. applying "chemistry". But how do you realign your plans? Who should I ask? After all, there are practically no good, competent coaches left now. Perhaps only in the national team. The rest of the experienced, competent coaches, for the most part, left the sport and moved to more lucrative positions. The ones that remain are just instructors who generate income. Their level is beginners. And at a higher level, they are incompetent. Of course, many thanks to them, as they still promote sports. True, they also spoil a lot, driving false views of athleticism and approaches to it into the heads of beginners. An example of this is a trainer friend of mine who graduated from sports university... For two years, no one progresses with him absolutely, and he, as a fan, continues to slip them articles from the magazines "Strength and Beauty" and the like with regular "super methods", although in a couple of years it is time to make sure that these methods are ineffective and practically "nil" even for beginners. but no. He continues to bend his line and with enviable persistence and enthusiasm leads the students away from the truth, confusing them with newfangled overseas methods. And there is no one to tell him: "What are you doing?" There is no one to stop. Moreover, he so sincerely believes in everything that he does. In the hall he is a king and a god, an indisputable authority among beginners. And for all the time - not a single trained athlete, not even a CCM. So is it worth believing overseas techniques?

How to be in this case? Where to find an experienced mentor, especially for people in a remote province, to set high goals and objectives? This is where this article should come to the rescue. After reading it carefully, you can learn a lot from it, you can significantly increase your results and even get involved in the struggle for high achievements... She can be your pocket trainer, although not everything is certain. But the main condition is that you need to have the basic concepts of building training and sufficient qualifications, approximately at the level of the 1st category.

Many foreign experts have long been using the methods of the leading Soviet weightlifting coaches. Since the achievements of our Soviet weightlifting known all over the world. Our athletes have proven this more than once at world championships and Olympic Games, on international competitions all levels. This is evidenced by hundreds of world records. Foreign experts have redesigned these training methods for triathlon, using exercises such as bench press and squat in planning the results. They have appropriated these achievements to themselves, apply successfully and have achieved good results. Our athletic magazines constantly publish the "super methods" of their bodybuilders who "made" themselves using the achievements soviet school... But they hammer into our reader the idea that all this is due to nutrition, absolutely without "chemistry" and with the help of exercises known to any beginner. They also bring their own menus. But this is just a mockery of the Russian reader. With the current high cost, impoverishment of the general population, the overwhelming number of athletes are simply not able to buy these Wader proteins, amino acids and other products in the required quantities. There are a dozen eggs, a bunch of chicken legs, bananas, washed down with 100% juices, etc. daily. And the statement that they have achieved everything without "chemistry"? Thanks only to nutrition. Nonsense! "Chemistry", correct, serious training methods, "ripped off" from the methods of our Soviet weightlifting coaches, and, of course, nutrition.

Although I can safely say that for weightlifting and powerlifting nutrition doesn't matter as much as it does in bodybuilding. And at this time we publish photos of pumped-up blacks and "children's" training methods, known since the time of E. Sandov.

In what magazines or books have you seen the training methods of our leading weightlifters? Even in the magazine "Power and Beauty", which advertises itself as almost the only source of truth, and considers all other similar publications in Russia to be almost plagiarism and reprints from their magazine. What, in essence, can you find in it? Again, whole sheets of photos. And all the articles are for beginners only. For serious athletes, I believe there is nothing there. There is only fragmentary information that leading athletes train 5-6 times a week. Perhaps that's all. And where to get information for more experienced athletes of the 1st category and above, who have already outgrown all these publications with general and fragmentary information? But by publishing the plans of the leading weightlifters, you can give them much more use for qualified athletes. These magazines only promote sports. No more. And for experienced athletes who do not need to campaign for sports, something more serious is required. Since there are few materials on this topic, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the training plans, the powerlifting planning system, compiled and tested by me personally under the guidance of the famous weightlifting coach Nikolai Andreevich Ostashko in the USSR. For some time I was engaged in weightlifting under his leadership for a purely health purpose, without pursuing athletic performancebecause I had to study and work. Despite this, I raised my bench press result to 180 kg with a body weight of 83 kg. Agree, a good result for a layman. And with the appropriate pharmacological training, it would be possible to reach 200 kg. By the way, at that time I often ate the first time at about 7 am, and the second time at about 20 hours. And I knew nothing about proteins. Most weightlifting masters did the same. Observing how the leading weightlifters are engaged, as well as at a lower level (in Grozny, both of them were in abundance), I concluded that planning a training based on N.A. Ostashko, available to everyone - from the 1st category to the MSMK. With appropriate pharmacological support and supervision good coach very high results can be achieved.

These plans have been drawn up for more than one year. Corrections and changes were made to them. Now before you is their last option. Observations were made on the health of the athletes. So here are ready-made recommendations that have been successfully tested over time and have produced amazing results. Of course, it is not worth pretending that these are the most correct and only correct plans. Yes, there is no such task in front of me. There are probably more modern developments used in the team. But they are unlikely to differ significantly from these. They are all built in a similar way. Differences can only be in the number of workouts, in the number of lifted barbells (KPSh). But this is the business of the national team. And my main goal in this article is for intermediate powerlifters to understand the principle of planning and learn how to build their training in a similar way. I hope the invaluable work of N.A. Ostashko and mine, thanks to this article, will help you in achieving mastery. N.A. Ostashko was trained by the well-known Moscow powerlifter Mamin Gennady from Grozny. His result in squats in training with a weight of 95 kg was 360 kg by 2 times. Now judge for yourself.


Powerlifting - the path to strength (Muravyov V.L)

Format: DOC, eBook (originally computer)
Year of issue: 1998
Genre: sports
Russian language
Number of pages: 26
Description: At a certain stage of training, each athlete approaches a state where the result no longer grows with normal loads. A simple increase in the number of workouts and the number of approaches does not lead to an increase in the result. How to be in this situation? Where to find an experienced mentor, especially for people in a remote province, to set high goals and objectives? After reading the book carefully, you can learn a lot of useful things, you can significantly increase your results and even get involved in the struggle for high achievements.

This methodological work was originally intended to help weightlifters transition to powerlifting. But, as practice has shown, powerlifters have also successfully used it! Literally everyone who worked according to the plans given in the book really added to the results!

How to work with a plan
Powerlifter plan for 16 weeks
Powerlifting Specialization
Add. information: Attention! The program offered in the book is designed for athletes-chemists! But pure athletes will also extract a lot of useful information..


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By: Champion K. Teutsch, Joel Marie Teutsch
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Genre: Psychology
Publisher: ARDIS
Artist: Sergey Kirsanov
Length: 02:58:40
Description: The famous American psychologists Champion K. Teutsch and his wife Joel Marie Teutsch developed an original psychogenetic concept of human behavior. On its basis, they created a unique advisory method, which was called the IDEAL-Teutsch method. Teutsch's method works on "qualitative personality change" and helps to overcome negative subconscious stereotypes and change unwanted patterns ...


Long way to yourself (Bakhrevsky Vladislav)

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Year of issue: 2014
Genre: Historical prose

Artist: Vladimir Grigoriev
Duration: 29:10:51
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The easy way to harmony (Koroleva Margarita)

Author: Koroleva Margarita
Year of issue: 2011
Genre: Psychology, health
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Artist: Brotskaya Leontina
Duration: 08:58:30
Description: Margarita Koroleva - candidate of medical sciences, head of the clinic of aesthetic medicine, nutritionist, physiotherapist, dermatocosmetologist, mesotherapist. He has been engaged in weight loss and non-surgical body shaping for 19 years. Her author's weight loss program allows you not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also to keep the achieved result forever. The effectiveness of your technique ...


The Road to Dusty Death (Alistair McLean)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
By Alistair McLean
Year of issue: 2012
Genre: Detective
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Artist: Yuri Zaborovsky
Length: 08:06:25
Description: An Interpol agent, tasked with dealing with a series of strange accidents with participants in the world Grand Prix races. ... More and more often loud statements were heard that his wild driving on the race tracks was not a competition with equal rivals, but a crazy struggle with himself for victory. It became more and more certain that he would never win this one race, this one battle; and the last one ...


Raw food diet - the way to immortality (Shemshuk Vladimir Alekseevich)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Shemshuk Vladimir Alekseevich
Year of issue: 2009
Genre: Alternative medicine
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Artist: Gennady Smirnov
Length: 04:13:36
Description: The book tells about the fantastic results of a raw food diet, provides mechanisms explaining the phenomena of amazing recovery, cure from all kinds of incurable diseases, gives cases of rejuvenation of the deep old people with their transformation into young people and even young men. Book Contents Part 1. Ode to Raw Food Paragraph 1: What to Eat? Paragraph 2: The main reason for the appearance of paras ...


Stalin. The path to power (Yuri Emelyanov)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 64 kbps, 44 kHz
Author: Yuri Emelyanov
Year of issue: 2011
Genre: Historical literature
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Artist: Vladimir Sushkov
Duration: 32:45:27
Description: In a dilogy consisting of the books "Stalin. The Way to Power" and "Stalin. At the Top of Power", the famous Russian historian Yu.V. Emelyanov, the author of books about Bukharin, secret protocols of 1939, on the basis of numerous documentary evidence and eyewitness memories, exposes myths about the life and work of one of the most prominent and controversial statesmen of the 20th century. What role in ...


Stalin. The path to power (Yuri Emelyanov)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Yuri Emelyanov
Year of issue: 2011
Genre: History
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Artist: Vladimir Sushkov
Duration: 32:45:29
Description: In the book "Stalin. The Way to Power" the famous Russian historian Yu.V. Emelyanov, the author of books about Bukharin, secret protocols of 1939, on the basis of numerous documentary evidence and eyewitness memories, exposes myths about the life and work of one of the most prominent and controversial statesmen of the 20th century. What role did his Georgian origins and studies at the seminary play in the formation of Stalin? ...


The path to freedom 01. (Zhikarantsev Vladimir)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96 Kbps
Author: Zhikarantsev Vladimir
Year of issue: 2015
Genre: Psychology
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Artist: Vorobyova Irina
Length: 05:33:19
Description: The book has a practical purpose and is intended for those who want to understand why certain events occur in their lives and learn how to influence their lives. You will find many practice exercises here. The book deals with how a thought / thought form affects a person's karma. Any thought that lives inside a person is his karma. By changing his thoughts, a person can change his life in that ...


The hard way to yourself (Alexey Kovalenok)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96 kbps
Author: Alexey Kovalenok
Year of issue: 2014
Genre: Philosophy
Publisher: DIY audiobook
Artist: Alexey Kovalenok
Duration: 01:23:52
Description: After all, philosophy is, not least, HUMAN STUDIES, it is a QUESTION ABOUT MAN, it is an attempt to understand the essence and purpose of man on this earth, to reveal the meaning of his life, his specificity among all other living beings. Every major thinker, regardless of the era, one way or another asked all these questions and left his reflections on this matter. And these sizes ...


Françoise, or Path to the Glacier (Sergei Nosov)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Nosov Sergey
Year of issue: 2015
Genre: Contemporary prose
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Artist: Kirsanov Sergey
Length: 07:44:15
Description: Each book by Sergei Nosov, a prose writer and playwright, a finalist for "Russian Booker" and "National Bestseller", is a creative experiment, a game with an intelligent reader. The heroes of the new novel - a children's poet, a positive psychiatrist, a married couple suffering from mania and the mysterious Françoise - go to India to meet with the brahman Girish Baba. And in St. Petersburg, on the eve of their departure, very strange things happen ...


Removing toxins - the path to health (Peter Entshura, Joseph Lokemper)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Author: Peter Entshura, Joseph Lockemper
Year of issue: 2016
Genre: popular science literature
Publisher: DIY audiobook
Artist: BIGBAG
Duration: 08:29:53
Description: The main task of this book is to tell about the process of poisoning and deposition of toxins in the body of a modern person throughout his life, and also, of course, about what these very “toxins” are - in the most scientific sense of the word. We will try to talk here about how to live without clogging the body, or reasonably get rid of the already accumulated toxins.


Françoise, or Path to the Glacier (Sergei Nosov)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Nosov Sergey
Year of issue: 2015
Genre: Novel
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Artist: Kirsanov Sergey
Length: 07:45:29
Description: The author considers it necessary to admit that all the heroes of this story and all the events described here are a figment of his imagination. Let no one be fooled by the abundance of everyday and other details. In reality, there are no such travelers, psychotherapists, children's poets, artists, auditors, grooming masters, retired inspectors road traffic, teachers and playwrights ... Such children and such parents, such ...


WiMAX Encyclopedia. The road to 4G (Team)

WiMAX Encyclopedia. Way to 4G ISBN: 978-5-94836-223-6

Author: Vladimir Mironovich Vishnevsky, Ilya Vladimirovich Shakhnovich, Sergey Lvovich Tailor
Year of issue: 2009
Genre: Information technology, technical literature
Publisher: Technosphere
Russian language
Number of pages: 472
Description: The book was written by renowned experts in the field of wireless technologies. Published with the assistance and sponsorship of the WiMAX Forum. The monograph describes the principles of construction, the logical and physical structure of wireless data transmission networks of the city / regional mass ...


Investing Your Way to Financial Freedom (Andrey Khovratov)

Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Andrey Khovratov
Year of issue: 2012
Genre: Economy, business
Russian language
Number of pages: 41
Description: The author of the book, Andrey Khovratov, shares his experience in the field of investment. And his creation is a practical guide on what actions must be performed daily in order to arrive at the financial freedom that each of us strives for. In his book, the author shows how a person with an income of $ 500 can create an Asset for himself from $ 100 "000 to $ 1" 000 "000 within 3-7 years.


Nationalization of the ruble. The path to freedom of Russia (Starikov Nikolay)

Format: audiobook, AAC, 96 Kbps
Author: Starikov Nikolay
Year of issue: 2012
Genre: Journalism, history, politics
Publisher: Audiobook
Artist: Starikov Nikolay
Duration: 09: 59: 2
Description: The unrestricted issue of unsecured money has been the age-old dream of bankers and moneylenders. it shortest way to world domination. Today it has become a reality. The entire money supply in the world is tied to the dollar, which can be issued indefinitely. As a result of defeat in the Cold War, Russia has been deprived of a significant part of its sovereignty. The Russian ruble no longer belongs to her ...

How to be in this case? Where can you find an experienced mentor, especially for people in a remote province, to set high goals and objectives? This is where this article should come to the rescue. After reading it carefully, you can learn a lot from it, you can significantly increase your results and even get involved in the struggle for high achievements. She can be your pocket trainer, although not everything is certain. But the main condition is that you need to have the basic concepts of building training and sufficient qualifications, approximately at the level of the 1st category.

The main goal of this article is to acquaint athletes with an average level of fitness (starting from the 1st grade, candidates for master of sports and above) with some of the best training plans, teach them how to use them on their own, and be able to independently make adjustments to the training process. Without pretending to be the ultimate truth, I still recommend taking a closer look at these plans. Here everyone - both coaches and athletes - will be able to find a lot of useful things, or even completely take them into service.

Many foreign experts have long been using the methods of the leading Soviet weightlifting coaches. Since the achievements of our Soviet weightlifting are known throughout the world. Our athletes have proved this more than once at the World Championships and the Olympic Games, at international competitions of all levels. This is evidenced by hundreds of world records. Foreign experts have redesigned these training methods for triathlon, using exercises such as bench press and squat in planning the results. They have appropriated these achievements to themselves, apply successfully and have achieved good results. Our athletic magazines constantly publish the "super methods" of their bodybuilders who "made" themselves using the achievements of the Soviet school. But they drive our reader into the idea that all this is due to nutrition, absolutely without "chemistry" and with the help of exercises known to any beginner. They also bring their own menus. But this is just a mockery of the Russian reader. With the current high cost, impoverishment of the general population, the overwhelming number of athletes are simply not able to buy these Wader proteins, amino acids and other products in the required quantities. There are a dozen eggs, a bunch of chicken legs, bananas, washed down with 100% juices, etc. daily. And the statement that they have achieved everything without "chemistry"? Thanks only to nutrition. Nonsense! "Chemistry", correct, serious training methods, "ripped off" from the methods of our Soviet weightlifting coaches, and, of course, nutrition. Although I can say with confidence that for weightlifting and powerlifting, nutrition does not matter as much as in bodybuilding. And at this time we publish photos of pumped-up blacks and "children's" training methods, known since the time of E. Sandov.

At a certain stage of training, each athlete approaches a state where the result no longer grows with normal loads. A simple increase in the number of workouts and the number of approaches does not lead to an increase in the result. How to be in this situation? This is where a scientific approach to solving this problem is needed. Usually, stagnation occurs when the result is slightly more than a candidate for master of sports (CCM).

A master of sports can only be accomplished by changing and rebuilding the workout and, of course, having a little shaman, i.e. using chemistry. But how do you realign your plans? Who should I ask? After all, there are practically no good, competent coaches left now. Perhaps only in the national team. The rest of the experienced, competent coaches, for the most part, left the sport and moved to more lucrative positions. The ones that remain are just instructors who generate income. Their level is beginners.

And at a higher level, they are incompetent. Of course, many thanks to them, as they still promote sports. True, they also spoil a lot, driving false views of athleticism and approaches to it into the heads of beginners. An example of this is a coach I know who graduated from a sports university. For two years, no one progresses with him absolutely, and he, as a fan, continues to slip them articles from the magazines Power and Beauty and the like with regular super methods, although in a couple of years it is time to make sure that these methods are inactive and practically zero even for beginners, but no. He continues to bend his line and with enviable persistence and enthusiasm leads the students away from the truth, confusing them with newfangled overseas methods. And there is no one to tell him: What are you doing? There is no one to stop. Moreover, he so sincerely believes in everything that he does. In the hall he is a king and a god, an indisputable authority among beginners. And for all the time - not a single trained athlete, not even a CCM. So is it worth believing overseas techniques?

How to be in this case? Where to find an experienced mentor, especially for people in a remote province, to set high goals and objectives? This is where this article should come to the rescue. After reading it carefully, you can learn a lot from it, you can significantly increase your results and even get involved in the struggle for high achievements. She can be your pocket trainer, although not everything is certain. But the main condition is that you need to have the basic concepts of building training and sufficient qualifications, approximately at the level of the 1st category.

The main goal of this article is to acquaint athletes with an average level of fitness (starting from the 1st category, candidates for master of sports and above) with some of the best training plans, teach them how to use them on their own, and be able to independently make adjustments to the training process. Without pretending to be the ultimate truth, I still recommend taking a closer look at these plans. Here everyone - both coaches and athletes - will be able to find a lot of useful things, or even completely take them into service.

Many foreign experts have long been using the methods of the leading Soviet weightlifting coaches. Since the achievements of our Soviet weightlifting are known throughout the world. Our athletes have proved this more than once at the World Championships and the Olympic Games, at international competitions of all levels. This is evidenced by hundreds of world records. Foreign experts have redesigned these training methods for triathlon, using exercises such as bench press and squat in planning the results. They have appropriated these achievements to themselves, apply them successfully and have achieved good results.

In our athletic magazines, they constantly publish the super methods of their bodybuilders who made themselves using the achievements of the Soviet school. But they drive our reader into the idea that all this is due to nutrition, absolutely without chemistry and with the help of exercises known to any beginner. They also bring their own menus. But this is just a mockery of the Russian reader. With the current high cost, impoverishment of the general population, the overwhelming number of athletes are simply not able to buy these Wader proteins, amino acids and other products in the required quantities. There are a dozen eggs, a bunch of chicken legs, bananas, washed down with 100% juices, etc. daily.

And the statement that they have achieved everything without chemistry? Thanks only to nutrition. Nonsense! Chemistry, correct, serious training methods ripped from the methods of our Soviet weightlifting coaches, and, of course, nutrition. Although I can safely say that nutrition does not matter as much for weightlifting and powerlifting as it does for bodybuilding. And at this time we publish photos of pumped-up blacks and children's training methods, known since the time of E. Sandov.

In what magazines or books have you seen the training methods of our leading weightlifters? Even in the magazine Power and Beauty, which advertises itself as almost the only source of truth, and considers all other similar publications in Russia to be almost plagiarism and reprints from their magazine. What, in essence, can you find in it? Again, whole sheets of photos. And all the articles are for beginners only. For serious athletes, I believe there is nothing there. There is only fragmentary information that leading athletes train 5-6 times a week. Perhaps that's all.

And where to get information for more experienced athletes of the 1st category and above, who have already outgrown all these publications with general and fragmentary information? But by publishing the plans of leading weightlifters, you can give them much more benefit to qualified athletes. These magazines only promote sports. No more. And for experienced athletes who do not need to campaign for sports, something more serious is required. Since there are few materials on this topic, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the training plans, the powerlifting planning system, compiled and tested by me personally under the guidance of the famous weightlifting coach Nikolai Andreevich Ostashko in the USSR.

For some time, under his leadership, I was engaged in weightlifting for a purely health-improving purpose, without pursuing sports results, because I had to study and work. Despite this, I raised my bench press result to 180 kg with a body weight of 83 kg. Agree, a good result for a layman. And with appropriate pharmacological training, it would be possible to reach 200 kg. By the way, at that time I often ate the first time at 7 in the morning, and the second time at about 20 hours. And I knew nothing about proteins. Most weightlifting masters did the same.

Observing how the leading weightlifters are engaged, as well as at a lower level (in Grozny, both of them were in abundance), I concluded that planning a training based on N.A. Ostashko, available to everyone - from the 1st category to the MSMK. With the appropriate pharmacological support and under the supervision of a good trainer, very high results can be achieved.

These plans have been drawn up for more than one year. Corrections and changes were made to them. Now before you is their last option. Observations were made on the health of the athletes. So here are ready-made recommendations that have been successfully tested over time and have produced amazing results. Of course, it is not worth pretending that these are the most correct and only correct plans. Yes, there is no such task in front of me. There are probably more modern developments used in the team. But they are unlikely to differ significantly from these. They are all built in a similar way.

Differences can only be in the number of workouts, in the number of lifted barbells (KPSh). But this is the business of the national team. And my main goal in this article is for intermediate powerlifters to understand the very principle of planning and learn how to structure their training in a similar way. I hope the invaluable work of N.A. Ostashko and mine, thanks to this article, will help you in achieving mastery. N.A. Ostashko was trained by the well-known Moscow powerlifter Mamin Gennady from Grozny. His result in squats in training with a weight of 95 kg was 360 kg by 2 times. Now judge for yourself.

P.S. Already when this article was written, the repeated Moscow champion Sergey Kolesnikov from the MIIT sports club at the Moscow Cup in bench press on December 20, 1997 set two junior records: 157.5 kg and 160 kg in the category up to 67.5 kg. He has been studying according to my plans for a long time. And for the second season, he has been working on a 12-week bench press plan. And the result doesn't stop growing.


The vast majority of modern athletic magazines have training plans for top bodybuilders. But take a closer look at how they are composed. For example: Squats - 5x10. And with what weight? Obviously, with such, with which you can hardly do 10 repetitions. But how do you determine this weight? The experimental path will take a lot of time and approaches.

I saw a powerlifter who pressed 100 kg every workout and wondered why the press was easier the day before yesterday, but now it's harder and vice versa. I asked him how much will he work with this weight? To which he replied: Until I easily squeeze 10 times. And then I will add 5 kg and strive to bench press 10 times easily. What nonsense! While doing powerlifting, he still trains like a novice bodybuilder for whom any training system is good. And I also wonder why he decided that he needed to squeeze 10 times, and not 8, not 12, or all 20? Indeed, at competitions you need to squeeze out only 1 time, not 10. Therefore, you need to train with a fairly large weight and a small number of repetitions - 1-3 times, maximum 5.

After all, if you look closely at how weightlifters train, you will see that in the approach they do not do more than three repetitions. Sometimes during assistive exercises additionally increase the number of repetitions to 5-6. But only in auxiliary ones. And since the achievements of our weightlifting school are known all over the world; then, in my opinion, you should not question them. And it is better to take a closer look at the plans of weightlifters, or even better - to train for 1-2 years under the weightlifting program. This will best teach you how to plan for the result, build a workout, and also teach you how to do the exercises correctly.

After all, Arnold Schwarzenegger was also involved in weightlifting at the dawn of his career. His idol was the outstanding Soviet weightlifter, writer, deputy Y. Vlasov. In addition, Vlasov easily stings lying down 230-240 kg. So you can combine powerlifting and weightlifting... Or, at the end of weightlifting, go to powerlifting, where the exercises are not so dynamic.

Therefore, those who have decided to train strength - train it. And since she trains in 2-3 explosive reps, then you need to forget about bodybuilding. Technique bodybuilding with weightlifting and powerlifting are incompatible. Chasing two hares is not worth it - it will lead nowhere. You will remain mediocre in all forms. And at the master's level, specialization is required.