We are talking about sports. Quotes of great athletes who will help achieve the goal

Big sport It begins where health care is ends.
Bertolt Brecht

No effort is in vain: Sisif developed muscles.
Paul Valerie

Sport does not raise character, and reveals it.
Haywood Brown

No one remembers who finished the second, except for the one who finished the second.
Bobby An and

A professional is called an athlete who has no profession and is forced to earn a living with a peel of sports.
Jean Jelod.

Professional athlete - a public girl, which requires fair behavior.
Jean Jelod.

The Olympiad is a circus, in which the view is on twenty arenas at the same time.

So that your team won jumps in height, you need one guy who jumps seven feet, and not seven who jump along the feet everyone.
Frederick Terman

A person who is engaged in sports can make even cultural life.
Oliver Hassenemp

I want with the help of gymnastics of the whole body to make it more balanced.

Sport becomes a means of upbringing when he is a favorite occupation of everyone.
Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

Sport is physical education brought to the absurdity.
Lion short

Sports: Entertainment to the seventh sweat.
Maurice Decota

Gymnastics are complete nonsense. It is not needed healthy, but patients are contraindicated.
Henry Ford

Skiing - high-speed money descent.
"Kommersant - money"

The important thing is not to win but to take part.
Pierre de Couberten
(motto athletes of Olympians)

Remember: No matter, you will win or lose; It is important only, I will win or lose.
Darrin Weinberg

Athlete Amateur Nowadays the one who takes only cash, but not a check.
Jack Kelly

Athlete Professional: Public girl, which requires fair behavior.
Jean Jelod.

About Sport, you are the world!
Pierre de Couberten

Serious sport has nothing to do with an honest game. Serious sport is a war minus murder.
George Orwell

If you need to make a team that would have won high jumps, you are looking for one guy who can jump for seven feet, and not seven who can jump along the feet each.
Frederick Terman

IN healthy bodyhealthy Spirit.

In a very healthy body, too little spirit is placed.
Alfred Konar

Swing muscles, pumping away from the brain.
Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Not only brains are drowned out of the country, but also the muscles, if they have brains.
Mikhail Zhvanetsky

If I suddenly need a brain transplant, the best donor will be a sports observer. The guy with brains, not used.
Norm Van Brokinlin

Sport becomes a favorite reflection subject and will soon become the only method of thinking.
Vasily Kuevsky

Alcohol - the entertainment of poor, drugs - weak. Sport - for strong!

Physical culture is excellent what health leads to perfection.

"Georgy Aleksandrov"

With help exercise And the abstinence most people can do without medicine.

"Addison Joseph"

Sport becomes a means of upbringing when he is a favorite occupation of everyone.

"Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky"

"Mark Twain"

Arrange a healthy lifestyle and give the right example to the younger generation

Being in good shape is a political act: you take responsibility for your own life.

"Jane Fonda"

Sport does not raise character, and reveals it.

"Haywood Brown"

Do not be afraid to compete with those who are stronger. Unbeatable does not exist.

"Iker Casillas"

Physical culture prolongs life for five years, but these five years need to spend in the gym.

Gymnastics, exercise, walking should be firmly included in everyday life of everyone who wants to preserve performance, health, full and joyful life.


For proportionality, beauty and health requires not only education in the field of science and art, but also classes through physical exercises, gymnastics.


Like bickers clean the clutch, knocking them from dust, so the gymnastics cleans the body.


If a person does not want to join the mornings, nothing can stop him.

"Yoga Berr"

Be strong in sports, and in life be simple

I train not to break all, but not to let me break yourself.

"Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky"

If you do physical exercises - there is no need for drugs taken with different diseases, if at the same time comply with all other prescriptions of the normal regime.


Gymnastics lengthens the youth of man.

"John Locke"

People, from nature weak bodies, thanks to the exercises become stronger.


Watch your body if you want your mind to work correctly.

"Rene Descartes"

Quotes about sports

Miserable error - imagine that body Exercises Harm mental classes! As if these two things should not go there, as if one should not be directed!

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Wins not one who is stronger, but the one who is ready to go to the end.

The most important condition that increases the work of the memory is the healthy state of the nerves, for which physical exercises are necessary.

Sport is the beat of your heart, your breath is your rhythm of life.

Sport becomes a favorite reflection subject and will soon become the only method of thinking.

When a person begins to fight with himself, he is already something else.

"Dale Carnegie"

I thought then, and now I think that regardless of how much work in a person, he must find time for exercise, as he finds it for food.

"Mahatma Gandhi"

Thousands and thousands of times I returned health with my patient through exercise.

Serious sport has nothing to do with an honest game.
Serious sport is a war minus murder.

"George Orwell"

I feel after walking and swimming, that youth, and most importantly, that the bodily movements were missing and refreshing his brain.

"Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky"

Do not grieve failure. Everything falls. Only someone gets faster, and someone continues to roll and whine. Mike Tyson.

Sport becomes a means of upbringing when he is a favorite occupation of everyone.

"Vasily Sukhomlinsky"

The formula for normal life does not cost without sports.

"Michael Phelps"

The best in exercise is rest from them.

I am owned by your longevity. I never worked on them.

"Winston Churchill"

Sports are never unnecessary. But it is better to understand this right now, and not at the moment when half a dozen zombie will chase the hard breathable body.

Those who threw out physical exercises often causing, for the strength of his organs weakens due to the abandonment of movements.


Exercise make you more graceful. When you regularly perform a set of exercises, you go proudly and smoothly - as if your whole street.

"Sophia Loren"

We must certainly shake yourself physically to be healthy moral.

The error can be immediately fixed. Habits have to fight.

"Evander Holyfield"

Love gymnastics, she will give you a good physical development And health, the vigor of the Spirit! In this you, my 90 years old!

"Nikolay Aleksandrovich Morozov"

Sport helps to get rid of all bad habits.

"Jean Paul Belmondo"

"When it is hard for me, I always remind myself that if I surrender, it will not be better," said the legend of world boxing Mike Tyson. We picked up the most motivating statements of famous Russian and foreign athletes so that you never have never surrendered.

Mike Tyson

If a person gets up after falling, it is not physics, it is character.

Mike Tyson from ten years helped to steal the senior comrades, and at home she suffered. The boxer Mike decided when he was 13, and the first victory in the ring won 15.

Without discipline, you are nothing! Someday you will meet a steep guy who will endure the most yours the best blows. And it will continue to step, because it is strong. Do not deprive the strength of the spirit and courage. This is the time when the discipline enters the game.

Tyson will face problems with the law, it will be treated from alcohol and drug addiction. And yet, "Iron Mike" will become one of the most famous boxers In the world and will establish several world records.

The coach always told me: "You must win everyone, you are able to do it, but what happens when you will beat you if you can cope with this?". And I know that I can.

Mohammed Ali

Impossible is nothing.

Cassius glue, more famous as Mohammed Ali, on his first Olympic Games flew, putting on the parachute - future superhero Aerophobia suffered and refused to get into the aircraft without the "Safety". Then there was a Golden Olympic Medal and the Three World Champion titles in heavyweight.

The most difficult fight is when you have to deal with laziness for happiness.

Ali was a pacifist and refused to go to the army, he advocated the protection of the rights of African Americans and threw his Olympic medal to the river, after the waitress was refused to give him a glass of water because of the color of his skin. He is the idol of several generations and the author of the famous phrase "Impossible is possible", which in the original sounds even more accurate: "Impossible is nothing."

Champions are not in gyms. The champion gives the fact that a person is inside - desires, dreams, goals.

Lev Yashin

The one who wants to achieve convincing victories is obliged to try to jump above the head

Olympic champion, the bronze medalist of the World Championship Lev Yashin was the only goalkeeper who had ever received the Golden Ball - a prize, which every year handed over the best European football player. This man knew what he would not give up. When Yashin did not develop with football at the very beginning of the career, he did not leave the sport, moved to hockey and even achieved serious success - won the USSR Cup.

Anyone, the happiest finish is only the predecessor of the next start, and the past victories, no matter how significant they are, do not give any additional privileges.


The harder the victory went, the more you are happy that I achieved it.

Pelle (real name - Edson Arantis do Namamant) from a simple Brazilian boy, worrying cleaning boots, grew up best football player XX century. His nickname - nicknamed Pele in childhood gave him someone from buddies - turned into a name known to everyone. He won the three world championships and received the unofficial title of football king.

Success is not an accident. It is hard work, perseverance, training, learning, sacrifice and, above all, the love of what you do or learn to do.

Larisa Latynina

Teach the athlete to fight for any place until the end, and it will be able to fight for the first.

Gymnasts Larisa Latin Nine Golden, five silver and four bronze olympic medals. Her name is listed in the Guinness Book of Records and a list of outstanding athletes who admire the Olympic Glory Hall in New York.

Never think that you lost the competition if you still have the last exercise.

Latinina became a world champion, being in the fourth week of pregnancy. And after two months later returned to the sport.

Once, performing a complex leap on the log, landed on it with riding and broke the tailbone. As a result, the month could not sit and at the lectures at the institute stood under the wall. But I did not cry. You can cry from pain, resentment, even from fatigue, but I never cried - neither at workouts or in competitions.

On this topic:

Michael Jordan

I can take a defeat, but I can't accept the absence of attempts.

The most famous basketball player on Planet Michael Jordan knows how to achieve a goal. He is twofold olympic champion, six-time champion of the coolest basketball League - NBA and one of the richest athletes.

If something moves me forward, then only my weakness I hate and turn into my power.

Jordan managed not only to become one of the most popular athletes and turn his name into the brand, but also earn a fortune. According to Forbes magazine, its income in 2015 amounted to 110 million dollars.

When you go to the target, the barrier comes on your way. I came across them, everyone came across. But obstacles should not stop you. Faced with a wall, do not turn back, do not retreat. Find a way to overcome this barrier, work over it.

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Kostya Tszyu.

Even difficulties in life are needed for something.

When in an interview absolute championship The world of boxing bones Tszyu was asked about his life credo, he replied that his motto was "never give up." In life, an athlete who won 270 of 282 battles, prefers not to apply force. But in training and in the ring is laid out in full.

Someone says that I am talented, my biggest talent was that I could work more than others. Plow.

Tszyu believes that failures can teach a lot. If you cope with them.

The loser battle always gives you to understand that something you do wrong.

If it seems that the athlete's movements are easy to repeat, and in fact it has to teach them years - this is a real athlete. - Alexandrov

The physical side of development is the base for mental. The demon of sports is impossible to build a healthy, blooming and developing nation. - A. V. Lunacharsky

Sport news: the stunning swimmer of the Narkov could "surpass" the previous record for swimming under water. The admiring commission handed relatives gold medal And, at the same time, the body of the swimmer. - A. Sadovsky

Sometimes in sports, it seems to be a pure victory, but still you can not allocate.

Gradually sport again becomes fashionable movement. Perhaps soon the sport will also become the only expression of thoughts. - V. Kleevsky

Oh, you run? And from whom you? - "Labor reserves". - Maybe also "Dynamo" runs? - You will not believe ... all run.

The most beautiful in sports is improvisation - Georgy Alexandrov

You just blew up the Russian audience! This is incredible! You need to make a millionaire. Raise the mood - it is much worth - participants in the games in Nagano

Continued quote Read on the pages:

Boxing has a serious drawback - all the bumps go to the head. - Georgy Aleksandrov

Sachurin comes to me - biathlete

Close to the elbow, do not bite - forbidden reception. - Andrey Kozak

Thousands and crawling times I returned my health with my patient through exercise. - Galen.

"What are the stunning legs! Where did you study karate?" - Vlad Veselovsky

Remember: No matter, you will win or lose; It is important only, I will win or lose. - Darrin Weinberg

Gymnastics, exercise, walking should be firmly included in everyday life of everyone who wants to preserve performance, health, full and joyful life. - Hippocrat

Big sport is not just a loss the best years, but also prizes.

If the wind is all the time in the face, then you run too fast.

If the pig will lose weight, she will still remain a pig.

Enthusiast of his body.

Gymnastics lengthens the youth of man. - D. Lokk

Not only brains are drowned out of the country, but also the muscles, if they have brains. - Mikhail Zhvanetsky

To preserve the health, and the Napa to prevent normal diseases is nothing better exercise Body or movements. - M. Ya. Wise

The Chinese, in growth, small - an average of 1.55 m, but they quickly multiply. And if 3 Chinese put each other, then they will have the highest basketball team - and the most numerous

For proportionality, beauty and health requires not only education in the field of science and art, but also classes through physical exercises, gymnastics. - Platon

Soccer without vodka, I don't care that fishing without a fishing rod!

Bodybuilders dream of making their body by the work of art. It is a pity that they have no taste, nor feeling measures. -

Sorry for indiscrimination, but Yeltsin does not cope with me on the court. Korzhakov does not cope. Luzhkov lost three times. Last time with Luzhkov, we played 5 thousand tons butter. - Alexander Lukashenko

Skill wave hands and legs it by-effect martial arts, achieving harmony with themselves here is their true goal. - Vavilin Andrei Valerievich

Big leap back. - Arkady Davidovich

The results of our athletes will be significantly better if they have a beer and not to write, but at the finish put a sorter. -

Alice, my girl! You still do not get away from sports glory!

So loved football, which looked only hockey. - Leonid Leonidov

Physical culture is excellent what health leads to perfection. - Georgy Aleksandrov

At the stadium, there is a lot of noise and nothing - the score is 0: 0. - Andrey Kozak

Exercise can replace many drugs, but no medicine in the world can replace physical exercises. - A. Mosso

Stayer gladly raised time at a distance.

Observing moderation in sports, you can not even become a world champion. - Georgy Aleksandrov

World champion in dealing with mind.

I know the campaign of every athlete! I still shakes when our guy was removed 2 km to the finish line in Marathon walking! This was done by the Russian judge: this is the subject of a special conversation, including with the management of Russia.

Most male view Sports - football on TV. - Alexander Krasny.

It will not help us even a freezing ... - Vladimir Vishnevsky

Good geometry of the figure is a good sex algebra.

To establish a record, you need to make fun on the body. - Georgy Aleksandrov

At the heart of sports - the idle interest of connoisseurs of unique bouts. - Georgy Aleksandrov

A person does not need a moderately and timely physical exercise in any treatment aimed at eliminating the disease. - Avicenna

Boxer so sought to defeat the enemy that even in the interruptions between the rounds continued to train. - Vladimir Semenov

If you need to make a team that would have won high jumps, you are looking for one guy who can jump for seven feet, and not seven who can jump along the feet each. - Frederick Terman

Do you think the stars are all so slender from nature or thanks to the incredible power of will? Hell no! Each of us has a personal fitness instructor yes special, where everything is calculated to the last calorie. And otherwise there would be so much ... - Sarah Gellar, actress

Like bickers clean the clutch, knocking them from dust, so the gymnastics cleans the body. - Hippocrat

These are the laws modern sport: You do not score, and x .. with you - democracy! - Andrey Kozak

Better light physical education can not be - Georgy Aleksandrov

And even in tennis technical victory makes deception. - Georgy Aleksandrov

Professional Athlete: Public Girl, which requires fair behavior. - Jean Golden

Falstarts were especially successful. - Vladimir Koltyatsky

"I love smart football players" sounds about as well as "I love chess players"

The most important condition that increases the work of the memory is the healthy state of the nerves, for which physical exercises are necessary.

If a person does not want to join the morning, nothing can stop him. - Yoga Berra

Child physical education There is a base for the rest. Without the proper use of hygiene in the development of a child, without proper physical education and sports, we will never get a healthy generation. - A.V. Lunacharsky

Running coward - a lesson for people not developed enough to watch the morning television program. - Victoria Wood.

In a healthy body healthy mind. - Juvenal

Gymnastics Flying of beauty highlights body perfection. - Georgy Aleksandrov

Sport is physical culture plus the electrification of the whole country. - Alisher Fayz

The important thing is not to win but to take part. - Pierre de Coubert

The weightlifters are uncompatible people, pushed the barbell and do not even apologize.

Even in a sports battle, sometimes, money is won - Georgy Alexandrov

Sport is a waste of time on spending forces. The athlete is only his viewer. - Marina Tsvetaeva

Profanation of sports. - Evgeny Kashev

Olga Ilinskaya has not been able to tear the Oblomov from the sofa: in that epoch, the woman's lard of her circle was engaged in physical labor. - Mikhail Genin

Wherever you are kin - everywhere world record. - Andrey Kozak

Sports: Entertainment to the seventh sweat. - Maurice Decota

At the limit of human opportunities, yesterday, a rider avant-garde of oats, he came to the finish line first, leaving far behind his horse. - Mikhail Genin

The victory in sports brings not possession of information, but its use - Sport Stalker

Though, though "does not play hockey," but it turns out in the hands of others often washer. - Leonid S. Sukhorukov

Gold medals of our national team at the Olympics, this is a consequence of the bad preparation of our rivals!

Karate - View martial art, in which people, after many years of workouts, are capable, using only hands and legs, create some of the worst films in world history. - Dave Barry.

Amateur athlete Nowadays the one who takes only cash, but not a check. - Jack Kelly

In sports, greatness helps badly. But the persecution is well helped. - Stas Yankovsky

First breath at all, the tenth is only at the champions.

Gymnastics are complete nonsense. It is not needed healthy, but patients are contraindicated. - Henry Ford

With such a transport, we ... and the gyms are not needed !!!

Faster. Above. Stronger. Smarter - Elena Ermolova

The absence of an octane number of a bicycle does not allow him to participate in Formula 1 - Georgy Alexandrov

Sport forms optimism culture, cheerful culture. - A. V. Lunacharsky

He is zhiza, he is soft, he wears your clothes, he was born in one day with you, but he became too old, and you are afraid that if you stop running, he will catch you up. Just do it. Nike - Dan Wreme

Gymnastics lengthens the youth of man. - John Lokk

In a very healthy body, too little spirit is placed. - Alfred Konar

The best in exercise is rest from them.

Serious sport has nothing to do with an honest game. Serious sport is a war minus murder. - George Orwell

Again, running on the spot began with Falstart ... - Yana Dzhangirova

It is necessary that each person will be introduced to physical exercises. Without this, no conversations about this healthy education Life. - Nikolay Amosov

If you do not train brains on time, all load will have to muscle. - Mikhail Mamchich

Even in a light weight, to win, you need to push the heavy bar. - Georgy Aleksandrov

Sport improves physical qualities And checks the moral - Georgy Alexandrov

If I suddenly need a brain transplant, the best donor will be a sports observer. The guy with brains, not used. - Norm Van Brocklin

Capital residents were lucky with a talented mayor. Athlete, Multi-Region, Football Player, Tennisist ... - AiF, 97, 37

Sport becomes a means of upbringing when he is a favorite occupation of everyone. - Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky

Good runner and boxer will not overcome.

In sports, as in the casino, to win is accidentally very difficult. - Georgy Aleksandrov

Only in a strong, healthy body, the Spirit retains balance, and character develops in all its power. - Spencer

Gymnastics are a healing of medicine. - Platon

Skiing - high-speed money descent. - "Kommersant-money"

Sport is physical education brought to the absurdity. - Lion Short

five rings one end - Olympiad in Salt Lake City - Igor Sivolob

About Sport, you are the world! - Pierre de Coubert

Swing muscles, pumping out from the brain. - Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Everyone should twelve without breath press. - Georgy Aleksandrov

I want to ask you: Could we somewhere here to organize a small ride in the width? Such, you know, Bidellero ...

Sports complexes for the street and cottages are specially designed to exercise sports in the air. They differ from home complexes in the installation method, usually more significant occupied area and large selection in the configuration of sports shells.


Universal sports grounds are usually equipped with a football gate, volleyball and basketball racks, badminton racks, etc., learn more about sports grounds, you can by reading our article.

Classes with infants

Do you think the baby do not need sports? Whatever! After all, the physical development of the child is directly related to mental abilities. Morning gymnastics, Classes for phytball ... There is something to choose!

Physical Load for Baby

Want to know what exercise stress Optimal for children? What are there any contraindications for sports? When is it best to start doing sports and does physical culture exist for newborns?

"Nothing is so depleting and does not destroy human bodylike physical inaction " (Aristotle).

"Thousands and thousands of times I returned health with my patient through exercise" (Claudius Galen).

"We must certainly shake yourself physically to be healthy moral" (Lev Tolstoy).

"In case of enhanced mental work without movement and bodily labor - the terrain of the mountain" ( Lev Tolstoy).

"Like bickers brushing clutch, knocking it from dust, so the gymnastics cleans the body" (Hippocrates).

"Gymnastics, exercise, walking should be firmly logged in everyday life of everyone who wants to preserve health, health, full and joyful life" (Hippocrates).

"A big sport begins where the care of health ends" (Bertolt Brecht).

"No effort is in vain: Sisif developed muscles" (Paul Valerie).

"Sport does not raise the character, but reveals it." (Hawewood Brown).

"No one remembers who finished the second, except for the one who finished the second" (Bobby Anser).

"A professional is called an athlete who has no profession and is forced to earn a living with a peel of sports" (Jean Fighter).

"To your team won high jumps, you need one guy who jumps seven feet, and not seven who jump on a feet every" (Frederick Terman).

"A person who is engaged in sports can even make a cultural life" (Oliver Hassenemp).

"I want with the help of gymnastics of the whole body to make it more balanced" (Socrates).

"If you do not run, while healthy, you will have to run when you get sick" (Quint Horace Flycc).

"Those who quit physical exercise often cares, because the strength of his organs weakens due to the abandonment of movements" (Avicenna).

If you do physical exercises - there is no need for drugs taken with different diseases, if at the same time comply with all other prescriptions of the normal regime " (Avicenna).

"Gymnastics lengthens the youth of man" (John Locke).

"In mass development physical culture and sport i see one of better options In the battle for human health, his creative activity and longevity " (Peter Kuzmich Anokhin).

"Sport forms culture of optimism, culture of vigor"

"The physical education of the child is the base for the rest. Without the proper use of hygiene in the development of the child, we never get a healthy generation without correctly setting and sports. " (Anatoly Vasilyevich Lunacharsky).

"Love gymnastics, she will give you a good physical development and health, the vigor of the Spirit! In this you, my 90 years old! " (Nikolai Alexandrovich Morozov).

"I feel after walking and swimming, that younger, and most importantly, that the bodily movements were missing and refreshing his brain" (Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky).

"Sport becomes a means of upbringing when he is a favorite occupation of everyone" (Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky).

"With the help of physical exercises and the abstinence, most people can do without medicine" (Addison Joseph).

"Football match: a fight whistling judges with a whistle of the tribune" (Slavomir Vrublevsky).

"The defeat is a temporary state, the failure of the struggle makes it constant" (Marilyn Rosca Savant).

"The one who wants to be strong, brave, is becoming them. A real man can't avoid sports. And if he loves a woman, he must be healthy, strong, generous! " (Arnold Schwarznegger).

"I do not have a desire to prove anyone, I prove myself that I can become even better and even more with every workout!" (Dwayne Johnson).

"The most delicious feeling is when you know exactly what your opponent will do now, and carefully bring it to an error. If you play a combination correctly, you won. Clean chess " (Vladimir Klichko).

"To selflessly train for hours, every day, a person needs to throw ordinary pleasures and rest. He must have a strong sense of self-denial, awareness of the goal that will help him in overcoming temptations. SELECT, whose mind burns with a desire to learn everything on the selected path, will devote any possible minute training "(Masutas Oyama).

"I like that I do what the rest do not do, so I am a winner!" (Jay Cutler).

"Life is not only a struggle, but also other sports" (B. Krutier).

"What does not kill me, then makes me stronger" (Friedrich Nietzsche).

"If something moves me forward, then only my weakness that I hate and turn into my power" (Michael Jordan).

"If I lose, I will leave and I will not regret it ... Because I know what I could do everything. (Joe Fraser).

"No matter how important fights in the Boxer's account is the most important in life - the next" (John Rus).

"Fighting is my whole life. It begins with the talent, turns into a hobby, becomes profitable business and profession, but this is not enough to be completely satisfied to achieve success in the fight simply need to love " (Kamam Gabber).

"If a person does not want to join in the morning, nothing can stop him" (Yoga Berr).

"Will is what makes you defeat when your mind tells you that you are defeated" (Carlos Castaneda).

"You did not lose until you gave up" (Michael Jordan).

"To become a champion is much easier than to keep this title and live with him all my life." (Roy Jones).

"The power of the Spirit breaks any strength of the muscles!" (Sylvester Stallone).

"The most important thing for success in Bodybuilding is education. But this is not a school, not college and not university, but a constant study of all available information on this issue " (Flex Willer).