Education of healthy children. Relationships and family life

Closer to 1 year the child changes to others. The child gradually begins to understand that it can have an impact on them, and actively uses it. During the game, Kroch often begins to fool. He suddenly stretches his mother's cookies. And as soon as she is going to bite off a piece, the baby wanders his hand and laughs. The child begins to imitate adults, which indicates his ability to analyze their behavior.

Attentive observation of the one-year one gives a reason to think that his behavior is peculiar and the game of imagination, which is mainly the imitation feature: if today is a mother, wearing a lullaby, shakes a doll, the child next night will do the same. Although the baby is able to pronounce a few words, he became much better to understand their meaning. In the speech stream, the child learned to distinguish between individual words and suggestions.

It's time to do with your favorite reading. Try to choose a book for your child with sturdy smooth pages, bright patterns and interesting content. Initially, the child will play with a book, like with any other toy, pull the pages, tweak in different directions, knock on the floor. Only after a careful and similar inspection of the book, the child will be able to focus on its content.

When choosing a toy books that form a transition zone from the world of toys to the world of books, give preference to publications with game elements, beautiful pictures, competent and understandable crumbling text. Try to read the baby, sowing with him next to the floor, so that he can simultaneously watch you in the face and see the book. If you put a baby on your knees, he may not like that he does not see your face.

We understand your child

Your son or daughter is more and more interested in the names of items. Once with the baby in the store, show him some products and tell me how they are called (for example, milk, bananas, bread, cookies). An important feature of this month is that your karapuz is increasingly beginning to distinguish between the surrounding words in the speech, denoting actions. When you sing, the child is trying gestures to portray what is said in the song.

The kid is becoming more and more sociable. He willingly get acquainted with new people. And although mom and dad does not face competition, a child with special enthusiasm welcomes familiar adults. Most often, the karapuz expresses its good attitude towards them by stretching them toys. Now, showing in communicating with others, increasingly active, the child constantly strives to be in the center of events. When a family with friends is going at the table, he must be immediately right.

By the end of 1 year of life, the child often has problems with sleep that can disappear, and then appear again. When at night, parents are ready to fall asleep, the crumb suddenly begins to demand something again, and the sleep of adults is interrupted. If your child wakes up at night, and you, by changing his clothes or giving a drink, you can't calm him all right, take the baby to my bed. However, it is not necessary to turn it into a habit. You can find another way out of the position - stay next to the child's bed and try to point it, gently stroking and humble a lullaby.

Motor Skills of the Child in 1 year

And although your baby has just learned to walk, moving, he is able to perform other actions. He will be able to go and push, go and pull, go and carry toys, etc. If there is a senior brother or sister nearby, the child willingly, imitating them, will be engaged in gymnastics. It will lean. Wills heads to the floor, and from this provision will consider others with interest, waiting for their approval.

Karapuz learned how to throw items and now trains with each convenient case. Sometimes he does it just for the sake of pleasure, and sometimes he wants to know where the ball ride. Personal, Godova will carefully observe how the ball bounces off the wall or how rolls through the door to the bedroom and rolled under the bed.

Often, we, parents seem to be a newborn karapuz for a long time will remain a crumb. But behind the first smile, the first tooth, the first step, the first word. He understands our words, performs tasks, emanitically shows emotions. And I am surprised to celebrate - 1 year on the outcome and is nearing the first birthday of the baby. We are proud of his achievements, and some moments are concerned. So what is he, the future birthday boy? What can Kroch and what will have to learn?

The activity of the child in 12 months does not know the limit: he climbs the sofa in the room, then the saucepan takes out the saucepan, and in a minute there is a daddy shoes in the hallway. Freedom of movement gives the power to the baby to new "feats". The development of the child 1 year includes a set of certain skills and skills in various directions.

By 1, the growth of the baby from birth became more than 20-25 cm and by the year, it averages about 75 cm, the weight is about 10-10.5 kg. Among physical achievements, it is worth noting the following:

  • confidently sits out of the position lying;
  • uses crawling to get to the right place and object faster;
  • knows how to get up on his own legs and confidently keeps his legs without any help;
  • self walks, but often asks an adult to give a hand, thus feeling confident;
  • free sits in a children's highchair;
  • knows how to climb the stairs, holding hands for handrails;
  • squys for a fallen toy and rises back;
  • caught to descend and climb on the sofa, chair, in the crib.

By 12 months, the baby usually appears 12 teeth. However, this is not a norm, but just a guideline. Some children have 2 tooth for 3 months, while others only a year. The main thing is to make the child's nutrition balanced and containing a sufficient amount of calcium and phosphorus required in the process of forming healthy teeth.

Usual actions

An important value for the baby for 1 year still has a day mode. It is necessary to know the child: in the morning it is necessary to wash, after a walk, wash your hands, the toys are cleaned on the shelves, and mom will definitely sleep on the night of a song. So form good habits.

By the year, the baby usually sleeps about three hours at the day and at least 10 o'clock at night.

To be constantly at home, the baby is now boring, so he is going to walk with great pleasure. It is advisable to be in the fresh air longer, even in the fall and winter. Temperature up to -15 ° C is not a hindrance to a small walk near the house. And the rain is very interesting: puddles, drops, rubber boots and an umbrella. Take the baby, respectively weather conditions And walk in pleasure.

Bathing to the child seems to an interesting game with your own rules and toys. It is now not afraid of water and peeling and splashes, glares water from different tanks with pleasure. True, the washing of the head is still able to cause negative emotions.

In a year, the child is not so helpless and mastered the elementary household skills:

  • eats a spoon (as well as hands, thanks to which it develops small motor), of course, not quite carefully, but it is proud of its own self-acting and actions, "like an adult";
  • able to drink from a cup, bottles, unpolivatives;
  • washes the handles under the control of an adult;
  • trying to wear simple things: socks, hats;
  • enjoy the pot, but not always asking, but wet pants cause discontent and hurries to report on the problem of mom.


Nutritional issues are especially important at the beginning of the second year of the child's life, because by the year, many mothers decide to stop breastfeeding. Does this - the question is controversial and ambiguous. The answer is for each mom you need to give yourself. When breastfeeding still gives her pleasure and her and child, then why not continue GW to overall joy. But in the case of a number of indications or life circumstances (for example, Mom goes to work) the impossibility and unwillingness of women feed the baby after a year - exclusively its decision. The main thing is to provide a normal full-fledged nutrition of the crumbs.

At 12 months in the diet, the child includes:

  • dairy products: kefir, low-fat sour cream and cottage cheese, milk porridge;
  • multiple vegetables and fruits - and in the fresh form, and in the form of a puree and juice;
  • non-fat meat;
  • a fish;
  • eggs;
  • cookies, bread.

Do not give a child candy, sausage, smoked and pickles in such early ageBelieve me, such a food will not add health to your baby. It is better to teach first to healthy and useful products.

Portions intended to the baby do not make big, better he will ask for additives. And do not force a child to eat everything offered to him. Rehend with understanding to the reluctance of a child to eat, perhaps he gets ill, and perhaps just not yet hungry, then in the next feeding he will delight you with an excellent appetite. The optimal power mode is 5 times a day with a break between 2,5-3 hours meals.

Character and emotions

In the year, mom is visible temperament and character of the child. But sometimes kids can be shown, especially without receiving what they want. Then tears, outraged screams, topman with leg will go into the course. Unrestrainedly crying child can not be punished and scolding, and it is better to try to calmly soothe. Take the crumb into your arms, hug, kiss, intend. Tranquility and friendly adult will help the child to cope with hysteria.
The emotional development of children of 1 year also has norms, in accordance with them, the baby must be able to:

  • show feelings of love and joy to mom and dad, pets, beloved toys;
  • recognize relatives and friends;
  • express negative emotions;
  • feel fear, seeing something unusual, unfamiliar person;
  • show curiosity, exploring the contents of cabinets, chests and shelves;
  • shrieking and build faces;
  • dance and sing along with your favorite songs;
  • "Copy" adults in their everyday affairs: sweep, cook to eat, talk on the phone, etc.


Human perception and speech skills with each month are more improved. Soon the kid will be a full-fledged interlocutor with his own opinion and interesting questions that confuse any adult. In the meantime, the child knows:

  • talk about a dozen words;
  • understand the meaning of the question, answer words, sounds, gestures, movements;
  • repeat the intonation of adults and reproduce it in similar situations;
  • show and bring objects that the baby ask;
  • perform requests addressed to him;
  • know close by name;
  • understands the meaning of the words "it is impossible" and "you can".

Often, in the speech of the child is not the word entirely, but the first or shock syllable. But you speak with the child the right words, and not repeat the simplification for him. Communication with a child do constant. Do not disregard any questioning sound, because the more words and their values \u200b\u200bwill hear, the faster it will be filled and improved.

Games and development

Games aimed at developing children in 12 months carry out a key role: teach them something new, as a result of which should be of different focus:

  • movable

The development of walking skills contributes to various banking, allowing you to push them in front of them, drag on the rope. Children like to watch how, making efforts, make item to move where they want. Such toys will also help develop coordination. Please ask the baby to bring any item, he needs to independently do all the way back and forth. Very helpful games with a ball.

  • brain teaser

Teach the kid to build a tower from cubes, let it still low, collect a pyramid, to invest a smaller item in more, hide. Show your child card with different pictures of animals, vegetables, fruits, play lotto, domino.

  • role

Kroch will be happy to come to her mother who cooks to eat, washing the floors, a vacuuming, nursing child speaking by phone. Seeing a truck, unloading sand on the street, offer in the sandbox to repeat steps with a toy machine.

  • Finger

The development of shallow motors of children will help play with bulk products: beans, pasta, buckwheat, peas. They can be poured with a spoon in a bowl, pour into a cup, collect from the table to the jar. Offer the child to sculpt from plasticine and salt dough, draw with finger paints. Of course, the masterpiece does not succeed in the baby, but, even just to give plasticine, feeling paint on the fingers, the crouch will receive new tactile sensations.

The baby enthusiastically will take it for any occupation offered by you. His energy can only be surprised. Comparing the kid's skills in 1 year with the standards installed, do not worry if it does not know how. There is no reason to get upset, but only the direction of development. The child will be able to master a lot, but the task of parents is to show him how to do.

The child was fulfilled a year, and it changes a lot: it becomes more independent and curious. Now for a good mood, it is not enough to be simple and dry, the little man actively begins to know the world. To replace simple actions, such as learning to drink, eat, walk, come more complex: I study talk, think, analyze.

Baby in 1 year actively knows the world

How to develop the ability of a one-year-old child so that it brings him not only the benefit, but also pleasure?


Baby's brain is hyperactive and able to absorb a large amount of information. Scientists even more than 100 years ago found that in the period up to 3 years, the foundation of intelligence in the future is laid. To date, there are many educational techniques. What of them to give preference? There is no one here, because we are all different, and our children too. Someone prefers to raise a child "in the old manner", someone adheres to a certain author, and some moms make a "mix" from all sorts of recommendations, and this is quite suitable.

The most important thing is the classes should bring joy to the child, so knowledge at such a gentle age is served through the game.

Developing center for the smallest

If my mother decided to visit the Date, so fashionable in our time, developing centers, should be clarified in what form classes are held. The seat at the table will not be productive for the kid. Small children can not be made to get knowledge. The child absorbs and does only what he is interested and brings pleasure.

The game is the main element in the process of developing a child over the year to seven years. Play with your child little by little (you can add it c), but every day; Choose the time when you and he in good mood And full of strength.

Development of shallow motility in children per year

  • Simple classes on the fingers with the countdock like children and develop their motor abilities.

Sensory box came up with Maria Montessori
  • Enhanced pillows will donate almost all the kids. Go on the pillowcase of the buttons of different sizes or fill the pillows with croups, dry herbs, etc.
  • From 12 to 18 months, the child tries to take a pencil into the hands and scratch something over the surface. Support it in the first attempts of creativity.
  • Books-lumps, tactile books, as well as, protective bubble film - influence the development of a small child's shallow motility in a year.

Groat game develops motor

Mom can both build a tactile book, whose pages will be placed diverse in sensations of materials: wool, denim, silk, etc. Rude denim, silk gentle - all this exacerbates sensitivity and stimulates the development of children's fingers.

  • Do not forget about the relief of croup. It is worth a preference to safer, small croups: a semoline, buckwheat, etc. In the cereal you can hide any object that the child should find.
  • Maconami games are a flight of fantasies: pasta appliqués, beads from pasta or just their disorder.

Games with dough-development motility

How to stimulate the development of speech at the kid per year

Remember: more talking to the baby at all means you need to talk without stopping. The speech therapists argue that for children it is useful to arrange minutes of silence. Let the mind learn to listen to other sounds besides the mother's voice.

Games for the development of intellectual logical thinking of children per year

How to pick up a book for baby?

One-year-old children are usually not interested in fairy tales, they are closer poems and fun. The book should like the mother itself, because it is necessary to read the croching emotionally and with pleasure.

Now you can buy amazing educational books

Games for psychomotor development of a child in 1 year

  • Young researcher will be interested in toys on wheels that can be dragged and push. They allow you to study the movement of objects. The child joyfully lead them into action.

  • There is nothing terrible that the baby will have a passion for the dealing of toys. The composition of things at such age is interested in much more than the game.
  • All famous pyramids and cubes develop better than expensive toys on batteries. The simpler toy, the more they are interested in the one-year-old Karapus, because he remains space for creativity.
  • An entertaining toy can be a homemade developing simulator: a board with a door handle attached to it, a lock, a short, push-button doorbell, bells, etc.

Games with water - love all children

Games with water like all children without exception: catching out items from water; transfusion of water from one container to another; Screwing water with a sponge, her push and much more.

  • Frequently loved "lands" are very good for a child a year, let him depict flying birds, chlorides his hands, as he can. Make the baby to action.

Cheerful Physical Culture for Baby

Learn to crumbus gestures and words of greeting - farewell: "So far," hello, etc.

Development of creative abilities per year

  • At an early age, children are very natural in all manifestations, so there are no equal in dancing. More often, turn on the music and dance with the child.
  • The one-year-old kids like simple and rhythmic melodies.
  • Sake a child. The kids are listened to singing, they try to imitate adults, reproducing sounds, gestures, facial expressions.
  • Choose musical toys with calm sound and as easy as possible, because many sounds will not give the child the opportunity to focus.

First musical toys

Development of social skills in one year old children

  1. In the life of every child great importance It has communication with peers. He learns to play with other children, enjoy common toys, share them. So the ability to social communication is formed. Loneliness does not benefit children. It is recommended that communication is recommended not only with peers, but also with older children for a year or two. From them, Kroch can learn many domestic skills.
  2. At such an early age, as 1 year, joint games are not so much interested in children, how much communication itself. Karapuza still do not know how to organize the game, parents should help with this: show what to do with a scope, molds; Teach roll the machine, etc.
  3. Children from one year to three years love everything connected with animals. They imitate the dogs of the dog, the meow of the cat. In one year, chatting with animals should be especially careful, the baby can scare the cooked rooster or a loud rusting of the horse.
  4. Contact with nature is very important for the development of children per year. The child seems only to discover for himself that there are leaves on the trees, it looks in meaningfully at the snow, rain. Tell your child about the phenomena of nature.

Even the smallest need a company

Each mother, thinking about the question: "How to develop a child's ability to a year?", I must remember that the most important thing is to help crumbling to grow a full, self-confident person, both in intellectual and physical terms.

Knowledge of the world - the main task child in 1 year

The child's development per year is impossible without motor activity. Arrange funny Games In nature, know the world together. Do not neglect the needs of the child because of the desire to grow genius. Remember that any early development method is just a model, and to what extent to hold it to solve you and your baby. The man who was fulfilled the year already has his opinion with whom it is worth to be considered.

Here is your karapuz and turned 1 year and 2 months, which means that now you are adjacent to the small naturalist. This is the age of age when a small little man especially want to touch everything, to throw on the floor and, of course, try tooth. Now behind the baby only eye but eyes!

The physiological parameters of the child per year and 2 months: the growth and weight of the kid at the age of one year of two months

  • Height - The norm of the norm is expanding, now the average indicators are 74-82 cm.
  • Weight - 10-13 kg.
  • Head circumference - 46-48 cm, chest - 48-51 cm.

Teeth - They are becoming more, some shrinking children already appear the first indigenous teeth.

Attention: Do not fall into panic if your indicators are slightly different, this is normal. All kids are different, it is due to the state of health, and genetics. But, if you are very worried, of course, it is worth consulted with doctors.

What a child knows in 1 year and 2 months: the features of the development of crumbs

  1. Confidently goes without help (In this sense, the boys are lazy girls, often walk they begin later. This is not a deviation, but a feature of psycho-emotional development).
  2. Increases passive vocabulary The child is already able to unmistakably perform small requests (for example, "bring the machine" or "come to the bed").
  3. Can pronounce short syllables denoting words ("Mom", "Dad", "Ba", "Nam" "Chöss" - a comb, more, of course, by all the favorite "Kaka", well, etc.).
  4. Can imitate the sounds that publish animals (Bae-uh lamb, pussy - "meow", etc.).
  5. Distinguishes votes loved ones and other people's people.
  6. Knows how to make simple manipulations with objects , play with large toys (ride a toy horse, pushing off with legs, press the buttons, open-close the doors and drawers, comb your hair).
  7. Can show on items and ask for help (Show your finger on a high-lying toy and say "give" or showing a refrigerator with the word "Nam").
  8. Can ask To shook it or ride on the shoulders.

At this age, kids are usually still not able:

  • ask a pot;
  • write a spoon.

These are complex skills, more complicated, they come later.

Child day mode in 1 year and 2 months


A daily sleep is preserved a two-time, the second is slightly shorter. It is very important to teach the baby to a clear regime of the day, at the same time, listens to his needs. If you see that the child sleeps restlessly and often wakes up, it is worth thinking about to gradually move to a one-time sleep during the day, extending it duration. While the mode is set, the child needs to be wake up if it does not wake up on time. In the future, it is not recommended to do, since the mood of the baby worsens. It stands to sleep with an open window, and in a warm summer you can even put the crumb to sleep on the summer veranda.


Feeding remains 4-5-time (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, night feeding - on demand). Sometimes the baby asks the chest in the morning, this is normal, but then the mode needs to be corrected slightly. The break between feedings is 3-4 hours.
At this age, the teeth are greater, the first natives may even appear, so in the diet you need to slowly add more solid food (bread, meatballs, cookies, fruit pieces).

Approximate menu for baby at the age of 1 year and 2 months

Breakfast: It is better to give Kaska (you can not wipe it, it is enough to rip the croup well), vegetables, cottage cheese, eggs, meat and fish puree. From drink - milk, herbal teas, frost.
Dinner: Be sure to soup (vegetable or meat), the second dish (with a side dish) and sweet (compotes, mousses, kisyl, souffle).
Afternoon person: It is desirable for some kind of sour milk dish with fruits and cookies. If you notice that the kid reluctantly eats dinner, then the afternoon book needs to be made easier.
Dinner: Built on the principle of breakfast. Must be easy and well digestible so that the child calmly fell asleep.
If the child faced his bed and hung out, let's say a light snack (cottage cheese, banana, etc.)

Fresh air

Be sure to walk with a baby at least 2 times a day to 1.5 hours. In the summer, if the weather allows, you can and all two.


At this age, kids love to swim and splash in water, so there should be no problems. To maintain hygiene, it is enough to wash 2-3 times a week and if necessary. The temperature of the water must be comfortable. You can also introduce wipes with a wet towel before afternoon.


At this age kids and without special exercises Very moving, so it is better to direct attention to the shallow motorcy and watch that your karapuz does not fly from the stairs in pursuit of sunny bunnies. The baby will be used to pull out all the dishes from the kitchen cabinets, as well as scatter the dads socks, take them from the bottom shelf. But do not be angry with him for it, thus the muscles of the handles are very well strengthened. And, moreover, it's time to start teaching a child to order, folding everything in place.

How to take a child in 1 year and 2 months - games and classes for the baby


At this age, the kids begin to experience a greater need for self-expression and the word "no" firmly enters into their lexicon. It is very important not to overdo it with the prohibitions and in, the same time, do not indulge peaks. Try to respect your child's preference, do not force him to eat if he does not want. But the shootings in the day of the day should not be done, from this little capricious breaks down even more.


Be sure to talk a lot with a crumb. For instance:

  • describe your actions ("Let's collect toys, take a hare and put in the box," "dress up, get the pants and stretch on the legs");
  • call parts of the body (My palm, games and songs about fingers, etc.);
  • describe what you see on the image;
  • you can start learning poems , At the same time, depicting what is happening there ("there is a goby, swinging ...").

Interesting and informative. Try to do this:

  1. start studying forms and their properties (To begin with, a ball and cube). Balls can be swallowed, throw it into a basket. From cubes, you can build turrets. Over time, you can ask the baby to disassemble objects on balls and cubes;
  2. learn the properties of objects. In the water you can splash and overflow it, paper to tear or mive, open and close the covers of the saucepan. This is an occupation for hours, the main thing, follow the security technique, remember the cutting indigenous and desire to taste everything;
  3. picture . Fine, pencils and especially paints! It will deliver your karapuz the endless pleasure and start developing abstract thinking.

Communication. Here, too, there are your techniques:

  • start leaving politeness (phrases: "Hi", " good morning"," So far "," please ", etc.);
  • learn to share (toys, fruit, etc.).

Large motility. Need to do this:

  • enchant walking skills , Learn to walk in a straight line (you can lay out multicolored ribbons);
  • go around the steps for the handle , climb on borders and small hills, step over items;
  • collect objects (Put the floor cubes on the chair). And all this - together!

Small motility. Highly important moment, because:

  • play pyramids and designer (IMPORTANT: Do not require to collect pyramids correctly, at this age it is enough to learn how to ride the rings on the base);
  • speak cereals And pasta from a saucepan in a saucepan with handles or a spoon (most importantly, at this moment to be close to the child to accidentally shoved Makaronin in his mouth and did not favor);
  • play clothespins. Let your kid paint clothespins from pillows, fabrics and teddy toys.

The child per year and two months is very inquisitive. Try more attention to the baby, because at this age it is so necessary.

Up to 12 months, the child is in close emotional communications with his mother and perceives himself as part of it. And a year he becomes more autonomous, his identity begins to form. During this period, the child takes the first internal conflict: on the one hand, he is accustomed to the fact that Mom is always with him next to him and fulfills all his desires, but at the same time he wants independence. When he doesn't work out, he can start to capricious, cry and be angry. Parents need to support the baby in him, competently adjusting his behavior.

What is a child in 1 year?

One-year-old baby is capable of:

  • sell \u200b\u200balone light words and imitate sounds;
  • walk without support;
  • bite and chew solid food;
  • collect the pyramid, build several shapes from cubes;
  • do cakes, roll sausages from plastic material;
  • comment on what is busy;
  • use a cup and spoon.

A child in one year has clearly pronounced interests, loved and unloved classes. He behaves differently with different people and shows independence in choosing and actions, and also actively expresses emotions, including negative.