Training program at home. Independent exercise classes - How to do at home how to do at home by novice

Sport for many men is not just fun, but a lifestyle. It is a bit more difficult to engage in home as in the gym, because not all exercises can be performed with handicrafts, but this is not a reason to immediately sign up in the fitness club. The main thing for good classes - A great desire and some creative. If these two components are present, then you can safely start the exercise without spending a bunch of money on expensive subscriptions.


The desire of many men will soon begin to engage in sometimes shrinking, which leads to rapid damping, after which the sport is for some time at all. That is why it is important to make a clear schedule of activities at home, because only systems approach It will help to achieve the best indicators. What you need to know before plunging into the world of body improvement and health improvement?

It is worth noting that it is not difficult to eat right. In order for the body to receive everything you need, you need to eat fruits and vegetables, as well as boiled meat. In addition, dairy products will also contribute to the development of the body. However, it is important not only to eat, but also to do it rationally, since being under load means the calorie consumption that must be replenished. On the other hand, candy and chocolates contain a decent amount of carbohydrates, but sweets can be better used as much as possible, as sugar in large quantities can seriously slow down progress in classes.

How to train at home?

Sports at home - the task is not easy for those who have no basic tools for training, namely:

  • rods;
  • dumbbells;
  • benches.

However, this does not mean that it is required to immediately escape to the store for them. For example, the same dumbbells can be built from undergraduated means, for example, stuck several heavy items into the lady's bag or putting water bottles into it.

Fortunately, the torso in men in itself represents an excellent simulator, since the lift it stimulates the muscles.

Therefore, there is a decent number of exercises that will require from the minimum of tools, but maximum returns.


Each training men at home or in the hall requires warming up of all muscles to avoid injury. Young athletes often happens that in the presence of the program, they immediately forget about the warm-up before occupation and this leads to various troubles. How to properly prepare for the sport to be joy?

  1. It all starts with a warm-up neck and head, for which smooth rotations are performed in different directions within 4 approaches 4 times.
  2. Next, the hands are kneading, performing various rotational movements, but neatly and not in a hurry, so as not to dislocate the joint; This is done for a couple of minutes.
  3. Rotation of the pelvis and tilts follow after; It is also necessary to perform them neatly and without a rush is about a minute.
  4. At the end of the workout, you need to sneak on the socks, after which they to bring them in ankle.


To maintain good physical form Men do not have to do 1-2 hours a day. Sports should be laid in 30-40 minutes, no more so that the muscles should have worked, but did not overgrow. That is why at home does not need to train every day: enough and 3 lessons per week. However, the warm-up exercises are best done immediately after sleep throughout the week, as they will give a powerful charge of cheerfulness for the whole day.

Exercises for the back and legs

Training muscles in the spine area is quite difficult without special equipment, but it is possible.


Legs are placed slightly wider shoulders, slightly bent in the knees. It is important to keep your back straight. Further:

  • if there is a cargo, then it is necessary to use it (any bag is bred by anything heavy);
  • a tilt forward is carried out, then the cargo, which is available on the floor, rises with the help of the hands along with the body to the initial position;
  • after standing in voltage a couple of seconds, 8-10 such slopes quietly make;
  • run 2-3 series.

This training element must be performed with adequate weight, otherwise men may have problems with vertebrae and joints.

Slopes in side

The starting position is the same as in the previous version, but you need to take weights in every hand, it is desirable that their weight is equal. After that, the body flashes smoothly, then right. Perform 3 times 8-10 repetitions.


They help not only work out the posture in men at home, but also develop hips perfectly. This sport is performed smoothly and with a direct spine for 10 repetitions per approach.

Breast and Hand Training

Some of the main exercises at home are push-ups in various variations. Such a sport is very useful for muscle growth, since men will definitely begin to emerge with the right approach and healthy diet.

Push-ups can be:

  • from gender;
  • from bench or bed;
  • between two bench or chairs.

Standard squeezings from the surface are developing breast and triceps muscle in men. It is important here to note that the wider the arrangement of the hands, the greater the load on the sternum, and the less - the more in the hands.

The feet thrown on the bed allow you to increase the load on the shoulder and forearm, allowing you to stronger them. If we consider the sport between two shells (for example, chairs), then it is important to consolidate them well so that they do not go during the lesson.

For the last type of pressing, you will need to sit on one of the chairs, then throw your feet to the next. After the body, falls into the space between them, and then returns to the height of the chairs. So repeats 10-12 times in 3 series.

You do not need to press out of 40 repetitions, but it is important to make small series of 10, as it is much better to make 4 times 10 than twice 20.

It is not easy to train in the apartment, since there are many distracting things, but it is useful for the health and good spirit of the Spirit in any weather. In addition, home sessions can help in those days when there is no possibility to visit the hall.

By the day of the memory of A.S. Pushkin ...

Let us give the tribute to the "Sun of Russian Poetry" and take a look at the poet from an unexpected side. From the side of health and physical culture. Although, fairness, it should be noted that the subject " physical education"At the time of A.S. Pushkin was not. This is how the contemporary and friend A.S. responded about this Pushkin Ivan Pushchin: "Following the discovery (referring to the opening of the lyceum) began right classes. In the evening in the hall - a ball and running ... on Wednesdays and Saturdays - dance and fencing. "

According to the sister of the poet Olga Pushkin-Pavlisheva, under 6, he "Near his vitality, which happened from body obesity, and sometimes a mother in despair brought to despair. She almost forcibly drove him to walk and forced to run ... Having reached a seven-year-old age, he became cuts and playing. " From spring to late fall, Sasha spent his time in games and fun in the village of Zakharov, where she penetrated with rustic life. He loved walks along a birch grove, where, "I imagining yourself with a henate", knocked down the tip of the plants.

Our famous poet had in their " school years"Only three estimates" excellent ". It is clear that one of them is an assessment of Russian literature, not required to the highest score on French literature. Pushkin knew this language so that one of the lyceum nicknames was "French". But the fact that the third highest assessment was fencing, may interest many.

Since July 1812, fencing in Lyceum taught Maestro Alexander Valville. According to historians and contemporaries, Pushkin "was considered, almost the first student of a fence teacher." A. Valville was a real master of his case. Opening and achievements in fencing, he reflected in the book "Correction on the art of ownership of a vest", which saw the light in 1817, when the lyceumists have enforced. A feature of the poet was the constant desire to be the first and, let's say, to correspond to the rank of "real man", as they say today. Excellent fencing was an excellent opportunity to prove himself. It is known that the officer of the apartment part Evaloor F.N. Luginin, who graduated from the Muravyovsky column school, which corresponds to the current Academy of the General Staff, recorded in his diary: "... then fought with Pushkin on rapiers and got a very strong blow to his chest", then later: "... again fought with Pushkin, he drove Better me, and therefore hits ... ". Pushkin rightly was considered one of the best fencers His time.

IN last year Study in the Tsarsko Seli Lyceum, in 1816, the program approved to teach horseback riding and swimming. Ivan Pushchin noted in memories and this innovation: "... Horse riding for us got out. We began to walk twice a week in the Gusar Manege, where the stacked squaders were fasted on horseback, but the necessary alphabet. " We do not judge whether A.S. well kept well Pushkin in the saddle. One thing is known to: he traveled all his life and quite a lot. In the notes "Journey to Arzrum" he himself confessed: "On this day I drove 75 versts (1 verst \u003d 1.06 km.). I fell asleep as killed. " It is reliably known that A.S. Pushkin took the riding lessons at the hero of the war of 1812 and the poet D. Davydov. During the trip to the Russian-Turkish war, Pushkin almost did not get off the horse. In one of the battles, the poet had to fulfill the role of Ordarz.

How not to ask a question, what was Pushkin arrows? After all, the last duel ended for him death. A sample imitation for the poet served Byron. I will give a letter Alexei Wulf, which is not better characterized by Pushkin-arrow: "You probably know that Byron shot so much that at a distance of 25 steps stuck up the entire rose with bullets? .. To compare with Bairon in the accuracy of shooting, Pushkin together with I was putting a bullet in the star over our gate. " And when the outstanding researcher of Creativity Pushkin M. Tshekovsky was the routine of the poet's days in Mikhailovsky, he noted the next fact: "From the pistol in the cellar produces up to one hundred charges in the morning." Everyone who had a duel with Pushkin responded about him as an excellent arrow, a cold-blooded opponent and a noble man, who, knowing, which greatly shoots, always inferior the right of the first shot to the enemy.

In 1816, a mandatory discipline was introduced in the lyceum. The teacher managed to find not immediately, I had to wait for 1817, by that time Pushkin was already "certified" as a college secretary. And yet Pushkin did not just love to swim, but heard with an excellent swimmer.

In Russia, the first school of swimming was opened in 1827. There is information that Alexander Sergeevich was a frequent visitor of this school, but at that time he had already owned this technique perfectly. And it is not surprising, because if his idol Byron broke Gellespont (1.3 km.), Pushkin was supposed to be able to swim. His buddy P.A. Platnev said this: "The summer bathing was among the most beloved habits, from which he did not lag up to deep autumn, refreshing the physical forces that are dismantled by addies to walking. He was the strongest addition, and to this a lot contributed to the gymnastics, which he was playing sometimes with the patientity of Athlete. No matter how long and soon, he was always breathing freely and smoothly ... He dearly appreciated the happiest body organization and came to some indignation when he noticed in someone's obvious ignorance in anatomy. " Pushkin always appreciated his health and was delighted, heard in Boldino that the peasants master his "title of your health".

Knew and loved Pushkin struggle, highly appreciated it as a means physical education. I. Novikov in his book "Pushkin in Exile" tells how in Chisinau the poet with great interest on the feast of the fighting of local fighters and, turning to his Dolgorukome satellite, with some reason he said: "That's what I miss. I will learn this! " Pushkin to some extent learned and boxing; Probably from here and a new passion went: in a hand-to-hand to beat with Mahu, but "twist", which required less time and allowed the opponent to get ahead. P.P. Ivyazsky, son of a friend of the poet, remembers: "In 1827, Pushkin taught me to boux in English (the young prince was then 6-7 years old, - A.T.), and I was so addicted to this exercise that At children's bala, caused wishing and unwillingly box. "

The game of billiards was also in the range of interests of the poet; So, in Mikhailovsky in free minute "Sometimes he played two balls on billiards." Pushkin was one of the first to glorify billiards in Russian prose and poetry. It is enough to remember the "Eugene Onegin" and "Captive Daughter".

From the chronicles of the 18th century, it is known that one of the experts and masters of the Billiard Games of the Dynasty of Hannibalov - Pushkin was the famous Arap Petra Great, in the consequence of Admiral Abram Petrovich Hannibal (1697-1790). According to the memoirs of contemporaries, he wore the honorary title of "forever" (pet) Peter I and was always a trusted person from the emperor, but also in the fun, especially in the game on Biliarta. All commemoratively from the king, including the old "Biliart", which, according to legend, was donated by his beloved king, Hannibal carefully kept until the end of his life. And this, in particular, do not deny many archival documents. According to the "Worthy property in the village of Mikhailovsky" (at the Pskovshchina) - the childbirth estate of Hannibalov, a billiard table was maintained to the most Pushkin times - the product of the Petrovskaya era.

That's what he writes about this in his documentary books "At Lukomorya" (L., 1986) former director Pushkin Reserve S.S. Heichenko: "In the corner of the Salza stood the old-pretty grandfather" rooted "billiards, so they were all the same in the house. Pushkin found him in a carriage shed. Having learned that this thing is old and that he brought her to the estate by Abram Petrovich Hannibal, he ordered billiards to repair, to raise the cloth and put in the ascemium. This billiards saw I.I. Pushchin, when he visited the Opt Home in January 1825 ".-" The pool was billiards, it could serve him to entertainment, "Pushchin wrote in his" memories. " Moreover, A.N. was told about this ancient billiard. Wulf and Brother Poet Lev Sergeevich, who confirm that the prototype of Onegin billiards "in two balls" and was the most famous Hannibalovsky "rootary" table, which was in the future historical relics of the Pushkin dynasty.

Contemporary Pushkin N. Burnashov testified that the poet "was one of the zealous followers of skating sports and a frequent visitor to the roller on the Neva." Pushkin loved the autumn and winter, and the impressions of skating were reflected in his verses: "The river shines with an arms of fashionable parquet, ice is dressed. Boys joyful people sinks sounding ice "(Evgeny Onegin); Or "How fun, shoes with iron sharp legs, slide on the mirror of standing, smooth rivers!" ("Fall"). And again, Pushkin, the Lyceum friend of Pushkin, writes in the memories: "In the summer, at the vacant month, the director did a long-day, sometimes two-day, walks around the surroundings; In winter, the entertainment went on a few troops for the city, breakfast, or drink tea on holidays; In the garden, on the pond, rode from the mountains and ice skates. "

Chess in the life of Pushkin occupy a small, but honorable place.

Love for chess, which she instilled in a lyceum, the poet retained for life. In addition to rows about Olga and Lensky, in scattering on a pawn friend, in the draft sketches of Pushkin, you can find an unknown fairy plot in which chess is mentioned.

The king saw before him

A table with a chess bed ...

"That's what a chessboard

Warm soldiers

In a slender row he put

In the library of the poet, in addition to the textbook on Chess D. Filidodora, there was a leadership of A. D. Petrov, "a chess game, cited in a systematic order, with the addition of Igor Filigued and Note on these." SPb., 1824. There are even two copies here, and one Petrov awarded Pushkin with the inscription: "Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin's gracious Sovereign in True Respect."

Beautiful Figure Impossible without sports. Surely, each of us at one time tried to start studying them, but not everyone did it, or if it happened, would be briefly. In fact, the most difficult thing is to start, both from scratch and after the break, and after a person is drawn and continues to do. How to start doing sports? It is necessary to work on yourself, including psychological, and accurately understand why you need it.

A little about the benefits of sports

Regular physical activity is an excellent way to improve not only a figure, but also health. Therefore, before starting to play sports at home from scratch, you need to talk a little about the benefits of exercises.

Physical activity helps us lose weight and maintain proper weight, muscular weight, reduces the risk of numerous diseases. In addition, it is proved that the exercises raise the mood, activate the brain activity, which are beneficial to sleep and libido. Also they contribute to maintenance right level Energy. Thus, they help us improve your life on all fronts, correct both the figure and health.

Types of exercise

Physical activity is represented by a huge amount different species. Here are the most common:

  • Aerobics. Usually such exercises are the basis of any fitness program and include periods of continuous movement. This, for example, running, swimming or dancing.
  • Force. Enhance the strength and endurance of the muscles. This, for example, lifting the scales, running for a short distance, pliometric.
  • Rhythmic gymnastics. Suggests basic movements Bodies performed in an average aerobic pace without simulators. This, for example, squats, lunges, pulling, push-ups.
  • High intensity interval training . Ensures alternation at the beginning of high intensity exercises, and after - low or rest.
  • Exercises for the development of sustainability. Help strengthen the muscles and improve the coordination of movements. Among them, for example, Pilates and common strengthening exercises.
  • Exercises for flexibility. Contribute to the restoration of muscles, improving the coordination of movements and prevent injuries. These include yoga and various separate stretch exercises.

These groups of exercises can be performed both together and separately.

Sports should bring not only the benefit, but also pleasure, so try to pick up that his appearance that will like you. The modern sports industry offers a lot of different programs from which everyone can choose something suitable for him.

Where to begin?

It is important to start doing sports correctly - a lot depends on the start. Before proceeding directly to training, consider such things:

Need to check out health

The start of sports - the stage is important, and initially need to understand that he will not harm you, and for this you need to eliminate the presence of contraindications, consult with a specialist and pass the survey.

This condition is especially important for those who have never been involved in sports, has certain health peculiarities or an old age. The specialist will help you choose the optimal version of the load that will only benefit.

Drawing up a plan and setting goals

"I want to start doing sports - where to start?" - A rather popular question. Initially, it is important to make a plan that will include its goals and ways to achieve them. First, the actions must be as simple as possible, and as you improve your physical training You will complicate them.

For example, if the goal is to run 5 kilometers, then for a start, you can enter several distances shorter. When you cope with them, add a certain number of meters until you master all the 5 km feet. Starting with real, small and achievable goals, you will raise your chances of success and do not surrender. If you immediately put an imparted bar, it can beat off your desire to play sports at all.

Sport should be your habit

Other important moment In how to start playing sports from scratch - make training part of your life on an ongoing basis. They should be your habit - so you can raise responsibility and discipline.

Select the time you will dedicate sports - Morning, for example, or evening after work. Now take yourself the installation that this time you are trained - without excuses and laziness.

How much do you need to study

Competent program - that's where to start playing sports. It is important not to load yourself at once, trying to put records. According to experts, a person is quite enough 150 moderate aerobic exercises per week. This time you can distribute the weeks of the week yourself, as you are more convenient. For example, you can practice five times a week to 30 minutes or 35-40 minutes every other day.

First, workouts must be moderate. Increase their intensity gradually, as your preparation will improve. It is also important to know that the body needs to relax, and the recovery time is important not less than the training.

Training program for a week

To start doing sports at home, you need to decide that it will include your program. Let's see an easy example of weekly training programwhich will not require additional equipment and will be designed for 30-45 minutes per day. She will give an exemplary performance regarding the start of classes and will help make individual program for yourself. The programs can be changed, complicate, vary. The occupation can begin with exercises of any kind.

  • Monday. 40 minutes of running moderate tempo or fast walking.
  • Tuesday. Relaxation.
  • Wednesday. Active walking within ten minutes, then the complex is performed next exercises (Perform them with a break per minute between approaches, then make a stretch):

Three approaches of ten attacks on two legs, ten pushups, ten lifts of the housing from the position lying.

Three approaches of ten pushups from the chair, ten air squats and ten "dispensing".

  • Thursday. Relaxation.
  • Friday. Steamed cycling or jogging in a rapid pace.
  • Saturday. Relaxation.
  • Sunday. Running or long walk for 40 minutes.

This is just an approximate simple program, where to start sports at home, which can be used at home. Much depends on what type of activity you have chosen, and what the level of your preparation is.

How to start well eat and play sports: useful tips

To achieve your goals store the following recommendations:

  • Use a large amount of fluid during the day. This is important for maintaining a normal water balance in the body. When you are engaged in sports, the body actively loses fluid, and this balance must be filled. You can drink water as before, so after and during training.
  • Optimize meals. Regardless of whether you want to lose weight or build up muscle mass, there is a lot of meals. It should have enough proteins that give the energy of complex carbohydrates, plant components. Try to refuse OT harmful products - Look for them a useful alternative.
  • Before training, you always need to work the workout. It will help to significantly reduce the risk of injury during classes, prepare muscles, will help improve the results, as well as warn the pain after training. As a workout, you can use fast walking, light jogging, mahs, lunges, slopes, and so on.
  • Hitch. After training, the hint is important - it helps the body return to normal condition, restores the pulse and breathing, relaxes the muscles. This is just a small pause, but it is also very important. Features of the hitch will depend on the workout itself: after running it may be easy walking, after exercise on resistance - stretching.
  • Listen to your body. On the initial stages It is especially important to be able to listen in their body and give it reasonable loads. If you felt pain or discomfort during classes, stop and let yourself relax. No need to train through pain - it can provoke an injury. Remember that to train more and faster - does not mean better.

A little about motivation

In the sport, motivation is incredibly important. It is she who will help not surrender. Initially, it is important to approach training with a positive attitude and ease, getting pleasure from them. This will help get rid of anxious thoughts that often overcome novice athletes. Any program can be changed and adjustable depending on desires and preferences.

Those who love communication and who are hard to do at home can train in gym, in groups of yoga, pilates or any other sport. You can also deal with someone from loved ones.

As for the motivation directly, then you need to understand what you are doing, why and for what. Beautiful figure, health improvement, elastic muscles - keep the ultimate goal in your head, for which you started doing. Remember her as soon as you feel that you are hard to overcome too lazy and start playing sports.

To start doing home, girl or guy you can make your training more comfortable, Listening to your favorite music or browsing an interesting gear. If you do not know how to start playing sports after a long break, remember what advantages gave you a sport earlier and sincerely want to return all this and improve your results.

It's not easy to start, but to start correctly - even more difficult. But this is the stage that lays the foundation for further results. Make right choice Once, understand that you really need it, and treat training and weight loss in general, easily and with pleasure - then the results will not make yourself wait.

Sports at home have many advantages. When doing at home, you will not only save the time that people spend on the road to the gym, but also money for a fitness club subscription. If you want to be in good shape, then make some essential steps and start the course of domestic workouts. You will definitely see more than a positive result.


Preparation for sports at home

    Set the schedule of classes. You will be easier to stick to the intended purpose if you have a clear workout mode. Ideal if the schedule will be the most stable. So, and you, and members of your family will perceive classes seriously.

    • Choose specific days and time for the dispute (for example: Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 7:00).
    • Choose a suitable place in the house where you comfortably perform your exercises. Make sure that you have enough space on which you will not interfere with you.
    • Be disciplined. Do not let yourself be lazy simply because you are at home.
  1. Make so that no one distracts you. Try to spend your classes when there is no one at home and so that you don't need to think about other things, for example, washing or cooking.

    • You probably will not want to compete with members of your family who will need to do household matters. And children generally have a tendency to sit on top of parents doing push-ups or squats.
    • If you have thoughts about the need to perform some domestic affairs, you will probably consider that this is a good reason to give up training or just finish them early.
  2. Play your role. Put the music and put the clothes suitable for sports, before proceeding with the training.

    • Rhythmic music will help you to tune in to sports and will contribute to the emission of adrenaline.
    • If you prepare for lessons at home as carefully as to the campaign to the gym, you will be more motivated and be sure to spend full training. In addition, you will feel guilty if you dress for sports, but you will sit and look for reasons do not exercise.
  3. Drink enough water. Always keep the bottle of water near yourself during the workout, even if it occurs at home. No need to count on the fact that you can drink a glass of water as soon as you feel thirst, because you may not have enough discipline.

    • Meanwhile, keep the water balance during training is extremely important. It is necessary to replenish the liquid lost during training, only so you will strengthen your energy.
    • It is best to drink water in pauses between exercises. For example, if you make two approaches for twenty squats, then drink water after the first approach and after the second.
  4. Balance your diet. It is very important to adhere to healthy nutrition, doing sports. Sliding with something useful 45 minutes before the start of the training - it will give you energy and endurance.

  5. Think if you need stretching. Some adhere to the opinions that stretching before the start of direct training is a great way to smash the body muscles and prevent injury. . However, there is an opposite view, according to which stretching does not guarantee protection against injuries.

    • If you feel that it is quite flexible and scenes to start sports and without unnecessary preliminary warm-ups, then break without stretching.
    • But if it seems to you that your body "Holder" and the muscles are not flexible enough, then you should think and hold stretching to warm them.

    Use what around you

    1. Think if there is something in your house something that may be useful for your cardio training. Running is not the only way to conduct such sports exercises and you do not need a Stairmaster simulator if you have a real staircase at home.

      • Walk or run up and down the stairs, depending on the methods of your occupation. You can also do "mischieving on the platform" using the lower step of the stairs.
      • Make a few approaches for jumping "legs together, leg apart" or jump with a jump in the yard or in a spacious room.
    2. Take the power exercises. You can come up with a lot of options. power exercises Using what you have at home. Even walls, floors and furniture are excellent assistants in the exercises the development of muscles. Objects suitable for use in sports in your home a lot.

      • On the floor can be pressed, squat, make a rack on the elbows.
      • If you do not have enough free space on the floor, use the wall for squats with the load of your own weight. You can also squeeze in the standing position, ending the walls (legs apart on the width of the shoulders and at a distance of about 15 cm from the wall), palms put on the wall at the chest level.
    3. Use for sports activitiesexisting in your home furniture. Pay attention to your furniture and think exactly which items can be used as sports shells.

      • Fitball can be used for pushups, "twisting" for abdominal press or strengthen body body.
      • Chair can be used for triceps exercises (sitting pushups).
      • Install a solid mop or broom between two durable, equally high surfaces to make pushups from the position lying.
    4. Get on yoga. Yoga classes are easily organized at home, as they are produced on the floor (or on the mate, if you have it). Yoga is great for bringing the heart rhythms, soothery and stretching after the usual sports exercise. With the help of yoga, you will also give your thoughts in harmony and relax the body.

      • Greeting the Sun (yoga shape) is an excellent addition to a standard set of sports exercises for a small cardion load, while harmonizing thoughts.
      • The inclined position "Dog" increases flexibility and helps to strengthen the muscle of the back.
      • Pose "Chair" contributes to the formation of a sense of equilibrium and gives a load on the hips.

    Try disks with sports exercises or games

    • Fit right and drink enough water to save energy.
    • Start with small. Do not seek to immediately take serious loads.
    • No need to exercise a stick with workouts, motivating it by the fact that you are at home. If it seems to you that the duration of your workouts is too large, reduce their duration. The main thing is that they remain effective.
    • Always warm up before starting training at home, and let yourself get gradually cool, finishing them. It is not worth going along the path of least resistance and ignore the generally accepted rules.

ABOUT free training In Moscow parks, now we understand how to start playing sports without leaving home. The Village found out from the personal trainer how to organize their home sports, not to lose interest, what equipment to buy and which applications are better to download.

How to get yourself?

Marina Gladkova, personal trainer: Domestic training has many advantages: you do not need to go anywhere or go to work out, you do not need to adapt to the schedule and pay for additional fitness club services. But the houses are much more difficult to make themselves really start studying and bring the planned workout to the end. In order to find the strength to abandon the series or start training after fulfilling all homework, you need a powerful motivation. This means that you must understand very well, why did you decide to play sports. Ask yourself this question, and the answer can be recorded on the leaves. You should have a serious reason, otherwise the deal with the conscience will make it very easy. For example, today you are tired at work, and in the sink waiting for the mountain of unwashed dishes, you can also transfer the planned series of pushups for tomorrow. But believe me - tomorrow you will find even more reasons so as not to do.

Train schedule

Marina Gladkova: Make a schedule, and not just workouts. Try to plan your daily duties and care so that the desired amount of time remains at the sport. Training on the residual principle - you do when it turns out after the fulfillment of all cases - will not lead to anything. It is also important not to rearrange and adequate to appreciate your strength. Every day, exercises, not designed for your level, are the way to disappointment, fatigue and rejection of sports. So start gradually. A small charge in the morning and short yoga-set in the evening will be enough for a mild start. You do not hamper, but the body will gradually enter the rhythm, and you will get used to allocate time for domestic workouts. Plan not only workouts, but also time to relax. If the body did not have time to recover after yesterday's workout, today it will not work in full force.

Choose what brings joy

Marina Gladkova: If the training is painful, exhausting and insolent, no motivation will help. If you do not like squats to horror, do not affect them. Choose what will bring pleasure, and start your home classes with this discipline: yoga, qigong, cross-fitness elements, elementary charging. Sooner or later you want a variety, then you can try something new.

What will interfere with?

Marina Gladkova: During domestic sessions you will be interfered with absolutely everything. From the phone to the cat and the nearest relatives. Therefore, it is important to start training, to secure the necessary information vacuum. Telephone disconnect, close from those who want your caress or communication, and not pay attention to other external stimuli. Otherwise, the following will happen: you work out the first 15 minutes, you will get tired a little, the phone will call, you will answer and after talking you decide that, perhaps, enough for today. It seems to be worn out, but there was no point in this.

Waiting for results

Marina Gladkova: A difficult moment in motivation occurs when you already would like to enjoy the results, but still do not see them. Suppose you do a whole month, but there are no long-awaited cubes. Will these stupid classes do not quit, since they do not bring benefits? Here the answer is simple: if you leave, you will not achieve anything, and if you continue and you will be improved, then soon you will see the first changes. And when you see, it is important not to relax and not getting started, because the most difficult thing is not to achieve results, but to keep them.

What to buy inventory?

What programs download?

Workout Trainer.

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An application with convenient navigation and detailed exercise technique, which are correctly sorted by muscle groups.


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Many good finished programs, it is possible to make your own. Extra equipment will be required.