Methods of holding handball training. Tactical training methods


High Qualification Handball Player Sport Training System

1. Basics of training technique. Tasks, means and methods of training

sports Training Handball Volve

Training and training have their own specific tasks, but in training there is always a new training. Therefore, these concepts have a close relationship and consider them necessary as a single pedagogical process in the system of training a qualified handball player.

The purpose of the training is the upbringing of ideologically purposeful, physically developed, which has strong health capable of protecting the Motherland and high-performance work, ready to show the highest sports results in the measure of their capabilities.

Training Tasks:

1 . Education of high moral and volitional qualities Handball player in accordance with the requirements of the Moral Code.

2. Strengthening health, comprehensive physical development, education of special motor abilities.

3. Mastering modern equipment, tactics and game strategy.

  1. Education of the mental properties of the person necessary for successful training and speeches in competitions.
  2. Acquisition of knowledge for scientifically based training management.

6. Acquisition of the ability to realize your knowledge, skills and skills in collective sports fighting to achieve victory.

All means of sports training handball player are divided into competitive and preparatory. B turn, in competitive means you can select the actual competitive and training forms of competitive exercises. In preparatory exercises, it is important to distinguish specially preparatory and general preparatory.

Self-competitive exercises - this is the game itself in real conditions Sports competition in full compliance with the rules. Competitions are an effective means of improving sportsmanship. B learning training process Actually, competitive exercises occupy a prominent place. Without them, the process of improvement is impossible

Competitive exercises in training These are also holistic gaming actions, but they are performed in other conditions, with a smaller slope of mental tension, are aimed at solving training tasks. They can be considered model forms of competing exercises.

Special preparatory exercises include elements of competitive actions, as well as actions similar to competitive in the nature of the manifestation of abilities, these exercises are created with such a calculation to selectively influence individual parties to the preparation of the Gand6olist, strengthen this impact compared to the competitive exercise.

Methods of sports training are divided into verbal visual and exercise methods. All of them are presented specifically by types of handbolist preparation: physical, technical, tactical, intellectual, moral, volitional and special mental and gaming.

2. Types of preparation

Physical training.

Physical training - This is the process of education of physical abilities, strengthening the system of the handball player to effectively master the skills of the game and competitive activities.

To tasks physical training Below:

  1. Strengthening health, promoting harmonic physical development.
  2. Strengthening the basic systems of the body; carrier "Main load in the game.
  3. Education of the main motor abilities: forces, speed, flexibility, endurance, dexterity.
  4. Education of specific handball abilities.

The level of physical development and physical fitness of the handball player largely determines the achievement of high sports results.

Education of power abilities.

Force - This is the ability of a person to overcome external resistance or counteract him due to muscle efforts.

As part of power abilities, power, speed-power and power stamina (L.P. Matveyev) are distinguished.

Actually, power abilities are manifested in slow movements. Absolute force characterizes the power potential of an athlete and is measured by the magnitude of the maximum arbitrary muscle force in isometric mode without limiting time or maximum weight of the raised cargo.

In the speed-powerful abilities, along with strength, high speed is needed. It should be distinguished by the reactive properties of the muscles: instantaneous switching from influencing to the overcoming mode, high-speed strength, which characterizes the ability of the muscles to the rapid implementation of the movement against relatively small external resistance, and the explosive force, which characterizes the ability of the muscles to the manifestation of significant stresses at the minimum time. The explosive force depends on the absolute force of the muscles, from their ability to quickly increase strength at the beginning of the working voltage (starting force) and the ability to quickly achieve the maximum value of force during the muscle contraction (accelerating force).

Power endurance characterizes the ability of muscles to maintain the effectiveness of their functioning in conditions of long-term operation (re-execution of explosive efforts, cyclic operation of one or another intensity, etc.).

In the gaming activity of the handball player, the manifestation of the force is dynamic, and often it is necessary to apply both high-speed strength (ball of the ball, the transfer of the ball, detention of the ball with hand, etc.), and explosive strength (jump, jerk). In addition, it is necessary to show power in the game repeatedly. Therefore, the powerful endurance in the preparedness of the handball player plays the last role.

According to the general classification of training tools, all power exercises can be divided into general preparatory, specially preparatory and training forms of competitive exercise.

The general preparatory funds include exercises from gymnastics, weightlifting, struggle, both in common and local exposure. They are designed to develop the strength of the entire muscle system without much to sports specialization. A wide variety of exercises are used in which all types of dynamic and static strength are manifested. The use of general-brewing exercises is necessary in order to eliminate the unilateral development of power abilities, since all muscles in the human body function as a single system, the lag of one unit will certainly lead to the brake in improving the other.

Special preparatory exercises are the character of directed influences. Moreover, this impact may be versatile and specialized (B.B. Kuznetsov).

The first group of special preparatory exercises include exercises of versatile targeted force training, with the help of which the muscles carrying the main and auxiliary load in the game are brought up. For this purpose, a variety of means are applied, which are not similar to the specific structure with the movements of the handball player in the game, but close to the nature of neuromuscular stresses. In this case, use exercises with overcoming our own weight, external resistance of the weight of objects, resistance to elastic bodies, counteracting the partner, the resistance of the external environment (water, sand, snow).

For handball players typical of speed-power exercises, jerks, throwing various shells, jumping with burdens and without them. The burden is easy to dose and selectively influence them into different muscle groups. It should be remembered that the first part of the movement with a heavy shell is slow, the pace is gradually increasing. When performing exercises with overcoming resistance of elastic items (expander, rubber), the voltage increases by the end of the movement. If the task is to show a concentrated force at the end of the movement, it is necessary to use a fitful, but short rubber, and for the manifestation of force, approximately the same throughout the path of movement, is a tight rubber long-length. Exercises with rubber and expenditors are mostly suitable for raising power stamina.

To the second group of special preparatory exercises include those aimed at raising the muscle strength carrying the main burden in the game. Moreover, power abilities are brought up with the help of funds in which not only the nature of neuromuscular stresses during operation, but also the specific structure of the competitive exercise is preserved.

Raising high-speed abilities.

Rapidity - Specifyingness of the tastelessness in the minimum short period of time. Components of speed, or high-speed abilities are:

  1. The speed of a simple and complex reaction, measured by latent response time.
  2. The speed of individual motor acts, measured by speed and acceleration when performing individual movements, not external resistance.
  3. The speed manifested in the pace (frequency) of movements, measured by the number of movements per unit of time.

The game of handball requires maximum manifestations of all components of high-speed abilities, for which the system of many years of preparation of the handball player should be sent. It should be borne in mind that the speed is the most conservative quality of all physical abilities and is poorly educated. Completely limited mutual transfer of high-speed components.

Therefore, to educate each of them requires specific means. Direct speed transfer occurs only in coordination and similar movements. For example, improving jumpers will have a positive effect on the rates in running, as in both cases the rate of extension of the legs is important. Improvements of high-speed qualities can be achieved by improving the speed-filling preparedness and technique of movements.

Education of the speed of the motor reaction.

Simple reaction - This is an answer in advance in advance in advance known, suddenly appearing signal. B. competitive activities Handball player to show the speed of a simple reaction is not often due, since the game is replete with complex situations, the outcome of which is almost impossible to predict. Training in various speed exercises improves the speed of a simple reaction. For her upbringing, the exercises are selected, where you need to quickly react to the signal. The best tool is moving games. But gradually the rapid response is stabilized, and new approaches are needed for its improvement. Thus, a dismembered method for improving the speed of the reaction and the speed of subsequent movements is applied. For example, a beginner-goalkeeper is difficult to delay the ball abandoned in the lower corner of the ball due to inability to quickly make a drop or "twine". In this case, first improves the speed of movement, and then apply the reaction exercises. The sensory method is aimed at developing the ability to distinguish, feel the smallest segments of time to the tenths and hundredths of a second. Athletes, well-distinguishing micro-intervals, differ, as a rule, high speed reaction. I regret, this method did not receive proper use in the handball.

Complex reactions in the gaming activity of the handball player are constantly found and are divided into reactions to a moving object (ball, player) and the reaction with the choice.

When responding to a moving subject, it is necessary: \u200b\u200ba) see the object; 6) assess the direction and speed of its movement; c) choose a plan of action; d) start exercising. This is a hidden reaction period, which lasts from 0.25 to 1 sec. Most of the time goes on the fixation of the moving object by their eyes. This ability develops exercises with a response to a moving object. Exercises are gradually complicated by increasing speed, greater suddenness of the appearance of a ball or partner, cutting distance. Useful games with a small ball, such as tennis cases, when the ball is fixed with a look before its movement, the reaction time is significantly reduced. The reaction time can be reduced due to rational behavior in the period preceding the response. Attention should be directed not only to the signal, but also on the upcoming own movements. Musculature is optimally mobilized, which is expressed in a specific goalkeeper and defender. Great importance He has the ability to predict the direction of the ball of the ball on the actions of the player. The flight rate of the ball is so big that it is impossible to react on it. From the very beginning, student training needs to produce the ability to predict and perform actions like 6s a few dashed ball flight.

The selection response is associated with the determination of the most rational motor response in this situation. Handball players of high qualifications achieve very high response speed in a difficult situation, focusing mainly on the preparatory actions of the enemy. This ability is brought up with the help of exercises, in which they teach a dealing to respond to exaggerated and noticeable performing movements, gradually everything, more approaching them to natural. When raising the speed of a complex reaction, the number of possible response options in different settings is gradually increasing, brought it to the game.

Raising the speed of movements. Maximum speed, which can show a handball player in any movement depends on the level of development of its high-speed power, flexibility, ownership of the technique. B Handball The speed of movements has to be taken repeatedly during the game, and this is possible only in the presence of high-speed endurance.

All means of raising the speed of movements are divided into general preparatory, specially preparatory and competitive. All of them are performed with the limiting and velocity speed.

The general preparation includes sprint exercises, jumping exercises, exercises in throwing various shells. To more efficiently upbringing the overall speed of movements, use certain methodological techniques:

  1. Facilitate external conditions and the use of additional forces accelerating movements. B Handball player training is advisable to use running in the wind; on the inclined track down; on the inclined track up, creating an artificially enlarged step of steps; Running on the traction; Running on a special track with a device that reduces the weight of the athlete (hanging).
  2. Using the effect of "accelerating thesis" and variation of burdens. The speed of movement increases after its execution with a certain burden. For example, throwing a stuffing ball, and then 2-3 throw a handball ball. Run alternation up the inclined track, down the inclined, horizontal.
  3. Ling. B Handball Player Training The leader may be a partner that creates a reference point to achieve the required speed, as well as a flying ball, asking the pace of movement.

Approximate exercises.

1. Acceleration, jerking on segments from 5 to 40 m from various source positions (standing, sitting, lying) face, back forward and sideways.

2. Running with the maximum frequency of steps in place and moving.

3. Spectator jerks: after a partner, in a competition with a partner for mastering the ball, to catch it for the flying ball with the task.

4. Running behind the leader without changing and changing direction.

5. Running on short segments with jumps at the beginning, middle and at the end of the distance.

6. Multiple jumping on foot.

7. Jumping on the sides of solitary and series, in place and moving face and back forward.

8. Throwing stones and "balls (tennis, hockey, male and female handball, printed) of various weights on accuracy and range.

9. Blowing on the flying ball (volleyball and handball) in the jump, from the place, from the run.

10. Throwing grenades, spears.

Special preparatory products include exercises on the technique and tactics of the game performed at the limiting speeds. When organizing these exercises with the task of raising the speed, the following methodological techniques are used:

  1. Facilitate external conditions. For example, a game of lightweight balls: Men play with female balls, women - a ball for mini-handball.
  2. Ling. An excellent means of turning the ball in the high-speed leader are exercises using inclined 6 atua.
  3. Increasing the suddenness of the ball. For example, the goalkeeper delays balls flying because of the screen or bounced from the wall. The transfer of the ball because of the screen, the partner must catch. Throw the ball due to the screen, the defender must block the ball.
  4. Reducing the distance to the player with the ball. First, the goalkeeper delays the ball from a long distance, and then this distance is gradually shrinking.
  5. Increase the speed of the ball.

In the training forms of competitive exercise - two-way games for upbringing 6 movements, certain settings are used and minor changes of the rules:

  1. The narrowing of the spatial boundaries of the exercise. The game on a reduced platform leads to an increase in the speed of movement.
  2. The narrowing of the time limits of the exercise. Reducing the game time with the task of achieving a certain result accelerates the execution of movements.

Education of dexterity

Dexterity - This is a comprehensive quality that does not have a single indicator for evaluation. Dexterity criteria are: 1) the coordination complexity of the movement performed; 2) accuracy of the performance of spatial, time and power characteristics of motion; 3) Motion formation time. The handboller agility is manifested in the ability to fully and effectively perform complex techniques of the game in a suddenly changing situation. The speed, accuracy and timeliness of the receptions depend on how well it is developed by its motor abilities. A dexterity is used by any exercises in which there is a new element. The greater the stock of the engine skills at the athlete, the easier it takes the new movement and the higher his dexterity. It is necessary to select exercises that would affect the motor, vestibular and visual analyzers in the complex. Coordination opportunities are laid in children and youth and are improving all their lives. However, it must be remembered that if in childhood The cultivation of dexterity is based on a wide variety of funds, then at the stage of sports improvement dexterity, it is advisable to educate the means that produce skills suitable in the gaming activity of the handball player. This is necessary because the transfer of agility is quite limited. The ability of this specific, and the specificity of agility is associated with qualitatively different skills in different types Activities. Thus, a handball player with highly developed dexterity may be helpless in other sports (for example, in football, skating, gymnastics). Often, a handball player, without missed, throwing balls one on one with the goalkeeper, the gaming situation cannot get into the gate.

The perfection of the handballist's dexterity contributes to trampoline, acrobatic exercises, mobile and sports games. They relate to the O6 Treatment Products.

Specially preparatory exercises include exercises, including elements of handball techniques performed in a limited space, in conditions of time deficit and a continuously changing situation.

Methodical methods of upbringing "Dexterity:

  1. Complication of previously learned exercises with new source positions, an increase in the rate of movements.
  2. Introduction of new exercises.
  3. Mirror exercise.
  4. Creating an unusual speed of execution using simulators.
  5. Juggling subjects (tennis or handball balls, bulbs).
  6. Introduction to the exercise of several goals (two - two, three balls; a stream exercise with several balls).
  7. Restriction of the exercise space. For example, a throw in a fall under the rope zone stretched over the line; Throw and transmission to various "windows"; Games in small square and others.
  8. Use of inventory and coverage of platforms of various quality.
  9. Variation of tactical conditions. For example, a game, with different opponents. Application of various action options.

Approximate exercises

  1. Sub6 sowing and catching the ball after turns, knuckles, jerks, falls.
  2. Getting into the goal after the jerk, Kuwarka, etc.
  3. Throwing the ball in a suddenly appearing target.
  4. Catching and again transfering the ball into the wall, trampoline after turning, seda, jump, etc.
  5. Catching and transferring the ball at the time of jumping, jumping from elevation, jumping on the elevation.
  6. Jumping forward-up from a podkin bridge with the execution in the flight phase of various tasks with a ball and without it.
  7. Combined, exercises, including running, jumping, maintaining, transmission with limit intensity.
  8. Running with different steps frequency, arrhythmical jogging.
  9. Relay.
  10. Games movable and sports.


Endurance- This is the ability to resist fatigue. The effectiveness of both the training and competitive process depends on this quality. The task of education of this ability is included in the upbringing of training endurance, on which the possible amount of loads in training and competitive endurance depends on which the performance of gaming activities depends without reducing its effectiveness throughout the games. Improving training endurance occurs under the influence of a gradual increase in loads by year and preparation stages. An increase in competitive endurance is possible by applying special tools and methods inherent in handball in the training process.

A common and special endurance should be distinguished. Shared endurance is the ability to continue to perform various types of work at the level of moderate intensity. Special endurance is the ability to ensure the effective implementation of technical and tactical actions in long-term gaming activities.

Total endurance is brought up in the process of general physical training, aimed at: a) expanding the functionality of cardiovascular and respiratory systems; b) strengthening the musculoskeletal system; c) the creation of prerequisites for increasing the useful volume of training work; d) promoting the development of special endurance based on the use of the "transfer" effect.

When upbringing special endurance it is necessary to solve two interrelated tasks. First, to increase special training stamina so that the handball player is able to investigate more voluminous intensive loads than in the competition. Moreover, training endurance must comply with the types of preparation: technical, tactical and game. Secondly, to achieve the highest possible at this stage of competitive endurance. The specificity of competitive endurance is expressed in an increase in the stability of the psyche of various kinds of knocking factors, stability of technical skills and increasing the effectiveness of competitive action by campaigning.

A prerequisite for the education of special endurance is the systematic use of tense training programsIn their content covers all endurance factors, and on the effects on the body are close to competitive loads or exceed them.

Means of raising endurance. The general preparation exercises are used to educate common endurance. These include cyclic nature exercises: cross, walking on skis, rowing, cycling, etc., moderate, large and variable intensity with a predominant azrium orientation. Also, any exercises organized by the circular training method, their total impacts can contribute to increasing overall endurance.

Special preparatory exercises in the process of raising endurance provide a more significant and more directed impact on individual factors. This includes technical and tactical and game exercises. Creating a series of exercises of various intensity, you can target special endurance.

Training forms Competitive exercise is training games with different load regimens.

Competitive exercises (games) are an effective means of raising endurance. Without them, it is impossible to influence all the factors of competitive endurance, so the number of competitions should increase as the growth of the athlete's skill.

Additional funds are used to upbringing endurance. Conducting two or four weekly training fees in the conditions of the middle mountain at an altitude of 1800-2000 m above sea level gives positive shifts in mobilizing the organism's aerial opportunities. Training in the conditions of hot climate, staying in the sauna helps the adaptation of the body to a potent unusual factor.

The method of education of endurance is divided according to the features of various parties to the preparation and directly in the conditions of competition for three sections: O6CHep-preparatory, specially preparatory and properly competitive.

Transportation section. Typical features are: a) the creation of complexes of general preparation exercises, which comprehensively influenced 6s on common endurance factors; 6) underlined gradualization of the increase in training loads; c) unsaturated increase in loads, ensuring such a degree of overall endurance, which is necessary for further improvement of the handball player; d) a variety of used methods.

The main method of upbringing overall endurance and related other physical abilities is the method of circular training according to the rule of consistent impact on all muscle groups. Along with the O6 Toppers, special preparatory exercises can be included in the circular training. You can use a circular training in almost all stages of the annual preparation cycle with the focus of the O6 Treatment, special preparatory and "supporting" character. Building a circular workout depends on the tasks of the lesson, the preparedness of engaged in the intensity of exercises. Exercises can be performed by series with rest between them and at the end of each circle. In addition, the exercises can be carried out in a flow, i.e. Leisure intervals are excluded both between individual series and between circles.

For the upbringing of general endurance in exercise of handball players, a long continuous running in a uniform and variable pace is used.

Especially POPI. The typical features of this section are the electoral orientation of the impact on the factors of special endurance and the holistic modeling of the upcoming competitive activity. Therefore, special endurance can be brought up by special preparatory means (methods of electoral impact) and training forms of competitive exercise (methods of holistic modeling).

Methods of selective impact. Motor activity mode of handball players in competitions is characterized by variable intensity after 5-20C. Therefore, to educate special endurance it is necessary to apply the interval training method. It is necessary; Reactivate that the interval load with short pauses of work and recreation has an aerobic anaerobic orientation. K An example, the alternation of working segments of the maximum intensity in 10 seconds with the same recreation pauses stimulates aerobic power, with pauses in 30 seconds aerobic capacity and efficiency, and the minute recreation intervals contribute to the circulatory function of the blood. An increase in the duration of the breaks of recreation increases the role of anaerobic energy sources in the overall energy balance of exercises.

Approximate exercises

Exercises Handball players perform on the track of the stadium in the stadium.

  1. Running from browing to the brow touching her every time with her hand (run face forward, back forward).
  2. Along the same brow, there are balls with an interval of up to 10 m. To transfer each ball to the other side of the track, capturing it from above (run along the path face, back forward).
  3. Landmarks are placed along the brow, such as balls. Running with a reference to the reference point, observing, jumping them, etc.
  4. Maintaining a ball from a guide to a guideline with a different direction shift.
  5. Different running with a rope.
  6. Shuttle run forward-back by landmarks.

Parach exercises:

  1. Running from browing to the brow, holding hands, under his hands.
  2. Being a face, to each other about the opposite 6 figures, the handball players flee (or jump) to the middle of the track, relate to their hands, return to the eyebrows face, back forward, sideways.
  3. In the middle of the track, break each other, return to the brow of the back forward.
  4. In the middle of the track, one makes any movements, another mirror repeats (squats, jumping, drops, etc.).

Exercises in pairs with a ball:

  1. Transfer the ball to each other, moving along the brow.
  2. One partner ahead is at a distance of up to 10 m. Running from behind raises and transmits the ball, and the front catches and puts on the platform, continuing forward.
  3. One partner ahead at a distance of up to 5 m in the jump throws the ball between the legs into the site, and the running pulling the ball back and passes it forward.
  4. Rearly running rolls the ball ahead, and ahead of the running catches and conveys a partner back.
  5. The transfer of the ball to each other with a preliminary turn of the circle (in 3 steps) and the same space.
  6. Transfer the ball with constant shift places.

The method of holistic modeling it includes:

  1. Multiple repetition of holistic gaming actions with different recreation intervals. Training can be built in the form of a three-team tournament in several circles of drawing with a duration of the meeting 5-10 minutes. With two teams of teams, all game time can be divided into segments with cutting recreation intervals.
  2. Extension of playing time. This can be achieved by an additional increase in the time of each half of the game, introducing additional time at the end of the game, the exception of the break between the hasles.
  3. An increase in the motor density and the overall intensity of the game. A deliberate advantage is used in a score of one of the commands (Fora). Intermediate finishes are used when the team is declared that it loses a certain number of points in the remaining moments until the end of the meeting. Enter additional rules. For example, the recent ball is counted only if all the attacker partners before the throw left their site zone and, on the contrary, if at least one defending team player remained on the opponent's side (not crossed the central line) to throw to his gate, the striker to count 2-3 points for one abandoned ball.
  4. The use of burdens for improving the power component of special endurance. The burdening should not distort the movement, and the dosage of these time exercises gradually may correspond to the duration of the game.

Competitive section. In training it is impossible to recreate all specific requirements for the endurance of the handball player, which are presented to the competition. The effectiveness of the competition as the means of education of competitive endurance depends on some factors: a) the number of competitions; 6) intervals between them; c) the ratio of competitive and training loads.

Together with an increase in the level of athlete's preparedness increases the total volume of competitive load. Thus, in the initial training groups for control games and competitions / all 30 hours per year are given, in the study of the third and fourth year training trips - 80-100, in groups of sports improvement and command top discharges - Up to 140, which is 70-80 intense meetings during the year.

Increase the volume of competitive endurance, you can speech in the preparatory competitions, participation in friendly tournaments. After preceding increased training loads, which makes the handball player it is extremely modulated in the game of its performance. At a high level of skill, when an athlete adapted to typical competitive loads, it is advisable to apply additional training loads on the day of games and free days from competition.

Education of endurance, conditionally indicated by three sections, should be considered as a single process of gradual transition of a preferential focus with the O6 Topper preparatory on specially preparatory, and then competitive.

At the first stages of the long-term preparation of the handball player dominates the general preparatory orientation, which creates prerequisites for further improvement of loads. The same orientation is needed at the beginning of each annual cycle. Improving the functionality of the body allows to further apply the methods of education of special endurance. Education of general and special endurance in the workout cycles occurs simultaneously, but with a different contribution of the exercises of the relevant sections.

Technical training

Technical training - This is the process of mastering the technique of movements serving means of conducting sports struggle. Technical preparation provides for mastering the skills and skills of fulfilling all receptions of the game in attacking and protection. Mastering sports equipment It is to find and mastering rational motor technologies that make it possible to best use the motorcycle's motorcycle capabilities in specific conditions of the solved motor task. Sports and technical skills can be characterized as the ability of a handball player to a targeted adequate motor task to use their real capabilities through a specific system of movements. The main purpose of technical training and is the improvement of this ability.

Technical training tasks.

  1. Knowledge of the theoretical foundations of sports equipment.
  2. Stuffed mastery of techniques, their combinations and ensuring the reliability of their fulfillment in difficult conditions of competitions.
  3. Improving technology, taking into account the individual characteristics of those involved.
  4. Improvement of technology, taking into account the game role of the handball player.
  5. Improvement of technology, taking into account the growth of the physical and mental abilities of the player.

Technique - the basis of the game. Only durable possession of it and the ability to apply in different settings can guarantee the achievement of higher sports skills.

Tools of technical training.

  1. General Preparation Exercises: a) Exercises aimed at the education of specific abilities for mastering techniques; b) imitation exercises; c) summarizing exercises.
  2. Special preparatory exercises; Holistic execution when variationing conditions.
  3. Training forms of competitive exercise; Admission to tactical actions.

Technical training methods

In the technical training of handball player, methods are used to effectively influence all parties of sports and technological skills. The use of methods that facilitate the reproduction of space-time motion parameters leads to an improvement in the accuracy of reproducing spatial characteristics by 40-50%; temporary - by 30%; Power - by 35% (B.M. Zociorsky). Technical training meters include: verbal, visual, leading method, the method of urgent information and variation methods.

Slible methods. They are used in practical classes in the form of explanations, instructions, evaluations, "self-contracting". It is important, reporting the performance details of the execution technique, revealing errors, bring them to independent conclusions, analyzing their movements and analyzing the causes of errors.

Visual methods. These include: a demonstration of visual benefits, aimed at the orientation method. The demonstration of visual benefits is an effective method of improving the technical skill of the handball player. View the analysis of the drawings, photos, kinograms, movies give an idea of \u200b\u200bindividual phases of movement. Viewing movies and video recorder recording allows you to reproduce a movement in a dynamics with a slower pace of execution and allocations for analysis and individual positions (stop-frames).

Method of directional "Fellerization" of movement. B The process of mastering techniques for the technique of the game muscle sensations are specified and become leading in the overall complex of sensations that make up the sensorior base of motor skills. To speed up and clarify the formation of the necessary skill, special devices are used, which, as it were, forcibly set the required parameters of movements and thereby allow them to feel them, for example:

1. To secure the position of the protective rack on the handball player wear a belt with traction to the footsteps. With such a device, you can move and, changing the length of the load, adjust the degree of flexion of the legs.

2. For becoming a skill or correcting error when throwing from above or on the side, the throwing of a small cargo on the guide wire fixed at different heights is applied.

3. To straighten your hands when throwing onto the elbow joint, all kinds of limiters (cuffs) are put on or a task is given when the ball is released to touch any object, the grid of the basketball ring, the suspension fringe at a certain height, etc.

4 . To upbringing the skill, send the ball along the upstream trajectory using a ball of a ball from a distance of 6-7 m under the restrictive cord at the belt level with the task to get into top Gate.

Orientation method.It provides for the introduction of subject and other landmarks to the situation. It is very important to require from the exact accurate performance of the task (location in relation to the guideline, direction of movement, entering the ball into the benchmark, etc.).

For the attacker, landmarks may be: a) in the gate (stretched cord, laid across a gymnastic bench, suspended targets); 6) in the goalkeeper zone (near the gate of the label, where to fall the ball, or landmarks for the goalkeeper when choosing a position in the gate); c) on the platform markup to designate the range and the cast angle; r) directly at the place of reception (protector layouts, racks, walls, etc.).

Using the orientation method, it is possible to deliberately affect the various components of the movement. For example, when hitting along the gate, the bench or the space between the bench and the stretched cord is brought up with a skill skill with a sliding rebound.

When using benchmarks, a visual image of a movement is created, which is constantly being compared with motor sensations.

To increase engine sensitivity, you can exclude the participation of vision in traffic management. For example, produce a throw in a landmark with closed eyes. In this case, the result of the hit must be controlled by vision. Or lead the ball with closed eyes like 6s presenting increased demands on the muscular feeling. These techniques significantly increase the accuracy of movements under normal conditions. Apply exercises without visual participation with a matter of muscle sensations only if it allows you to do without injury.

The method of orientation in handball involves the execution of tasks with a "live" guide. It may be a partner or opposing player. Improving the transfer occurs when oriented to various movements of partners. Improving the throw is impossible without orienting the response of the goalkeeper and the defender, but the improvement of the technique of the defender - without orienting the movement of the attacker. When performing exercises with the "alive" reference point, the tasks should also be specified as in the subject. For example, transfer the ball to the partner exactly in hand or with some advance. Right only in the upper or lower corners of the gate, focusing on the movement of the goalkeeper and the defender.

Method of leading. The game activity of the handball player takes place in constant martial arts with the enemy, and this forces it to perform techniques of the game in the conditions of extreme physical and mental tension. To bring the conditions of mastering the technique to competitive, the leading method is used. The meaning of the method is to use the external factor in the course of the exercise, which the 6th stimulated and sent executing exercises, it would be impossible to act faster, more precisely, more reliable, and as a result more economically. Such an incentive leader for handball player can be a partner, balls of different simulators. Improvement of technology should be in contact with a partner, which by their actions set the tempo of movement, the speed of movement (catch up, to overtake), sets the task (select, stop, block), forces to apply one or another reception. Therefore, the selection of a partner should be paid to paying the joint work to bring positive results.

All the actions of the handball player in the game are aimed at mastering the ball to then throw it into the gate. Therefore, the ball must be the main incentive by the leader in training for the improvement of technology. Slow and aimless cake of the ball cannot serve as an increase in skill. Only exercises organized so; That the flying ball forces it to overcome the internal and external resistance, contributes to the permanent increase in the quality of the technique of performing the equipment of the game.

To ensure also the effect of the ball can also clear and specific tasks of the coach and the use of gyms, for example, trampoline, which give a different rebound of the ball, and "guns" emitting the ball at various distances at different speeds.

Method of urgent information. In the process of technical training, the skill of techniques performs the techniques. Therefore, it is important that the process of the formation of technology has been analyzed, evaluating and to control the performance of movements. The leading role in the correction, as a rule, belongs to the coach. He comments on the activities of the student, makes comments. The success of the technical preparedness of the handball player depends on self-esteem, on the ability to timely and accurately assess the spatial, temporal and power parameters of movements along the implementation of the exercise. Subjective assessments It is important to check using accurate information. Especially greater control of controls are provided by hardware methods of urgent information on the parameters of movements and the results of action. For example, developed by K.A. Kebelly simulator allows you to influence such characteristics of the handball throwing technique, as speed and accuracy. The trainer lights up the light bulbs in the gate. The handball player tries to get the ball. The device provides information about the time of performing the throw and accuracy of the hit.

The simulator "Inclined 6 Atut" gives urgent information directly during the implementation of the movement on the result of the ball's flight and thereby corrects muscle efforts, contributing to the accuracy of the ball transfer.

Variation methods. Strictly regulation Variation provides for the execution of tasks requiring the skill to change the individual parameters of movements, as well as their connection and coordination form in exactly due to the framework. For example, performing a reception from various source positions, in various combinations with other techniques, with various dosage values \u200b\u200bof muscle effort, with overcoming exactly due to countering partner. Basically, all methods of technical preparation are aimed at improving the accuracy of movements. All methodological techniques of education of accuracy are aimed at the development of the ability to assess changes in spatial conditions and adjust their response to them accordingly.

The accuracy of the throw and transmission affect the ability of the handball player to reproduce previously developed spatial and power characteristics of movements, the ability to correctly determine the direction and distance to the partner or to the gate. B training session special exercises With varying distance when the ball transmissions and throws into the gate. This uses three methods: "Spot", contrast tasks "," prompted tasks ".

With a "point" method, throwing or transmission is performed from a permanent place. But at the same time there are various tasks for the method of performing the reception: limitations of the size of the gate, the height of the transfer, the path of the ball.

When the "prominent tasks" method goes from contrasting differentiations of efforts, transferring and throwing alternately from a very long and very close distance, gradually approximate points.

When the "contrasting tasks" method of the cast from the main position (point) alternates with a long-distance cast; Middle or from another position. Trainers apply simulators, devices and equipment devices to purposefully vary the exercise. For example, the use of the "inclined 6 atuut" simulator will allow you to run out of throws. Installation: Simulators Various positions at the goalkeeper zone can get a ball rebound with any trajectory and any power. You can train yourself, without a partner, changing the conditions.

Not strictly regulated variation involves performing techniques in gaming tactical exercises, where there is no stability of the situation. The use of unusual influences of the external environment in training (various platform coverage, meteorological conditions) also creates the possibilities of impact on the execution technique, which are not amenable to accurate control.

Most of the methodological techniques that ensure the feasibility and variability of performing receptions of the game, serve as reliability of technology in competitive conditions. But reliability of technology depends on mental stability, special endurance and other abilities, which are provided by other types of preparation. Therefore, additional ways to increase "noise immunity" will be discussed below.

Methods of correcting errors.Even the most modern methods and learning tools do not allow fully avoided errors when mastering the ledge of movements. The work of the coach for identifying and eliminating errors will not replace any technical means. The choice of methodological measures depends on the cause of errors and the degree of their stabilization. The appearance of errors can cause various reasons. For example, a handball player has an incorrect idea of \u200b\u200bmovement, etc. Sometimes the skills of a similar movement have a negative impact on the movement studied. The disadvantage in the development of motor abilities or the injury obtained during the execution of exercise can also be caused by the appearance of an error. Well, if the erroneous execution is noticed on time and the movement immediately adjusted. Incompretable recognition of incorrect movement leads to persistent errors. The reasons may be the following:

1. the study is not learning not the rational technique for solving a motor task;

2. did not stabilize the technique in conditions close to the competitive;

3. in the learning process, it received information only on the results of incorrect execution, and not O6 deviations from the parameters that ensure the appropriate solution of the motor problem;

4. in its adverse anatomical prerequisites for mastering the required technique;

5. before the start of training, forceful qualities were not sufficiently developed, therefore, unnecessary muscular groups were brought to compensation or auxiliary movements were made that are not necessary.

To correct errors in the technique, you need to establish the cause of the error, eliminate it and only then produce a new motor skill from the handball player.

It is much more difficult to correct the solar errors that sometimes become a brake in improving further skill. This requires a long time to destroy the old skill and form a new one.

To fix the sshi6ka, the following is necessary:

1. Creating a clear idea of \u200b\u200ba clear idea of \u200b\u200bmovement technique.

2. Comparison of the erroneous and proper movement with a verbal explanation, show, view drawing, film origin, filmographic, dynamograms, etc.

3. Directional feeling of movements. For this purpose, it is possible to consciously increase or decrease the amplitude, the time of the movement parts, apply the supply exercises selectively affecting the necessary components of the movement. Create such conditions in which the improper movement is impossible.

A big effect in correcting errors gives focused observation of the exercise with their comrades. All players observe how their comrade performs reception, and then give an assessment.

Tactical training

Tactical training - This is the process of mastering theoretical basics of tactics and their use skills.

Tactical training tasks:

  1. Education of the necessary abilities for successful mastering the tactics of the game.
  2. Mastering individual, group and, command actions.
  3. Improving tactical preparedness taking into account the role in the team.
  4. Educating the ability to switch from one tactical system to another, from attacking protection, and vice versa.

The basis of the tactical training of the player is to master individual, group and command actions. Each handball player must know the content and classification of tactics and bring the practical implementation of individual and group actions to tactical skills.

Tactical skills - These are automated components of the conscious action of the handball player during the game that are produced during the exercise. Being applied under standard conditions, tactical skill is distinguished by durability, accuracy and appropriate rhythm. But the situations in the game are changing rapidly, and their many. Moreover, one tactical task can be solved with a variety of means, and various tasks are alone and the same. If the competitive situation does not correspond to the developed stereotype of the action and the handball player cannot find connections between competitive and academic situations, the temporary applied tactical skills lead to errors. The choice of the appropriate tactical skill and its use require creative thinking.

The ability of handball player to quickly navigate in the choice of suitable way The struggle is called tactical thinking. The base of tactical thinking is the ability to quickly and correctly perceive the folding game situation and the basics of tactical knowledge that it acquires during the workout process.

Tactical preparation must organically combine theoretical and practical sections. As a teaching technique, the athlete must be explained which tactical tasks he will be able to solve with the help of this or that reception and method of its implementation. It is useful so that the tactical scope of application of the technique has become known to be engaged in training to the appropriate movement. The handball player should only continue to solve the tactical task when he intended her theoretically and mentally worked. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe studied tactical action is created by explaining and demonstration, and the handball player should deepen his representation with independent analysis and comprehension. When the skill of tactical action is mastered, the challenge is set to choose the most appropriate solution in the gaming situation. It is necessary to pre-solve the problem theoretically. At the same time, the coach gets the opportunity to simultaneously control whether the athlete perceived correctly and analyzed the situation, i.e. Did he mentally solved the tactical task correctly. If the handball player theoretically solves the tactical tasks presented in the form of schemes, photographs, then it relatively easily transfers these solutions to specific situations in practice. B The process of such theoretical exercise is brought up with tactical thinking. The coach must be placed before the athlete, all new tactical tasks and encourage them to solve them independently.

IN educational process The theoretical and practical part of tactical training should be so agreed that the players will acquire knowledge and can apply them. Uncertain, unstable knowledge that do not correspond to the level of preparedness make it difficult to mention tactical tasks.

Handball player needs to educate the ability to observe. The athlete must be able to watch the opponent in the game. For this, exercises developing peripheral vision.

Equally important is the observation while in reserve the handball player it is necessary to learn to keep records of the game and observation of the opponent, being on the bench of the spare or on the stand during the competition. To improve tactical preparedness, the handball player should be able to critically analyze its own actions.

Tactical preparations:

1. O6 Topper Preparation Exercises :) Moving games;

b) orientation exercise;

c) Preparatory streaming exercises.

2. Specially preparatory funds:

a) visual benefits for theoretical solution of tactical tasks;

b) Exercises on tactics (individual, group, command).

3. Training forms of competitive exercise: tactical actions in a bilateral game.

Tactical training methods

In the process of preparing the handball player, three methods of organizing exercise are applied: the regulatory method, the improvision method, the modeling method.

Regulation method Contains the strict sequence of players actions. This method is used when learning new interactions, when improving combinations with a certain ending for a specific player. When learning a tactical action, it is important to achieve a synchronous sequence of incorporating all its performers. For this, handball players from a certain initial arrangement work out intercommunctions according to the action scheme. Next, the enemy is introduced, and the exercise is performed with gradually increasing resistance until all parts of the action are refined and learned. When standard scheme The interaction is assimilated, make some clarifications and amendments to the unexpected behavior of defenders, specifying possible options for completing the attack.

In tactical exercises for attackers organized by the regulation method, refine: 1 2 3 ) methods, distances and speed of movement; 4 ) methods, quantity and rate of transfer of the ball; 5 ) distances between partners; 6 ) distances to opponent players; 7 ) Possible options for completion of the attack.

In the exercises, defenders are specified: 1 ) initial position of players; 2 ) a sequence of inclusion into action; 3 ) direction of movement; 4 ) occupied position regarding the opponent players; 5 ) Safety options.

Exercises built by this method clearly specify the actions of the players, make them seem to achieve by the shortest way, Teach to gaming discipline when everyone acts according to a single plan. For example, research V. B. Faigga and Yu.I. Healthily showed that the duration of the effective attack on average is 27.9 pieces, and a non-response - 10.1 seconds. The most effective there are attacks with a pace of less than 1.5 seconds per transmission. Improving tactical interactions against zone protection should be carried out taking into account the time parameters of the attack. One of the criteria for evaluating perfection of a combination can be the rate of attack no more than C1.5 seconds per transmission.

Method of improvitization Contains the free choice of actions by each team player. Naturally, this freedom is limited by the knowledge of the general rules of interaction. The use of this method develops fantasy, the initiative of the players. In exercises organized by improvisation, new combinations can be born, players can reveal new opportunities. The unexpected course of the player's partners may not understand, and therefore, and not support. Therefore, these exercises make the handball player extremely focusing, quickly evaluating the unfamiliar situation and make a decision of further actions. The improvisation method develops high activity, attentiveness, orientation, the ability to predict situations. However, it is available athletes with game intelligence and sufficient level of technical preparedness.

Improving method is carried out using some methodological techniques. B Exercises for attackers use:

1. Increase or decrease in the number of martial players:

a) an arbitrary game on one half of the site with the same number of attackers and defenders (2x2, sq3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6);

b) a bilateral game with a reduced number of players (ZX3, 4X4);

c) game against a greater or smaller number of defenders (3x5, 4x2, 4x6, 7x6)

1. Bilateral game 7x7, 8x8 field players.

2. Change role in group and command exercises:

a) multiple players (a linear player becomes playing, etc.);

) all field players;

c) goalkeeper (the goalkeeper plays the field, and in its place - a field player).

3. Play limits:

a) restriction of the depth of attack (put limiting obstacles along the 9-meter line);

b) restriction of the width of the site.

4. Introduction of auxiliary equipment :) 6 ATUTUs installed along the zone. The transfer to the completion of the attack can be resolved only after catching the ball from 6 atoux;

b) targets put in the gate. Find only in them.

In exercises for advocates, apply:

  1. Increase or decrease in the number of protection players (2 x 3, 2 x 4, ZHB, 7x6, 7x5).
  2. Limitations of space for throwing certain targets installed in the gate without goalkeeper.

Modeling method Contributes to the creation of the conditions of the alleged competition. The simulation is subject to the actions of the leading player or the entire opponent's team, the actions of their team in the numerical minority and most. Modeling the actions of the lead or dangerous than the unexpected features of the opponent team player, the coach gives a task to one of the handball players to portray the game of this athlete or itself performs its function. The whole team, acting against the "model" player, should clearly know the features of his dangerous moves and externally react to them. Naturally, it will create difficulties for partners, but the creation of anxiety situations in training will exclude their surprise during the official game.

You can simulate the actions of the attacker and defender. For example, one of the attackers depicts a scorer who owns a distant throw from 10-12 m. Depending on what position this player is located, the defenders clarify their actions, or vice versa, the tenant defender does not go away from herself best scorer Commands of the enemy.

Modeling can be subjected to the entire enemy game system both in the attack and in defense. The choice of options for overcoming a system of the game in the training session aimed at the upcoming meeting, give confidence in choosing the means of the game, will help quickly and efficiently organize its actions at competitions

A prerequisite for modeling should be the presence of source and end data in the model. Moreover, the exercise models can be two options:

1st option . The model assumes the presence of a ready-made scheme of actions, i.e. Total ways of development from the initial to the final. In such cases, the finished scheme must be brought under specific performers, under the specific position of the action. As a rule, such a model represent situations most common in a real gaming atmosphere. For example, if the attacker is cursed personally, then rationally apply the barrier. This group interaction with handball players is familiar and remains only to clarify, with whom from partners the cloak will be performed.

2nd option . The Models know only the source and end data, but there are no information about the functioning of this model. B. this exercise The search for several options for action from the initial position to the ultimate goal will be. For example, personally take 2 players of the attack. In this case, it is possible to use various types of group interactions: departure, crossed external and internal interaction, as well as hidden care from the guardian.

Simulation of a situation with different speeds of action allows you to select the most rational options for these performers. The successful application of the modeling method depends on the knowledge of the basic laws of tactical actions obtained by handball players in the study of the 199 training process.

Theoretical preparation

Intellectual preparation - this is the process of understanding the most sporting activities and directly related phenomena

Game activity is diverse. However, the analysis of the content of this activity allows you to identify a number of mental functions that are leading for successful implementation. A special place is given to the formation and improvement of those mental functions that ensure the processes of receiving, processing, storing and transmitting information.

To properly solve technical and tactical problems, players must have optimal information about the location of partners on the site, the place of finding the ball, the possible countering the enemy, the signals of the coach and partners, etc. and field view (peripheral vision). If the first is associated with the remote-dynamic features of the perception of a moving object, with the ability to estimate the distance to the flying ball, to a moving partner, then the second with the location of them in the game space. B Attacks need to see partners with whom the player interacts, as well as a defender and goalkeeper, rivals. When performing protective actions, the athlete is obliged to keep in the field of view of his ward player, player who owns the ball, do not forget about the partner's insurance. As a rule, focusing on the main object at the moment, the handball player controls other peripheral vision.

Specific features of activity form a comprehensive perception of an integrated perception, which is based on a subtle differentiation of stimuli coming from various analyzers: muscular, vestibular, visual, auditory, tactile. K such specialized perceptions include the "ball feeling", "gate feeling", "sense of site", etc. Such specialized perception is available to high-class players. The formation of a high level of perception of activity in the game is one of the main tasks of intellectual preparation.

For successful improvement, technical and tactical skills are of great importance to the mnemonic properties of the athlete's memory. It includes memory volume, memorization rate, strength to preserve the information received and the accuracy of its reproduction at the right moment. The mnemonic skills of the handball player are associated with the functioning of two types of memory: long-term and short-term or operational. Gandball player activities are of particular importance to the latter. RAM is used directly to preserve perceived information for a very short time or in order to cause some part of information from long-term memory in consciousness. The handballist has to memorize many tactical action schemes in the training process. In addition, during the competition, he may find original solutions to the game tasks that its memory must be saved and accurately reproduced at the right moment.

With the increased intensification of gaming actions and the need to interact in the conditions of an acute time deficit, psychic functions are occupied by a special place that ensure the processing of information, predicting the further move of the gaming situation. B First of all, surgical thinking is important, which is directly related to the processing of the information received. Operational thinking is carried out directly in activities consisting of operations flowing rapidly related to symbols, but to real objects and processes with a rigid limit of time, not leaving the possibilities for nominating many hypotheses. Most often, the handballist has to make the choice of the most efficient solution in the conditions of active resistance of rivals. Tactical solutions are the fruit of operational mental activity. B Situations of choice The player instantly moves through several options and applies the one that most of all, in his opinion, is consistent with this situation. Basically, the handball players choose the most suitable option from among the known and previously defective. However, operational thinking includes elements of creative thinking. The conditions for each new handball player game are not identical to the conditions in which his training work or past competitions flowed. Situations are not repeated, and this eliminates the continuous use of automated actions. In some cases, the operational thinking of the handball player leads to new results, gives rise to a completely unexpected decision, so its thinking can be called productive, and not only reproductive. Professional and significant properties of the handball player are intensity and concentration of attention, its stability and speed of switching. None of the properties depends on external factors to such an extent as the property of attention. For example, a monotonous game leads to a decrease in concentration and stability of attention, even despite the volitional efforts of players, it immediately affects the players' vigilance, increases the number of errors in the game. The opposite nature of developing events at the site sharply improves the indicators of these properties.

Modern handball is characterized by high speeds. A quick change of situations requires high stability of attention, preserving its mobilization throughout the game, instant switching and wide distribution. Especially greater demands, handball makes a goalkeeper attention to the qualities. Throwing masters of this game are surprising and rapid (up to 100 km / h) the speed of the ball. The ball, according to E. I. Ivakhin, flies to the gate from the distance B m Total 0, Z1 of the tales. To react to the attack of the attacker, the goalkeeper should follow the ball in unrequisite throughout the attack, the enemy. But the time to desert the ball goalkeeper is about 0.8 pieces. A comparison of the flight time of the ball to the gate and time of the reception of the goalkeeper shows the need to predict them the direction of the ball. Otherwise, the goalkeeper simply will not have time to block him the way.

Properties of the personality providing recreation imagination play not the last role in the successful performance of gaming actions by handball player. Based on the incoming information about the position of the ball, the athlete's planning players in his imagination is building a spatially visual image of the subsequent situation. This image is not only spatial, but also dynamic, since the handball player anticipates the spatial location of moving objects after a certain period of time. Based on this image, the player and makes a decision. With an optimally folding setting on the game field, the decision-making is carried out in accordance with the tagged combinations. However, the game setting is always full of surprises. Therefore, in extreme conditions, elements of the recreation imagination, helping to foresee the further course of events become very significant.

B Intellectual Preparation Code is solved two main tasks:

  1. Education of intellectual abilities.
  2. Intelligent Handball player formation.

The upbringing of intellectual abilities that meet the specific requirements of handball is due to practical activities that require creative manifestations based on the knowledge gained. K an example, little to study the schemes of tactical interactions and conscientiously to follow to develop operational tactical thinking by a handballist need to be actively implemented: the search for new solutions in each specific situation.

The practical basis for the development of the mental functions of the handball player is the study and improvement of techniques, tactical actions, the solution of creative problems of physical, theoretical preparation. Whatever partitions do not have sports training, they always deal with an athlete, with a person, with a person.

The achievement of the high physical, technical and tactical preparedness of the handball player is closely related to the development of mental functions and personal qualities. For example, it is impossible to achieve perfection in the performance of certain techniques without high and special development of motor sensitivity, motor memory, attention, etc.

To improve intellectual features, a system of special tasks is needed, which would encourage a handball player to increasing creative manifestations. These tasks can be exercises for the distribution of attention, distribution and simultaneous focusing. For example, exercises in pairs with several balls; Complex movements of players relative to each other with simultaneous transmission of balls in completely different directions; Exercises with a complex selection reaction, etc.

Intellectual education , or theoretical training, includes knowledge of the paths to high achievements In sports. The increased competition in the world stage, the marginal intensification of the training process, the recognition of the success of athletes of state-important business, the successes of sports science and other factors require the athlete of solid scientific and theoretical preparedness.

Handball player needed:

1. Knowledge of the worldview, motivational and sports and ethical, which contribute to the formation of a proper look at the world, make it possible to comprehend the public and personal significance of sports activities, form the foundations of sustainable behavioral principles.

2. Knowledge that make up the overall scientific basis of training athlete (general principles of sports training, natural science and psychological foundations of sports activities, etc.).

3. Sports and applied knowledge, including specific handball information.

Handball player should know the rules of the competition; the structure of the game; Characteristics of the effects of handball classes on the human body: the relationship of technical, tactical and physical fitness athlete, the meaning of volitional qualities.

The strategically correct behavior of the handball player involves knowledge of the development trends of the game currently applied game systems and their options, as well as funds and methods of combating the game system of the enemy.

Theoretical preparation is carried out in ordinary forms of mental education. In the process of training, knowledge is transmitted by means of a task forwarder and analysis of the results of their execution. The coach should also constantly lead the self-seed athlete and the upbringing of cognitive interests.

Tools and methods of theoretical training include: learning literary sources: lectures, conversations; movie, radio, television; Pedagogical observations, processing and analysis of materials obtained; analysis of the gaming; Joint training planning, self-control diary.

The ability to accurately observe the competition behind the enemy or the actions of the players of their team is only in the process of systematic education. The formulation of the observation task should be brief, clear and clear, there should be a lot of details in it. Schemes for recording the results of the observation of the domain to be simple and easily foreseeable in order to focus on the task, and not schemes. If the observation is performed by several handball players, the information value of the data obtained increases.

Film equipment can be used for observation. In this case, you need to make a picture of the shooting plan in advance, providing for those episodes that should be fixed. If observation is recorded on the VCR, it is necessary to record only the highlights that have the value of the competence assessment.

Of particular importance is the method of observation in theoretical training of the goalkeeper. Each goalkeeper is obliged to view the opponent's games and fix favorite directions and ways to throw by attackers. He must have a special notebook, where he collected information about future and real rivals. Such observations are necessary and defenders.

During the competition, it is recommended to make records reflecting the game activity of the team and individual players. Systematic recordings during the competition will allow the coach to evaluate the actions of handball players in detail, judge the quality of the preparation of the team and the execution of planned tasks. To keep records and, even more than analysis, they should be attracted to all players and on this basis to disassemble every meeting in detail.

Play analysis is carried out by this plan:

1. Gaming indicators of the team and individual players are reported and compared with planned tasks;

2. the quality of the implementation of the main strategic task as a whole is noted, tactical actions in attack and protection are analyzed;

3. the attitude of the team and individual players to the meeting (discipline, responsibility, purposefulness) is estimated;

4. general conclusions are made and the tasks for the future are determined.

Joint training planning, the maintenance of a self-control diary should help the handball player to increase their sports skills, comprehend the goals set in front of him and asked, mastering themselves to achieve them. The underestimation of theoretical preparation leads to the fact that the player does not understand the essence of the exercise classes, and this leads to passivity.

Moral and Special and Special Mental Training

Handball demands from the athlete of high mental stability, collens, excerpts, composure, the ability to compete for a long time with an exceptional voltage of forces. The desire for victory contributes to acute and uncompromising sports competition. Unexpected results of matches, when, contrary to all predictions based on the physical, technical and tactical preparedness of competing teams, the winner is a relatively weak team, explains the advantage of psychological preparedness, where primarily the personal features of athletes are taken into account.

Sports activities of handballists cannot be considered without the laws of social psychology. The coach in his work deals with personality, information about the individual qualities of which is necessary for him for the correct idea of \u200b\u200ba person, about its possibilities. The coach is the tasks of providing stable results in competitions. However, it happens that he sometimes loses the management of the team, and the unsuccessful performance negates many years of work. So that this does not happen, he needs to master theoretical knowledge of pedagogical and psychological means and methods of impact on an athlete and learn how to apply them in the conditions of the specific activity of the handball player.

Moral volitional preparation is carried out in the process of all sports activities, and a special mental comes into force at the later stages of improvement when the handball player begins to participate in responsible competitions.

Tasks and foundations of the methodology of moral and volitional training.

The tasks of this preparation include:

  1. The formation of high ideological motivation of behavior and attitudes towards labor, study, handball classes.
  2. Education of the volitional qualities of the personality: purposefulness, initiative, independence, courage, perseverance, determination, composure, resistance.

Due to the fact that the formation of a person takes place in terms of activity, it should be remembered that the greatest effect in the formation of the necessary qualities brings active, purposefully organized activities when the handball players are delivered to the conditions requiring them the mandatory manifestation of this quality.

In the formation of the personality of the athlete, the role of the collective is especially great. Only in a healthy, the target team can be formed by the necessary athlete of quality. Therefore, the first task of the coach is the creation of a friendly team, in which the interests of each student coincide with the interests of common.

The work of the coach for creating business, friendly relationships in the team will pay off by the solution of many educational tasks within the team itself. In addition, if the team has developed uniform requirements for all members of the team, then all comments and instructions of the coach are perceived as a norm. In the case of non-compliance of behavior with general requirements, the handball player either must leave the team or rebuild.

Regulation of relationships in the team, creating a solid team requires a coach and decisive measures, and tact. For example, it can reduce handball players to perform exercises on the principle of multi-methods of mental qualities: timid with decisive, closed with sociable, patient with capricious, etc. This brings positive results in the formation of a person, but provided healthy inside the group atmosphere. Not at all incompatible characters should not be reduced.

The composition and number of team participants should be periodically varied to create a wider range of relationships.

Determining suppression requires all attempts to an arrogant handball relationship with their comrades on the team. It is sometimes observed in relation to less prepared or younger players. Any attempt to dump blame for the loss on others it is necessary to stop publicly. A very important factor in the education of an athlete is its relationship with the coach. No modern means of recovery will help the handball player to find a high sports form, if there is no normal business relationship between the athlete and the coach. The coach must carefully examine the composition of his group and identify leaders who are able to do with the whole team.

For a coach, it is important to know the characteristics of leadership in order to lead the team, and in order to correctly appreciate its position on the basis of these knowledge regarding the team as a whole and its individual members.

To establish relationships in the team, you can apply direct and indirect impacts, the forms of which can be different:

  1. Individual conversations with coach.
  2. The impact of the entire team team on the athlete.
  3. The impact of the coach for the entire team as a whole or its part. Sometimes steep measures are needed.

If something is changing in the root (for example, the change of captain, an exception from the team of players), then everyone needs to explain why this is necessary. A very important factor in the implementation of educational tasks is the personality of the coach itself, his ideological conviction, devotion to its work, moral qualities and general intellectual development.

Education of volitional qualities. The upbringing of the volitional qualities of the handball player is associated with overcoming objective and subjective difficulties. Objective difficulties are the same for all engaged and consist in difficulties, mastering the technique and tactics of the game, in overcoming the opposition opposition, the need to continue to work during fatigue and to endure pain in physical contact with the opponent and others. Different types of training include exercises requiring volitional efforts. To stimulate volitional preparedness, the difficulty of performing these exercises can be increased.

Subjective difficulties are individual and are expressed in personal relations to the player for objective difficulties, the conditions of training and competition. K Subjective difficulties include: fear of the enemy, fear of injury, embarrassment of viewers, increased sensitivity to contact with the enemy mistrust to the action of judges, etc. To overcome these difficulties, the methods of conviction, suggestion, promotion, exposure to an example, self-seeming adaptation take effect To difficulties.

Tasks and foundations of the methodology of special mental training.

The main tasks are:

  1. The upbringing of the ability of the handball player to control their actions and regulate emotional states under experimental conditions.
  2. Preparation for a specific competition and management of the player and the whole team in the process of competition.

Regulation of emotional states. Under the influence of negative emotions, all activities of the athlete are often frustrated. Handballcher hardening to the influence of various emotions is necessary for its normal activity. Emotional arousal or apathy can cause commences of comrades, instructions of the coach, the reaction of viewers, the actions of rivals, the actions of judges, personal trouble. A different audience of the audience affects the behavior of athletes in different ways. For example, the presence of the viewers of the opposite sex more stimulates the activities of men than women. Important in this case and distance to viewers, and their location relative to the players: in front, on the side, behind, goal. Naturally, the importance of the audience of the audience affects the speech, especially a beginner. Often, under the influence of emotions, the athlete performs a lot of mistakes in the game, and sometimes its actions acquire and aggressive. Unreasonable aggressiveness leads to a violation of the rules. This interferes with the implementation of the team plans. The tendency to external aggressiveness can be reborn in anger against the opponent, teammate, coach. Such a phenomenon is often observed in teams with a low level of development of interpersonal relationships. B teams where the attitudes of the athletes are friendly in nature, where the spirit of mutual assistance reigns, responsibility for their behavior, the aggressiveness of the handball player is usually transformed into sports anger and is expressed in the increased activity of attacking and protective actions in the interests of the whole team. The athlete is obliged to learn how to own his emotions, focus on major sports activities. This uses methods of education and self-education, methods of gradual adaptation to the conditions of competition, methods of autogenous training based on self-pressure.

There is evidence that the regulation of the emotional state in the presence of viewers is specific to each sport. Therefore, the transfer of the ability to self-regulation of the behavior of the handball player, if it appears, for example, in an athletic, does not occur. For adaptation, the conditions of competition only on handball is needed.

Preparation for a specific competition. Very important is the period of direct preparation of the team to competitions. During this period, a certain mode of training and recreation is established, specific loads are given, the conditions of the upcoming competitions are simulated. Immediately before the competition (on the eve or a few hours before the game), a team meeting is held. Installation on the game includes a message about the value of the upcoming meeting. The characteristic of the enemy team and individual players is given.

The degree of success is usually detected by comparing the target with the result achieved. Therefore, unreal and complex installations of the coach can lead to team demoralization, loss of trust in the coach.

Sometimes coaches give little information about the opponent, afraid to worry their wards. Often, on the contrary, all options for the fight against the future opponent are "played" on theoretical classes. And one, and another option does not justify yourself. Information must be complete, but only by the main, nodal moments of the characteristics of the team and the individual, the most prominent players.

The whole team must come to the competition in a timely manner. Before her game, watching other team competitions is not recommended that unnecessary initiation does not affect negatively on the quality of its own game. 30 minutes before the start of the meeting, the team organizedly proceeds to the warm-up. Properly built warm-up in many ways contributes to the full team readiness for the competition.

Perforation fever and emotional game background are reflected on the motor abilities of the handball player. With unnecessary excitement, the athlete sometimes estimates the situation incorrectly. However, the regulation of the emotional state is not only calming the handball player. Here you need an individual approach to each player in accordance with the typological features, the properties of the nervous system, the motives of the activities, relationships in the team.

The excitation of one is transmitted to other team members. A coach who is poorly owning can cause significant changes in the level of excitement of his pupils.

In the break, you need to provide players rest. The team is advisable to withdraw from the hall. The first moments of the break are used to relax. Then the coach is calm, without increasing the voices, gives instructions on the second half of the game. Installations must be specific, each player can give 1-2 instructions. The appeal of the coach to the whole team will act differently on its members. Reasonable accounting of individual differences in configuration to the competition should contribute to improving the results of the speech.

The coach is obliged to study his students, be able to identify the state of an athlete when he can help himself, and when the help of a qualified psychologist, and sometimes a psychotherapist.

Game preparation.

Game preparation - This is the process of combining all types of training in a single game system to implement the strategic tasks of team sports fighting.

Tasks of game training

1. Consistent association of all types of preparation for playing game.

2. Achieving teamwork, compatibility, resistance to knocking game skills and psyche factors of all team players.

Competitive exercise is a bilateral game. It is embodied by all types of handball player.

The process of achieving the skill of the handball player is stepped in nature. Steppedness lies in the fact that it requires certain physical abilities to develop any reception, and for effective use This technique is necessary for the rational organization of the action of handball players of the entire team.

Solving the tasks of individual types of preparations are not enough to achieve a high level of skill in the game. The interconnection of the parties to preparation requires targeted impact, the development of links between factors that determine the effectiveness of the gaming actions of the handball player. The acquisition of gaming preparedness suggests that the athlete is ready to comprehensively and rationally use its physical and mental qualities, motor and tactical skills to solve command problems in full compliance with the conditions of competition.

Randball player - This is a tall, fast and dexterous athlete, which owns a complex of effective techniques of the game, tactical thinking, courage in the fight and inexhaustible will to victory. But units have such abilities, and millions of people play handball. A player or a high-end team can be created, finding ways to compensate for some abilities by others, disadvantages - existing advantages. This provision applies both to the formation of individual skill athlete and on the formation of a handball team as a whole.

In the formation of individual skills of the handball player can be smoothed, for example, the following disadvantages:

1. Insufficient physical development - well-developed physical qualities. The low growth of the player can compensate for targeted rapidness, agility, jumping.

2. The absence of some physical abilities - the upbringing of other physical abilities. Several slowdown reactions at the tall player compensate for the education of high-speed-power abilities to improve a powerful throw.

3. Lack of physical abilities - high technique for performing game receptions. Insufficient speed of moving in defense - the ability to block the ball.

4. Lack of ownership of one reception is a high level of ownership of other weak throw from a long distance - by virtuoso possession of transmission and fraudulent movements.

5. Insufficient tactical thinking can be compensated for the equipment of an exceptionally powerful throw and the corresponding tactics of the entire team. The possibility of compensation of some qualities to others must be considered when the handball is selected; when choosing an amplua in a team; when forming a team; When choosing a strategic line of team preparation.

If the team consists of young players, the pace of the game can be chosen high, with frequent replacements of playing. Insufficient performance is compensated by recreation intervals. The lack of powerful scorers in the team can be compensated for mobile, aggressive protection, the purpose of which is to intercept the ball and organize a rapid attack, etc.

Following this principle obliges the coach to thoroughly study the features of its students and find the best use of their abilities. The implementation of the principle of compensation begins at the stage of initial training of a handball player when, rearing the features and capabilities of his student, the coach starts to form individual technology and the choice of the future role of the player in the team, relying on the qualities and abilities that are most developed.

Game training equipment

  1. General Manufacturing Exercises: a) Comprehensive Exercises; b) summarcing games.
  2. Special-preparatory exercises; a) bilateral games with tasks; 6) Comrade games with installation.
  3. Training forms of competitive exercises: check games.
  4. Competitive exercises: calendar games.

Common-manufacturing exercises. Complex exercises Do not solve problems of one or another preparation, but selectively affect one of the components each. All exercises that include martial arts with an opponent are complex, as they combine the need to show the qualities of attention, the speed of the reaction, the technique of performing techniques and the ability to overcome opposition.

The relationship of physical and technical training can be achieved: a) in preparatory exercises to perform certain technical techniques; 6) in exercises developing physical abilities within the framework of the game techniques; c) with multiple repetition of admission with increased intensity for the development of special physical abilities.

The relationships of technical and tactical training can be achieved by improving techniques in tactical actions, performing them with high intensity.

Integrated field player exercises:

  1. All players pass the ball according to a specific scheme. After the transmission, each should make a jerk to a conditioned place and have time for the next receipt of the ball.
  2. Two strikers, standing behind a 9-meter line, alternately transfer the ball to each other. Two defenders are located opposite them on a 6-meter line, adopting the stop of the flexible. The defender makes the output at the time of receipt of the attacker the ball, imitating blocking, and then returns to its original position.
  3. Exercise for three defenders, against four strikers. The attackers are located along a 9-meter line and one at the 6-meter and transmit the ball alternately to each other. The task of the defenders: with the obligatory guard of the player with the ball, do not allow the striker to pass the ball linear.
  4. The same exercise for, five defenders and seven attackers.

Complex goalkeeper exercises:

  1. Two strikers are located opposite the goalkeeper at a distance of 4-6 m from it and from each other. One striker throws the ball on a job (down, up from the goalkeeper). The goalkeeper delays the ball in a certain way, moves with the palm steps towards another attacker, knocks off the ball abandoned by another attacker, and moves in the opposite direction.
  2. The goalkeeper becomes between two attackers at a distance of 3-4 m from them. The attacker throws the ball on a job or arbitrarily near the goalkeeper. The goalkeeper knocks off the ball, turns around, is subject to an obstacle (rope, gymnastic horse, volleyball mesh), repels the ball abandoned by another attacker, and returns to I.P.
  3. The goalkeeper is located in the center of the gate. From this initial position, it makes a 2-6 m in advance to various benchmarks located along the 6-meter line, imitates the balling of the ball in both directions, returns to its original position. There may be 4-8 such outputs, and a series of outputs are planned depending on the tasks and the preparedness of the goalkeeper.

Side Games - This is the first means of upbringing gaming thinking, physical and coordination abilities. Therefore, in training a handball player, the game occupy a prominent place. The plot of the game defines the goal of the action, the nature and development of the game conflict. Conscious of various plots, the coach can purposefully influence the formation of mastery of his student. Well-known games "Hunters and Ducks", "Captain Ball", "Shooting", etc. contain elements close to handball in its plot.

  1. "Salki". Option number 1. One drive without a ball. The rest has one ball. The player with the ball is impossible. Therefore, players seek to transfer the ball to the one who driving wants to settle.

Option number 2. The team has attackers and defenders. The leading can only be attacked. Defenders should block attackers from leading.

Option number 3. The game is conducted on the site of any size. One of the two teams owns the ball. The task of the attackers is to settle the ball of all alternately players of the enemy. It is allowed to pass the ball, to do with the ball 3 steps. It is permitted to be permitted - not releasing the ball from the hands. The awesome leaves the platform. When all players are awailed, the teams change roles.

Option number 4. Players in pairs are holding hands. One pair of leading. You can say that a pair that, when approaching the leading, it will not have time to make 2-4 fading (squats, sneaking, etc.).

Option number 5. Players arbitrarily lead the ball over the entire platform. Everyone has the ball. The leading tries to settle any player without stopping the multi-minded management.

  1. "Disaster goals." The game is carried out on a volleyball court. The composition of the teams is not limited. On the front lines, put the balls (browsing) with an interval of about 1 m. B each team three players are located along the grid in the 3-meter zone, the rest outside the site. The task of three as soon as possible to knock out the goal on the opponent's side and protect your own. Excavating balls are served by partners behind the playground. Change can be made with whole top three or in volleyball. Throwing the ball is allowed only under or above the grid.
  2. "Moving Gate". Play two teams, in each of their goalkeeper in a form that differs in color from all others. The task of playing getting into the right goalkeeper, protecting your own. The game does not stop after the attack. The team searched by the ball is looking for the right goalkeeper.
  3. "Circular handball." B three concentric circles with a radius of 0.5, 2 and 8 m are located in the central goalkeeper, followed by defenders and finally attackers. The attackers try to get into the goalkeeper, arbitrarily passing the ball. The defenders protect him. The game is held for a while, then the teams change places. The goalkeeper becomes an attacker, and the former strikers allocate their goalkeeper. Instead of the goalkeeper, you can put any object.
  4. "Gate in the center." You can conduct classes for learning the game, putting two gates, close to each other in a circle with a radius of 4-6 m in the middle of the hall. It is impossible to enter the circle line. The game is conducted by two teams. A and B according to the rules of handball, only the Branching after taking the gate is made due to the front lines of their part of the site.

Specially preparatory exercises- These are bilateral games in training and friendly games in which these or other parties are purposefully exaglerating. You can achieve this in training with a change in some rules and the introduction of knocking factors along the game.

Changing Rules:

  1. Limit the length of the site. This will allow a more time to apply a positional attack and organized protection during the gaming period.
  2. Restrict the time of possession of the ball to 20-30 pieces. This will create increased mental tensions in the game.
  3. Touch two points for each abandoned, the ball team is weaker to activate protective actions strong.
  4. Touch two points for the abandoned ball when performing the task of the coach, for example: a) from the distance further than 9 m; 6) with left extreme position; in) with a separation; d) with rebound from the site; e) from reference position, etc.
  5. Limit the actions of the attackers or defenders to facilitate the conditions of the enemy. For example, prohibit protection to the player with the ball, which will give a stimulus striker to throw from a long distance. For the defenders not just stood along a 6-meter line, stimulate their game in blocking the ball: but) The ball is not counting if he got into the gate, touching the hands of the defender; 6) If the striker got into the block, go to defenders, or give a job goalkeeper to play "outputs", i.e. Choose a position far in front of the gate.

Introduction of C6 Ivyugzi Factors:

  1. Change players in teams (from one command to another). It knocks down the established game and forces partners to look for new contacts.
  2. Periodically, at the coach signal, make a change of attack and protection systems, without warning about this opposing command.
  3. Change the rate of attack and protective actions on the trainer signal.
  4. Apply tough protection to adapt to such actions in competitions.

When conducting friendly meetings, it is necessary to solve two challenges of game training: adaptation to various opponents to various external conditions. Selection of sparring - partners should not be spontaneous. All games need to be carried out with a certain installation for handball players. When conducting friendly games, coaches can agree on modeling certain systems and options for tactics, about the number and duration of the time of the game, even on the use of a foreign team players in their own to enhance or weakening the composition (more often). A friendly game you can take breaks and stops, arbitrarily reduce and increase the composition. All solutions coach takes depending on the tasks that must be solved at this stage of gaming training. And although friendly games do not create competitive mental and functional tensions, the enemy's various in the nature of the model has a stronger comprehensive impact on strengthening the skill of individual handball players and the whole team as a whole than bilateral games in training with their partners.

Adaptation to various external conditions is achieved by training games: a) on platforms with different coating (wood, soil, rubber, bitumen, asphalt); b) on sites of various sizes, in the halls with different cubicatures; in) at different air temperature in the room and on the open area; d) With a different number of spectators and their mood, various acoustics of the hall.

Training forms of competitive exercise - These are check games. The main purpose of using this, the means is to check the readiness of the team and individual players to the upcoming competitions in order for the remaining time to make the necessary adjustments. They are held in the conditions of the most close to the competitive (the presence of viewers, invited judges, the competitive form of players, compliance with the rules of the game and the ritual of the beginning and end of the meeting, a clear psychological installation on the game, etc.). You can conduct control games with teams of various qualifications, purposefully planning at the same time, the factor of reinforced exposure. These factors are enclosed in the main installations on the game:

  1. Installing the game with more strong team: a) fight to the end by introducing an account to the minimum rupture; 6) neutralize the most dangerous player; in) Observe gaming discipline, applying only well-developed game systems, etc.
  2. Installation on the game with a weak team: a) build up the game to the end, seeking maximum advantage in the account; b) Apply different, even insufficiently used game systems; in) apply active protection with installation on interception and counterattack; d) improvise.
  3. Installation on a game with an equal command: but) get victory; 6) perform all specific individual installations on the game; in) Check your readiness.

The main goal of the checking game is as follows:

  1. For coach: a) determine the readiness of each player at this stage and the composition of the team; 6) Determine the level of readiness of the entire team and make possible adjustments to the time remaining before the competition.
  2. For player: a) achieve the right rational allocation of forces throughout the game; 6) Increase teamwork with partners, to work out the skill immediately and without errors to be included in the game due to replacements; in) Get an emotional attitude to the upcoming competitions.

Competitive exercise. Sport competitionsBeing a direct goal of training, serve as an effective means of special training athlete of a high-class. Regular participation in competitions is necessary for the acquisition of qualities that are brought up only in overcoming competitive difficulties. Even voluminous and high-intensity training without competitive experience will not lead to success. The course of the year, the underwent competitions serve as the main means of competitive training, and the main competition of the year is considered as prepared in the long-term preparation cycle. B Competitive Exercise is implemented by a sports struggle strategy that is aimed at preparing the team, and managing it in the competition process.

Preparation for the competition is to study the conditions of the upcoming competitions and the enemy, in the preparation of the game plan. The developed plan is reported to handball players at the team meeting. Given and individual installations are given. The beginning of the game can be different, it depends on how famous the opponent is known. With an unfamiliar team, the game should begin with intelligence: with careful preparation of each attack to focus on protective actions. With a team, for a long time and familiar, it is important from the first minutes to capture the initiative. To operate changes in the game process, the coach must use replacement. They need to be done if necessary to change the pace of the game (replace the clearly tired player or put in the game more relaxed); introduction to the tactics of an element of surprise for the enemy; Big advantage in the account to play a young reserve; injury by player, strong excitement or fatigue; Large error.

No replacement should not be abused. Hessed replacement sometimes deprives the athlete of confidence in his abilities. But the permanent stay of the handball player on the bench does not strengthen his skills. The break between the time of the athletes should be given to relax, and then in a calm form to give very brief and specific common settings. The analysis of the game is better to do on another day, when the athlete calms down and analyze the movement of the match. Based on the game records, the coach gives the overall characteristics of the game team and brings to the attention of each player its contribution to the victory or errors in defeat. The parsing ends with general conclusions and setting tasks for the future. K Discussion of the game need to attract all team members.

With the participation of the team in the tour of the competition, it is necessary to establish a rational mode. It is very important to properly plan holidays and workouts in free days, as well as to ensure the possibility of recovery to the next match.

Gaming training methods

The method of conjugate effects contributes to the achievement of the relationship at the junction of preparation types. It provides such an organization of exercise, when two or several types of preparation are improved simultaneously.

Game method. This method is characterized by the "plot" organization of exercises, a complex nature of activity, high demands for the initiative, resourcefulness, dexterity involved. Exercises organized by the Gaming Method develop the ability to apply one or another reception in a changing situation, bring the game-dealing to master the game.

Competitive method. This method is characterized by rivalry with comparison of forces, struggle for the high result. During the compets, the moments of mental tension are expressed more than in a regular game. Consequently, the influence of the chipping factor increases significantly. Exercises organized by the competitive method contribute to some adaptation of the athlete to the rooms that are found directly in the game at competitions.


1.Pavlov Shk. Abdurakhmanov F.A. Preparation of handball player. studies. Manual T: UKGIFK, 2006

2.Latyshevich L.A. Manevich L.R. Technical and tactical preparation of handballists Kiev, Health, 1981

.Stonkak S. Individual Basketball Players Training. M.: FIS, 1967

.Akramov J.A. Handball. Textbook for IFC. T.: Lider Press, 2008.

.Platonov V.N. Making sports training Textbook for IFC. Kiev 1980.

.Ignatieva V.Ya. Handball. study manual for IFC M., Fis, 1983

.Ayrapetejan L.R. Under the general edit. Volleyball. Textbook for IFC. T: 1995.

.Nurimov R.I. Football. Textbook for IFC. T: 2006.

.Ignatieva V.Ya., Thaorev V.I., Petratcheva I.V. Preparation of handball players at the stage of the highest sportsmanship. studies. benefit. M.: Physical education, 2005.

.Matveev L.P. Problems of periodization of sports training. M.: FIS, 1986Send an application indicating the topic right now to learn about the possibility of receiving consultation.

Handball game makes high demands on the body involved. The higher the level of development physical qualitiesThe easier it is to achieve athletic skills. With improving function-

my body's capacity is increasing the efficiency of using techniques and tactics of the game.

For general physical training of handball players, approxicate exercises without objects, with objects and shells; Exercises from athletics (running, jumping, throwing), gymnastics and acrobatics, weightlifting, swimming and other sports. A variety of mobile games, as well as football, hockey, badminton are very helpful.

Exercises included in special physical training, it is customary to divide into two groups: 1) Exercises for the development of force, speed, endurance, dexterity, speed of reaction, orientation and other qualities; 2) Exercises aimed at improving the game techniques.

For the development of force, use dynamic exercises performed in a variable pace, for the development of "explosive" strength-exercise with small burdens, performed at the maximum pace. The most effective exercises with a weight that make up 30% of the maximum. The fulfillment of them before the refusal allows to develop not only force, but also forceful endurance.

Very useful exercises with small burdens in mastering the main technical techniques of the game. In this case, it is possible to increase strength without disturbing the structure of the technique of gaming techniques. Therefore, in the training of handball players, a wasteful ball is widely used (up to 600 g), exercises with stuffed balls and on block apparatus (with burdens). Training also includes various exercises with barbell, dumbbells, expander, rubber cords, with overcoming their own weight and resistance of a partner, running in complicated conditions (in the sand, snow), and so on.

In the handball is equally important as the speed of a separate movement, and the ability to act for a long time at the maximum pace. The speed is developed with the exercises performed with the highest frequency for 4-6 seconds. They are periodically repeated with recreation intervals. Such a re-operation work is successfully combined with a variable and interval training method.

For the development of high-speed qualities and the acquisition of the so-called game speed, a variety of exercises are used, the performance of technical elements with the maximum speed of movement and training games with a reduction in time, a decrease in the size of the site and the number of players. Various types of high-speed runs are also of great importance, and especially jerks for 20-60 m, all sorts of games and relay.

The basis of high-speed endurance is the overall endurance, developing in the process of long-term execution of exercises with small intensity. For the development of special endurance, on the contrary, exercises are needed performed with increased intensity. Therefore, endurance in handball players develop in the process of variable and interval work. Then the intensity of the exercises should reach 80% of the maximum possible. At the end of the exercise, the pulse can reach 180 beats per minute, and the exercise itself

30-90 seconds. And approximately the same pause for recreation, in which the pulse decreases to 120-140 shots.

Main exercises, developing endurance, is cross-country cross-country crossing in combination with walking and walking exercises, preparatory and gaming exercises, a long time (football, swimming, skiing and 1 other sports, training games and competitions).

Improve endurance, gradually increasing the load, increasing its intensity, increasing the pace and duration of you- ;; full exercise.

Dexterity is improved together with improved overall coordination, equilibrium and orientation. Develop a dexterity (general and special) must be systematically.

To do this, use exercises with a ball and without a ball in a limited space, mobile games, acrobatic exercises, sports games (football, rugby, hockey) and other sports (jumps 1 ki in water, boxing, etc.), special exercises In unusual conditions (with a sudden change of situations, complication of opposition opposition, etc.).

Handball players need to constantly improve flexibility (especially goalkeepers) and jumping. For this, training includes exercises with which they develop flexibility in other sports.

The purposeful development of all physical qualities helps to achieve the harmonic unity of their manifestation in gaming, competition -\u003e auctural conditions.

In the practice of preparing highly qualified handball players, the problem of the methods of quantifying the level of preparedness of athletes and the quality of their competitive activity is mainly solved.
A completely different situation has developed in approaches to the distribution of training loads to improve the technical and tactical skills of handball players at various stages of sports improvement.

In particular, issues of the features of the distribution of fixed assets of training athletes in a long-term competitive period, the main structural units of the competitive period - mesocycles and macrocycles are not resolved. It is known that the main strategic line of optimizing the training process at various stages of sports improvement is the use of models reflecting the specifics of the game.

In this case, we are talking about increasing the tactical skill of athletes, the flexibility of its use, the speed of changing the tactical options, improving the ability to neutralize the strengths of the opponent and use weak. However, up to the present, there are no sufficiently objective model characteristics of group and team tactical actions of handball players, taking into account the game role, which prevents the identification of gaps in the technical and tactical preparedness of players in order to introduce the necessary corrections to the training process.

We set a goal to develop effective system Improving the technical and tactical preparedness of handball players based on the individualization of the training process.

To do this, we must:
1. Determine the structure of team and individual technical and tactical actions of highly qualified handball players.
2. To identify the criteria for assessing technical and tactical skills of handball players, taking into account the specifics of competitive activities.
3. Determine the effective forms of organizing training activities to improve individual and team tactical actions.
4. Develop and experimentally substantiated the methodology for technical and tactical preparedness of handball players.

This will allow:
- determine the factor structure of the competitive activity of leading foreign teams and teams of the highest league of Uzbekistan;
- reveal the nodal components and develop model characteristics of highly qualified handball players (command and role);
- determine the coefficients of the significance of technical and tactical actions of athletes and develop a quantitative assessment of their technical and tactical skills in the game of the game;
- Experimentally substantiate the methodology for improving the technical and tactical training of handball players, taking into account the peculiarities of competitive activities.

Thus, the solution above the tasks will allow to develop a number of new effective innovative directions that contribute to the rational construction of the training process of handball players.

Abdalimov O.Kh., Kambarov DS

Modern handball is characterized by a high intensity of gaming actions, power confrontations throughout the field, a wide variety of used game techniques in attacking and protection, fast switches in the course of the game, all of this requires a high level of development of special physical qualities and the ability to implement them in a complex game setting.

The state of high physical training of handballists is due to the level of development of a number of physical qualities and functional properties of the body. These physical qualities and functional properties detect noticeable differences depending on the age, the experience of classes and the specialization of handball players. Improving physical training indicators can be achieved in the process of specialized handbolic training through the selection of the most effective training tools and establish optimal objects of their application.

Exceptionally high intensity of the competitive struggle associated with the increased density of sports achievements of participants in the largest competitions, immeasurably increased requirements for the quality and stability of physical training. Physical training is the process of education of physical abilities, strengthening the systems of the handball player to effectively master the game skills and competitive activities.

Physical preparation of the handball player should solve 2 main tasks: to comprehensively develop the entire player's motor system and improve the specific motor abilities on which success depends on achieving high results It is in the game Handball. Therefore, the physical training of handballists was proposed to divide into common and special.

The main place of physical training is also determined by the fact that other parties to training athletes are implemented simultaneously and depending on the level of development of motor qualities, physical development and the functional potential of the body, which determines the essence of physical training.

Along with the development of physical qualities at the stage of primary specialization of children engaged in handball special attention It should be paid to the upbringing of sports intelligence, the formation of volitional traits, the development of operational thinking and memory.

At this stage, there are not enough common events for education, you need an individual approach to each student.

Determine the importance of physical training athletes especially in gaming species Sports is possible when analyzing competitive activities, which makes the maximum requirements for the manifestation of their physical abilities. After all, competitions are the best tool for sharing best practices. In competitions, handball players acquire such knowledge that cannot be obtained at the training session.

To educate special physical qualities, an important role is given in the system of sports training of handball players. At the same time, each motor quality occupies a certain place in the structure of the preparedness of the players. The degree of influence of those or other abilities of the player on the result of the competition is different.

In sports games, the work performed is mixed, and correctly evaluate the contribution of aerobic and anaerobic power systems to ensure muscle activity is very difficult.

The more physical qualities are developed, the higher the human performance. Under motor qualities are understood by the individual qualitative parties of the motor capabilities of a person and individual actions. The level of their development is determined not only by physical factors, but also mental factors in particular the degree of development of intellectual and volitional qualities.

Physical qualities need to be developed in a timely manner and comprehensively. Physical engineers are associated with typological features of the manifestation of the properties of the nervous system, which act in the structure of qualities in the form of natural deposits.

The presence of different typological features in different people is partially determined by one qualities (or their components) are better developed, others have other. Winning in the manifestation of one engine quality, a person loses in others. Physical (motor) quality can be divided depending on their structure to simple and complex.

Endurance is the most important physical quality that manifests itself in professional, sports practice. It reflects general level human performance.

In theory physical education Under endurance understand the body's ability to continuously perform any work without a noticeable reduction in performance.

For the development of endurance, a variety of training methods are used, which can be divided into several groups: continuous and integrated, as well as control or competitive. Each of the methods has its own characteristics.

By changing the intensity of the exercise, the time of its execution, the number of repetitions of the exercise, the intervals and nature of recreation, one can selectively select the load on its preferential effect on various components of endurance.

Manifestation of endurance, you can imagine as a result

a variety of combination of its three components: aerobic, glycolithic and lactate.

Improving the same motor skills, improving technical skills leads to a maximum reduction in energy consumption and improving the efficiency of using bioenergy potential, i.e. to an increase in endurance.

Developed special complexes of acrobatic exercises to train handball players. In the process of using the exercises of this type, it is necessary to take into account the period and cycle of training, individual features of handball players, the general direction of the training process. This avoids the negative impact of acrobatic exercises on special competitive exercises.

Based on the analysis of the special complexes of acrobatic exercises of handball players of the current state of the problem of managing the training process and relying on general theoretical knowledge in this area, as well as the results of many studies.

Handball belongs to the group of situational (non-standard changing) sports. They are characterized by variability of the conditions of execution, the absence of stereotype in performing movements, repetitions of standard situations. The main feature Sports Games are their bright emotional stress, which is caused by an exceptional degree of surprise of the opponent's actions, it entails physiological changes in the body that occur in the type of stressful reactions.

Handball is characterized by high demands for the skill of athletes, manifested in the conditions of constantly changing play situations and game contacts.

Since most game action of handball players on the field are performed on large speeds With the constant confusion of the opponent, which often ends. The fall of athletes increases the risk of injury, especially when the right drop can be observed only when the player is fulfilled without resistance to the enemy.

More often, the handball players are injured precisely when there is a loss of equilibrium and coordination. In this regard, there was a need to seek new funds used in the training process to increase the level of development of coordination abilities and the equilibrium function of athletes.

Currently, an acrobatic exercise in handball is considered as a means covering all the main stages of many years of training of highly qualified athletes.

The specificity of training and competitive activities in handballists requires a high level of development of coordination abilities and gaming agility, as well as the development of the equilibrium function. With a general, highly high level of physical qualities (general and special), technical and tactical and psychological preparedness, any additional factor can be decisive to achieve a common victory. A high level of development of coordination abilities and gaming agility is a base, a kind of foundation, on which technical and tactical, physical and psychological preparedness can be improved.

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor V.Ya. Ignatiev
Candidates of Pedagogical Sciences I.V. Petrochva, A.M. Ivashchenko
A.V. Ignatiev, V.P. Andreeva, I.A. Divenko

Russian State Academy of Physical Culture
perennial training, age-related stages, factor preparedness structure, tall players, puberty.

Fig. 1. The rank structure of the physical fitness of handball players in different age stages. Conditional notation: K - coordination of throwing, l - dexterity, SC - speed, C - power, p - jumping

Fig. 2. Models of physical fitness of handball players with different body lengths at 14 and 17 years. Legend: - - High, - - above average ,. . -. . average. 1-leap length, 2-triple jump, 3-throw ball 1kg right, 4-throwing left, 5-throwing two sitting, 6-throw ball 2kg two, 7-Run 30m, 8-shuttle 300m, 9 - Layers 66 m, 10-stroke 30 m right, 11-stroke left.

Factor structure of physical fitness of handball players 14 and 16 years of various amplua

Introduction Perennial training of a highly qualified athlete is carried out in several stages: basic training, primary specialization, in-depth training and sports improvement. However, the age limits of these stages in different sports are different depending on the specifics of the start of classes and the achievement of higher sports skills.

The official set in the Sports School of Handball begins with nine years, and best achievements Handball players are demonstrated after the twentieth age. Stages of the preparation of handball players in Sports School and Sdyushor are indicated, the goals for each stage are formulated, there are developments according to the initial training method [I], the data of the age formation of physical qualities in young men and girls. However, there is no sufficient substantiation of the division of long-term preparation of the handball player in the stages in scientific and methodical literature.

Our task was a substantiation of the phased construction of many years of training of handball players in Dyushor based on the situation on the direction of this preparation for the Higher Sportsmanship.

Technique. The main method of the study was pedagogical testing of handball players engaged in SDUshor in Moscow and in the teams of masters. Measuring physical development, physical fitness was conducted annually for 20 years. Using the analysis of changes in the state of handball players in the age aspect, conclusions were made on the rational division of many years of preparation for the stages and the direction of training at each stage.
Results and its discussion. The study of the factor structure of the physical fitness of handball players of 10-17 years and sports masters on 26 reliable tests showed a sharp change of ranks of five identical for all age groups in every two years (Fig. 1). The first shift occurs by 12 years and gives the right of reference of the stage of many years of preparation from the basic to the stage of primary specialization. The second change of ranks occurs by 14 years, and from this age begins new stage In-depth training. Changing physical fitness ranks by the age of 16 symbolizes the onset of the Sports Improvement stage.

The name of the stages in different sports is the same, however, the content and meaning of them do not always coincide. In the handball, the stage of primary specialization involves the separation of role players in the team. At the stage of basic training, participating in bilateral games in training and competitions, young athletes are performed, the functions of various amplua. However, a short period of handball occupations and the focus on comprehensive development at this stage do not give expressed features of the preparedness of the role. These features of the players of the first and second line of attacks are formed only by 14 years. The table shows the factor structure of the physical fitness of handball players 14 and 16 years. It is clearly visible the difference in the ranking structure of the preparedness of players of one age, but of different roles and similarity on the role of players of different ages.

Relying on this data, we allocated the age stage from 12 to 14 years as the stage of primary specialization, and from 14 to 16 - in-depth specialization in the role. In sports team games, preparing for the role in the team is very important.

The general theoretical name of the stage from 14 to 17 years is the stage of in-depth training. And indeed during this period, young players must achieve this level of preparedness to transfer the load at the next stage of sports improvement adopted in the teams of masters of adult athletes. This can be achieved only with a broad individualization of preparation for several features, and not just on the role.

The handball is relevant to the preparation of tall players. According to our data, tall young men have an advantage over players above average and medium-sized growth in their physical development and physical fitness up to 14 years. Up to this age, they are higher and the pace of puberty, they are 1-2 points ahead of their peers. After 14 years, the biological development and development of physical abilities are slowed down (Fig. 2). Players having a body length above average, at the age of 17 acquire an advantage over several physical fitness indicators, which in 14 years has not been. This is especially reflected on the ability to throw, since tall to this age is lost in force. Such a regression can be braked if you build preparation at the stage of in-depth training with the inclusion of local targeted power loads. Individualization of preparations taking into account anthropometric characteristics at this stage is necessary.

Even more clearly characterize the stage of in-depth training, these surveys of girls. According to our observations of the handball player 15 and 16 years, not only do not increase some physical abilities, but also reduce the indicators that they have in 14 years. In this case, such a tendency is observed in girls regardless of their anthropometric characteristics. Handball players have no pronounced features of physical fitness on the basis of body length, there are no significant differences on this basis and in biological age as the young men. However, the stage of in-depth training in girls is different and completely different dynamics of the development of qualities than in the young men, and the requirement of in-depth individualization of the preparation of each athlete.

To illustrate the characteristics of women's development at the stage of in-depth training (from 14 to 17 years), we present the dynamics of the running time at a distance of 30 m and a shuttle run at a distance of 100 m handball players and a handball player to 10-17 years old and sports masters (Fig. 3, 4) . These drawings confirm the need for a special approach to the training of girls at this stage, finding the means of maintaining a previously achieved level of physical abilities. These means, as well as in tall young men, are concluded in power special loads, and unlike young men also proper nutrition, Recovery tools and load planning, taking into account the biological function of the female organism.

Net studies of the state of handball players at the Sports Improvement stage did not have possible due to the lack of such groups in Sdyushor in Moscow. However, our observations of the players of 18-20 years speaking for adult teams of masters, showed a large range of the level of preparedness of these athletes. Apparently, their level depends on how the sign of the coach took the player from the children's team, as the player fits into the team, how much time he spends on the site in competitions.

Conclusion. The optimal boundaries of the age stages of the preparation of handball players is age 12, 14, 17 years. The stage of in-depth training from 14 to 17 years is the most difficult and most important for both young men and, especially for girls. Trainers working with a female contingent must show special patience and skill in approaching athletes at this stage. For young men, it is necessary to individualization of training on the signs of the role, the length of the body, and for girls - an individual approach to each.


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