Health risk factors in higher achievements. The most pressing problems of sports genetics Genetically determined risk factors in sports

What is analyzed with a molecular genetic study?

The human genome consists of 3 billion nucleotides (letters). As a result of the international project "The human genome", all human sequences were deciphered and about 22 thousand genes were found. Currently, a function of about 20 thousand genes is known. But how is the genetic information of different people?

How do these differences manifest themselves in humans?

determines His appearance, gender, hereditary diseases (such as fiberglass, hemophilia, phenylketonuria and others).

Set of concrete man genes predispose (When applied by appropriate external factors, such as education, nutrition, bad habits, lifestyle) to certain character traits, abilities in various fields of activity, to various diseases, to success in sports, harmful habits, etc.

Thus, analyzing the variations of genes whose functions are known, a person's teaching, predisposition to various diseases can be determined. You can also determine the sport, which is more likely to achieve success, recommend a diet, adjust training process, prevent some diseases.

Currently, about 150 genes are known, which are to one degree or another are related to sports activities. The replacement of just one letter in the gene sequence (this is called SNP-Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) can affect endurance, muscle strength, speed of the athlete's reaction, as well as increase the risk of various diseases, such as cardiovascular, allergies and many others. The study of such SNP and is directed molecularly.

How is the analysis?

Stage 1: Preliminary conversation with a genetic doctor. At first, the doctor genetic collects the patient's personal data, the results of laboratory and functional studies, polls for those transferred and existing diseases, according to the results of the conversation and the survey, determines the necessary spectrum of genes for analysis.

Stage 2: Blood fence or saliva.Usually for analysis take blood from veins. Some can take a buclank epithelium (scraping from the inside of the cheek) or saliva. What material was taken to study the value does not have, since genetic information is identical in each cell of our organism.

Stage 3: DNA analysis on various SNPs. DNA isolated from the resulting material. Next, the dedicated DNA is investigated for the presence of various SNP by the method of polymerase chain reaction. The basis of this method lies a multiple increase in the copies of the studied DNA section with the subsequent use of various techniques for visualizing the SNP version.

Stage 4: Interpretation of the result.Summarizing these questionnaires, the results of genetic, laboratory and functional research, the physician's physician is an athlete, which contains information about the SNP detected and the detailed response about the tendency of the athlete to various types Sports, risks of certain diseases, recommendations on the diet and reception of pharmacological preparations.

Stage 5: Final conversation with a genetic doctor. During the conversation, the results of a molecular genetic study also gives relevant recommendations.

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Genetics in sports


Is there a hereditary predisposition to sports achievements? Sports genetics is responsible for this question - the direction of genetics, which studies the human genome in the aspect of the physical (in particular - sports) activities. For the first time, the term "genetics of physical (or motor) activity" was proposed by Claude Bushhar in 1983. Then he published two reviews in one issue of Exercise and Sport Science Reviews magazine, where he submitted generalizing facts, firstly, about individual differences in response to physical exertion, secondly, the inherencebility of many physical, physiological and biochemical qualities involved in the process of physical activity.

Here are some facts indicating the relevance of the issues in question:

* Scientists working with the UK Olympic team found that some of the athletes have a predisposition to injuries at the genetic level;

* In 50% of cases, children of outstanding athletes have severe sports abilities; If both parents are athletes, then in 70% of cases. The type of inheritance of sports indicators is dominant;

* Employees of the Institute Wingate (Israel) examined 155 professional runners and found that 80% of those who show endurance competitions (such as Steyers and Marathon) best results, have certain variations of the NRF2 gene. Among the sprinters, carriers of such variations are only 46%;

* Numerous studies conducted in recent decadesIn particular, in football, testify to the great influence of the genetic constitution on the formation of an athlete phenotype, as a set of properties of its body formed under the influence of heredity and external environment.

These facts give reason to say that people with a special genotype have more chances to become outstanding athletes. Is it so?

Main part

In the late 80s of the last century, data on genes associated with manifestation and development began within the framework of the Man's Genome physical qualities man. As of 2009, genes of human physical activity markers have already been discovered 239, and progress in the opening of new genes is obvious.

The very first work in Russia to study the hereditary predisposition of athletes to physical Loads were started in 1999 in St. Petersburg Research Institute physical culture, under the guidance of Professor V.A. Rogozkin. Thanks to this, in Russia and beyond its turns, all high-class specialists in the field of physical culture and sports have become well known that the predisposition of a person to fulfillment muscular activity Various focus is genetically programmed. It should be noted that the inconsistency of the level of physical exertion of the genetic predisposition of an athlete may lead to a slowdown in the growth of its sports results and even to deterioration of health.

In February 2001, the two most authoritative scientific journals in the world "Nature" and "Science" published reports of two scientific groups that decipher the human genome. In the magazine "Nature" on February 12, 2001, details are given on the structure of the human genome, obtained by the international consortium under the leadership of Francis Collins, in which scientists of England, Germany, China, USA, France and Japan, in the framework of the International Man Gene's International Program involving public financing. This group has allocated special markers to DNA, easily recognizable areas, and the nucleotide sequences of the human genome determined them.

Due to the fact that it was possible to identify many genes, a new direction is gradually formed, which can be attributed to functional genomicsSince it identifies the links between the activity of individual genes and various functions of a person. Among them, the identification of specific genes with development is occupied. muscular function man.

Thus, during the studies, various forms of the same gene (alleles) were identified, associated with the features of carbohydrate or lipid metabolism and, accordingly, determining the predisposition of the body athlete to aerobic (energy sports) or anaerobic (sports high-speed-power sports character) energy supply mechanisms.

Football classes, for example, develop quality strength, but not so much static, how much, the so-called "explosive" force, which is especially important for the development of high-speed-force abilities. The physical quality of power is quite noticeable dependent on congenital characteristics of man. The development of maximum static strength is 55% determined by heredity and 45% - media influences, i.e. various external influences throughout life, including training effects. The development of explosive force depends on the genetic factor, where inheritability is determined, approximately 68% of this indicator, and only 32% may be subject to change under the influence of directional training and other media influences.

The manifestations of genetic influences depend on age (they are more pronounced in young players) and the capacity of the work (they increase with increasing capacity of the work). Reaching maximum values \u200b\u200bto the 20th age, muscular power It begins to decline at the age of 45 and older, and high-speed and powerful opportunities are worse from 35 years. Morphological indicators are most susceptible to hereditary influence. Especially bright hereditary dependence is manifested in the longitudinal sizes of the body of a football player and significantly less in bulk.

There are also alleles restrictive physical activity a person by reducing or increasing the intensity of the inclusion of genes. The consequence of such a restriction at best is the cessation of the growth of sports results, in worst - the development of pathological conditions, for example, excessive hypertrophy of myocardial myocardium left ventricle.

Communication of success in sports with the carrier of a high number of genes for genes conducive to a certain type sports activitiesIt was assumed for a long time ago, but was confirmed only after the large-scale multi-year study of St. Petersburg scientists from the Laboratory of Sports Genetics SPb of Physical Culture and their colleagues from the Laboratory of Muscular Activities Institute of Medical Biological Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 1423 participated in this study russian athlete Various specialization and qualifications (from disposses to well-deserved masters of sports) and 1132 people of the control group. Sports genetics have studied the connection of the 15 most famous genetic markers with predisposition to exercises of sports aimed at the development of endurance. It has been found that the frequencies of 10 alleles endurance (NFATC4 Gly160, PPARA rs4253778 G, PPARD rs2016520 C, PPARGC1A Gly482, PPARGC1B 203Pro, PPP3R1 promoter 5I, TFAM 12Thr, UCP2 55Val, UCP3 rs1800849 T and VEGFA rs2010963 C) significantly prevail in the group of athletes Training the quality of endurance (styers) compared to the control group. In the future, all subjects were divided into two groups: low (up to 8) and high (from 9 and more) with a total number of stamina alleles. The percentage of high-speed carriers of stamina alleles significantly prevailed from highly qualified styers Compared to the control (85.7% against 37.8%). In addition, in additional experiments, scientists have discovered a positive correlation between the number of stamina alleles and the percentage ratio of slow (resistant to fatigue) muscular fibers In physically active men and aerobic performance in qualified academic colleagues.

Thus, the carriage of 9 or more stamina alleles increases the chances of achieving outstanding results in sports for endurance. The discovery of Russian scientists can significantly increase the efficiency of sports orientation and selection.

How can I use this data?

Employees of the Ural State University of Physical Culture (Uralguofk) are currently working to create a complex of genetic tests, with which a person can identify the deposit on the manifestation of certain physical qualities, such as speed, strength, endurance.

Specialists emphasize that it is not about the detection of genes that determine the level of abilities of athletes. The study of the genome allows you to predict success or failure in one or another area of \u200b\u200ba particular person, but it can not cause discrimination potential champions.

Already on DNA analyzes, experts can recommend parents to give the child to certain types of sports, say, in running on short distances or in heavy Athletics. Trainer, knowing genetic potential The child will purposefully select all the parameters of training. In other words, in our time, sports selection at the genetic level is realna at the birth of a child. Is it possible to put a cross on sports career Athlete, if, according to the results of analyzes, its DNA does not correspond to the choice of sports activities? Of course, everywhere there are exceptions, and there are examples when such athletes became olympic champions. However, this path of becoming a long, and from the athlete will need plenty of effort to achieve Olympus. But there is one but. In sports selection interpose medical aspect. A simple example: an athlete with a genotype D / D on the ACF gene (predisposition to running short distances and to weightlifting) is professionally engaged in running on medium distances or guared sports (to running on average distances and gaured sport The most predisposed athletes with the genotype I / I on the ACF gene). In addition, it will have problems with the development of endurance, his heart, genetically not adapted to endurance loads will be excessively hypertrophy (at athletes with the genotype I / I hypertrophy will be moderate). As modern sports medicine postulates, excessive myocardial hypertrophy is one of the formidable risk factors of heart disease. An example of this, early disability and premature death of some athletes.

However, things are somewhat harder than it seems at first glance. For the apparent simplicity of mathematical calculation of genes stand some actual problems, On some of which we will focus below.

The fact is that today there is still significant complexity in the assessment of the genetic predisposition of the child (adult) to perform a certain type of physical exertion, which is that any physical quality of a person is determined not by one genome, but large number of polymorphic (diverse) genes.

In addition, virtually no sign of our body depends only on genes. In his manifestation, lifestyle contributes their contribution, the environment, age, as well as the action of other genes.

According to the leading researcher at the Institute of General Genetics. N.I. Vavilov RAS, Svetlana Borinskaya, for example, several factors affect the state of the bones. Part of people does not act as a lactase gene, which determines the tolerance for dairy products. Options for this gene affect the structure of the bones. A person who cannot absorb lactose ceases to drink milk or drinks it less often and as a result, no calcium. But in the West it is not a problem, since there people drink additives that prevent the development of osteoporosis, that is, the fragility of bones. The state of the bones depends, among other things, from physical exertion. If lead low-moving image Life, but at the same time eating properly, the bones will not all be durable, since they are designed for permanent loads, but not for overload.

Scientists have proven that human health is only 10-15% dependent on the activities of health institutions, by 15-20% of genetic factors, by 20-25% - the state of the environment and by 50-55% of the conditions and lifestyles.

As the rapid increase in the number of gene markers of physical activity of a person becomes more and more obvious lack of data On the functions of genes and, above all, the functional significance of those polymorphisms that they contain. Research in this area needs to be attracting personnel and in government financing.

To another problem of sports genetics include the fact that it is still impossible to measure genetic tests (or with a high degree of probability) to measure pasta, Will, athlete's character - Qualities that make it successful.

But sports genetics does not stand still. Abroad, coaches together with specialists in sports genetics and medicine have already developed approaches with which you can increase the accuracy of the genetic forecast. taking into account many factors. To date, everyone who is engaged in this problem, note that it is useful to have a complex of markers genes indicating the genetic predisposition of a child (adult) to a certain type of muscle activity. For such children, coach, guided by the results of their genetic analysis and performance, will be easier and faster to develop those motor qualities (speed, strength, endurance), which determine success in the selected sport. At the same time, special attention is paid to compensation for the parties to the physical activity of the child, which have a less beneficial genetic field. Creating optimal conditions for the development of skills and considering as much factors as possible, you can grow a real champion!

In this way, change of landmarks And the correct question of the issue will help to avoid incorrect and unacceptable discrimination against children in genetic predisposition (or its absence) to certain types of sports. Understanding what aspects of the physical development of the child need special attention and compensation, can bring great favor The establishment of a healthy and sports nation than a miser selection for certain genes.


genomics Sports hereditary predisposition

Recently, scientists in the field of sports genetics are increasingly coming to an understanding that the main direction of research should be not so much to study the molecular mechanisms of inheritance of sports deposits, how much is the study of the ability to preserve the health of an athlete in the process of adapting its body to long-term high-intensity physical exertion.

Already now, DNA technology in the field of physical culture and sports allows not only to reveal the hereditary predisposition of an athlete to the development and manifestation of various physical qualities, but also to evaluate genetic risk factors for various pathological conditions and diseases of cardiovascular, muscular, bone, immune and endocrine systems athlete ; Determine the features of metabolism in the body of the athlete of different food products, biologically active additives, disorders of the detoxification processes of drugs and xenobiotics. All this makes it possible to increase the reliability and efficiency of the system of individual specialization and training of highly qualified athletes.

Concrete development training programs Taking into account the individual characteristics of each athlete or a group of athletes with genetic data, will undoubtedly lead to an increase in their sports achievementswill open up ample opportunities for further improvement. In our country, the joint work of the staff of the Laboratory of Sports Genetics NIIOS URALGUFK with the coaches of the city of Chelyabinsk different types Sports is conducted, but, unfortunately, only within the framework of its own initiative. A striking example in the implementation of the results of genetic research in sports for us is still the high achievements of the national teams of China and the United States.


1. Sports genetics. E.B. Sologub, V.A. Taimaz Moscow 2000.

2. Genetic markers of human physical performance. V.A. Rogozkin.

3. Newspaper "RBC_DILY_ONLINE"

4. GENETICS OF FITNESS AND PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE. Bouchard C., Malina R.M., Perusse L. 1997. 408 pp.

5. Colds J.K., Kuznetsov V.S. Theory and Methodology physical education and sports.

6. Interview with Dmitry Dyatlov, D. B.n., Professor, Vice-Rector for Nir Ural State University of Physical Culture

7. Rogozkin V.A., Nazarov I.B., Kazakov V.I. Genetic markers of human physical performance // Theor. And the strap. Phys. Cult., 2000, №12, p. 34-36.

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Professional sports in our country gradually passes to commercial rails. Perhaps, in the near future, sports clubs, becoming full-fledged market economy entities, will pay attention to the mechanisms of capital involvement that the stock market offers. However, for successful placement on the primary capital market, this issuers need to be able to identify and evaluate the risks inherent in their activities, as well as to manage them correctly. Present article considers the specific risks faced by professional sports, and also proposed measures to manage them. In addition, the insurance component of this kind of activity was considered and analyzed and analyzed with the definition of a set of insurance tariffs for a particular insured event and a sports club. The article will be interested in students, graduate students and all interested in management and financing of sports activities.

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Domestic sport is currently in the process of transition to market relations. The increasing tendency of commercialization and professionalization, on the one hand, as well as a budget deficit - on the other, indicate that sport should independently make a profit from the resources available at its disposal and learn how to use the existing market mechanisms for attracting capital. This step will allow you to do professional sport independent of factors and risks associated with budget financing schemes distributed in Russia. Weeping new sources of funding for their activities, our sports clubs in the near future can pay attention to the possibilities of the stock market to mobilize temporarily free funds, which will lead to the emergence of a tool in the Russian market with specific investment characteristics. This follows from the features of sports activities, because professional sport is highly risky business. However, it is worth understanding that russian clubs Can be interested in professional investors only after they learn to competently manage risks inherent in their activities.

Along with common risks, sports activities are characteristic of both specially cyphic risks that are proposed to divide into three groups (Table 1).

The financial result of the professional club is influenced directly or indirectly sports achievements of the team, but the outcome of a separate match or the entire tournament depends on many factors that can only be limited to the Club management. The same risk does not exist in itself, often causing a chain reaction, which ultimately can lead to the bankruptcy of the club as a whole.

Table 1

Specific risks of professional sports

Risk factor


Risk Management Events

Risks associated with the identity of the player, coach, judges

Changing the physical and psychological state of the player

Lack of skill player

reducing the market value of the athlete;

falling the results of the team

tightening punishment for gross violations of rules

player insurance;

by chamber sports doctor for the team;

acquisition of athletes capable of playing several positions on the field;

development of a protective inventory;

rotation of the starting team of the team;

payment by sports federations of compensation clubs in the event of players by players in the match for the national team;

improving the quality of coatings in the competition places;

transfer athlete on lease terms;

payment of part of the transfer value of the player in the form of bonuses for a successful speech in the season

Nonprofhesionalism coaching composition; adverse effect of human qualities

unsuccessful speech team in the season

reflection in the contract the possibility of early termination of the contract with the head coach without paying a penalty;

preliminary negotiations with potential candidates for the post coach;

improving trainer training

Possible judicial errors deliberate and unintentional nature

disadvantage of sporty results

introduction into the judicial practice of video prototors and electronic systems for determining the taking of the gate;

tightening punishment for biased judging

Value risks

Reducing the popularity of sports events

falling income from all sources

increasing the entertainment of sports events;

providing discounts, benefits, conducting special promotion programs

Illuminated requirements of agents under the contract

financial Instability / Bankruptcy Sport Club

introduction of limiting measures (salaries ceiling, luxury tax, rules of a financial "honest game");

creating a club schooling school;

conclusion of long-term contracts

Changing / Loss Reputation

loss of revenues from the sale of matches broadcast rights

unity of spectacular and related events;

the imposition of penalties on athletes for behavior that damage the club's brand;

formation of a non-trap pool;

creating a league of the broadcast channel in the DTH system

Regulatory risks

Changing the Terms of Use of the Home Stadium

reducing attendance, lack of visual support in matches

construction of a developed club infrastructure

Changes in legislation and rules governing activities

imposing penalties;

exception from the tournament

implementation of measures to provide clubs opportunities to rebuild their activities

The risk associated with the change in the physical and psychological state of the player. Since most sports are contact and demand from the athlete of work at the maximum level of opportunities, clubs may lose the player due to serious injury, death or disciplinary punishments, including those related to the use of doping. The situation is the harder, if the retired player is the captain of the team, its formal or informal leader both on the playground and beyond. In addition to sports difficulties, this can lead to a sharp decrease in the market value of the athlete and will affect the substantial reduction in the assets of the club.

No less important risk in professional sports is the low level of skill of the player. The situation with young athletes is especially complex, to assess the level of skill of which it seems possible only by video recordings made by agents working in the market of young football players. Another important risk factor is the player's adaptation to the new club, team, coaching. This is due to the fact that representatives of various countries and the most different styles Games, there is a certain atmosphere inside the collective, there are leaders appear. There is a risk that an expensive footballer will not be able to adapt in a new team, to a new game style for himself and another mentality of the country. To buy new players, large clubs spend several tens of millions of euros, which is up to 20% of their annual income. There are no such risks in any business. Even the venture funds for one project do not have such a large proportion from the total investment portfolio, like football clubs for the purchase of athletes.

The following type of specific risk in professional sports is the non-professionalism of the coaching composition, the adverse effect of human qualities. Most coach failures happen not because of the incorrectly chosen tactical scheme or incorrectly a certain composition, and due to the fact that the coach did not have sufficient psychological work with the players, did not create the atmosphere of the "team", unity and cohesion in the team.

Risk associated with possible judicial errors. The modern dynamics of the sports match, a significant amount of technical tactical actions of players, constantly changing the situation, the active movement of participating persons (including the arbitrator and his assistants) often lead to difficult moments, the decision on which the judge cannot or is difficult to accept, and sometimes makes a mistaken effect . The serious mistake of the judge can significantly affect the total of the game and the entire tournament.

Risk associated with reducing the popularity of sports events. Most of the club's income is directly or indirectly associated with the popularity of sports in general and teams in particular. The fall in popularity due to the lack of interest in national and European competitions, as well as competition from other sports capable of rendering a negative impact on the club's income. In the early years, the trend of the sharp division of sports teams in almost all sports on rich and poor was noted in Europe. Millionaire teams create better conditions For their athletes, they conclude multi-million-dollar contracts with them, buy the most gifted young players. Thus, in many championships, there is practically no sports intrigue because of the explicit leader and deliberate outsiders, and the result of a separate match or in general the championship as a whole can be foreseen in advance with a lot of probability. The commercial success of each team largely depends on the success of other teams included in the league. The relationship of the commercial success of clubs constituting the league, and the importance of balanced teams - the fundamental features that distinguish professional sports from ordinary business.

Risks associated with the overwhelmed requirements of the contract agents. Together with an increase in the commercialization and professionalization of sports, as well as the growth of the club's income, the salaries of athletes are growing, and in the last 30 years, the average revenue of the Footballer Apple increased in about 1543 (from £ 220 to £ 33868 per week), which is not in any other industry Economy. At least, labor costs are on average 64% of all expenses of European football clubs.

Risk of loss of income from sponsorship and promotional contracts. Leading European football clubs Get more than 20mlnero per year from sponsorship and advertising. Contracts are subscribed for a certain period of time, and there is a risk that, due to a number of reasons, they can be revised, and they are terminated early or not resumed by their expiration. In many contracts, most of the income depends on the sports advances in the club, which, naturally, cannot be accurately predicted. There are cases when widespread lighting in the media of the personal life of sports stars led to unexpected reputational risks. Wavustralia Incidents with the participation of players of various teams caused by their inappropriate behavior caused damage to the club's brand and a summary of sports, which led to the decision of the sponsors to terminate or refuse to extend sponsorship contracts.

The risk of loss of income from the sale of rights to the television radio broadcasting of matches. Credit with a possible change in the economic, competitive, political environment, as well as a common media activity strategy, along with auditorial interest, as well as sport results (Neboda team in international competitions Or departure in the early stages of the tournament conducted by the cup system) and many other factors, revenues from this source may decrease. The decline in the advertising industry has accelerated the transition to wider use of paid subscriber television. The increase in the number of broadcasts on paid television contributes to the development of competition and increasing the cost of broadcast rights sports CompetitionSince the increase in the profits of broadcasters working on subscriber contracts allows them to acquire more new rights to broadcast sports competitions and receive competitive advantages Before traditional free broadcasting networks. Today in France, 97% of sports gears go on paid channels and only 3% - on free.

Risks associated with the terms of use of a home stadium. Competitions with team participation visits a large number of viewers throughout the season. A results of the club are at risk of occurrence of various incidents on the territory of the stadium: a manifestation of racism, hooliganism or a terrorist act. The assumption of such incidents may have a serious impact on the financial and economic activities of the club: a decrease in the attendance of matches, the use of disciplinary activities in the form of matches without viewers or on a neutral field, as well as penalties and other sanctions, including the award of the technical defeat team. An additional risk for clubs is that only 19% of European clubs are directly owned by their stadiums, the rest uses the arena for home matches on lease or rent from the state or private organizations.

Risks associated with changes in legislation and rules governing clubs. In 2010, new "UEFA Licensing UEFA Rules" have been developed, which appeared in connection with the implementation of the Financial Fair Play rules in May 2010, which are designed to limit the growth expenses of the Club. These rules regulate the rights, duties and responsibilities of organizations involved in tournaments under the auspices of UEFA. Every year, clubs that have passed to these sports indicators tournaments are not able to participate in them due to the fact that they received a refusal to obtain a license. After missing the opportunity to participate in tournaments, clubs lose tremendous sources of income.

The probability of the occurrence of the consequences described in the formulations of risks inherent in the activities of sports clubs, as well as a potential threat, which is a measure of seriousness negative consequences, loss level or assessment of potential risk-related capabilities can vary significantly depending on the country, the sport and the status of the club (small, medium, large). It is determined that not all dedicated specific risks are insurance risks.

Insurance risk are inherent general characteristics Risk categories and specific elements caused by insurance protection mechanism. The fundamental criterion will be a clear definition of insurance risk in the sports risk insurance contract.

To date, the insurance is subject to personal and property risks, namely:

1) In the framework of personal insurance, the insurance facility is the property interests associated with the life and health of the athlete (death, temporary and constant disability due to an accident or injury, illness);

2) As part of the property insurance, the object is the property interests associated with the possession, use and disposal of movement and real estate (damage or loss), the risk of incomplete income, the emergence of unforeseen expenses, as well as the causes of damage to life and health, the property of third parties.

The most popular view of the country is insurance against accidents and diseases, as well as the use of compulsory medical insurance on trips to Russia or the insurance of traveling abroad, if it is requested when a visa is received when entering another country. Consider more in more detail the organization of accidents from accidents and diseases (Table 2).

table 2

Insurance organizations for athletes

Insurance is carried out according to one of the following colivers: Insurance coverage during training and competitions or round-the-clock insurance coverage, including training and competition. As can be seen from the table, the insured event is injury, disability or death as a result of an accident.

Insurance amount of the choice of the insured (insured person) ranges from 30000.00 to 1500,000.00 rubles. The insurance rate ranges from 0.2 to 8% depending on the selected sum insured and depends on the sport, insurance period, as well as the number of insured persons.

For comparison, consider proposals for the insurance of a large British insurance organization. In addition to the above risks, the organization offers policyholders following insurance programs: civil liability insurance sports Federation - The coating includes risks of causing harm, health, the property of third parties, mistakes and omissions of directors and officials of the national and international level; Insurance of unforeseen medical expenses covers the costs that will incur regulatory authorities or organizers of events on behalf of athletes, if there are not enough limits stipulated by the insurance of traveling abroad; Property insurance covers "all risks" associated with special equipment, such as voice or recording systems; Stadium insurance provides for coverage of all property risks and risks of incomplete income from the use of stadiums, offices, training polygons, etc.; Insurance of directors and employees protects individual directors and officials of clubs from recovery of losses within civil proceedings and court costs; Insurance in case of cancellation of the event protects the organizers and copyright holders from financial losses related to their abolition, delay, reduction, refusal, movement; The organization's liability insurance involves the risk of civil liability for organizers of sports events; Insurance of contract bonuses implies a monetary prize or an incentive award for sports team or athlete after achieving a certain result; Insurance against abduction and / or redemption protects against the risk of abduction in order to redeem, extortion, unlawful retention of the face and robbery; Insurance against interruption of broadcasting is provided for the protection of broadcasters, copyright holders or organizers, whose contracts include their responsibility for the loss of profit due to the failure of television broadcasting; The civil liability insurance of broadcasters is covered responsible for financial losses caused by erroneous actions or inaction in connection with the broadcast of a major sporting event, such as the Olympic Games.

The list of risks that can be accepted for insurance is much wider than those that offer domestic insurers. It is also of particular interest that causes such a kind as insurance of contract bonuses, as their value can reach up to several million, if we talk about paying the entire team. This speaks primarily about the broad insurance capacity of foreign insurers and their capabilities for evaluating such specific risks. Indeed, insurance amounts vary from £ 10,000 to £ 5,000,000, but not limited to these figures and at the request of the insured can be increased.

Currently, the need for sports insurance in the Russian market is confirmed by insufficient guidelines Insurance organizations complex programs Insurance of sports risks that meet the requests of potential policyholders, the lack of methods for an objective assessment of the insurance value of sports activities.

Thus, a classification of risks inherent to commercial sports, which includes two types of them are: general (financial risk, counterparty default risk and other) and specific risks can be divided into three groups: risks associated with the player's personality, coach, judges, Cost and regulatory risks. Specific risks determine the sporting performance of the club's activities and, as a result, the size of its income and the effectiveness of investing in professional sport.

An important direction in risk management is the implementation of professional clubs Strategies based on a diversified business model, when an association is associated with the composition of the commercial sports of spectacular (sports) events and related goods and services. Due to this clubs, more stable income generates, which is associated with the implementation of activities, which is less susceptible to the influence of risks inherent in sports practice. Improving the efficiency of activity occurs as a result of the merger of individual parts into a single system and takes place due to business under the brand of the popular sports club.

Bibliographic reference

Titov V.A., Vainberg R.R., Litvishko O.V., Mikov, Yu.Yu. The risks of professional sports clubs and the mechanism of their insurance // Fundamental studies. - 2016. - № 5-3. - pp. 650-655;
URL:\u003d40358 (date of handling: 06/15/2019). We bring to your attention the magazines publishing in the publishing house "Academy of Natural Science"

Risk and Health Factors

Factors - any influence, impact or condition, the diversity of which, one way or another, can be reflected in the diversity of the resulting feature (Blokhinsky N.A., 1970). Among the risk factors it is important to allocate those that primarily determine the occurrence of the disease. For a number of the most common chronic, non-epidemic diseases (cardiovascular, diseases, endocrine, some malignant tumors and other diseases), uniform or similar risk factors are installed, which allows us to build a single strategy for their prevention and treatment. In almost all groups of risk factors, two aspects of consideration can be distinguished: 1. Public, when risk reduction can be facilitated by public events, 2. behavioral when the risk reduction depends on each person separately, its behavior.

The grouping of risk factors was proposed by Yu.P. Lisitsyn.

1 Factor Group - External Wednesday, Natural and Climatic Conditions.

These include: air pollution and water with carcinogens, other air and water pollution, soil contamination. Sharp change of atmospheric phenomena, elevated heliocosmic, magnetic and other radiation.

In fact, there are no diseases that directly or indirectly would not be associated with the effects of the external environment. The results of the research, showed that changes in weather conditions and, above all, atmospheric pressure changes have a significant impact on the frequency of exacerbations during a number of diseases. The strongest dependence was found in diseases of the respiratory organs, and the determining factors in this case are the low humidity and temperature instability, especially in spring.

Many diseases have pronounced geographical distribution. For example, malignant neoplasms of the skin, stomach, lungs and bronchi, blood and hematopoietic system, many infectious and parasitic diseases, collagenoses, etc.

From the composition of trace elements in soil and water, the emergence and course of a number of diseases depend. For example, there is evidence that artificial fluoridation of water can contribute to an increase in the frequency of malignant neoplasms, and excess sodium in drinking water - the development of hypertensive disease, etc.

Anthropogenic (man-made) Natural environment and primarily contamination of atmospheric air and drinking water presents a serious danger to public health. A particularly significant effect of air pollution has a change in the health of children and adolescents, pregnant women, elderly people and individuals suffering from chronic diseases. In children living in polluted areas, both overall incidence and indicators for individual nosological forms. Serious health hazards are carcinogens contained in the atmospheric air.

The influence of substances polluting drinking water on the health of the population is more difficult and can lead to defeats of various organism systems. For example, when using water with high concentration of cadmium, renal-stone disease may develop, some liver diseases, anemia, malignant renal neoplasms, gastrointestinal tract, liver and other diseases.

Soil contamination is a danger to public health in three different aspects: 1) with direct contact, which is primarily manifested in microbial and helminthic soil contamination, 2) when soil contaminants hit, including radioactive waste, in groundwater and reservoirs used For water supply of the population, 3) when accumulated in plants directly used in food, or indirectly through food.

2 Factor Group - Social Factors.

These include: smoking, unbalanced nutrition, alcohol abuse, harmful working conditions, stress (distress), adamiya, hypodynamia. Poor material and domestic conditions, drug abuse, drug use. Family fragility, loneliness. Excessively high level of urbanization.

Mental stress They are considered the most versatile factors and are often the causes of various and, above all, neuropsychiatric diseases. Currently, the number of neuroses, neurosis-like states, mental disorders, etc. has sharply increased.

Not balanced food It is reflected in the first place for children, youth and pregnant women: there is a somatic development, immunity decreases, the frequency of various diseases increases, the mortality rate is increasing, including among children up to 1 year.

Hydodina - It is a risk factor for the development of various diseases of the joints, ligaments, spine, etc.

3 Group of Factors - Genetic Risk Factors.

Essentially, all diseases can be divided into four groups:

1) hereditary (congenital) - chromosomal and gene hereditary diseases (Dauna disease, hemophilia, phenylketonuria);

2) hereditary, but arising under the influence of external factors - gout, some forms of diabetes, a number of mental disorders, they require the effects of adverse factors - overeating, overwork, cooling, stress, etc.;

3) with hereditary predisposition - usually referred atherosclerosis, hypertensive disease, coronary heart disease, tuberculosis, bias, ulcerative disease, asthma, etc. Diseases, the etiological factors of which are the impact of the risk factors of the external environment, but the development, occurrence, the severity of these diseases in significant degree depends on hereditary predisposition;

Many diseases have a hereditary nature or predisposition. Currently, about 3,000 hereditary diseases and genetically deterministic syndromes are known. Moreover, they relate to metabolism, endocrine system, blood, nervous system, neuromuscular system, musculoskeletal system, heart and vessels, respiratory system, etc.

4 Factor Group - Healthcare

Here to risk factors include: the ineffectiveness of preventive measures, poor quality of medical care, the incommodation of medical care.

It is believed that reducing morbidity and mortality, improving the health of the population is significantly greater degree depend on the lifestyle than from specific medical functions - treatment, medical prevention, medical rehabilitation.

The risk factors are significantly larger and actually applied, which significantly increases their unfavorable health effect. There are calculations of the combined effects of risk factors. For example, the effect of smoking increases the risk of mortality from coronary heart disease by about 3-3.5 times, the same impact on violations of lipid metabolism and arterial hypertension. The combined effect of these factors gives the risk of mortality from IHD 10 times more in comparison with the mortality from the IBS of persons who do not have these risk factors.

Prevention. Types of prevention.

Medical (preventive) activityit is one of the most important criteria for a healthy lifestyle, this is the degree of medical knowledge in the daily life of a person. This is a comprehensive indicator, when evaluating which the presence or absence of harmful habits are taken into account, early appeal to a doctor with a prophylactic goal, the implementation of medical recommendations.

Prevention- part of medicine that includes medical, sanitary and technical, hygienic and socio-economic events. The most important part of all preventive measures is the formation of the population of medical and social activity and installations on healthy image Life.

Select individual and public prevention, and depending on the state of health, the presence of risk factors of the disease or pronounced pathology consider 3 types of prevention.

1. Pressure prevention- This is a system of measures to prevent the occurrence of risk factors and a decrease in their impact (vaccination, rational regime, rational and high-quality nutrition, physical activity, etc.).

The primary prevention includes socio-economic events of the state on the improvement of the lifestyle, the environment, etc.

2. Secondary prophylaxis- This is a set of measures to eliminate pronounced risk factors, which under certain conditions (reduction of immune status, overvoltage, etc.) can lead to the emergence, exacerbation or recurrence of the disease.

The most effective method of secondary prevention is a clinicalization as an integrated method of early detection of disease, dynamic observation, aimed at treatment, rational sequential recovery.

3. "Tertiary Prevention"- includes a set of measures for the rehabilitation of patients who have lost the possibility of full-fledged life.

Tertiary prevention goals:

1) Social rehabilitation - the formation of confidence in its own social suitability;

2) labor rehabilitation - the ability to restore labor skills;

3) psychological rehabilitation - restoration of the behavioral activity of the personality;

4) Medical rehabilitation - restoration of organs and systems.

Lifestyle and Health

Lifestyle- This is the activity or activity of people who react in a certain way to living conditions. It indicates how people relate to the living conditions, as related to them and use them.

The lifestyle is classified by 3 criteria:

1. According to the nature of activity: physical, intellectual;

2. On the sphere of activity: labor, unearned;

3. Output activity: production, social, cultural, educational, activities in everyday life, medical and other types of activity.

Comprehensive socio-hygienic studies have established a connection between social conditions and public health indicators.

For example, the frequency of diseases of the pneumonia of children in incomplete families is 4 times higher than in full. Tense relations in the family, unfavorable psycho-emotional climate contribute to the emergence and more severe course of some diseases in children and adolescents: in such families 2.3 times more children with ulcerative stomach disease and 1.7 times - with gastroduodenites.

The violation of the regime contributes to the emergence and negatively affects the course of various diseases, contributes to the development of defects and the lag of physical and intellectual development in children, adversely affects other health indicators.

Healthy lifestyle - These are the most typical activities, for specific socio-economic, political, environmental and other conditions aimed at preserving, improving and promoting health. In such an understanding healthy lifestyle Includes:

1) lifestyle shape,

2) conditions contributing to the implementation and development of other forms and manifestations of lifestyle aimed at protecting and improving public health.

Two directions of formation of a healthy lifestyle are defined:

1. Creation, development, activation of positive conditions for health conditions, factors, circumstances, i.e. Public health capacity building (Health Promotion).

2. Overcoming, reducing risk factors.

The key to them can be considered medical activity (the concept is proposed by Yu.P. Lisitsyn).

Scheme Formation of a healthy lifestyle:

1. Creation and development of health factors: labor activity, physical and mental comfort, environmental activity, high physical activity, balanced nutrition; Arrival of life I. family relationships; high medical activity, etc.;

2. Overcoming risk factors: low labor activity, discomfort, mental tensions, low social activity, pollution of the external environment, low environmental activity; hypodynamines; unbalanced nutrition; consumption of alcohol, smoking, low medical activity, etc ..

Both of these aspects are mutually connected, the case is limited only to the struggle with risk factors. The problem is concrete programs for the formation of a healthy lifestyle and their implementation, including through the so-called "health programs".

The formation of a healthy lifestyle should be the main focus of social policy in the field of health, including prevention, especially primary. In this direction, federal comprehensive health promotion programs, republican, territorial programs should be based in this direction. They should include hygienic education measures, the fight against risk factors, the activation of physical culture, health programs.

The preventive direction of healthcare should be the basis in all health programs. They should provide joint actions of the local administration, health care institutions, educational institutions, culture, etc. The implementation of primary prevention measures should be the responsibility of the entire network of medical and preventive institutions, especially primary health care services.

Propaganda of a healthy lifestyle should be emphasized not so much on sanitary enlightenment, but in teaching the perception of hygienic skills, rules and behaviors and actively implementing them.

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Risk factors in sports medicine

To enhance the recreational point of sports, and thus its effectiveness, you need an active position of doctors, coaches and organizers of sports, i.e. Not so much the statement of facts about the frequency and nature of the diseases in athletes (especially since such data is reflected in numerous works and publications).

The direction of sports recovery is now one of the main activities of the World Health Organization, is widely used in different sectors of domestic medicine.

In sports medicine, it was started back in the 1950s. Sp. Letown, who first launched mistakes in the mode and methods of sports training, leading to the health violations of athletes.

However, in the future it did not find, unfortunately, the proper continuation. This issue has recently been devoted to only individual research. So, V.A. Gueselevich divides risk factors in sports for genetic, environmental, vocational and sports and domestic, F.A. Jordanian - on specific (due to the features of motor activity, locomotions and training), universal (independent of sport) and environmental.

After analyzing the diseases of the athletes observed by us, the time of their occurrence, communication with sports, duration, training characteristics, performance, conditions and lifestyle, we have distributed all the diseases identified in athletes into 3 groups: 1) who are not causal communication with competitions and training, 2) having such communication, 3) an intermediate group where sport could play a provoking role in the presence of certain (often hidden) diseases and congenital defects.

Analysis of the 2nd and 3rd groups showed that these athletes always observe a non-compliance with the loads of the body's capabilities - overwork, overvoltage, overtraining, accompanied by a decrease in immunity and resistance (which may determine painful changes and injuries), and specific factors for certain sports . On this basis, we tried to group and concretize the main risk factors as follows.

1. Templens of the selection and tolerance system:

Admission to training in the teams of highly qualified persons with violations in a state of health. Especially dangerous foci of chronic infection (mainly in the oral cavity, nasopharynk, appointments of nose, liver and biliary tract, gynecological sphere), as well as transferred rheumatism, inflammatory diseases of the heart, liver and kidneys, congenital defects and heart defects;

Lack of accounting of heredity, family diseases, early deaths in the family;

Training and competitions in the painful condition (acute diseases or exacerbations of chronic) or in case of insufficient restoration after them, which is accompanied by allergization of the body, decreased immunity, excessive voltage of functions with loads, a tendency to relapses, complications, overvoltage, falling efficiency;

Non-compliance of morphofunctional and psychological features elected sport, which increases the "price" of the load and sports result for the body, causing excessive tension of adaptation mechanisms;

inconsistency of age.

2. Violation of the regime and training technique:

Irregular, non-medical training;

Forced training, which is especially dangerous for young athletes who have not yet achieved due to the development of adaptation mechanisms, and in the period of puberty;

Monotonous, highly specialized training, without switching, variation of the conditions and means of preparation, especially in the early stages of sports specialization, and for qualified athletes - after reaching sports form;

Incorrect combination of loads and recreation, lack of conditions and means of recovery, long-term training amid intact;

Invoking age, gender, individual physical and psychological characteristics of an athlete;

Training and competition in painful condition;

Psychological incompatibility with the coach and participants;

Lack of psychological unloading;

Improper use of pharmacological and other potent means of restoring and improving sports efficiency;

Using doping;

Frequent and massive weight lifting;

Insufficient preliminary adaptation to training and competitions in unusual environments;

The inclusion in the program of competitions of new sports without sufficient preliminary study of their influence on the body (especially for women).

3. Violation of the requirements of hygiene and a healthy lifestyle:

Unsatisfactory state of seats, inventory, shoes and clothing training;

Adverse weather conditions and environmental conditions;

Speeches in competitions in unusual conditions (air temperature, height above sea level, large differences in temporary belts, etc.);

Lack of vitaminization;

Consumption of alcohol, nicotine, narcotic drugs;

Unbalanced, late, not complying with the requirements of the sport and phase of preparation nutrition, low quality products and cooking;

Shortcomings in organizing classes and discipline;

Unfavorable household conditions. Incorrect combination of training with study or work;

Frequent stressful situations in sports, at work (studies), in everyday life and family;

Lack of general and sanitary culture.

4. The shortcomings of medical and pedagogical control, therapeutic and preventive work:

Irregular and poor-quality dispensarization;

Lack of regular medical and medical and pedagogical observations;

Insufficient effectiveness of control methods, their inconsistency of sports;

The inability of an athlete to lead self-control, insufficiency of medical and biological knowledge, inability to estimate its condition and changes under the influence of various factors;

Untimely and poor-quality treatment, lack of hardening and means of increasing the specific and non-specific stability of the body;

Insufficient and incorrect (excluding medical indicators) Sanatorium-resort treatment or its absence;

Lack of a reasonable prevention system;

Bad contact in the work of the doctor and coach, the lack of proper medical and biological knowledge of the coach, its inability to use the data of medical control, insufficient participation of a doctor in planning and correction of the training process.

5. Specific factors of individual sports:

Insufficient accounting of the peculiarities of their impact on the body;

Lack of special prevention and protective devices;