Protein additives for a set of muscle mass. Proteins for weight gain

Wanting to be healthy and physically developed, most people include in their routine not only sports, but also revise their own eating habits. Normal food can not always provide the human body that has begun to actively train, the necessary amount of nutrient and valuable substances. Cover the deficit allows the reception of various additives, among which serum protein is the most in demand.

A person who has never regularly engaged in sports is quite difficult to navigate in a variety of special nutrition, make a choice in favor of a specific product. Not everyone is understandable and then why to use such additives that they represent what benefits bring. To understand this issue, it is necessary to learn the composition and action of this sports nutrition on the body of the one who is engaged in gymand at home.

This sports nutrition, which includes protein. It is removed from serum by filtration, and then dried. This nutrient has special amino acids. They, falling into the digestive system, contribute to the restoration of a variety of tissues.

There are only twelve amino acids. They are divided into replaceable and indispensable. The first is synthesized in the body, and the second can come exclusively outside, that is, with food. The protein in which all eight essential amino acids are concluded is full. In the serum protein it contains it. Full protein is part of fish, meat, eggs, dairy products.

High demand and popularity whey Protein Defended by the safety and usefulness of the additive. This type of sports nutrition is perfect for those who set forth the goal.

Advantages of additives are as follows:

  • amino acid included in the composition, are building material to maintain and increase muscular mass;
  • stimulates insulin production exhibiting excellent anabolic effect;
  • reduces the synthesis of cortisol, adrenaline and other hormones with a destructive effect on muscle tissue;
  • provides the necessary charge of energy during training.

Thanks to this four most important properties, serum protein uses many people who include sports in their daily schedule.

The value of serum protein is not limited to exceptionally benefit to achieve certain sports purposes. Of course, the additive is most often taken for a set of muscle mass either for weight loss, but it also has another positive impact. Regular use of serum protein strengthens the protective functions of the body, increases glutathione concentration - one of the most important antioxidants for the body.

In people actively engaged in the simulators, the additive makes the muscles more powerful. Reception of serum protein upon completion of each workout helps muscle fibers and fabrics to recover faster. In addition, the full proteins reduce both neutral fat, and "bad" cholesterol. The main thing is to observe the measure.

Uncontrolled and improper reception of protein is capable of negatively reflected on the state of the cardiovascular system. People with violations in the work of the kidney are not recommended to be carried away by this additive. Protein compounds are split under the influence of enzymes.

The more protein enters the digestive system, the more enzymes are required. If enzymes are present in insufficient quantity, the likelihood of meteorism and pain is high. This explains the fact that these enzymes are present as part of high-quality serum proteins.

We should not start taking sports nutrition without prior consultation with a specialist. This applies to absolutely any additives, including serum protein.

To date, serum protein produces many companies. They are distinguished and cost and composition. Each variety has its own characteristic properties. They must be taken into account. Therefore, deciding to introduce one or another additive to the diet, you should first read more with the features of the product. Choosing protein, be sure to take into account if it is lactose, flavors, sweeteners, fats, which amount of protein it contains.

Whey protein is divided into four varieties. Classification depends on the processing and filtering of the protein. Consequently, its percentage is due to the type of additive:

  1. Concentrate.It contains the less protein, which is on average, about 55-89%. The rest of the composition is represented by different useful peptides, fats, lactose. Its cost is usually lower than on other varieties.
  2. Isolate.Contains about 90% protein. The concentration of lactose and fats is minimal. Different with a high content of nutrients. The cost of this sports nutrition is much higher than concentrate.
  3. Hydrolyzate.Almost fully consists of protein (99%), which is an indisputable advantage and makes the addition of expensive. He has only one drawback - not quite a pleasant taste.
  4. Serum multicomponent protein.Obtained by mixing a concentrate with isolate. Accurate percentage ratio depends on the manufacturer. Along with the protein, contains vitamins and trace elements.

Often, a person who begins to use serum protein, problems arise with a digestive system. Such reaction is based on the characteristics of the body. It is related to the fact that lactose is present in the additive. Its processing requires lactase - a special enzyme, the production of which in the body is terminated between the ages of 15 and to 20 years.

Thus, the mixture of milk is obtained, a highly concentrated portion of lactose is obtained. And if, drinking a glass of milk, a person usually has no problems with digestion, then together with a full protein they may arise. Therefore, purchasing an additive, you should always pay attention to the content of the lactose. It is completely absent in the isolate. This explains the better assimilation of this supplement. The combination of concentrate with isolate is well tolerated. Exceptions are, but quite rare.

Biologically active substances in large quantities are present in concentrate, and small - in isolate. They are completely absent in the hydrolyzate. In addition to protein, protein mixtures contain minerals, immunoglobulin, as well as vitamins.

The desired amount of the mixture is bred either in low-fat milk or in water. Everyone is thoroughly mixed with a shaker. You can not use hot water. It leads to the fact that the protein is simply folded. The addition scheme of additive is fully due to the goal that the person puts in front of him:

For a set of muscle mass

To add volumes, for each kilogram of its own weight per day you need to consume at least two grams of protein. A similar amount of protein is quite difficult to get from simple products, therefore receive the additive.

Drinking protein is best for half an hour before classes. This time is sufficient for its full assimilation. There is no unambiguous opinion about the adaptation after training. However, given the fact that the loads do not allow digestive system It should be worked out for a hundred percent, it should be understood that it is simply not able to immediately assimilate a full protein organism.

You can be dried in 30-60 minutes after completion of classes. Immediately at the end of the training, only hydrolyzate is allowed.

To serum protein must be treated as a food additive, and not a means for weight loss. Take this sports nutrition to lose weight as a substitute for the main meal. It is best to drink a protein cocktail instead of dinner or before meals, but significantly reducing the subsequent portion of food.

From the concentrate should be abandoned by those who wish to lose weight, and during the drying period. It contains carbohydrates and fats. The hydrolyzate is absorbed too quickly, causing an insulin surge, which awakens appetite. The ideal choice will be isolate.

It is undesirable to drink an additive as a supplement to the main diet, as this will lead to an increase in weight due to:

  • enhancing insulin production capable of converting glucose into fat;
  • calorie, which even in one portion of the protein cocktail is quite high;
  • reducing the production of hormones that help split fat deposits.

Scroll solely on whey protein, replacing the addition of full food, too, it is also impossible. It is harmful to health.

People gaining a mass or losing weight should not be taken over 30 grams of protein at a time. Such a number is simply not absorbed. Drink a cocktail follows three to five times a day. The first reception must necessarily have to take time after awakening, which allows you to get strength, energy, protect muscles from catabolism.

Whey protein is not the only source of full protein. Its amount in meat protein comes to 18%. It is impossible to completely move into such food, since almost the third part falls on fats. An attempt to get protein exclusively from one product will not bring benefits. Nourish it is necessary to be balanced. It is recommended to consume not only meat, but also cereals, as well as eggs (in one there are 10 grams of protein). Protein cocktails are taken to fill the deficit of protein.

How much is whey protein?

The price is due to the degree of purification, quality of taste, brand. Not always the cost corresponds to quality, because sometimes you have to overpay for the well-known name of the manufacturer. The assortment of taste also plays a significant role. On average, kilogram packaging will cost 24-26 dollars. If the cost is too low, the probability that the quality corresponds to the price is large.

The easiest way to do not allow mistakes, acquiring a protein food additive, if you navigate the best rating:

  • 100% Whey Gold Standart. In this protein, Optimum contains special peptides obtained from brew whey, accelerating protein action. Due to this, the additive is not only perfectly stirred into a cocktail, but also easily absorbed.
  • Zero Carb.Released VPX Sports, it practically does not contain carbohydrates with fats, is quickly processed, it is proposed with a variety of taste, but has a high cost.
  • Syntha.-6. BSN multicomponent mixture having a pleasant taste that does not cause any side Effectsnot forming precipitation.
  • ELITE WHEY PROTEIN.. Dymataze offers serum protein not only with the usual, but also exotic tastes. The additive includes enzymes, and even a shaker is required to prepare a cocktail.
  • 100% Prostar Whey Protein.. Easily stirred. Rich in amino acids. It has a pleasant taste.

It is important to take into account not only the useful qualities and value of serum protein, but also how harm it is able to bring, if you abuse additives, choose a poor-quality product. After examining the rules of admission, depending on the goals, doing sports and for weight loss, and for a mass set, it is important to comply with all the recommendations, and a full-fledged protein will necessarily work in the direction in which you need a person.

In sports nutrition, protein is a nutritional supplement, the main component of which ...

In sports dietology protein - This is a nutritional supplement, the main component of which is the synthesized protein, presented, as a rule, in powder form.

Protein closes all 3 chains "Training - Power - Recovery". It is used before and after classes with burdens, contributing to the maintenance of anabolic processes (i.e., the growth of muscle tissue) in the body. In nutrition, protein not only compensates for the lack of protein throughout the day, but also saves time - considering that, on average, the bodybuilder needs to eat 6 times a day, the protein cocktail will be the best option when it is impossible to carry out a full reception of food. During the recreation period, Protein stimulates rehabilitation processes and maintains the required level of protein during night sleep.

Currently the most popular are the following types of protein additives:

  1. Soy protein.
  2. Egg protein.
  3. Team serum protein.
  4. Casein.

Before answering the question "Protein for a set of muscle mass, which is better?", It is necessary to consider the positive and negative sides of each type.

Soy protein

Soy protein refers to the type of plant proteins and produced in 3 forms: from soy flour (protein content - about 50%), as a soybean concentrate (from 60 to 75% protein) and soybean isolate (approximately 85% protein).


  1. Hypoallergen. Many specialists celebrate high enzymatic qualities of soy protein.
  2. Balanced clean protein content (only in soy protein isolate).
  3. Reduced general level Cholesterol in the body.
  4. Cheap and accessibility. Soy protein is one of the cheapest in the sports nutrition market.


  1. Low biological value - 73. This is the worst indicator among all protein additives.
  2. Low efficiency as a factor of a set of muscle mass. The absorption of soy protein, like almost any other vegetation protein, is very slow. In addition, a low indicator of the protein content per unit portion minimizes anabolic processes and can lead to deterioration of well-being due to lack of energy.
  3. Scientifically proven influence on estrogen secretion (main female hormone), which is absolutely not suitable for those who want to build up muscle mass, and not fat fabric. As a result, testosterone imbalance (main men's hormone) and estrogen can lead to a detrimental disorders of the entire hormonal background of an athlete, fat deposits, violations of the work of secretiatric glands.
  4. The presence of heterogeneous impurities. Secondary raw materials processing products are very often found even in soy protein additives of well-known manufacturers. By purchasing such protein from a little-known company, the athlete risks to get an unknown product at all, which not only will not benefit, but even harm health.

Total assessment:

Soy protein is the worst option for a set of muscle mass. A small price does not cover a weak anabolic effect. Only the soy protein isolate can be considered as a source of high-quality protein, but even it is inferior to most of the other types of protein additives.

Egg protein

Most nutritionists consider egg protein with a reference to both the balance of nutrients and the degree of digestibility by humanity. Egg protein contains all the necessary protein compounds and amino acids, contributing to the complete restoration and growth of muscle tissue.


  1. The optimal ratio of protein, nutrients, micro- and macroelements.
  2. High biological value - 88 for squirrels of eggs and 100 for a whole egg.
  3. Excellent absorption and suction rate (approx. 9 grams per hour).
  4. Almost zero impurities. The yoke protein does not contain additional substances, such as fiber, taste additives and side products of recycling.


  1. High price. High-quality egg protein protein is significantly more expensive than most other additives.
  2. Several worst indicators for an anabolic effect in comparison with isolate and, especially, serum protein hydrolyzate. The difference is approximately 15-20%. This is quite a lot, given the value of each of the species.

It is important! A separate moment associated with the egg protein is its effect on the increase in the so-called poor cholesterol. This is one of the most famous myths about the dangers of egg protein. In fact, when using protein from egg proteins, the level of bad cholesterol drops. Only the level of "good" cholesterol is increasing, responsible for the regenerative functions of the skin, hair, fabrics of the internal organs of a person. "Bad" cholesterol increases only with excessive use of solid eggs, but this negative impact can be hypercompassized by any vitamin and mineral complex. Thus, the adaptive effect of solid eggs can not be attributed to the disadvantages of the egg protein - the protein is presented in the market, it is an egg protein with a minimal fraction of yolk or without it without it.

Total assessment:

Egg protein - perhaps one of better options For a set of muscle mass. Excellent values \u200b\u200bof absorbability, suction rates, the usefulness of protein and hypoallery create the reference natural protein, which will fit with equal use and those who seek to grow muscle mass, and those who just want to keep themselves in good physical shape. The high price for the product is the only minus that can prevent the use of egg protein for a long time.

Dairy serum protein

Along with the egg protein, breast protein is considered the closest in amino acid composition with muscular cloth man. Many sports nutritionists and scientists recommend milk protein as universal protein, suitable and for increasing volume muscular fibers, and for the growth of power and endurance. The balanced composition of the dairy serum fully complies with dietary standards during active workouts. According to the content of amino acids with an extension chain of BCAA (leucine, isoleucine and valine) Milk protein - the leader among all plant and animal proteins.


  1. The optimal ratio of amino acids (BCAA and polyunsaturated trace elements).
  2. Biological value is 90, higher than that of soy protein and casein.
  3. Good absorbability.
  4. Low price is approximately at the level of high-quality soy protein.


  1. Low suction rate - approx. 4 g / h. This approximately corresponds to soy and casein protein additives. Milk protein should not be taken before and after severe power training, since the protein will not have time to absorb, which means that the desired effect (the launch of anabolic processes) will not succeed.
  2. The content of lactate, which can contribute to the dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). Milk protein is digested for a long time, and the lactose inbox causes irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, people who have problems with digestion should carefully approach the reception of dairy protein or to abandon him at all.
  3. Controversial anabolic effect. Currently there are no clear recommendations for the use of dairy protein as the main food additive bodybuilder. Some athletes celebrate muscle mass and increase power indicators. At the same time, in other people, Protein does not have a proper influence, and in some cases reduces performance and increases the fatigue of the body.

Total assessment:

The protein of the dairy serum, although it is considered a universal protein supplier, cannot be selected as a basis for a set of muscle mass. A lot of negative factors affects efficiency from its use. While some notes a persistent positive result, others note the uselessness and negative impact on the body.


Casein, or calcium caseinate, is a compound from large protein molecules. It is considered a "slow" type of protein due to low suction rate (approx. 5 g / h.). A very popular product used as the main source of protein during the night sleep period and during long interruptions between training cycles.


  1. Balanced amino acid composition, in many respects similar to the protein of the dairy serum.
  2. An excellent option during passive recreation, inter-line cycles and during the period of rehabilitation after injuries.
  3. Availability and a wide selection in the market.


  1. Low biological value - 80.
  2. Bad solvent and slow processing speed. Casein cannot be used before and after training as a "fast" protein.
  3. Like Milk Protein, casein can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract, deterioration of well-being and decay.

Total assessment:

Casein with all its disadvantages is one of the best sources of the "slow" protein. As the basis for a set of muscle mass casein is not suitable due to the low activity of protein compounds. However, in combination with other types of protein additives, Casein contributes to a high-quality holiday and a good anabolic effect. Nevertheless, modern types of casein protein (for example, miceller) is much more expensive than calcium caseinate and is successfully replaced by conventional food - cottage cheese or fish.

Whey proteins (concentrate, isolate and hydrolyzate)

The most popular type of protein is currently. Big choice, High efficiency, no side effects - the choice of modern athlete.

The most common and affordable serum proteins. It is produced by filtering protein compounds from other elements - carbohydrates, fats and other substances.


  1. High indicator of biological value - approx. 100. This is a comparable egg protein and more than in the protein additives of animal and plant origin.
  2. High absorption speed - approx. 13 g / h., Which relates concentrate to the "fast" type protein. The greatest effect is achieved at the reception per hour and a half before and immediately after workout.
  3. Low price is the lowest of all serum proteins.
  4. Good anabolic effect.


  1. Dewbook of products depending on the manufacturer. The content of pure protein varies from 30 to 85% of the total weight of the product. The remaining volume occupy taste additives, flavors and vitamins. Sometimes the content of the protein itself is so small that the use of such protein levels positive recovery.
  2. It is useless as a "slow" protein, not suitable as a source of energy during night sleep or in a period of long pause between training.

Total assessment:

High-quality serum protein concentrate is a good choice for a thinking bodybuilder. Relatively low price and a number of irrefutable advantages are the optimal choice for the majority of people.


Serum protein isolate produced by applying additional methods Concentrate filtering. At the exit, it turns out much more "clean" protein with an average protein content of 90%.


  1. Protein with a minimum content of third-party impurities is better than concentrate and, moreover, soy or milk proteins.
  2. One of the best anabolism indicators.
  3. Like concentrate, isolate answers all modern standards for amino acid composition.
  4. Biological value index - 105-110. The second result after hydrolyzate.
  5. Full hypoallergenicity and no side effects.


  1. High price. Permanent use of isolate can afford only secured people or professional athletes.
  2. A relatively small proportion of pure isolate on the market. Manufacturers prefer to sell mixtures of concentrate and isolate, a mass fraction of a concentrate in which is much larger than isolate. At high cost of such an additive, efficiency, in comparison with serum concentrate, is unchanged.

Total assessment:

Heat of serum protein is a good combination of "price-quality". With a financial opportunity, one of the best options.

Hydrolyzate serum protein

A technologically perfect food additive with a maximum content of active protein - 95%. In fact, hydrolyzate is already amino acids, or a split protein, when the use of whose use of protein to muscle tissue as quickly as possible.


  1. The highest purification indicators, protein content and active enzymes.
  2. Maximum biological value - 130.
  3. The maximum suction rate in the blood is approx. 13 hour.
  4. Maximum anabolic effect among all types of protein.


  1. Very high price. Serum hydrolyzate is the most expensive protein additive at the moment.
  2. Not suitable as a "slow" protein.

Total assessment:

Best protein for a set of muscle mass. However, the high cost is not suitable for most people.

So, when the line under the theme "Protein for a set of muscle mass is better," you can select several types of protein:

All serum proteins are effective, have a high anabolic effect and are widely represented on the market.

Egg and milk proteins are also characterized by good indicators, but they have several significant disadvantages.

Soy protein and casein cannot be the main food additive when typing muscular mass.

IN this material Intentionally, mixtures of several protein are not considered (for example, serum and isolate). The use of mixtures is relevant only for advanced bodybuilders, which perfectly feel their body and muscle response to a particular type of protein. The use of mixtures for beginner athletes will not give a significant result and can only be recommended for medical or diet characteristics.

Comparative characteristics of types of protein

High protein contentEfficiency as a "fast" proteinEfficiency as a "slow" proteinLow price, accessibility
Soy proteinNotNo (yes - only for soy protein isolate)Yes
Egg proteinYesYesNotNot
Milk proteinNotNotYesYes
Serum protein concentrateYes (depends on the manufacturer)YesNotYes
Isolate SP.YesYesNotNot
Hydrolyzate SP.YesYesNotNot

Today, store shelves are bursting from a wide variety of variants of protein mixtures, but how to understand what is optimal for you? Our review will help you deal with this issue. Below we will tell about the advantages and disadvantages of the main types of protein mixtures and how exactly and for which they can be used in your diet.

Serum-based mixtures are the most popular source of additional protein. The protein for these mixtures is obtained from milk during the production of cheese. Milk coagulates, divided into two phases: solid and liquid. The solid phase is a curd mass, and liquid - serum containing the same protein.

In fact, the serum is a solution of water-soluble dairy proteins in water. Only 20% of proteins extracted from milk are serum, the remaining 80% is casein.

Whey protein contains a complete set of necessary amino acids with a moderate or high content of the most necessary of them. It also contains a relatively large amount of L-cysteine, which is a precursor to N-acetylcystene and to antioxidant enzyme glutathione (this line is written specifically to cheer up and please all the bore reading this article). In addition to cysteine, some biologically active peptides are also present in the serum protein, which can reduce blood pressure (acting as a weak ACE inhibitor).

This protein is very popular in part because of the myth that the lung absorption of the protein contributes to the rapid muscular growth. It is true or not, it is difficult to say, but one clearly exactly: its advantages are greatly exaggerated by marketing. Yes, serum protein is really faster and protein from there really contributes to the growth of muscles. But yet there is no reliable information that the digestion rate has great importance For muscle growth.

Earlier this species Protein was considered a waste of production and its price was quite small. But now the need for it has increased and it is no longer so cheap. This is easily ensured by looking at prices at any sports nutrition store.

Total: Whey protein is obtained from milk and for a long time he was considered a by-product. It is relatively quickly absorbed (although the importance of the absorption rate is strongly overvalued), and contains all indispensable trace elements.


Casein is a milk protein derived from a solid cottage cheese mass. This protein is not soluble in water in contrast to serum. Casein-based additives are an excellent source of protein, they also contain a rather large number of irreplaceable glutamic acid. Casein is pressed slower than whey protein due to its gelling properties. Someone likes this his feature (mmm, remember all sorts of curd casserors and mousses with pudding!), And someone tolerate it cannot and remembers his last attempt to stir casein in a shaker.

The gelation property does not carry any special benefit for our health, however, it distinguishes Kazin among other proteins from a practical point of view. Casein's ability to form gels is due to its special structure (earlier from it even for some time adopted). And if you pour 2 two cups of casein into a bowl and add some water, it will be so-beloved by the British pudding.

The physical properties of Casin are truly awesome and allow it to use it to create a wide variety of culinary masterpieces. With Kazyin, you will know the world of protein cheesecakes and muffins. Other additives (serum or rice protein) can also be used to prepare desserts, but since they do not have gel-forming properties, you will have to add xanthan gum or glucomanan as gel-forming agents.

At least someone from your loved ones, not particularly observing healthy image Life, it may well come to taste pudding with chocolate and cinnamon. At the same time, according to caloric content and protein content, it will be absolutely identical to two chicken breasts. In general, almost all protein powders contain fragrances to improve taste, but the use of seasonings and various additives that give the aroma (for example, a blueberry, vanilla extract, etc.) can be positively affected by the final taste. But, it seems, we are distracted.

Let's turn to the effect on health. Here, casein is not too different from the serum protein. It contains a large amount of calcium (up to 60% of the daily daytime norm in one dimensional spoon for some manufacturers), but in addition, it does not have any additional advantages. It should be noted that the allergic reaction to milk proteins is usually much stronger on casein than on whey protein. Therefore, if you have problems with the assimilation of dairy products, you better avoid mixtures based on it.

Casein better protects muscle cells from catabolism and creates better conditions for muscular growth In comparison with serum protein due to the slow digestion speed

Soy protein

Soy protein is obtained from soybeans and it contains the maximum number of such an indispensable amino acid as glycine. It is very often used in sports nutrition, as well as in ordinary products due to its low price and simple production technology. Soy is somewhere in the middle between full sources of protein with a complete composition of amino acids and not fully full, and the methionine content changes in it depending on the cultivation conditions.

Soya is a good source of protein, if you forget about the content of other bioactive substances in it (we will talk later in the next part of the article, including the discussion of estrogen). It contains a sufficient amount of amino acids and has a weak taste that is easily masked by flavors. When processing soybeans, it is possible to remove many unwanted components, having obtained a fairly pure mixture of amino acids.

Although there are no evidence that soybeans are better than other sources of protein, soybean protein can be used as a decent alternative to milk-based protein mixtures. This should be especially interesting to people with allergies for dairy products (we will discuss influence on the hormonal system in another section).

Rice and Gorok.

These two sources of protein are treated together due to their frequent sharing. Obviously, both types of protein, thus obtained, are plant and therefore suitable vegans. At the same time, each of them separately is not full. But if you mix them in a 1: 1 ratio ... and voila! ... It turns out a product with all the necessary amino acids.

Protein obtained from rice is a fine and soft powder with a small content of lysine and well soluble in water. As a protein of pea, the opposite has gel-forming properties like casein. Therefore, it is likely that the pea protein separately would be as useful in cooking, as well as casein.

The rice protein is considered low allergen and suits people with allergies on eggs, dairy products and soy.

Interestingly, the amino acid composition of the mixture of rice and pea proteins (due to the high cysteine \u200b\u200bcontent in rice) is very similar to the composition of serum protein; Therefore, a mixture of rice and pea proteins is sometimes called the vegan analogue of the serum protein. Comparative studies (rather limited) do not show significant differences between the mixture of rice and pea proteins and other sources of protein.

Egg protein-based protein mixtures

The egg protein-based mixtures are protein derived from egg proteins and then exposed to heat treatment and evaporation of water.

It should be noted that the use of raw egg proteins is not so useful as heat-treated. The fact is that Avidin amino acid, present in the egg proteins, is associated with vitamin B7, also known as biotin, making it impossible to assimilate him in the human body. Although moderate consumption of raw egg protein does not associate with a deficiency of biotin, nevertheless, some studies have reported that biotin deficiency has evolved against the background of consumption of several hundred grams of egg proteins daily for a long period of time.

For protein mixtures based on egg protein, this problem is not characteristic, since avidin is destroyed in the process of heat treatment. In this case, egg yolks are usually not used due to the high content of fatty acids, but may add leucine separately to create a more balanced protein mixture (derived leucine only is contained in the egg yolk).

Such protein mixtures are quite suitable for filling the need for protein, but they do not have any advantages over other sources of protein. In addition, they have a specific flavor of eggs that can be hidden only with the help of the strongest flavors.

Beef-based protein mixtures

Protein mixtures based on beef are obtained from dehydrated and treated cows meat (and even this is the first protein mixture on the blueberry taste market!).

At the moment, no significant advantages are found to use the beef protein compared to other protein mixtures, especially when it comes to a mixed diet.

From a practical point of view, the financial costs of dehydration of a large amount of meat are excessively high. Therefore, it is likely that the acquired protein mixture of beef is a fake, taking into account the cost of meat and huge production costs. Selected amino acids can be added in the necessary proportions, thereby achieving a full-fledged amino acid composition.

True, the mixture will not contain any biologically active peptides characteristic of meat. In fact, the likelihood that the protein mixture of beef on the counter store is nothing more than ordinary gelatin. Beef-based protein mixtures are quite new on the market and at the same time their benefits and harm for sports nutrition is not yet sufficiently investigated.

At the same time, such mixtures are hardly in something better than other protein sources, especially, given that with a high probability, their real source is not at all beef. So it is possible to just eat a juicy piece of delicious meat.

Protein mixes of cannabis seeds

Hemp protein is a protein product obtained from cannabis seeds. For reference:

  • Hemp with a high content of tetrahydrokannabinol was on the market until the 1930s. She was destroyed by initial stages Fighting drugs, and its cultivation and sale for a long time were banned.
  • Now Konopley was on sale again, but only one certain variety containing a small amount of psychoactive cannabinoid is sold.

In connection with this, hemp protein does not affect the nervous system. By themselves, cannabis seeds are balanced on the content of three macronutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), and cannabis protein is a seed powder obtained after the extraction of cannal oil. The protein content in this powder reaches 70-90%, so this product is quite suitable for sports nutrition.

It is known that a protein mixture of cannabis contains a large number of arginine and tyrosine, but there is no sufficient amount of leucine and lysine in it; Due to the insufficient amount of lysine, the protein mixture of cannabis is considered not a full source of protein.

There are many requirements for quality and influence on the health imposed on cannabis protein. Most of them are associated with a rather large content of oil (fatty acids in the protein of cannabis seeds make up about 10% of the daily calorie norm). Oils in cannabis protein are a mixture of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-3 fragment comes from alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), it is identical to the contained in the flaxseed. There is not so many studies of fatty acids cannabis, but not yet found anything special on this. The only thing that is worth paying attention is that ALA acids are not so easily absorbed human bodyAs EKOSPANECTANEEN (EPA) and docosahexaen (DHA) acids contained in fish oil.

Despite the lack of tetrahydrochnabinabol, in hemp protein contains other cannabinoids that do not have significant psychoactive properties (cannabidiol and cannabidisin B), but there is no sufficient evidence that these substances, although in minimal quantities, do not affect health.

In general, hemp is an acceptable source of protein, although its value is lower than casein due to lack of lysine and leucine. It should also be borne in mind that there is a possibility that cannabinoids in composition affect health, while possible consequences Not yet been examined to fully. It also cannot be said that the use of protein obtained from hemp carries any advantages compared to other sources.

However, such a protein is rich in dietary fibers, which can be a rather significant factor when choosing this protein mixture.

In any case, we want to say that anxiety about the speed of digestion or any special properties of various protein powders are already secondary parameters that can be dispersed to infinity. Protein powders are designed to easily and quickly fill daily rate protein consumption, and all protein mixtures quite satisfy this requirement (although we would not advise using a mixture based on beef).

To each his own

If possible, it is better to receive as much protein as possible from ordinary food, and then the remaining deficiency is compensated for using protein mixtures. Maybe your choice will be in favor of convenience and taste (serum protein), or you are more interesting to prepare something from protein mixtures, then you will choose casein. Or maybe your main selection criterion is your allergy, and then you will choose a protein mix of pea and rice or eggs. In the case when low cost is important, the best solution is soy. In general, the choice of the optimal protein mixture is not something complicated and depends mostly from your preferences.

Recently, the training people are increasingly wondering: what protein is better? What protein to choose for certain purposes? It is impossible to answer the first question, calling any one type of protein, as for different purposes, the most effective will be a certain form.

For weight loss

To those people who suffer overweight and want to acquire more relief and slender figureThey first need to include casein protein in their diet. Sports additives based on this protein are able to reduce the appetite of a person. Thereby force his body to eat less food.

The casein protein, falling into the body, turns into a certain com, which for at least 8 hours will give a feeling of satiety, but at the same time, at the expense of the protein, keep the muscles and in parallel will help to reset the unwanted weight.

Also, for people with unwanted mass, it would be very good to add whey protein serum isolate. It is able to absorb all possible and almost instantly give the body all the necessary amino acids, contributing to the destruction of fat cells, replacing them with high-quality solid muscles.

For mass extension

For those athletes who are fighting daily for adding own weight, the perfect weapon and helper in this difficult case will be the serum protein concentrate, as well as multicomponent proteins.

Whey concentrate is able to absorb human organism Within 1.5 - 2 hours. This allows the athlete to use food as often as possible, which is known to be vital if we are talking about the maximum set of muscle mass.

Multicomponent proteins are often consisting of such species of protein: casein, serum protein concentrate, serum protein isolate and milk protein. Through people with a set of muscle mass, multicomponent proteins are not so important throughout the day as night.

The peculiarity of multicomponent proteins is that the types of protein included in their composition have different speed digestibility. This means that by accepting a portion of multicomponent protein Each type of protein will be released at a certain period of time, such proteins, as well as pure casein are fully absorbed in 8-12 hours. All this time, the muscles will be supplied needed to build a high-quality muscle protein.

To preserve muscle mass

Well, finally, recommendations on the reception of protein additives reached large and already beautifully folded athletes, owners of the desired athletic form. Such athletes are often worried about how to discard the mass already accumulated over the years, and if possible, raise it an order of magnitude higher. For the described needs of people presented, best proteins Uniquely can be called serum concentrate and casein.

Casein is best taken only before bedtime so that the muscles do not remain for a long time without a protein, and throughout the day take 3-4 serving of serum protein concentrate. Such a simple way to apply these additives will lead to desired results And allow you to achieve your goal.

The one-time portion of any type of protein should not be meant 30 grams. And do not exceed the threshold of 50 gr.

What is the best protein?

The best serum protein concentrates are:


Hardware training B. sports Hall require an integrated approach, so, in addition effective program, I need the right diet and nutritional supplements. To increase muscle mass, the best choice will be protein. Beginners athletes buy the first one, without sobering, which of the types of protein cocktail is better.

How to choose a sports nutrition for muscle growth

Muscles begin to grow when performing several conditions: proper nutrition, optimal loads, full-fledged rest. Sports nutrition for a set of muscle mass may differ in composition, nutrient set. The protein has several processing options:

  1. Isolate - Purest protein. This powder contains a maximum of protein, minimum impurities, the body is very quickly absorbed. The price of such protein is the highest. It is accepted after training immediately to replenish the energy spent, the restoration of muscle fibers.
  2. Concentrate - protein with less deep cleaning. The composition will be impurities of carbohydrates. On the whole dry weight they can contain 20-60%.
  3. Hydrolyzate - partially fermented, purified protein. Such processing ensures the most rapid assimilation of the element in the body, has the form of peptides. It is impossible to get involved in hydrolyzate, because due to it decreases the number of enzymes for splitting ordinary proteins, which will complicate in the further processing of the latter.

Which variant protein is better for a set of muscle mass, is determined individually, based on the needs of an athlete. As a rule, the overwhelming majority of men and girls use concentrate due to low cost. The remaining two species are popular among bodybuilders before the performance, when the muscle mass is needed when drying.

What is better for a set of muscle mass protein or heiner

A lot of sports nutrition, sometimes you can get confused, which is better suitable for the goals. For example, is it worth buying a heiner or protein for a weight gain? They both help to gain a mass, but the quality will differ in their indicators. The heiner, in addition to the muscles, contributes to an increase in the adhesive layer, to choose this option only a very thin person. If the target is in the set of dry muscles, then only protein cocktails should be drunk, in which the muscle growth is contained and there are no carbohydrates that form a fat layer.

What kind of protein is better

The protein is part of many products consumed every day. Strengthened muscle growth does not occur due to low concentration against the background of other elements. Belkovoy production sports additives Based on the extraction of protein from food and its processing. Protein for muscle growth can be mined from eggs, soybeans, meat, rice, etc. The quality of each of these options is different, as a rule, use different types With individual intolerance to some products (eggs or soy). What protein is better for a set of muscle mass, you can only determine personal experienced.


Separately, it is necessary to dwell on the type of gym, like casein protein. It has a complex structure, is mined by the method of ensuring milk, for this use special enzymes. This species has a complex structure, due to which it is absorbed by the body much longer than the usual one. Such an effect can be used to obtain a protein for a long period of time. Casein protein has such positive properties:

  • provides the body with energy for a long time;
  • during sleep, it provides the necessary admission of protein to avoid the destruction of muscle fibers;
  • provides incurred acids.

Serum protein isolate

The most valuable look, if necessary, to dial a dry mass of muscles - isolate. It is not suiced, so use it, as a rule, before performances or photo session. Contains a huge amount of Amino acids. It has the highest splitting rate, provides the body with energy, restores the muscles. Use it better after workout or in the morning when you need to fill out an energy reserve after sleep.


It is produced by drying and processing egg proteins, yolks are excluded. It is absorbed almost 100%, it is great for increasing the mass of the muscles. The disadvantages include high cost, a specific taste that is not like everyone else. The composition has an indispensable amino acids and, as a rule, 17% of the mixture falls on the BOSA. Sometimes the egg protein leaves yolks that do not carry any benefit for an athlete. Look for the word "albumin" in the name, it will indicate their absence.

Soy protein

This option can be advised to people with elevated cholesterol content in the blood. This protein is also called "for weight loss." The choice in favor of a soy species should be made to people who have lactose intolerance or vegetarian power adherents. In some cases, due to its reception, problems were observed with the gastrointestinal tract, so when using soy protein, carefully examine dosages.


Another type of protein for vegetarians is obtained by the method of processing brown rice, carbohydrate separation, fibers. The protein content in the powder is 90%, the absorption rate is higher than the average. There are no advantages towards other types of protein, so its purchase can only be justified by personal preferences.

How to take protein for a set of muscle mass

Protein powder is not the only source of protein, because a certain amount comes along with normal food. Many athletes expect the necessary daily protein consumption in the following way:

  • for girls - 1-1.5 g per kg of weight;
  • for guys - 2 g per kg of weight.

It is necessary to find out how much protein comes together with food and the missing quantity is divided into two cocktail receptions. The mixture is better to breed in juice, milk or ordinary water, but never use boiling water. In it, protein will simply come and turn into a useless mass. The first portion is better to drink in the morning, and the second before or after training. When there are no classes, drink a cocktail before dinner. If you wish, you can break the daily dosage on 3-5 receptions, but never use everything at a time.

Protein reception periods for a set of muscle mass during drying should not be combined with the main diet. Cocktails should be drinking instead of meals, for example, replace dinner or familiar snacks between food. So you do not reduce the amount of the incoming protein against the background of a general reduction in caloric content. Contraindication to such a diet are diseases of the kidneys, liver.

Protein rating

On the shelves you can meet Russian, American, German sports nutritionals. What is better to choose? Often the cost depends on the popularity of the company, brand awareness, for which one should not overpay. Each athlete has its own personal top, which brand protein is better for a set of muscle mass. Based on the conclusions, you can advise:

  1. Platinum Isolate Supreme San. Processed to the state of peptides, quickly and without problems is absorbed by the body, it is easily dissolved, not knocked down with lumps.
  2. ISOFLEX ALLMAX. Protein additive, quickly absorbed, easily tolerated by the body. The protein content is 90%, based on breast serum, refers to the class of isolates. Well suited for those who keep a diet.
  3. Zero Carb Protein VPX. Protein powder, which in addition to the high protein content, has the ability to stimulate the production of muscle growth hormone.
  4. 100% Whey Gold Standard is the most popular type of protein from Optimum Nutrition. It has the best ratio of price-quality, the composition has isolates, concentrates.

Video: What the heiner is different from protein