The strongest people of the 19th century. All books about: "Middle Ages

"Russian means strong!". The cult of physical strength in Russia was always. It is no coincidence that the main heroes of the people's legends were a dozen of warriors. Stretch in our story with a surplus.

Kings and voevod

Evpathy Kolovrat

Evpathy Kolovrat can be called the strongest Russian governor. In the "Tale of the Ryazan Batym", it tells how Evpathy with his buddy joined an unequal battle with Horde Mongol-Tatars "and beat them Evpathy so mercilessly that swords were dulled, and he took the mords of Tatar and Syuk them."

Baty sent to deal with the Evlampius of his best warrior hosted. Kolovrat ruled him in half to the saddle. Only the tribal guns of the Mongol-Tatars were able to defeat the squad of Kolovrat, and the body of the governor Bati gave the rest of the squad for honorable funerals - a unique case for ancient Russian history.

Skopin Shui

Mikhail Skopin-Shuisky was an invincible commander of the troubled time. He suppressed the rebellion of the Bolotnikov, negotiated with the Swedes, began to reform the Russian army, but was poisoned by the daughter of Skuratov's daughter because of the political intrigue of Dmitry Shui.

According to the descriptions of contemporaries, Mikhail Vasilyevich was distinguished by Bogatlish addiction. The historic museum stores the Palash Skopina-Shuisky. Heavy weapons for a very strong person.

Peter the First

Peter the first one can boldly call the strongest Russian king. His growth was 204 centimeters, and physical strength I am hit to see the types of contemporaries.
Peter twisted the coins with his fingers, crushed the cast-iron pans "in the barbuses", and the suitability of the horseshoe for her horse leasetite checked personally, breaking one after another. About the strength of Peter the first is not one folk tale.

Alexander III

Russian emperor Alexander III possessed outstanding physical strength. He from youth did not like secular entertainment, preferring to Balam and Rauta riding lessons and physical education. The brothers spoke about him: "Sashka-Our Hercules".
Applying his strength to the Emperor was in the subordinate situation. October 17, 1888, during returning from the Crimea, the famous crash of the imperial train occurred. The roof of the wagon in which the family of Alexander III was located, began to fall.

The emperor took the falling roof on his shoulders and kept it until his wife and children got alive and unharmed from under the wreckage. After the challenge of the family, Alexander III did not break and rushed to help other victims.

Fighters and silo

Grigory Rusakov

Kuryin Grigory Rusakov became a world-famous wrestler after his debut in the Donbas, where he worked at the mine. After conquering Russia, Rusakov won the World Championships in Argentina (1913) and Paris (1915).
Like other eminent fighters, he was personally released by Nikolai II from military service.

But not everything was smooth in the life of Rusakov. He was brought to criminal responsibility three times in 1929, 1938, 1944.

Rusakov was still known to the fact that it was repeatedly engaged in demonstrative fights with bears, the horseshoes and rails, and one day in London won the bull battle.

Ivan Poddubny

Who is Ivan's poddubny know everything. This is the most famous Russian Salo, Garette, wrestler. Interestingly, I lost my first poddy duel. It was very much impressed by him: he set himself a hard workout regime, exercised with two-domate weights, a 112-kilogram barbell, refused tobacco and alcohol, was poured with cold water. Until the end of the life, wearing a cast-iron cane with him. He did not lose anymore.

Conquered poddubny and america. There he collected the full halls, competing according to the rules of the American struggle. From the US, he actually escaped, terminating the robbing contract and leaving the gorrels to him.

At the end of his life, the poddubnika recognized that the only force that could overcome him is women: "All my life, a fool, from the path-track shot down."

Ivan Zaicin

Ivan Zaicin is one of the most famous Russian powers. World Champion in the fight, champion in lifting weights, circus artist, one of the first Russian aviators.

Foreign newspapers called Zaicina "Shalyapin Russian Muscles." His athletic numbers caused sensation in Russia and abroad. In 1908, during the tour in Paris, Zaicin shocked the audience by the fact that they had taken away any chains, bracelets and ties, hen metal beams.

Zaicin wore 25-powder anchor on his shoulders, lifted a long bar on the shoulders, which was sitting on ten people, and began to rotate her ("Living Carousel").

Georg Gakkenshmidt

George Gakkenshmidt was called "Russian Lvom" and "the strongest village of the stroke of the ages." He was the world champion in the struggle and world champion of the world weightlifting.

Georg since childhood was engaged in sports, for strengthening the legs practiced climbs along the screw staircase to the spleen of the church with two-domed weights. The merit of the fact that Gakk became a wrestler belongs to the "Father of Russian Athletics" to Dr. Kraevsky - he convinced George that he could become the strongest in the world.

And Kraevsky was not mistaken - Gakk conquered Russia, and Europe, and America.

Gakk with one hand squeezed the rod weighing 122 kg, squeezed on the wrestling bridge the rod weighing 145 kg.

Arms crossed on his back raised from deep Ssed 86 kg. With a 50-kilographed rod athlete, sat 50 times. Today, this is just called "Gakk-Priest".

Peter Krylov

Peter Wings was strong and a permanent winner of contests for the best athletic figure. As a child, he chose himself a cumira - Athlete Emil Fossa, who went to the arena in Silk Triko and leopard skins.

The wings set several world records. In the "Fortsky Bridge" position, he squeezed with two hands 134 kg, left hand - 114.6 kg. Pour in the "Soldiers rack": Left hand 86 times in a row lifted a two-domed weight.

Krylova called "King of Girus." He was a source of spectacular tricks, which then repeated other athletes, and today paratroopers: bending the rail on the shoulders, the passage of the car by body, raising the platform with a horse and rider.

Grigory Kashcheev

On this photo with prominent and far from small fighters, Gregory Katcheev is highlighted in growth - 218 cm and their shape of clothing is simple space.

In 1906, Gregory Katchev first met with world-class fighters and made friends with Zaicin, who helped him go on large arena.

Soon, Kashchev put on the blades of all the famous soda, and in 1908, together with the poddubny and Zaicin, Paris conquered the World Championship.

So brilliantly started, Career Kashcheyev did not work out - the wrestler became Downshifter, refused the most advantageous proposals, everything threw and went to the village to steal the land.

Alexander Zass

Alexander Zass called "Iron Samson." He wore a horse or a piano with a pianist and a dancer located on the lid; I caught my hands a 90-kilogram kernel, which was shot from a circular gun from a distance of 8 meters; From the floor and kept the metal beam in the teeth with the assistants sitting at its ends.

In the famous attraction, a man-shell Alexander Zass caught his hands the assistant who took out a circular gun from the tank and describing a 12-meter trajectory over the arena.

In 1938, in Sheffield, in the eyes of the crowd, he was moved by a truck loaded with coal. Samson got up and, smiling, crushed in front of the audience.

Cass was one of the first to introduce isometric exercises into his century training. This allowed him to strengthen the tendon so that with his short weight he managed to put records that were not beaten so far.

Ivan Shemyakin

A two-meter giant, Ivan Shemyakin in his first lesson in the athletic school was able to push the rod with two hands just 72 kilograms, but it did not embarrass him. He began to train hard.

Training brought results: Shemyakin won the competitions of cycling and athletic society in the weights and took the third prize at the Russian Championship.

In 1908, in St. Petersburg, Shemyakin showed a unique power number - a metal beam bent on his shoulder.

In 1913, participating in the World Championship held in the St. Petersburg Circus "Modern", Ivan Shemyakin defeated the famous Ivan Zaicina, and a powerful, evil on the carpet, Nikolai Vakhturov and took the first place. Shemyakin defeated other wrestlers with a world name, but his meetings with Ivan Poddubny always endanted in a draw.

Ivan Lebedev

In 1916, Ivan Lebedev (silica called him "Uncle Vanya") published a book "Guide, how to develop its power, exercising heavy weights." Lebedev not only developed athletics and struggle in Russia, but he himself was notable for power. He was engaged in all the same Corrif of the Russian Force, Vladislav Krayevsky.

Lebedev published the magazine "Hercules" and was the first promoter in Russia. His notes are interesting today.

Regarding the living mode, he wrote: " The human body does not tolerate constraints, but the ultra of each harmful. As for food, I strongly do not advise meat meat: it contributes to your body the products of the renovation decomposition and forms urinary acid, poisoning the body. The main rule for food: chew as much as possible. Drink alcoholic drinks and smoke - I do not advise at all. Sleep - 7-8 hours. Dress, not rushing and not carrying warm clothes. Fresh air and water (soul or kneading) - need for every person who wants to be strong and healthy».

Vasily Alekseev

Vasily Alekseev is the last bogatyr of the Soviet era. "Russian Bear" (so it was nicknamed by foreign fans) he became champion twice Olympic Games, six times - champion of the world, six times - European champion, seven years old kept the first place at the USSR championships.

During his sports career, Vasily Alekseev installed 80 world records and 81 Record of the USSR. He is also the "eternal" owner of the current global record three exercises - 645 kg (now in this discipline competitions are not conducted).

Vasily Alekseev competed with himself, once again put all the new records at the championships. It was he who opened the era of "sixisters", first conquering a six-hundred-tier peak. From 1989 to 1992, Alekseev trained the national team and the United High Athletics Team. During his coaching work, none of the members of the national team received injuries. One of his loyal fans is Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Yury Vlasov

Another genius soviet rodgist - "Iron Man" Yuri Vlasov. Olympic champion (1960), silver medalist of games (1964), 4-fold world champion (1959, 1961-1963), 6-fold European champion (1959-1964; In the Neolmpic years, the championships were held within the world championships), 5-fold Champion of the USSR (1959-1963). Yuri Vlasov installed 31 world record and 41 Record of the USSR (1957-1967).
Yuri Vlasov was twice the banquenas of the USSR delegation at the opening of the 1960 and 1964 Olympic Games.

Ivan Denisov

Let us turn to modern solubs. Traditions of excavation in Russia are strong today. One of the strongest weights in the world is the representative of the Chelyabinsk Gire School Ivan Denisov - Master of Sport international class. Ivan Denisov is a multiple champion of Russia, Europe and the world, a multiple record holder of Russia, Europe and the world.

In 2005, at the World Championships in Moscow, Denisov established absolute world records in the impetus equal to 175 lifts and the amount of the two-point 2 points. Previously, the records belonged to Sergey Mishina and were unchanged for more than ten years.

Alexander Karelin

"San Sanych" Karelin at birth weighed 6.5 kilograms, in 13 years he had 178 cm height and weight 78 kilograms. Already 4 years after joining the section, Karelin became the world champion among young people.

For their own sports career The wrestler gathered all sorts of titles, won in 887 fights, gave way only twice. Three times Brall Olympic gold, 9 times became the world champion, 12 times - the champion of Europe, 13 times took gold at the Championships of the USSR, CIS and Russia. Alexander Karelin was awarded the "gold belt" as best Wings. Planets.

On February 20, 1999, Karelin held a duel with a Japanese fighter Akira Med. "Russian Bear" used in the ring only arsenal native greco-Roman Wrestling. The maheda at the beginning of the battle was able to spend some blows with his feet, but did not pass and the moments, as he turned into a training mannequin for testing throws.

Fedor Emelianenko

Fedor Emelianenko, " the last Emperor"For almost ten years, it remained unrequitable, which is unprecedented in the history of MMA.

Emelyanenko - Four-Straight World Champion in MMA weight weight According to "PRIDE FC", double - according to the "Rings" version, twofold - according to the version "Wamma", a four-fold world champion and the seven-time champion of Russia in combat sambo. Honored Master of Sports on Sambo and Master of Sports of International Class on Judo.

Vladimir Gilyarovsky

Another Russian strongman from the literature is Vladimir Gilyarovsky.

At sixteen, he ran away from home. Having passed two hundred kilometers on foot from Vologda to Yaroslavl, hired to Burlats Artel. At first, Burlaki doubted whether the guy was to take, but Gilyay had a stunning physical force, pulled out from his pocket and easily turned him into the tube.

Mikhail Chekhov so recalled about the first visit of "Uncle Gilyaya" in Chekhov's house: "He immediately became with us on" you, "offered us to feel his iron muscles in her arms, turned a penny in the tube, a teaspoon screw.

In Russia, in the middle of the XIX century, in the royal office there existed the post "Mainlinding for physical development Population. " The representatives of the Russian population developed under such an observation are still surprising by these its own development. For example, in weightlifting those who "pulled" less than 100 kilograms, there was nothing to do in the club strong.

Today we will tell about the seven of the strongest men of Russia and the Union. We hope for you they will become a frank model for imitation, or at least motivate today to go to the simulator instead of a bar.

1. Sergey Eliseev (1876 - 1938). Little weightlifter

The record holder of the world, the hereditary hero of small growth, he became famous for chance on the city festival in Ufa - won in the rebel tournament in a multiple champion. The next day, the house of Eliseeva brought three rams as a generous act of recognition from the defeated ex-champion.

Trick. I took a weight of 62 kg in my right hand, raised it up, then slowly lowered on a straight hand to the side and held a hand with a girlfriend in a horizontal position for a few seconds. Three times in a row, he pulled two unrelated two-domed weights with one hand. In the bench with two hands, he raised 145 kg and pushed 160.2 kg.


2. Ivan Zaicin (1880 - 1949). Shalyapin of Russian muscles

World Champion in the fight, champion in lifting weights, circus artist. Foreign newspapers called him "Shalyapin Russian Muscles." His athletic numbers caused sensation. In 1908, Zaicin toured in Paris. After the athlet speech in front of the circus was exhibited torn to the Zaician chains, the iron beam, "bracelets" and "ties", tied from strip iron on its shoulders, tied out of strip iron. Some of these exhibits were acquired by Paris Kunstkamera and were demonstrated along with other woundings.

Trick. Zaicin wore 25-powder anchor on his shoulders, lifted a long bar on the shoulders, which was sitting on ten people, and began to rotate her ("Living Carousel").


3. Georg Gakkenshmidt (1878 - 1968). Lion, not a man

World Champion in Heavy Athletics World Champion. He trained since childhood: jumped at a length of 4 meters 90 cm, height from the place - by 1 m 40 cm, 180 m ran for 26 p. To strengthen the legs, practiced climbs along the screw staircase to the spleen of the Oliviest Church with two-domate weights. In Sport, accidentally came: Dr. Krayevsky - "Father of Russian athletics" - convinced him that "he can easily become the strongest person in the world."

In 1897, Georg fell into St. Petersburg, where metropolitan heavyweights in the fluff and dust. Training from Kraevsky, strongman quickly takes all the first places in Russia (by the way, he eaten everything that he wanted, but only milk drank), and rides in Vienna. Next - Paris, London, Australia, Canada, America - and the title of Russian Lion and the most severe person of the late XIX - early XX century.

Trick. One hand squeezed the rod weighing 122 kg. I took in each hand the dumbbells of 41 kg and bred straight hands horizontally to the sides. I squeezed on the wrestling bridge the rod weighing 145 kg. Hand crossed on his back raised 86 kg from deeply. With a 50-kilogram barbell squeezed 50 times.


4. Grigory Katcheev (Revenue. - Kosinsky, 1863 - 1914). Giant-downshifter.

The bogatyr from the village with an advantage of the growth - 2.18 m. At the Rustic Fair won the circle of the Besov, who immediately convinced him to go with him - "be the power."
"We come with Grisha in a deaf-pregluha Gorodishko. There are such people as we, and have not seen ... Katchev (Kosinsky's pseudonym) is a cosmatic, like a beast, and my surname of demons ... We have no pussy of human. We decided that we are - Werewolves ... Not to say a bad word, dragged us, taken out for hail and say: "If we leave our downtown, so on behalf of yourself."

In 1906, Grigori Katchev first met with world-class fighters and made friends with Zaicin, who helped him go to a large arena. Soon, Kascheev put on the blades of all the famous soda, and in 1908, along with the poddubny and Zaicin, it goes to Paris to the World Championship, from where Soditi brought victory.

Trick. It would seem that now the real wrestling career of Cascoeva began, but, by refusing the most profitable surgents, he threw everything and went to his village, steal the land.


5. Peter Wings (1871 - 1933). King Giri.

Moskvich, who has changed the profession of the navigator of the Fleet on the profession of Athlete. It was all the way from the fairs and "Balagans of living wonders" - to large circuses and championships in French wrestling. He is attention! - was a permanent winner of contests for the best athletic figure, taking in childhood an example from Athlete Emil Fossa, who went to the arena in silk triko and leopard skins. The first workouts started at home with the irons, which he tied to the semi's swing.

Trick. The wings set several world records. In the "Fortsky Bridge" position, he squeezed with two hands 134 kg, left hand - 114.6 kg. Pour in the "Soldiers rack": Left hand 86 times in a row lifted a two-domed weight. The ancestor of spectacular tricks, which then repeated other athletes, and today paratroopers: bending the rail on the shoulders, passing a car by body, raising the platform with a horse and rider. Showing athletic numbers, the wings commented fun. And his replicas always differed persuasive. For example, when he broke the stones with a fist, he invariably appealed to the public with such words: "Gentlemen, if you think that there is fallen in this room, then I can break this stone with a fist on the head of anyone who wants from the public." The practice could easily go to theory ... and read a lecture on physical culture.


6. Alexander Zass (1888 - 1962). Man-Samson

Alexander Zassa's father was just that man who could enter the circus against the arrival of the strongman and win the battle. It is not surprising that Alexander got into the circus and took up everyone at once: air gymnastics, Djigitovka, struggle. In 1914 killed world War And Alexandra called on the Army in 180 the Windows Cavalry regiment.

The second half of the XIX century and the entire XX century passed under the sign of Russian warns. No country gave an on-mountain as much as the Russian Empire.

Here are the most famous of them:

The captain of the frigate "Rafail" Vasily Lukin, the hero of the Afonov battle during the war of Russia and Turkey, as if in the plasticine, pressed the nails in the ship wall in one finger and could hold a powder cannon on an elongated hand. In one of the fights with English sailors, a fist was eager to death six britt!

"Russian Samson" Alexander Zass, a native of Saransk, was not like a classic strongman, because From nature was not endowed with high growth and huge weight - 167.5 cm and 80 kg, respectively, and biceps in comparison with "balls" Milyah Schwarzenegger and looked at all the teenagers - 41 cm. However, the owner of such modest anthropometric data was considered to be the most powerful person His time.

In the eyes of the crowd of Zewak, through Samson, which splashed on a cobblestone pavement, moved a loaded truck loaded with coal (favorite dealer). He easily raised the teeth with the iron beam-rocker, at the ends of which two dozen assistant were sitting (the total weight of the "design" - 265 kg), carried a piano with a pianist and a dancer, which carries onto the lid.

Known a wonderful case that happened to him during World War II. Alexander, who served in the cavalry regiment, returned from intelligence. 500 meters to Russian positions Austrian bullet wounded his horse. Scout and did not think to throw a combat comrade, and, having sangs along with his tender for his shoulders, the march of rough terrain made it into the location of his regiment.

Peter Krylov - "King of Girus" - squeezed 114.6 kg with her left hand and brcked the rails on the shoulders.

Gregory Katchev at the ideas raised a 640-kilogram beam on the belt.

Volzhanin Nikandr Vakhturov, a student of the Great Ivan Poddubny, moved a 32-kilogram weight through the railway carriage. He wrote about him: "It is not even superman, but ichthyozavr, and moreover, double pyruettes." On the wrestling ring literally pressed the opponent's sick.

The list of Russian strongmen can be continued to infinity. That was the Renaissance of Russian Vityazy.

Poddubny - Champions Champion

With the name Ivan Maximovich Poddubny (1871 - 1949) the whole era is connected in the history of domestic and global sports. In 1903, the poddubny became an outstanding specialist of the French struggle. Possessing a huge force, he in 1905 in Paris won the world title among professionals' wrestlers. Over the years, he confirmed this title. 33 years in a row, no one was inferior to the poddny belt of the world champion in combating.

Representing the audience public, the arbitrators were solemnly proclaimed: "To participate in the championship, the champion of world champions Ivan Maximovich Poddubny arrived. Thunder applause on the playpen went out Russian Bogatyr in black wrestling trico.

Ivan Poddubny - and that says it all!

45 years of life he spent on the wrestling carpet. In 56, he last became absolute champion World fighting among professionals.

Ivan Poddubny left the circus arena at the age of 70 at the insistence of doctors.

Phenomenon Ivan Zaicina

Russian Bogatyr Ivan Zaicin (1880 - 1948) demonstrated his phenomenal force on the circus arenats. That's how one of his speeches took place. Ten people put in a circus marine anchor weighing 25 pounds. Then the athlete Ivan Zaicin comes out, it easily throws an anchor on the shoulders and rushes with him in a circle of the arena.

Another powerful number, more complex and heavy: Assistants laid the rail or a height beam on Ivan's shoulders as a rocker. Then at each end of the rail, 10-15 people were hung. Soon the rail appeared great deflection.

In one of the Museums of Paris, Ivan Zaicina is still keen: the rail belated into it in the ring.

One against 22.

The famous Russian athlete Ivan Shemyakin (1879 - 1953) held a one-of-a-kind match with 22 fans fighters with a guarantee that no more than one minute would fight every minute. The match was held in one evening without rest and break. Ivan Shemyakin spent on the carpet 22 of the contractions in 18 minutes 48 seconds, putting everyone on the blade and spending for each less than one minute.

"King of Giru"

The Russian athlete Peter Wovlov (1871 - 1933), which was called the King of Girus, was low growth, but the relief and the volume of his muscles were struck by imagination. Performing unique tricks, Peter has a fun talking to the audience. On a special platform raised a horse with a rider. Then on the platform was placed two dozen people. Slay, putting on the shoulders of the straps, lifted this colossal cargo. Then the wrist of the fist broke some large cobblestones, broke the horseshoes.

Bogatyr Yakuba Chekhovsky

One of the honorary places in the history of Russian weightlifting is on the name of Athlete Yakby Chekhovsky. Back in the gymnasium years, Yakuba hit peers and teachers with their exceptional force.

Later, the wrestler-warrior victoriously performed in numerous championships in French wrestling.

But the greatest success Chekhovsky achieved in strength exercise With a lively weight, where he was truly equal. So, through the mighty chest athlete was driving three trucks with the public, on his shoulders 40 people flex a hex beam or six-inch rail.

Making a "bridge", he kept 10 people on him, put the platform on his chest, which was located a brass orchestra from 30 musicians. He threw up the six two-domed Girus and caught them on the chest.

Chekhovsky demonstrated a sensational power number: he carried in a circle on one stretched up six soldiers guards RegimentFor which he was awarded an honorary "gold belt". This power number has not yet managed to repeat any athlete in the world.

In the early 1920s, Yakuba Chekhovsky was led by a sport in the Petrograd Military District. Last years Life I. Chekhovsky was on a well-deserved rest, being a personal pensioner.

He died in 1941 in Leningrad.

It is appropriate to bring the physical attribute data: height - 180 centimeters, weight - 125 kilograms, breast volume - 138 centimeters, neck - 52 centimeters, biceps - 50 centimeters.

Put piles for dam

In the last century, on the Volga, he was famous for his extraordinary force Burlak Nikita Lomovsky. In Astrakhan, he put the piles for the dam and one scored their cast-iron women, which eight people barely raised.

Iron Samson

Several decades from the circus billboard did not see the name of Aleksandra Zassa athlete, who spent under the pseudonym Samson.

Here, for example, the text of the puzzle of the Russian Solub Samson during performances in England: "Samson offers 25 pounds sterling to the one who will beat him with a leg of a fist in the stomach. It is allowed to take part in boxers professionals. The prize is 5 pounds sterling is given to those who will be offered in the horseshoe iron rod. "

Famous English boxer who tried his power during Samson's speech, damaged him abdominal Press wrist. And the rod, about which was discussed, was an impressive rod of a square section with a thickness of 1.3 centimeters and a length of a quarter of a meter. In addition to Samson, no one managed to even slightly bend such a rod.

In 1938, in the English city of Sheffield, in the eyes of the crowd, a truck was brought by coal, a man who flewed on a cobblestone pavement. People screamed from horror, but at the next second, exclamations rang out: "Hooray Samson!", "Siva Russian Samson!"

The repertoire of the power numbers of Alexander Zassa was diverse. For example, he wore Piano playing a musician and dancer on Maneja. The total weight of his Noshi was about 700 kilograms.

Iron Samson caught a 30-kilogram kernel with hands, which was shot from a circular gun from a distance of 8 meters, drunk from the floor kept a metal beam with the assistants sitting at its ends. On the platform, two dozen people raised, lying naked back on a blackboard, covered with nails, held a stone with a weight of 500 kilograms on his chest. On the shoulders of the Cass on a special rocker, he wore two lions by the arena.

Shoulder pushed the steam locomotive

A steam locomotive has failed on the Perm-Tyumen Railway, which could not move back or ahead. In this regard, one of the Perm newspapers reported that on July 10, 1905, the local athlete Fyodor Lesov moved his shoulder of a car tradesomos and passenger train on the ferry of Shaytanka - Anatolskaya (steam locomotive number 456). It happened on the 355th miles.

One little man

The Russian Atlet Nikolai Turbas showed an amazing power number: he raised one mother's little one from the floor to the knee of three adult men connected by a towel.

Winner of Lviv

In July 1907, the Ukrainian Bogatyr, the circus fighter of Terrentei Root gave an unusual representation in the circus of the American city of Chicago. He calmly entered the cage with a huge lion. Predator rapidly rushed per person. Claws and fangs "King Beasts" dug into the body of an athlete. But the root terrentines, overcoming inhuman pain, raised the lion with a powerful jerk over his head and threw on the sand with a huge force. A few seconds, the lion was dead, and Terente The root won the only award of a big gold medal with the inscription "Winner of Lviv".

Killed a bull blow to a fist

The Russian athlete Pavel Kasyanov, speaking on the Arena of the Madrid Circus, agreed to come to martial arts with a bull without a sword and floss. In the presence of a thousand spectators Paul, having imagined the moment, a furious bull killed in one blow to the fist.

Flip with garish

William Moor Znamensky (1877 - 1928), Russian professional athlete, performed record power numbers. For example, he made a flipper with two-domed weights in each hand. Squeezed right hand Two double giri, putting them alone on another.

Man - "Lifting Crane"

A former employee of the Yaroslavl Rubber Combine Alexander Vladimirovich Glykina profession was simply called: strongman. More than once, he saved plants and factories from long downtime and large losses.

According to Sergo Ordzhonikidze, he was directed to work on particularly important enterprises that were built and reconstructed in the 1930s. It is difficult to imagine that a person raises the load from the ground into one ton, wearing up to 40 pounds on the shoulders, moving, gravity up to five tons, replaces one whole team of rigging.

But what then wrote about him a multi-gun "Red Putilovts":

"Many workers will never forget such an exceptional case. Recently, a lifting crane was broken in the steel workshop, which moved the shape for casting steel. Each half of such a form weighs one ton. There were only 11 tons. Critical position in the workshop is a big breakthrough. Who can raise such heaviness besides the lifting crane? It turned out that it may not be a lifting crane, but ... man. Invited Glykina. Two hours of form were transferred. "

Two-pate "Toy"

In 1948, the All-Union Protection Competition was announced in the USSR. The conditions of the competition were very simple. It could participate every citizen who has reached 18 years old. The winner was to be the one who would raise a two-domed gircling above himself on an elongated hand the greatest number time. Chernomorets Anatoly Protopopov installed a fantastic record, raising a weight of 1002 times.

The first world champion

Grigory Novak (1919 - 1980) was the first Soviet athlete who became the world champion in weightlifting. European Champion (1947), eight-round champion Soviet Union (1940 - 1951) Novak set 23 records of the world and 86 Records of the USSR. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR and ... Honored Artist of the USSR.

Pyramid Dicule

Valentin Ivanovich Dikul (born 1947) - an outstanding athlete of our time. He performed two unique power numbers on the circus arena: held on his body a metal "pyramid" weighing one ton, and on the back - the car "Volga" (the load was 1570 kilograms).

The uniqueness of these numbers is also that they performed their athlete after the spinal injury. Almost seven years he could not move. With the help of simulators of its own design, it was able to restore the previous form. Now V. I. Dikul is headed by a center for the rehabilitation of patients with the spinal injury and the consequences of cerebral paralysis.

Mighty jerk

On June 22, 1992, the worker of the Livensky aggregate plant (Oryol region) Alexander Simakhin (born 1954) established an unusual record at the city holiday. For 2 hours and 40 minutes, he made a dyeing weight giri 3130 times. The weight of the record holder is 87 kilograms of 100 grams.

By winning yourself

On May 1, 1990, the 43-year-old miner of the Vorkuta Mine "Vorgashorskaya" Viktor Talents in the presence of a competent sports commission raised a pudded gury by a jerk - by sports rules - 2500 times (alternately right and left hand). At the same time, the hih never touched the earth. For the establishment of the record went 2 hours 48 minutes. Registration of achievements was carried out in the open air at a temperature of +2 degrees Celsius.

Victor began to play sports (with a jokes) when he turned 33 years old, and hares sports He got carried away in just three years before his record.

Growth of Victor 170 centimeters with weight 70 kilograms.

On March 15, 1992, V.Talatsev broke his record: he raised his pudded girches by a jerk for 3 hours 15 minutes. So the landing marked his 45th anniversary.

Shifted the tractor and truck

Gennady Ivanovich Ivanov - Russian Bogatyr from the city of Locan of the Pskov region (height of 184 centimeters, weight 138 kilograms) at 33, October 22, 1989 at the Torpedo stadium in Moscow Rodtul from the place of tractor K-750 "Kirovets" in the coupling with a car Zil- 130 total weight of 18 tons.

On May 9, 1990, Strontul from the place covered together buses "Ikarus" and Laz, the total weight of which is 21 tons. On a specially manufactured design, I broke off the platform at which there were 11 people with a total weight of 833 kilograms and went with this weight eight steps. In addition, Gennady performs other power numbers: breaks the deck of cards for eight parts, bends nails, etc.

38 tons of hand in hand

Sports veteran from the Karelian town of Belomorsk V.Efimov elected a kind of protest against the weak development of physical education in the republic. In the summer of 1991, he undertook to overcome the core weighing 2.5 kilogram from one hand to another. In one hour, the record holder made 15 thousand 350 shots, "rear" thus thus 38 tons of metal.

In the rod - one and a half tons

Anatoly Ivanovich Samodimov - Silal from the city of Serpukhov in the Moscow region in March 1990, he dismissed the rod from the ground weighing more than one and a half tons. Then he was 52 years old. His height is 164 centimeters, weight 70 kilograms.

Woman shifts the bus

Lydia Nikolaevna Rybakova - Spouse A. I. Samodumova (its weight - 68 kilograms). The man's way she broke 900 kilograms from the ground. March 4, 1990, at the age of 33, stronal from the location of the LAZ bus with 48 passengers in the cabin total weighing 10 tons of 850 kilograms.

"King of nails"

40-year-old Ivan Veniaminovich jestes from Izhevsk is considered to be the heir of the famous Samson. It is sometimes called "man with iron hands." For 12 years, he performed in a circus as a professional power artist.

Performed unique power rooms with nails, for which he was called "king of nails." From 200-mm nails, he, for example, knits ... Sea knots, palm scores nails. The "king of nails" raises the meager weight of a 64 kilogram weighing 64 kilograms, juggles with heavy weights and barbell, freely bends into the arc scrap, tear the iron chains.

New Russian warriors came to replace the former heroes. Names olympic champions - Super heavy weights, Zhabotinsky, Alekseeva, Chimerkin worldwide are well known. Together they set over 150 world records!

To become men and our beauty-Slavs, about which the poet wrote "in the burning hut will be included, the horse will stop the horse."

The plane leads on a leash

20-year-old Svetlana Gavrilina from Serpukhov in December 1991 shifted a 40-ton Tu-134 at Sheremetyevo airport. The plane, which Light pulled for the "leash" tied to the front chassis, moved first by 10 centimeters, then 20, then on the meter ...

Before his record, Svetlana was engaged in the ... ballet. Growth its 164 centimeters, weight of 56 kilograms. The meeting with Serpukhovsky weightlifts Anatoly Samodimov and Lidia Rybakova led to her ballot machine to the rod. Six months, the training of light has already confidently raised 500 kilograms on the belt, after a year - pinned on the belt of the neck, on which 7 adults were sitting.

The teenager Varya Akulov broke off the ground with a weight of 350 kg.

Lydia Rybakova, with his own weight of 68 kg in 1990, collided from the place and dragged the bus with passengers on the road (10 tons of 850 kg) on \u200b\u200bthe road (10 tons 850 kg)!

And Svetlana Gavrilina from Serpukhov 20 years old from the genus with a height of 164 cm and weighing 56 kg moved 40-ton TU-334 from space.

In general, the nephew on the sighs of Uncle from Borodino about the already had a full right to argue that and today the Earth did not attend the power of the Bogatyr.

Among the educational publications dedicated to the European Middle Ages, the book G.G. Cenigsberger is a mansion. The author analyzes the events that occurred in countries of both Western and Eastern Europe, closely linking them with those processes in social and cultural life, which developed in Byzantium, Islamic world and Central Asia Europe in 400-1500. In Cenigsberger, this is not the "dark century", but a very dynamic period, at the end of which a system of values \u200b\u200bhas been formed, which has enormous influence on all countries of the world. The book "Medieval Europe, ...

Argonauts Middle Ages Vladislav Darkevich

The book talks about traveling in the VII-XIII centuries., On the difficulties of distant wanderings and their overcoming, about the desire of the people of that era to push the boundaries of the world famous. Medieval landlords transferred from the country to the country of belief, fashion, craft traditions, works of art and monuments of writing. Their activities contributed to the mutual enrichment of cultures, the creation of a certain unity of the medieval culture of Eurasia. The author attracts extensive material from the field of literature, archeology, art history, which testifies ...

Civilization of the medieval West Jacques Le Hoff

This publication was implemented with the participation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France and the French Embassy in Moscow. Author of the book, one of the leading representatives of the Annal School, is attempted compressed, but it is extremely bright and convincingly to characterize the main features of medieval civilization. The author's focus is the space and time in the life and perception of the then population of Europe, its material life, the characteristics of their social system and, most importantly, the analysis of their mentality, collective psychology, ways to feel and ...

The daily life of medieval monks ... Leo Moulin

The world of monks inspired for centuries and formed civilization of the European Middle Ages. As you know, our contemporaries about the daily lives of monasticism, how they prayed, how they were preparing for death, what they read what they were fed, how did they sleep? Leo Moulin is a recognized specialist in the field of history and sociology of religion. He studied a lot of various sources: chronicles and collections of customs, the epistles of the founders of the orders and the lives of saints, as well as scientific Laborsdevoted to this issue. The author convincingly shows how, ...

Multician Middle Ages A. Ivanov

"Times are not chosen ..." The Middle Ages now see the "dark epoch", distant and incomprehensible. But we will be transferred to the imagination for seven centuries ago, we will pass through the noisy streets and the squares of the medieval city, the eyes of the surrounding meadows and arable land, look under the arches of the ancient, majestic castles - and we will see that in this difficult time under the heavy garbage of the Inquisition, Yaa! Zn That behind this veil hides a whole layer of culture, so much who gave us to far away. The book includes the work of the director of the Imperial Nikolaev Tsarskostsky ...

Worship of Magi as a reflection of real ... Yaroslav Kesler

The phenomenon "Worshilation of Magi" (otherwise called three eastern kings) It is directly related to the history of the appearance of Christianity. An extensive, well illustrated review on this issue is presented in the book of Nosovsky and A. Fomenko "Reconstruction of Universal History". However, this review does not include a book containing unique information about "worship of Magi" as a reflection of real medieval events and published in Russian in 1998: John Hildesheim's "Legend of the Three Holy Kings".

Another story of the Middle Ages. From antiquity ... Dmitry Kalyuzhny

Striking facts and unexpected conclusions: "Simple schemes" of traditional history are scattered, opening a new, unknown past of humanity. The authors, using a huge amount of actual material, offer new versions of the history of the Middle Ages, Straighten the thought of the reader, and the heart freezes waiting for new insights. The book continues the project "Chronotron", which caused increased interest among readers.

Autumn Middle Ages Johan Hasing

Hasing J. Autumn Middle Ages / Per. From the Netherlands D. V. Sylvestrov. - 5th ed.; viewed by a translator. - (library of cultural history). ISBN 5-8112-0728-X The book of the Netherlands Historian of the culture of Yohan Hezinggi, first published in 1919, withstood more than two dozen editions in his homeland, was transferred to many languages \u200b\u200band became an outstanding cultural phenomenon of the twentieth century. In Russia, it turns out the third, corrected publication with a detailed scientific apparatus. "Autumn Middle Ages" considers the sociocultural phenomenon of the late Middle Ages with detailed ...

Essays of the history of medieval Novgorod Vladimir Yanin

Medieval Novgorod has always attracted the attention of researchers. For some, he was revered as the homeland of the Russian monarchy. For others, he became a symbol of republican aspirations and the cradle of the evening democracy. Large-scale archaeological studies of Novgorod in recent decades many times multiplied the sum of the sources on the history of this city and the state. The discovery of birchy literacy, the number of which is approaching today to 1000, allowed to hear the voices of Novgorod who lived in the XI-XV centuries, and solve many problems that were previously controversial. ...

Monetary Systems of the Domongolian Rus ... Vladimir Yanin

The book is devoted to the study of the monetary circulation of ancient Russia to the medieval era. The first part of the publication is the monetary system of the Russian Middle Ages, published in 1956 and has long become a bibliographic rarity. The second part contains articles reflecting the history and processes of formation and development of the NOVGOROD monetary system in the X-XIV centuries, as well as the organization of Novgorod Mint Chekan in the XV-XVII centuries. The book is intended for numismatists, historians, archaeologists and all those interested in numismatics. In the design ...

Influence of Islam on medieval Europe William Watt

The popular essay of the medieval Islam, his contacts with the culture of medieval Europe is written by the famous English Islammith based on the analysis of sources and with the involvement of the latest research. When Arab studies, Arab thought, Arabic essays are in full, it becomes clear that without Arabs, European science and philosophy would not be able to develop at such a pace. They not only retained the lives of science, which were comprehended, but also expanded their range. When the Europeans became serious about the 1100th of the Europeans ...

History of philosophy. Antique and medieval ... Vladislav Tatarkevich

"The history of philosophy" ll. Tatarkevich (1886-1980), Academician Pan, a well-known Polish historian of philosophy, specialist in ethics and aesthetics, withstood more than ten publications in his country and is a popular textbook on the history of European philosophical thought. The book is characterized by encyclopedic, clarity and ease of language, contains the original concept of the development of historical and philosophical knowledge. It is translated into many European languages, published in the USA and China. In Russian published for the first time. It is recommended to teachers and students of the highest ...

Medieval novel and the story of Crytien de Troa

In our submission about the Middle Ages, the figure of the knight - invariably in the foreground. Crusades and knight tournaments, worship of excellent ladies and loyalty to knightly duty and the word - all this can be leaning from the medieval novels of the XI and in the XII centuries.

Narget medieval civilization Western ... Natalia Basovskaya

Record program from the "Academia" cycle. The largest Russian medievalist, doctor of historical sciences, Professor Natalia Ivanovna Basovskaya talks about the birth of the Middle Ages, about how society could appear, culture, civilization, which no one planned, no one predicted.

Chan-Buddhism and culture of mental activity ... N. Abaev

In the monograph on the material of a wide range of original Chinese sources, a poorly studied reservoir of the medieval Chinese culture is investigated, which is first highlighted by the author as an independent object of study, the role of Chan Buddhism in its formation is shown. The characteristic features of the culture of mental activity in Chan Buddhism are analyzed, its contribution to the development of traditional psychoculture in medieval China is investigated, its applied importance in the psychophysical training of a person to extreme conditions of activity is considered ...

People who differ from the majority inevitably attract the attention of others to themselves, especially if they are highlighted by physical force.
Bogatyrs - have always been in honor of all peoples: the defenders of the land of their own, wrestlers for the truth, warriors of good. And the root of this word in Russian hints for the gift from over, from God.

Hans Steyer (Bavaria, 1849-1906), standing on two chairs, raised the middle finger (it was shifted in the ring) 16 pounds. Successful to the audience used his "live horizontal bar": the Shtteyer kept the rod of 70 pounds in front of him (31.7 kg), on which he did gymnastic exercises His son, weighing 90 pounds (40.8 kg).
Sleeping Steyer and his mind. His cane Weighed 40 pounds (18 kg), a tobackerka, which he held on his palm treating friends, weighed 100 pounds (45 kg). Sometimes he put on the head of the cylinder weighing 75 pounds (34 kg) and, having come to the cafe, left it on the table, then asked the waiter to bring its cylinder (Recall: 1 pound Russian \u003d 409 g; pound trade \u003d 453 g; 1 Pound \u003d 16.38 kg).

At the beginning of the XVII century, the athle Tom Tofan was very popular in England. Middle growth is proportionally folded, it easily disappeared from the ground with hands the stones weighing up to 24 pounds (393 kg), the iron kochergu tied around the neck, as a scarf, and in 1741 on the square, overcrowded by the audience, raised with the help of straps, worn on the shoulders, Three water barrels weighing 50 pounds (819 kg).

In 1893, a competition was held in New York for the title of "World Champion of Lifting." The contest was the strongest athletes of the time. Louis Sir arrived from Canada, from Europe - Evgeny Sandov. American James Walter Kennedy twice raised the iron core weighing 36 pounds of 24.5 pounds (almost 601 kg), pulling it off from a 4 inches. None of the athletes could repeat this number. Mounted record It turned out to be fatal for a 33-year-old athlete: he was relieved and after that he was forced to speak only with the demonstration of musculature. A athlete died at 34 years old.

Sergey Eliseev

The world record holder Russian athlete Sergey Eliseev took a weight of 61 kg to the right hand, raised it up, then slowly lowered on a straight hand to the side and held a hand with a hand with a horizontal position for a few seconds. Three times in a row, he pulled two unrelated two-domed weights with one hand.

Ivan Poddubny

Ivan Maksimovich Poddubny ("Champion of Champions", 1871-1949) possessed a great physical force. They say that on one elongated hand he could hold three people. Do not train specifically in athletic rooms, he raised to biceps - purely, without chitting - 120 kg! His wrestling career was very long - in 66 he was still on the carpet. Despite the fact that he met with the strongest fighters of his time, died, and without having been on the blades. The overall weight of the medals received is over 2 pounds.

The Estonian Sullet's Huge Success Champion Georgu Lurich brought not only records, but also the harmony and beauty of the physique. He has repeatedly posed such sculptors as Roden and Adamson. The sculpture of the last "champion" was awarded the first prize at the World Exhibition in America in 1904.
On the arena, Lurich showed the following numbers: standing on the wrestling bridge, he endured four men on himself, and in his hands at that time he held a bar in 7 pounds. On one hand held five people, kept the hands of two camels pulling in opposite sides. I raised the right hand of a 105 kg bar and holding it at the top, I took the left from the floor of I 34 kg and raised up.

Ivan Mikhailovich Zaicin (1880-1949)

The famous Russian athlete, wrestler, one of the first Russian pilots. The athletic rooms of Zaicina caused sensation. Foreign newspapers wrote: "Zaicin is Shalyapin of Russian muscles." In 1908, Zaicin toured in Paris. After the athlet speech in front of the circus on a special platform, torn to the Zaician chains was exhibited, bevelled on his shoulders, "bracelets" and "ties", tied to them from strip iron. Some of these exhibits were acquired by Paris Kunstkamera and were demonstrated along with other woundings. Zaicin wore 25-powder anchor on his shoulders, raised a long bar on his shoulders, to which ten people sat down, and began to rotate her ("Living Carousel"), on his shoulders, he was bought a hectic beam.

Grigory Kashcheev

Huge strength was this man. Almost in the soot of growth (218 cm), kashev, whether he is a foreigner, earning a lot of money, surpassing the strength of all foreign giants. In 1906, he first met with world-class fighters. It became friends with Zaicin, who helped him go to a large arena. Soon, Kashchev put on the blades of all the famous storm, and in 1908, along with the poddubny and Zaicin, it goes to Paris to the World Championship. With the victory they returned our warriors to their homeland. It seemed that the real wrestling career of Kashcheev began, but he still threw and returned to his village.

Ivan Shemyakin (1877-1952)

In 1905, huge billboards were conquered on the streets of Paris, which heated that "the terrible Russian Cossack Shemyakin raises six Japanese with one hand." The posters were mistaken in one: although Ivan was dressed in a Cossack suit, but it did not belong to this brave tribe. In general, it was his first overseas tour, and it passed with a triumph. Several nights in a row, along with athletic numbers, demonstrated a power trick on a top-on-day topic (after all, there was a Russian-Japanese war in full swing), she lifted six uniformists, closed in Japanese costumes.

Louis Sir - "American Miracle", (1863-1912).
This strongest man of the American continent hit his dimensions. With a height of 176 cm, he had a weight of 133 kg, breast volume 147 cm, 55 cm biceps. Curious the case that happened to the 22-year-old Louis in Montreal, where he served as a police officer: Once he brought into a plot of two hooligans, holding them under the mouse. After this incident, at the insistence of friends, he began to deal with the development of force and speak with athletic numbers in which for a long time did not know competitors. He raised 26 pounds to his knees with one hand (425.8 kg), raised a platform with 14 adult men on his shoulders. Held in front of him on an extended hand for 5 seconds a load of 143 pounds (64.8 kg).

The French Athlet Apollo (Louis Yuni) with one hand raised five weights of 20 kg in each. I raised the rod weighing 165 kg with a vulture, a thickness of 5 cm. Only 20 years after Apollo, this barbell (axis from the trolley) was able to raise the 1924 champion of the Olympic Games Charles Rigulo, who, by the way, belongs to the world record in the jerk right hand - 116 kg . In the famous trick "Liberation from the Cell" Apollo, the thickens of a thick rods moved and left the cage.

Evgeny Sandov

Evgeny Sandov enjoyed great popularity among the British (Frederick Miller, 1867-1925). He was called "sorcerer's posture" and "the strongest person." Having a weight of no more than 80 kg, he set the world record, squeezed with one hand of 101.5 kg. I made flip back, holding 1.5 pounds in each hand. For four minutes he could spray on his hands 200 times. In 1911, the King of England Georg V assigned Sandow's title of professor of physical development.
Golden figurine depicting Sandov, was awarded the winner
athletic contest 1901 (now she is awarded to the winner of Mr. Olympia). In 1930, one of his numerous books called "Bodybuilding", giving the name this sport in all English-speaking countries.

Alexander Ivanovich Zass

Russian athlete, better known as Samson, or Iron Samson.
Here are some of his achievements:
Hung one foot to the crane, the teeth kept the metal beam, while they moved to the top of the building with a lifting crane. Carried a 300-kg horse about half a kilometer. Transferred a piano with a pianist and a dancer located on the lid. Lying naked back on a blackboard, covered with nails, kept a stone on a blessing of 500 kg weighing 500 kg, according to which those who wish from the public beat with sledgehames. Take the shin of one leg in a rope loop fixed under the circus dome, held a platform with a piano and a pianist in the teeth. I caught my hands a 9-kilogram kernel, departing from a circular gun with 8 m. He took off from the floor and kept in the teeth a metal beam with the assistants sitting at its ends. In the famous attraction "Man-shell" caught his hands an assistant, departing from a circular gun and described over a 12-meter trajectory over the arena. Ruptured with fingers of the chains link; I scored a nails in an unprotected palm in 3-inch boards, and then pulled them out, wrapped the hat with an index finger.

Georg Gakkenshmidt ("Russian Lion") - World Champion in Combating and Recordsman of the World Heavy Athletics, squeezed the rod weighing 122 kg with one hand. I took in each hand the dumbbells of 41 kg and bred straight hands horizontally to the sides. I squeezed on the wrestling bridge the rod weighing 145 kg. Graca arms crossed on his back raised 86 kg from deeply. Nowadays, this exercise is known as the "Gauak exercise" or simply "GAAK". Already 82-year-old Gakkenshmidt jumped over the rope stretched on the backs of two chairs, pushing out the floor with two legs at the same time.

Yakub Chekhovskaya

In 1913, in the weightlifactic competitions in Petrograd, in the former Mikhailovskaya Maneza, Yakuba Chekhov's athlete showed a sensational power trick - he carried the six soldiers of the Guards Regiment on one hand, for which he was awarded an honorary "gold belt". This record number has not yet managed to repeat any athlete in the world. Chekhovsky demonstrated him constantly in his speeches. No less amazing and other athlete numbers. Making a "bridge", Yakuba Chekhovskaya kept ten people on himself. It was installed on his breast, which was located a brass orchestra from 30 musicians. On an athlet's shoulders, 40 people fucked a dual-level metal beam. Through his breasts were driving 3 trucks with the public. During the service in the hussar shelf wearing a horse on his shoulders, weighing 400 kg.

Peter Wings ("King of Giri").

One of the strongest athletes of the beginning of our century. Love for the circus forced him to change the profession of the navigator of the merchant fleet on the athlet profession. It was not easy to the way of a young strongman. Initially, he performed in Balagans, traveled on the fairs of provincial cities, where several times a day not only demonstrated athletic rooms, but also fought on belts with lovers from the public. Soon the name of the Krylov becomes famous - he begins to perform in large circuses, where his ideas enjoy tremendous success. Along with the demonstration of the power tricks of the wings, he performed in the French struggle championships and won prizes, and in contests for the best athletic figure I invariably received the first prizes.
Peter Wings set several world records. In the "Fortsky Bridge" position, he squeezed 134 kg with two hands, left hand - 114.6 kg. Pym in the soldier's rack with the left hand of two-domed weights - 86 times in a row. Created a number of athletic numbers that have received widespread: bending the rail on the shoulders, the passage of the car by the body of the athlete. He was a passionate propagandist physical culture. I read lectures about athletic sports.

Nikolai Vakhturov

Nizhny Novgorod Bogatyr.
"Nikolai Vakhturov! - and from the" parade ", smiling gently, the colossal figure of the Nizhny Novgorod hero, the spontaneous wrestler. In the middle of nature and temperament - transferred to us in the XX century the epic Vaslayev Vaslaev. This is embodied in the muscular body" Idea of \u200b\u200bNatika " . The reckless Russian wrestler breaking all who falls into his arms. Even a very discreet parter is broken down by applause, which are transferred to the gallery to the real storm, "the" Hercules "magazine (1913) wrote about him.
Sometimes the watches showed the power tricks: blending the horseshoes, wore the cargo weighing 24 ponds, and a two-pudded girc was thrown through a railway car.
So entered the history of Russian sports world champion, student Ivan Poddubny Nikolai Vakhturov.

Williams Moor-Znamensky (Alexander Znamensky, 1877-1928), Moscow.

Professional circus athlete, performed record power numbers: I did a flip with two-pudders in each hand, I wore a piano with a tapper on my back, I kept a platform with an orchestra, stalling with a wrestling bridge 132 kg, squeezed two two-puddow, putting them one on another. Contained a paid arena. Possessed an attractive appearance and a powerful figure: height 170 cm, weight 88 kg, rib cage 118 cm, waist 82cm, neck 46, biceps 43, caviar 40, thigh 61 cm.

Vladislav Pratlyasinsky (1863-1933), Petersburg, Warsaw.

The pupil of Kraevsky, himself became professional trainer - In 1898, he opened a paid athletic school in St. Petersburg, and in 1911 - in Odessa. Successfully performed in the international championships of fighters and athletes. I achieved highly at the time of the results: the right hand squeezed 98 kg, pushed two 115 kg, without binding, pulled two two-loud weighting weights with one hand, moved with weight of 175 kg. Its dimensions 1903: height 184 cm, weight 105 kg, biceps 44 cm, neck 46, chest 128, thigh 69, caviar 44 cm.

In 1807, Captain D.A. was killed in the battle with the Turks Lukin, nicknamed Fleet "Russian Hercules". Eyewitnesses describe his victory with 12 sailors over the crowd of several hundred people. He easily broke the horseshoes, he could keep the powdered kernels in the open hands, pressed his finger to the nails into the wall.

"Petersburg Listka" of July 3, 1893 wrote about a certain Ivan Chekunov, who in the presence of a crowd of the people freely raised anvil weighing 35 pounds (560 kg).