Aikibudoyapon martial arts. Aikibudoyapon martial arts Ikibudo Borovitskaya

- Modern martial art that has enlightened the thousand-year experience in combat traditions of Japan. Aikibudo is a subtle and accurate art; For its basis, in its expression and in its development, it relies on two inextricably linked elements - a tradition and evolution.

Developed by Mother Alan Flock (France), curator in Russia Sensei Paul-Patrick Arman.

The name consists of four hieroglyphs having the following values:

  • Ai (Yap. 合 AI) - "Harmony, union, love, compassion";
  • Ki (Yap. 気 Ki.) - "Vital energy, spirit, strength";
  • Bu (jap. 武 Bu.) - "Courage, courage, militancy";
  • To (Yap. 道 ) - "Path, road, go."

Most often Aikibudo. Translate as: "The path of harmonious unification of the military spirit and vital energy"," Go military in harmony with vital energy "," Using life energy by joining compassion and militancy, "" Spirit of Love on the Warrior's Way "or" Spirit of Compassion on the Warrior's Way. "

Conducted a member of the MFA (Interregional Aikibudo Interregional Federation), Fiab (Federation International D'Aikibudo) since 2004, working with kids, including development features. Participant of international seminars and trainings conducted in Russia, Japan, France, Poland Plakhot Mikhail Valerevich.

Based on technical program Ikibudo technique of 3 traditional buds of Japan:

1) Yosaican - teacher Minor urois- Student Jigoro Kano (Codokan Dzu-Bde) and Morihei Wesiba (Founder Aikido).

At the heart of the technique lies the ancient principle of Dzudzutsu 'softness overcomes stiffness', and

'Softness' as a dader rationality that allows you to more weak to borrow power from

A stronger enemy, just as' water flows from the top of the mountain to its foot.

Education of Yosekan begins with the basic elements: various options for Usami - insurance at

falls, Tahodokoki - liberations from various grips, which in the future serve as the basis

for various throws and pain, And Tyshabaki - maneuvering techniques.

confrontation attacks different types: Thinks, shocks, pain and suffocating techniques.

First, the techniques are practiced in the tactical version of the GO - but SEN - when the attack of the enemy is already

used, the student is protected and responds with counterattack. The next stage is studied by the technique

sEN-BUT SEN - ahead of the enemy.

2) Katiki (Tencin Seden Kature Systically Ryu) - School of fencing and strategy. Created more than 600 years

back at the Katiki Jing Temple. It has the status of the national cultural property of Japan.

Fencing classes allow the student's reflexes to be honed to develop a sense of distance and

time, ability to concentrate. Such an approach to learning makes it possible to follower

schools not only to master the necessary techniques, but also to develop quality,

necessary for victory in battle. In MFA, Katori is being studied and practiced at Sensei Sensei Sensey.

3) Dito-Ryu Iki Dzüdzutsu - the ancient military (samurai) tradition traced from

11th century (General Mijnoto Esimitsa - Tan Family), aimed at the most effective

methods of blows, grippers and pain, using human anatomy and

impact on painful Points (ATEMI)

Aikibudo techniques and practices are used by gendarmerie police specialists in France. And Matcher Alan Flock and Sensei Paul-Patrick Arman in the past of high-ranking police officers. Mattra Alan Flocke wrote several books devoted to the traditional budo and the use of Aikibudo techniques in self-defense (women, children).

(Abbreviated - Catorie Coto Ru). What is curious, in the book of Alan Flock "Aikibudo", this word is used not only as the name of the school, but also very narrowly - as the name of the School selection of the same name, there is also widespread use - as a synonym for the word Iki-Dzutsu - that is, in relation to Also for school, Daito-Ru, but not in relation to Aikido schools (with an explanation, that while the word Aikibudo, the Aikido is also often called in France, similar to the term is incorrect). At the same time, the French Wikipedia article also interprets this term widely, referring it not only to the Flock School, but also to Dito-Ryu.

One of the sides of the school is the development of a technical arsenal for the needs of the army, special services and the police.

Contrary to widespread opinion, the term "bu" means not the "war", but "the force, allowing to support the world." Ah - harmony, association, love, compassion ki - vital energy, spirit, power bu - courage, courage, militantness to - path, road, go for translation options: "The path of the harmonious union of the military spirit and life energy", "go to military Harmony with vital energy "," Using the vital energy by joining compassion and militancy, "" spirit of love on the Warrior's path "," Spirit of compassion on the Warrior's path. "

The School of the School section is based on Aikido and Aiki-Jutsu, and the Kobudo section is based on Tencin Catori Catori Ryu, from which Knezyutsu is taken (including a fencing with two swords), Bo-Jutsu, Nagagatadzutsu, Jijutsu, So-Jutsu and Surikan-Jutsu. Teachers of Alan Flock were Vigino Yosho (Macken Kaiden Kaidan Kavadzaki Katyto Ruu), Mootezuki Minouris (Hansey, 8-Dan Sizouuce Catorie Synto Ruu, Mankio, 10th Dan, Maidzin Yoseanikan) and Tread Munamitsa (3rd Sokoe and 2- Ye Heir to Daito-Ryu), which testifies not just about the high qualification of his teachers, but also about direct transfer to the traditions of these schools.

The initial basic technique of Aikibudo includes the following sections:

1. Displacement ( Tai Sabaki), inputs and excavation from equilibrium.

2. Insurance ( Ugami.).

3. Attack technique - blowing techniques with hands (VAZ TsUKI) and feet (Gary Vase); Boots are studied separately and in the form of short kata.

4. Basic exercises (Hodzo Undo) - respiratory-energy paired exercises, correct operation by the case.

5. Exemption technique from seizures ( TE Waloka).

6. Technique of throws due to the movement of a partner ( Wa Ha Sacesin - Divine Energy; Several reminds Koku Nague in aikido).

7. Basic craft technician ( Kikhon Hegel Vase), these are 7 techniques performed by partners in turns with one and from the other hand strictly along the line - in the form of kata.

8. Basic control and retention technique ( Kikhon Osae Vase), 6 receptions performed alternately in the form of a pair kata. The partner overturns to the floor, is carried out, which is performed exclusively with legs with the designation of the finishing strike.

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Watch what is "Aikibudo" in other dictionaries:

    Although the founder itself sought to avoid creating various styles, nevertheless it happened. Wesiba taught for more than 40 years, and during this time aikido evolved from the extremely hard dito Ryu Iki Dzutsu to "non-violently soft" ... Wikipedia

    Daitō Ryū Aiki Jūjutsu 大東 流合気 柔術 Family Sign Cland Takeda Motto of Clan Tayda: Family Samurai Taked Fasts How the wind is calm How the forest is fierce like fire is unshakable as a mountain of martial art (bi): Dito Rya Iki Dzu Jutsu Others ... Wikipedia

    Daitō Ryū Aiki Jūjutsu 大東 流合気 柔術 Family Sign Cland Takeda Motto of Clan Tayda: Family Samurai Taked Fasts How the wind is calm How the forest is fierce like fire is unshakable as a mountain of martial art (bi): Dito Rya Iki Dzu Jutsu Others ... Wikipedia

    Daitō Ryū Aiki Jūjutsu 大東 流合気 柔術 Family Sign Cland Takeda Motto of Clan Tayda: Family Samurai Taked Fasts How the wind is calm How the forest is fierce like fire is unshakable as a mountain of martial art (bi): Dito Rya Iki Dzu Jutsu Others ... Wikipedia

    Daitō Ryū Aiki Jūjutsu 大東 流合気 柔術 Family Sign Cland Takeda Motto of Clan Tayda: Family Samurai Taked Fasts How the wind is calm How the forest is fierce like fire is unshakable as a mountain of martial art (bi): Dito Rya Iki Dzu Jutsu Others ... Wikipedia

    Daitō Ryū Aiki Jūjutsu 大東 流合気 柔術 Family Sign Cland Takeda Motto of Clan Tayda: Family Samurai Taked Fasts How the wind is calm How the forest is fierce like fire is unshakable as a mountain of martial art (bi): Dito Rya Iki Dzu Jutsu Others ... Wikipedia

    To improve this article, it is desirable?: Fix the article according to the Wikipedia Stylistic Rules. Find and arrange in the form of footnotes Links to authoritative sources confirming written ... Wikipedia

    - (JP. 井井 鑑昭, Noriaki Inoue), born in Japan on December 3, 1902 in the city of Wakaima, in a rich family, which has a business in trade with abroad. Inoue was known under several names (in the east it is common practice): Kitamatsumaru (Kitamatsumaru) - ... ... Wikipedia

    A public organization uniting people engaged in the Japanese martial art of Aikido in the Republic of Mari El (city of Yoshkar Ola). The history of Aikido in the Republic of Mari El starts from the moment two people, Krasnov Edward and Komak Igor, ... ... Wikipedia

Which includes hand-to-hand fight and fencing. It was created by French Alan Flock in 1980. For the basis of Flock, three schools took:, and. Interesting factthat the word "Iki-Budo" is used not only as the name of the school, but also in a narrower concept - as the name of the School section, and also meets the broad definition - as synonym with the word Iki-Dzutsu - that is, also regards Schools, but not in relation to schools. A little confusing, isn't it? At the same time, the article of the French Wikipedia also interprets this term ambiguous, relating not only to the Flock School, but also to.

One of the activities of the school is to expand the technical arsenal for military tasks, special services and police. Aikibudo is an extraordinary effective martial art. They are engaged in unreasonable to connect to themselves and partners, but also without pronounced cruelty. Contrary to widespread opinion, the term "bu" means not "war", but "the power of maintaining the world." Ai - harmony, association, love, compassion. Ki - energy of life, spirit, strength. BU - courage, courage, warlikeness. Before - path, road, go. Accordingly, you can define several options for the translation: "The path of the harmonious union of the military spirit and vital energy", "go to the military way in harmony with vitality", "Using the vitality of life energy by combining compassion and warlikeness," "The Spirit of Love on the Warrior's Way", " Spirit of compassion on the Warrior's path. "

Alan Flock

The school section with the same name is based on and, and the section is based on, from which borrowed (including obeying fencing), and Surikan-Jutsu. Alan Flock himself studied at the masters: Siengino Yosho (Macken Kaiden Sihan Kavadzaki Cactor Xoto Ruu), Minouro Minora (Hansey, 8-Dan Sizoka Catori Catoo Ruu, Macken, 10th Dan, Maidzin Yosaiska) and Tread Munamitsa (3rd Soke And the 2nd heir to Dito-Ryu). These names speak not just about the highest mastery of his teachers, but also about direct transfer to the tradition of these schools.

The fundamental basic technique of Aikibudo consists of the following sections:

1. Displacement ( Tai Sabaki), inputs and excavation from equilibrium.

2. Insurance ( Ugami.).

3. Attack technique - blowing techniques with hands (VAZ TsUKI) and feet (Gary Vase); Boots are studied separately and in the form of small kata.

4. Basic exercises (Hodzo Undo) - the respiratory-energy exercises performed in pairs, the correct work of the case.

5. Exemption technique from seizures ( TE Waloka).

6. Technique of throws due to the force of the partner ( Wa Ha Sacesin - Divine Energy; Something like Koku Nague in aikido).

7. Basic shots technique ( Kikhon Hegel Vase) Consists of seven techniques demonstrated by partners alternately from different hands and strictly along the line - in the form of kata.

8. Basic control and retention technique ( Kikhon Osae Vase) Consists of six techniques performed alternately in the form of a pair kata. The partner falls to the floor, the retaining is fixed, which is performed exclusively with legs with the designation of the final strike.

9. School of school Dito-Ryu. Pair of ten elements Ikaze idory. It is performed on the knees ( Suquerta Vadza). The first delivery program includes half (the first 5 elements) of this kata.

10. Additional technique. Receivers EUTHORIKA CAT OPOSI., URA UDE NEGE, Robuse Tencan needs to be able to perform from all attacks with different input forms.

11. Randori. Randori in Aikibudo is any job when the attack and technique from her is chosen arbitrarily. In this martial art there are different forms of Randori. But the mains of which are soft work on fixing the forms of basic technology ( Fu Ho Randori.); inputs and excavation from equilibrium (from one, two or three attackers); real randori. or simply randori. (Usually a small number of short techniques practiced at high speed and with concentration); Work from hard grippers.

12. Top exercises with weapon at the Catori Ruy Kature School.

In 1983, Aikibudo unites with Aikido to form the French Federation of Aikido, Aikibudo and analogs as a general discipline (F.F.A.a.a.) as a general discipline. Since then, thanks to the work of Master Alan Flock, this art is developing around the world and everywhere finds more and more fans. Without discarding his roots in, Aikibudo goes for the usual framework of technical practice.

"..Aikibudo is the fruit of the evolution of war in the art of the world"
Matcher Alan Flocke

So yesterday on Saturday evening at the Moscow Center for Martial Arts, that in the building Warsaw Sky, where the international seminar passes, took place indicative speechesDedicated to the twentieth anniversary of the Aikibudo in Russia.

I apologize for the quality of most photos, the reportage turned out to be sudden, and the possibilities of mobile devices are limited. I also apologize if something missed or allowed errors in terminology. Amendments Write in the comments, registration for this is not required.

2. - One of the participants in the performance. Sergey rarely can be seen in the gloomy arrangement of the Spirit.

3. Guests and participants of the seminar occupy places in the podium. Recent preparations.

The smallest

He fell out one of the main roles


Speech of the Children's Group of Morozova Svetlana Dynamic and exciting spectacle.

16. In conclusion, the word took the word Master Alan Flock.

Next to the Madrah in the photo translator-synchronist Mikhail. He has already become an integral participant in our international seminars.

Mother thanked all the speakers. Very remained a radar children's speech, noting that it was for them that Ikibudo.

I remembered how Aikibudo went to Russia. What path passed over these 20 years. And then I read my essay about what Aikibudo is. In conclusion there was such a line:

"..Aikibudo is the fruit of the evolution of war in the art of the world"

17. Awarding.

Master presented a diploma for the contribution of the development of Aikibudo in Russia, Tevis Alexanda - President of the Ikibudo Interregional Federation.

Sensei Paul Patrick Arman Madre Alan Flocke for a great contribution to the development of Aikibudo assigned the title "Keyi" is a very unsking title in the world of martial arts. All these years, it was Paul Patrick Arman that was the main curaitor of Aikibudo in Roskey.

Another big event for the Russian Aikibudo happened further. Matre Alan Flocke assigned the title "Renshi" to the President of the Moscow Federation Aikibudo and TSKSR

Modern complex martial art created by Alan Floquet (FR. Alain Floquet) In 1980 in France, on the basis of three Japanese schools: Yosaican Aikido, Dito-Ryu Aiki-Judzyutsu and Tencin Syden Katio Xoto Ruu (abbreviated - Catori Sinto Ryu).

Aikibudo, like its initial components, belong to "hard" schools. The differences from the "soft" schools are manifested in the form of movements, which in Aikibudo as a whole is much shorter, easier and more close to reality.

In France, Aikibudo effectively applies to the army and police. The main hall where Alan Floque's classes in Paris are held, is in police department and belongs to the Sports Association of Paris Police (Fr. Association Sportive De La Police De Paris, ASPP)


The name consists of four hieroglyphs having the following values:


"Harmony, association, love, compassion";


"Vital energy, spirit, strength";


"Courage, courage, warlikeness";


"Path, road, go."

Most often, Aikibudo is translated as: "The path of the harmonious association of the military spirit and vital energy", "go to military will be in harmony with life energy", "Using the life of life energy by uniting compassion and militancy," "The Spirit of Love on Warrior's Way" or "Spirit of Compassion On the path of the warrior. "


Aikibudo was founded on the basis of three martial arts schools: Yosaisik Aikido, Dito-Ryu Iki-Judzyutsu and Tencin Syden Katyo Ruy.

Dioto-Ryu style was created in the XI century Master Minamoto-But Yoshimitz, an outstanding Japanese warlord. By the end of his life, he was appointed governor of Kai Province, where one of his descendants founded the famous Treed family, which actively created various martial techniques. The most famous representative of the famous commander Tsad Singen became the most famous representative.

TO eND XIX. century ( last years The Edo period) ended the era of bloody wars between the clans. At the same time, the process of disarmament of samurai began. Then Mr. Saigo Tanano (1830 - 1903), Cannisi (a person responsible for the content of the Sinotoyan Sanctuary) and Samurai decided to teach his techniques who are not members of his clan. One of them became a taja Sokak, who returned to the province of Aidzu studied Aiki-Jutsu techniques at the Master Tanomo. In 1898, he formalized all the combat heritage and called him Dioto Ryu Jüdzutsu, later renamed the Dito-Ryu Iki-Dzüdzutsu, and, thanks to his outstanding skill, widespread him.

From 1920 to 1931, Taja Sokaku taught his art Morihei Wassiba, who by 1942 on the basis of his knowledge in the Daito-Ryu-Jutsu, Judzütsu and Ken-Jutsu, creating new martial arts - Aikido. In 1931, Minouro Morihehu, Minouro Morijuk, who later played a huge role in the popularization of Aikido in France subsequently played. In 1951, he was sent to Europe with an official cultural mission. Within two and a half years, he acquainted Europeans with the art of his teacher and his developments, calling it "Aikido Judzyutsu", thereby contributing to the development of the largest Aikido community outside of Japan. Among his students was a young French judoist Jim Alcheik (Fr. Jim Alcheik), which in 1954 went to the next Sun teacher in 1954 and continued his studies in Dojo Yosaican.

In 1958, Jim Alchek returned from Japan at the request of Minouro, Mootezuki officially showed Aikido Yosaican in France and founded the French Aikido Federation, Tajyutsu and Cando (English FRENCH Federation of Aikido, Taijutsu and Kendo, Ffatk). Alan Flocke becomes one of his assistants (born in 1938). In 1962, during the war for the independence of Algeria, Jim Alchek dies. In order to ensure the future of Aikido Judzütsu in France, Alan Flocke is associated with Minouro Mootezuki, who sends his son Hiro to Paris. For two years, Hiro Motidzuki teaches Flock. In 1966, Alan was appointed Technical Director of Aikido Yosaican School in France. In 1973, it creates C.E.R.A. (Fr. Center International De Laikibudo, International Aikibudo Center).

In 1978, Merot Minora Mootezuki assigned to Alan 7th Dan and Title Kösyi, thereby recognizing his significant merit.

In 1980, Alan Flocke renews relationships with the basic school and with the heir to Dito-Ryu Iki-Dzüdzutsu Takad Tokimune, the son of Taja Sokaku. On the basis of his knowledge, his style of teaching and practitioners in styles such as Yosaican Aikido, Catori Synto-Ryu and Aiki-Judzütsu, Alan, having enlisted with the full support of the Musters of Motidzuki, makes the decision to create his own school and calls it "Aikibudo".

On July 3, 1983, Aikibudo unites with Aikido to form the French Federation Aikido, Aikibudo and analogues as a joint discipline. Since then, thanks to the efforts of the Master Alan Flock, this art continues to develop around the world.


Aikibudo is a martial art that has enabling the teachings of the ancient Japanese schools of martial arts. The philosophy of this combat system, if proceeding from the name, is a search for the meaning of being by self-improvement and knowledge based on melting comprehension. As in many other martial arts schools in Aikibudo, the ICI principle is applied - the union of energy, the unity of the internal abilities of a person to achieve perfection.

In Aikibudo there are many movements aimed at defending the enemy, the purpose of which to stop the blow or capture at its first stage, when he did not score even maximum power.

Respect for the integrity of the partner is the main principle in the art of Aikibudo.

And the striker and defendant are referred to as "partners", and not "opponents." During the development of the technician, participants (striker - Tory, defending - Uce) constantly change roles, thanks to which there is no such concept as a winner and defeated, and, accordingly, there is no competition. However, Randori (classic sparring) are present in Aikibudo, which allow you to carry out free sparring to work out techniques, checking skills and operations of combat reflexes.

Belt and ranks

Depending on the qualifications of Aikibudoki, it can be assigned a student (KW) or a workshop (DAN) degree.

In total, Aikibudo has 6 ku: the youngest level is the 6th ku, the oldest is the 1st ku.

Based belts (OBI) of white and black colors are used, but there may be differences depending on the country and the Aikibudo Federation. Wearing a black belt and hakama is allowed only to holders of the 1st date and above.

Increased rank possible by passing specialized tests. There is a program of necessary technical skills for each of the degrees approved International Federation Aikibudo. Some clubs add their own disciplines to the standard requirements. The new degree is assigned to the attestation committee conducted by the exam. Pupils who received a black belt are called it.

The basic technique of Aikibudo includes the following sections:

Etiquette and greetings

Like any other school of Eastern martial arts, Aikibudo has its own set of rules and etiquette. Each lesson begins with the following steps:

Position sitting on the heels, the "Sit down" command;


Bow in the direction of Somain (Front of Dojo, where the portrait of the founder of the school is installed);

Sensei nor Ray

Watch Sensei;

Otagai nor Ray

Bow to each other;


The team "Rifle".

Hodzo Undo

Hodzo Undo - various training exercises. In these exercises, the correct work is practiced by the body in order to beat the partner's effort due to the right and timely execution of movements by the case, without applying physical strength. Includes the following elements:

Nigiri Caesi.

Based on the movement of the liberation from the seizure of the wrist with two hands (Riotee IPPO Dori), followed by a similar seizure of the partner's hands;

Nadzi Caesi.

Includes exemption from the lock of the elbow of the direct hand and the transition to a similar key of the partner's hand is alternately in retainer mode;

Caesi axis

Exemption from the strong capture of Riote Dory (capture both wrists) due to a powerful push towards the partner, accompanied by energy emissions without interception or with the interception of his hands;


Blocking a powerful push at the level of the chest at the expense of the counter movement;


Owl direct hit Fist in the face of the same hand with the subsequent attack of the same hand.

Tai Sabaki

Thai Sabaki ("body management") - displacement of the case. This section is divided into two parts: single movements and work with a partner (inlets of equilibrium). In single movements, the sense of equilibrium and the ability to control the center of gravity in motion is mainly implemented. In working with a partner it is necessary to learn, with the help of the right and timely movement of the building, to win the center of gravity from the partner, and due to this, to withdraw it from equilibrium.

The Thai Sabaki complex in Aikibudo looks like this:


Displacement by the odoro to the side of 45 degrees to the line of the opponent's attack;

The shift to-forward under 45 degrees into the parallel to the opponent's attack line;


Entrance with a turn, parallel to the attack line of the opponent;


Shifting step to the side;


Offset back from the opponent.


Ukimi - self-insurance techniques. From the very first occupation, beginners of the ikibudok are taught the right drop before proceeding to the study of thrust techniques. Basic views Ukimi studied in Aikibudo:


Kuvokes forward;

Mustache Uemi

Kuwrock back;

Ko ugia

Fall, or squirrel, in the side.

Shock machinery

Impact equipment in Aikibudo is studied both by individual blowing techniques with hands and legs and in the form of kata (formalized sequence of movements related to the principles of conducting a fight with an imaginary opponent or a group of opponents). Blows can be applied to various parts of the body, so the following terms are used to determine the direction:


Upper level ( top part bodies, face);


Middle level (usually the abdominal area);


Low level (usually level hood).

Tsuki Vase

Tsuki Vase - shock technique with hands. Includes:

Tsuk Tsuki.

Straight blow by hand;

Kosi Tsuki

Straight punch with a fist (or sword) from the reverse rack with a pronounced hinder movement;

Khiki Tsuki.

A twist punch with a fist (or knife) with the movement of hips in the opposite direction;

Dzun UT.

Reverse chopping fist;

Hini UT.

Sustained shield with elbow;

Haku Tsuki.

Reverse chopping with a fist with a turn of hip in the opposite direction;

Omote Eko Maine Uti

Side chopping strike, which is applied by a partner's face, i.e. From the inside;

Huru Ekoko Maine Uti

Reverse side cut.

Gary Vaza

Gary Vase - shock technology with legs. When performing strikes with legs, it is necessary to pay great attention to the position of equilibrium, since only one leg is based on a leg. And as well as in kicks, you need to train to invest in a blow.

Mahe Gary.

Straight punch feet;

Mavashi Gary.

Circular punch leg;

Hurray Mavashi Gary.

Reverse circular punch leg;

Eko Gary.

Side punch leg;

Mustra Gary.

Kick foot back;

Hitsui Gary.

Kick the knee;

Hidza Gary.

Blow knee in the head after gripping.


In Aikibudo there are 3-shock kata:

Tsuki Ution

Complex shock techniques hands;

Happoken Kata

Complex of the drum technician with hands in eight directions (HAPPO - "Eight");

Gary Gokho but Kata

Complex of drum technician legs in five directions (Goho - "five directions").

TE Waloka

TE Walca - exemption from captures. The icibudo studies the following capture techniques:

Juty Dori.

Capture of wrist outside with a variepete hand;

Dori Dori.

Capture of wrist from the inside of the same hand;

Hakute Dori.

Capture of wrists from inside with a variepete hand;

Rethe Dori.

Capture both wrists outside;

Rethe Ippo Dory.

Capture of wrist with two hands;

Sode Dori.

Capturing the sleeves above the elbow;

Riosodte Dori.

Capture with two hands for the sleeves at the elbow bend;

Mae Erie Dori.

Capture for lapse jacket;

Muna Dori.

The seizure of two twisters of the jacket with one hand;

Warming Riote Dori.

Capture both hands outside (hands close);

Mucility Uvat Dori.

Girth over the hands;

Mustrality Sitate Dori.

Girth at hand;

Ashith Erie Dori.

Capture collar with one hand;

Catate Dori Erie Syme

Chouring capture with the simultaneous elbow castle of an elbow hand.

Kikhon Osae Vase

Kikhon Osa Vase - basic control and retention technique. This section contains basic principles Holding opponent. Kikhon OSA VAZ is a complex of 6 basic techniciansdesigned to overturn the enemy to the floor and its immobilization with the help of the seizure of the joint, performed alternately in the form of a pair kata.

Muchpid hidji kinku

"Breaking the elbow", turning the elbow joint;


Elbow break

Kote Kukoy

Dying of the wrist

Yuki Tigaa

"Cross, not meeting", breaking the forearm;

Sijo Hegel

Flaw of wrists in four directions;

Mukae Dios

Throw back with a turn of the head of the enemy in his side.

Kikhon Nag Vaza

Kikhon Nag Vase - a complex of 7 techniques of basic throws, performed by partners in turns with one and from the other hand strictly along the line in the form of kata:

Mukae Dios

"Throw with the oncoming entrance", i.e. back with a turn of the head of the enemy in his direction;

Sijo Hegel

Throw a bend of the opponent's hand back with an impact at the same time on the shoulder, elbow joint and brush;

Yuki Tigaa

Throw with a breakfast of the forearm;

Kote Gaesi.

Throw by coup using a brush;

Tambin Nape

Throw by painful effect on the elbow;

Hati Mavasi.

Throw back with the reversal of the head of the enemy in relation to his body;

Kosi Hegel

Throw through the thigh.

Va But Saysin

Va but Saysin ("Divine Energy") implies the ideal interaction of partners. It is practiced a clean movement without physical strength and pain. Requires the huge attention of both partners when working out.

Randori is a free match, sparring. In the Randori section, the free possession of Aikibudo techniques in various situations against one or more partners of both unarmed and weapons are being worked out.

By number of partners:

Dzu but Randori.

"Soft Randori", one against one;

Futari but Randori.

One against two;

Tanindse but Randori.

One against several.

On technical execution:

Buki Dori Randori and Emono Dori Randori

Randori against armed partners;

Dziu but Radnory

Randori in free style;

Futari Dori Randori.

Randori from double grip (simultaneous capture by two opponents);

Go but randori.

Randori after the attack held;

Ippon Dori Randorori.

Randori one against one opponent (from grits);

Kakari Randori.

One partner attacks continuously, the other is defended.


The Aikibudo program includes training with worksheet of weapons collected under the term Kobudo. Most of them are the Heritage School of Cactor Xoto Ruu.

The practice of Aikibudo includes work with the following weapons:

Long Sword (Bocken, Katana, Iyto);

Short sword (codaty, vakidzasi, bo codati);
-The consumer use of two swords (Ryoto);
-Cake (Bo, Tonfa);
-Cinel (tanto);
-Kope (Yari);
-Alebard (Naginat).

In the book Alan Flock "Aikibudo", this name is applied not only as a school designation, but also very narrowly - as the name of the same section. As a synonym for the speech of Aiki-Jutsu, it is also a synonym, that is also a Daito-Ryu school, but not in relation to the Aikido schools (with an explanation that, although Ikido is often called in France, like Aikido, like The use of the term is incorrect).