Basic asans from yoga for beginners. Beautiful Egypt Places Yoga Photos for 2

A trip to Egypt is akin to the journey to deep antiquity, during the times of Pharaohs and Priests, who gave birth to serving God RA. The scorching sun, fascinating the gaze of the desert, cool oasis, the Red Sea with an amazing underwater world and against the background of all this a huge number of monuments of ancient civilizations - this is what is modern Egypt.

This amazing country is rich in beautiful and interesting places, each of which has its incredible history.


The pyramids have long already become the main attraction of Egypt, to see them obliged to everyone who came to this country. The mystery of the construction of these gigids still torments scientists and historians around the world. Great pyramids together with the Sphinx included in the list of seven miracles of the world are located near Cairo on the Giza Plateau. Among them, and the famous Pyramid of Heops, long time considered the highest artificial structure in the world.

Sphinx is a symbol of pharaohs, which in those ancient times depicted with a body of a lion and a man's head. This huge sculpture is carved from the monolithic rock. It is difficult to even imagine how much time and strength went to create this masterpiece.


One of the most beautiful places of Egypt is Alexandria. Once this city was the greatest, many scientists and philosophers of that time lived here. Unfortunately, some famous facilities did not live to this day, for example, the burnt Alexandria library and the Lighthouse, one of the seven wonders of the world destroyed by an earthquake. However, in Alexandria still twists the spirit of the ancient era, the architectural monuments of which is a huge amount here.


Luxor is perhaps the most beautiful and unusual place of Egypt. This city can be called a museum located under open sky. It is rich in unique buildings that have no analogues around the world. All the sights of Luxor, which is also called the city of Pharaohs, is difficult to even list: many beautiful and unlike each other.

Not far from Luxor, in the place of which the besties were located, once the greatest city of Memphis. Unfortunately, there is almost nothing left of this city, except for the Statue of the Ramses of the Second and Sphinx.

Oasis Siva

Many tourists who saw Oasis Siva with their own eyes say they did not see the place more beautiful than it. In fact, this oasis, located in the Libyan desert, has unique history, as well as its cultural traditions, differing from the traditions of the rest of Egypt. Residents of Siv - Berbers, who speakers their native language and honoring the traditions of their ancestors. Next to the city are the ruins of the temple of God Amon, where Alexander Macedonian came to legend.


Cairo is a noisy and large city that loved tourists with their famous bazaars, the largest of which is Han El Hali. Its area reaches 5 square meters. km. Here you can find all sorts of exotic crafts and souvenirs. In Cairo, as in any other city of Egypt, many beautiful places: temples, churches, tombs, architectural and cultural monuments. In this city there are a large number of museums that entered into the entire cultural heritage of the country. One of them shows all the finds found in the tomb of Tutankhamon.


Neil is the Great River, for many centuries, nursing residents of this amazing country. Since ancient times, the life of the Egyptians concentrated near this river, so many temples are built on its coast. Journey through the Nile, one of the most beautiful places of this country, will not leave any tourist indifferent. A trip to this majestic river will help to take a fresh look at the amazing world of Egypt.

Sharm el-Sheikh

Sharm el-Sheikh is a famous resort, whose visitors enjoy the sea, beaches, hotels and clubs. This resort is located on the shores of the Red Sea, whose underwater world is rich various species Exotic fish and corals. Therefore, here come here in search of unforgettable adventures of divers from all over the world.

Are you looking for a sport that will help you withdraw tension, give the strength and do the body tightened? Your ideal choice is yoga for beginners. Exercises or correctly - asana (poses) are selected taking into account the peculiarities of the modern rhythm of life.

For the first admission to body culture and spirit, yoga is ideal for beginners. Exercises are selected with the lack of experience in engaged.

Our familiar weekdays are an infinite cycle of events in which it is not always possible to find time for full relaxation and strengthening your health. Jump off the bed and rush to run to work - not the most the best way Start your day. Today we invite you to join such an ancient art, like.

The exercises below are recommended to be performed in the morning. They will not take a lot of time, and in combination with a refreshing shower and light breakfast will charge you with energy for the rest of the day! The lesson will not take you more than 20 minutes, but at the same time will have an invaluable benefit of your well-being.

Morning yoga for beginners has the following advantages:

  • improves well-being, the joints and the spine;
  • effectively strengthens and tones the muscles of the back and the whole body;
  • provides massage of internal organs and enhances blood circulation;
  • harmonizes the inner state and gives an optimistic attitude due to the generation of endorphins;
  • prepares the body to active mental and physical work during the day.

If there are rather "owl" rather than "Lark", and you are not comfortable to do this in the morning, you can train at any time of the day. However, it is noted that in the morning clock, the body is more relaxed and supplied to the impact. And the consciousness in the morning has not yet had time to bother with the patrimonial thoughts.

In addition, the ancients believed that every time you meet the dawn, one sin says goodbye to the sunrise. No wonder in yoga there is a whole complex asan, which is called "Surya Namaskar" (Greeting the Sun). Yoga for beginners implies exercises that are not difficult in fulfillment and do not require special training. Starting with the development of the set below, you can advance further and reach your own vertices.

How to get the maximum effect of yoga for beginners?

  1. Exercises or asians (postures) must be performed at a tempo convenient for you. Load in each post at least 3 inhales and exhalations.
  2. Make small pauses between the pose.
  3. Treat each movement carefully. Concentrate at the work of your body and try to let all the extraneous thoughts.
  4. Listen to yourself and do not overstrain. The lesson should be enjoyable.
  5. Keep a glass of water at hand. If you get tired, make a few sips and soon you will feel the tide of energy.
  6. It is advisable to do every day.

Description of yoga - Asana

What does yoga lesson look like for beginners? Exercise number 1 is a classic yoga pose.

1. Camel Pose (Ural)

Yoga exercises (poses, asana) often have several embodiments for different levels preparation.

  • To fulfill the appearance of the camel, go down to your knees, putting your legs on the pelvis width. Hands freely lower back.
  • Make an exhale and drive back with a support for one hand, the second at the same time pull up. Strain the muscles of the buttocks and make sure that they remain perpendicular to the floor - do not go back and do not settle on the heels. Hold for 10-15 seconds.
  • Perform the other way by changing the hands.
  • Stand on your knees and make yourself fists in the lower back. On the exhalation, drive back. Hold in this position on 5 respiratory cycles.

The pose allows you to stretch the spine after a long sleep and stretch the abdominal muscles.

2. Stool posture (Utkatasana)

Chair's posture is one of the simplest, but very useful Asan.

  • Stand smoothly and put the foot on the width of the shoulders.
  • Pull the straight hands up, deploying palms to each other.
  • Slowly bend the legs in the knees, rejecting the straight body forward, as if you are sitting on the stool. At the same time, the hands remain stretched into one line with the case.
  • Hold in this position for several tens of seconds, then straighten up again by returning to its original position.

Stay in this posture perfectly strengthens the muscles of the legs and the housing. Your body will become stronger and hardy.

3. Pose of inclination to the footsteps (Utanasana)

With inclination, your spine is lengthened and straightened.

  • Stand straight and put the feet parallel to each other.
  • Running in the hips, tilt the direct body to the legs and try to get the floor with your hands. Back relax, let your body hang down under own weight. Neighten the neck.
  • Try to direct your nose to the knees, and do not bend your legs - they should be straight. Stay in this posture at least 10-15 seconds.

This posture stretches perfectly to the back, massages the internal organs, in particular, the liver and spleen. Also, the posture has a positive effect on the kidney state and activates blood circulation in the organs of the small pelvis. Be sure to include it in your morning yoga Complex if you have a spin hurt or there is a tendency to osteochondrosis. Under the influence of your own weight, your spine stretches, the muscular clamps relax, the vertebrae gets into place.

Try to avoid deep slopes during the lens injuries, the tailbone, high pressure or violation of the cerebral circulation.

4. Triangle Pose (Triconasana)

The pose of a triangle strengthens the muscles of the case.

  • Put the legs wider shoulders, the left stop is directed outward, right inside - to the middle line of the body.
  • Straight hands spread to the side at the level of shoulders, palm direct down.
  • Smoothly go down to the body to the left, trying to get the left foot's left hand. The second hand is directed vertically up. Hold in this post a few seconds.
  • Slowly return to its original position.
  • Expand the footsteps to the right and repeat the slope in right side.

This posture is also very useful for the spine, massages the intestines, strengthens the muscles of the case.

5. Plow Plug (Chal-Asana)

In this posture, try to get down to the floor.

  • Lie on the rug on the back, pull the hands along the body, the palms are directed to the floor.
  • Raise the straight legs up and boost, trying to put socks on the floor. Try to keep the knees at the same time. If you can not get to the floor with straight legs - let the feet hang in the air.
  • Slowly unfold to the original position of the vertebra.

This exercise kneads lumbosacious and cervical departments spine.

6. Candle Pose (Sarvangasana)

Candle, she is "birch".

  • Source position - as in the previous exercise.
  • Raise the straight legs vertically up, then raise the pelvis, supporting yourself with your palms. Try to promote the palm closer to the shovels.
  • First, delay in this posture of 10 seconds, then, on the lesson, gradually increase the time until you reach three minutes.
  • Get out of the posture slowly rolling the spine on the floor.

The pose of the candle is rightfully considered one of the most useful poses for the entire body.

7. Powder Pigeon (Eka Pad Rajcapotasan)

This Asana can be used to prepare for stretching for twine.

  • Stand on all fours. Tighten the right knee forward between hands and deploy the right foot left. The heel of the right leg should be under the left thigh or under the stomach.
  • Pull the left foot back and try to lower the pelvis as much as possible. Bend the elbows and go for your forearm. Left down even lower by pulling the left foot back.
  • To enhance stretch marks slowly straighten your hands. Look right in front of yourself, pulling out, but does not strain the muscles of the neck.
  • Exit the posture slowly and carefully. Repeat the move on the other side.

There is also a lightweight version of this posture.

  • Sit and bend your knees. Gently put the right foot on the left thigh.
  • Tighten the right knee to the chest. Do not lower your head and look right in front of yourself.
  • Repeat another foot.

The pose pigeon is well suited for the preparation of the muscles to stretch on the twine.

8. Half Pose Tsar Fish (Arlha Matsienelasan)

Pose of king fish or simply crawling hull sitting.

After a few minutes of rest you can continue to do yoga. Exercise "Half Pose Tsar Fish" can be performed on the floor or on the bed.

  • Sit, straighten your back and legs.
  • Welcome right leg for left. Stop put next to the left knee. Wherein left leg Must be straight.
  • Help your left hand for the right knee.
  • On the exhalation slowly twist the spine on the right side. For amenities, put the right palm on the floor, and the elbow of the left hand get the knee. See back for yourself.
  • With each exhalation, attempt to twist the spine even stronger. Perform for 3-5 breathing-exhale.
  • Repeat the other way.

9. Child Pose (Balasana)

Morning yoga for beginners may well end this pose.

  • Get down on your knees and sit on your heels.
  • Having done a deep breath, lean forward and squeeze the belly to the beads. Do not forget to keep your back smoothly.
  • Love the forehead on the bed and pull your arms along the body. Palms should be turned upstairs.
  • Concentrate and feel smooth motions Breasts with every breath and exhale.
  • To exit the postures first, raise your head, and then slowly straighten your back.

This exercise is one of the most important in the lesson of the morning yoga for beginners. It is aimed at deep relaxation of the muscles of the back, so it can be used to complete morning training Along with Shavasana (see below). In addition, this posture is suitable for removing stress throughout the day or to reduce muscle voltage after performing a complex exercise.

10. Dead Pose (Shavasana)

In Shavasan, it is necessary to lie a few minutes to complete relaxation.

In this posture within 4-5, Ideally, any complex of yoga exercise is completed. For beginners, this is especially important, as it is necessary to learn to relax correctly from the first occupation.

  • Lie on your back, pull your arms along the housing and close your eyes.
  • Maximum strain all the muscles of the body and stay so few seconds.
  • Fully relax, walk out mentally all over the body from your head to the toes and focus only on your breath.

Now you are fully prepared for the beginning of the active and complete impressions of the day!

Make your life brighter and healthy with the very ancient self-improvement system. If you want to change your body and find the inner harmony, the best choice is yoga for beginners. Exercises are aimed at the development of the entire body, but, first of all, pay attention to the spine. After several months regular occupations You will forget about the pain in the back, feeling fatigue during the day and pleasantly surprise the changes in your figure.

For beginners (photo). This is the first article on yoga poses for two in pictures. Of course, we will start with simple pose Yoga for two, gradually moving towards more complex yoga poses.

This article will constantly expand, such as add new pictures of yoga poses for two, I will be regularly.

Yoga Poses for Twowho already have detailed description And the procedure for performing poses is highlighted in different color. Click on the name of the poses of yoga to see its detailed description.

Yoga poses for two in pictures:

Yoga for two - Lazy tilt forward - picture

2. Yoga Pose for Two - Open heart.

Yoga for two - open heart - picture

3. Yoga Pose for Two - Double tilt forward standing.

Yoga for two - double tilt forward standing - picture

4. Yoga Pose for Two - Double tree

Yoga for two - double tree - picture

5. Yoga Pose for Two - Double Warrior

Yoga for Two - Double Warrior - picture

6. Yoga Pose for Two - Double dancer

Yoga for Two - Double Dancer - picture

7. Yoga Pose for Two - Double side stretch

Yoga For Two - Double Side Stretch - picture

8. Yoga Pose for Two - Raised Cobra

Yoga for two - rising Cobra - picture

9. Yoga Pose for Two - Two heroes

Yoga for two - two heroes -cake

10. Yoga Pose for Two - Sleeping hero and dog

Yoga for two - Sleeping hero and dog -Cartink

11. Yoga Pose for Two

Yoga for two - double sandwich - picture

12. Yoga Pose for Two - Triple Hill

Yoga for two - Triple Hill - picture

13. Yoga Pose for Two - child and dog

Yoga for two - baby and dog - picture

14. Yoga Pose for Two - Rack on the shoulders with support

Yoga for two - Rack on shoulders with support - picture

15. Yoga Pose for Two - Double plow

Yoga for two - double plow - picture

16. Yoga Pose for Two - child with cobra

Yoga for two - baby with cobra - picture

17. Yoga Pose for Two

Yoga for Two - Double Boat - picture

18. Yoga Pose for Two - Double butterfly

Yoga for Two - Double Butterfly - picture

19. Yoga Pose for Two - Butterfly "Sandwich"

Yoga for two - Butterfly "Sandwich" - picture

20. Yoga Pose for Two - Camel with support

Yoga for two - camel with support - picture

21. Yoga Pose for Two

Yoga for two - lazy tilt forward with placed legs - picture

22. Yoga Pose for Two - Double triangle

Yoga for Two - Double Triangle - picture

23. Yoga together - Full moon or double crescent

Yoga for two - double crescent - picture

24. Yoga for two - Two warrior 2

Yoga for two - two warrior 2 - picture

Yoga Pose for Two - Double Child is a way to relax along with your partner. At the time of relaxation, we experience a tide of positive energy. Performing a pose to relax muscles along with the yoga partner, you exchange clean and positive energy. Pose ...

When you perform onion yoga pose, lying on a rug for yoga, it's hard enough to stretch the spine because of the severity of your own body. And, on the contrary, the yoga pose for two - the flying bow stretches the spine just gorgeous! In this case, your weight works ...

Yoga poses: Dog muzzle down. The dog is muzzle down, is one of the main poses in every class of yoga. Plus, this posture is the main part of the Sun Greeting Complex, is often done at the beginning of yoga classes as a warm-up to prepare you to ...

Some yoga postures require stretching of the back, others on the contrary act to relax the muscles of the back. To the possessions of yoga, which relaxes the back belongs to the pose of cobra. In addition to the relaxation of the back, it calms and balances breathing. As the flexibility of the spine increases, you also open your shoulders and ...

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Yoga - an ancient practice that combines physical exercise and emotional cleansing. Pair Yoga is a great way to not only improve health, but also to find the interaction points with a partner: it helps better understand each other, trust and act as one.

websiteasked for you 12 exercises from yoga, which are created specifically for two.

Contributor standing

Effect. One of the best initial poses that stimulates the nervous system, kidneys and adrenal glands. Increases the volume of the lungs. Strengthens the respiratory and cardiovascular system. Accelerates metabolism.

Pose angle

Effect. Refers to the possessions of yoga, which improve the elasticity of the muscles and tendons of the thigh. Strengthens the spine and helps with back pain. It is applied to therapeutic purposes for asthma and to improve blood circulation.

Pose of semi-windows

Effect. This is a favorable pose for hips, knees and caviar. Strengthens the sacral spine and the area where sedal Nerve. Strengthens and makes the muscles of the thighs elastic. Appointed with sick knees. Forms right posture and reduces the curvature of the spine.

Tilt standing

Effect.Stimulates the work of the liver, kidneys and spleen. Slows down heartbeat And soothes nerves. Stayed in a position from 2 minutes and longer eliminates depression.


Effect. Useful exercisewhich improves digestion, stretches the tendons and muscles of the legs and eliminates the back pain.

Furious Pose (Power Power)

Effect. Strengthens legs and press, while developing muscles evenly. Develops the mobility of the shoulder and reveals chest. Hands are strengthened, back, spine stretches. Frequently used for prevention and treatment of flatfoot.

Slope to the legs sitting

Effect. Eliminates the stuff and curvature of the spine. Reduces appetite and improve digestion. Stimulates the work of the endocrine and the circulatory system.

Tilt Sitting + Saransch Pose

Effect. Promotes digestion. Strengthens the back muscles, developing the flexibility of the spine. Reduces pain in the sacral and lumbar regions. Improves posture.