Fighting techniques on the swords. Knife

For clarity, the customs of all Japanese arts are omitted here, such as the manifestation of respect for their weapons or the winning of the hakam (samurai pants). Unless otherwise indicated, the "art type", "art" and "form" belong to the art of ownership by the Japanese sword.


    Choose art type. Since everyone has its own characteristics, you should find a view. martial artin which you are competent. If you are not familiar with the Japanese martial arts, then here are some of the most famous:

    Collect the necessary gear. Equipment depends on the type of art. Among the types of weapons are known as:

    Take the books. After you choose the type of art in which you are interested and selected the necessary equipment, pick up textbooks on the topic and spend some research. Books need to use in combination with a qualified teacher! Trying to independently explore the techniques are strongly recommended, as it can destroy your foundations.

    Find Sensei (combat mentor). It is impossible to learn art without a teacher. Find a dojo or school to explore the desired art.

    Care. Practice Kata, or a sequence of movements, before you can perform them quickly and efficiently. If necessary, find a partner to workout. Then, if allowed, go to others. Do not forget about old.

  1. Take the present (or at least the best) weapon. As soon as you feel confident, get the best (which usually means more dangerous) weapons.

    • Boxen is a very effective learning tool. He will actually facilitate waving a real sword in many cases.
    • Correctly withdrawal of shinchen, or combat blade, does not produce any sound. Bad produces all types of sounds. Work with a new blade or use new techniques while you do not learn how to scratching Saya (sheath). The biggest error in the withdrawal of weapons is when it is removed upwards, it turns out and can cut the Saya sheath.
    • Do not hurry. Species studying equipment and species without mastering the concept as a whole will lead to a number of problems. Chop quickly not as important as chopping correctly.
    • Reference. Not all firmly like a stone. If you find something special uncomfortable, experiment until you find what is suitable for you, but do not change it so much that it will be far from the original.
    • Keep the sword correctly. Right hand (or your working hand) should be directly under the tsub (metal plate-protection), and the left (or non-working) hand should be as far as possible from the right. The smallest fingers should squeeze stronger, the pressure should decrease up the hand and finally, the index finger should simply be based on the handle, and not grab it. When swinging, the left hand should perform traction movement, while the right direction to the left. When you swing the sword, grab the tightly with your hand, turning your hand with a handle into one. If everything is done correctly, it will simultaneously create a destructive and sawing movement.
    • The presence of High (grooves) on the sword will make it easier, thus putting jeopardy the integrity of a poorly executed section. Poises are present, because The material was removed.
    • Katana is not intended for blocking and can be chopped when they hit, since its edge is made of solid steel. The only way you could damage the cutting edge is to block them. Blocking when using katana is carried out with mun, or the rear edge of the blade. It is best to move away when you reject the blow to the sword. You need to try to use it to reflect the impact and give it to slip, instead of staying together, in contact with the blades, which really ends your katan if you are careless. For each type of kiri-cutting or tsuk-attack, there is protection using a sliding blocking.
    • Look for someone to work out, it helps a lot when sparring.
    • After handling with your sword, it is best to wipe it with a clean cloth and apply a thin layer of oil. Based on the traditional point of view, you can use chob oil, although mineral oil is well acting. A few drops of oil on a clean cloth will make their own business - do not miss Katan. Be careful when cleaning your sword - concentrate on it all your attention and continue your conversation at the end of cleaning. People will understand.
    • In fact, mastering any kind of martial art can take over 50 years. Take care if you really want to learn art.


    • Do not try to "catch" the falling sword. If you are not lucky, and you dropped the blade, go away immediately - it can bounce in any direction. If you try to grab the falling sword, you may need help to assemble your fingers from the floor.
    • Do not buy katana from " of stainless steel" They are usually decorative and are predisposed to the flushing, which can be potentially dangerous for any of the aiming line when (and it happens) it breaks. If you need to buy, then take Katana from solid steel.
    • Real Katana, as is known, can completely destroy other types of weapons. As a rule, each target affected by rod has a fatal outcome. Do not use the real Katan for the competition if you and your partner are not professionals, or do not intend to die.
    • Do not provoke and do not threaten with your own art. In addition to the fact that the threat can be a criminal crime, many others own or even exceed you in one or several martial arts. Provocation is potentially harmful to your health. Finally, do not build a steep or macho just because you have a sword.
    • Do not attack until you attack you, in this case the subsequent murder (you) will be justified. Use common sense.
    • Check your sword! If some part it is not fixed, let's look at someone with extensive experience. If you do not know anyone, write a letter to the local Dojo and ask if they will not agree to check your sword. You will not be able to stop the blade departing from the handle.
    • Do not try to repair the sword, if only breakdown is insignificant for you.
    • Katana, Vakizashi and Tanto must be legally registered. Before purchasing, find out this at a lawyer.
    • Under no circumstances, do not buy this weapon if you do not know how to skillfully handle the educational weapons. Weapons, even being at your disposal, can easily turn against you if you are incompetent.
    • Do not buy weapons if you did not contact him personally and do not know whether it is suitable for you.
    • Do not learn art for the purpose of revenge or for the execution of violent crimes. It is extremely shameful and, undoubtedly, you will not become the same competent as real students.
    • Weapon wearing, which can be interpreted as a threat or intimidation, is with certain jurisdictions, swinging weapons. Again, before doing this, consult with a lawyer.
    • Under no circumstances use your blade to check whether it cuts objects. Take the word from each - it cuts. This applies to packaging of water, food, bricks, beds, trees branches and any other items on which people are known to have a cutting force. There are two reasons for it; Once - the inept incision does not spoil your blade, two - if you make a mistake, it can lead to a finger loss or a deep wound before even what you realize that you expire blood. Even the masters sometimes there are obverse, but in order to minimize the likelihood of injury and maximize the life of your blade, cut only a carefully prepared GOZ, or rolled tatami.
    • It is not recommended to apply any martial art when you are under the influence of braking means or vice versa, incapacitated, in a state of illness, disorder or disability.
    • Do not learn art yourself. One error in the learning process will lead to the effect of a snowball and makes the ownership of art potentially dangerous for you.

Exercise is performed both in the vertical plane and horizontally. It is possible to perform various "eight" and imitation of blows with a two-handed sword.

Gradually, the exercises on the development of the back are reduced, and instead they increase the share of work in full armor. Thus, keeping the form and increasing the load, you simply replace the strengthening exercises of those that are necessary in the course of classes.

Work "in the wind"(coordination, flexibility of joints)

The work "in the wind" is broken exercises performed by a fighter on their own - without a target and partner, that is, by air. Most often it is rotational fly movements with a varied trajectory (famous cinema turntables). Performed on site, in motion and in rotation around its axis.

In addition to the work of the "feelings of handles", these exercises strengthen the tendons, contribute to the development of the flexibility of the joints, coordinate movements and feeling of equilibrium. It is not necessary to describe the exercises themselves, they are with an excess of cinema ninja, samurai, Cossacks, etc. In addition, any person in force to make up and develop their own similar exercises. Main principle: the blade should not stop. His movement should be smooth, without delays and jerks. The speed of execution arbitrary and depends on the weight and dimensions of the blade.

The next section will be devoted to techniques that you will not see on the screen and you will not hear from rivals. Some clubs are trying not to disclose the secrets of skill, thinking that several of their "secret" developments will provide an advantage over the opponent. This naive misleading is repeatedly refuted by the practice of tournaments. The fighter that makes a bid on a tricky reception, quickly reaches his ceiling and begins to hopelessly lose opponents with flexible thinking and creative approach to fencing. Yes, you can have 2-3 major impacts or combinations in arsenal, but it's just ridiculous to make a secret of them, because the observant opponent is easily "will declassify" them and develop unexpected countermeasures. We are convinced that the development of historical fencing will be able to continue only when familiarizing the majority of fighters with existing developments. This will allow the mechanism of "reception-counter-use", which is the main engine of the development of the entire direction of the IF.

It is no secret that many of the most recent ideas of the Zarechensk school are still in development, but we share basic and tested techniques without regret!

"Balda"(Five Hunting Hunting)

You can spend hours and days in the gym, pumping the mass of the muscles, but, going out on the ristar, wonder that the sword from fatigue falls out of the hand, while a relatively roasted opponent retains freshness, strength and speed of blows.

The reason for the vain development of those muscle groups that are not responsible for the movement of weapons.

At the moment, a technique has been developed and tested, allowing to solve this and other training problems. It is also important that the technique itself does not require special material costs, and training shells can be mounted both on the street and in relatively small premises.

Hare 1. Instead of monotonous and endless jolts, the rod or dumbbells is more useful to spend half an hour with a training blade of 2 kg, inflicting strikes on the "Bald" - suspended on the rope of the auto stroke block.

Tendons adapt, drum muscle group running, her hand gets used to meeting obstacles. By shifting the sword to another hand, we get a uniform development of the shoulder belt. We strongly recommend working out techniques with both hands. In addition to well-known advantages, this approach allows you to fully work with partners as left-handed.

Zayats 2. Work on the "Bald" with a leaning weapon, in addition to increasing the power characteristics, contributes to the efficient development of coordination, accuracy and pace of beats. At a certain stage of working out techniques, it is necessary to work precisely a heavy shell in full force.

Hare 3. It is easy to make sure that I actively worked for 15 minutes from the "Bald" in complete armor with a weapon, a person feels exactly the way he drove a cross 3-5 km (depending on the personal training). However, in parallel with the development of endurance, the technique is hosted, the force and accuracy of the blow, which is not to reach any running workouts.

Hare 4. Exercises with "Bald" in a pair in their effectiveness are doubly unique. This is explained very simple. One-stans even in the most severe training battle do not beat each other in full force, and it is correct (if they are mentally healthy). There is no need to create a traumatic situation capable of bringing a fighter in order, especially before the competition. The side effect of this manifests itself in addiction to restrain the blow and stop after each strong hit.

The work with the "Bald" in the pair allows you to completely avoid these moments (the details of the exercises are set below).

Zayats 5. Working with the swinging "Balda" forms the skills of the power struggle: the impressions of the body or shield, counteracts on the active movement of the enemy. It is with a swinging "Bald" an athlete has the opportunity to hone the feeling of distance in combat mode.

The conclusion comes by itself: a large proportion of physical training can and should take place "on the balt", using the tournament equipment and training (weighty) weapons.

The historical prototype of the "Bald" - the fuck-iducan was made of a piece of logs or a thick knitting of twig. However, both are not entirely convenient: the twig is in the process of work leaves a mass of Kroshev on the floor, and the solid tree tires the hand with a tough advance and quickly destroys the weapon. Auto strokes in this case are more convenient than historical analogs. And the essence of the exercise remains unchanged, while the ray-tailed joint I am a resource of weapons are saved as much as possible!

An obvious advantage is that, based on the minimum set of specific exercises, each coach and an athlete can develop their exercises necessary for solving personal tasks.

Single "Bald"

Stopping blows from the place (the work of technology, strength, speed, accuracy).

Having made the starting position before the projectile, the fighter masters the reception, studies the remote conditions for its successful use and the specifics of the behavior of the sword at the moment of impact.

The coach has the ability to see the errors of the actual acceptance, and not its contactless image. The fighter feels weak and strengths Each reception in relation to their capabilities and the Constitution.

Stopping impacts from movement (fighter, moving around the "Bald", strikes and changes the direction of movement).

It is purchased ease and discharge of movements. It is produced by the skill of strikes from the cape, from any support leg, from a step or jump, from moving forward and backward, etc.

Pair "Balda"

The fight for ahead (fighters from the opposite sides of the "Balds", seeing each other, try to hit the "Bald" to the faster of the opponent).

The fighter gets used to constantly seeing a real enemy, follow his actions, regardless of its position.

The fight for the answer (watching the opponent, the fighters try to respond to his blow to the "Bald" and apply their "protection-blow" scheme).

A natural reaction is produced, the ability to switch from defensive to the attacker action.

The fight for survival (the marathon, when the fighters are caused by the agreed number of shocks for speed, or beat on the "Bald" of the agreed time at the maximum pace and in full force).

Simultaneous work on endurance, strength, technique, efficiency of movements. In such a marathon, the personal features of every fighter are well shown. It becomes clear that it should be adjusted and what every fighter is better to bet in the tournament battles.

Swing "Bald"(power struggle, pushes, podsa with projectile hanging on a 2-3 meter cord)

Adaptation to the mobility of the opponent, correction of blows in motion, generating controls to shields shield and shoulder. All exercises can be performed both alone and couples. Swinging traffic can ask the athlete itself or his partner. In case of work with a partner "Balda", it moves more unpredictably, imitating situations when the enemy may unexpectedly stop or attacking not in a straight line.

Contact must pass hard so that the shell stops instantly. Better, if the "Balda" when a collision flies back or to the side.

Maneuvering (care from "Bald" in speed mode).

At the time of the offensive movement "Bald", the fighter works out from power contact. Reception is performed correctly when care is carried out at a minimum distance, but without a touch with a projectile.

Counter strikes (in the departure from the attack line).

The moving "Balda" is encountered with a hard blow or series. The optimal version of the execution combines the counter blow and protective action: care, testing shield, etc.

Push with a shield (with a heavy "bald").

The swinging "Balda" is found by a powerful shield or shoulder. The optimally performed movement keeps the fighter in place and does not allow him to fly away when hitting.

Designs "Bald"

The designs of this projectile may be a great set. It all depends on the size, quantity and method of fastening the auto strokes. This allows you to vary the weight and mobility of the "Bald": from the easiest - from one passenger tire on the rope, to the most severe and stationary - collected on the entrance to the ground post by the type of children's pyramid.

The figure is given the middle and heavy types of "Bald". Based on the general principle, anyone can make a variant most suitable in each personal case.

It is worth seriously related to the "Bald" suspension mechanism. The total weight of a complete projectile can reach 60-90 kg, so fasteners should be particularly reliable. It makes no sense to explain what will happen in the event of a fall on the foot of the cargo in the half-priceer. Therefore, the attachment is better to do with a margin, especially if you consider that when working for the mass of "Bald", the force of impact or push the body is added.

Fighters who regularly train on the "Bald" are quite quickly raised by a powerful and hard blow. With all the obvious advantages, this fact has one big minus: when driving a blow to full strength, there is a rapid wear of the handle of weapons. The first symptom is manifested in the bending of the handle relative to the axis of the blade. However, most often the handle just suddenly breaks. It aggravates the trend towards a life and too dense landing and imparting, which is why great tension is constantly saved in the handle. A strong blow increases this voltage several times and the metal is simply not withstanding. 3.4 * I *

You can fight these troubles in several ways.

After breaking weapons:

Disassemble handle; Navory a broken fragment and assemble a pen again.


Take the Arsenal training (reinforced) blade. In the training blade, a deep dollars, a subtle blade and a narrow shank handle, so can be made more powerful (especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe blade transition in handle). Such a blade will serve for a long time even with a constant use of it on a solid "Bald" from cargo tires, which more hard take the blow and dramatically quench its energy.

Use softer and plastic tires for the manufacture of "Bald". If there are no training (coarse) blades in your arsenal, it is better to collect "Balt" from passenger tires. They are characterized by more thin rubber and greater softness. The energy of the strikes in them is quenched quite smoothly, without excellent overloads in the junction of blade-handle. For such tires you can work with a balanced combat clinics. It is worth adding that we would not advise to work out the strength and sharpness of the impact with antineus blades, which will leave under the crossroads in the handle. The weakened joint of such swords is much worse to carry breaking loads of strong blows.

This once again confirms that not all "historical" things apply with serious tournament battles and training.

Need to remember!

This technique is quite effective, and many notice sharp progress after 1-3 weeks. However, the head should be stripped to jump beginner fighters trying to force the achievement of high results, because:

Only an even and stable training process is capable, without breakdowns and serious injuries, lead to the heights of skill.

The skill of the console is able to form only on the foundation of personally honed basic equipment! 90% - grinding actions and 10% - sparring.

Premature aspiration of a weakly prepared athlete to this hard sparring is a straight road to disappointments and injury!

The essence of this warning is not to keep students from real fights, but in order to smoothly and consistently enter newcomers in a full training cycle.

It is necessary to recall that experienced fighters in competitions almost never happen. If you arrange situations for the increasing level of trauma, it will be an expressive list:

Russian scale championships - minimum (small and light);

Regional tournaments - a small level (lungs);

Training process - medium level (average);

Rehearsal I. indicative speeches - Maximum level (lungs, medium, serious and heavy).

Although it may seem to you strange, but training and demonstration performances are most traumatic. While in a circle of friends, anyone, not wanting, somewhat relaxes. Some neglect of protection appears, attention and caution weaken. The shocks are sometimes not inferior on the strength of the tournament, and as a result - injuries.

In tournaments, on the contrary, the fighter is in a state of high aliestness, assembled and alert. Therefore, even tough strikes do not find surprise and do not cause much harm.

To this, it should be added that experienced fighters with great reluctance work with newcomers. This is explained by the fact that the novice fighter does not have enough technology and poorly controls the movement of the blade. The danger of unpredictable hit of the tip of the blade in the area of \u200b\u200bthe face and the cutting edge is lower than the knee. - approx. Auto

A little alphabet

Procedure for studying a separate reception

1. Visual familiarization with the reception.

2. Heading admission to the combat clinics on the "Bald".

3. The operation of muscle memory with the training (heavy) blade on the "Bald".

4. Touching the speeding of the reception in armor with a combat clinch on the "Bald".

5. Grinding the reception by a combat or lightweight blade in pairs.

Consider more details each of the stages.

1. The reception show begins with a clear name, in accordance with the terminology.

The reception is then shown 2-3 times in a combat pace with an explanation of the appointment of acceptance and situations for its application.

After the athlete realized what speech was repeated by phases in a slow pace with an explanation of each phase.

2. First, all attention is paid to the accurate trajectory of the reception, the correct formulation of hands and the corps. Reception is performed in parts and pumped at a slow pace with the correction of possible errors. The blade should not be very difficult for the fighter not distracted by an extra effort.

3. After mastering the basic structures, it is fixed in "muscle memory". In the process of working with the "Bald" from the static position, go to the execution of impacts in motion. Takes are performed by a heavy blade, many times, in a calm pace.

4. As the element is exhausted, go to high-speed shocks in full armor. The main attention is paid to accuracy and sharpness.

5. When proper execution It does not cause difficulties, the reception is "honed" in a pair with a partner. Starting from moderate, the pace is gradually increasing. At this stage it is possible to use light weapons (plastic tube, stick)

Basic blows and protection

As a rule, the basic is considered to be 5-6 the most common blows, on the basis of which the entire further technique of the fencer is being built. Other strikes are, in principle, just a variety of basic. Each school is distinguished by its terms and nuances of execution, but all this will be options for the same blows.

(Cheering strikes are not considered in this case. - Approx. Auth.)

1. Diagonal top punch on the right down (pool level).

2. Diagonal top punch left down (pool level).

3. Vertical blow (pool level).

4. Horizontal punch on the right left (pool and underground levels).

5. Diagonal bottom punch on the right up (underground).

6. Diagonal bottom punch on the left up (underground).

The sword, like a double-edged weapon, allows you to use the opposite (radiant) edge of the blade. From here, two more reverse strikes are added.

7. Powder reverse.

8. Punch reverse underground.

In this terminology, dashing - blows in top Cases and head, pololnoe - blows into the lower part of the housing and the thigh.

In the original terminology of the Zarechensk school, the blows on the right are called the right hand (from the handle - right hand), respectively, blows on the left - Oshuyny (from the shuin - left hand). Some names like the most appropriate essence are borrowed from the terminology of the Slavic-Goriensky struggle. The list of lists given the terms that will be used in the video version of the Zarechensk school.

The scheme contains the main directions of basic blows (in brackets - the names of the receptions described below, with drawings and execution schemes).

a) Delicious dressed;

b) sewn Oshuyny (hoist);

d) reverse column (Forter);

e) reverse dressed; e) reverse Oshuyny (reverse); g) climbing lies (sublica); h) Rise Oshuyny (lifting).

Speed \u200b\u200band accuracy

Chalk different levels "Balds", "Pyataki" (sections with a diameter of 10-20 cm) are noted, which are the main zones of lesion.

At the initial stage, the fighter causes single blows, tracking the accuracy of the "Pyatakov" defeat. In the process of training "Pyataki" decreases to 5-10 cm, and the "Bald" attaches the rotational and pendulum movement.

At the same time, the zones of the defeat appear, they disappear, which simulates the real situation when the enemy opens at different distances and unpredictably.


Having mastered the basic blows in motion, proceed to the development of attacks using strikes. At first, the strikes are performed on the hanging projectile "Bald", and then in collaboration with a partner (the coach conducts passing movement correction).

At the initial stage, all techniques are performed at a safe pace, focusing on the correctness of movements.

Findings include fraudulent movements in order to disorient the enemy. It may be "eight" with a sharp blow to the blow, or false shutters with the transfer of the direction of impact, or another action imposing an enemy to delusion.

Do not pass the "beautiful" reception. Distributed Arabesque, discharged by the blade, can be confused only a green novice. Fint must be done quickly, so as not to give the opponent to counterattack or recognize the Fint itself in your movement.

An exception to this rule will be rare cases when the deceleration pause is necessary according to the figure of the Fint (for example, when a pause is made after a false zama to pull the enemy to the response movement, after which the real attack is carried out). But even in this case, the Fint itself must be fast for consuming.

When learning the fins, applying and "reflex" are first performed. Then proceed to the fulfillment of the feints and from the go (from a circular motion or from the place).

Characteristic fins are:

b) cheating;

c) eight top;

d) eight bottom;

d) loop-climbing.

Knocking (plums)

Under this implies the movement of the weapon (less often the shield) when the opponent's blow is discharged along the sliding trajectory or faces the attack line.

Characteristic knobs are:

a) fan protection;

c) draining external;

d) Drain internal.

A little alphabet

Main types of training

For a number of reasons, there is an objective need to differentiate training in several aspects. As a rule, they all have some similar moments, but the placed specific tasks emphasize the one or another purpose.

Usually, the weekly training schedule contains various types of workouts alternating in a certain way. The usual system can change over time or acquire the form of averaged occupation, each of which includes the steps of various workouts.

Technical training

Aimed at the exhaustion of individual techniques and combinations, the production of automatic actions and expanding the personal technical arsenal of the fighter.

Fencing with Katana - Fight with a Sword for Samurai

At all times, Katana was considered a samurai symbol. Katana is a pure civil version of the samurai sword. The Military version of the samurai sword was called Tati and never applied in civil life, although in essence, being Coipei Katana. He was suspended to the belt, and not for the belt, was less sharp sharp and the angle of his sharpening was greater, as it was designed for the driver of the armor, where the razorly sharp climb of Katana would be closed after several blows.

However, it was the samurai sword - Katana became simir of samurai.

Fencing with rod has undergone enough changes and improvements before reached the modern highest level. The main heyday of the Japanese fencing began with the time of the Sengoku period (Yap. 戦国 時代 Sengoku Dziday "Epoch of the Warring Provinces") - a period in Japanese history from the second half of XV to the beginning of the XVII century, when the power of the village weakened and shaken and Japanery joined the feudal Internecine wars. This epoch ended only in the XVII century with the establishment of Tokugawa.

It is in the era of the endless wars of all with everyone and flourishes the Japanese art of fencing katana.

By this time, or rather, the formation of the oldest fencing school of Japan - Sinka-Ru will be involved in the XVI century. It is considered the most ancient school of fencing with Katana in Japan, which began the beginning of the modern clarity of possession of the sword.

The founder of the Sinka-Ryu School - Samurai Isue-No-Kami Nobutsun himself was an excellent fencer his time. He personally passed training in three schools of fencing - Nan-Ryu, Catori Sintu-Ryu and Cague Ryu. By choosing the best of these schools, the most progressive and combining their patients in
a single indivisible whole, IEE-no-kami founded his school - Sinka-Ruu, who laid the foundations of Kendzütsu - that is, fencing with a sword in the then Japan. As a basis of fencing with Katana IEE-Kami took the receptions of the fencing school of Cague Ryu.

The founder of the school of Kamihodsumi IEE-Kami Nobutsun was trained in three schools, which are called the sources of Japanese Knezutsu - Nan-Ryu, Catori Sintu-Ryu, Cague Ryu. IEE, but kami improved the technique of these schools, special attention Paying the technique and principles of the Cague Ryu. The result was the creation of a Sinka-Ru school.

By participating in numerous battles, IEE-but in fact proved the effectiveness of the school created by him, which later became very popular in medieval Japan. Sinkaga Ryu was popular until the restoration time of Maidzi, when her decline began and oblivion, continued until the 50s of the 20th century, when the school was actually revived and gained a second breath.

The purpose of the development of fencing katana was not only the dispersion of the ability of possession and fencing with a sword, but also a moral component of the warrior. One of the truths of the samurai read "If I hit the sword's master's sword at the moment when he admires the blooming Sakura and does not expect an attack, then even a sword's master who does not have equal sword in the art of ownership will not be able to repel the attack (Sugavara).

Consequently, the moral aspect of the fencing katana is to strike a samurai in his back, when he is not ready for the battle or not. And the technical point is to be always ready for the battle, so that you are not caught by surprise under any circumstances. And this does not get into the shameful situation. Fight with a sword is a continuous concentration of body, spirit, and thoughts.

"Most people prefer to look into the enemy's eyes. In this case, the eyes should already be, than usual, but the mind should be wide. Pupils should be fixed. When the opponent is near, look as if I looked in the distance. And then you can see not only the face of the enemy, but also all his body, which will allow you to predict any attacking drop from it ...... In fencing you can allow the eyes to express the ultimate determination, but never let them give our mind. " (Miyamoto Musashi).

In general, there were three types of stracks in the fencing of Kathana: Dzhedan - a position with a highly raised sword, Cumin - a position with a sword raised in front of him, and Gadan - with a sword lowered down. These are the main types of racks when fencing on a sword. The fight with the sword of samurai meant the use of all three types of racks in the bundles of the Onga on the other.

The main blows themselves when fencing the rod has eight, as the three bases of protection - the top, middle and lower.

Of course, combinations of all blows, protection and their variations can be countless. Protection can have Izhi to the left or right, from different species Racks, with different corners of the end of the sword. As well as shots when attacked - countless.

The basis of a successful fencing of katana is the correct prediction of the enemy's actions and the choice of a combination of shocks and protection blocking and neutralizing this action. For the successful prediction of the enemy's admission, it is important what Musashi wrote is to see the enemy's face and read his mind, as a revealed book. That is, fencing with rod is also the art of psychological suppression of the enemy, the art of reading his thoughts and actions written in the eyes, face, facial expressions, gestures.

The Katana Club fencing school tries to instill with its students alloy of the new and old - old techniques of fencing with rods using traditional techniques of Sinka-Ryu, and new receptions, for katana, accumulated already in 20 and 21st centuries in Japan, USA, Europe. Such a connection of all the most advanced and honed centuries of traditions makes fencing fencing with Katana Club katana very effective. The main emphasis is done in Katana Club on the versatility of receptions, both for a long sword - katana, butt, and for shorter, one-handed swords - Vakidzasi, and for knives - tanto.

It is the versatility of movements and techniques that makes it possible to produce an extremely effective Tatkutka battle - it doesn't matter what a weapon you have, it is important how you use them and how to protect and attachment. The disciple does not have to go out between the technique for the knife, a short sword (machete) of a saber, or a long sword - roller, butt, or even the European half-day. The same technique for externally different weapons and mechanics bring his muscular memory to perfection. Of course, there are differences in receptions. But the base itself remains the same.

One muscle memory for different species weapons studied and used in fencing lessons allows for a short time to become an effective fighter on different weapons, while in ordinary fencing schools For this, long years of training.

Katana Club fencing school is constantly modernized by their skills, techniques and methods of fencing in Moscow with a roller, Vakidzasi / Machete, and a knife / tanto. We are open to new techniques and try to communicate with other clubs to share experiences and knowledge, creating your own, unique knowledge base at the same time.

Good day, fighters! As the saying goes: "How many buckets do not trambi, and you have to endure." Praphrasing this folk wisdom;) We can say the following. It's time to put the foundation knife technician And not only because to this sport (?) In our time, there is clearly increased interest.

But also for the reason that the ability to act correctly, lays the professional martial art base and helps to reach a completely different level of his understanding, which is, among other things, in a conscious training.

What is required to study such specific work: after all, not everyone is going to carry it with him, and even more so, apply? But here you can remember those who seriously study the battle on the swords: they are not interested in an applied moment, and someone runs in our time on the streets with swords? Just such work puts a number of the most important skills necessary in unarmed battle. The holistic body structure is built - it begins to move, standing up in an optimal way to ensure maximum effort. The skills of fine coordination are laid and, in particular, the correct work of the fingers is put, when they help, and it is very significant, accelerate the movements of the hands as a whole, which can be successfully used as in attacks and in defense against: without knifeIt would be difficult to understand and master.

It also helps to expand the technical arsenal of the hand-to-handman, since working with him, a person is very often, by analogy, begins to transfer techniques to work with a knife to unarmed battle, where they are fixed: ie, you can already talk about the beginning of the creative process.

That is, as long as the man is "dismantled", and the ability to own them, saves literally months of training, "Some" speeding development required material. And really, we can say that knife And there is the very basis of all antiquity combat systems.

Why antiquities? Because only in the systems that came from that time, there was no clear separation on the unarmed battle or armed, since all this business was one of the whole and moreover, the fight armed somewhat prevalted over unarmed. And in fact, what is the point to spend a long time to prepare for battle without the use of specialized, if taking, for example, the same knife, the chances of survival in battle immediately increase in tens, if not hundreds, times?

In our time, the armed battle and battle without weapons went through various pathways and consider as separate disciplines, almost nothing to do with each other, and if they are trying to link them among themselves, they try to shift their already mastered unarmed battle skills to completely unknown The moments of possession of the weapon, which leads to several strange results. Put some shot to a fist, take in hand knife And it wishes exactly also, absolutely ignoring those nuances that are inherent in knife technicians! From here, in the east and such strange basic blows with a knife, which normal person Never study will never be, only under the coercion of some canons of battle schools.

Here you will strike them in such a "dead" manner, and even so smash? And in Japan, they are and because they go from unarmed training to armed ". Judo, karate, aikido: These systems are trained in the armed person, which type "and will work in such an incomprehensible manner" :)

But the inoperability of the mastered arsenal of opposition, because the attacker does not work as "as it should" - this is the first thing that the person will be collided with standard schemes learning. And at best, it is pretty well cut, with the result, after such a fight, the following options are possible: a person, if survived, throws to study; Man ignores and continues to train, as used to ("closes his eyes" and pretends that everything is fine); A person revises and adjusts his classes to "match."

So, to know the foundations and be able to use them, it is extremely important for a person. It is impossible to qualitatively defend knife, not knowing fencing techniques. In fact, how can you calculate the actions of the enemy working in the manner of "sketching" if any of his action is "secret for seven seals"?

Why do you need to start the art of countering the enemy, armed with a pious-cutting subject? Always first studies the attacking technique and in work against knife This is no exception.

In such a basic course "Handbear" enters, actually, the coordination base, movement, a variety of ways for changing grits, basic blows with knife, auxiliary blows with hands and legs. Well, the very first, these are the simplest addictive to the knife: to his mind, weight, temperature, smell, threat of blades and other.

At first, you need to psychologically get used to knifeTo get used to it so that his presence in his hand does not interfere, moreover, they forgot about him. To do this, it is recommended to keep it in your hand in everyday life, do some domestic work, without releasing it from hand and somewhere, even using it, for example, in a meal intake or in the cutting of meat. It follows the feeling from the entry of a knife into the body, let it even be a chicken or lamb - meat is meat. Also, having hung any item, not specifically, but simply passing, straining with a knife, the convenience of arming it in hand, to find out if there are no unpleasant sensations in the brush from shocks, which signals the unsuccessful grip.

In training, to work out shocks and cuts, it is better to make a specially simulator. I don't recommend working on living trees - life must be respected in any manifestation, the tree is the more defenseless: better, suspend some log. We work out the battlements and rigs, blows and excavation from equilibrium, work in air and with a partner - the more diversity, the better the corresponding skill will work faster: the skill of the knife's feeling, the skill of its use and not just something specific, but in general.

Slowly, some experience will appear, some kind of luggage of knowledge and skills. All the time, working "in a circle" with the same exercises in training and in everyday life, engaged every time will make them at a higher level, as a result of growing personal experience. In addition, the skill of work "for themselves" will work out, as it is convenient to do, based on its constitution and physical possibilities.

The experience gained in the future so that there is no stagnation in progress and technology grew all the time, will develop and improve in various diverse tasks: one on one, one against the group, on earth, etc.

Well, in parallel, there is a purely specific job, for example, coordination. It is necessary for many reasons, if only because a person will be easier to navigate in the existing battle sections on knives. Look at how much such a divorced: immediately and do not count! And the person at first glance it seems that they are all completely different, but it is only "at first glance." What would they do there with weapons, no matter how fighters would not move, and any techniques for protection and attacks were neither worked out, anyway, the basis of all this case is one and the name is the movement on universal schemes.

Yes, yes, I have already mentioned many times about these universal motor circuits, but what to do: I like them very much;) I like the time savings, creative process when they are working out that are constantly opening the prospects in their application. So, I highly recommend to start learning the art of the fight with them, with coordination development!

These schemes there is no matter how enough; The primary skills of applied work with a knife should be launched from the movements on an eight-board figure, which is right in front of the artist, with the center that is at about the solar plexus level. Here is the corresponding video (I respect this citizen!)

The video, of course, is good "weighs" and lasts almost fifteen minutes, but in it detailed the coordination work and various subtleties, not knowledge of which strongly reduces the effectiveness of combat work knife. When working a knife, this figure can be modified in space, lengthen or shorten, both in length and width, as well as bending behind the performer or to the enemy, as a result of which, and absolutely any blows are born knife and types of protection. The developed coordination body, the ability to move in space, as well as the developed manners of the discharge of the forces of the type "chille" or some other, allow you to put the base, the level of which will be unattainable for standard training techniques.

By the way, any physical exercise first we study with your left hand, so time for learning is reduced several times. In percentage ratio, approximately 65-70% on the left hand and 35-30% on the right. By time, the training lasts, about 45-60 minutes.

The grip of the knife is standard, there is nothing new here: direct, reverse, diagonal. It makes no sense to argue about what kind of grip is better - everyone is good for its situation and preferring some kind of to the detriment of the other, risk being defeated and, moreover, we will never learn to the right blows with a brush without weapons. Upon mastering, they can be studied and non-standard grip, so as not to be caught by surprise, if the enemy will apply them. Same work knife It can be both linear (with strong stretching of petals to the enemy) and circular. Linear work resembles a fencer Manner, and figures that draw a knife resemble a variety of geometric shapes. Such a manner of battle can be used with a small number of enemies, because It does not have the possibility of a quick restructuring of the fight. Again, a lot of idle movements and the standard of movement is only awards forward, moving back mainly as protection. Who works in this style always masks either distracting the enemy to apply the final blow. Plus, this manner is in the ease of human preparation.

Circular manner - continuous movement manner, painting, resembles eight, eight live - ever-changing sizes. Here the attack and protection merge into one. The movements easily flow around the enemy limbs conductive standard protection and create an affecting sphere. The main striking zone here is even closer to the body of the artist.

You must be able to work in two manners when working "on the petals of the figure."

A person who is well trained, easily works at a speed of 5-8 beats per second and to this, he must be able to move in the planned direction and beat the limbs. But here it should be noted that the goal - not in the number of shocks applied per unit of time, which are often applied meaningless, ababy, as well as blowing in the process, and in the development of the ability to work non-standard knife, To be able to spend absolutely any kinds of techniques, as well as, be able to throw the "bridge" from actions with a knife to action without a knife, but, however, based on it.

After working in the basic coordination movements, it is possible to start building your system of work on it and start working out the physical component in order for the movements to be strong and here I want to bring some such exercises to help form a strong vector of impact (when a knife) and the trajectory (this is Circular work).

Interacting direct trajectory. The partner folds hands with palms in front of them, between them a knife. The man, the processing of the trajectory, takes the knife for the handle and slowly promotes the knife back and forth. The reset strength can be developed by compression of palms with each other. You can make a special simulator consisting of two skulls and fastened with something, but so that the blade can be shuffled between them. Strengthen it as it requires that or that situation and start working.

Working the power of the grip of a knife, by pulling up. Taking knives on the iron layout in every hand directly or reverse grogue, try to pull up or at least hang on the horizontal bar.

The development of the power of the grip of knives, moving on the floor on them. In each hand, the knife, we accept the position similar to the pushups - focusing the rally to the surface. Perform a variety of displacements and pushups. You can change the focus from the edges to the blades themselves.

If training is running in the open space, you can produce in this way and the strength of the trajectory. Lying on the ground, on the stomach, pull the hand forward and stick the knife into the ground and how to pull up to it, then stick the other knife and pull up to it already and so cunning :) by the module in the earth.

For the performance of the skill of constant feeling of power in hand, the abilities do not lose it, with changes in the poses in battle, practiced exercises for sticking, the essence of which is that a person rests on a blunt layout of a knife or a short wand into a partner's body, and he starts to change his position. Pressure can be reset through any portion of weapons. It is necessary to achieve the power that takes out of the ground, without clamps and interrupts poured into a partner constantly. The skill is well studied and the desired feeling in the hands appears pretty quickly.

Increase the power of the blow knife. Exercising with a knife in hand stands in a combat rack. On knife sheath. The partner takes the knife for the canvas. The exercise begins to imitate the diverse blows, the partner has resistance to the movement of a knife. Need a small workshop with each other, but then everything goes very well. This exercise cannot be worked out alone, only in part in the methods described above.

Increase speed. In principle, the speed will also work in the previous exercises, but it is possible to increase the effect, if working through the rubber for speed. To do this should be attached rubber harness To the knife and imitate the fighting. Also on how to increase speed, it was said.

We go further. Also in the basic training of working with a knife, includes: hand movement manner, finger interception, movement, auxiliary blows using a knife, as well as, auxiliary blows with naked hand and legs.

About contact control and intuitive work is a little mentioned in the article dedicated to. About how to turn the knife, a little said (by the way, quite soon, 3D animation training videos will appear on my blog, so, in no case, do not miss unique material: subscribe to updates e-mail updates).

About the auxiliary strikes with armed hand, knocking and self-drawing it will be necessary to go further, the finger interceptions of the knife are based on the handle manipulation, which is able to do any office workerAnd now I want to focus on intuitive protection. Such workouts are often ignored (I do not know, however, as now: it seems that the situation is somewhat changing), but they have their own logic. The partner is an attacker, works without clamps, as it requires a body, taking into account the situation and ingeniously to touch a person. Protecting requires only one thing - if possible, prevent touch and make sure that the striker has lost the knife or cannot act. As a result, protecting begins to work intuitively, fleeing the pain that the weapon layout causes, the "" himself stops as a result of which, the situation that arises, begins to be solved by the subconscious. Of course, this work is still dirty, not yet polished, but in the conditioned battles, slow battles, situational battles, these established provisions should be worked out. And, since they are fundamentally different from those who are trained in the halls, it is impossible to carry out some of the memorized response patterns, and high adaptability and speed are required together with the abnormal performance of the desired technical element.

Having studied these five points, you can move to their grinding, but first, in statics: not in motion, but in some situations, for example, imitation of the threat knife. Then work at slow speeds and fast. The alternation is necessary for the position of the body, taken in the fights at slow speed, corresponded to the positions in high-speed battles. It is this moment that many are missing, as a result of which the technique and dynamics being developed there and are obtained different, and this leads to the inoperability of the system in street situations. A vivid example of this, the School of Cadochov, where they do not know how to work at speeds, resulting in losing.

When pairing, you need to use a variety of layouts. knife - Wooden, iron, sharp, stupid. So defending it will have to adapt all the time to knives, and "not to sleep" during training. Also need a small pain - just so you can shake the body and activate its protection instinct. I especially want to focus on iron layouts of knives. This is exactly the layouts, but they look impressive, and the blow missing them is very painful, the one who is engaged starts to work more conscientiously.

And only by passing the initial training in possession knife And having received primary skills, you can move to the art of countering the knife.

Surely, looking films about proud samurai and rapid ninjas, did you want to try yourself in the fencing katana? Really, this sword is surrounded by glory and legends!

It is known since the end of the XIV century as a traditional samurai weapon.

Technical reference:

Long katana: from 60 cm

Weight: 1100-1200 grams

By type of grab Katana refers to one-time swords: mostly used two-handed grips, but one-handed is possible.

In the manufacture of minimum, two varieties of steel are used: viscous for base and solid for cutting surface.

The blade is slightly bent to increase the cutting surface area (the bend of the blade is characteristic of many swords including a checker, a saber, etc.)

In Russia, several directions are available to study:

Kendo - fencing on swords, contact sport with partner.

Jeido- Practice of instant extraction of the sword from the sheath with the subsequent application of the blow.

Taetsychiri - the destruction of objects with a sword.

As a rule, all of the above directions in Russia are practiced and taught as Kendo.

Kendo (sword path) - Japanese military art, based on the receptions of the ownership of the samurai sword, has a long and rich historywhich has many hundreds of years. From the moment of the origin and until the second half of the 19th century, combat weapons were used in Japan, bamboo training swords (Sinai) and protective equipment were introduced later, which made free contest without bloodshed. Such equipment is used in Kendo and these days.

Currently, Kendo is increasingly gaining popularity. Many millions of people around the world are engaged in this art. World and European Championships on Kendo are held annually. Since 1998 in international Competitions Takes the Russian Federation of Kendo, based in the same, 1989, and the part of the World (FIK) and European (EKF) Kendo Federations. In 2010, the Russian Federation of Kendo is renamed and registered as the Russian Federation of Kendo, Jewo and Dzodeo, at the same time Kendo acquires the status of a sport in Russia.

The study of such art implies not only physical but also spiritual development.

According to the provisions of AJKF (the All Kendo Federation), the following concept is voiced: Kendo is the path of education of a human nature through the use of the principles of the sword.

Why do Kendo?

To connect together the body and spirit,

Development of a strong and decisive spirit

And through correct and hard workouts

Strive for improving the art of Kendo,

Respect human dignity and honor

Sincerely communicate with other people

All your life strive for self-improvement.

Thus, such a person will be able to:

Love your country and society

Contribute to the development of culture,

And promote peace and prosperity among all nations.

Kendo can be engaged in all, regardless of gender and age. Regular classes allow you to increase not only muscle strength and body endurance, but also

Learn to remove stress;

Make posture and gait beautiful;

Normalize weight;

Fix health.

Come in Kendo and you will learn to defeat your fright and fear, doubt and uncertainty in yourself, quickly and correctly make a decision, be observant, without loss to leave a difficult situation and be able to foresee it.

Find out the address of the Kendo Club in your city and other useful information you can on the site Russian Federation Kendo:

You will also use the site about Katana:

Since today we are talking about samurai swords, then you also need to say a few words about the Code of Samurai - Busido.

Busido - Unwritten Code of Samurai's behavior in society, which presented a set of rules and norms of the "true", "ideal" warrior. Formed at the end of the era of the warring provinces Bouusido demanded: the unquestioned loyalty to the feudal; The recognition of a military case is the only occupation worthy of a samurai; suicide in cases when a samurai "honor" is disgraced; ban to lie; Ban touch money.

Clearly and rather intelligible requirements Bouxido are formulated in the book "Initial Fundamentals of Military Arts" Didodzi Yudzana:

* True braveness is to live when it is legitimate to live, and die when it is legitimate to die.

* To death should go with the clear consciousness of what the samurai should do and that degrading his dignity.

* You should weigh every word and invariably ask yourself a question, is it true that you are going to say.

* It is necessary to be moderate in food and avoid promotion.

* In the matters of everyday to remember death and keep this word in the heart.

* Respect the "trunk and branches" rule. To forget it - it means never to comprehend virtues, and a person who neglects the virtue of sons pregnancy, is not a samurai. Parents - trunk of a tree, children - its branches.

* Samurai should be not only an exemplary son, but also loyal. He will not leave Mr. even if the number of vassals is reduced by a hundred and ten and from ten to one.

* In war, the samurai loyalty manifests itself to go to enemy arrows and spears without fear, sacrificing life, if the debt is required.

* Loyalty, justice and courage The essence of three natural virtues of a samurai.

* During sleep, the samurai should not lie down in the direction of the residence of Susser. In the direction of Mr. Does not be aimed at archery from Luke, nor with the exercises with a spear.

* If a samurai, lying in bed, hears the conversation about her Mr. or is going to say anything himself, he must get up and get dressed.

* Falcon does not pick up abandoned grade, even if dying with hunger. So the samurai, gun to the toothpick, should show what is fed, even if he did not eat anything.

* If in the war, the samurai will lose their fight and he will have to fold his head, he should proudly call his name and die with a smile without a humiliating hasty.

* Being mortally wounded, so no funds can no longer save him, the samurai must respectfully with the words of farewell to the elders on the situation and calmly interfere with the spirit, obeying the inevitable.

* Possessing only a rough force is not worthy of the title of samurai. Not to mention the need to study sciences, the warrior must use leisure for exercises in poetry and comprehension of the tea ceremony.

* Near your home, the samurai can build a modest tea pavilion, which should use new paintings-Caemon, modern modest cups and an adhesive ceramic kettle.

* Samurai must first remember that he must die. Here is his main thing.

We also recommend that you still have a very good treatise: Haga? Caew "Hiding in foliage- This is a practical and spiritual leadership of a warrior, which is a meeting of Samurai Comments Yamamoto Tsungomo.

Do it yourself! Punch rod.


The right leg in front, the stop turned straight, left - at an angle of about 45 degrees, heels on the same line, knees are bent, the body weight is distributed evenly between the feet. The back is straight, the shoulders are omitted, the elbows are slightly bent, the handle of the sword looks in the navel, the tip of the blade - at the level of the enemy's bridges. The right hand is tightly holding a sword under the grip, it is responsible for the power of the blow, left - for the direction. For those who do not know - the CUB is a plate between the blade and handle that protects the hand. At Bocken (this is a wooden sword) there is no zeuba, it is conventionally designated by the transition of the blade in the handle. The left hand is about the width of the fist from the right, while the little finger should feel the edge of the handle.

Punch: Punch is performed simultaneously with a step forward.


1. Cups (center of gravity) begins to move forward in a straight line on which the heels are in being, while at the same time begin the step of his left foot forward.

2.k the moment when the legs are stamped must be completed by the wave: you will install Katan on both hands so that it goes beyond the back.

3. The following foot becomes the intended place, completing the step (now, respectively left leg It looks forward And the right is unfolded under 45 degrees, the heels are still on the same line) and at the same time you put a blow.

4. After applying the strike, the position of the sword is returned to the original. The next step-hit step you make with the right leg.

So, congratulations! You performed your first kick and the first combat step. And one eastern wisdom says: "The way to a thousand lee begins with one step."

Good luck on this path!

Your AB