Why hard to pull up on the horizontal bar. Increase the amount of pull-ups - two effective techniques

The main thing a distinctive feature The horizontal bar is his versatility. Installing this projectile at home will not be difficult and it is indispensable for novice athletes. If we talk about the exercises, in which the body weight is involved, then pull-up is one of the most important.

In addition, it is tightening on the horizontal bar that will show, in which physical form is a person, as well as determine the degree of compliance of body weight with muscle development.

How to start tightening a newcomer - a difficult question, although the opposite impression is created. The fact is that the exercises in which its own weight is involved, suggest special execution techniques and some important rules.

There are several advantages of such classes, subject to them proper fulfillment. Among them:

  • the ability to adjust the figure;
  • strengthen muscles;
  • increase endurance;
  • strengthen joints, ligaments;
  • reduce weight.

But this is not full list. In addition to the listed features, the horizontal bar is one of the most efficient shells for the health of the spine. If the spine is healthy and functional, healthy and young will be the whole organism.

Also, regular workouts on the horizontal bar help to form an athletic form of the torso. And this means that the widest muscles of the back will be developed, muscles of hands and shoulder belt strong. There are several techniques of classes, each of which allows you to develop different muscle groups of the top of the body. It depends on the width of coverage.

Novice should start with " negative repetitions"- Techniques, the meaning of which is to take such a position as if pulling has already been fulfilled. This technique is a great help for beginners who will help even those who have never pulled up in life.

To perform this exercise you need to get up on a stool or stool, bend your hands and gain yourself in this position so that the chin is over the crossbar. Then you need smoothly without jerks, straightening your hands, go down. After that, return to the initial position. On the initial stage It should not be too overloaded: it is enough to perform three approaches five times.

If it still can't catch up, you can ask for a friend's help or partner, whose task will be to help pull up, standing behind. In some cases, these methods are not suitable, but there is another option - strengthening muscular groupsrequired for exercise on the horizontal bar. For these purposes, you can use simulators, rods or dumbbells. In addition, in the gym there are specializer for beginners. As for domestic training, in this case the elastic elastic comes. Also effective will be tightening by 50% amplitude.

It should be noted that beginners it is important to perform exercises on the crossbar carefully and smoothly, since there is a risk of damage to bundles or injury when jumping down. Before training, a 15-minute warm-up, aimed at heating muscles. Here are all sorts of loads that stimulate the activities of the cardiovascular system.

Newbies are often interested, which muscles are being worked out when pulling up on the horizontal bar. Such power trainings allow you to develop all the muscles of the hands and body, including abdominal Press (corner, raise rise), triceps, biceps, and so on.

In addition, the beginners in any case will not be easy, there are factors that further complicate classes with a crossbar. These include:


Extra kilograms are an additional load on the muscles, even if the latter have been developed and developed. If there is no sports experience in general, it is not recommended to start with tightening. First of all, the efforts should be able to corrected weight. Here will fit special exercises and diet.

Physical weakness

Insufficient muscle development significantly complicates classes on the horizontal bar for beginners. Therefore, it is recommended to first prepare the body to such training, that is, to develop strength and increase endurance.

Weak auxiliary muscles

Before the start of the training with the use of the crossbar, it is important to work out the main muscles, but auxiliary is equally important. That is, the muscles should be developed: deltoid (rear beam), radial. Breast muscles should also be paid attention.

Obviously technique

The technique must be constantly improved, otherwise it can lead to uneven muscle development and excessive burden on joints, ligaments, brushes.

Rules for performing exercises on the horizontal bar

To workouts are really effective, you need to comply with some rules:

  • In the process of pulling, only muscles should participate, that is, it is impossible to facilitate the task of swinging or using inertia.
  • When lifting and lowering the movement must be slow, smooth. Rod and sharp movements are unacceptable.
  • At the top peak, the chin layout should be over the crossbar.
  • The rise is carried out on exhalation, descent - on the breath. Proper breathing is very important!
  • The crossbar must be held as strong as a strong grip.
  • Body location is strictly vertically.

In addition, it should be remembered that different types of exercises have their own characteristics. For example, when tightening narrow grove , you need to try to touch the crossbar below the chest, and the look should be directed to the brush.

For tightening the head wide grab The back should be smooth without deflection. Also cannot be allowed sharp movements, jerks. Care should be taken to avoid the skull injury.

Exercises reverse grogue Performed with reserved shoulders, while the blades must be reduced together.

When tightening with the lift, it should be performed solely at the expense of the widest muscles of the back: on the upper peak you need to strive to touch the horizontal barrel.

Exercises on the horizontal bar, aimed at working back, mean the work of biceps.

It is impossible not to consider training on the crossbar for growth. It is believed that thanks to such activities it is possible to "grow" a maximum of 5 cm. Exercises about which are being discussed, performed in free Visa - the stretching of the body occurs under the action of its own weight. In such a position, you need to perform movements of your legs in different directions. Also useful will be turns of the torso and flexing legs. It should be noted that such exercises help to make posture smooth.

It is important to take into account that the beginners do not need to stretch themselves with multiple approaches and various training programs. At the initial stage, you can use only one or two exercises, but to perform them correctly. The main rule pull-ups is no rush. The slower pulling, the better, since in this case all the necessary muscle groups will work, and the technique will be constantly improving.

The regularity of training also plays a big role, as it helps strengthen the muscles and increase endurance. When it is achieved, you can think about increasing repetitions, but not sharply, gradually. Just a few years of such classes and now the former newcomer can surprise the ability to pull up on one hand and exercise with weight.

Contraindications for crossbar

Not everyone can be done on the horizontal bar, especially those who have health problems. Danger than tightening with scoliosis and other diseases of the spine, including protrusions, hernia, and so on.

Care must be taken when osteochondrosis. It would seem, as a result of pull-ups, blood circulation is enhanced, the mobility of the vertebral structures is developing, but at the same time, with degenerative changes in the vertebrals, the excessive load is contraindicated. Suffering osteochondrosis cervical department It is necessary to be even more careful because the exercises on the horizontal bar can provoke dizziness and pain gain.

16.04.2018 10.04.2019

Tightening is one of the key exercises with the weight of your own body, which is important to perform for the development of the muscles of the upper body. The ability to pull up is a good assessment of your physical form and power training.

In this article, we consider an important question: how to learn to pull up from scratch on the horizontal man and women, and also we will analyze the performance of tightening techniques and useful advice How to learn to pull up.

Why should I learn to pull up on the horizontal bar?

Learning to pull up on the horizontal bar maybe every no matter whether the successful experience of pull-ups in the past. This exercise helps at the same time working on all the muscles of the hands and the body: breast muscles, back muscles and shoulders, biceps and triceps. At the same time, you will need only a horizontal bar for performing pull-ups, which is easy to install at home or found on the playground. Tightening is considered Most effective The exercise with the weight of the own body for the development of the muscles of the hands and back.

Advantages of pull-ups:

  • Pull-ups on the horizontalist develop muscles of the upper body and form beautiful relief Muscles of hands, shoulders, chest and back.
  • Regular tightening helps strengthen joints and ligaments.
  • Tightening can be performed at home or on the street, you will need only a horizontal bar or crossbar.
  • Tightening strengthens the muscle corset and help maintain the spine in a healthy and functional state.
  • The ability to pull up on the horizontal bar is a good demonstration of your physical strength and endurance.
  • If you learn to pull up on the horizontal bar, then you will be easier to learn such exercises as a stand on your arms, as well as exercises on the bars and rings.

Many wonder how quickly can you learn to pull up from scratch? It completely depends on your physical training and experience training. If you knew how to pull up, then your body will be much easier to "remember" the load than learn from a fresh skill from scratch. It usually grabs 3-5 weeks to start tightening at the horizontal bar at least several times. If you have never pulled up earlier, then you can learn how to achieve this exercise for 6-9 weeks.

What can interfere with the execution of pull-ups:

  • Overweight and big body weight
  • Weakly developed muscles of the top of the body
  • Lack of practicing tightening in the past
  • Obviously technique
  • Attempt to perform tightening without preparatory work
  • Weak functional training
  • Ignorance about the supply exercises to tightening

In order to learn how to pull up from scratch, you must prepare not only your main muscle groups, but also stabilization muscles, joints and ligaments. Even if you have enough strength to perform the rod rod for your back or lifting dumbbells with a lot of weight, not at all the fact that you can pull out. That is why it is not enough to just pump up the main muscle groups that participate in tightening (hands and widest muscles back). You will need fully prepare your body To tightening with the help of summarizing exercises - they will be discussed below.

Contraindications for tightening:

  • Scoliosis
  • Hernia intervertebral discs
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Spoken protrusions
  • Arthrosis

In some cases, regular pull-ups or even simply hang on the horizontal bar help to get rid of the diseases of the spine. But if you have already There are problems with your back, before starting tightening, be sure to consult your doctor. Exercises on the horizontal bar can exacerbate the existing diseases of the spine.

Tightening there are several species depending on the grip of the hands:

  • Direct grick . In this case, the palms look into the opposite party. Such grip is considered to be most preferable, when performing the main load goes to the widest muscles of the back and shoulders.
  • Reverse grip . In this case, the palms and wrists look at you. Such grip is easier to pull up, because most of the load takes on biceps that help pull the body to the horizontal bar.
  • Mixed grip . In this case, one hand holds a direct grip for the horizontal bar, and the other reverse grip. Such tightening can be performed when you have already mastered both grudges and want to diversify the load for the muscles. Be sure to change your hands when performing such tightenings.
  • Neutral grip . In this case, palms are looking at each other. Tightening S. neutral grip They give an accented load on the lower area of \u200b\u200bthe widest muscles.

First time can be tightened only to the reverse grip if it is given easier. But gradually try to master pull-ups and direct, and reverse grip to study the maximum muscle group.

Depending on the position of the hands of tightening, there are:

  • With narrow grove: maximum load falls on hand (the easiest way of pulling).
  • With a widespread grove : The maximum load falls on the widest muscles of the back (the most difficult version of tightening). It is not recommended to combine wide and reverse grip At the same time, it can damage ligaments.
  • With a classic grip (on the width of the shoulders): the load is distributed proportional, so this is the most preferred type of pull-ups.

Various types of grip and hand sets allow working with all muscle groups of the upper body, using actually one exercise with a weight of its own body - pulling up. Having learned to pull up, you can improve your body even without using free scales and simulators. At the same time, you can always complicate this exercise: just pull up on one hand or use weightlifiers (backpack, belt).

How to pull up on the horizontal bar

Before moving to a detailed scheme, how to learn to pull up with scratch to men and women, let's stop at proper technique for tightening .

So, for classic pull-ups, install your hands on the horizontal bar on the width of the shoulders or a little wider shoulders. The blades are reduced together, the body is completely straightened, the stomach is tightened, the shoulders are omitted, the neck is not pressed into the shoulders, the fingers firmly cover the crossbar. On the breath slowly tighten your body up, the chin should be above the crossbar. Hold on the shares of a second and exhale lower the body at the starting position.

Tightening is performed slowly at each stage of movement: both on the rise and on the descent. You must feel the maximum tension of the muscles of the hands and back, you should not do extra movements, trying to simplify the task. In terms of muscle efficiency, it is better to fulfill one techniques pulling out than five non-achieves. You can try to pull up with any kind of grip, first choose the easiest option for you.

Be sure to follow out proper breathing During pull-ups, otherwise your muscles will not receive a sufficient amount of oxygen, which means their strength and endurance will decrease. Deep inhale the nose on an effort (when lifting the body to the crossbar) and exhale mouth on relaxation (when relaxing hands and lowering the body).

What to do it is impossible During tightening:

  • Swing
  • Jerk
  • Babe the lower back or bending the arc back
  • Hold breath
  • Pushing your head in the shoulders and strain the neck

Step-by-step instructions how to learn to pull up from scratch

In order to learn how to pull up from scratch, you need to perform a number Side exercises who will prepare your body to load. By regularly practicing these exercises, you can master pull-ups on the crossbar, even If you never performed them before and even If you do not believe in your strength. These exercises are suitable for both men and women, the degree of load is regulated independently. The summory exercises will help you strengthen not only the muscles, but also bundles and joints.

For gifs, thanks YouTube-channels: OfficialBarstarzz, Abnormal_beings, Colin Dewaay, Xenios Charalambous, Matt Cama 2.

1. Exercises with additional muscle weight

Exercises S. additional weight We will help you strengthen the widest muscles of the back and biceps that are involved in tightening. Instead of the rod, you can use dumbbells. Each exercise is performed in 3-4 approaches, 8-10 repetitions. Between approaches holiday 30-60 seconds. Weight choose such that the recent exercises in the approach are performed at the maximum effort.

If you do not have access to simulators and free weights, it is possible to prepare for tightening you can immediately begin exercises on the horizontal bar, which are presented below.

Australian tightening is perfect exercisewhich will help you learn to pull up from scratch. To fulfill it, you will need low crossbar, approximately at the belt level (In the hall you can use a vulture in the simulator Smith). Please note that during the Australian pull-up your body should remain direct from the heels to the shoulders. You can not be fed down and bent up, the whole body is stress and tightened.

The most important advantage of Australian pull-ups, that it will sold absolutely everyoneSince its complexity is determined by the angle of inclination. The more vertical is your body, the easier it is to do the exercise. And vice versa than horizontally the body is located, it will be more difficult to carry out the Australian pull-up. Also, the load depends on the height of the crossbar - the lower it is, the more difficult to pull up.

When performing Australian pull-ups, we recommend changing grip: wide grip, grip on the width of shoulders, narrow grip. This will allow you to effectively work out all muscle groups from different sides and adapt to tightening. You can perform 15-20 repetitions different species grip.

3. Tightening on the loop

If you do not have a crossbar to perform Australian pull-ups or you want to better prepare for classic pull-ups on the horizontal bar, then you can pull up on the hinges. AT gym Usually there are always such devices, but at home there is a good alternative - loop TRX.. This is a very popular simulator for classes with the weight of your own body and the development of all muscle groups. With the help of TRX you can learn tightening even faster.

4. Tightening with a support on the feet

Another summing exercise is pulling up at a low crossbar with a footpiece on the floor legs. To practice this exercise, it is not necessary to have a low crossbar, you can put the box or chair under the ordinary horizontal bar and fully rely on it with your legs. It is much easier than ordinary pull-ups, but as a preparation of muscles is suitable.

5. Tightening with a chair

A slightly more complex version of the previous exercise is tightening with a support for a chair with one foot. First time you can completely rely on one foot on the chair, but gradually try to keep your weight with the muscles of the hands and back, leaning on a chair.

Another simple, but very effective exercisethat will help you learn to pull up from scratch, this is Vis on the horizontal bar. If you can't live on the horizontal bar at least 2-3 minutes, then you will be difficult to pull up. Vis on the horizontal bar is useful for strengthening the wrists, the development of the muscles of the back and straightening the spine. Also, this exercise will help bundles to get used to the weight of your body.

Please note that when Visa on the horizontal shoulder shoulder should be lowered down, the neck is elongated and not shutted into the shoulders. The body should remain free, spine stretched, belly touched. You can exercise in several approaches of 1-2 minutes.

If you are calmly hang on the horizontal bar within a few minutes, you can go to the next step - pulling up with (expander). One end of the rubber harness is attached to the crossbar, and the other fixes the leg. The expander will take part of your weight and tighten the body up. Rubber loops can be purchased on Aliexpress, details with reference to the goods in the second part of the article. By the way, this kind of expander is suitable not only for pull-ups, but also for many power exercises.

8. Tightening with a jump

Another summory exercise that will help you learn to pull up from scratch, it pulls up with a jump. If you have never tightened before, it may not work, so it is better to practice better exercises. If the power of your muscles allows you to pull up with a jump, then this exercise will perfectly prepare you for the usual pulling.

Its essence is as follows: you jump up as much as possible to the horizontalist, hold yourself a few seconds and slowly go down. This can be said one of the options. negative tightening.

9. Negative tightening

Any exercise has two phases: positive (when the muscles voltage occurs) and negative (when muscles relaxation occurs). If you can not withstand both phases pull up (that is, pull out on the horizontal bar and go down), Make only the second phase of the exercise or the so-called negative pulling.

For negative tightening, you need to stay in a position with bent hands over the crossbar (as if you were already pulled out), using a chair or partner's help. Your task is to stay at the top as long as possible and then very slowly fall down, most straining the muscles of the hands and backs. Negative tightening is one more excellent exercisewhich will help you learn to pull up from scratch.

The number of repetitions B. last three exercises Depends on your capabilities. The first time, you will probably make only 3-5 repetitions in 2 approaches. But with each occupation you need to build results. Strive for such numbers: 10-15 repetitions, 3-4 approaches. Between approaches rest 2-3 minutes.

Scheme of classes on tightening for beginners

We offer you a ready-made scheme, how to learn to pull up from scratch for men and women. The scheme is universal and suitable for all beginners, but you can adapt it to your capabilities, slightly extending or reducing the plan. Care 2-3 times a week. Before performing pull-ups, be sure to warm up and at the end do stretching your back muscles, hands, chest:

Ideally begin training with exercises for the back (rod rod, vertical and horizontal traction) But if there is no such possibility, you can train only on the horizontal bar. If you have a task to learn to pull up on the horizontal bar from scratch in a short time, you can do 5 times a week. But no more often, otherwise the muscles will not have time to recover and there will be no progress.

The plan proposed below is designed for beginners. If you are already experienced doing enough, then you boldly start from 3-4 weeks. The scheme indicates only an approximate number of repetitions, it is better to always focus on their physical capabilities. Be sure to fix how many repetitions and approaches you did to keep track of progress. Rest between approaches can be made 2-3 minutes or dilute pull-ups by other exercises.

First week:

  • 5-8 repetitions 3-4 approach

Second week:

  • Tightening with a support on your feet: 10-15 repetitions 3-4 approach
  • 30-60 seconds in 2 approaches

Third week:

    5-8 repetitions 3-4 approach45-90 seconds in 3 approaches

Fourth week:

    10-15 repetitions 3-4 approach90-120 seconds in 3 approaches

Fifth week:

  • 3-5 repetitions in 2-3 approaches
  • 10-15 repetitions 3-4 approach90-120 seconds in 3 approaches

Sixth week:

  • 3-5 repetitions in 2-3 approaches
  • Tightening with a chair (leaning on one foot): 5-7 repetitions in 2-3 approaches

Seventh week:

  • Tightening with rubber loops: 5-7 repetitions in 2-3 approaches
  • Tightening with a chair (leaning on one foot): 5-7 repetitions in 2-3 approaches

Eighth week:

  • Negative pull-ups: 3-5 repetitions in 2-3 approaches
  • Tightening with rubber loops:

Nine week

  • Pulling with a jump: 3-5 repetitions in 2-3 approaches
  • Tightening with rubber loops: 7-10 repetitions in 2-3 approaches

Tenth week

  • Classic pulling: 2-3 repetitions in 2-3 approaches
  • Pulling with a jump: 3-5 repetitions in 2-3 approaches

You can speed up the workout plan if you have more progressive results, which is indicated in the scheme. Or, on the contrary, reduce the rate of increasing the number of repetitions, if you cannot achieve the desired result. Do not worry, sooner or later you can achieve the goal!

1. Do not jerks and sharp movements during pull-ups. Exercises should only be performed at the expense of muscle strength, do not simplify the task of shaking and inertia.

2. Do not force classes on the horizontal bar, especially if you are trying to learn how to pull up from scratch. Top fast motions And excessive load can damage joints and ligaments. Always strive for improving the quality of exercise, and not to increase the number.

3. The smaller your original weight, the easier it is to learn to pull up on the horizon from scratch. Therefore, working on tightening should go in parallel with the process of getting rid of excess fat.

4. During the exercise, do not delay the breath, otherwise it will lead to quick fatigue.

5. What a summary exercise on the horizontal bar or crossbar you did not do, try to gradually increase the number of repetitions and approaches. For example, if you first fulfill only 3-4 Australian tightening, then gradually increase their number to 15-20 repetitions and complicate angle of inclination.

6. In order to progress in the amount and quality of pull-ups, not only the supply exercises should be performed, but also train all body whole. Work with dumbbells, barbell, simulators and perform pushups to achieve the best results.

Today we have prepared a special infosost for those who have no full-fledged pull-ups on the horizontal bar, but who really want to learn them!

Let's start with the most important thing. The only reason for which you do not have tightening is that your muscles are simply not enough to perform this exercise. It is really not easy for a beginner, so we need to prepare your muscles and ligaments and make them stronger. And in this we will help the summing exercises.

What is the summory exercises?

These are lightweight embodiments of exercises that reduce the load in one or several parameters. And if the target exercise is too heavy for you (physically, technically or morally), it makes sense to start training his simplified version. Explaining the example of pull-ups:

If you look at the tightening person from the side, we will see that at first he pulls his body up, and then lowers it down. If you still remember the school course in physics, then this should remind you something. If you are engaged in something outsider in the lessons, then listen carefully. In this case, we need to use the formula for calculating the work (A), which the body performs:

A \u003d f * s

What about work;
F - force (in our case: Mass (M) multiplied acceleration of free fall (G));
S - distance (movement amplitude).

Thus, the work depends on the two parameters - body weight and distance that this body moves. Therefore, as applying exercises, such embodiments should be used to reduce one of these two parameters or both at once.

Option A: We reduce the mass

Of course, it is more correct to speak not about a decrease in the body's mass, which can only be achieved by dropping overweight or cutting off something unnecessary, but about compensation of part of the gravity, which affects it. The principle is simple: reducing the effect of gravity - we reduce the load.

You can achieve this or at the expense of the lever ( , tightening with a chair), or due to the force of elasticity (pulling up with rubber loops).

Australian tightening

To perform this exercise, you need to find a low crossbar on which you can hang, resting legs to the ground (case under a slight inclination). Depending on the height of the crossbar, the load will change, the lower the crossbar, it will be harder.

According to Biomechanics, Australian pull-ups differ from the usual also because the thrust occurs in the horizontal plane, and not in the vertical one. But such an option tightening is perfectly suitable for those who are just starting their way in Vorkuta, and experienced athletes, grinding the correct technique of tightening.

Tightening with a support for a chair

Here everything is simple: the hands are taken for the horizontal bar, and you get up to the chair. But that of this it turned out a good summory exercise, you need to train the following from training to training:

1. Strive to transfer as more weightand bodies with legs and back. Since in this option you ourselves control the load, then it is important not to halur and try, first of all, to pull in your back and hands.

2. Increase the number of repetitions. The more pull-ups you do, the longer the muscles are under load and the sooner they fixes so that you can pull up the classic way.

Tightening with rubber loops

This exercise is inherently similar to the previous one, but the degree of load on the muscles of the hands and back depends on the strength of the resistance of the rubber loop. If you are easily tightened from the loop 10 times in each circle, then you should go to less rigid.

Option B: Reduce the distance

The second way to reduce the load - reduce the amplitude of the movement. To do this, we divide the exercise on the part and work on them separately.

Negative tightening

positive (when muscles are strained) and negative (When the muscles relax).

If you cannot yet perform both phases pull up at once (raise yourself up, and then lower down), then start with "negative" pull-ups. Find the horizontal bar of such a height to jumps on it, you kept the chin above the crossbar, and then, as much as possible, go down, straining only the muscles of the hands and backs.

Partial repetitions

1. Positive from direct hands to an angle of 90 degrees in the elbows;
2. Positive from an angle of 90 degrees in elbows before the chin over the horizontal bar;
3. Negative from the chin over the horizontal bar to the angle of 90 degrees in the elbows;
4. Negative from an angle of 90 degrees in elbows to straight hands.

Ideally, of course, you need to exercise in a complete amplitude, but it requires a certain strength and level of preparation, so you do not need to be upset or worry if you can pull up 1/2 or 3/4 from the full amplitude. The main thing is to train and with time the power will come!

Secrets of the Masters of the Crossroads

If in the formula two parameters, then you can only change them, right? Wrong! There is always the third option!

Tightening with grip from below

grogging from below!

Right craving

you pull the crossbar to yourselfand not pull yourself to the crossbar!

Imagine that you move the sofa from one edge of the room to another. What will you do? Grasp the sofa with your hands and pour to yourself. At the same time, your back muscles and biceps will actively work. To make easy and confidently pull up, repeat the same natural movement model: pull the crossbar to yourself.

Train on the horizontal studies

On its way, you will again meet the simulators or completely replacing tightening, or helping learn how to pull up from scratch. But engage in them - a bad idea.

You are insulating the target muscles from the rest of the body - it turns out easier, but worse. When you hang on the horizontal bar trying to pull up, except large muscles The backs, shoulders and biceps in the process are involved with many muscle stabilizers, helping the body direct and coordinated. When tightening the whole body works. Therefore, better tighten on the usual horizontal bar.

Training grip

Well, the last moment for today. For many newcomers, the Vis is on the horizontal bar on his hands. If you have such a problem, we would be recommended at the end of each workout (after all circles!) Add simple VIS on the crossbar of 30-120 (depending on the level of your preparation) seconds as a strengthening exercise for grab. You can break the exercise on the approaches if it does not work for one.

http: //set/uploads/userfiles/2094.jpg. Today we have prepared a special infosost for those who have no full-fledged pull-ups on the horizontal bar, but who really want to learn them! Let's start with the most important thing. The only reason for which you do not have tightening is that your muscles are simply not enough to perform this exercise. It is really not easy for a beginner, so we need to prepare your muscles and ligaments and make them stronger. And in this we will help the summing exercises.

What is the summory exercises?

These are lightweight embodiments of exercises that reduce the load in one or several parameters. And if the target exercise is too heavy for you (physically, technically or morally), it makes sense to start training his simplified version. Explaining the example of pull-ups: if you look at the tightening person from the side, we will see that at first he pulls his body up, and then lowers it down. If you still remember the school course in physics, then this should remind you something. If you are engaged in something outsider in the lessons, then listen carefully. In this case, we need to use the formula for calculating the work (A), which the body performs:
A \u003d f * s
Where: A - work; F - force (in our case: Mass (M) multiplied acceleration of free fall (G)); S - distance (movement amplitude). Thus, the work depends on the two parameters - body weight and distance that this body moves. Therefore, as applying exercises, such embodiments should be used to reduce one of these two parameters or both at once.

Option A: We reduce the mass

Of course, it is more correct to speak not about a decrease in the body's mass, which can only be achieved by dropping overweight or cutting off something unnecessary, but about compensation of part of the gravity, which affects it. The principle is simple: reducing the effect of gravity - we reduce the load. You can achieve this or at the expense of the lever ( australian tightening, tightening with the help of a chair), or by the power of elasticity (pulling up with rubber loops) .. JPG To perform this exercise, you need to find a low crossbar on which you can hang, resting legs to the ground (case under a slight inclination). Depending on the height of the crossbar, the load will change, the lower the crossbar, it will be harder. According to Biomechanics, Australian pull-ups differ from the usual also because the thrust occurs in the horizontal plane, and not in the vertical one. But such an option tightening is perfectly suitable for those who are just starting their way in Vorkuta, and experienced athletes, grinding the correct technique of tightening.

Tightening with a support for a chair

Here everything is simple: the hands are taken for the horizontal bar, and you get up to the chair. But that of this it turned out a good summing exercise, you need to train the following from training to training: 1. To strive to transfer as much body weight as possible with legs and back. Since in this option you ourselves control the load, then it is important not to halur and try, first of all, to pull in your back and hands. 2. Increase the number of repetitions. The more pull-ups you do, the longer the muscles are under load and the sooner they will grow so that you can pull up a classic way ..jpg This exercise is inherently similar to the previous one, but the degree of load on the muscles of the hands and back depends on the strength of the resistance of the rubber loop. If you are easily tightened from the loop 10 times in each circle, then you should go to less rigid.

Option B: Reduce the distance

The second way to reduce the load - reduce the amplitude of the movement. To do this, we divide the exercise on the part and work on them separately.

Negative tightening

Any exercise has two phases: positive (when muscles are strained) and negative (When the muscles relax). If you cannot yet perform both phases pull up at once (raise yourself up, and then lower down), then start with "negative" pull-ups. Find the horizontal bar of such a height to jumps on it, you kept the chin above the crossbar, and then, as much as possible, go down, straining only the muscles of the hands and backs.

Partial repetitions

You can go even further and divide tightening is not two, but for four parts: 1. Positive from direct hands to an angle of 90 degrees in the elbows; 2. Positive from an angle of 90 degrees in elbows before the chin over the horizontal bar; 3. Negative from the chin over the horizontal bar to the angle of 90 degrees in the elbows; 4. Negative from an angle of 90 degrees in elbows to straight hands. Ideally, of course, you need to exercise in a complete amplitude, but it requires a certain strength and level of preparation, so you do not need to be upset or worry if you can pull up 1/2 or 3/4 from the full amplitude. The main thing is to train and with time the power will come!

Secrets of the Masters of the Crossroads

If in the formula two parameters, then you can only change them, right? Wrong! There is always the third option! .Jpg In fact, it is full-fledged classic pull-ups, but still perform them easier than pulling up with standard grip from above. Grope from below, like neutral when the palms are parallel to each other, it allows you to turn on the hands more in the work. By the way, most people have their first pull-ups grogging from below! We recommend combining the summing exercises with grab from above with attempts to fully tighten with grogging from below (or neutral grip) for a better result.

Right craving

If you want to immediately learn the right tightening technique and facilitate the learning process, then the next advice will help you. Every time you draw tightening, imagine that you pull the crossbar to yourselfand not pull yourself to the crossbar! Imagine that you move the sofa from one edge of the room to another. What will you do? Grasp the sofa with your hands and pour to yourself. At the same time, your back muscles and biceps will actively work. To make easy and confidently pull up, repeat the same natural movement model: pull the crossbar to yourself.

Train on the horizontal studies

On its way, you will again meet the simulators or completely replacing tightening, or helping learn how to pull up from scratch. But engage in them - a bad idea. You are insulating the target muscles from the rest of the body - it turns out easier, but worse. When you hang on the horizontal bar, trying to pull out, except for the large muscles of the back, shoulders and biceps in the process, many muscle-stabilizers are involved, helping the body direct and coordinated. When tightening the whole body works. Therefore, better tighten on the usual horizontal bar.

Training grip

/Uploads/Editor/2017/03/2012-03-20-16-03-03-g8x.jpg Well, the last moment for today. For many newcomers, the Vis is on the horizontal bar on his hands. If you have such a problem, we would be recommended at the end of each workout (after all circles!) Add simple VIS on the crossbar of 30-120 (depending on the level of your preparation) seconds as a strengthening exercise for grab. You can break the exercise on the approaches if it does not work for one. 100-day Vorkout - Content

In this article, we will talk about one of the most difficult, from a technical point of view, exercises, I will tell about pulling.

This exercises are very contradictory, but inherently very simple. Tightening this job or fight own weight And the force of attraction of the Earth. It can also be complicated, hiding an extra weight to the body.

Immediately I will say that this exercise will not be sufficient to everyone, and it is possible to pay attention to alternative options. As if you did not want to pull up to the crossbar, but there are cases when, due to anatomical, physiological or can biomechanical reasons, this exercise may be simplicable. Tightening can be learned and you will pull up, but it will not always be exactly the exercise that you need and that will give the desired result.

There are many types of this exercise, using different simulators and a variety of grip. But it is worth distinguishing only two types of tightening:

  1. Army pull-ups are the main task in throwing your chin for the crossbar. Usually they look awful as convulsions. In fact, this work on the crossbar aimed at the maximum number of times.
  2. Tightening for training and scraping muscles

Between these two types of pull-ups a huge abyss. In the sense that pulling up by the quantity, implies neglect the correct technique of exercise. Army pull-ups or pull-ups are technically not compatible with the exercises for the length of the muscles of the back. In them, the main work performs neuromuscular innervation, the wave-like abbreviation of the muscle on the body in order to give the power pulse, and inertial movements. Such a technique with the exercise of the widest muscles of the back, trapezoid muscles has no. They turn on to work, but they do not train as we need, that is, to the development of these muscular groups.

Limiting factors when tightening

For many contraindications to pull-ups are banal things:

1. Excess weight

Overweight is a limitation in tightening, especially for people who have never pulled up and decided to learn. If the percentage of fat in the body is more than 20%, and you cannot normally pull up, then you should refuse from the horizontal, until you lose excess adequate weight. This is caused by the power balance between body weight and power capabilities muscles back and hands. In this exercise, the body is simultaneous and burden. I think you have noticed more than once that thin people can often pull up 10 times. Everything is simple than a person becomes harder, it is more difficult to pull up. Overweight is a burden. As Arnold Schwarzenegger said: "Fat is not strained." I do not recommend training on the horizontal bar with excess weight If only because there is a risk of damageing shoulder joints that are not yet ready for such loads.

2. Physiology and anatomy

Another defining factor is whether you are able to technically perfectly tighten or not. It is yours, anatomy, your biomechanics (roughly speaking the arrangement of the shoulder joints of a relatively chest) bulge or vulnerament of the chest, which directly depends on the state of your back. That is, tightening affects the state of the spine. If you have not care about your posture since childhood and became a little bit, it imposes a restriction on the amplitude of movement and reducing the widest muscles of the back and trapezoidal. This hump behind the back will no longer allow normal chestbecause it is already tough enough. In this case, pull-ups can only be partially correct.

3. Mobility shoulder Sustav

The mobility of the shoulder joints plays an important role in pulling. But if there are problems with mobility, they can be corrected.

4. Capable to independent training tightening

Plays the role of the ability to help himself in learning tightening. That is, a person with a weight of 60 kg is able to independently learn to pull up on the horizontal bar, according to the scheme below. But a person with a weight of 80 kg and the help of a partner is already needed. How to help in tightening, I will tell below.

How to learn to pull up

To learn tightening to start, you need to lose weight, that is, to lose weight to alleviate the task of our muscles.

How should I learn to pull up? We just take and start tightening on the horizontal bar (if we do not have excess weight). No need to chase over the results, you do not need to try to make a quantity - do quality.

The simplest program to learn to pull up on the crossbar

Come to the Turkish and trying to catch up once with perfect techniques and sit rest. Then again once with the right technique and so it is possible to infinity. And so you can make 10-20-30 approaches while your hands start to get tired. And over time you can do 2 times in approach, then 3 and so you can learn to pull up.

How to help the partner will learn to pull up

When you weigh 80 kg and more you need to help or use gravitron -to the simulator with unloading, which helps us partially reduce body weight, it pushes us up and helps pull up. But if it is not.

The easiest way is to attract assistant. You can often see in the hall when the assistant is trying to help a person pull up and begins to push the back of the one who learns. And this is a gross mistake.

Why can not help pull up resting in the back?

When you rest in your back to a person who pulls up, you confuse his nervous system. When a person has already prepared, straining muscles and began to pull the horizontal bar, you begin to push him in the back. At this point, the brain automatically removes part of the pulse from the back, that is, it begins to work not so intense. Because the external intervention begins, which should not be. Roughly speaking, we are distracted by exercise, although this does not want it. Legs during pull-ups are not involved, and here you can use them to help stretch to the crossbar.

What muscles work when tightening

Active in pulling is only top part Body torso. During tightening, only the muscles of the top of the body work:

  • Back
  • Breast muscles
  • Shoulders

The legs in this exercise do not work, and you step as weightlifiers that pull us down.

Proper technique tightening on the horizontal bar for muscles of the back

Tightening is the same vertical thrust, but here it is not a handle to us ride, but we are tightened to the horizontal bar. And the basic rule - the load vector must pass through the chest. It is not along, but through the chest. How to achieve this?

You can help the mental principle. Someone mentally stretches to the horizontal bar, that is, trying to pull his body to the crossbar, and someone mentally the horizontal bar is pulling towards him. If you present, hanging on the horizontal bar, two of these points in turn, then you will notice the difference towards tightening itself. This method helps to customize proper motivation nervous system for exercise. Therefore, you need to choose your way of imagination, what exactly are you doing, pull up yourself to the horicist or the horizontal bar tighten to yourself.

Position of the head in tightening

In order for the back with the hands to receive the highest possible neuromyum pulse, all unused muscles need to turn off from the efforts of the nervous system. The position of the head in this exercise depends on the state of the neck. In tightens you need to relax the neck to the head leaning back. It is not worth looking at the horizontal bar during pull-ups. And you need to leake your head back and look at the ceiling.

Position of foot at tightening

Feet do not need to be ended, do not keep them smooth. Legs need to bend in the knees back and cross it up to create a tough design.

When we are tightened, then we do not chin stretch to the horizontal bar, and pull the chest to the tourist barrel or the horizontal barrel by Tyant to the chest (it all depends on what version of the imagination you have chosen for myself). During pull-ups, you need to maximize the chest in the direction of the horizontalist (this is very important).

Ideal pull-ups are not at all similar to the usual tightening of the chin for the crossbar.

Perfect tightening Must be similar to vertical thrust in the block. You must eventually bring the horizontal bar to the lower or top of the chest muscles. It all depends on the selected grip: reverse or straight grip. That is, you need to try the chest tricks to pull up to the horizontal bar, and the rest of the body should simply hang.

How to be if it does not work again normally?

We use a power method called "Recreation - Pause", which will help increase its own power resources even between approaches within one workout.

Tighten once, let it even be with an assistant, resting standing on the floor, and not in Wiste, 10 seconds. Then they hang again on the horizontalist again tightening with the help of an assistant once and rest again. And thus make 6-8 repetitions. Several cycles of such pull-ups within 1-2 months and you will already be able to tighten yourself. Just keep in mind that it is possible in the event that your weight is normal and there is no extra fat mass, that is, no more than 15%. Then it guarantees you the result, and if you have a lot of fat, then you need to lose weight.


Let's start with the fact that people with large-nature biceps and a narrow back of the opposite or parallel narrow grip should not be tightened. Because the back does not exhaust the back, and the body weight will pull at the expense of biceps. Therefore, man is gifted big Hands And the oppressed back should be tightened with a wide upper grip.

If everything seems to be fine with your back, and the hands are lagging behind, then you need to use a reverse strategy. To learn to effectively pull up the hands to attract back to help. So hands will be able to develop along with the back, balanced. The risk that the hands will take the entire burden on themselves and will not give back to refine absent, because the hands are genetically weak in such a person.

It is interesting to know: pulling one of best exercises For training biceps. As a proof, look at the gymnasts that perform on the rings, on the bars, these guys are just tremendous hands.

Tightening with burdens

When you have already learned and has become a matter of weighting of this exercise, you can use extra weight. When tightening with burdens, weight is better to hang behind, in order for the burdening does not knock down the balance. When using the right tightening techniques (when breasts are pulled up to the crossbar, and not chin), the weight suspended in front will interfere. He will put pressure on his feet, will try to turn the body into vertical position. Therefore, burdens for tightening is better to hang back, so it will hang in parallel legs and will not interfere with training.

Some nuances in tightening

When you use a block for vertical traction To the chest to learn to pull up, then you need to reach it to the working weight, which will peel 80-90% of the weight of your body. It will lay a good base to start tightening.

The more the athlete weighs, the more pull-ups are shifted towards the power exercises. To someone may seem, the athlete with a large number of muscles must tighten more. But the whole mass of his body is not only muscle groups that take part in tightening. And the muscles that act as the ballast to have to pull. Because with increasing body weight, balance in force potential Changes. And the harder we become, the more powerfulness becoming tightening for our back. And at some point, this exercise for athlete comes out of the discharge of training with its own weight, because its own weight is already too big for this exercise. Because of this excess weight too much fast fibers It begins to be included in the work and the muscles begin to cry very much. In such conditions it is very difficult to develop powerful endurance. And when the weight turns over 100 kg, it becomes hard to pull up even more than 10 repetitions. If you chase with a lot of weight over the amount of pull-ups, then you can injure the joints of the shoulder and with tightening it will be possible to say goodbye to a couple of three months.

Conclusion: When you already weigh more than 100 kg, then pull-ups will not be able to use in a tube period, when you need to pump when the number of repetitions in the approach passed for 12-15. That is, pull-ups are better to use during the period of force training.

One more important moment in tightening

Many athletes in tightening suffer shoulder joints, begin to whine, root. To avoid this it is impossible at the bottom point (when hanging on the horizontal bar) of the shoulder bone to retard your arms from the shoulder joint. It is impossible to let go of the shoulder joint, that is, the shoulders should be rigid and even at the bottom point. You can relax your breast muscles and can be stretched. The stretching of the shoulder joint at the lower point of amplitude will only lead to one effect - to chronic injury, at least to stretch the ligaments. What then will lead to falling out of the joints, discomfort in other exercises.

My respect, dear friends. How to learn to pull up - probably the most painful question that stands in front of any newcomer who came to the gym. Immediately I will say that this event is not the lungs, and it may not be far from the go. Not everyone, because there are certain subtleties and chips that are not visible at first glance, but from which most of the success in overcoming the crossbar depends.

Here we will talk about them today, or rather: learn how many people never manage to pull out, what are the effective chips that can help in such a responsible lesson and the mass of all useful.

So, everything in order, the key to the start, went.

How to learn to pull up: what, what and why

Nelyubov to pull up most of the male population is laid since childhood, or rather - from school lessons of physical education (Physle, in common). And indeed, remember yourself, what are your favorite "events" on physical education? I think I will not be mistaken if I say that these are all sorts of games with the ball, jumping through the goat, etc. The most "non-viable" (or simply speaking, leaning) There were running, pressing from the floor and, of course, tightening.

As soon as the teacher says that the next lesson gives the standards, immediately the Polklass of the boys unexpectedly falls, others - forget sneakers with the form, the third - reluctantly rub and fade for everyone else. Rarely it was possible to meet classes in which the boys "purely" handed over all regulations, a teacher of physical teacher was usually helped - so to speak, pulled out (rounded the results to an integer 7 before 10 etc.). The relationship between most guys with the horizontal bar can be called as a chat, swaying from side and whisen in the style of a la Safety sausage :).

Usually, the stumbling block in the delivery of standards was these most ill-fated tightening. It is ill-faced because no one said - how to learn to pull up how to do it right. Well, it's time for justice to enthusiasm, and all finally learned what was what and why. And this is just our today's article.

So, the horizontal bar is the simplest projectile of two vertical columns and one horizontal lid - crossbar, not athletes sign athletics and gymnasts, as well as the "servitude" of the male population. The simplicity of the design does not in any way detract from its advantages, on the contrary, it is pulling that is one of the most universal exercises that work out a large amount.


Tightening (Pull UPS) - translated from English, "stretch up". The cheapest and effective way to train hands, back and torso combined.

What does not let learn to pull up

Before switching to various "letters", let's wonder what all the same interferes (does not give) pull up?

The main factors "nearby" most often all have the same, and this:

  • excess weight.

The more human weight, the more cumulative muscle efforts, he needs to be applied to tear it off from the floor. If weighing problems are quite significant (more norm on 15-20 kg), then tightening can be forgotten before squinting unnecessary kilos;

  • weakly developed cardiovascular system.

It would seem, is it here for what? Everything is very simple: the heart pumps blood pump. When you pull up the body's energy rises, the blood begins to actively fill blood streams, and often it does not have time to pushed through narrow velves of the veins / capillaries, and a person feels darkness in the eyes and dizziness;

  • common physical weakness.

If a person forgot about the sport after school bench and heavier "spoons", in principle, he raised anything on, because of the lack of physical strength and endurance it will be difficult for him to take the top over the crossbar.

  • weakness of auxiliary muscle groups.

Pull-ups it as a long chain consisting of a set of links (various big and small muscular groups). Often the opportunity to pull out is determined by the strength of weak links (Minor auxiliary muscles)which are lagging behind.

As a rule, those who begin tightening, do not know anything about the right, but in general about the technique of performing this exercise. For the most part, the whole technique comes down to the friction movements of the pelvis, strong swaying and assisting all the body.

  • banal no skill and inconsistency of muscle work.

Due to the fact that a person is very rarely addressed to the horicist, he simply has practical skills in this matter. There is inconsistency in the work of nervous and muscular Systems. Those. The signal from the CNS is fed to the muscles on time, but the latter are included in the work "in disagreement".


I had a school friend, called His bear. But for some reason, on the lessons of physical education, our Fizruk called his "bag". At first I did not understand why, then (as time passes) I donero to me, what he called him so because of his striking ability to stick and hang out on the horizontal bar, well, just like a bag, right.

So, in fact, these are all the deterrent factors that do not give a person normally pull up. Now go to physiology exercise.

How to learn to pull up: physiology

If you learn how to tighten well, it will automatically mean the strengthening of the following muscle groups on your body: the muscles of the top of the body (Shoulders, back, chest):you will have very much the widest muscles of the back (wings), the muscles of the arm folders and brachialis.

If we consider the full range of muscles involved in pulling, then the next image from the "anatomy of power exercises" to help (clickable).

How to learn to pull up: the effect of grip

Before studying the study of various auxiliary techniques "suspenders", it is necessary to keep in mind that there are various techniques grief (i.e. the position of the hands of the hands relative to the crossbar). The most common grip, it is straight ( 2 ), there is also a reverse (1 , hand from below) and combined (3 , one hand from above, the other below).

A straight grip is aimed at developing the muscles of the shoulders and backs, reverse - more includes flexors / extensors of the hands (biceps).


It is best to learn to pull up a straight grip, because It is he who involves a greater number of muscle groups. For a variety, it is sometimes useful to change grip on the opposite or combined, but it is not necessary to abuse.

Types of grip are directly related to the width of grip, and from its degree (applying between hands) Depends on the "angle of attack" load on various muscles. Thus, the wider grip, the greater the load falls on the muscles of the back. With a very wide grip, the muscles will be worked out not in full due to the fact that they perform their movement along the abbreviated amplitude. If you use the reverse wide grip, you must fully control the movement and perform it slowly, otherwise you can damage ligaments.

Well, now let's go to the technical and practical chips.

How to learn to pull up: action plan

It's time to consider those concrete steps to help you in the development of the horizontal bar. I will try to present the most detailed list of what you really will help in achieving the goal - learn to pull up. Go.

Method number 1. Preliminary strengthening of muscle frame

As already mentioned, tightening is a multi-stage (along with the classic troika bodybuilding), And it is involved both both basic and auxiliary muscle groups. Therefore, before proceeding with the horizontal bar, pre-strengthen and pump biceps, the widest muscles of the back and rear delta. In addition, start your battle with a horizontal bar with a simple Visa. Try to promise the maximum possible amount of time. So you strengthen your grip and give you to get used to the ligaments and muscles for the weight of your body. Also practicing "traction" exercises with dumbbells, weights and rods in the slope to the belt (see image). They will well strengthen your back, and this is the main running muscle in tightening.


Do not forget well before starting to perform power exercise. It is best to carry out a dynamic workout with a small cardioshesia at the beginning.

Remember! It is always easier to start not with "0", but with some kind of troubled base.

Method number 2. Alternative - it is also good

Also K. preparatory stage Before the "real" pull-ups include exercises such as traction top bloc Wide grip in the simulator or gravitron (helps the athlete pull up, thanks to the counterweight system). Also, if there are no similar simulators in the hall, "tap" at the time of your friend / girlfriend, who will support you for the waist, and you are to have a complete amplitude under their emergency control. Of course, these exercises are only "imitation" of full-fledged pull-ups, but certain skills in the development of movement and strengthen the target muscle groups, you will receive.

Method number 3. Start with small - partial pull-ups

If you can not "pure" (without jerks) pull up on the full amplitude, then try to reach up as much as possible. Hold down in such an upper position for a few seconds and repeat again. It is necessary with each new training Take "new heights" and linger at the extreme point.

Method number 4. Negative tightening

Another way is the work only in the negative phase - i.e. You just go to the position of fully straightened hands. The idea is such - you take any stand, put under the horizontal bar, get up on it, take up the top position and then remove the legs and slowly go down. In the upper position (when the angle in the elbow is 90 degrees) Make a static delay (see image). All this will enhance your strength and strengthen the tendon.

Method number 5. "Australian pull-ups" or horizontal pull-up at low crossbar

The optimal option, especially for girls. The body is at an angle (30-50 degrees) To the horizontal plane, crossbar at the chest level. Straighten your hands and then attract the chest to the crossbar (see image). If problems arise with such a design, then use it almost in any gym and with it you can easily perform this exercise, the main thing is to choose the height of the racks.


Species this exercise It can serve vertical tightening at a low horizontal bar. Those. You do not pull up to the horizontal manist, and you are looking for it to be lower than you (chin over the crossbar).

Method number 6. Tightening on the bars

Exercise from the category of yard, i.e. For its implementation, sports bars are needed, which can practically be found on any acute territory. The initial position - it is necessary to take up the bars in the palms inward, legs to throw on the crossbars, hands and back straight. Execution technique - pull up with hands and touch the level of BRUSEV, fix such a state for a few seconds, return to manufacture.

Method number 7. Rubber Tightening

Sportsman playing an increasing auxiliary role in the life of Athlete. In particular, rubber harnesses Help in mastering pull-ups. The "rubber assistant" is attached to the crossbar, the loop is formed in the lower part, into which legs / knees are encountered. When tightening the "gum" will help you stretch up.

Actually, with the chips "How to learn to pull up" finished, now a little sofamoforming on the topic: why many never learned to pull up. Everything is very simple, often, many people who can never pull up the Word itself - the horizontal bar. It is connected (primarily) With psychology - "Well, you and a horse" :), i.e. People imagine that they will think about them when they will see their "Tour Party Profitability". Thus, it turns out that all problems in the head. The exit in such a situation can only be an understanding that it is purely your "contrived" point of view, in fact, everyone absolutely do not care, you know how to pull up or not, everyone thinks only about their results. Therefore, boldly jump on the crossbar, and after you follow and others will catch it up.

If you are also directly very shy nature, then organize a horizontal bar at home, for this you need drill, fasteners and metal crossbars, in particular, here is one of the design options for home use

At all budget options - It is to adapt some room door or a mounted tube, in general, fantasize. And see that the horizontal bar at home is the case 2-5 minutes. On the sim all (and really), go to the conclusion.


Today we have quite detailed and thoroughly enlightened in the question - how to learn to pull up. In the next issue, we will learn about the right technique of working with the crossbar, consider how to improve the results in the "suspender", we will also look effective programs pull-ups. The same article came to the end, thank you for staying with the project to new meetings.

Yes, I almost forgot, widely you are widely, square quadriceps and a relief washing board in addition!

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