Presentation on the topic "Morning gymnastics. Presentation on the topic "Complex of Morning Gymnastics" Presentation on physical education on the topic Morning gymnastics

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Presentation - Morning Gymnastics


Text of this presentation

I. p. - Legs slightly placed, hands down. 1 - 3 - raise your hands (wings) to the sides, wave them. 4 - and. p. (4 times.) I. p. - Feet on the width of the shoulders, hands down. 1 - 2 - lean forward, hands to stay back. 3 - 4 - I.P. (4 times.) I. p. - about. from. 1 - 2 - sit down, knock your fingers on the knees. 3 - 4 - and. p. (4 times.) I. p. - about. from. 1 - 4 - jumps on 2 legs. 5 - 8 - walking in place. (2 times.) "I blow down the gun from the palm." Breath exercise (2 times.)

We are athletes
1. "We are silica." I. p. - Feet on the width of the shoulders, hands down. 1 - 2 - raise hands compressed in cams to shoulders. 3 - 4 - I.P. (4 times.) 2. "We are boxers." I.p. - legs on the width of the shoulders, hands in front of the breast. 1 - 2 - bring out a hand, clenched in a fist forward. 3 - 4 - I.P. 5 - 6 - make out left, compressed in a fist, forward. 7 - 8 - I.P. (4 times.) 3. "We are gymnasts" I. p. - Feet on the width of the shoulders, hands on the belt. 1 - 2 - sit down, hands forward, kneeling on the sides. 3 - 4 - get up, hands up, climb on socks, rumbles back. 5 - 6 - and. p. (4 times.) 4. "Let's jump." I. p. - about. from. 1 - 4 - jumps for 2 legs in place. 5 - 8 - walking in place. (4 times.)

We are big
1.I. P. - The legs are slightly placed. 1 - 2 - raise your hands forward, turn your palm. 3 - 4 - I.P. (4 times.) 2.I. by. from. 1 - 2 - climb to socks, hands up. 3 - 4 - and. p. (4 times.) 3.I. by. from. 1 - 4 - jumps on 2 legs. 5 - 8 - walking in place. (4 times.) 4. "Let's drink on the leaflet". Breath exercise (2 times.)

1. "Show the ball." I.p. - legs together, hands with the ball downstairs. 1-2 - raise hands with the ball forward, 3-4 - and. p. (4 distribution). 2. "The ball stretches to the sun" I. n. - legs together, hands with the ball downstairs. 1-2 - raise hands with a ball up, climb on socks, look at the ball; 3-4 - and. n. (4 times.) 3. "The ball looks around." I. p. - Feet on the width of the shoulders, hands with the ball downstairs. 1-2 - pull hands with a ball forward, turn to the right; 3-4 - and. P.; 5-6 - pull hands with a ball forward, turn left; 7-8 - and. p. (4 times.) 4. "Balls jump." I.p. - legs together, hands with a ball to pride to the chest. 1-4 - jumps on two legs; 5-8 - walking in place. (4 times.) 5. "The ball is hot." I.p. - legs together, hands with the ball downstairs. 1-2 - raise hands with a ball - inhale; 3-4 - Lower hands with a ball to the chest level and pour on the ball. (4 times.)

Exercises with bags
1. "Show the bag." I. n. - legs together, hands with a bag behind his back. 1-2 - pull one hand with a bag; 3-4 - and. n. Same for another hand. (4 times.) 2. "Bags want to become big." I. p. - Legs together, hands with a bag below. 1-2 - raise one hand with a bag up, stand on the socks, look at the bag; 3-4 - and. n. Same for another hand. (4 times.) 3. "Put the bag." I. p. - Legs together, hands with a bag below. 1-2 - sit down, put a bag on the floor; 3-4 - get up, clap your hands over your head; 5-6 - sit down, take a bag and raise it up; 7-8 - and. n. (4 times.) 4. "The pouch wants to jump." I.p. - legs together, bag on the floor, hands on the belt. 1-4 - jumping around the bag on two legs; 5-8 - walking in place. (4 times.)

Beasts in Circus
1. "The beasts welcome the audience" I. p. - the main rack. 1-2 - raise your hands forward, then up. 3-4 - and. p. (43rz.) 2. "Watch, whether everyone gathered." I. P. - Feet to put on the width of the feet, hands down; 3-4 - and. P.; 5-6 - Make a turn left; 7-8 - and. p. (times.) 3. "Artists are crushed." I. p. - Basic rack. 1-2 - tilt forward, hands down; 3-4 - and. p. (4 times.) 4. "Jump from the joy that so many viewers." I. p. - Basic rack. 1-2 pipes on two legs in place, hands down; 5-8 - walking in place. (4 times.)

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Exercise cubes
1. "Show a bump." P. - Legs together, hands with a bid behind his back. 1-2 - pull hands forward, show the bump; 3-4 - and. p. (4 times.) 2. "Sorrow a bump with a nail". I. p. - Legs together, hands with a lump below. 1-2 - raise your hands through the sides up, look at the cone; 3-4 - I.P. (4 times.) 3. "Put the bump." I. p. - Legs together, hands with a lump below. 1-2 - sit down and put a bump on the floor; 3-4 - get up and straighten; 5-6 - sit down, take a bump; 7-8 - and. P. 4. "Let's jump around the bump." I. p. - Legs together, hands at the bottom, a bump on the floor. 1-4 - jumps on two legs around the bump; 5-8 - walking in place. (4 times.)

Parrot Kesha flew to visit us
1. "Parrot trains wings." I. p. - Basic rack. 1 - Hands to the sides, 2-5 - cramped hands up down, 6 - and. p. (4 times.) 2. "Parrot trains legs." I.p. - legs together, hands on the belt. 1-2 - raise the right foot, bent in the knee, 3-4 - and. p. 5-6 - raise left foot, bent in the knee, 7-8 - and. p. (4 times.) 3. "Parrot drinks water." I. p. - Feet on the width of the feet, hands down. 1-2 - tilt down, straight hands left back, neck stretch, 3-4 - and. p. (4 times.) 4. "The parrot pecks the grains." I. p. - Basic rack. 1-2 - sit down, knock on the palm of the other hand, say "the key keyp!", 3-4 - and. p. (4 times.) 5. "The parrot jumps on the ack of alarm." I.p. - legs together, hands on the belt, elbows set back to the sides. 1-4 - fading in place, 5-8 - walking in place. (4 times.)

Visiting a cat Murki
1. "Cat is looking for a mouse." I. p. - Basic rack. 1-2 - turn a head to the right, to look after the back, 3-4 - and. n. 5-6 - turn the head to the left, to look after the back, 7-8 - and. p. (4 times.) 2. "Cat drinks milk." I. p. - Stand on all fours. 1-2 - Bend your hands in the elbows and get back, 3-4 - hands straighten, untar the back of the arc, 5-6 - and. p. (4 times.) 3. "Cat playing." I. p. - Lyzha on his back, legs together, hands along the body. 1-4 - Raise legs bent in her knees and bent in their hands and wave them. 5-6 - and. p. (4 times.) 4. "The cat is squeezed." I.p. - standing on all fours. 1-4 - "Steps" by hand forward, rumbles back, 5-8 - "Steps" with hands back in and. p. (4 times.)

Birds - Nearby
1. "Birds are inspected around." I. p. - The main rack, 1-2 - turn the head to the right, 3-4 - and. n., 5-6 - turn head left, 7-8 - and. p. (4 times.) 2. "Birds are cleaning the pyrshki." I. p. - Feet on the width of the feet, hands down. 1-2 - the right hand to stroke the forearm of the left hand, 3-4 - and. p., 5-6 - left hand to stroke the forearm of the right hand, 7-8 - and. p. (4 times.) 3. "Birds are cleaning their paws." I. p. - the main stand, 1-2 - the right hand to stroke the front part of the left foot to the knee, 3-4 - and. p., 5-6 - left hand stroke the front part right leg Before the knee, 7-8 - and. p. (4 times.) 4. "Birds are fun." I. p. - Basic rack. 1-4 - jumps on two legs on the spot, hands on the parties, 5-8 - walking in place. (4 times.)

Exercises with ribbons
1. "The wind rose." I. p. - Feet on the width of the feet, hands with ribbons down. 1-2 - raise ribbons up, wave them; 3-4 - and p. (4 times.) 2. "Look at the bugs - spiders." I. p. - Feet on the width of the feet, hands with ribbons down. 1-2 - sit down, tilt the head as low as possible to the floor ("viewing bugs"), hands with ribbons at the bottom; 3-4 - and. p. (4 times.) 3. "Trees are greeting with us." I. p. - standing on his knees, ribbons in both hands downstairs. 1-4 - raise hands with ribbons up, shake hands to the right - left; 5-6 - and. p. (4 times.) 4. "We have fun." I. p. - The legs are slightly placed, hands with ribbons downstairs. 1-4 - jumps on two legs in alternation with walking. (4 times.) 5. "Lenochkam became hot." I. p. - Legs together, hands with ribbons down - inhale. 1-2 - Raise hands with ribbons, pour on them - exhale. (2 times.)

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Olga Readyer
Presentation "Morning gymnastics in kindergarten"

The basis in the formation of a healthy lifestyle of the child lays out correctly selected and exciting morning gymnastics.

Vypalov O. E., Baskayeva I. M.


Formation and improvement of motor skills with morning gymnastics,

Preservation and strengthening the health of the child.


1. Wellness.

2. Educational.

Fixing motor skills and skills.

Fastening concepts from other knowledge areas. For example, consolidating the account, knowledge of animals, the phenomena of nature, professions, etc., if the child is in the exercise in the appropriate image.

3. Educational.

Rail in children purposefulness, organization, initiative, hard work.

Formation of the need for daily exercise classes,

Development of aesthetic taste of a child under the condition of a beautiful and proper showing of adults and musical accompaniment, selected in accordance with the nature of the movements and the age capabilities of children.

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As the child grows the parents, both at home and in kindergartens, it is necessary to carefully monitor the child to go correctly, sitting.

Morning gymnastics is one of the most important components of the motor regime of children. It is aimed at rehabilitation, strengthening, increase.

Morning hygienic gymnastics (UGH) is one of the most important components of the motor regime of children. It is aimed at healing,.

Morning gymnastics in kindergarten. About the morning gymnastics in kindergarten seems to be long ago everything is already written and said. Developed.

Mahi legs with pulling hands forward (alternately) and touch the tip of the tip of the palms. 2. Squakes on two legs. The front surfaces of the legs (quadriceps) are used dynamically, and the rear (hip biceps) is statically. Buttocks, caviar, muscle spine extensors and many more small muscles are included in the work. 3. Standing, put the legs very wide. Sit down on one leg, the second straightened. Ride from foot to foot, trying to always stay as low as possible in the nice. 4. Mahi feet back, forward and to the side - in turn of both legs. 5. Standing, Mashe Left Foot Back, Hands Fuge Forward, Brushes Relaxed - Inhale; Source position - exhalation; Repeat the same with the right leg. 6. Raise your hands up, and one leg with an elongated socks take back. Then bend this leg in the knee and tighten it with your hands to the chest, at the same time lowering the head as low as possible to the knee. The same is done with the second leg. 7. Jump alternately on the right and left leg, then on both. 8. Calm running in place or with movement, goes on walking. Exercises of the morning gymnastics, performed lying or sitting on the floor 1. Source position lying on the back, hand brushes behind head. Lift the legs bent in the knees and depict a ride on a bike. 2. Going to your back and bend your legs in the knees, fest rooms. We make turns, at first to the left, trying to get the floor with your knees, and then right. 3. Lifting legs lying on the back. Raise the legs to the vertical position, delay 2-3 seconds, slowly omit. Breathing Do not detain. 4. The initial position is lying on the back, the hands are elongated along the body. Raise your legs, make them behind the head and try to touch by them. Return to its original position. Breathing Do not detain. 5. Starting position sitting on the floor, legs to the sides. Alternate slopes: to the right foot, to the left foot and in the middle. The knees are not bend if possible, but it is not necessary through the power to carry out the slopes - how to stretch it, and do it. Slowly, four accounts (left, right, in the middle, straighten). 6. The initial position is lying on the side. Perform Mahi foot forward-back, then turn over the other side and repeat the exercise by another foot. 7. Stand on all fours, strifting and burn your back. 8. Source position lying on the stomach, hands along the body. Alternately raise your legs up. 9. The initial position is lying on the stomach. Bend legs in the knees, raise the top of the body and grab your arms for the ankle. This position is sometimes called the "boat". Share so a few seconds. 10. It is desirable to include one of the inverted yoga poses in the morning gymnastics. Inverted postures have a great healing and rejuvenating effect on the body. I recommend to start with Viparita Karani, having mastered it after 2 - 3 months to go to Sarvanthasan, and having mastered it to go to the queen of Poshirshasan. Power exercises Morning Charging 1. Flexing - extension of hands in the stop lying (pressing from the floor). Everything is simple - bend hands, touch the floor with breasts, keep the body smoothly. Flexing hands back to its original position. It is possible on the fingers, and on the fists - but not to the muscular failure and not at speed. 2. Tightening on the crossbar. Ideal for the development of the muscles of the top of the body. 3. Vertical pushups. Execution: Stand on your hands next to the wall, housing lift up vertically and tap the walls to hold the equilibrium. Flexing hands in the elbows, go down to easy touch of head floor, then explosive strengthen yourself up. 4. Lying on the back, hands behind the head, legs bent in the knees, resting the feet into the floor or in the wall. Toy climb up.