"Physical culture and sports in Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Presentation

Slide 2: Content:

Modern condition of FC and Sports. FZ No. 329-FZ "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation". 2. The activity of FC in various spheres of life. 3. Values \u200b\u200bof FC. Physical education Personality. 4. The main provisions of the organization of physical education in the higher educational institution.

Slide 3.

The term "FC" appeared in late XIX. Century in England during the rapid formation of modern sports, but did not find widespread in the West and with time almost disappeared from every time. In Russia, on the contrary, entering from the beginning of the 20th century, after the 1917 revolution, the term "FC" received his recognition in all high Soviet institutions and firmly entered the scientific and practical lexicon. In 1918, the Institute of Physical Culture was opened in Moscow, in 1919, the Universia was held in physical culture, since 1922, a physical culture magazine was published, and from 1925 to present - the magazine "Theory and Practice of Physical Culture". Today a number of theorists dispute the feasibility of using the term "FC". One of the arguments "Against" is that in most countries of the world, this term is generally absent in the scientific lexicon (the exception of the country of Eastern Europe, in which the development of physical culture and sports for more than half a century was conducted in the image and likeness of the Soviet system). In this regard, the leading Russian scientists of sports are sometimes spoken by polar opinions on future use in science. "Physical Culture" concept: Some believe that this term should be fully replaced by the concept of "Sport" to adopted worldwide Others consider the scientific definition of physical culture "step forward" compared with Western Sports Science

Slide 4: the current state of FC and Sports FZ No. 329-FZ "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation"

In accordance with paragraph 26 of Art. 2 of the Federal Law of December 4, 2007 No. 329-FZ "On Physical Culture and Sports in Russian Federation»Physical culture is part common culture, which is a set of values, norms and knowledge created and used by society in order to physical and intellectual development of human abilities, improving its motor activity (yes) and the formation of a healthy lifestyle (s), social adaptation by physical education (FV), physical training (FP) and physical development (FR). The current state of FC and Sports FZ No. 329-FZ "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation"

Slide 5.

Physical culture, being one of the faces of the general culture of man, his healthy lifestyle, largely determines the behavior of a person in studies, in production, in everyday life, in communication, contributes to the solution of socio-economic, educational and wellness problems. Caring for the development of FC and Sports - should be the most important part of the social policy of the state, ensuring the incarnation of humanistic ideals, values \u200b\u200band standards that open a wide space for identifying people's abilities, satisfying their interests and needs, intensifying the human factor. In the physical education and sports field, through the variety of its organizational forms, personal and public interests are maximally balanced and approached, it contributes to a human longevity, family cohesion, the formation of a healthy, moral and psychological climate in various socio-demographic groups and in the country as a whole, a decrease in injuries, morbidity .

Slide 6: Physical Culture Concept

It is the widest, collective and multifaceted in the sector under consideration. To date, there are dozens of definitions of this concept, many of which differ significantly from each other. For a deeper and proper idea of \u200b\u200bthe content of this concept it is advisable to compare with the concept of "culture". Culture is presented in the results of the material and spiritual activity of a person. A person will know the culture recorded in spiritual and material values, acts in a social environment as a carrier of cultural values, creates new values \u200b\u200bnecessary for the development of the culture of subsequent generations.

Slide 7.

In this regard, physical culture should be considered as a combination of organically interrelated parts, each of which has its own goal, tasks, functions, to such parts include the following: physical education, sports, physical recreation And motor rehabilitation.

Slide 8: Phenomenon: Physical Education

Physical education (FV) is a process aimed at raising the personality, the development of human physical abilities, the acquisition of the skills and knowledge in the field of FC in order to form a comprehensively developed and physically healthy person with a high level of physical culture (clause 25 of Article 2 of the FZ). Physical education reflects the objective need of society in the systematic, systematic and targeted physical training of the younger generations and practical vital activity of people. It is a necessary prerequisite for sports and an indispensable condition for the formation of a physical culture of a person, which includes value orientation, organization, purposefulness in human activity.

Slide 9: Lesgft Peter Franssic (1837-1909)

The founder of the scientific system of FV, Russian teacher, an anatom and doctor. Created by him in 1896 "Courses of educators and managers of physical education" were the first in Russia with the highest educational institution for training FV specialists, the prototype of the modern St. Petersburg Academy of Physical Culture named after P. F. Lesgafta. The terms "Physical education" should be distinguished as professional training in special educational institutions and "physical education" in its initial (according to P. F. Lesgaft) the meaning of physical education. IN english language The term "Physical EDU-CATION" can also be used in the other sense. It should also be borne in mind that abroad is not in the course of the English term "Physical Culture" in the sense of our widespread concept of "physical culture". Depending on the specific direction of physical culture activities, the words "Sport", "Physical Education", "Physical Training", "Fitness" and others are used.


Slide 10.

In the modern interpretation, "physical education" is a pedagogical process aimed at mastering the human values \u200b\u200bof physical culture in order to form a physical culture of personality, that is, the side of the general culture of a person who helps to realize his biological and spiritual potential. Physical education in unity with other types of education provides comprehensive identity development. And these parties general process Education is largely manifested in the process of physical education organized accordingly. The purpose of physical education is achieved in solving interrelated health, educational, educational and educational tasks, such as: health promotion and hardening; harmonic body development and physiological functions of the body; Comprehensive development of physical and mental qualities; Ensuring a high level of working capacity and creative longevity.


Slide 11: Phenomenon: Sport

Sport is considered as an integral part of the FC and provides for competitive activities, as well as preparations for it. Its development is determined by the need to have such an area of \u200b\u200bactivity in which a person could show his physical abilities at the limit levels. A person finds one of the ways of self-affirmation of the person, victory over time, rival, over himself. In accordance with paragraph 12 of Art. 2 of the Federal Law of December 4, 2007 No. 329-FZ "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation" Sport - the sphere of socio-cultural activity as a set of sports that has developed in the form of competitions and the special practice of preparing a person to them. Thus, sport differs from FV in that it has a mandatory competitive component; If physical education creates an initial base for the comprehensive development of physical abilities and motor skills, forms the prerequisites for their development, the sport makes it possible to completely reveal these skills.


Slide 12.

FZ differentiates modern sport According to the 3rd large categories: Mass sports - part of sports aimed at FV and FR citizens by conducting organized and (or) independent classes, as well as participation in physical and mass sports events; Professional sport is a part of sports aimed at organizing and conducting sports competitions for participating in which the athletes and training from the organizers of such competitions and (or) wages as their main activities are obtained; sport higher achievements - part of the sport aimed at achieving athletes of high sports results on official All-Russian sports Competitions and official international sports competitions.


Slide 13: Phenomenon: Physical Recreation

under the FR are understood by any forms of motor activity aimed at restoring the forces spent during the process of professional labor. Fri is the process of using exercise, games, sports in simplified forms and natural forces of nature for the purpose active rest, entertainment, switching to other activities, distraction from processes causing physical, intellectual, mental fatigue, enjoying, enjoying physical activity. In this case, the main function of the FR recognized the function of optimization (support) of the state of the human body, adaptation to the conditions of its natural existence. It was considered predominantly within the framework of biomedical disciplines, since the presence of the word "physical" traditionally binds to the human body.


Slide 14: Phenomenon: Physical Rehabilitation

The FR is use with therapeutic and preventive purpose of exercise and natural factors in a comprehensive process of restoring health, the physical condition and disabilities of patients and disabled. It is an integral part of the medical rehabilitation and applies to all its periods and stages. FED means are: therapeutic physical culture, massotherapy, physiotherapy, mehanotherapy, work therapy and more. Purpose of FR funds, the sequence of application of its forms and methods is determined by the nature of the course of the disease, common state patient, period and stage of rehabilitation, motor regime.


Slide 15.

The main goal of the FR is an adaptation to work at the previous workplace or re-feast (re-adaptation), i.e. work with smaller neuropsychic and exercise. The main tasks of the FR are: functional recovery (full or compensation with insufficient or absence of recovery); adaptation to everyday life and work; attraction to the labor process; Dispensary supervision of patients. Rehabilitation will be ineffective if it does not comply with its fundamental principles: the early start of rehabilitation activities. Continuity of rehabilitation. Rehabilitation. Individuality of rehabilitation. The need for rehabilitation in the team. Patient return to active work.


Slide 16: the active essence of physical culture in various spheres of life

The activity aspect of the FC is that physical improvement occurs only as a result of the optimal, targeted motor activity of the person, which is carried out under the laws of FV, i.e. According to the laws of development of force, endurance, the laws of formation of techniques of movements, the laws of active recreation, etc. In the course of life, a person is engaged in many types of activities, which to one degree or another are associated with motor activity and significant physical exertion. However, not all of them can be attributed to physical culture. Therefore, only motor activity associated with the obligatory performance of physical exercises can be considered the essential nucleus of the FC.


Slide 17.

Unlike other types of human physical activity, physical education activities have a number of fundamental features: 1. Physical activity necessarily contains a motor component, which in it, as a rule, is predominant; 2. Activities in the field of physical culture are represented by the most rational forms of motor actions having their specific methods of classes; 3. Human physical activity is always aimed at improving itself in the aspect of mastering the rational equipment of the exercise, education of physical qualities, formation proper posture, health promotion, etc. Objectives lying outside the person although they can exist and decide in parallel, but are not leading.


Slide 18: Motor Activity

Some believe that the minimum of movements can be ensured by doing charging and making a walk before bedtime. Others, referring to the background loads, which does not differ in essentially, for the reference point. required minimum The movements take daily long-term walking or running, classes by overall and athletic gymnastics, etc. So, some Soviet and Japanese scientists believe that a day should be made at least 10-15 thousand steps. L. P. Matveyev recommends maintaining minimal motor activity in the daily mode of middle and elderly people - at least 1 hour. Daily, including such forms of classes, like morning gymnastics, hiking, jogging, etc. M.F. Greenenko and G.G.Sanoyan, optimum motor activity for workers, consider consumption by a person per day 1300-2000 kcal.


Slide 19: Motor Activity

Chelyabinsk scientist A. A. Grewalovsky In the order of discussion, the problem of optimum movements proposed to distinguish between three levels of motor activity: 1. Physical and hygienic minimum involves the daily execution of charging, hardening procedures and hygienic walk before bedtime. Failure to comply with the mentioned minimum threatens human health. 2. Physical and general-proving minimum includes as required condition The fulfillment of a physical culture-hygienic minimum, which is complemented by a daily 30-minute (for people of middle and old age) with an active holiday with the directional use of exercise, if possible in the open air. 3. Physical and sports optimum includes the first two levels and 3-6 hours (depending on the age, health and physical fitness) of physical education or sports activities in Week.


Slide 20: Values \u200b\u200bof Physical Culture:

The value attitude of the individual to physical culture must be considered as the integration of more private relations to various objects of physical culture, situations, events in the field of physical culture, that is, to objective and subjective forms of physical culture. The identity ratio to any particular value of physical culture will be folded from the following components: axiological (as far as this value is significant); Intellectual (which is a personality about this value); emotional (what emotions are experiencing a person when mastering this value); activity (what efforts the person is making for mastering this value). Values \u200b\u200bof physical culture:


Slide 21.


Slide 22.

The physical culture of the personality is the social and determined region of the general culture of a person, which is a qualitative, systemic, dynamic condition characterized by a certain level of special education, physical perfection, motivational and value orientations and socio-spiritual values \u200b\u200bacquired as a result of education and integrated into its physical education -Sportive activities, culture of lifestyle, spirituality and psychophysical health.


Slide 23.


Slide 24: the main provisions of the organization of physical education in the university

The content of the physical education course program is determined by the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (GEF) in the direction of the training of a bachelor and an exemplary curriculum for universities. FV as an educational discipline is a mandatory partition in the humanitarian component of the GEF and is an important part of professional training Student. Classes on FV at the university are mandatory and aimed not only for mastering various motor actions and the development of basic physical qualities, but also the formation of special systematized knowledge, interests, motivation, which contributes to the student's need for constant physical self-cultivation and self-education.


Slide 25.

The aim of physical education of students is to form the physical culture of the personality and the ability to use a variety of physical culture, sports and tourism to preserve and strengthen health, psychophysical training and self-preparation for future professional activities.


Slide 26.

To achieve the goal, it is envisaged to solve the following educational, educational, educational and wellness tasks: to create conditions for understanding the role of FC in the development of personality and prepare it for professional activities; Formation of a system of knowledge of the scientific and biological and practical foundations of FC and a healthy lifestyle; Formation of a motivational value attitude towards FC, installation on a healthy lifestyle, physical self-improvement and self-education, needs in regular classes exercise and sports; Mastering the system of practical skills and skills ensuring the preservation and promotion of health, mental well-being, the time - the development and improvement of psychophysical abilities, the qualities and properties of the personality, self-determination in FC; providing general and vocational and applied physical fitness determining the psychophysical readiness of the student to the future profession; Acquisition of the experience of creative use of physical education and sports activities to achieve vital and professional goals.


Slide 27.

As a result of the development of discipline, the study should: know the foundations of physical culture and understand its role in the development of man and the training of a specialist. To be able to use physical culture tools to increase their functional and motor capabilities, achieving personal life and professional goals. 3) own the system of practical skills and skills ensuring the preservation and promotion of health, the development and improvement of psychophysical abilities and qualities (with the implementation of established standards for general physical and sports and technical training).


Slide 28.

Training (academic) classes are the main form of physical education, including: theoretical, practical and control; elective practical classes (optional) and optional; individual and individually-group additional classes (consultations); Independent classes on the task and under the control of the teacher. In terms of professional-applied physical training, the development of the methods of compiling complexes is envisaged morning charging, production gymnasticsIndividual training programs.


Slide 29.

The control section ensures the operational (on the progress of the execution by students of a specific section, the type of academic work), the current (degree of development of the section, themes) and the final (offset, exam) of information on the quality of the development of theoretical knowledge, about the dynamics of the physical development of students and their professionally -Realous preparedness. Students are obliged to surrender a test on physical culture, reflecting the level of their preparedness in three sections: theoretical and methodological preparedness; general physical and sports and technical preparedness; The formation of professionally significant skills and skills.


Last Slide Presentation: Physical Culture and Sport As Social Phenomena Society Physical

Alekseev S.V. Sports of Russia. Legal basis of physical culture and sports. M.: Uniti-Dana, Law and Law, 2005. Korshunova T.Yu. Development of labor legislation professional athletes // Labor law. 2006. No. 5, 6, 7. See also: Reference Legal System "ConsultantPlus". Opletin A.A. Potential opportunities of physical culture as one of the leading incentives of self-development of the person // Theory and practice of physical culture. 2009. №5. Orlova E.V. Sport as an object legal regulation In Russia // Sports: Economy, Law, Management. 2006. №3. Your Olympic tutorial: studies. allowance for educational institutions of Russia. 19th ed., Pererab. and add. / VS Raschenko et al.: Physical culture and sports, 2008. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://kremlin.ru/text/stcdocs/2002/01/30258.shtml. (07/18/2009). [Electronic resource]. URL: http://lib.sportedu.ru/press/tpfk/2005N5/p14-18.htm. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://sport.pu.ru/t1.html.

Presentation for a more detailed and visual study of the theme "Fundamentals of Physical Culture". Here you will find clear definitions of concepts (physical culture, physical education, sport, physical rehabilitation, physical stabilization, physical recreation. "Presentation is intended for studying 10-11 classes.



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Physical culture in the activities of an activity organized by the state, based on the implementation of exercise, and aimed at raising a comprehensively developed personality ready for high-performance work and protection p. Part of human and society culture

F.K Sport Physical Recreate Physical Recreation Physical Rehabilitation Physical Education Physical Stabilization

Physical education - in the ID of activities based on physical exercise, aimed at: Acquisition of knowledge in the field of physical culture Formation of motor skills and skills development of physical qualities

Sport activity based on physical exercise aimed at achieving highest results and the improvement of sportsmanship.

Physical recreation is a type of activity based on the performance of physical exercises, aimed at carrying out active recreation and enjoying the implementation of Piz. UPR.

Physical rehabilitation is a type of activity based on. . . . . . . . . . . . aimed at restoring partially lost or weakened functions and body abilities.

Physical stabilization - view. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aimed at maintaining the optimal performance and functions of the organism of people of the pension and elderly. (Health Groups)

At the heart of physical culture lie 6 blocks The purpose of the funds of the principles of the task of the methods of classes

1 Goal F.K.- Education of comprehensively developed healthy people who are ready for high-performance work and the protection of the Motherland 2 tasks F.K. Creation and development of material (sports. Constructions, inventory) and spiritual (films, books) of values. The development of knowledge and skills in the field F.K. Preservation and transfer of values \u200b\u200bF.K. next generations.

Funds fk- exercise, (yell, exercises by sports); + Improving forces of nature (sun, air, water); + hygienic factors (lighting, air temperature, etc.)

4 Principles - rules for building classes General principles F.K. Health orientation of comprehensive harmonious development (optimal combination of mental and physical activity, upbringing volitional qualities) Communication F.K. with labor and defense activities (use of applied exercises)

5 Forms of exercise classes. 1 Lesson form of classes. Time is limited. Manages the teacher's process. A clear structure of the lesson (the introductory part, the main part, the final part) 2 the uralic forms of classes. Do not have a clear structure therefore accessible to all. Can be individual and group and independent. The unreasual forms of classes belong; Morning gymnastics Physical pauses, "Minutes" Competitions, sports entertainment, tourist hiking.

Control questions 1 What is physical culture? 2 Name composite parts of physical culture. 3 What is "physical recreation"? 4 What are the goal and tasks of physical culture? 5 What is the main means of physical culture? 6 What relates to hygiene to physical culture? 7 What is the principle? 8 Name general principles physical culture. 9 What are the form of exercise classes.

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Anyone throughout his life faces sports. For some, this meeting occurs in school yearsFor others, a little later. One way or another, we all understand the benefit that brings us sport life. But does any of us know, for example, that physical culture and sports are completely different concepts? So, about all this and many other things you can find out in this presentation on a sports topic.


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The role of sports in the life of a person prepared Firyulueva T.G. 2018 year

Goals and objectives  1. Does the sport need a person?  2. How many times a week you need to play sports?  3. Excessive sports can lead to negative consequences?  4. Famous species Sports.  5. World Records.  6. Conclusions.

Sport Definition  Sport (English Sport, Desport - "Game", "Entertainment") - organized by certain rules The activities of people consisting in comparison of their physical or intellectual abilities, as well as preparations for this activity and interpersonal relations arising in its process .  Sport is a specific genus of the physical and intellectual activity committed to the competition, as well as targeted preparations for them by warm-up, training. In combination with the rest, the desire of a gradual improvement in physical health, an increase in the level of intelligence, to obtain moral satisfaction, the desire for perfection, the improvement of personal, group and absolute records, glory, improving their own physical capabilities and skills, the sport is intended to improve the physicopsychiatric characteristics of the person.

Does the sport need a person?  Sport has amazing properties. It can combine people to acquaint them between themselves, in most cases the sport strengthens the health, character and even mental abilities of the people they are engaged in developing such skills as speed, dexterity, reaction, coordination, endurance, patience and force. Sport makes people more resistant to negative environmental factors. He often brings people a lot of positive emotions, for example, with the victory of his favorite team or when a person achieved a person's result in it.

How many times a week you need to play sports? It is impossible to say "at all" how many exact days you need to train, for different situations this value will be different. The number of workouts per week depends on these factors: 1. From the purpose of your lessons it is possible, you want to do fitness to maintain health and removal of stress, you may want to lose weight or develop the strength and mass of the muscles. The goal determines the means. 2. From the training program (type of load, load volume, load intensity) 3. On the degree of preparedness of the athlete and the speed of its recovery, it is necessary to gradually avoid muscles to loads, and not try to break the body immediately. 4. From the mode of life (sleep, nutrition, etc.) depends on this state of the nervous system and muscle recovery. As a result, sports school needs to be given 24 days a week.

What is dangerous excessive physical exertion. It is known that excessive loads lead to accelerated aging, a decrease in the protective forces of the body, as well as to large problems with the supporting apparatus, in particular, the risk of large risk of injury and the overloadability of the area. Too much load on our body leads to the development of a large number of free radicals, and metabolic processes are worse. And on hot days, reinforced training can end with dehydration.

Famous sports We know Thousands of sports, but here are some examples: football, basketball, volleyball, handball, cricket, golf, baseball, long jump jumping, jumping on different distances, swimming, jumping, cycling, heavy Athletics, Boxing, All kinds of struggle, rowing, polo, hockey, curly skating, skating, throwing the kernel and spears, tennis, gymnastics, horse racing, wrestling.

Physical culture is an integral part in the physical and spiritual development of a person, sports is strengthened physically and mentally. Physical culture is a goal of a sports tool for its achievement. 1.1 Project goal: Show the value of physical culture and sports to preserve and promote health and personality formation. 1.2 Tasks - Show that thanks regular occupations Physical education and sports can be not only physically strong and healthy, but also persistent, persistent that it is necessary in any case. - Propaganda healthy image Life. Object of study: Physical development Health

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"Presentation of the project" Physical Culture and Sport ""

physical Culture and sport

  • Teacher of physical culture

1. Introduction

  • The development of physical culture and sports is the priority direction of the social policy of the Government of the Russian Federation. In the conditions of socio-economic and political transformations of modern Russia, the issues of strengthening the physical and spiritual health of a person are of particular importance, the formation of a healthy lifestyle.


  • Physical culture is an integral part in the physical and spiritual development of a person, sports is strengthened physically and mentally. Physical culture is a goal of a sports tool for its achievement.
  • 1.1 Project goal : show the value of physical culture and sports to preserve and promote health and personality formation.
  • 1.2 Tasks
  • - Show that thanks to regular physical education and sports, you can become not only physically strong and healthy, but also persistent, persistent that it is necessary in any case.
  • - Promoting a healthy lifestyle.
  • Object of study : Physical health development


  • In Children I. adolescence The formation of personality is occurring, the formation of character. From how this period will be in human life, its further life depends largely. And physical culture and sport are treated as one of the most important means of education of a person, harmoniously combining spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection.
  • Research method:
  • - Collection of information: the study of sports literature and information resources on this topic on the Internet.

  • 2. Main part
  • Physical health is the natural condition of the body due to the normal functioning of all its organs and systems.

Man is a creator of his health for which it is necessary to fight.

  • 2.1 . Aphysic culture is a lot of types of embodiments, among which everyone can choose for themselves suitable in terms of its preparation and nature.
  • Sports games, (football, basketball, rugby), martial arts (boxing, karate, judo) For example, the President of our country has a black judo belt. Intelligent games (checkers, chess) and many more types of sports activities.

3.Practic part



How do you feel about physical education lessons?

Are you often sick?


Negative answer

Are you doing in sports section?

% respondents

How does physical education and sports affect your health?


  • In the process of work, we learned a lot about physical culture, about different types sports and their benefits for our body . Physical culture is a very important discipline on a series with other general educational items and it needs to pay a lot of attention, as it will directly proportionate to our health. If each of us is a healthy lifestyle from childhood, we will be healthy and will feel great all my life!
  • Formulated questions and received answers on them.

physical Culture and sport (Informative Type)

  • 7-b student, MKOU OOSH№28
  • Leader: Komlenko Alexander Yuryevich,
  • Teacher of physical culture