Sports home exercise for men. Complex workout for men at home for a week

The men's home workout program is ideal for beginner athletes. With its help, you can prepare the body, set a rhythm for working on yourself, improve the indicators of strength and endurance.

Taking care of your body and your own health is important not only for women, but also for men. There is an opinion among guys that without iron and daily strength training in the gym, it will not be possible to give the muscles the desired volume and keep the body in good shape. In fact, this is a myth, while training at home from scratch, you can put your figure in order, the main thing is to choose the right effective exercises.

To make up effective complex classes, you must take into account the capabilities of your body, physiological characteristics, level physical fitness... Only if the training is individualized will you be able to achieve a noticeable result in a short time. An equally important condition is motivation and desire, a responsible approach and a willingness to work.

When playing sports at home or in the gym, you need to understand that there are a number of important rules, which should be adhered to, because the outcome of the training and the final result of your work on yourself depend on this. By listening to simple tips, you can avoid injury and common mistakes:

  • Define the purpose of the training. It is important to understand whether you are doing for weight loss or for relief and volumetric muscles, because the whole further path depends on this.
  • Start exercising without equipment, hone your technique, work with your own weight, and only then start exercising with dumbbells and a barbell.
  • Always start with a light cardio exercise that will warm up your muscles and joints and raise your heart rate to 120 beats per minute. before and after training are the most important elements that cannot be neglected.
  • Be sure to think about your training plan. You need to do 3-4 times a week. The duration of the lesson should not exceed 60-90 minutes. Take time to rest, your muscles need time to recover.
  • - the best start to the day. Exercise, this will allow the body to be more alert and resilient. Just 10-15 minutes of warm-up in the morning will help set the stage for more serious workouts.

When the body adapts to a given rhythm, you can gradually increase the load - start working with equipment, add weights, the number of repetitions, and increase the speed of work. Try to diversify the training, change the exercises and alternate them every 10-15 days. If you used to do without a horizontal bar, then after a while you should include exercises on the bar in your program. Of course, the most important thing in working on your body is consistency. You can't skip workouts, each lesson should be carried out with maximum dedication.

It is important to understand the basic principles of nutrition before putting together a training program for the week. If your weight is normal, and the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer is minimal, you should work on mass, that is, you first need to build muscle, and then go to drying to emphasize the relief. If you understand that you are overweight, then you must first lose weight. Crossfit, fitness and other types of aerobic activity will help you with this.

Sports activities will not work if you eat the wrong food. In pursuit of a toned body and pumped up muscles, the first thing to do is to adjust the diet. Get ready to count calories. First you may need strict dietthen you can just stick to the main principles.

Gaining the mass that you will pump into the muscles, you need to eat with an excess of calories. This does not mean that you need to eat sweets or other similar foods. It is necessary to give preference to proteins, because they are a building material for muscles, as well as complex carbohydrates (durum pasta, cereals). Don't forget about vegetables and fruits, they should also be on the menu.

When exercising at home or in the gym, you must adhere to a drinking regimen. Water is a part of every cell of our body, without it it will not be possible to build beautiful muscles. Every day you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water without gas. Even if you are at the drying stage, you should not reduce the amount of fluid consumed, because this will lead to dehydration and feeling unwell... The essence of drying is to remove fat, outline muscles, and not bring you to a loss of consciousness.

Training and its features

Male training must necessarily include basic exercises - pull-ups on the horizontal bar, push-ups, twisting. Weight training can be structured so that each time you train different muscle groups, for example, on Monday you work out on the legs and shoulders, on Wednesday - on the abs and pectoral muscles, Friday - on the back and arms.

Watch the video:

However, circle classes are no less effective and popular. Their essence is that the exercises must be performed one after another with a minimum interval for rest. The session is characterized by a high level of intensity. It can be used to burn easily excess fat, and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

It is necessary to perform several exercises one after the other, as if in a circle. Moreover, each exercise will be aimed at different muscle groups... In one set, you can combine movements for the press, legs and arms. This will allow you to harmoniously and simultaneously pump all parts of the body. IN circuit training can be combined following exercises:

  • squats;
  • push ups;
  • dumbbell traction;
  • bar;
  • lunges;
  • raising hands with dumbbells while standing or sitting;
  • pull-ups.

To increase the load during exercise, you can train with an expander. Elastic band is inexpensive, and is on the free sale of any sports store. It creates the extra resistance you need to work out your muscles better. It is necessary to increase the load only when the body is ready for changes.

Home training is an affordable solution for men who are just starting out in sports. Experienced athletes also do not exclude it from their schedule, because only an integrated comprehensive approach guarantees a high-quality result. Engage with inspiration and good mood!

(10 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

The inability to regularly attend the gym should not be an obstacle to a healthy and beautiful body... You can and even need to do it yourself. The home workout program for men is, of course, different from the one available at the gym.

The specifics of independent training

When you decide to start doing the exercises, do not forget - although you are not in the gym under the supervision of a trainer, this does not change the rules of the training process.


  1. Be sure to do a good warm-up before each workout.
  2. Make a lesson plan and stick to it.
  3. Pick loads by yourself. Don't overdo it, but at the same time, if you feel you can do more, do it.
  4. Focus on the quality of the exercise, and then gradually increase the amount.

The "home" workouts have some drawbacks, and the main one is the lack of simulators. But this problem is not difficult to solve. If possible, purchase a barbell and collapsible dumbbells. Collapsible is preferable, because it is easy to change weight in them, and you do not need to have a large amount of inventory at home. And if the purchase is not possible, the weights can be made independently.

For example, "folk" analogs of dumbbells - plastic bottles with sand. And of course, no rare loads for muscles with a barbell or improvised dumbbells can replace regular high-quality workouts. Let's consider several options for what they can be.

Home workout program

When scheduling your workouts, be sure to consider your recovery and rest periods. The standard option would be loads three times a week, for example, or Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday.

Each day should be devoted to a separate muscle group. But no matter which part of the body you train, always warm up completely - from the neck to the ankles. Repeat each warm-up movement 8-10 times.

It is desirable to do a warm-up like this:

  • - tilts back and forth and to the sides;
  • shoulders - rotations and jerks with straight arms back and forth;
  • body - turns to the sides, tilts back and forth;
  • pelvis - circular rotation in different directions;
  • knees - squats;
  • ankles - circular rotations.

In addition, do: straight - put one leg forward and bend at the knee, body straight, hind leg straight, on a toe; lateral - squat on one leg in a sideways position, the other leg is straight, the heels are not lifted off the floor.

Consider a training program for beginners. If you have just started to engage in your body, you should not rush to connect dumbbells, etc. To start, follow the minimum number of approaches, but efficiently.

Day 1. Hands, back, chest

The most best exercise for these muscles -. For the first month or two, do the usual - arms and legs shoulder-width apart, fingers look forward, elbows bend along the body. With the help of dumbbells, do this exercise: take dumbbells (or whatever replaces them), the initial position of the arms is straightened along the body. Raise the dumbbells, turning your palms towards the body.

Another simple but useful exercise for strengthening your back muscles is backbends. In the gym, it is usually done on a special bench. At home, you can lie on the floor on your stomach with your legs locked under the support. Raise the body with your hands behind your head.

  • push-ups - 1-2 to 10;
  • dumbbell lifts - 2-3 to 20;
  • back bends - 40-50.

Day 2. Legs

To strengthen your leg muscles, include squats, lunges, and calf raises in your program.

Quality squats involve a straight back, hands can be held behind the head or. The socks look a little to the side, the pelvis drops as low as possible, while the knees are pulled apart a little to the sides.

The lunges for execution are similar to those that were done in the warm-up (), but now the knee of the back leg bends simultaneously with the front one, keep your back straight, alternate legs.

Rising on toes should be performed in two versions, in both cases the legs are shoulder-width apart, but in the first version the socks are slightly sloped inward, in the second - outward.

Perform according to the following scheme:

  • squats - 2-3 to 10-20;
  • - 3 to 10;
  • - 2 to 20 times in each position.

Day 3. Press

To improve the different abdominal muscles, start doing core lifts, twists (lifting the torso to the side), and lying leg raises in this manner.

The word fitness, it would seem, is more applicable to the female half. However, this opinion is erroneous. At first glance, the phrase male fitness does not really match, but delving into this topic, you can discover new opportunities for being athletic.

Basically, there is nothing new here, male fitness is just doing fairly simple but very effective exercises at home without exercise equipment. Fitness can even be considered an ordinary warm-up. Something like this is simply necessary, first of all, for those men who do not have the opportunity to visit gym due to limited finances or lack of time.


If you decide that you will go in for sports at home, you need to prepare a place and equipment. Any spacious room is suitable for classes, preferably with a mirror so that you can see if you are doing everything right.

Next, you need to purchase the necessary equipment: a mat (choose a yoga mat, not a hiking mat, since it will slide a lot), dumbbells (if you cannot buy, take ordinary water bottles), install a push-up bar. The room where you plan to study should be well ventilated.

Lesson schedule

For classes, you need to make a schedule, otherwise you will not practice as many times as you need. Have a good result in that case, don't wait.

Adjust your diet, more protein and less carbohydrates, don't forget about fats. We exclude sugar, flour and alcohol completely.

So, after the preliminary work, you can proceed to the main part.

Make up full list all exercises and peep into it if you forgot something. Over time, the need for it will disappear, but in the beginning it will be very helpful to you.


You should start with a warm-up. Most the best way - is to jump a couple of minutes on a rope, if space permits.

In general, a jump rope is a necessary thing, you should not neglect it. With its help, the blood is accelerated, the heart, as well as the legs and arms, receives a load. This is an excellent workout plus everything else.

Main workout plan:

  • Biceps - alternating dumbbell raises (3 sets of 10 times);
  • Shoulders - dumbbell press (3 sets of 10 reps);
  • Chest - push up incline bench (3 sets of 10 reps);
  • Triceps. Stretch your triceps while lying (3 sets of 10 times);
  • Stomach. Performing forward bends (3 sets of 12 times) is perfect;
  • Legs. Raise your legs while standing (3 sets of about 15 times);
  • Press - various options for twisting (3 sets of 30 times);
  • Pull-ups - as much as you can, gradually increase the number.

For men's fitness, the most important thing is push-ups, abs and pull-ups. To perform these exercises, you do not need a simulator, the floor is quite enough, the main thing is just not to be lazy. There are many options for performing these classic exercises... Find a number of different variations of both for yourself and alternate between them.

For example, one day of twisting on the rectus abdominis muscles, and the second day of working out the oblique muscles. Fitness trainers recommend combining power loads with elementary running, this will significantly increase the effectiveness of training at home. It is better to run in the morning and exercise in the late afternoon.

(published since 1987) named the most effective and time-tested exercises for men, with which you can work out literally any muscle group as effectively as possible. By incorporating these exercises into the core of your training plan, you can build muscle, burn fat more intensely, and transform your body the way you want it.


The undisputed king of all exercise is deadliftwhich perfectly loads and works on all major muscle groups and is probably the best test for physical strength and durability at all times. Since all major muscle groups are involved in the execution process, this allows the body to produce huge amounts of testosterone, the main building hormone for muscles. For this reason, the deadlift is the foundation of any training plan for most athletes in the world and one of the main exercises for men.

If you are not completely sure of your technique this exercisethen pay a little attention to this video and be sure to seek advice from an experienced trainer in your fitness room.


Like the deadlift, the shoulder squat encompasses major muscle groups throughout the body and is an essential exercise for men, especially in a leg training and development program.

Squats can also improve your performance in components such as running speed and jump height.


One of the most common in any gym is the bench press. This movement is responsible for the increase in physical strength, harmonious development pectoral muscles, shoulders and triceps. Exercise also produces high testosterone levels, which helps to accelerate overall growth. muscle mass in the body.


Probably the most important exercise for men to train the lower back and develop strong gluteal muscles... This movement also helps to strengthen your lower back, making you less uncomfortable after a long day in an office chair.


When correct execution maha weights you develop explosive power, load your buttocks, shoulder girdle and still get great cardio workouts.


Most modern trainers note that TRX harness exercises are especially beneficial. The instability of the position of the hands during this movement leads to intense activation muscle fibers, which in turn leads to an increase in strength in a shorter time than the classic push-ups. This exercise is especially beneficial for the health of your shoulders.


Familiar to many from childhood, this multi-purpose exercise effectively loads the upper half of the torso, connecting the muscles of the back, trunk and arms to work.


One of the most unusual and highly effective abdominal exercises. Working with a medicine ball places great stress on the center of your body, making your abs work efficiently and adding to your training plan excellent cardio workouts.

If you are not yet familiar with this exercise, then pay attention to the essence of its implementation in this video:


Another unpopular and extremely effective exercise is the Swedish ball exercise. It is worth incorporating this movement into your training complexif one of your goals is "abs cubes".

At the moment when you perform these movements on the ball, the press is under high-quality and strong pressure, without which it is simply impossible to find a relief belly. Use this exercise instead of your usual core curls to speed up desired result and don't forget the basic ones.


Raising large weights - a great way to strong, developed and embossed body... To improve their power indicators try to include the exercise "farmer's walk" in the training complex: at the end of the workout, take 30-35 kg dumbbells and walk around the hall with them for 30 seconds - this will make your forearms literally "burn", but after a couple of weeks of such exercises you can significantly improve performance in exercises with heavy weight, because you will have a more developed grip. Your “working weights” will then grow much faster.


Some athletes and trainers believe that the bench press is, in terms of upper body development, more effective than the classic bench press. One of the reasons why this statement may be true is the connection to muscle work abdominalwhich act as another great source of testosterone production in the body. This exercise also involves the shoulders to a large extent and develops the pectoral muscles well.

Important: Before doing exercises, the technique of which is not familiar to you, you should definitely ask an experienced trainer for advice. This will greatly help you avoid injury and will speed up the process of achieving the desired result.