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What is a blow strength and what does it depend on?

What is a blow strength and what does it depend on? Strength is a mass multiplied by acceleration. From this it follows that to increase the blow strength, it is important as the speed with which you perform the blow and muscle mass Hands and whole bodies in general. Among other things, there should be rigidity in the impact, because are you going to beat the fist to fow? and not to do a slap?

Therefore, if you want to punch knockouting well or just a powerful blow, you need to train and the speed of impact and muscles involved in the strike - legs, hands, chest, back, shoulders, as well as not superfluous proper technique Apply shock.

Which muscles are involved when hit by hand

When applied by hand, whether it is a notorious jeb or everyone loved Hooks involved the following muscles:

The punch begins with the feet and the energy passes later through the body from the bottom up and reaches the brush hand:

Muscles involved when hitting their role and importance

Muscles and power

Under the muscles of the legs are implied by quadriceps and ilicor muscles. The development of these muscles is extremely necessary at anyone who wants to have a strong blow. Muscles of the legs are responsible for repulsion from the ground, as a result of which your body is filled with energy. The muscles of the legs also turn out to be the largest muscles of your body, and that is why all blows in boxing, as a rule, use legs with a decisive, diosity and reversal.

It is in the legs that focuses the greatest strength! Not in the muscles of the chest and not in triceps. Carefully examining many of the most pronounced panels - knockouts, the researchers found that their legs are well developed, and not big hands Or a powerful chest. Studying the development of muscles at boxers you will not see huge chest muscles or triceps. Although large muscles also give a certain advantage - a large body mass - a more powerful blow.

With the correct formulation of the technique of shocks, well-stuffed fists and the correct formulation of the fist can be operated in some bandages on a very hard bag, without injury. The main thing is not to carry a blow to the bag, and how to immediately separate your hand, as if to prick - sting as Mohamed Ali said. It is advisable to train both hands and blows from any positions, beaten by any types of shocks. The blow should be short not swallowed and pass through the optimal trajectory. How to put a strike technique, see the video below.

Staging and working out shock hands

Staging and testing of combinations of strikes

In boxing, to increase power indicators Boxer blows are provided for various methods of development of force and complexes of specialized exercises.

The most effective exercises to increase the blow strength

Exercise that will help develop a strong blow - "OFP"

Main exercises developing upper muscle groups:

Push-ups develop: three-headed shoulder muscles - triceps, big breast muscles, deltoid muscles, double muscles - or biceps, front gear muscles, big jagged muscles, abdominal muscles.

To develop a powerful and hard impact, you must practice four types of pushups:

  • pressing on the palms - hands at the level of shoulders
  • pressing on fists - Hands at the level of shoulders
  • push ups on the fingers - hands at the level of shoulders
  • push ups on the palms with cotton - hands at the level of shoulders

How to train the power of impact - testing and staging with hands

Exercises for the development of impact force - push-ups on the palms

push ups on the palms - an exercise for the development of impact force

pressing on the palms - hands at the shoulder level contribute to the development of the mass and strength of the muscles of the chest and triceps. This species Pressings are performed slowly with exhale at the bottom point and the delay by 1 to 2 seconds at the upper and lower point. The back should be smooth - the muscles of the lower back are tense. Legs are mixed as much as possible together. Perform 2 - 3 training approaches - the maximum number of times.

The main purpose of push-ups on the fists strengthens the hands of hands. Under pushups, all the same muscles are involved as well as push-ups on the palms, but in such a position of the hand, the brushes receive a different load and the muscles of the brush are worked out which are used in the fist compression and wrist hold in the required position. The bones of the fist are stuffed, become tougher and increased slightly.

This type of pushups is performed slowly with exhale at the bottom point and a delay of 1 to 2 seconds at the top and bottom point. The back should be smooth - the muscles of the lower back are tense. Foot are as short as possible together. Perform 2 - 3 training approaches - the maximum number of times.

Pressing on the fingers

This type of pushups like all pushups is useful for strengthening. shoulder belt, chest muscles, belt muscles (press and lumbar muscles) Also, with pushups, the backs of the back, neck, are actively working. In pushupups on the fingers, the muscles of the forearms, hands, fingers, fingers are very active, the corresponding bundles and joints are strengthened.

Such a type of pushups actively contributes to strengthening the hand of hand, which is extremely necessary with a strong impact, otherwise, with a strong impact, you simply hurt your hand - you will break the psyatny bone or a synovial joint. With such an injury, it is not possible to continue the battle by this hand and most likely this battle will end with your defeat.

Therefore, if you do not want to be in a similar situation, I recommend to include push-ups on your fingers at least once a week for 2 - 3 approaches.

Push up with cotton

Excellent exercise for the development of explosive strength and speed. All the same muscles are involved as when pressing on the palms, but the essence of the exercise is that the muscles are reduced very quickly and intensively that contributes to the development of a sharp and powerful pushing from themselves. The muscles of the press and the waist are also powerful, they hardly fix the body in the literal position.

Push up with cotton should be done energetically, push out your hands as much as possible and fast. Powerfully repel from the floor, make cotton and quickly return your hands to the floor to ammoritize movement down. Keep the body direct - the muscles of the press and back in the stressful state. When performing pushups with cotton, make focus on maximum speed. Do this exercise 2 - 3 approaches 1 - 2 times a week.

Pushing the rod

Very effective exercise pushing from the chest in a standing position, a grid from the bar (20-25kg) - ahead of myself at the level of the chin. You can also use rubber - Eppender - tight harnesses, tie them to something at the distance of the shoulders width, fasten the ends in your hands, stand up to the place of leash and beat through the resistance of the rubber.

Muscle Development

Squats with weight, jumping in height, jumping on the rope.

The development of body muscle strength plays an important role for training strong hit. So, accurate blow In the chin area, while simultaneously involving the muscles of the legs, gives the strongest impact on the opponent. The development of the blow strength by 60% is due to the movements of the legs and the housing.

Most effective methods The development of the muscles of the legs are:

Squats with a barbell; running uphill or on the stairs, running with obstacles; jumping in height and in length, jumping on the rope.


Pull-ups - develop muscle groups of the top of the body: wide, biceps, breast muscles, top part Back, abdominal wall muscles, forearm.

Tightening needs to do two species - slow and fast to the explosion. Hands with tightening needs to keep a little wider shoulders. If you wish, you can hang on the balance belt. Try to pull up as much time as possible.

Slow tightening - grip palms from ourselves, slowly - calmly tighten up, the chin should rise above the crossbar, when lifting, do an exhalation when you lower the breath, delay in the top position for 1 second after which you go down, at the bottom point, do not extend your hands to the end - your hands must be blown about 95%, stay in the lower position for 1 second after that make a rise. Make a minimum of two training approaches, the maximum number of times. This exercise develops back muscles for strength.

Add to explosion - Made almost the same way as slow tightening with the only difference that we fit up to do with the maximum strength and speed.

Grab palms from ourselves, dramatically tighten up, the chin should rise above the crossbar, when the lift is exhaled, after which you calmly go down, at the bottom point, do not extend your hands to the end - your hands must be blown about 95%, after reaching the bottom point of Vis Immediately make the next lift.

Make a minimum of two training approaches, the maximum number of times. This exercise develops back muscles, endurance and explosive power - The ability of concentration and energy emissions.

Throwing the ball

For exercise, you will need heavy Ball With sand, which is used by boxers in training. If it is not, try to make a homemade sand bag. (This exercise can be replaced by a sledgehammer with a coating).

Source position: legs on the width of the shoulders, the case directly. Raise the ball high above your head. Throw with power - hit the ball about the floor. Repeat the exercise at least 15 times per approach.

Source position: Stand smoothly, legs on the width of the shoulders, hands on the sides. Sit to the level when the knees will become on the same level with the hips. With the maximum force jump up, while raising hands up. Repeat jumps until the strength is run out.

Lifting Giria

Exercises with Gury are very useful for strengthening the hands, shoulders, deltaid muscles and increase muscle mass.

Lifting Giri Forward

Arrange the legs a little wider shoulders. Take the weight with one hand, lower it between the legs on the straightened hand - the weight should be on the weight. Bend the legs slightly in your lap and sharply jump in the weight forward, to a level of 90 degrees in relation to the case, that is, you must keep the girome in front of yourself on an elongated hand. At the highest point, the back should be straight. Hold your hand in a horizontal position for 1 to 2 seconds. Repeat up to ten lifts of Giri one hand. Then change your hand.

Exercise is similar to the previous one, with the only difference that the weight is now rising above the head. After 10-15 repetitions change the hand.

Lifting weight up from shoulder

Giriya Place between the legs. Put your hand on her, retributing the hips back. Range up dramatically, placing your hand so as to throw the girches on the shoulder. Now use push to raise it above your head. Return to the starting position. Do ten lifts of Giri with one hand.

Development of "explosive" blow strength video

We regularly use a brush expander. Buy the most rigid hand expander and work alternately, both hands. Be sure to compress the expander sharply, applying the power. The exercise helps to develop interpal muscles and forearms. As a result, the fist will become stronger and tougher.

No less effective exercises with a sledge hammer. Take a sledgehammer and start to strike a car cover. During the execution of the exercise, it is those muscles that participate when applying shocks. Strikes should not be applied due to the movement of the back and the maximum due to the strength of the hands

Improve shocks on "paws". Bates as if the target is a few centimeters further than the paws. Try to break through the projectile through. This exercise will help not develop the speed of impact, beat stronger, testing a series of shocks.

Develop the speed and sharpness will help the exercise "Fight with the shadow". Perform an exercise daily, at least ten minutes.

The most effective are shocks that the enemy does not wait and does not see. You need to beat unexpectedly so that the enemy does not have time to react.

All listed exercises help develop a blow strength, make muscles and hand tendons stronger, and also rustier. With regular execution, the result will be noticeable in a few months.

Development of special power stamina

I hope the article helped you get sufficient information about the development of the blow strength. Do not forget to regularly train.

Put husky, make repipes!

How to increase the force of impact - testing and staging with hands Updated: September 20, 2019 by the author: BoxingGuru.

Boxing is considered one of the toughest sports, and many give him preference for the opportunity to work out a knockout blow. He is so strong that he will help over a couple of seconds to overcome the enemy in the ring and give a worthy rebuff in street brawing. It is desirable to work in sparring, but individual exercises can be performed at home. On how to put a knockout blow, talk more.

How to put a punch with a fist?

Both amateur and professional, is a permanent risk of getting an injury if the execution technique is broken. There are 5 main blows, all others (about 12) are their varieties.

The most common is Jeb . He is applied by the front hand. The goal is the head or body of the sparring partner (rival). The fist should be parallel to the earth, the hand completely break. At the same time, protect the face and solar plexus (fist and the elbow of the far arm, respectively).

Minus Jeba - he is not as strong as any other. Plus - the ability to keep the opponent (sparring partner) in constant voltage, when protected - keep it at a distance.

Cross Apply a detriment to a partner building (rival) or his head. It is done quickly and through the shortest trajectory. The case must be deployed, the body weight is transferred to that leg that is exhibited forward. The attacker shoulder should be at the same level as the goal. The legs are better bend in the knees.

Minus impact: when it is applied, it is necessary to accept the unusual position of the body. So, it takes time to work out. Plus - in its accuracy, and in the fact that after applying it is easy to dodge the counterattack of the enemy.

When applied swing. Impact hand need to stay back and straighten. After that, the hull deploy, make a "dot" head down. Hand before it reaches its goal (partner's head), you need to describe a large radius.

The minus is that time is required to capture and actually, time is required, and the opponent has time to "close", dodge. Plus - in the strength that the hand has time to dial while the "arc" describes.

Hook Boxers call the main side shock. He will help in the clinch. The goal in this case is also the head or casing of the opponent. When applied, the shoulder must be left back, the body is promoted, bend the arm in the elbow. It is important that the fold is 90 °, otherwise the blow will lose force.

Plus - in his "imperceptibility," because it is applied without shim, strength and speed. Minus: We'll have to "work" above the abdominal muscles: they have to use them first.

Uppercut also used in Klinch, at the moment when the opponent has forgotten the elbows. It is applied from the bottom upward hand (at this point, the weight is transferred to the front leg) or the long (step forward of the far foot, we will endure weight). At the same time, the fist should be plunged so that its inner part is turned to the attacker. He is sent to the chin or solar plexus (the goal is to knock the breath).

Minus: He leaves the attacker without protection. Plus, as in the case of the application of hook, - in its strength and "imperceptibility."

How to developfromilu hit?

About the strength of individual fighters are legends. They become heroes, acquire world fame. Some non-lawyer emphasizes nature, others have to improve their technique for many months so that as a result, the opponent will hit the enemy with one blow. It is difficult to become a knockout, but it is worth trying. This requires the performance of special exercises for the development of force. There are many of them, and it's absolutely all for one workout. It is enough to choose those that seem most effective. For advice, contact the coach, it will help me to dose the load and trace the technique.

Imagine several effective exercise For the development of force:

push ups;

barbell bench press;

giri jerk;

push of weights;

exercises with a boxing bag;

work with paws;

exercise with a sledgehammer.

Push ups

A kind of visiting card of any professional boxer You can call pushups on fists (or fingers) on the naked floor. These skill they acquire not from the desire to boast of their achievements, although there is something to envy. This is a need for which it is possible to develop enough impact strength and at the same time "harden" the knuckles of fingers so that they are less injured.

Pressing can be performed in the following way:

    on fists or fingers in a fast pace (at the same time, hands need to put a little wider shoulders, and elbows should move along the body);

    on the palms (between approaches cotton);

    on one hand (then left, right).


Lyzhya is performed. It is impossible to stop, so you need to choose this weight so that you can make up to 12 repetitions at an average pace.


The jerk is performed alternately with each hand. Weight of weights - 24 kg. It is performed, like pushups, in a fast pace. The load is created on the muscles of the legs and backs.

In order to make a push, you will have to work with two weights at the same time. The weight is the same - 24 kg. Performed in the rapid pace.

Punching bag

Do not neglect and work on sports shells. For example, powerful blows are recommended to work on a boxing bag:

Stand in the rack and apply a single blow as if you are going to break the bag:

Punch "Two", apply it with one hand or alternately each, but necessarily the first weak, the second is stronger;

Roll the bag and apply counter strikes; What they are more powerful, the better.

These exercises can be performed both during training and at home, provided that you have a boxing bag and its characteristics satisfy all the necessary requirements.


Boxing paws call one of the best shells universal. With their help you can simulate the movement of the enemy during the fight. In this case, without partner, it is not necessary to do:

The sparring partner holds the paw lowered, periodically sharply raises it and removes it left or right, up or down; Boxer's task to strike on the paw, its position is a rack with close legs (with drop);

Sparring partner holds paw on the same level, but at the same time it is constantly moving; Boxer task to hit the paw;

Sparring partner in one hand holds a paw, to another - a rope that beats the boxer in his hand, if he does not have time to pull it away in time after hitting the paw.


Effective exercise for the development of force is the application of a sledgehammer by a rubber coat. It is often performed crossfooters. The goal is to develop strength and endurance. Note that concentrations are given no less importance: the exercise is quite complex and to a certain extent dangerous. Execution technique resembles a rod of firing ax: a sledgehammer rises high and get out of his head, and then sharply falls on the tire. Boots should be applied in a straight line. It is important to prevent the spinal twisting: it increases the risk of injury.

Stopping a blow in boxing

The peculiarity of the knockout strike is that it is strong, imperceptible and applied as quickly as possible. The goal is to hit the enemy so that he has forces to continue the duel. Put the blow helps the coach, but if desired special exercises Can be performed at home. To begin with, we analyze what is a knockout blow. First, the breakdown (surprise), then overclocking (power and speed.)


Before applying the blow at the fighter, the head should be cold, and all the muscles are relaxed. His task to deceive the enemy, look like he and in his thoughts there is no sneak. By the way, it is impossible to be knocked out if it is furious. This blow is powerful, all the muscles are involved when it is applied, since it is not necessary to beat with hand, but all the body. At the same time, one should not allow unnecessary tension of the muscles: it may turn out so that the impact speed will change, and its trajectory. As a result, the boxer will not hit his opponent, and falls at him.

How to learn to beat sharply? There are several exercises: strike shock

after sound;

after touch;

on a sheet of newspaper paper.

After sound . It is performed as follows: the boxer takes a combat rack, the partner is in the place where it is not visible, and makes some kind of sound, for example, claps in your hands. Hearing a beep, the boxer should apply a whisk. His task is to make it as quickly as possible to go between sound and blow as little time as possible. If you wish or need, complicate: Alternate cotton in your hands and voice.

After touch. This exercise resembles the previous one, just a boxer strikes not after the heard sound, and after the partner of it will slightly fall (different parts of the body) or more with a more tangible. You need to throw away as fast as possible.

On a sheet of newspaper paper. Sheet size - 30x30 cm. Partner holds it for the upper corners. The task of the fighter to strike at such a speed so that the newspaper is broken. This exercise is the highest pilot, the ideal to which it is worth approaching.


The second component of a knockout impact - overclocking. In other words, speed is important. The distance to the target should be equal to the length of the boxer's hand, so that it is possible to develop the desired speed. Note that you do not need to do the shuffs, otherwise the enemy will notice this preparation for the application of the strike. It is impossible to allow this, as mentioned earlier, a knockout blow should be unexpected.

The following exercises will help to develop speed:

Exercises with rubber harness It is built as follows: it must be shifted through a boxing bag or fasten on the wall. The boxer becomes back to the bag (wall), takes the ends of the harness and causes single straight blows, trying to do it as quickly as possible.

Boots in front of the candle flame. This is another exercise that helps to develop the speed (sharpness) and the power of the impact. The boxer should strike the imaginable opponent, but instead of a bag or paws to use a lit candle. The fist should stop in front of the flame. It is necessary to achieve it to go from the directional flow of air.

Hand quenching

There is another nuance, about which you should not forget: hardening hands. A person is unprepared to inflict a knockout punch rather risky, because the likelihood is greatly injured. It is necessary not to simply compress the fist ( thumb Must be located over the second phases of the index and medium), and prepare the back of the palm to similar loads. How to do it? Many probably watched art films more than once, where the main character I broke the edge of the palm of the palm of several bricks or pierced the tips of the fingers solid surfaces. It is possible to units and is achieved by perennial persistent workouts. Prepare brushes for applying a knockout impact is also possible. Help push ups and work on the bag.

You first need to be pressed on soft surfaces, and then on solid, on the floor. You should not immediately create yourself an unbearable load, pressed from the floor. So you easily traumat the knuckles of fingers. Instead of a positive result, it turns out negative. Start with a small, with light exercises, and then it will be possible to "walk" on the fists on the floor, in the stop lying.

Boxing bag is designed specifically for work in gloves. Some athletes make it at home, and if you use the correct packing, the density of this projectile will make the most compliance with the density human body. How to work on the bag? The same exercises are suitable as for the development of force.

So, to put a knockout blow helps the coach. We'll have to work on a rack and proper application. For this, there are special exercises, it is possible to work out at home. It is important to remember that the beat should be unexpectedly, quickly, powerfully and directly to the target.


What nuances depends the impact force. How can you train it. What exercises are suitable for this.

Many people wonder how to increase the strength of a fist. At the same time, it is increasingly possible to hear the stereotype that the key factor is the speed. But it is not at all.

The main thing is the technique and the ability to put a mass in the hand guide to the opponent. But note that the complete straightening of the limb at the moment of the strike can lead to serious injury, the poet is desirable to beat without complete extension. Adds the effectiveness of applying blows at different angles.


So how to increase the strength of the blow? There are several answers here. The first one is clear observance of technology. Special attention Detach the footsteps. During the hand, the latter should be at the level of shoulder. The lifting of heels is performed first, the stop unfolds in the direction of impact. Note that the movements should not have a cross. For example, if you hit the right limb, it is also necessary to tear off the heel with right side. Wherein left leg Must stand tightly on the coating.

The rest of the nuances are as follows:

  • hips turn into the enemy towards the enemy. At the same time, the blow and turn should be carried out at the same time (this allows strengthening the level of impact);
  • move the housing at the moment of shocking (especially, if we are talking about a small distance);
  • bend the knees and transfer the mass of the torso a little forward;
  • it is impossible to stretch by hand, just turn the body. Otherwise you can quickly lose the balance;
  • at the time of the zama, try not to start your hand too much - so you give your intentions and allow the opponent to prepare;
  • at the moment of the strike, it is necessary to produce air;
  • keep your fist - your fingers must be compressed with maximum power.

Top Exercises

Now consider how to develop the power of the blow with the help of a special workout. Here you can select the following exercises:

  • Try all the time to carry an Espander for the brush and do with it. At the same time give preference to the most hard version. Proper execution Exercises implies the compression of the projectile with the applied maximum power. Thanks to such training, you can significantly strengthen the fist, make it more powerful.
  • Trade with a rope with a mandatory lift of the hips on maximum height. Perfect option - Touch the femoral part of the chest.
  • Use a sledgehammer as a tool for classes. Take it and with all our strength, Bate on the tires (you can do it in the garage). The feature of the exercise is that those are connected to muscular groupswhich are just involved when hitting.
  • Use the helper that will hold your paws. Bates with such a calculation as if the goal is slightly higher than the installed paws. At the same time put the task not to just get along the projectile, but to pierce it. In this case, you can develop maximum strength.
  • Organize "Fight" every day with an imaginary opponent. This will reduce the reaction and the speed of "shots" of hand. Note that an unexpected strike is effective for the enemy.

You will immediately think that you need to increase the total body weight (gain masses) to beat no worse. And here is not. To increase the strength of the blow, the fist must be realized from which it is formed. Take about it and talk.

Zarubi on the nose

Speed \u200b\u200bonly to apply a strong impact is not enough. It is necessary to invest all your weight, only then there will be a result.

Do not straighten your hand completely when you hit - so as not to evall the joints. Apply blows at different angles.


  1. must be a little wider shoulders;
  2. the heel rises first;
  3. stop when hit, it is necessary to deploy in the direction of the movement of the hand;
  4. when hitting right hand The left stop is in place, and the heel is rightly raised and vice versa.

Other features

  1. The knees should be slightly bent, the body weight is transferred forward.
  2. Hips turn towards the opponent, simultaneously with the application of impact.
  3. Full movement of the case when hit, with a close emission of the hand more efficiently.
  4. Never pull forward. Turn the torso sharply.
  5. During Zamach, do not turn the hand back - the opponent guess the maneuver.
  6. The fist when hitting it is necessary to compress as much as possible.
  7. With each impact, do it out.

See learning videos how to hit your hand:

How to increase the strength of impact: exercises

1. Shaking the ball

Find a heavy ball that use boxers in training. If it is not, take advantage of basketball. Do the following:

  • legs on the width of the shoulders, the case directly. Raise the ball high above your head. With force, hit the ball about the floor and catch after the rebound. Repeat exercise at least 15 times.

2. squats with a jump

1. Source position: Run exactly, legs on the width of the shoulders, sides;
2. Surchase to the level when the knees will become on the same level with the hips;
3. Maximum jump up, raising hands;
4. Repeat jumps until the strength is run out (for a better effect you can take the hands of dumbbells).

Muscles legs

Newbie, know: To develop a strong impact, you need to start with the development of the muscles of the legs. They play a big role when performing a strike. Maximize the muscles of the legs help squats with burdens.

Muscles of the top of the body

As for the top of the body, then for a powerful strike, the triceps, back muscles and shoulders are played.

Main exercises developing these muscle groups:

  1. pull-ups;
  2. push-ups on fists;
  3. reverse pushups;
  4. lifting weights (forward, up).

Source: Depositphotos.com

1. Regularly use a brush expander. Buy the most hard projectile, and work alternately, both hands. Be sure to compress the expander sharply, applying the power. Exercise helps to develop interfallase muscles. As a result, the fist will begin to weigh more, and the blow strength, respectively, will grow.

2. Every day jumping on the rope, high raising hips. Try the knees to get to the chest.

3. No less effective exercises with a sledgehammer. Take the tool (it is better to do near the garage), and start to strike on unnecessary tires. During the execution of the exercise, it is those muscles that work when hitting.