Drop set for pectoral muscles. Effective workout drop sets

A drop set is a method of training for mass and strength, where in one set the weight of the weights is reduced and the maximum number of repetitions of the exercise is performed in a pumping manner.

Drop set is shortest way to the set muscle mass.

On the one hand, this is an easy, but at the same time very painful way to bring your muscles to severe fatigue.

The basis of a drop set is maximum muscle fiber fatigue and maximum muscle involvement in work. In bodybuilding, there are for these purposes.

1. All strength exercises should be done slowly and as clearly as possible. In this case, however, as in all others, the execution technique is much more important than large weights. Don't chase heavy weight!

2. Divide each muscle group into "bundles", for example:

1) Deltoid muscle:

a) anterior beam,

b) middle beam,

c) posterior bundle.

2) Chest:

and) top part breasts,

b) the middle of the chest,

c) the edge of the chest (outer and inner).

3) Back:

b) the lower beam of the trapezoid,

c) supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles,

d) muscle that straightens the spine.

4) Biceps - 2 heads (long and short).

5) Triceps - 3 heads.

6) Legs:

a) calf muscles,

b) the front surface of the thigh,

c) external and inner surface hips,

d) back surface hips.

7) Press.

3. Choose the most effective strength exercise. One for a small muscle group (biceps, triceps), and 2-3 for large muscle groups (back, chest, legs, abs) - that is, one of the best strength exercises for each muscle bundle, but no more than 3. Remember that even when working on the front delta beam, both the middle and rear beam work, just to a lesser extent.

4. Do not train more than 2 - 3 in one day. muscle groups.

5. Since the muscles are loaded to the maximum, it is necessary to provide them with a sufficient amount of protein, carbohydrates, and rest. There should be a minimum of 2 days of rest between strength training, and after the completion of the entire cycle, 3 days. Then practice according to your usual program. The next time you can apply the drop set only after a month.

Drop set muscle training program


Muscles are trained:

1) chest, 2) back, 3) abs.


Muscles are trained:

1) biceps, 2) triceps, 3) forearm.


Muscles are trained:

1) legs, 2) shoulders, 3) abs.

After - 3 days of rest and return to your regular strength training program.

Drop-set execution mechanism

1. Choose the weight that you can do 8-10 times. For example, lifting the bar for biceps 40kg-10 times-1 approach (with a clear and slow execution to full amplitude). Rest 20-30 seconds.

2. Reduce the weight by 2-4 kg., Do 10 lifts in 1 set (but already 36-38 kg). Rest 20-30 seconds.

3. Reduce the weight again by 2-4kg, also 10 lifts in 1 set (32-34kg).

5. The maximum number of approaches (one per weight loss) is 4-5, otherwise the muscle will begin to burn.

The goal of any bodybuilder is to build muscle mass. There are tricks in strength trainingthat allow you to quickly achieve tangible results - drop sets. This is one of the best bodybuilding techniques to stimulate muscle growth... Its essence lies in the fact that the exercise is performed with the maximum weight until muscle failure, after which the weight is reduced by 20-25% and the approach with a lower load continues.
This method was discovered back in 1947 by G. Atkinson, editor of the "Body Culture" magazine. The method has other names: triple sets, decreasing sets, strip sets. One of the adherents of drop sets was Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose sensible advice remains relevant for fans of this technique.
It is not suitable for ordinary athletes who strive to achieve results in the growth of strength, power, speed. In contrast, bodybuilders try to cosmetically improve body proportions and increase muscle size. For building up sheer mass, drop sets are great.

Execution technique

Suppose a bodybuilder is lifting a 40kg barbell. After doing 10-12 reps, he feels that this is the limit. He simply did not have the strength to complete the 13th repetition. This condition is called "positive rejection." Muscles are able to work, but only with less weight. By reducing the weight lifted by 15-20%, you can continue training.
When the classic approach is performed to failure, not all muscle groups are activated. Only those muscle fibers that are necessary to lift a given weight a certain number of times are involved in the work. When withdrawing excess weight reserve fibers are recruited, drop sets activate them and cause growth that cannot be achieved with a standard set.
Include in your training program drop sets are recommended for experienced bodybuilders; it is impractical for beginners to use them. Professionals advise using this technique periodically, allowing the body to fully recover. To avoid injury, drop sets should be started after the mandatory warm-up and warm-up.
Usually, a drop set is done with dumbbells of various weights, with barbells, on simulators, on benches for bench press and with a change in incline angle, on a Scott bench. The time between sets after weight loss should be minimal. Exercise machines allow you to quickly lose weight, but there is an opinion that they give less effect than dumbbells and barbells. The most effective are drop sets for deltoid muscles and hands.
There are various options for performing drop sets that you can experiment with, changing them periodically.

Classical - the traditional way, when the exercise begins with heavy weight and then it decreases after being unable to continue repetitions. Further, the training continues with a new weight as long as there is strength.
When triple method, weight loss occurs not once, but twice, with quarter - three times. When strict each approach includes a certain number of repetitions. Super drop set involves doing one exercise to failure, then moving on to another with a lower weight, for example, from exercises for arms with a barbell to exercises with dumbbells.
Inverse drop sets are similar to triple sets, in which the weight of the weights is dropped twice in one approach, only everything happens exactly the opposite. From set to set, the weight is not reduced, but increased. In the first set, 20 reps are performed, 10 seconds for rest. After taking a heavier weight, 5-10 repetitions are performed, a 10 second pause. Weight is added and 1 to 4 more reps are done.
When Method 6-20 an approach of 6 reps is applied using a heavy weight, then the weight is halved and 20 reps are performed.

The most interesting and creative ways to train

1. Barbell strip sets. One of Schwarzenegger's favorite methods. The basic principle is to shed discs when body failure is reached and continue exercising. Let's look at an example. Let's say that at the beginning of the bench press, a weight of 50 kg is taken. The bar itself weighs 20 kg and 15 kg on each side. To make it convenient to reduce weight, it is better to take 5 kg discs.

After completing 10-12 repetitions and reaching failure, you need to remove one disc at a time, that is, reduce the total weight by 20%. With a weight of 40 kg, you continue to perform. On reaching the next failure, again reduce 20% of the original weight by removing one disc on each side. Now the weight is 30 kg, with it you move to the point of the next, last, failure.

2. Dumbbell drop sets. It will be convenient to perform these exercises, being next to a rack with dumbbells, which allows you to quickly change the load. Starting with 12 kg dumbbells, then pick up 10 kg and finish the set with 8 kg. With this technique, the deltas and biceps are perfectly worked out, the shoulders and arms are pumped up like balloons.

3. Drop sets on simulators. Compared to barbells, exercise on block trainersmoving the pin up the block is much easier. Without the help of a partner, you can remove the pin and quickly change the weight to a lighter one. This procedure can be done on the leg extension machine without even leaving it.

4. Drop sets are compressed. It uses a complex and intense approach thanks to a slight weight loss (5 to 20%). They are most commonly used for isolation exercises and small muscle groups.

5. The drop sets are wide. Reducing a lot of weight makes it possible to do more reps. Such techniques are used where large muscle groups are involved (bench press, squat, leg press, bent over). The total weight is reduced by about 25%.

6. Drop set 50%. It is also called the "halving method". This method provides for the implementation of two completely opposite repetition ranges. Each of them has a different effect on the muscle cell, but both contribute to the growth of muscle mass.

First, a weight is selected with which you can do a maximum of 6 repetitions. After completing these 6 reps, the weight is halved and 20 reps are done. Usually, in other techniques, the weight is reduced twice per set, that is, they take three different weights. Here, the weight is reduced only once.

7. The drop sets are powerful (low pivot). According to the first "Mr. Olympia" Larry Scott, with a heavy weight does not big number repetitions (6) is the best way to create size and develop strength at the same time. Using this technique, he developed powerful deltas and arms.
With an amount of 6 repetitions, more heavy weightto help thicken muscle fibers and maintain strength. You should do 6 reps, then reduce the weight by 10-15%, do 6 more reps, and again reduce the weight and do the same reps.

8. Drop sets decreasing (according to the 12-4-2 system) and increasing (according to the 6-12-20 system)... In decreasing drop sets, very similar to squeezed ones, there is a slight decrease in weight (by 5-10%). The number of repetitions decreases with each successive drop set, and 4 different weights must be dropped three times. With each of the weights, you need to do the number of repetitions in the following order: first 10-12, then 6-8, then 4-6 and finish with two.

In incremental drop sets, you should reduce the weight enough to achieve a significant number of reps. In percentage terms, this is twice 25-30%. The very first weight should be the largest, 6 repetitions are performed with it. After reducing the weight, 10 to 12 repetitions are done, the weight is thrown off again and another 15-20 repetitions are performed.

9. Drop sets with changing the position of the legs and grip. They allow you to hit multifaceted muscles from different angles. For example, when performing the leg press exercise, depending on the position of the legs on the platform, the load can be concentrated on the lateral, medial, intermediate muscles, on the buttocks, and on the hamstrings. When performing exercises, the number of repetitions remains the same, only the position of the body changes.

You can start the exercise with your feet in the middle, shoulder-width apart. After completing 6-12 reps, reduce the weight. Raise your legs higher on the platform (the position remains shoulder-width apart). Do the same reps. After that, reduce the weight again, lower your legs to the bottom of the platform, put them together and perform the same 6-12 repetitions.

Do the last run after losing weight with your feet wide apart (toes turned outward) and do the next repetitions. This workout, which uses 4 different weights and changes the position of your legs four times, will help your thighs grow from the inside out and from top to bottom!

10. Drop sets are zero. This method, which literally approaches zero rest time when changing weight, is very difficult and is why many bodybuilders avoid it. Two assistants are required, since one partner is not enough for such training.

For example, when performing a leg press, you need to stand up, take turns taking off the weight from both sides of the simulator, and sit down. This takes at least 10 seconds. The presence of assistants will reduce to a minimum the interval between weight changes on the locking levers. Continuous tense drop sets can be the most intense and challenging workout.

11. Drop sets based on the rest-pause method. In contrast to the previous method, here you can not strain too much, because the whole 15 seconds are allotted for throwing off the weight. A leisurely pace allows you to gain strength before using the next load. This method increases strength and targets hard-to-reach fibers.

12. Drop supersets. It uses a combination of the two effective methods bodybuilding. Choose any two exercises. One of them should be done first. After rejection, without losing weight, do another exercise where the weight is lower. For example, let's say you decide to do seated dumbbell press exercises and side dumbbell raises. Taking the maximum weight, do for side lifts.
8-12 reps
Wasting no time, move on to the dumbbell press using a little less weight. Do the same reps. Without resting, return to the side dumbbell raises, but use less weight. Do regular 8-12 reps and return to the bench press again with lighter dumbbells. Finally, do the lateral dumbbell curls one last time, once again losing weight.

After completing the exercise to failure, go to the final stage - Reduce the weight and do the seated dumbbell press. All this strenuous workout counts as one set. This method is very intensive and cannot be done without preparation.

To achieve maximum efficiency when performing drop sets, certain rules should be followed:

Equipment preparation
In order not to waste time when changing weight, the equipment must be properly prepared in advance even before starting the exercise. So, you need to take small discs for the barbell, weighing 5 and 10 kg. Dumbbell triple drop sets require three pairs of dumbbells; they should be laid out in a row on the counter.

Short rest
Rest when changing weight should be as short as possible, in the range from 0 to 10 seconds. Even when doing heavy drop sets, you should take a minimal break. The shorter the length of time for weight changes, the more effective and intense they will be.

Drop sets triple
The weight can be reduced many times at your discretion, however, there is a concept of "diminishing returns". When it is reached, further repetitions become ineffective. The best option is to use three different weights, and the weight is dropped two times.

Range of 6-12 reps
This is the most productive range in bodybuilding when doing drop sets when hypertrophy is the goal. Try to stick to it. A range of 4 to 6 reps is ideal for maintaining and developing strength. To achieve the definition and detail of all muscles, you can sometimes raise the bar to the number of repetitions of 15-20, especially when taking the last drop weight.

Applying maximum weight
Using just 6-12 reps is not enough. Achievement of muscle failure is necessary. The effectiveness of the drop sets will be minimal if the light weight is selected from the beginning of the workout. When doing the real six repetitions, you should feel that the seventh repetition is no longer able to do, that is, to achieve complete failure.

Moderate use of drop sets
One of the most intense and intense bodybuilding techniques requires common sense and extreme care. Using drop sets too intensely can overtrain and exhaust your body. By no means should your day workout consist of just drop sets. The best way to use them is the 3: 1 method. In this case, three regular approaches are performed in the exercise and one drop set.

In order not to get negative results instead of positive ones, intensive methods should be used in moderation. It is necessary to take such weights that you can handle, and confidently perform all repetitions. You need to gradually increase your working weights.

Compliance with safety precautions
To avoid injury, do not violate the exercise technique. You should not use these techniques in cases where it is not possible to drop (release) weight without injury. It is dangerous to use drop sets in squats, when pressing the bar in a supine position, etc.

Complex from Arnold Schwarzenegger for biceps using drop sets

1. Lifting the bar. In each of the 4 sets, 6-8 reps are performed.

2. "The hammer". 4 sets are performed, consisting of 8-10 reps.

3. Lifting dumbbells. 3 approaches are performed in turn. In the first, you need to do 8-10 reps (to failure), change the dumbbells to lighter ones, and again complete the approach to failure. Do the third approach with even less weight. This drop set must be repeated 2-3 times.

With dozens of existing high-intensity training methods used by bodybuilders, it is enough to use even one of the drop-set techniques in order to a short time gain significant muscle growth. By applying several different methods, amazing results can be achieved.

Video, Arnold Schwarzenegger talks about drop sets

Primary goal: muscle building
A type: for one muscle group
Preparation level: middle
Number of workouts per week: 1
Necessary equipment: dumbbells, barbell
The audience: men and women

So that you won't be ashamed to undress on the beach or in the pool, attack your pectoral muscles in all directions and use drop sets combined into an ultra-intense workout for your chest!

Workout Description

Take your chest workout to the next level! No one denies that the bench press with a large tonnage is the king of mass gain in the chest, but by adding new options for the vector of strength, hand position and technique, we can work more efficiently and achieve more impressive results.

Thoughtful training plantargeting muscle is a great starting point.

By doing your best in the gym, finishing extra reps and crushing muscles, you will definitely get desired result! Our goal is to maximize this result and raise the productivity of the training to the next level, and for this we need not only to puff under the bar, but also to think with our heads. Connect these techniques to take your chest workouts and results into a new orbit.

1. Start with weights! Add a drop set

You have to start with the hard one. The exercise simultaneously involves the shoulder and elbow joints, and this is one of the reasons why bench presses are better for building mass than single-joint knees. You can lift significantly more tonnage.

Don't forget to warm up. A good option - some exercises for the rotator cuff of the shoulder, and then a couple of easy approaches to the bench press. Some people prefer to lift dumbbells, others - a barbell. If you've always started with a barbell, switch to dumbbells for a change, and vice versa. With dumbbells, you will achieve a slightly better muscle contraction, and master the maximum working weight in the barbell press.

However, multi-joint presses are ideal candidates for muscle hypertrophy and muscle engagement. They allow us to move an outrageous load across the entire range of motion, working out the target muscle to the maximum.

In general, the ideal rep range for muscle development is 8-12 reps, but on the first set of training (after a couple of warm-up exercises) take more weight, do 6 reps and shock the muscles with increased stress. Do 3 hard work sets of 6-8 reps.

On the fourth approach, do; Reduce weight noticeably and make your muscles burn by focusing on contracting and squeezing the pectorals. In the last couple of reps, you can even take a 5-second pause to hold at the top point, and for greater effect, lower the load as slowly as possible. It should be noted that with this type of training, the help of the belayer is very useful!

2. Add an upward slope

Build Powerful Chest with Incline Dumbbell Press

It's time to target the ever-lagging upper chest, and incline presses are best for that. Use the same pattern as in the previous exercise, but now the heavy sets of 6-8 reps are rounded out by the fifth drop set.

One of important points, the degree of inclination of the bench. We don't want the bench press to stress the deltoids, we want a slight incline that will load the upper pectorals without unnecessarily overloading the delts.

Take your exercise to the next level. Do 2 sets at approximately 30 degrees, 2 more at 15 degrees, and then do the finishing jerk with a drop set focusing on contracting and squeezing the muscles. Recruit muscle fibers in full and get incredible results!

3. Go to the downward slope

Next in line is the Negative Incline Bench Press, another awesome exercise for full chest development! If you did the first two exercises with dumbbells, you should switch to the barbell, move to the Smith machine, or even the Hammer Strength machine. In some cases, it is better to work in simulators, especially after a few exercises against the background of accumulated fatigue. In machines, you can concentrate entirely on the bench press. And they're especially good for burnout sets if you don't have a reliable spotter.

In the simulator, you can slightly change the vector of movement by adjusting the seat and the position of the handles. As a rule, we can generate maximum force with the arms at the level of the lower chest. Start with two sets in this position, then change the angle of the bench and press from a higher point in the mid / lower chest area.

4. Isolation exercise time

One of the best for breasts is hand-to-hand convergence. We have the opportunity to choose from several options: you can do it in a cable trainer or with dumbbells. I would not say that one option is better than the other, it all depends on personal preference.

I like mixing on a block or with dumbbells more, since there are no restrictions on amplitude and trajectory in it. You can keep your arms and shoulders in the most comfortable position throughout your range of motion. Try 4 sets of 8-12 reps. In them, we try to fully focus on squeezing and contracting the pectoral muscles by isolating them.

If you are using a cable simulator, you can safely change the motion vector in this exercise. While standing or lying on a bench, follow the approach with your arms toward the center of your chest. Then take an approach with a slight downward shift of the vector, and another, pointing the vector up. Remember to keep your arms straight (elbows are only slightly bent), make your pectoral muscles work! Don't let fatigue spoil your technique and turn the exercise into another bench press.

5. Final touches

Most powerlifters would be happy and call it a great chest workout. But our goal is to go to the next level, to boost muscle growth, to truly crush already tired muscles and make them adapt to new realities. We want muscles to become stronger, more massive and tighter as a result of recovery.

The turn of the exercise has come, with which over the years of training we have developed a relationship on the verge of love and hate -. Great option for development pectoral muscles and even more best exercise to work on the brink of failure. Once you've finished all the heavy lifts, push-ups will seem simple.

In the final exercise, do 3 sets to failure. (Rest 60 seconds between sets). To add variety, change the vector by swapping your hands on each set.

If you want to get maximum impact from your workouts, add a mechanical drop set exercise to increase the intensity of your workout.

There are many training methods you can use to increase your training intensity. Exercising using supersets, shortening rest periods, cluster training, or pyramid training are all valid ways to push yourself to work harder.

Drop sets are especially effective technique... With this technique, you perform an exercise that is tuned for complete muscle failure, but instead of stopping and resting, you continue to lose weight and do more reps.

Drop sets have been popular with bodybuilders for over half a century because they enable athletes to overcome what would otherwise be their point of failure.

However, for some bodybuilders, the idea of \u200b\u200btrying to increase muscle mass by reducing the load even at the end of the set just doesn't work. There must be a better way for them to extend their sets.

Enter for yourself the concept of "mechanical drop-sets".

Regular drop sets versus mechanical drop sets

By training with the drop set method, you go beyond failure by doing the exact same exercise, but reducing the weight to get more reps. A mechanical drop set implies that the load remains the same, but the exercise changes slightly.

Both methods can help get more response from your muscles, and both will lead to better muscle growth. Many athletes recognize that mechanical variety makes their muscles work harder.

I found that while most gym trainees know about drop sets, far fewer know about the other type of drop set. This is too bad because given view drop sets help push muscles to grow when nothing else is working.

Here are 10 mechanical drop sets, each designed for a specific body part. Give each of them a chance, try them out, and see if they work for you. When everything is done and it suits you, start adding them to your workout schedule.

10 mechanical drop sets for muscle growth

1. Front squat with a barbell to a squat with a barbell on the shoulders (quads, glutes, lower back)

This is probably a fairly simple drop set in terms of technical execution, but probably the most physically difficult of the 10 listed here. Front squats work slightly differently on the thigh muscles than standard squats.

With the weight in front of you on your collarbones, you are forced to support more upright rack - otherwise the bar will roll and fall in front of you. The upright position of the torso puts a lot of stress on the quads, forcing them to work harder.

Do 10-12 repetitions of front squats and increase the weight. Return under the barbell immediately, but this time place it on trapezius muscles to perform standard squats. Step back and do another 10-12 reps.

In this barbell position, the lower back and gluteal muscles to a greater extent promote movement, but at the same time it leads to further fatigue of the quadriceps muscles and stimulates their growth.

2. Bench press with a narrow grip to press a puddle with a wide grip (triceps, pectoral muscles)

This drop set uses a principle very similar to the previous one, where the front squat is performed first, then the regular squat. Increasing the distance between the arms turns the bench press into an incredibly effective tricky triceps movement. I recommend using a Smith machine for ease of execution. Do 8-10 clean repetitions of the bench. narrow grip, squeezing out of the triceps everything they are capable of.

As soon as you encounter rejection, place the bar on the stops, spread your arms shoulder-width apart, and do about 10 traditional bench presses. Wide grip includes more than strong muscles chest and moves the force of the bench press to a better position, allowing you to continue working. By the time you hit failure in the second half of the set, your triceps should explode like balloons.

3. Seated side lifts with dumbbells to standing side lifts (deltoid muscles)

Lateral dumbbell raises for mid-beam deltas are usually performed while standing, which often leads to some questionable execution technique, such as in the good old barbell snatch, where athletes use additional strength impulse and other muscle groups to lift weights.

To remove cheating from this exercise and fully activate the medial deltas, start by doing side raises in a seated position. Do 10-12 reps, then stand up and do 10-12 more.

By doubling the reps, but doing them as movement variations, you can work harder with your shoulders. This means that more muscle fibers will be "damaged" and then repaired, becoming even larger and thicker.

4. Lifting the bar for biceps while standing with your back to the wall to lift the bar for biceps (biceps muscle)

If there is any standing exercise in which technique is ignored more often than lateral dumbbell raises, it is a standing barbell curl. Lifters will swing, bend, and push their hips forward to lift heavy weights. Sometimes these barbell curls look like an Olympic snatch.

In the olden days, athletes had “weird lift” competitions and the main product was the bicep curl performed with flawless technique. What made him "strict" was that the athlete's back had to be pressed firmly against a wall or post. Here's how you get started with this mechanical drop set.

Since you won't be able to swing or otherwise cheat, you won't be able to use your normal working weight to lift the barbell for the biceps. If you lifted 45 kilograms, now you can only cope with about 30 in 10-12 repetitions.

This may seem like a bit of an awkward move since you've probably never done a standing straight curl. But this awkwardness is what will not give a chance for an additional power impulse.

Once you can’t do any more reps, step back from the wall and continue doing as many reps as possible. If you can't dial at least 8, take a few breaths and try again. After all that has been done, you will find that this mechanical drop set can really burn your biceps to the extreme.

5. Bending the arms while sitting on an incline bench to lift dumbbells for biceps while standing (biceps muscle)

Everybody wants to have big biceps, right? So here's another killer duo to try. First sit on incline bench and simultaneously bend your arms with two dumbbells. Do a full stretch at the bottom of each rep and lift the dumbbells only to the point where they are still under gravity. By lifting them to the deltas at the so-called resting point, you will give your biceps the rest you don't need.

When you reach failure after about 10 reps, get up and continue with the exercise. For an extra, if not excruciating, bonus, use alternating arms when you can't do more reps, do both arm curls at the same time.

6. Vertical thrust on the block to thrust on the block with body deflection (lats)

Why not turn a general cheating style into an effective extended latissimus approach? Many athletes, when performing deadlift on a block, lean back to pull more weight, effectively converting the exercise into a hybrid movement somewhere between vertical and horizontal effort.

Let's rethink this, do the deadlift while keeping the torso in a strict upright position and pulling the handle to the collarbones in a straight vertical line.

Once you reach failure for about 10-12 reps, lean back 30-45 degrees from the floor and do another 10-12 reps, this time pulling the handle towards the middle of your chest. After 3-4 sets, your upper back will get well pumped and muscle density.

7. Dips with an emphasis on the triceps to a push-up on the uneven bars with an emphasis on the chest (triceps, chest)

In the same way that the bench press can emphasize the triceps or pectorals depending on the distance between the arms, the dips work on the triceps or chest muscles depending on the angle of the trunk and the width of the bars. If you prefer real push-ups on the uneven bars, be sure to do it. Otherwise, use a counterweight gravitron.

Start with your torso completely upright, with your elbows close to your body and focusing on the narrower sections of the bars to emphasize the work of your triceps. For 10-12 reps, you should feel exactly the triceps.

Once you get close to failure, move to the wider part of the beams, if any, tapered from wide to narrow, or choose the beams with wider handles. Now bend forward a little to transfer the load to your chest and front deltas.

Because these two muscles are temporarily fresher and stronger, they can help you push your triceps to exhaustion by forcing them to work harder to keep up with development.

8. Reversible lifting of the bar for biceps to lifting the bar for biceps (biceps, brachialis)

I guess you don't often see too many people doing reverse grip curls. Bad of course! This is an excellent option for influencing the external or long head of the biceps, brachialis and extensor of the forearm.

I suspect that one of the reasons some ego-driven athletes avoid this exercise is because they cannot lift the same weight as with standard curls. Well, that's exactly what makes this exercise the perfect start for this mechanical drop set.

As soon as you have done 10-12 reps of the reverse biceps curl, turn your arms over with a bottom grip and do another 10-12 reps. Many people think that EZ barbells are better for this exercise than dumbbells or regular barbells, but it's up to you. Whichever gear you choose, by the end of this drop set, your biceps and forearms should be tight, aching and full of blood.

9. Extension of the arms on the upper block with a reverse grip to extension of the arms on the triceps with a direct grip (triceps muscle)

Here's another mechanical drop set for your triceps. Reverse grip extension is performed on top block using a grip with the palms facing up. Reverse grip Is one of the few ways to effectively work out the long head of the triceps, which originates in the back of the armpit.

As with the reverse biceps curl, you probably won't be able to lift the same weight as you would with the overhand grip extension. Do both movements without any additional force impulse other than the extension of the arms, and you will see what I mean.

The difference in grip position will cause you to change your weight because it will likely be too light when you flip your arms over to perform a straight grip extension. Do not worry! You're training with a weight stack machine, so just move the pin a few holes down and you're good to go.

10. Bent-over barbell row to barbell shags (lats, trapeziums)

This mechanical drop set is suitable for both latissimus and traps. Begin with a bent over row row. Avoid the temptation to stand too erect, which can turn this exercise into a cross between barbell rows and shrugs. Either way, you will be doing the shoulder lift after a few seconds.

Try to keep your torso at an angle of no more than 45 degrees to the floor and pull the bar towards your lower abdomen. As soon as you reach failure, which is about 10 reps, stand up straight and immediately begin to perform shrugs, bringing this movement to complete failure.

When doing shoulder raises, work in full range of motion, and don't be alarmed if reps exceed 10-12. The range of motion for raising the shoulders is so small that higher repetitions will somehow be more productive. Use the wrist straps to secure the grip because this is where you will be holding the heavy barbell for 20 reps or more.

At the end of this mechanical drop set, your back should feel tight and pumped up!

Drop sets in bodybuilding are the most popular among professional athletes. Drop sets is a training with dropping weights. Translated from English "drop" - dropping, sets-sets. Execution will require certain skills and abilities from the athlete, we will talk about this further.

What is the essence of the drop sets method

First, let's figure out what drop sets are. The essence of the principle is that the athlete does 3-4 approaches / 6-10 repetitions (more with the last one) of any strength exercise with maximum load. A "positive muscle failure" sets in, and it seems that it is impossible to continue the exercise. Without rest, in 2-3 seconds, the working weight of the projectile immediately decreases by 20-25% (the help of partners is required). Further, the exercise is performed already until absolute muscle failure.

Important! Dropsets in training should be dosed. Simply put, they are used for shocking training (for example, once a month) or for stagnation in muscle growth (also 1-2 times a month). Otherwise, the athlete faces stress, overtraining and long recovery.

The mechanism of action of drop sets on the body

Muscle failure is an illusion of ultimate muscle wasting. The truth is that after fiber failure occurs muscle tissue there is still a lot of energy conserved. One has only to slightly lose the working weight, and new approaches will easily submit to you.

The fibers of the muscles are arranged in such a way that they cannot contract by 50%, but only at full capacity, or do not contract at all. Therefore, even in a muscle that contracts at the limit of capacity, there is a certain percentage of "dormant" fibers. They simply "did not get the nerve impulses" that the brain sent to this zone. It is important to stick to the required number of repetitions of 8-10. This is how the greatest muscle hypertrophy is achieved.

When talking about drop sets, the question arises: do they grow muscles faster? We answer: with this method of training, maximum stress and microscopic damage to the muscle are achieved. From this, reverse recovery processes are activated. It is they who make the muscle grow and increase in volume. Here is the answer to the question of what the drop-set is for: it is aimed at awakening the "dormant" reserve muscle fibers. This is subject to training according to this technique 1-2 times a month for each muscle group, and only if you are already an experienced athlete, and not a beginner in the gym.

The main types of drop sets

There are several types of drop-set.

  • Classic - doing the exercise, then reducing the burden by about 20%, and continuing to work to failure.
  • Triple and quadruple - the beginning is the same, only in the triple, 3 approaches are performed with 2-fold weight loss, and in the quadruple, 4 approaches with 3 reductions between them.
  • The opposite - in this case, the burden does not decrease, as usual, but grows. The exercise is done 10-12 times (not to failure), add 20% of the weight and repeat 8 more times. Then 20% is added again and the exercise ends with 4-6 repetitions.

  • Progression - the projectile is selected so that for 1 approach there is enough strength for 12 sub-exercises at a normal pace. Set 2 uses a reduced load, suitable for 8 times, then a second decrease in load to perform 6 times and a set of 4 repetitions with weight loss a third time.
  • Sets are performed in turn without rest for the antagonist muscles, while the load decreases by 20-30% each time. For example: an athlete lifts a 25 kg barbell for biceps, without a break, he goes to french press... After that, the weight of the projectile is reduced by 7.5 kg, and the same style performs repetitions for triceps and biceps. After that, there is another decrease in the working weight by 7.5 kg, and the cycle repeats.

Additional types of drop sets

  • With the use of dumbbells. This method is most convenient around a dumbbell rack for quick load changes. 12-10-8 kg - change in severity level. Often used in arm and shoulder training.
  • On simulators. If you compare them with a barbell, then pulling out and strengthening the pin yourself, adjusting the load, is as easy as shelling pears. For example, this procedure in the training on legs can be carried out without even getting up from the simulator.
  • Compressed - intense and complex due to low weight loss from 5 to 20%. They are used for small muscle groups in isolation exercises.
  • Wide. Large weight loss (25% or more) allows for a large number of repetitions. Used for large groups muscles - legs, back, chest.
  • fifty %. "The method of halving." A projectile is selected with which it is realistic to do 6 repetitions, after the burden is reduced once by 2 times, and the final 20 repetitions are carried out.
  • Powerful drop sets for bulk. Favorite type of training for the first "Mr. Olympia" Larry Scott. Powerful weights are selected for 6 repetitions, which allows you to build muscle and not lose power indicators... Further, the level of burdening decreases by 10-15%, and is performed 6 more times, again a decrease by 10% and finishing 6 repetitions. In this case, you will need the help of a partner, since the exercise is very difficult and it is not a fact that you will be able to perform these 6 repetitions yourself every time.

  • With a change in grip and leg position. For example, the leg press exercise depends on the posture of the legs on the platform. When performing, the number of repetitions does not change, but only the position of the body. You can start with 12 repetitions with feet apart shoulder-width apart, then the weight decreases, and the legs rise even higher on the platform, leaving them apart. Through the loop, place your feet together on the bottom of the platform, and finish off with a kick. Also with the press of the bar to the chest, with each set, change the grip - narrower or wider.
  • Zero. Rest when weights are reduced is close to zero, and such training is unrealistic without helpers.
  • Rest-pause. You don't have to strain too much, since you are given 15 seconds to lose weight, which allows you to gain a lot of energy.

How to increase the effectiveness of training

In order for the drop set program to be as effective as possible for the athlete, the following rules should be followed:

  • Equipment. Prepare everything you need in advance. For barbells - pancakes 5-10 kg each, or 3-4 pairs of dumbbells laid out in a row on a rack.

  • Short rest. 0-15 sec even with powerful trainings. The shorter the better.
  • Limited number of reductions in working weight. You can do as many reductions in load as you like, but do not forget the concept of "diminishing returns". This means that there is a certain critical point of weight reduction, after reaching which further repetitions will be ineffective for the muscles. The optimal number of projectile weight reduction is 2 times, which corresponds to a triple set.
  • Maximum load. Simple repetitions of 6-12 times are not enough. It is important to achieve muscle failure. With the initial choice of light weights, training is no longer effective. It is important that when repeating 6 times, the seventh is impossible to make. This is denial.
  • Safety precautions. In order to prevent injury, it is impossible to apply the technique without assistance in cases where it is impossible to release the projectile without risks. For example, it is not recommended to use it in the bench press or squat.

Drop set for the growth of muscle mass for the biceps

Let's take a look at how to properly perform drop sets for biceps. For example, consider the favorite way to train the famous Arnold Schwarzenegger with a barbell.

  1. Warm up with a low weight to warm up your muscles. This is usually an empty neck.
  2. Load 4 pancakes (5 kg each) on each side of the bar. The total weight will come out 60 kg.
  3. Work with this weight, doing 10-12 repetitions.
  4. Remove one pancake one at a time from each side, so the total weight will be reduced by 15%.
  5. Work with a weight of 50 kg until the first failure, and again remove the pancake from both sides.
  6. Perform 40 kg lifts until you are completely tired.

In the example, weights are taken for strong experienced pitching. If you have not yet "grown" to such loads, take a small bar and undersized pancakes. Although, if you have not "grown" to such weights, then you do not need drop-sets)

Drop sets for different muscle groups

Your attention is a video that will show in detail the principles of execution for different muscle groups.

Hammer for biceps

Leg curl in the simulator

Back work

Finishing off the shoulders

With hundreds of intense training methods out there, just one of the drop set techniques is enough to achieve significant gains in muscle mass. Apply different techniques and you will definitely achieve impressive results. What do you think about the usefulness and effectiveness of the drop-set? Write your opinion in the comments below.

Video: Arnold Schwarzenegger on shotsets