Psychological training for athletes exercise. Psychological training in sports games

Psychological training This is the process and the result of the adaptation of the psyche athlete to the conditions and tasks of training and competitive activities.

Sports games demand from the athlete of high psychological stability, collens, excerpts, self-control, the ability to compete for a long time with a high voltage of forces.

Psychological training consists of: general and special.

1. General - aimed at raising:

a) motives for sports games,

b) moral and volitional qualities (perseverance, determination, discipline, courage, resourcefulness);

c) norms, and the rules of sports ethics, the laws of an honest game;

d) special qualities (attention, memory, thinking, sensations, observation) underlying technical and tactical activities and ensuring its effectiveness.

The tasks of general psychological training in the workout process are solved using the following methods:

1. Conducting exercises by the competitive method,

2. The method of additional difficulties - the introduction of restrictions (t; growth, accuracy, opposition);

3. Method of execution to failure - where long-term volitional effort is necessary;

4. Handicap method (backlog in account, unequal forces);

5. The method of independent tasks for the development of initiative, perseverance, discipline;

6. The method of a specific task is the goal is achieved in a certain way of action.

For the development of special qualities use: reduced targets; Throwing and moving after jumping, rotations, turns, with closed eyes; in poorly lit halls, specific tasks (long-range throws, heavy balls, rackets, inventory sites and their coverage).

2. Special psychological training aims to directly prepare for participation in the competition, to achieve optimal (highest) psychological readiness and sports struggle, i.e. It is aimed at managing the psychological state of an athlete.

The formation of qualities that ensure psychological resistance to knocking factors and stimuli, manifests itself in the ability to control their behavior and consciously manage it in conditions sports struggle. These qualities are very specific for each sport, so the conditions of the competition are necessary for adaptation only by type of sport, where the dynamic behavior stereotype is created, manifested under the conditions in which it was created.

Methods and techniques

2) Setting and removing the voltage - special warm-up With relaxation exercises.

3) Ideasotor exercises - (mental perception of movements, with a concentration of attention to the decisive phases of movement).

4) Taking psychoregulating workout, mobilizing competition.

5) Model and situational training.

6) systematic participation in competitions is a very effective factor.

7) Massage, medication.

Direct preparation for competitions - a certain mode of training, recreation and load, modeling upcoming competitions, in a few hours Assembly of the team, installation on the game, information about your readiness and readiness of the opponent, its main characteristics and best players. It is not recommended to watch games before your game for 30 minutes. Workout and for 5-10 minutes Re-install a brief tactical plan - what should be taken. In the break - rest, 1-2 very specific instructions. Disaster game the next day.

Psychological states are:

1) Readiness status

2) Perfect fever.

3) Present apathy.

Methodical impact techniques:

1) attention to weak sides Preparation of an athlete (rival).

2) Conducted distracted topic.

3) Removing a ban on an error.

In his practice, coaches often face situations when athletes are not enough training program And her professional accompaniment. People are quite often interested in some other things, namely, psychological games. We will talk about this and talk in this short article-sketch.

Perhaps someone here knows yourself. Do not be offended, there is nothing reprehensible. You just keep in mind that the behavior models described below are well known for qualified, professional coaches and they are rarely involved in this gameplay. Although…..

We will deal with definitions. The game (Definition of Wikipedia) is a view of meaningful unproductive activities, where the motive lies not as a result of it, but in the process itself. If the work is the most important final product, the result, for which the physical and neuropsychic energy of a person spends, in the game, the main - subjective satisfaction from the process itself. The game can be distinguished from the actual situation with its responsibility and many requirements. Thus, an athlete engaging in the process of a psychological game, first of all procedural goals, distracting from the direct focus of the training program.

You can highlight the following psychological games in which, happens, our students are trying to play. So:

  1. "I'm tired". The athlete constantly complains of fatigue, apathy, looking for symptoms of overravel without objective prerequisites. "I did not go to the training session, because I felt something wrong, in the morning the pulse was 2 impacts higher than you need at my age. I think I am overloaded, "you can often hear from the athlete playing this game. It is assumed that the coach must decrease the load in an emergency order, and at least 2 times a day, interested in the health of the ward.
  2. "Measure me."The game built on the accidental desire of an athlete to measure everything that can and can not. As a rule, an unlimited number of different gadgets is used. A lot of smart text is expected from the coach to analyze the data obtained, most of which do not reflect the objective picture of what is happening. In addition, it is usually a little usually analyzed, you need to explain to an athlete, for example, how the analysis of weekly lung ventilation data is reflected in the program structure of the next week.
  3. "Find me". The athlete received the program and disappeared. An active search for his searches first does not lead to anything, then the coach receives a SMS of such a plan: "Was on a business trip, everything missed, ready to train again." At the same time, the coach was not aware of this business trip, there are no marks in the diary in such athletes in principle. Playing a similar action at the players are not single, but included in the system. From the coach in principle, nothing is expected, he just should swear all the time. As a rule, coaches break up with such athletes through 3-4 such cases.
  4. "Do not teach me". Partial or complete rejection of the program with frequent change of coaches. It rarely happens, but still happens. The athlete fundamentally does everything on the contrary, changes the load on his own desire without warning, hides the made, forming a sense of "secret knowledge." Distinguish secretive players and explicit. In the first case, the coach must "take up" the substitution, in the second - to start conducting disputes for the correctness of the program. By the way, these disputes never end with the victory of the coach, otherwise the game will lose sense. With such a plan, athletes must be parted almost immediately.
  5. "Teach me". In essence, the hybrid "Measure me" and the explicit form "Do not teach me." The non-stop requirement of explanation of the meaning of each workout, despite the fact that the training has a pronounced reconstructive nature, for example, 8 km Recovery Cross. A player may send a long list of questions on the program every week and, that is characteristic, many questions repeated once again. From the coach requires patience and monotonous answers.
  6. "Something wrong with me." The search for non-existent symptoms and strange states. The athlete regularly and often sends messages with a description of various dizziness, ailments, seizures of weakness. At the same time, professional doctors cannot find anything or everyone, not wanting to confess in their own incompetence, makes different diagnoses. The task of the coach to show care, adjust the task in an emergency order and, in general, 24/7 to be in touch.
  7. "Make me". Regular refusal to perform a training program for absolutely different reasons. Work, fatigue, wife, drank, did not drink, I had to walk with the dog, the wind is strong - the reason is always there. From the coach requires a motivation of a threatening type and a sincere motivating conversation.
  8. "You will not teach me." "I taught me and taught me - I did not teach. And John taught taught, did not teach. And you will not teach "- the main song of such players. The athlete finds any pretexts in order to make an elementary movement incorrectly. From the coach, it takes as often as possible to analyze the techniques of movements, look for new approaches and to justify them. A very useful game is for coaches, because it motivates to develop competence. However, absolutely useless for playing athletes, because The task of the game is the process itself, and not the achievement of final results.
  9. "One guy told me." Permanent passion for the athlete of the tips of various "experienced", third-party advisers and instructors. In essence, the soft version of the game "Do not teach me", with that difference, which allows the coach to learn the source of the disaster. Oddly enough, perhaps the largest spectrum of action is expected from the coach in this game. From constant explanations to an open conflict with the next adviser.
  10. "You do not love me". Common team in collectives. A constant search for "signs", indicating that the athlete is located at the very bottom of the hierarchical staircase, is deprived of attention and care, and the program is not suitable for him. From the coach requires focusing attention to the playing simultaneously with accented ignoring the remaining members of the team.
  11. "Jamb". With the playing athlete constantly something happens. Fell, cut, pulled down his leg, fell out of the car - and all this one after another without stopping. So you will learn this athlete. From the coach is expected sincere surprise in the complex with the admiration of the resourcefulness and courage of the ward.
  12. "Catch me". One of the options "do not teach me". Athletes constantly reworking the program. As a rule, do not lead a diary, disappear. However, at the same time they work according to plan and with a significant excess of both volumes and intensity. From the coach expect praise and at the same time motivating to reduce the load.

Perhaps in one of these types of psychological models of behavior, you learned yourself. Then you have the opportunity to adjust your behavior. If you did not know - then you are on the right track and the final result of the training program is more important for you. Let's strive to maximize the efficiency of collaboration. After all, it is for this that we are looking for coaches. Work and focus on the end result. And otherwise, why spend your own and someone else's precious time.

Source of information: FSSP Cyclone (2015).

Legends go about them: they say, in one glance, a sports psychologist is able to give the strength to his ward and "hypnotize" rivals. Some unscrupulously believe it, others doubt what is possible. Where is the truth?

A brilliant victory at the Olympics in Salt Lake City Alexei Yagudina - what is it, if not a miracle? After all, he was on the verge of speckling sports. But five months of work with a psychologist - and the figure skater got rid of the "opponent's syndrome" and rose to the highest step of the podium. Thanks to the help of psychologists and gymnast Svetlana Chorcina after an extremely unsuccessful performance in Sydney restored the "relationship with a horse" and extended its sports life For another four years. The list can be continued: Irina Slutskaya, Elena Klowzova, Maxim Opaliev, Vyacheslav Ekimov, Olga Pylish, Mikhail Ignatiev and even the legendary Sergey Bubka ... and these are only known names.

The first sports psychologists appeared in the USSR in the middle of the last century, and the flourishing of this science fell in the 1970s and 1980s. At that time, dozens of serious studies were held, whole programs of psychological support and rehabilitation of athletes were developed. Then the decline came. For the last Olympics, for example, with our national team went only one or two psychologists. For comparison: there were no less than thirty in the Chinese delegation in the American - about forty. And the number of medals conquered by these countries speaks for itself.

Why not coach

Where you can work

IN sports schools
- in research institutes
- in sports clubs and teams
- individually with athletes

Nevertheless, to the idea of \u200b\u200binvite to the team of psychologist, coaches are often cautious. Some believe that they will cope. Others have a negative experience - when people who are familiar with the specifics of sports have already been "worked" with their wards, and sometimes "clairvoyant". Thirds do not recognize this science at all.

Of course, any qualified trainer is more or less familiar with psychology. But still, it works for the result - goals, glasses, meters, seconds ... and in pursuit of him the psychological problems of athletes often move into the background. And they arise constantly, especially if we are talking about sports higher achievements. it extreme View Activities where constant stress is inevitable. And the assistance of a psychologist in such a situation is very by the way. If, of course he is a professional.

Albert Rodionov , Sports psychologist, Professor RSUFK:

Game sports differ from individual. Accordingly, there will be different tasks of the psychologist. The team is very important to psychologically prepare the coach. This is a part of the work that in world psychology is called "consulting" - it means not just advising, as, say, in a lawyer, and tips-instructions, tips-tips, advice-recommendations. Alexander Gomelsky (coach of the male team of the USSR on basketball) often said: "You are a mood, and I'll deal with players." Indeed, it is often enough to bring the problem to the captain, and he will decide it. During the Olympics in Seoul, let's say, a lot in terms of the attitude of the captain of Voldemaras Homicheus.

The team players are usually sociable, willingly respond to questions, but at the same time they are very critical and at first are always tuned skeptical. Therefore, sometimes it makes sense to not be immediately a psychologist. For example, I once came to the women's basketball team and called himself an assistant coach in physical training. This made it possible for some time to study future wards, without bringing excessive nervousness.

Methods in the arsenal of a sports psychologist a lot. Various tests help determine the performance and type of athlete temperament, the speed of its reaction, the efficiency of thinking. Other methods are directed to the correction of the mental state.
Sometimes autotrehenings are used: the athletes lie on the mats and listen to the text of the psychologist. It happens, true that the coach makes his additions to it. The same Alexander Gomelsky asked me once to add two phrases: "You are lucky that you trains the best coach in the world" and "You will defeat, because you trains the best coach in the world." Of course, first the guys giggles, and then accustomed.

If a psychologist lives in a team, he studies in detail the menu, a day mode, a massage schedule: who goes to a session first, who is the last thing is all very important. If necessary, together with the coach makes adjustments. Consultations, suggestions, conversations are constantly being held with the players. It is at this time that it turns out that with one athlete it is impossible to talk strictly, another needs to be improved, and the third is better to settle in a separate room.

Fully the team is examined twice a year: it changes its composition, leaders change. And the diagnosis is carried out and each player, and the team as a whole. After the problems are indicated, targeted work begins.

For example, in front of the Olympics in Seoul, our basketball team has lost Yugoslavam over the whole year. Therefore, during games for each match, we prepared slogan. Before the game with Brazilians, whose sniper scored 30-40 points, - "one in the field is not a warrior", which meant: let him score his balls, we neutralize the rest. Before the match with Yugoslavi - "Enough!". We inspired the guys that this is not so a dangerous opponent that to beat them is quite bye. I had to even use video filming. There is such a concept in basketball - "Quick breakthrough": when a player, intercepting the ball, gives a long pass, follows a counterattack - and the ball in the basket. I had frames of the rapid breakthrough of Yugoslavov, and I demonstrated them, gradually slowing the speed. And the record of our breakthroughs, on the contrary, scrolled everything in a more and more rapid pace. Looking through these frames, players gradually gained confidence in the future success. And won the golden Olympic medals!

One for all…

There are no specializations in sports from psychologists. One person can successfully work with fighters, and with gymnasts, and with arrows, and with football players. But at first he should study good sport, right up to the slang adopted among athletes. There is no division and on the basis of "Command / Individual Counseling". Although it is believed that with the team it is more difficult to work.

The names of successful sports psychological practitioners are well known: Albert Rodionov, Vladimir Sopov, Anatoly Alekseev, Yuri Kiselev, Gennady Gorbunov, and others. Most - and themselves former athletes. Last experience helps them better understand the feelings of their wards.

They rarely use ready-made recipes, more often develop their own techniques, sometimes far from theory. They know what to do when others are lowered hands, and they can find those only words that must be said at the right moment. Rudolf Zagainov, for example, at the Olympics in Athens, some athletes literally laid to sleep in front of decisive starts and controlled their sleep all night. And the next day they won the medals. It happened that Albert Rodionov, standing behind a bench of the spare bench during the basketball game, mentally sent a player to the player: reversing, dear, chambers ... And he felt, turned around and nodded in response. And such a thing as a second, is known to all sports psychologists: when the word said on time, pause, the gesture was solved by the fate of stubborn confrontation. What is it - magic? .. No, professionalism is based on knowledge, experience and inner flair.

Whatever the great athlete, he, like a simple mortal, needs a person whose shoulder would be able to rely on a difficult moment. Of course, such a relationship suddenly appear. They are possible only under the condition of complete trust - and it must be deserved. For this, psychologists say, you need a little: just to love the athlete with uncomproof love.

Are you ready for this? Welcome to the profession.

Olga Tiunova , coach, sports psychologist, head. Laboratory physical culture and practical psychology VNIIFK:

There are several forms of work of a psychologist with an athlete: one-time testing (diagnosis), a series of trainings or long-term curatories.

At the first stage of collaboration, it is important to understand which results he wants to achieve - in sports, in life. Next, a series of tests is carried out. It always causes interest - because we offer a person to determine their strengths and weaknesses. Weak in the future can be developed, on strong - relying. Such knowledge of yourself is a powerful tool for achieving success.

Then we offer a program of action: an athlete, sometimes a coach and even family members. Preparation for the start after all folds out of the smallest things. So that there are no breakdowns at the crucial moment, you need to foresee everything. Otherwise - tragedy, one of those that we are watching every Olympics.

We must not forget that athletes are worried not only the problems associated exclusively with competitions and achievements. For example, my work with one of the famous golfestok began with conversations about ... The sense of life is effective personal self-realization. And much later, we began to work on the field: I literally went to her onto the wells for her. As a result, were developed special techniques "Self-adjustment", improving the success of the game.

Athletes are a completely special life, and therefore even personal relationships do not always manage to build. I somehow turned the coach with a request to help his ward. The girl met a young man, also athlete. She is engaged in winter sports, he is summer. Both have endless fees, trips to competitions, training. And the one, and the other - unconditionally, the rising stars, none of them are ready to leave the Sport for Love. Plus to everything - complex youth relationships: And who should be able to call? And what should I say? Such a situation became a girl to disturb, the coach understood this in time. In individual work with an athlete, we put priorities, found compromises - it helped.

In general, relations with the coach ("She does not understand me!") And parents ("I am already an adult!"), Anxiety about your future ("What can I, except for sports?"), Obvious differences from "ordinary" peers (" I'm not again in the subject! ") Can deprive the sleep athlete and reduce sports indicators. Working with a psychologist, an athlete can learn how to effectively restore sincere equilibrium and mobilization of internal resources. And when, as a result of this work, an initially planned result is achieved, you can get a line. And then or put the following task, or for some time take a break. But if a person feels that he gets benefit from interaction with a psychologist, he usually seeks to achieve more, new goals appear.

In my opinion, the experience of the psychologist, especially the psychologist athletic, is always unique. Our laboratory is ready to cooperate with everyone who works in the field of physical culture and sports of higher achievements, learns this case and plans to be a future career. Already today, students-psychologists of the Moscow Humanitarian University, for example, we have pedagogical and production practices.

"Double" specialist

Sports psychologists for many years released the only university - Leningrad Institute of Physical Education and Sports. Lesgafta (now St. Petersburg University of Physical Culture and Sports. Lesgafeta). Today the situation has changed a little.

As the name of the profession, a sports psychologist needs knowledge in two areas - psychology and sports. You can get them in different ways.

Finish the Faculty of Psychology and additionally explore the techniques used in sports.
- The most affordable option, but adapt to the profession will have to be independently.

Finish the Faculty of Psychology with a specialization in sports psychology.
- such specializations are very small.

To enroll in a physical consumer university to any faculty, start seriously engaged in sports psychology, and then continue education in the magistracy and graduate school.
- Getting into the graduate school is not so easy, it will take great dedication.

Complete the university or college, go back courses of retraining and get additional qualifications for sports psychology.
- Such courses are just beginning to appear.

As part of "psychology"

Learn from the specialty "Psychology" offer many metropolitan universities of different levels and status. The budget places are in eight of them: Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (MSU. M.V. Lomonosov), Institute of Psychology. L.S. Vygotsky Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU), Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University (MGPU), Moscow State University of Service (MGSU), etc. Almost everywhere you need to take biology and Russian. Other exams: social studies or history of the Fatherland (in the RGGU and both), sometimes - mathematics, foreign language, literature. Some universities provide psychological testing.

Natalia Matveyeva , Vice-rector for academic work Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy: "It is necessary to determine the professional suitability of the future psychologist. Not only personal qualities are important, but also the motivation of applicant for learning, its intellectual abilities, the ability to logically think, structuring and analyze information. For this, psychological testing is carried out. "

In most universities, biology is considered to be a special exam, only in the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples (RUDN) and Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov is a mathematics.

On budget places, the competition is high: up to 8 people in place. However, it is possible to get an education and on a commercial basis. There are state universities in which the cost of learning is less than $ 1500 per year.

The specialty "Psychology" and in non-state educational institutions, mainly humanitarian and pedagogical profile: Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy, Moscow Humanitarian University (MOSGU), Moscow Institute of Law, etc.

Of course, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe various methods of psychodiagnostics and basic theoretical knowledge you will receive in any university. The difference is only as education and prestige of the diploma. But even before admission it would be nice to decide with their preferences. In this case, the list of suitable universities will slightly decrease and make the choice will be easier.

If you are focused on further work in sports schools, it makes sense to come to one of the pedagogical institutions. You will learn about the features of the psyche of children and can help them solve various problems associated with age crises, teach them to manage your emotions. For the formation of the personality of the future champion, this period is very important, and the role of a psychologist is difficult to overestimate here.

A to the one who plans to work in the "adult" sport with teams (football, volleyball, etc.) will be suitable for Social Psychology specialization. It involves a serious study of the formation of relations within the group and the influence of the group on a separate person.

Potential psychologists preferring individual sports (figure skating, tennis, athletics et al.), It is worth paying attention to the specialization of the "Personality Psychology". In some universities, it can be called "General Psychology and Psychology of Personality". Emphasis is made on a detailed study personal characteristics: Motivation, features of memory, attention, thinking, volitional reactions, etc.

Council Applicants: Take a book dedicated to sports psychology, and start reading. If it is interesting and even more so if you thought about the same way - the profession is chosen correctly.

In addition to theoretical classes, workshops should be carried out in universities.

Elena Belinskaya , head Department of Social Psychology Institute of Psychology. L. S. Vygotsky RGGU: "From the third year, students begin with workshops and practical-oriented courses. In the framework of the specialization of the Psychology of Personality, there are all sorts of tests aimed at identifying the characteristics of typologically different personalities. And social psychologists study the methods of diagnosing a group as a certain space in which the identity is implemented. "

However, industrial practice is unlikely to be able to go through sports team - If only in the nursery. However, this is not the worst option: there are sometimes such complex relationships that the opportunity to apply their knowledge will surely introduce themselves.

And, of course, receiving a diploma does not guarantee employment to the Olympic team. Before becoming a professional, you will have to devote some time to self-education and the accumulation of experience as a "apprentice" (if lucky).

The main tasks of a sports psychologist

Sports vocational guidance (psychological selection of future champions in specific sports)
Preperence preparation (Removing phobias, improving motivation)
Development of behavior strategy during competition
Postvory rehabilitation
Resolution of various crisis situations

What can not be done psychologist

To disclose the information obtained during the work, without the permission of an athlete.
Consciously interfere with the rivals of their ward, using psychological techniques.
Give the athlete moral and ethical estimates.

Important qualities

Empathy (empathy ability)
Fanatical dedication
Thorough knowledge of sports specific
Absolute confidence - always, in any situations
Colossal stress resistance.

New trends

In scientific circles, interest in sports psychology has never fed up. And after the Olympics in Athens, its significance has become apparent for many officials. Propaganda healthy image The life and appearance of specialized TV channels, numerous broadcasts of competitions with detailed comments made attractive professions, one way or another associated with sports. Universities begin to respond to time requests, implementing new curricula.

As part of the preparation of psychologists, a specialization in sports psychology, for example, plans to introduce Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. Graduates of sports educational institutions (sports schools, schools olympic reserve) who have qualifying books athletes, invites Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI). At the faculty of target educational programs here is a specialization "Psychology of Sports". And in the Moscow Institute of Physical Education and Sports, students in the specialty "Pedagogy and Psychology" can choose a specialization "Psychological service in physical education institutions".

Irina Maksimova, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy of the Moscow Institute of Physical Education and Sports: "Students study subjects that will certainly be useful in the work of a sports psychologist. This is psychology physical education and the sport, the psychology of the emotional states of the athlete, the psychology of sports of higher achievements, the management of psychological training of an athlete and others. Of course, the "clean" theory is not enough. Therefore, it is complemented by master classes that spend practitioners. "

Trainer + psychologist

In the preparation of coaches of any sport in physical education universities, a whole block of disciplines is dedicated to psychology. This chance can use: choose the topic term paper In psychology and surprise the teacher. The only condition is that it is written by itself, and not downloaded from the Internet. Your interest most likely will not remain unnoticed. Further depends only on your desire. Psychology teachers at the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism (RSUFK), for example - specialists who work in the sports of higher achievements today. They may well attract talented graduate students as their assistants - what is not good opportunity to gain experience?

And again lectures

Well, if the interest in the profession appeared after receiving a diploma about the average special or higher educationEnter the retraining program. It will be introduced in the near future in RGUFKA.

You will receive knowledge both in general streaming and in narrowly psychological disciplines. Each of them provides exams or tests. True, if you studied some items in the first university, they will be reloaded. A number of psychological workshops are also envisaged.

At the end of training, you will have to write and protect the thesis and take the final exam. Graduates of the program assigned to the qualification "Sports Psychologist".

You can also attend lectures and seminars for coaches who regularly holds the public school of higher sportsmanship. But this option can be viewed, rather as a self-education element.

Interesting and practically useful editions of recent years:

1) Kiselev Yu.Ya. Wonder! Reflections and advice psychologist sports, 2002.
2) Rodionov A.V. Psychology of physical education and sports, 2004.
3) Sports psychology in the writings of foreign specialists. Reader, 2005.
4) Taimazov R.A., Pigeon Ya.V. The psycho-physiological state of the athlete (assessment and correction methods), 2004.

Rumors and facts

Sports psychologist travels around the world, and completely free

Indeed, he has the opportunity to visit different countries and see the world - if he has time. During the competition, the psychologist should be close to athletes almost around the clock in order to notice the slightest signals of "dangers" in time. These days, he rests, eats and sleeps with urabs.

The indicator of the successful work of the psychologist - the victory at the competition

Not necessary. The main thing is for a psychologist - so that the athlete managed to maximize their internal resources. And if the intended program was performed, there was no anxiety, excessive stiffness, confusion, then the psychologist will be pleased, even if sports result low.

Young psychologist can not be a professional

For a psychologist, it is not an age, but his personal qualities and competence. Nevertheless, most athletes and coaches prefer to work with experienced specialists - they are usually not too young.

Career & Salary

It is difficult to talk about the career of a sports psychologist in the usual understanding of this word. Here, a hierarchy is different, based primarily on the relationship with the wards. And with each next athlete it should be built again. At first, the psychologist is perceived as an interlocutor, the counselor, which is very important. The next step is the "status" of a like-minded man, then a friend. And finally, the highest step on this peculiar career ladder is a spiritual mentor. They achieve its few, but it is such psychologists that work with one athlete or in the national team of the years.

The sums of their fees experts are not disclosed. At first, it makes sense to work even for free - to acquire experience. Further revenues will depend on your success and from the possibilities of the club (athlete). It is clear that, for example, CSKA or Lokomotiv can offer psychologists more attractive working conditions than the second division teams.

Elena Okorokova, magazine "Where to go to learn"

Exercise "Turn the problem in the goal"

Purpose: to identify problems that exist in students when interacting with the social environment and reformulate them in the goal.

Number of participants: 15-20 people.

Time: 30-45 minutes.

Material support: Pens, paper writing, questions for each participant.

Travel course:

The teacher offers students to draw up a list of problems that they would like to solve as quickly as possible.

The following questions may help them in drafting problems:

1. What do I really want to do what to have what to achieve?

2. What else can give me pleasure?

3. In what areas of life, would I like to improve my abilities?

4.What has recently occupied my thoughts, worried or angry me?

5. What am I most often complaining?

6. What will make me the most concerns?

7. What makes me feel anxious or tense me? What gives me the opportunity to feel comfortable?

8. What is the most upset me?

9.What has become irritating me lately?

10.What would I like to change in my attitude to myself?

11. What should I change in myself?

12. What does it take too much time?

13. What is very difficult for me to do? What am I quickly tired from?

14. How could I better distribute my time?

15. How could I reasonably spend my money?

Then students choose and describe the problem they would like to solve primarily and represent it as objectively as possible.

After describing the problem, participants formulate the goal they could achieve, and respond to the following question: "What do I need to do so that my problem cease to exist or at least has become less acute?".

Exercise "Complete the phrase"

Objective: to identify the presentations on the topic under discussion; Analyze the experience of interaction with the social environment.

Time: 20 minutes.

Travel course:

The teacher offers students to complete a number of phrases relating to theme or content, atmosphere, organization of interaction.

The teacher can offer students to complete the following phrases:

- "I think that a true friend ...";

- "Students with whom I study ...";

- "My strong sides of the interaction are ...";

- "In the process of interaction with people ...";

- "In relation to a person, a person can be judged by ...", etc.

The method is implemented in the following way: The teacher utters an unfinished phrase and indicates the participant to which it offers to complete. With the same phrase, the teacher can refer to two to three students. It is desirable that each completes at least one phrase.

Exercise "Contacts"

Purpose: Develop the ability to establish and maintain contacts with people.

Time: 30-60 minutes.

Number of participants: up to 15 people.

Travel course:

Teacher offers students to play some situations.

Approximate situations:

"In front of you, the person you see the first time, but you really liked and caused a desire to familiarize yourself with it. For a while you are intense, and then contact it. Time to establish contact, greeting and conducting a conversation - 2-3 minutes. "

Then, at a pedagogue signal, students should finish the launched, say goodbye to the new participant within 1 minute.

These rules apply to the following situations:

"In the metro car, you accidentally turned out to be near a pretty famous film actor. You adore him, and, of course, would like to talk to him. After all, this is such luck. " The role of the actor is played by students sitting in the inner circle.

"You need a rather large amount of money. You need to talk to my parents. And now you come to the Father (Mother). "

"You learned that one of your friends shattered badly about you in an informal setting. We must talk to him. Of course, it is not very pleasant, but it is better to find out everything right away how to build guesses and worry about this. The case introduced himself: you are alone, no one is near. "


The teacher should pay attention to all participants on how they come into contact, begin to meet, what techniques and methods of communication are used, as the conversation supports and end the conversation;

After the next change of partners, asking the situation, the teacher defines specific roles for each circle. For example, in an external circle, participants play the role of parents, in internal children;

The task of the teacher in this exercise is to choose such situations to be interested in solving the problem.

Role-playing game "Guys-goat"

Purpose: Determine successful behavior strategies when interacting.

Travel course:

The teacher reminds students an old fairy tale about the wolf and seven goats, and then distributes roles among the participants.

The group is divided into two parts: Some play the role of "kids-experts", others - "applicants" trying to convince "goats" in their trustiness.

The task of "Cats" - in the dialogue with the applicant for entering them to understand, is it really that this unknown is, for whom it gives out, or this is a "wolf". From several contenders "Kozdy" should choose those who actually received the role of "mother-goat", "brother", "uncle-goat" and other unworn relatives.

"Applicants" have hidden tasks not to forget that they are "wolves", "foxes", "Tigers", etc.

However, these tasks must be hidden from the "goat". Each "applicant" must inform colleagues about the image chosen.

In order to convince the "goat" in his trustiness, a fixed time is provided. "The applicant" can speak and do anything, "kids" can also talk to him and among themselves on any topics. Upon expiration of the specified time, the "Cats" will decide whether it is possible to let the "applicant" in the house. In any case, the "applicant" does not disclose its role before the end of the game.

Discussion of the outcome of the game.

"Applicants" reveal their roles. For their impressions, first those who received a refusal are divided. Then the actions of those who achieved success are discussed.

Game "Pea King".

Purpose: develop communication skills; develop a speech; Create a favorable atmosphere.

Number of participants: up to 20 people.

Time: up to 30 minutes.

Material support: peas (5 pieces each participant).

Travel course:

Each student is ranked five peas. Students walk on the audience and enter each other into a conversation. Meeting, they need each other in turn to ask such questions so that in response they heard the word "yes" or "no."

If a student who answers the question, says one of these words, then gives the interlocutor one pea. After that, they diverge and seek the following partners for conversation.

Whose peas ended, he drops out of communication. Who after completion will be the largest number of peas, the "pea king".

Interacting, students need to follow the following rules:

It is impossible to be silent;

It is impossible to avoid contact and leave the question.

Method "Empty Chair"

Purpose: to expand the submission of students under the topic under discussion; pay attention to the variety of opinions, points of view on the proposed topic; Develop the skill of students to choose and argue it.

Number of participants: up to 25 people.

Time: 40-50 minutes.

Material support: sheets of paper with written theses.

Travel course:

The teacher chooses the topic, prepares 4 statements, representing different points of view on the question discussed and puts furniture in a circle. Each statement writes on a separate large sheet of paper and places on the floor, forming a circle. All students get up and, moving from the sheet to the sheet, get acquainted with the content of statements. Then each of them chooses the statement with which I agree, and sits down near him. Thus, small groups are created for discussion.

Each group for 10-15 minutes discusses the content of the statement, fixing the arguments confirming its choice.

After discussion in small groups, one chair is put in front of each of them, which the group representative sits down to express a jointly developed opinion on the topic under discussion and start the discussion of the performance time - 2-3 minutes.

After completing the performance, he returns to a small group. Each student can continue the discussion by expressing his opinion, supporting the arguments the position of the group or emphasizing the inaccuracies of previous entry. In order to join the discussion, it should take an empty chair facing his small group. The student can take empty stools only once.

The teacher completes the discussion 5 minutes before the end of the classes to sum up the work of the Group.


The number of statements should not exceed four;

If students have difficulty in determining their position, the teacher can offer to choose the statement, which is consistent with his convictions;

With a large number of students in small groups and the desire to the active participation of all team members, the teacher may limit the time of the speech of representatives of teams.

Exercise "Bad - Good"

Purpose: Develop the ability to objectively assess the situation of interaction.

Number of participants: up to 25 people.

Material support: painting paper, handles.

Travel course:

Each student gets a sheet of paper and handle.

The teacher offers students to remember the problem, the situation that is disturbed (for example, passing exams, an unpleasant conversation, etc.).

Students share a piece of two halves. On the left they write down 10 position-aspects of the life problem that have negative consequences For them, the right side is 10 positions that show the positive aspects of this situation.

When discussing the exercise, the teacher shows that in every life situation it is necessary to be able to find positive parties, due to this, to maintain composure and calm.

Exercise "Three Answers"

Purpose: Develop the ability to determine an adequate way of behavior when interacting.

Number of people: up to 15 students.

Time: 30-50 minutes.

Travel course:

Each student comes up with a situation in which he has to answer the imaginary interlocutor. This situation, he informs the group, and then demonstrates three options for answers. One option should demonstrate confident behavior, the second is an aggressive, assertive, offensive, the third is uncertain.

All three options are demonstrated without prior warning about which specifically the option will be shown now. After displaying his impressions of the heard and seen the answer, the group reports.

1. In the bus checking tickets. You have no ticket for some reason. The controller is suitable for you. You tell him ...

2. The tail of your neighbor spoiled your rug. You call the door of the neighbor. It is shown on the threshold. You tell him ...

3. The preferser sets you the question you listened. You answer him ...

4. The group of young fun people in the cinema prevents you with a loud conversation. You access them ...

5. The neighbor insists that you switch the TV to another program where the multi-sized film is coming (sports transfer), and you look what you like. You tell him ...

6.Vash Buddy did not give you on the appointed term taken into debt money. You speak…

7. In the clinic, some type breaks down to the doctor out of turn. All are silent. You speak…

8.Roders are asked to go to the store. Are you tired. You speak them ...

Exercise "Step towards"

Purpose: Develop students' skill to make a compliment, speak pleasant.

Number of participants: up to 15-20 people.

Time: 30-40 minutes.

Travel course:

The teacher asks two students (it is important in this case) to go to the board and become a face to each other from different sides.

The teacher then gives them the following task: take a step towards each other and say something pleasant. Students stepped as long as they come close to each other.


 The assignment itself causes laughter among those present and embarrassment of those who are before the audience.

 Sometimes someone from StudentsPhelms: "Ask them to speak unpleasant, they will go faster." After this replica, the teacher needs to appeal to all students with a request to analyze what he saw and heard.